How to get the fortnite dance boogie down
How to enable Fortnite 2FA and get the Boogie Down emote
It's highly recommended that you spend some time enabling 2FA (two-factor authentication) for your Fortnite account.
Not only will this keep your account secure from potential fraudsters, you'll also be able to earn an exclusive emote for your trouble. Fortnite cups also require 2FA to be enabled in order to earn rewards like skins.
Here's how to enable 2FA in Fortnite, and what you'll get for doing so.
Watch on YouTube
Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 Cinematic Trailer.- How to enable Fortnite 2FA
- Exlusive Boogie Down emote
- Why you should enable Fortnite two-factor authentication
How to enable Fortnite 2FA
Epic Games has provided an in-depth process for enabling 2FA in Fortnite. You'll find a step-by-step breakdown below:
- Go to the 'Account' page.
- Click the 'Password and Security' tab.
- Under the 'Two-factor Authentication' header, click the 2FA option you want to enable:
- Third-party authenticator app: Use an Authenticator App as your Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
When you sign in you’ll be required to use the security code provided by your Authenticator App.
- SMS Authentication: Use your phone as your Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) when you sign in you’ll be required to use the security code Epic sends you via SMS message.
- Enable email authentication: Use a security code sent to your email address as your Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). The security code will be sent to the address associated with your account. You’ll need to use it in when you sign in.
- If you opt to use an authenticator app for 2FA, these common authenticator apps can be found in your mobile device app store.
- Verify that 2FA is enabled
- Refresh your account page and confirm that the authentication method shows as being enabled by looking for the blue button that says 'On'
Please note that if you choose more than one authentication method, you will want to check the box that says "Make this my primary Two-Factor authentication method" on your preferred method of contact.
Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 is here and with it comes a new Battle Pass! This season has introduced EvoChrome weapons, Chrome Splash locations and the ability to phase through walls. There are also new vault locations and map changes. Darth Vader and Star War weapons, including Lightsabers make a return for Skywalker Week, and the Paradise quests are this season's storyline challenges, including destorying Chrome objects to collect Chrome anomalies. Make sure to check out how to unlock The Herald skin too! Meanwhile, learn how to get XP fast, earn the Victory Umbrella and Victory Crowns.
Exlusive Boogie Down emote
Once you've activated 2FA in Fortnite, load back into the game and you will receive the Boogie Down emote. This is your reward for securing your account, and is the only way you can get this emote currently.
Why you should enable Fortnite two-factor authentication
There are a number of reasons to enable 2FA in Fortnite. The main one is to keep your account secure from fraudsters. Having an extra step when signing into your account makes it harder for someone to access, which is recommended if you have any payment methods linked. V-Bucks scams are unfortunately fairly common, so adding this extra layer of security will mean you'll be less likely to be hacked.
If you're looking to compete in Fortnite cup events, you will also need 2FA enabled. This is so that you can earn the rewards associated with each event. For example, the recent Obi-Wan Cup allowed players to earn the Obi-Wan skin for competing. This was only possible if you had 2FA enabled.
Finally, having two-factor active on your account will allow you to gift items in the Item Shop. You can purchase and gift everything from skins to V-Bucks and send them to your pals.
That's how to enable 2FA on your Fortnite account. For more on the game, check out our guide on Fortnite's current map, so that you can make sure you've unlocked all named locations.
Fortnite game tip: How to get the Boogie Down emote for free - YP
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Time to boogie.
It’s time to dance because Epic Games is giving Fortnite players the Boogie Down emote for free, and all they have to do is secure their account. This is a win-win for players, as it means their accounts will have an extra layer of protection (thanks to two-factor authentication) and they’ll receive a pretty slick lookin’ emote.
In order to unlock the Boogie Down emote in Fortnite, players will need to activate two-factor authentication on their Epic Games account. Two-factor authentication is an additional security system that keeps accounts secure, and it’s incredibly easy to set one up. All players will need is a mobile device that can download an authenticator app, an Epic Games account, and five minutes.
