How to make your tesla dance
How to Make Tesla Model X Dance
Tesla’s Vacation 2021 upgrade included an intriguing feature that lets customers customize light displays for their electric vehicles. Naturally, some individuals, such as Tom BetGeorge of Wonderful Light Shows, carried this function to its logical conclusion for Thanksgiving and the New Year. Let’s break down how to make tesla model x dance.
Tom BetGeorge displays two equivalent Tesla Model X cars “dancing” in superb synchrony to Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” in a Google video released on January 1st. It’s similar to the finale of the “Beat It” video clip, but without the great clothing, knife battles, or actual dancing. Today, this functionality is widely accessible. Thus, we have made this post on How to make tesla model x dance.
Tesla demonstrates why they are unique while also providing new things for Tesla fans to enjoy. Though this might be old news to a few, we persist in admiring Tesla and Elon Musk’s distinction among the major automakers. Discovering that a Tesla can start dancing will keep you engaged.
A further “Easter Egg” in the Tesla Model X technology allows operators to set the car to start dancing mode to the Trans-Siberian Symphony and dance with a laser display.
How to Make Tesla Model X DanceThe dancing configuration is one of the many fantastic easter eggs found in the Tesla Model X. The Vacation Light Show easter egg is also recognized by that name. While a melody (Magicians in winter by the Genderfluid Orchestra) performs, this mode simulates a light show that uses the Tesla’s car lights, blinkers, and rear lights.
In addition, the front and eagle wing doors open and shut in time with the music, and the rear mirrors retract, imitating a dance.
There are two methods to trigger the Vacation Light Show easter egg. It’s crucial to note, though, that it’s rather loud. So, if you intend to do it late at night or amid a busy street, keep in mind that it can disturb others.
- For 5 seconds, hold the letter “T” symbol at the center of the display.
- When the textboxes with the text input field appear, write “vacation” or “ModelXmas” into it.
- Press OK.
- Get out of the vehicle and shut all the doors.
- Stand at least six feet (2 m) away from the device and push the lock button.
- Select the Tesla “T” in the upper right corner of the screen.
- Touch the green holiday ornaments picture in the “Easter Egg Folder” in the “About your Tesla” section.
- Get out of the vehicle and shut all the doors.
- Stand at least six feet (2 m) away from the device and push the shutter button.
“Will it dance?” isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when trying out a new vehicle. On the other hand, the Tesla Model X isn’t your typical automobile. For openers, the entry-level model of all-electric seven-seater charges £75,700 and has a capacity of up to 230 km on a charge.
The £92,300 Professional Model X with a 300-mile power and a peak speed of 155mph was reviewed by experts. It can also sprint from zero to sixty miles per hour in 3.4 seconds; maybe less if you pay an additional £8200 for the Ludicrous Mode.
This provides this premium SUV with superior speed to most supercars.
The Long Range variant, which begins at £84,800 and can go up to 315 miles before being charged, is also available. As you can see, a Model X is not a cheap vehicle. However, they are far less expensive than most Range Rovers regarding fuel costs.
Leaving aside the pro and con arguments for electric vehicles, the Model X has more going. The Performance variant comes standard with four-wheel drive and an astonishing turn of speed. On the other extreme, this is geared more at on-road driving abilities than off-road driving.
The Tesla can keep up with most supercars on a twisting back road with its excellent grip and speed. In corners, there is virtually little body roll. However, the suspension is somewhat hard over ruts and hills, while an Audi e-Tron is considerably more flexible.
The steering on the Tesla isn’t as responsive as that on the Audi. Furthermore, this is in addition to several of its hydrocarbon rivals. It does, however, have another ace up its deck in the shape of Autopilot.
This function enables the automobile to drive itself for limited periods. The driver must then give a steering input, or the vehicle will come to a virtual standstill.
Frequently Asked QuestionsCan I make tesla model x dance?Yes. The above tips on making tesla model x dance will aid you immensely on this.
Is the Tesla Model X dance feature available on all Model X models?Yes. The Tesla Model X dancing is compatible with all models, including the latest ones. A defective sensor may be preventing the dance from starting in yours. There may perhaps be anything nearby.
No. The transmission on the Tesla isn’t as responsive as that on the Audi. This is in addition to many of its hydrocarbon rivals. It does, however, have another ace up its deck in the shape of Autopilot. This function enables the automobile to drive itself for limited periods. The driver must then give a steering input, or the vehicle will come to a virtual standstill.
How can I turn on the EASTER EGG for TESLA’S MODEL X “Vacation LIGHT Exhibition”?The following are the directions for turning on TESLA’S MODEL X “HOLIDAY LIGHT Exhibition” EASTER EGG:
- For 5 seconds, hold down the Tesla “T” button.
- When the message “PLEASE Input Login Details” shows, type “holiday” or “ModelXmas” into the box and select “OK.”
- You’ll see a popup that says, “The program will begin when you depart the automobile.”
- Shut all doors and push the key’s power button.
Six feet over or surrounding the car gets required for the display.”
