How to make a dance bun
How To Do a Perfect Ballet Bun – BLOCH Dance US
Not sure how to make a perfect bun? Follow these step-by-step instructions to help you make a secure bun for ballet. Before you start, you will find it helpful to read all the instructions first, including the instructions on how to insert hairpins. A ballet bun generally sits in the center of the back of the head and is not visible from the front.
- Hair brush
- Long handled comb
- Hair elastic
- Hairspray
- Hair gel
- Hair net
- Hair pins
- Bobby pins
Get everything you need to make the perfect ballet bun in our Hair Kit.
The most effective pins for securing a bun are hairpins. Hairpins have several crimps (waves) in the middle of each prong, which help the pin grip the hair. The thicker, less flexible pins provide the strongest hold. Bobby pins are best used to hold down flyaway hairs or fringes and to secure curls or plaits. To use the bobby pin, it is best to hold it with the raised prong on the top side and slightly open.
Step 1: Make a ponytail
The first step to making a perfect ballet bun is putting your hair up into a ponytail. Brush all the hair towards the center back of the head. Gather the hair into a tight ponytail and secure with an elastic band, ensuring that there are no bumps. To stop frizzy and fly-away hairs, apply a small amount of gel evenly from the roots to the ends of the hair, with your fingers or with the comb. Children with very curly, thick or fine hair may need their hair gelled or sprayed before securing into a ponytail. Brush or gel fringes back off the face and secure with bobby pins if necessary.
Step 2: Twist into a bun
To make the ballet bun shape, hold the ponytail at the end and twist it firmly until it is all twisted into a rope. Then coil the ponytail into a flat circle around the hair elastic, continuing the coil in the same direction as the twist in the ponytail. This will stop the ponytail unravelling. Tuck the ends of the ponytail under the bun. Then place 3-4 hairpins around the bun to secure it, without taking your hands off the bun (see instructions for inserting hairpins). Next, place a hairnet over the bun. At this stage, you can make any adjustments to the shape of the bun. A finished ballet bun should be round and even in shape, and sit smoothly against the head.
Step 3: How to secure a bun using bobby pins
The final step to creating a perfect ballet bun is securing the bun. Hold the pin at the closed end, with the prongs facing the center of the coil. Insert the prongs a little way into the edge of the bun, catching a small amount of the bun edge. Then turn the prongs in and back outwards to catch some of the hair outside the bun. Lastly, turn the prongs inwards again and push into the center of the coil. Insert as many pins as you need to all around the edges of the bun, until it feels secure. Loose hairs can be gelled or sprayed to help them stay put.
Now you know how to do a perfect ballet bun, why not explore our dance hair accessories? From bobby pins to bun covers, we have all the accessories you need to create ballet buns and flawless hairstyles for dance.
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How To Make A Ballet Bun, Perfect Ballet Bun Tips
How To Make A Perfect Ballet Bun - 10 Step Guide And Video
In this video Kimberley shares her 10 top tips to make a perfect ballet bun. This easy to follow step by step video shows you exactly how to make a ballet bun including...
- Tips on what height to make the pony tail for your ballet bun
- The best type of hairnet to use
- Top tips for how to use your pins to secure your ballet bun
- And more...
This ballet bun is ideal for ballet classes, ballet exams, auditions and performances.
All you need to make a perfect ballet bun is a hair band, hair net (not a bun net as Kimberley explains in the ballet bun video below!), hair pins and hair grips.
We hope you enjoy watching the video. If you prefer to follow along with our 10 step guide to making a ballet bun, complete with pictures and extra tips, then scroll down below the video...
Don't forget to check out our hair accessories for dancers, our ballet bun kits and our Ballet BUN-dle too!
How To Make A Perfect Ballet Bun - Ballet Bun Tips
You Will Need:
- Hair brush
- Hair band
- Hair net
- Hair pins
- Hair grips
Step 1: Make The Pony Tail
To make the perfect ballet bun you need to start with a perfect pony-tail! Begin by brushing back the hair, and gather it into a tight pony tail with a single hair band.
For a classical ballet bun it’s important that the bun isn’t too high or too low, so you need to make sure that the pony tail sits in the middle of the head and just above the top of the ear line:
Top Tips:
- For very wispy hair, you way want to slightly wet the hair before brushing it back into the pony tail.
- For a nice neat ballet bun, you want a tight pony-tail! Wrap the hair band around a few times to keep the pony-tail secure.
