How to play lets dance
Stevie Ray Vaughan's isolated guitar on Bowie's Let's Dance
When David Bowie’s 1983 album Let’s Dance once again confirmed him king of the pop charts there was one man who could be attributed with a great deal of the credit, the legendary guitarist, Stevie Ray Vaughan. Largely seen as a revolutionary force for the Starman, when Bowie asked SRV to help him out on his latest single, the album’s title track, nobody could have known how iconic the moment would become.
‘Let’s Dance’ has gone on to become one of the late, great Bowie’s most revered songs. While diehard fans may be turned off by the unstoppable pop undertones that carried it, and the album, as Bowie himself later was, there’s no denying just how impressive the song is, still standing the test of time nearly forty years later. If there’s one crowning crescendo in the song it has to be Vaughan’s incendiary guitar solo, below we’re looking back at that moment through the isolated guitar track.
The relationship between Bowie and SRV may have started as a flash of brilliance, a creative spark that the ‘Heroes’ singer had only enjoyed with a select few people (Iggy, Brian Eno, Tony Visconti, Gail Ann Dorsey, to name a few). But with all explosion sometimes people get burned.
Bowie essentially launched the career of SRV with his inclusion on the album and it put Bowie’s sound in a brand new space and for a brand new audience—they had both mutually benefitted. The guitarist’s performances on the album’s landmark songs ‘Cat People’, ‘China Girl’ and the titular track make the record what it is.
It seemed as though the duo would continue their fruitful partnership as Bowie and his team offered Vaughan the opportunity to tour with the singer. What’s more, they were even happy for him to conduct interviews and promote his new album with Double Trouble while on the tour, with a few opening slots pencilled in to boot. Sadly, things went awry rather quickly as Bowie’s team reneged on the deal and, after SRV’s manager decided against the opportunity, left the guitarist literally on the pavement with all his guitars.
While their relationship deteriorated, the songs that Bowie and SRV created together have stood the test of time. ‘Let’s Dance’ is a shining example of how well they worked together, SRV effortlessly chiming in with unique licks while Bowie takes the steering wheel of the ship and directs it to new waters. It’s a stunning pop tune like no other and it would be nowhere without Stevie Ray Vaughan’s iconic guitar solo.
Below, via the isolate guitar track, we can hear how balanced Vaughan’s guitar really is. It holds all of the power of the past, using bluesy notes and soulful licks, while still adding a crunchy reverb that couldn’t have sounded more ‘of the moment’, if it tried. Without this solo, and work across the album, there’s no doubting that Let’s Dance would have never have reached the heights it did without Stevie Ray Vaughan.
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{{/.}}Let’s Dance! Play that funky music to facilitate learning – #creativeHE
2021/22, Uncategorized
Posted by Emma Gillaspy on
8 February 12:30-14:00, UK time
Our first meetup of 2022 (eek!) is hosted by Emma Gillaspy @egillaspy & Sandra Sinfield @Danceswithcloud. The first 30 minutes of the event features music-focussed social time for getting to know each other, group problem solving and ‘off piste’ discussions – and then we launch into a lively discussion and activities to help us harness music in our teaching!
Post-event update…
Recording of the plenary elements of the session:
Jamboard with resources, tips and posts shared during the event
Dave’s music session overview and full paper: Fascinatin’ Rhythm – tapping into themes in leadership through the creation of improvised music
Further reading that may be helpful (also see original blogpost below for more ideas):
- Searching for the as yet unknown: Writing and Dance as incantatory practices
- #LTHEchat No 44 with Chris Wiley @Chris_Wiley: Using music creatively to enhance non-music teaching
- A song and a dance: Being inclusive and creative in practicing and documenting reflection for learning
- How To Incorporate Music and Dance Into Lessons
Initial blog post
If your teaching were a music style…
In this first #creativeHE of 2022 we are exploring the use of music and music-based activities to facilitate powerful learning in the classroom. The session will include examples of creative practice – with input from practitioners who have used music in innovative and dynamic ways – and of course we will be asking participants to share their own stories of music-informed practice.