5 tips to help you master Fortnite Battle Royale on your mobile
- Go to:
- Login to Epic Games account
- Go to Profile
- Select Password & Security on the left
- Scroll down to Two-Factor Authentication
- Select Enable Authenticator App
- Download authenticator app to mobile phone (Google Authenticator works well)
- Tap the + symbol on the authenticator app
- Scan the QR code or manually input the digits into the authenticator
- Wait for the authenticator to recognise the Epic Games account
- Input the 6-digit code that appears on the authenticator app into Epic Games
- Click activate
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After these steps are completed, the two-factor authentication will be applied to the Epic Games account, and as such, the Fortnite account. With the two-factor authentication activated, sometimes Fortnite or Epic Games will require players to input the 6-digit code from the authenticator app. To do this, simply open up the authenticator app and input the numbers before they expire, if they expire, simply input the new 6-figure code that appears.
Now all that’s left to do is boot up Fortnite to receive the congratulations on activating the additional security as well as the Boogie Down emote. Load up Battle Royale, head to the locker and get that sweet new dance equipped.
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Description of version 2.

Who: The Fortnite Team
Update to version 2.3.0 is scheduled for January 25th. On the same day, the winter event "Strife with the World" will end.
Hello Fortnite fans!
Another week, another version!.. This week's update fixes bugs and brings some long awaited improvements to Battle Royale. Among other things, you will finally be able to turn off aim assist on consoles.
The Save the World winter event ends on January 25th. And as soon as the snow melts, the Mutant Storms will return!
Vigorous broth
Is your health foolish? Discharged shield? Are there enemies everywhere? Take a sip of the new vigorous brew, and maybe you can survive! Find a safe spot and drain the keg to max out your health and shield within 15 seconds.
End of the winter event
We are grateful to all the Founders who purchased access to Save the World and took part in the celebratory revolution. Let it come to an end, but new adventures lie ahead! As soon as the snow melted, the Mutant Storms immediately decided to return!
Automatic running has appeared!
By default, the = and NumLock keys are used on the PC.
The gamepad defaults to double-tap the left stick.
Aim assist can now be disabled on consoles.
Changed weapon keybindings on AZERTY keyboards. The top row of number keys is now used.
Fixed errors
Power line wooden poles no longer interfere with construction.
Stake Traps from Supply Drops can now be stacked with the same traps you find on the map.
The hit area of the stake trap now more closely matches the movement animation of the stakes. Previously, the affected area was too large.
Fixed a bug that prevented the visual effects of defensive potion and nectar spurting from showing if the character already had a shield.
Fixed a bug due to which Cozy Campfires appeared to be burning even after exhausting their resource.
Fixed a bug due to which the collision of killed characters was displayed for too long.
Fixed a bug that allowed players to hide in Supply Drops if the Supply Drop landed on a crouched character.
Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk through walls while editing them.
Optimized the speed of players traversing building elements when the network connection is poor.
Fixed a bug due to which dropped items fell out of the map and appeared next to a living character.
Basketball hitting a soccer goal is no longer considered a goal.
You can score goals with soccer balls.
Bug fixes
Increased grenade throw trajectory accuracy.
Fixed a bug due to which players could switch between two types of weapons with a telescopic sight without leaving the scope mode.
Character weapons no longer disappear for a while after the Boogie Bomb expires.
Reduced the delay between throwing a grenade and switching to another weapon.
General changes
ShadowPlay Highlights now records when characters are severely injured.
Leaving a match prematurely no longer affects stats and challenge progress. Now the player's achievements are counted only after the victory or death of the character.
Corrected errors
Players can no longer purchase the 10-tier Battle Pass bundle if they have already upgraded the pass to level 65.
Fixed a bug that allowed items in the locker to be rotated around the wrong axis.
Fixed a bug due to which the client on the PC became unresponsive after pressing Alt+Tab.
Players will now revert to scoped view while spectating if the spectated character switches between scoped weapons. Previously, they switched to third-person mode.
Brick building effects fixed.
Players can now mute party members in the lobby screen.
Players blocked from voice chat can no longer use voice chat in the lobby screen.
The ability to automatically reject friend requests has been added to the social widget.
If this feature is enabled, requests will be automatically rejected. Pending friend requests will also be rejected.
Fixed errors
Party and friend invite notifications will now correctly display for Battle Royale players who have never played Save the World.
You will no longer open the map in full screen while spectating a player when the message menu is called up.
This issue occurred when the player was using the "Experienced Warrior" controller configuration.