Step 2: Choose The Right Net For Your Ballet Bun
It’s important that you choose the right type of net for your ballet bun:
We highly recommend that you use a hair net rather than a bun net. You’ll find out why in step 5...
Step 3: Make The Ballet Bun
Start by taking the pony tail and loosely wrapping it around in a circle. It doesn’t need to be too tight at all, it can just be really loose at this stage:
Top Tip:
- Apply a slight twist to the pony tail as you wrap it around in a circle.
This will help your ballet bun to keep its shape.
Step 4: Gather The Bun In Your Hairnet
Next you need to take the hair net and wrap one end of it it around the whole of the bottom of your ballet bun:
Then pull the other end of the hairnet upwards towards the forehead:
Don’t worry about all of the loose bits of hair - this is why you use a hair net, as you'll see in the next step...
Step 5: Twist, Wrap, Repeat!
Now you need to twist the hair net before bringing it back down to the bottom of the bun, catching all of the loose bits of hair:
Then you start the process again - wrap the hairnet around the bottom of the bun, pull the hair net up towards the forehead, twist and come back down to the bottom of the bun again.
The hair net is nice and big so after you have wrapped it around the bun once you can repeat this process 3 or 4 more times (depending on the thickness and volume of hair you are working with) ensuring that you catch all of the wispy bits of hair to make a neat ballet bun.
Step 6: Shape Your Ballet Bun
Now you need to begin to shape your ballet bun by teasing the hair into a nice symmetrical round shape, ensuring that there is no hole in the middle:
Step 7: Add The Hairpins To Your Ballet Bun
Next you need to add the hair pins to your ballet bun to hold it securely in place. Take a little bit of the bun, with the pin pointing outwards away from the centre of the bun:
Then, go up and over before pushing the pin back in towards the centre of the bun:
Repeat this process, working your way around the ballet bun in a circle, using 6 to 8 pins, depending on how big the bun is.
Top Tip:
- Try the ‘Super Pins’ for ballet buns by Tendu. Available in 3 colours to match your hair, these sturdy pins will keep your bun in place and you only need one 'Super Pin' for every 2 or 3 normal pins..
Step 8: Secure Any Wispy Bits With Hairgrips
If you want to you can add hair grips to each side of the head. This can help to secure any fly-away wispy bits of hair, keeping your ballet bun looking neat and tidy.
Step 9: Add A Bow To Your Ballet Bun (Optional)
You may wish to add a bow to your ballet bun. There are many styles and colours available and most will easily clip onto the hair, just above the bun.
Top Tip:
- For a traditional classical ballet bun, you’ll want to keep the accessories to a minimum.
Step 10: Add A Band And Grips To Your Ballet Bun (Optional)
You may wish to add a band and grips to your ballet bun:
Top Tips:
- Don’t forget to check with your dance teacher to find out what extra hair accessories (if any) are allowed in your dance classes.
- There may be specific requirements on how to wear your bun for dance exams, depending on which dance syllabus you are studying so remember to check with your dance teacher.
Click here for our range of hair accessories for dancers - everything you need for the perfect ballet bun.
Donut Buns
How To Do A Bun With A Donut
In April 2019, we conducted an online poll of more than 1,800 dancers, parents and dance teachers. Over 1,300 of them preferred classical ballet buns, without a donut:
Although making a classical ballet bun without a donut is the traditional method, many people prefer to use a hair donut (over 25% of those we surveyed). If you prefer to make your bun using a donut, take a look at our 10 step guide here: How To Make A Donut Bun
how to make a bun for a child, a bun for girls with short hair, haircuts for boys
Parents often start taking their little ones to ballroom dancing from a very young age. Parents give their children the opportunity to show their creative and physical abilities. Uniform, shoes - this is something you can not do without at ballroom dancing. But, of course, another component of the image is the hairstyle. Without it, one cannot create the impression of completeness of the appearance. It is important for performances and for training to choose the hairstyle that will be comfortable. Laying curls is not so difficult, so you should heed the advice of experts. nineOl000 - step by step
Hairstyles for girls - photo hairstyles for ballroom dancing
If a girl is engaged in ballroom dancing, then it is very easy to distinguish her from the general mass of children. Usually girls have a good posture, all movements are smooth, the figure is chiseled, the ballroom styling is special. Such dance classes discipline girls. When the hair is well combed, they will not cause inconvenience. Moreover, such hairstyles are not afraid of rain, snow and other bad weather conditions. nine0003
What a girl's hairstyle should look like:
- Smooth, neat styling. A fluffy tail, a French braid is not suitable for ballroom dancing, there should be elegance and restraint.