You hum it…
One of the few memorable assessments undertaken at university (a very long time ago for some of us!) was a first year discursive essay, where we had to find a song that represented our subject to us. In Education Studies it was Lennon’s Working Class Hero, of course, and also Little Boxes (originally by Malvina Reynolds and by Pete Seeger):
And the people in the houses
All went to the university
Where they were put in boxes
And they came out all the same
And there’s doctors and lawyers
And business executives
And they’re all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same
And they all play on the golf course
And drink their martinis dry
And they all have pretty children
And the children go to school
And the children go to summer camp
And then to the university
Where they are put in boxes
And they come out all the same…
Little Boxes lyrics
Of course – that was written decades ago – so no relevance now – no none at all. But still, in this world, Malvina Reynolds really didn’t mind failing!
Ticky tacky teaching?
Given the power of that song, it is no surprise that Sarah Honeychurch’s use of the same one in her powerful blog post on ‘feedback’ caught our eye: … and seeded several music inspired sessions of our own.
Dance and sing…
And if you haven’t already shared Dance your PhD (and even if you have) – have a look at the Social Science winner: Movements as a Door for Learning Physics Concepts. It’s embodied! Who knew?
Music can be used as another powerful way to celebrate and engage others in your work. Check out the Acapella Science to see examples of creative expression to engage others with science:
Experience first – signify later!
From ‘ticky tacky’ feedback to Dance your PhD, music provokes powerful responses – creating ‘emergent’ activities and thoughtful and emotional engagement. The hope of this webinar is to capture the power and excitement of the way that we use music in our own practices right now.
See – and hear – you at the webinar!!!
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All reviews of the film "Let's dance" (USA, 2004) - Afisha-Kino
All reviews of the film
Shall We Dance?, USA, 2004
6. 5
About the film Cast Reviews (15) Similar
Afisha film review
Roman Volobuev
535 reviews, 587 ratings, rating two, in general, non-fatal, circumstances into quiet despair. Returning from work on the train, he notices a well-lit beauty (Lopez) in the window of the warehouse, who, in turn, peers into the dusk outside the window and seems to be waiting for someone. For several days, the lawyer rides by train past the window with the beauty, silently marveling at the constancy of the wondrous vision. And on the fourth or fifth time, taking her anguish personally, he jumps onto the platform, runs, knocks and ends up in a class where a drinking Jewish lady teaches ballroom dancing to the unfortunate. The stranger, exposed in the window, turns out to be somewhat aloof from the educational process: she makes her sad movements in a nook adjacent to the common ballroom, and almost immediately, with captivating frankness, warns the lawyer that she will not give it. But the hero has already, so to speak, been captured by the element of dance, and any base thoughts fade into the background. The life of a lawyer takes on meaning, the gait becomes carefree flying, and the wife, noticing that her husband comes home sweaty and happy, gets scared and hires a private detective.
The 1996 Japanese original, which made a huge box office hit around the world, gives the American version a hundred points ahead in terms of affection, since the Japanese in general look more touching, and ballroom dancing is somewhat taboo for them, while for Westerners it’s just stupidity. But in the American version, it magically preserved exactly what Hollywood, in theory, had to burn out with a red-hot iron - a strange awkward plausibility of everything that happens. Gere and Lopez don't really kiss, don't win a golden bowl in a dance competition, and, in general, there is no other abomination between them that reveals the presence of a well (or at least somehow) paid screenwriter. Such an unfinished, unsaid love story is most similar to what can actually happen. And no matter how much fun everyone has at the end, the train still leaves, and the playful “let’s dance?” turns into an ant rebuke from a cruel fable: so go and dance.
November 8, 2004
The best reviews about the movie “Let's Dance”
Ksenia Barkalova
151 Review, 165 estimates, rating 229
Very light, kind, gentle, dear, piercup nice, nice movie. There is nothing special or supernatural here. A simple plot. This film is good to watch in bad cold weather, in the rain, wrapped in a warm blanket and with a cup of cocoa, to have a quiet time, take a break from everyday work, not to think about anything.
So, the life of lawyer John Clark is very straightforward, ordinary, every day is identical to another, no variety: getting up at the same time, kissing his wife on duty, taking the subway to work, work itself, going home, a standard kiss, sleeping back to his wife.
19 years of married life are making themselves felt, they are tired of each other ... Clark somehow wants to change his life, but does not know what needs to be done for this. After all, he is accustomed to a quiet, calm, measured life, he is already quite a few years old, not young.
