How to play dance with the devil on piano
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Dance With The Devil is a song by Immortal Technique. Use your computer keyboard to play Dance With The Devil music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is a Super Easy song which you can also load and play on your mobile or tablet. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:28, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Dance With The Devil is classified in the genres: USA, Rap on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Hip hop, R&B.
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Katy Perry
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Jam`s cool music school for children and adults
You were given a life sentence and there is only a piano in your cell? Then we have something for you. .. From Liszt to Scriabin - 10 of the most technically complex pieces ever written for piano.
Piano teacher Amir Jam's cool founder, curriculum author
The complexity of any piece of music, including piano works, lies not only in monotonously repeating the notes written on the sheet of the score, but also in the transmitted melody, the spirit of the music, the transition from forte to pianissimo, changing the key, etc. The complexity of the work lies both in the technique of execution and in the virtuosity of its performance.
Even basic etudes and polyphony may seem difficult for any novice musician, but as you hone your skills, you will be able to “take” more and more interesting and complex pieces into your repertoire.
1.Franz Liszt - La Companella
La Campanella, which means "bell" in Italian, is a piano transcription of the violin piece of the same name by Niccolò Paganini. The etude is considered one of the most difficult compositions ever written for the piano. The texture of "Campanella" includes huge jumps in the left hand, while the right gets complex passages at a very fast pace.
In this video, virtuoso pianist Lang Lang plays this piece so easily, as if it were not much more difficult than "Dance of the Little Ducklings".
- Maurice Ravel — Gaspard at Night (Visions of the Night)
When Ravel was working on the Gaspard de la Nuit suite, he deliberately wanted to make it the most technically difficult piece in the piano repertoire. He said that when writing, he was guided by Balakirev's Islamey, wanting to surpass him in complexity. One of the leading pianists said that playing this piece "is like solving endless quadratic equations in my head."
- Kaikhosru Sorabji — Opus Сlavicembalisticum
Playing this piece is even more difficult than pronouncing its title. Opus Clavicembalisticum consists of 12 actions with a total duration of more than 4 hours. The composer himself described his composition as follows: “The last 4 pages are as catastrophic as everything I have ever done - the harmony stings like nitric acid, and the counterpoint grinds like the mills of God.”
- Conlon Nancarrow - Etudes for Mechanical Piano
The American composer Conlon Nancarrow's works for mechanical piano are some of the most deliberately complex, frantic pieces of music in the piano repertoire. They are designed to be played on a mechanical instrument, not played by live pianists. But this does not mean that no one tried…
- Fryderyk Chopin — Etude Op.
10 no. 4
Unlike Chopin's gentle nocturnes, this etude leaves the pianist no chance to rest. Marked presto con fuoco (fast, with heat), it requires an extremely fast pace and constant mobility in both hands.
Daria, Jam`s cool piano teacher:
“The most difficult thing for me to perform this piece was the coda, after which there is a crazy passage all over the keyboard up and then down. By the end of the story, you are usually exhausted, but here the climax falls on the last page. And, of course, like any study, No. 4 took a lot of time to develop the necessary technical skills.”
- Charles Valentin Alkan — Piano Concerto
Alkan's concerto is rarely performed live, and for good reason. An epic 50-minute job requires unprecedented technique and physical endurance. Alkan's melodies are not as pleasant and catchy as those of Chopin or Liszt, but he certainly knows how to best demonstrate virtuoso technique.
- Alexander Nikolaevich Skryabin — Piano Sonata No. 5
Alexander Scriabin's Fifth Sonata makes the most of the technical capabilities of both hands, but the main load falls on the pianist's brain. The sonata was received with bewilderment by many contemporaries. For some of them, it became the line from which they refused to accept the composer's work.
- Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky — 3 fragments from "Petrushka" for piano
3 fragments from "Petrushka" is called one of the most difficult piano compositions. All parts include numerous glissandos, tremolo and fast 2-octave shifts. As they say, it's not for the faint of heart.
- Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev — Piano Concerto No.
The Second Piano Concerto is Prokofiev's most dramatic work. Of particular difficulty is the cadenza of the first movement, which consists of three steps and requires the pianist to make frequent and wide leaps with both hands. And yes, it lasts a full 5 minutes followed by 2 more intense parts.
- György Ligeti - The Devil's Ladder
Well, what a list of the most difficult pieces for piano without Ligeti. The etudes of this Hungarian composer frighten novice pianists. Of particular horror is the "Devil's Ladder", and not at all because of the name. The work is a masterpiece of dynamics, which develops from pianissimo to 8(!) forte.
Sign up for piano lessons and maybe you will learn how to play these pieces.
Devil's Violin
The violin occupies a special place not only in the orchestra, but also in art. The owner of a unique voice, she is magical, infernal, associated with otherworldly forces. Devil and violin - this combination appears in literature and fine arts from century to century.
Louis-Leopold Boilly. "The Dream of Tartini". 1824 Photo: Depositphotos
As you know, the devil plays all musical instruments perfectly, but he especially loves the violin. That is why Nikolai Gumilyov's poem "The Magic Violin" ends with the boy's throat being torn by rabid wolves, because he could not fulfill the terms of the deal with the devil. The devil's love for the violin is worth remembering when you listen to Saint-Saens' Dance of Death or Paganini's Dance of the Witches. And also, when you read Leo Tolstoy's Kreutzer Sonata, it ends with the murder of a woman out of jealousy, who is too carried away by the performance of Beethoven's sonata for violin and piano. Why has the violin become an archetypal devilish motif in art?