- There should be no hanging strands, curly curls in the hairstyle.
Long bangs and stray strands from the overall hairstyle are not entirely appropriate in this case.
- The hairstyle should be well fixed and, of course, it should be comfortable. When you collect your hair in a bun, it is very important to fix it well. This must be done so that the hairstyle simply does not fall apart during the dance. It is important to choose a good strong elastic band, invisible and hairpins. nine0029 For performances, you need a varnish with a strong fixing ability.
- The hairstyle should fully reveal the face, it should be expressive. In dancing, not only the movements of the body, arms, legs are important, but facial expressions are also very important. After all, it is often the facial expressions that are able to fully convey the emotions from the dance. Often there are no bangs in ballroom hairstyles, but it happens differently. It is allowed to use a bang, which is laid on its side. You can also see small flat-looking rings, which are also laid on their side, fixed with varnish.
For regular workouts, you don't need to do some incredible hairstyles, just make a bun or a bun. They fix such a hairstyle with the most ordinary mesh, which can be bought in the accessories department. You can also buy everything you need for dancing in specialized stores.
In the video - hairstyles for ballroom dancing:
What haircuts can be made for short hair
It is recommended to grow hair to the shoulders. This is the optimal length of hair, which is necessary for dancing. Too short curls will constantly interfere, climb into the eyes and, in general, distract from the main work. nine0029 While the girl's hair is still too small and short, then you can pin up the strands with the help of invisibility.
Not very comfortable bangs are also fixed with clips. Another option for ballroom dancing hairstyles: 2 small ponytails can be made from below, the remaining ones are combed back in front and also stabbed. It is very important that the hairpins do not interfere, but at the same time are well attached to the hair and do not fall during class.
Video hairstyles for ballroom dancing master class:
For public performances, exams, final concerts, varnish is indispensable. Here, additional fixing is indispensable. Of course, such events are not held very often, so you can use varnish several times a year. The most important thing here is to choose a reliable high-quality gel, spray, varnish. Choose products from well-known manufacturers. Cosmetic oil is often used to create a smooth hairstyle.
What teen hairstyles for boys are the most popular, you can see in the photo in this article.
But what a fashionable hairstyle for a teenager boy looks like can be seen in the photo in this article.
Which hairstyles for short hair to school are best for a teenager can be understood from the content in this article: a light hairstyle for a teenager on September 1 is the most suitable, as well as how such hairstyles look on models, you can understand by reading and watching the photos and videos in this article. nine0003
This product is considered to be natural, so the hair will not be damaged. How to do styling?
- A couple of drops are enough for styling. The oil is applied to the hair and combed well along the entire length.
- The entire surface of the head is divided into 2 parts. The parting should be located on the side.
- They need to be removed by the ears and stabbed with invisibles.
- Front hairstyle can be decorated with beautiful barrettes.
Usually they choose such hairpins that will be more suitable for the nature of the dance. nine0010
- The hairstyle is ready, it needs to be treated with varnish.
As the hair grows, stop using fixatives. The child's hair grows very quickly, so parents will not need to use synthetic products for a very long time. No need to use the spray for girls under the age of 4. During this period, the hair can be easily damaged.
When they get below the shoulders, it is no longer so difficult to collect them in a suitable hairstyle. The best is the length of the hair coming from the shoulder blades and slightly below them. For dancing, this hair length is the best. Of course, the quality of the hair also plays a huge role. If they are very thick and long, then there will be a difficulty in that the hairstyle will be very heavy. To create the desired image, you need a lot of hairpins. In the case of long and sparse hairs, it is possible that the length is slightly longer.
As a result, it is very easy to make a bun from the hair, located above or below. Strands of hair are very convenient to fasten. nine0003
The “cascade” haircut for girls aged 12 is very popular, but this is exactly what you should not do. In this case, strands of different lengths will be quite difficult to collect hair in one bun. And strands of the same length can be easily put together. Usually, for dancing classes, teachers advise making simple buns or bunches. You can also make buns from braided hair.
How to make a bun?
- Comb your hair thoroughly, then make a big ponytail as high as possible. The tail is tied with a good elastic band. The tail should not wobble or dangle. nine0010
- Now the hair needs to be divided in half and a tourniquet is made from each. First, one tourniquet, then the other must be wrapped around the elastic band and secured with hairpins.