One day, on his way home, he notices the sign "Miss Mitzy Dance School" and a sad, pensive, damn beautiful woman (Jennifer Lopez) in the window. Now every day he looks for that mysterious miss with his eyes, wants to come in, but does not dare. It's not easy to break the monotony. Finally, he decides! He enters the hall, which is saturated with brightness, life, music, dancing, dresses, passion, light, smiles, joy - elements that are not at all familiar to John. But he is so captivated by this that he begins to dance under the guidance of that charming woman named Polina. He falls in love with dancing, it becomes his hobby, he flies from work to this fantastic world of rumba, cha-cha-cha, waltz, passadoble, tango.
John's family has no idea about his new hobby. Beverly's wife (Susan Sarandon) suspects him of infidelity, even hiring a detective who brings her into a contest in which our John enters. She is very jealous of him, she is upset, offended ... John gets confused ... Work, dancing, quarrels with his wife, misunderstandings with an adult daughter. He will have to understand himself, set priorities, prove to the family that only his wife and daughter are the closest, dearest, dearest, dearest people to him, restore cohesion, trust, warmth ...
"If you don't dance your own dance, then who will dance it?" that you live, that it's never too late to change anything, the main thing is to want.A film about the meaning of life, about priorities, about love, about values, about worldviews, about principles.A heartfelt and touching film with beautiful famous actors, cute scenes, hot dancing, chic dresses and playful mood.I think it's worth watching with the whole family! Have a good and cozy evening!
January 6, 2010
122 reviews, 99 ratings, rating 91
The boyfriend bought tickets for "Let's dance".
As a polite girl, I didn’t say anything rude to him, but only slightly (just a little bit) changed in my face, because. I do not like such "snot in sugar".
After seeing this picture, I completely changed my mind. I don’t know what’s the matter ... either in the straight back of Jennifer Lopez, or in Gere’s clumsiness and his wonderful smile, or maybe Sarandon’s words about what, in her opinion, marriage, touched the soul ... but in In the end, I don't think I missed this movie at all. He made me feel very warm.January 29, 2005
Natasha Danchuk
30 reviews, 87 ratings, rating 39
Dance is a way of life
Sometimes in life there are situations that make you look at yourself from the outside. At these moments, you can radically change your value system, change your habits, change jobs, etc. Psychologists call it a crisis that makes a person take rash steps. The situation is similar with the main character of the Let's Dance tape.He has a successful career as a lawyer, a wife and everything that ordinary people need. But one day, John Clark finds himself in a place where he had never gone before - at a dance school. For seemingly incomprehensible reasons, he begins classes and very successfully. Further, according to tradition, he has many obstacles, misunderstandings, and sometimes even condemnation in his way. And then it is up to him to reach the end or give up.
In principle, the film is very good, you can watch it two or three times. But I don't like Jennifer Lopez's performance too much, fundamentally. She is more convincing on stage, with a microphone, and not in a dance hall. But the nominations of Richard Gere and Susan Sarandon were more than satisfied. They look more harmonious on the screen in Let's Dance, and Jennifer is nothing more than good plastic and good looks. A small castling brought much greater success, but it did not work out. In this regard, the ending was a little unsatisfactory. Those who have seen the picture will understand what is at stake.But I'm lying if I talk about disgust at the sight of John and Beverly on the dance floor. On the contrary, there they simply had no equal.
Total: 6.5
March 29, 2012
39 reviews, 2 ratings, rating 17
A very worthy film from the director of "Cities and the country" and "Intuition" Peter Chelsom. From Pete's previous work, it was clear that he was very interested in the problem of family and family values, and "Let's Dance" continues this tradition. However, this movie is not a masterpiece. Let's figure out why.
What's good? Simple, but strong plot and well-thought-out script. However, the screenwriter Audrey Wells did not have to strain too much - this is a remake of a Japanese film, and they do not bother with complex plots.
Actors are good. Richard Gere, albeit with lined eyes, although he squints in a smile and purses his lips all the same as he did 20 years ago, the old horse still does not spoil the furrow.Here he is in all his glory, and even dances perfectly. Susan Sarandon is charming, as always, although the years are not the same, but the skill, again, cannot be spent on drink. Lisa Ann Walter as Bobby looks great and can be mistaken for Bette Middler at first.