- Get out of the vehicle and enjoy your dancing vehicle.
In conclusion, the tesla model x comes with various merits. This includes dancing. And if you need more assistance here, the above tips on how to make tesla model x dance will aid you immensely.
Courtney D. Sanderson
I am a writer, entrepreneur, and marketing specialist. I have recently graduated from Michigan with a B.S. in Business Administration and Management. I have been working at General Motors Company for over two years as the Marketing Operations Production Coordinator. I love cars and love to share everything about them with my readers. I am the founder of the Automotiveex blog, where I share everything about automotive, like car news, car mechanical issues, and anything else that comes up in my blog posts.
Tesla: Program your own light show to make your Tesla dance!
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The Limitations of Formal Education, or Why Robots Can't Dance / Sudo Null IT News As a member of the lab, Chapman became the first researcher to apply the mathematics of computational complexity theory to robotic planning, as well as to show that there is no real generalized method for creating AI that can plan to handle all contingencies.

In 1990, Chapman wrote a widely circulated research proposal that called for a new approach and a different challenge for AI: teach a robot to dance. The dance, Chapman wrote, was an important model because "it doesn't achieve its goals. You can't win or lose. This is not a task to be solved. Dance is a process of interaction." Dancing robots required a dramatic reprioritization of AI researchers, whose techniques were built around chess-like tasks with clear structure and unambiguous goals. The complexity of creating dancing robots required an even greater shift in our assumptions about what intelligence is.
Chapman now writes about practical applications of philosophy and cognitive science. In a recent interview with Nautilus magazine, he spoke about the importance of imitation and apprenticeship, the limitations of formal rationality, and why robots don't make you breakfast.
Human learning is a social, tangible thing, and takes place in special practical situations. You don't learn to dance from a book or from laboratory experiments. You learn by dancing with more experienced people than you.
Imitation and apprenticeship are the main ways people learn. We forget about it as classroom instruction has become important again in the last century, and more visible.
I decided to shift the focus of education to development. "Learning" implies ending - once you've learned something, you're done. "Development" means an ongoing never-ending process. There are no exams in dance, after which you graduate.
Yes, in the early decades, AI researchers focused on those tasks that are especially associated with intelligence, because they are difficult for humans: for example, chess. It turns out that chess is easy for fast enough computers. In the early works, simple tasks for people were ignored: preparing breakfast, for example. Such simple tasks proved difficult for the computers controlling the robots.
Early attempts at research into AI learning also dealt with formal problems such as chess, in which bodies, social and practical contexts can be ignored. Recent research shows impressive progress in practical real-world problems such as pattern recognition. But there is still no progress in the social and physical resources critical to human learning.
Formal rationality, used in science, engineering, mathematics, has provided many breakthroughs over the past few centuries. It is natural to take it as the essence of the intellect, and to assume that it underlies the functioning of man. For decades, analytic philosophers, cognitive psychologists, and AI researchers have unequivocally accepted that humans first use logic to create a rational plan and then execute it. mid 19In the 80s, it became obvious that for technical reasons this is usually simply not possible.
Philosopher Hubert Dreyfus foresaw this impasse ten years before it occurred, in his book What Computers Can't Do. He proceeded from Heidegger's analysis of routine practical actions, such as preparing breakfast. Such physical skills do not seem to require formal rationality. Moreover, our ability to engage in formal reasoning depends on our ability to engage in practical, informal, and physical things—but not vice versa. Cognitive science understood everything exactly the opposite! Heidegger suggested that most of life is like breakfast, and not like chess.
My colleague Phil Agre and I have developed new, interactive computational approaches to practice that do not involve formal reasoning, and have shown that they can be much more efficient than traditional logical paradigms. However, our systems need to be programmed by hand, which seems impractical for tasks any more complex than video games. The next step should be AI systems that develop skills without directly programming them.
Heidegger said little about learning, but his idea that human activities always have a social aspect was key. Phil and I were inspired by the schools of anthropology, sociology, and developmental social psychology (some of which were in turn inspired by Heidegger). We started developing a computational theory of learning through apprenticeship. An article about dancing robots partially outlines our aspirations. Shortly thereafter, we realized that it was not yet possible to turn these ideas into working programs.
One of the difficulties of the rationalist approach to AI is that we cannot build an absolutely accurate model of the real world. He is very sloppy. A spoonful of berry jam does not have a specific shape. It is sticky, malleable, fluid. It is heterogeneous - partially pureed berries behave differently than liquid parts. At the atomic level, it obeys the laws of physics, but cooking breakfast with them is impractical.
Our bodies are the same. Muscles are sacks of jelly interspersed with stretchable threads. The bones are irregular in shape, connected by elastic tendons, as a result of which the joints give in in a complex pattern, approaching the strength limit.
Using physics simulations, an animated figure can be made to dance. It may seem very realistic. But these methods do not work with robots to perform simple human tasks. Dancing or cooking breakfast is still beyond the reach of modern science.