- You can use another option to create hairstyles. In the case of thin hair, you can do the following.
A pigtail is woven from the tail and it is already wrapped around. The structure is fastened with studs.
- You can do without a pigtail. Just twist the hair into one flagellum and make a bun out of it. nine0010
Now it is popular not only among girls involved in ballroom dancing, but also among adult ladies hairstyle with a donut. For girls, this is the chance to get a sleek hairstyle. You can buy an accessory made of foam rubber in a cosmetics store. You can also make a bagel yourself. To do this, you need a synthetic sock. You just need to cut off the top and roll it into a ring, the bagel is ready. Hairstyle with the help of such a donut is quite simple.
- The best hair length is shoulder length or shoulder blade length.
- A tight tail is tied at the back of the head, the curls are combed.
- A foam rubber ring is put on the tail, on the elastic itself.
- Strands need to be tucked under the elastic and fix the result with invisibility.
- Not very wide strands need to be fixed one by one.
- After creating the hairstyle, you should make sure that the strands are all well fixed and do not fall out of the general styling.
- The resulting beam is varnished. nine0010
On video hairstyles for ballroom dancing, a bun:
What are the most popular hairstyles for long hair for teenage girls, as well as how well they look in photos and videos, you can see in this article.
It will also be interesting to know about short haircuts for teenage girls.
But what stylish hairstyles for teen girls are best to use and which are most often used by teenagers themselves, you can read in detail in this article. nine0003
If your child has short hair, you should read the article to find out what beautiful children's hairstyles for short hair are and which ones are best to choose.
But how to make a children's hair bow hair, you can see the video in this article.
Sports men's ballroom haircuts
Not only girls, but also boys go to ballroom dancing. After all, usually such dances are created in tandem with a partner. That is why it is necessary to make the image complete not only for the girl, but also for the boy. If a guy has a sporty hairstyle that meets the current fashion trends, then such a masculine hairstyle will look out of place in the dance. nine0003
In the photo - a hairstyle for boys:
Rules for creating a hairstyle for a boy
To create a hairstyle for a boy, you need to know about the rules that you need to follow. If you look at Italian dancers, you can see that the haircuts have a straight silhouette. The back of the head and temples are often shaved. But dancers from Latin America do not like such haircuts, but prefer smoother lines. Sometimes even smooth lines along the entire length of the hair adorn the hair.
Before creating a hairstyle, it is very important to create an initial correct haircut. If the hair grows strongly and is cut unevenly, then creating a beautiful image will not work. Next, the hair must be clean. In this case, you can already start working on the hair.
When you need to do your hair at home, it is important to prepare in advance. To do this, you will need to buy combs with different calibers. We need combs of a flat shape, with wide and frequent teeth, a comb-brushing. The last type of comb helps to give sufficient volume. nine0003
In the video - a hairstyle for ballroom dancing for boys:
How to make a boy's hairstyle - step by step
Making a hairstyle for a guy seems to be simple, but at the same time difficult.
If the haircut is done correctly, then you just need to lay the hair in the direction in which it is necessary, fix it and the hairstyle is ready. But if the length of the hair is slightly longer, then it will be difficult to style the hair, here you need to think about how to do it right.
Perhaps the easiest styling option is to comb all the hair back and fix it very well with varnish. The hairstyle can be made smooth, with a uniform wave over the entire surface. The effect of wet hair is also quite popular. nine0003
On the ballroom dance video for boys:
Here are some tips to help you create more volume.
- Apply a strong hold foam to clean hair. In this case, the hair needs to be washed only with shampoo, the conditioner does not need to be used.
- Dry the hair with a powerful hair dryer with a narrow nozzle. As a result, the hair can be given volume and styled in the direction you want. nine0010
- The next step is to create a parting. Parting should be done from the middle of the eyebrow, going to the crown. For this parting option, you must use a double brush. Such a brush will easily make an even parting and will not remove the resulting volume.
- If the boy has a bang, then it must be made in the form of a cornice. The bangs need to be brushed up and down. But at the same time, the whole comb should go a little to one side.
- The final stage is hair modeling. In this case, wet gel will help. It must be distributed over the surface of the hair with the help of hands, while the created volume will not disappear. nine0010
- Lacquer is the finishing touch. With it, the hair is fixed, so it can retain its beauty for a long time.