Jennifer Lopez is certainly not an actress. But she is a good dancer and a pretty aunt, and nothing more is needed here. In general, J. Lo has a strange feature - she looks very good in the movies, somehow very natural. I'm not a fan of Jennifer's vocal work, I'm not turned on by the bulging muscles on the hips of a hot Creole, but for some reason I like it when she gets into the frame. Some kind of sincerity is present in her, and even naturalness is a very rare thing in women.What is bad about the film. Somewhere very nasty dubbing. Bobby speaks with a strange accent, some of the characters are also stupidly voiced.
Some plot stretches, especially at the end of the movie. Falling down while dancing, hearing the voice of your own daughter - sorry, this is too much.In general, something often falls there, although they don’t seem to dance on ice.
There is also the cardboard character of some characters. This is especially striking in the ending, which is already overloaded with various movie clichés. Apparently, it was necessary to end the film with a scene where John receives a gift from Beverly - this is the last episode that carries a semantic load. In modern Hollywood cinema, it is now a tradition to tighten the ends. This is wrong - uncomfortable and painful.Despite the positive evaluation, I cannot recommend this film to everyone. The main reason is the age limit. Persons under 20, or even 25 years old, simply have nothing to do in the hall, and they will never understand what life is like after 20 years of marriage, but the plot is tied precisely to this. Teenagers will be bored, they will start showing off in front of their marukhs and commenting on the film, and you will have the impression that all the degenerates of the city have gathered at the session.
There are a lot of dances in the film, so if you don't like them, you will be bored again. There is a lot of music, and it's wonderfully arranged and woven into the film, but if you get stuck only from Eminem or "Cannibal Corps" - it's better to avoid watching. Just like if you don't like Richard Gere, there's a lot of him out there.
And one more little touch. Yes, dancing is good. I did them myself as a child and I can confirm. Yes, some people live their lives in dance. But this life is not always happy. And if your life seems boring to you, do not rush to the dance floor right away - maybe just look at everything from the outside. Well, this movie is perfect for that.November 26, 2004
52 reviews, 19 ratings, rating 12
Will be appreciated by those who like to watch people dance. Gir, it turns out, and dance master.
And here is his partner... either Lopez is like that, or her heroine is insipid and tasteless. The whole movie was beech and a little closer to the end thawed.
Nothing out of the ordinary. But it's nice to watch.January 13, 2005
Natalya Okhrimenko
12 reviews, 12 ratings, rating 9
etc., etc. Yes, perhaps this is true, but each creation has its own deep meaning, which is sometimes visible on the surface, and sometimes not. Apparently, this is what happens in life, when we get married or get married, we suddenly forget that next to us is the most beautiful, smart, beloved, talented person. Just yesterday, we considered it as such - today we live like neighbors, like people who are used to each other, but nothing more ... It is much more important to solve all issues at work, worry about plans for the week and fall asleep at about nine o'clock. Yes, not too romantic and tempting it turns out. But each of us, with all the cells and particles of the soul, is drawn to that very, sometimes unattainable, but so desired - HAPPINESS. And this concept acquires its own framework, outlines and is purely individual.
So John, a successful man in his prime, comes to understand that watching TV in the evenings, reading newspapers and meeting with his family on major holidays is, in general, a long time ago and uninteresting, and then a pensive girl in the window ... and away we go ! A serious, businesslike, calm person transforms over time, changes a lot in himself, begins to dance with all the passion, pleasure, and, if you will, a drop of frivolity. He takes risks, decides to take bold steps, for example, participation in a competition and proves to himself that he is capable of a lot, and life, no matter what, can be varied. By his act, John changes the situation around him, giving his relationship with his wife a new round and becoming more relaxed and open.
Every time I watch this film, I catch myself thinking that I am recharged with optimism, because all the characters are very positive and each with its own unforgettable character.
Lover of extravagant outfits and specific smells Bobby, "fake basketball fan" and real ringleader of the dance floor Link, charming fat man Vern, seductive little Chick, and, of course, Miss Mitzi with the womanizer detective.
All of them create a wonderful atmosphere of lightness, irony and cheerfulness, successfully combining all of the above with skillful dance steps. By the way, these very steps always inspire me personally, and as a dance lover, I understand that I can always do this most beautiful thing, if there is a desire, and age is not a hindrance.