Emote wheel menu no longer stays on the screen if you opened it during the pre-match stage and didn't close it when finished.
Character pose no longer resets when opening the news widget.
The Net Debug Stats debugging interface now displays server response times more accurately. It will be slightly higher for all players.
Reduced the volume of music in the bus and muffled the sound of jumping from it.
Reduced the volume of the wind whistle during free fall and hang gliding.
Reduced the volume of firefights, footsteps and punches during the pre-match stage.
Removed the croak from the hit sound of the Death Valley Pickaxe.
Some of the sound layers of the new pickaxes, which could be confused with the whistle of bullets flying past, have been removed.
Fixed errors
Dance emote melodies no longer overlap.
The sound of the loot chest is no longer muffled by pickaxe hitting sounds.
Fixed bugs
Fixed a missing part of the crane model in the junkyard.
Fixed two areas near the edge of a river where players could hide underground.
Equipment spawn points have been added to Cursed Hills.
Fixed a section of the Wet Bog not slowing characters down.
In the Treacherous Mines, the minecart that could not be destroyed has been fixed.
Fixed a bug due to which the football stadium did not always load correctly.
Fixed a texture seam near the plumbing factory that allowed players to see through the map.
- Added a collision model to pillars in Cursed Hills so that characters can no longer hide inside.
- Football stadium now plays the correct visuals after a goal.
Mutant Storms are back in a new event!
The storm season is coming. Mutant Storms dot the entire map.
In addition to the usual resources for development, emergency missions with Mutant Storms bring Stormbucks.
Up to 5 Mutant Storms are available in Stonewood at the same time. In Plankerton, Canny Valley and Lynch Peaks, up to 25 Mutant Storms can be available at the same time.
Purchased upgraded llamas contain BureBucks.
All missions will continue to bring seasonal gold, and daily tasks - daily coins.
Most of the event quests bring Stormbucks.
The Legendary Hydra Transformation Recipe is now available in the Event Store!
In addition, the event shop has the legendary Hype BASE constructor.
Since the Mutant Storms event is once again giving the opportunity to obtain the legendary Hydra, the blueprint for this weapon can now be salvaged or placed in a collection book. In addition, he began to take a place in the arsenal.
For every 1,000 Snowflake Tickets you have left, you will automatically receive a Festive Llama, which will await its fate in the loot tab. The rest of the tickets will expire.
Mini bosses
Mini-bosses will still appear on the maps, but there will be fewer urgent missions with them than during the festive event.
Up to three mini-boss missions can spawn in Stonewood at the same time, and up to six mini-boss missions can spawn in Plankerton, Canny Valley, and Lynch Peaks at the same time.
These mini-boss missions are a replacement for the previous generic missions. Result:
you can now meet mini-bosses on urgent missions of higher difficulty, which you have not yet reached in the story;
As a reward for completing Mini Boss Urgent Missions, you can get a variety of items, including transformation recipes, blueprints, survivors, and more!
Return of mini-boss quests.
Completing these quests will reward you with seasonal gold, and the quests can be completed multiple times.
Seasonal gold can be used to buy goods in the event store.
Auto run added!
By default, the = and NumLock keys are used on the PC.
The gamepad defaults to double-tap the left stick.
Damage dealt to the environment with melee weapons has been standardized.
Previously, melee weapons dealt 20% to 70% damage depending on the type of weapon and the material being destroyed.
All weapons now deal 50% damage to wood and stone, but only 20% damage to metal.
Pickaxes were not affected by this change.
Fixed bugs
Frag grenades and cluster bombs no longer fall underwater; earlier, because of this, the soldier could not throw a second grenade.
The ability to automatically reject friend requests has been added to the social widget.
If this feature is enabled, requests will be automatically rejected.
Pending friend requests will also be rejected.
Fixed errors
One-time item conversion recipes can now only craft items of the same rarity as the recipe.
Urgent mission rewards are no longer displayed in the game objective menu if the player has already completed the current mission or reached the limit of urgent missions.
Fixed UI display when buying llamas during tutorial.
Fixed a visual bug that prevented the Survivors' power bar from changing as they leveled up.
Graphics and animation
We've removed the flashing lights from the warm lamp weapons and sent them to the closet until next year. Now the bulbs will turn to the usual orange color.