Hair for ballroom dancing can be done by yourself and at home.
Hairstyle for a girl is also not difficult to do on your own. The tips above will help you get the perfect look.
Which hairstyle is suitable for dance classes
When going to dance classes, we are usually limited in the choice of hairstyles. There really are not many options: styling on short hair, a ponytail and a bun. Moreover, the basis of a reliable beam is always the tail! But the tail is not always convenient for training. And of course not for all performances. nine0003
It should be noted that in dance fashion there are very strict boundaries set by the All-Russian public organization "Russian Dance Union". Accordingly, in the training class, the choreographer will require you to have a proper appearance. In a word, it so happened that in all Kazan dance schools, oriental dances are allowed to be practiced with loose hair; samba, rumba and other Latin American dances with a "tail" or "beam". But the Tail is allowed only if its end is not tightly fastened at the top of the dress.
Otherwise, rotations, and even just turning your head, will lead to the fact that you will whip your partner with a tail, a scythe, or just strands of loose hair. nine0003
A special place among the “dance hairstyles” is occupied by the “ballet bun”. True, now it has become very popular and therefore has acquired many variations. Initially, such a hairstyle was done in choreographic schools for classical dance classes, and it can also often be seen on ballerinas. Pinning her hair, the ballerina opens her neck and shoulders, which makes the image even more elegant.
The bun seems to many to be an elementary hairstyle that any girl can create at home. But a sloppy, irregularly shaped bun can ruin not only the hairstyle, but also the overall impression of a dancer of any direction of dance. The same bun that suits you in shape and position can be an elegant, simple and quick option for any occasion: a casual dance class or performance, a dance party or an outing with friends.
The main thing is to choose the appropriate version of the beam and fill your hand. nine0003
There are many variations of the bun hairstyle for different hair types. The height of the beam can vary according to your desire. It can be a classic low, high beam, as well as two beams. The hair is carefully combed so that there are no "roosters". Then they are collected in a ponytail and fixed with an elastic band. Then there is scope for your imagination. If there is so much hair that it is enough for 3 bunches.
Bundles for long thick hair
Very long or thick hair can be gathered into a tight ponytail, wrapped with an elastic band and divided into 2 sections. One can be used for the bun itself, the remaining hair can be styled in rings around the bun using medium-sized hairpins. Also, the second part of the hair can be wetted with varnish and laid out in waves all over the head. For fixing you will need invisibility. From the second part of the hair, you can weave a braid and let it go around the circumference.
Using strands to decorate the beam makes it noticeably easier (photo 2). nine0003
The second option for thick and long hair is to make two perky high buns at the back of the head or twist 2 classic low buns (photo 1).
If you don't like slicked back hair, you can liven it up with a variety of braids. The French braid additionally fixes the hair at the crown, you can dance to any incendiary rhythms without fear for your hair (photo 3).
Shoulder-length bun
Make the bun as usual, pulling the hair into a ponytail with an elastic band. Then wrap the tail with a large terry rubber band on top. Lay your hair on it, forming a bun. As a result, you will get a bun that will be very difficult to distinguish from buns made from thick long hair. nine0003
If you have a bob
But you don't give up on the idea of making a bun, buy an overlay. This is a mesh with two combs on the sides with artificial hair inside. High-quality overlays made of natural hair look very natural.
Rope bun
To make it, comb your hair back as usual. Then twist the ponytail clockwise like a rope, style the hair around the elastic in the same direction and secure with hairpins. You can twist such a bundle of several twisted strands, twist them together or twist them in different directions (photo 4). nine0003
Another variant of this styling is an elongated bunch of their braid-knut. Watch the video tutorial on how to make it!
Drop bun
If you don't pull your hair all the way on the last turn, pulling it into a ponytail with an elastic band, you will get a loose bun. It can be left hanging freely or lifted with the free side and fixed on top, at the crown (photo 5).
A little bouffant at the crown will add sophistication to the bun (photo 6).
Valuable advice
Try to choose hairpins, hairpins, bobby pins and elastic bands to match your hair. For additional fixation of the beam, you can use a mesh - cobweb.
They come in different colors and textures, with small and large cells. Narrow ribbons can be woven into the braids from which the bundle is formed, and the bundles can be decorated with bows, fresh and artificial flowers.
See tutorial on how to make a butterfly and donut bun.
You will find a lot of useful information about dancing on the dance portal
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