The only characters that didn't impress me were John's wife and, in fact, "Princess" Polina. Their images were something too cold and unemotional for me, and therefore, apparently, they did not touch me.
I love this movie, I've watched it five times for sure, and I think I'll definitely watch it again. The mood really lifts!
July 8, 2010
9 reviews, 9 ratings, rating 1
This film is worth going either to die-hard fans of Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez, or simply to those who like to spend time without really thinking about the content of what they saw. I highly recommend watching this film in bad weather, buried in your favorite chair with something delicious.
And so, the story is very mediocre. There are, of course, funny moments. But for the most part, it's pretty predictable. I wonder who had the idea to invite squat and short-legged, which is quite natural for Indian women, Jennifer Lopez for the role of a dance teacher. Despite the careful selection of costumes, designed to hide unwanted features of the figure, it is very striking. Yes, and she dances, although without visible blunders (the choreographers, for sure, did not work very badly) rather mediocrely. "Does not light", so to speak. And in general, the film is a solid C grade. Approximately with such a mood and leave the session.
February 23, 2005
5 reviews, 5 ratings, rating 1
The script is boring, drawn out, confusing, burdened with unnecessary details and outright "jeans". It's nice to watch. Why? Because of the sly smile of Monsieur Eternal Lawyer.
Moving from film to film, Richard Gere continues to play one role - an intelligent wealthy man who understands everything and is consistently successful.So it is here: a lawyer who drafts wills, passing on the subway past a house with a bright fluorescent sign, saw a girl in the window. It turned out that she teaches dance, and in order to communicate with her, you will have to attend classes. Then it becomes unclear: whether he needs a girl; whether he is more interested in dancing; or he is simply fed up with his correct life with an ideal wife in a gingerbread house, and he needs to add new impressions, new colors to the boring, monotonous, gray life of a successful lawyer.
Jennifer Lopez is also not bad and charmingly sexy, sensually and delightfully free: she speaks little and expresses everything through dance.
It is not recommended for professional dancers to watch this film: their loud laughter will prevent other viewers from enjoying a beautiful fairy tale.December 13, 2004
5 reviews, 5 ratings, rating 1
To be honest, I haven't received such pleasure from a movie for a long time.
First, you have to give credit to Gere - he is flawless as always. Lopez is also well done, does not lose to him in anything. Secondly, the dances did not leave me indifferent, it gave me great aesthetic pleasure, especially the dance of Lopez and Gira - it turned out very sensually!
In addition, the film is very positive, very kind, with humor, and despite the simple unpretentious plot, this film makes sense.November 16, 2004
1 review, 1 rating, rating 0
I really liked this film, plot, game, in short, nice! Plus, Gere and J.Lo play there! I advise!
November 16, 2004
1 review, 1 rating, rating 0
Terrible movie! Gross flaws in the plot, unimpressive dances, absolutely no acting - nothing to see, nothing to rejoice at all. Rated below three.
January 23, 2005
1 review, 1 rating, rating 0
Didn't like the film. boring and tedious.
But Jennifer is beautiful as always!
January 23, 2005
1 review, 1 rating, rating 0
Very good, kind film. Simply wonderful! Lots of funny and very funny moments. Lots of romantic scenes. You can go with a young man. My boyfriend, for example, after the film was imbued with understanding to my great desire to take up dancing. That was the point! In general, I recommend to go. You will not regret!
November 16, 2004
Ekaterina Usova
1 review, 1 rating, rating 0
Very warm, romantic film; Right now there aren't enough of those. It creates a good festive mood; relaxes and at the same time leaves a mark on the soul, which is rarely combined. You can’t call him sugary, too sentimental in any way - he is precisely romantic, seasoned with cute and light jokes; without any rudeness and vulgarity. The dance numbers are very effective. Gere, Sarendon and Lopez once again demonstrated their professionalism.
Moreover, if Gere and Serendon I liked very much before, then I treated Lopez indifferently before this film. Here I liked her.