Physics simulations don't work well because robot bodies, like humans, are imperfect. Most of today's developments try to tie robots to simple physical models, making them strong and solid, and as precise as possible. But still, they show both flexibility, and limitations, and inconstancy, which makes them difficult to control. They also have to be very heavy and powerful, which makes them dangerous and ineffective.
In the "dancing robots" article, I suggested dropping this approach and using machine learning to find ways to control lighter, weaker and more flexible robots. Like a child, the system must gradually develop physical skills through experience. Back then we didn't have enough computing power, but some researchers have recently had success with this approach.
Yes. My latest work on "meanings" suggests working in the interplay of uncertainty and patterns to improve understanding and action. This is a "practical philosophy" for personal effectiveness, coming from the work I've done in AI and the academic fields I mentioned earlier. It also has a learning dimension. Adult development research shows that people can develop through pre-rational, rational, and meta-rational ways of understanding. The average condition is extremely hard. It has the notion that the world can be adjusted to systems. This approach can be clumsy, inefficient, and unsustainable.
The mainstream approach from the 1970s and 1980s definitely failed, and for this very reason. "Deep learning", which has achieved amazing results, is more flexible. It builds statistical and implicit models, instead of absolute and logical ones. However, it requires huge amounts of data, and people often learn from a single example. It will be very interesting to discover the scope and limitations of the deep learning approach.
Repair your Tesla again yourself, you programmer / Sudo Null IT News
How to get root access to Tesla? How to disassemble a computer? How to connect? How are Tesla computers different? What to do if the screen is black and the car is moving? These and many other questions I get asked regularly.
To date, the last article about Tesla repair has been read more than 56,000 times. I get a huge number of questions, I will try to answer the most common ones.
My name is Slava. I am a person from Podolsk, I work at, a teslovod and tesloved. It just so happened that of all the teslavists in Runet, I disclose the most information, sometimes for this I get flies from colleagues in the shop. The entire ecosystem of unofficial repair services for these otherwise beautiful electric vehicles is extremely closed. It happens that within one service station only one of the masters has one competence and does not reveal this secret of the half-coat to anyone. "Under the expression" open secret "mean a secret that is not such, just everyone pretends that it is a secret, and only one of the most stupid does not know it." And here it’s a little different, let’s say the secret of how to transfer the car to the factory mode is not a secret for anyone who needs it, but no one will write about it anywhere and won’t tell anyone.
Sometimes I remember that my initial motivation was to figure everything out and tell everyone. For most questions, I tried to make a video. I thought for a long time about whether to publish this on Habr, it would seem that there are other auto-themed sites. But I will mainly talk about the computer.
How to get root rights?
This is one of the most popular questions. There are many possibilities, mainly MITM attacks. There is an option through reading memory, through RCM, through changing the firmware, through an attack on the updater, through changing the configuration. I will tell you the simplest one, it works on older firmware.
Sometimes you have to do this when repairing a tegra. We need to subtract memory and get the /var partition. There is a separate video on my Youtube channel on how to do this.
Go to /var/etc/saccess there are two files tesla1 and tesla2. In each of them the password to the corresponding user. After authorization via ssh, we execute sudo -i and get root access.
How to get to the Tesla computer
The SX platforms before 2021, SX after 2021 and 3Y are fundamentally different, despite this, for all models you will need a minimum set of equipment and tools: Torx20, Torx10, plastic puller, optional mounting pad.
What software is required for diagnostics
Most tasks in Model S and Model X are solved using Tesla toolbox 2. There is an online and offline version of the program.
Model 3 and Model Y require Tesla toolbox 3. This is not a program at all, but access to an online service. Authentication takes place with the car through tokens generated by the Tesla server. Then you send commands for execution to the car through the web interface.
How to connect to Tesla?
Tesla Model SX up to 2021 uses Fakra cable. There are connectors on Ali, here is the connection diagram. This is lan 100Mbit, only the connector has a special shape. In fakra connectors, the "antennae" are different so as not to confuse where to connect this particular cable.
For Tesla Model3 Y, the connector has a different shape, the meaning is the same.
After that, you should see the response of the machine at
What to do if the Tesla certificates have expired?
Every Tesla has openvpn SSL certificates to communicate with the mother ship. If in the last month of its expiration date the machine has never connected to the network, then it will not update its certificates and the next time it will simply not pass authentication.
Restore certificates, i.e. Only Tesla itself can release new ones for you. You can install donor, from a car that is no longer on the move, for example. But you will also need to change the VIN code of the car.
If you do not have certificates, the application will not work, because the machine does not have access to the backend server. The machine will not update for the same reason. Filmed a video in more detail about the upgrade and certificates.
What is a heat pump? Why doesn't my Tesla keep me warm anymore?
Perhaps not quite on the topic of the site, but everyone is afraid of the cold. Tesla has been using a heat pump since 2020, i.e. the interior is heated by pumping heat from the environment. Many Tesla drivers face this, Tesla itself changes the entire system under warranty. A whole batch of machines with factory defects, from the explosion of the impeller, small fragments are carried throughout the system, it is extremely difficult to rinse.