Energy weapons no longer appear completely blue.
Known Issues
In some cases, such as joining players to matches, changing players' equipment, and changing the time of day, the game stutters.
The friends interface is displayed incorrectly.
Using the Dummy Dancer Device in Fortnite 9 Creative Mode0001
On this page
The "Dancer Mannequin" device can be used to project holographic images of characters that perform various dance emotions.
Customize your mannequins with a wide range of character designs, emotes and device colors.
Find and locate device
Click image to enlarge.
In creative mode press the 9 key0021 Tab to open creative inventory .
Click on the Devices tab. Scroll to select a device, or use the Search field or the [ list of categories relevant for the device ] option on the Category panel on the left.
Click PLACE to place the device immediately, or drag it to QUICK ACCESS PANEL to post later.
Press Esc to return to the island in creative mode. Use the phone to position the device, then click to place it. Press F to switch to the pickaxe and disconnect the device from the phone. Press tilde key (\~) to switch back to phone.
Point your phone at the device. If the popup is "Edit" didn't open immediately, move your phone closer until it appears and then press E to open the personalization panel.
Device Settings
The main settings of this device allow you to change the character and emote, add a flicker, or change the color of the device. Additional device options allow you to select additional character skins and emotes that will be switched when activated through a channel.
The following device parameters are available to you.
Standard values in bold .
Main parameters
Parameter | Meaning | Description |
Standard character template | Chewing Gum , Choose Character Skin | Allows you to select a standard character skin preset. |
Pedestal display | Incl. , Disabled | Determines whether the pedestal is displayed. |
Show lighting | On , Disabled | Turn the hologram lighting on and off. |
Standard dance blank | A1 , Select blank | Allows you to select a standard dance preset. |
Standard Shade Stock | 0.0 , Select shade | Allows you to select a default shade preset for the device. |
Flicker | Enabled, Disabled | Specifies whether the device will use a flicker effect during operation. |
Pedestal color | Light steel , Dark steel | Allows you to select the color of the pedestal. |
Hue priority | Off , Party Mode, Silhouette Mode | Enables the modes Party or Silhouette . Takes precedence over hue settings. |
All options (optional)
Parameter | Meaning | Description | |
Active during phase | No, All , Pre-game only, Gameplay only | Determines at what stages of the game the device will be active. | |
Second character template | Gum , Choose Character Skin | Allows you to select the second character skin preset. | Activated with signal "Activate second blank on channel" . |
Third character template | Gum , Choose Character Skin | Allows you to select the third character skin preset. | Activated with signal "Activate third blank on channel" . |
Second dance piece | A1 , Select blank | Allows you to select the second dance preset. | |
Third dance piece | A1 , Select blank | Allows you to select the third dance preset. Activated with signal "Activate third blank on channel" . | |
Second shade blank | 0.0 , Select shade | Allows you to select a second shade preset for the device. | Activated with signal "Activate second blank on channel" . |
Third shade blank | 0. | Allows you to select a third shade preset for the device. | Activated with signal "Activate third blank on channel" . |
When one device needs to "talk" to another device, it transmits a signal on a special channel. The receiving device must be configured to receive a signal on the same channel.
The channel is identified by number and the channel numbers are configured for the device by the parameter using the channel. Most devices also identify the player who activated the device with a signal.
The device has receivers that perform various actions when it receives a signal on the channel. In addition, this device can transmit signals when certain conditions are met.
Receivers wait for a signal on a channel and perform an action when they receive a signal sent on that channel from any device (including themselves).
Parameter | Meaning | Description |
Enable capture of images and emotions when receiving a signal | Without channel , Select channel | Takes on the appearance and emotions of the character that activated the signal on this channel. |
Disable capture of images and emotions when receiving a signal | Without channel , Select channel | Returns the image and emotions on this channel to their original settings. |
Activate standard stock when signal is received | Without channel , Select channel | Activates a stock preset when a signal is received on a specific channel. |
Activate the second blank when receiving a signal | Without channel , Select channel | Activates the second blank when a signal is received on a specific channel. Activated with signal "Activate second blank on channel" . |
Activate the third blank when signal 9 is received0022 | Without channel , Select channel | Activates the third blank when a signal is received on a specific channel. |