November 26, 2004
1 review, 1 rating, rating 0
Terrible. Imagine what would have happened if not for Gere and Sarandon. Although Gir is certainly not Gir there, but some kind of sweatshirt. Snotty sentimental nonsense. It's funny just from despair, stupid hope to see at least one worthy shot, to fish out at least one interesting moment. The most outstanding thing in the film is the sirloin parts of Popes, and an excerpt with her incomparable solo, there is no way without it - she is a dancer!!!??? Don't waste your time!
December 13, 2004
"Let's Dance" by Peter Chelsom |
28.10.2004 at 22:28 , number of views: 3314
Tags: articles, culture
The plot of Peter Chelsom's film "Let's Dance" which did very well in the American box office and is soon to be released in our country is almost completely exhausted by the title. Like Dirty Dancing and Grease and a lot of Hollywood sentimental musicals with tap, disco or even ballet, it basically follows a banal pattern. Someone for some reason suddenly starts to learn something - in this case, the waltz, rumba, samba, foxtrot and tango - and at first looks ridiculous, and then gets used to it. Gradually, foxtrots change his life, and she triumphs in all the splendor of music, light music, tailcoats and ball gowns. Everything is beautiful, cinematic, moth-eaten from the 30s of the last century and does not claim any status other than “commercial crafts”.
But Peter Chelsom's film, in turn, is not limited to the plot. "Let's Dance" is an Americanized version of a Japanese melodrama that has become a hit in their country, and the Japanese, with their unique worldview, are generally not inclined to proceed from Hollywood schemes. They think differently and pay great attention to a thousand little things: who exactly is learning to dance, why it suddenly occurred to him, how exactly life changes and what is a celebration. And when screenwriter Audrey Wells adapted Japanese melodrama to American reality, she focused not on the banal similarity with the old sentimental musicals, but strictly on the difference. This move is reminiscent of the Smirnoff vodka invented by the Russians, which recently returned to us from America in an improved form. A product of double processing, which does not always mean a complete and deliberate failure.
Richard Gere, a natural star after the Chicago tap dance, plays today's middle-aged, quite prosperous and also a Chicago lawyer with a wonderful wife (Susan Sarandon), two wonderful children, a cozy home and a dog for complete happiness. But every time he goes home by subway (it's faster than by car), after again making someone's will. Sitting in the corner, looking out the window. The hopelessness of everyday life cannot be brightened up by any external well-being. And when his eyes from the car every day begin to fall on the same female figure (Jennifer Lopez) in a dark window next to the "Dance School" sign, the further logic of what is happening is obviously not connected with the jingoistic Hollywood scheme, but with this uncomplicated and quite desperate look.
In the film there will, of course, be the humor of the first clumsy attempts to change, shyness and secrecy, traditionally pleasing plastic progress, amusing confusion up to a detective investigation and, in the end, tailcoats, frills, patent leather shoes on a waxed parquet. But in the film there will be no adultery, no limited tap dancing - no boredom and vulgarity. In principle, it is “with dancing”, but not “about dancing”. Oddly enough, “Let's Dance” is about how to behave intelligently in life, how to always feel a partner. The waltzes here are only a metaphor, as the well-known words of actress Olga Androvskaya about art were a metaphor: “When climbing stairs, try not to knock your heels.”
In no way inferior to the sophistication of the dance steps (brilliant, by the way, performed by Gere, Lopez, comedian Lisa Ann Walter and debutant Omar Miller) are the subtleties and details of social, family, changing and emerging relationships. The protagonist has reached the point where he is able to “fall out of the nest” at his own will. It does not mean to run away, change, refuse responsibility, not pay the bills. It means exactly “to fall out of your nest”, to renew yourself here and now to deal with yourself. In addition to the fact that Gere turned out to be an extremely intelligent actor in this situation, a lot of funny and touching details accompany the existence of all screen characters. The little iron flask in the old dance teacher's locker, and how she regularly sips. Stanley Tucci's wig, and how the bitchy employee is shaved off in the finale. Luxurious thighs of Lisa Ann Walter, and really how wonderful they all learned quickstep.
The non-American public should be somewhat shocked by the programmatic tactlessness, which, it turns out, is accepted in American everyday life. That country is more physiological, rougher. In addition, the pathologically serious facial expression of Jennifer Lopez does not yet make her a smart actress. Although the sex bomb moves well, the perfect ensemble cast is somewhat disruptive.