Devil's trill
There are several legends about the devil's love for the violin. One of the main ones is a story that happened in 1713. The main virtuoso violinist of that time, the Italian Giuseppe Tartini, said that the devil appeared to him in a dream. The musician gave him a violin to listen to how he plays - and the unclean one played such an amazing melody that Tartini felt bewitched. Waking up, the violinist rushed to record the music he heard, but - by his own admission, it turned out to be a hundred times worse than the variation performed by the devil. The sonata in G minor, composed (or recorded) by Tartini, is called “Devil's Sonata” or “Devil's Trill”, and it is quite popular with violinists who want to demonstrate virtuoso playing.
Photo: Interfoto/Alamy/TASS
Paganini's black PR
The fact that Niccolò Paganini sold his soul to the devil for the sake of his mastery was often said by those who had heard the great violinist, who toured all over Europe. Tall, pale, thin, with flowing black hair, he made an impression on his own, off stage. When Paganini took the Guarneri in his hands, the audience seemed to be under hypnosis - his playing was so expressive. As soon as he wanted to, the audience began to sob, women fainted, and so on. Paganini loved theatricality - this was one of the components of his success. There were rumors that the strings of his violin were made from the intestines of not animals, but unfortunate women in love with him - and according to all the rules of black magic. The maestro went on stage wearing dark glasses (they say, because he had actually already died), otherwise everyone would have seen that his eyes were burning with hellish flames. Then, in the first half of the 19th century, Goethe's Faust was extremely popular and greatly influenced the perception of the violinist.
Monument to Tartini on the square named after him in Piran (Slovenia). Photo: Depositphotos
Cartoonists of that era depicted Paganini casting a shadow with horns and hooves, playing on a witches' coven, in flight, making skeletons dance... The brilliant musician died before he could take communion - the Catholic Church refused him burial in Italy. It took more than a dozen years and a papal appeal for reburial.
Gumilyov, Blavatsky and all-all-all
Arnold Becklin. Self-portrait with death playing the violin. 1872 Photo: Art Collection 3/Alamy/TASS
Subconsciously (or perhaps consciously) Tartini and Paganini used legends about the "devilish nature" of the violin to increase their popularity. Already in the 16th century, almost simultaneously with the appearance of the instrument in its classical form, a poem about the devil with a violin appeared (attributed to Pamphilus Gengenbach). In the 16th-17th centuries, numerous engravings and paintings were created, in which the violin is held by a skeleton (the personification of death, that is, the incarnation of the devil). In the era of romanticism, this image becomes commonplace: for example, in the philosophical poem "Faust", written by Nikolai Lenau (1836), Mephistopheles plays the violin excellently. In 1849In 1999, the ballet-pantomime Un Violon du Diable, about a violinist who received a magic instrument from the devil, was staged at the Paris Opera to the music of Caesar Pugni. The list of works using a similar plot is impressive.
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres. Portrait of Paganini. 1819 Photo: Depositphotos
Gumilyov was also fascinated by the image of the infernal violin. In addition to the already mentioned poem of 1907 about the "dear boy", the next year he writes the story "The Stradivarius Violin". The devil appears to the main character, an old violinist, with the words: “Today you accidentally attacked that melody that I composed on the night when the Huns deprived of innocence one and a half thousand virgins hidden in the walls of the Franconian monastery. This is a lucky thing. If you want, I'll play it for you, finished. After that, the maestro goes crazy and breaks the Stradivarius, suffering from the fact that he is unable to repeat the melody played to him. Gumilyov returned to the theme of a magical musical instrument that can turn people into wolves in the play "Gondla". But since he decided to devote the work to the history of the Vikings, the violin had to be replaced by a lute.
Hans Holbein Jr. Engraving from the cycle "Dance of Death". 1538. Photo: The Granger Collection, New York/TASS
The image was popular among the writers of the Silver Age. Even Madame Blavatsky wrote the story "Violin Revived" - about a young violinist who decided to take up black magic in order to surpass Paganini. In the 20th century, the violin was no longer so important, but in the most important genre of the century - cinema - we again meet it in the hands of demonic figures, for example, in the Phantom of the Opera.
The source of magic
Why did the violin take such an unusual place in culture? First of all, this was facilitated by a special sound that distinguishes it from a number of other musical instruments. Another important reason is that the classical violin, which appeared in the 16th century, was at first used only as a folk instrument to accompany dances. Church music was either represented by choral vocals or created for majestic organs. And the church did not approve of folk music. The violin, to which one could easily dance around the fire, at winter carnivals, really seemed to be the "tool of the devil", incline the peasants to all sorts of indecencies like dancing in an embrace with girls.
McGee van Dusen. "Mormon and His Wives Dancing to the Devil's Violin." 1850 Photo: The Picture Art Collection/Alamy/TASS
And the sound of the violin was distinguished by its special sensuality… And dancing is a sin. Not without reason in the art of the XIV century appeared the plot of dances of death (skeletons dancing with sinners). It is noteworthy that two centuries later a violin falls into the hands of a skeleton, as, for example, in the engraving of Holbein the Younger.