How to do the cuban shuffle dance
A Child's Prayer Cupid's Shuffle Dance
by Janel
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The kids will love learning a simple but fun A Child’s Prayer Cupid’s Shuffle dance routine! It’s a great movement activity that will get them up and having fun while repeating the song over and over.
This fun activity is a great way to have fun reviewing A Child’s Prayer Primary song with a movement activity that involves the whole Primary!
*12 A Child’s Prayer Singing Time Ideas Here*A Child’s Prayer Cupid’s Shuffle
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How to Play:
Sing through A Child’s Prayer first, before introducing the Cupid’s Shuffle dance moves!
Teach the first 2 parts of the dance song first, without words:
- Take three steps to the right.
You can simply take 3 steps, or turn to walk “straight” to the right, or do a grapevine where you step one foot behind the other.
- Take three steps back to the left. You can again simply take 3 steps or any of the alternates above, heading left this time.
Try this sequence a few times.
Then show them the speed to use. You’ll do each set of steps “roughly” within a measure. I say roughly, as the lyrics are off from the staff, each set of lyrics are offset halfway through the 3 notes. So, you’ll follow the lyrics rather than the bars of a measure.
- Take 3 steps to the right “Heavenly Father”
- Take 3 steps to the left “Are you really there”
Sing through the song repeating these 2 steps or continue to teach them the rest of the moves.
Now, you’ll teach them the next two steps of the Cupid’s Shuffle.
- Tap alternating heel’s out in front of you. Tap right heel to the ground, then left heel, then right heel. As an alternative you can simply tap the same heel 3 times and do forward, back, and forward again like the Hokey Pokey.
- Take 3 measures to shuffle and turn to the left. You can do a big dramatic spin and end to the left. Or you can dip or jump or any other action, then end to the left! This is a fun one for adding in some variety and personality!
After you’ve practiced these new moves a few times, you’ll add them to the rhythm of the song:
- Take 3 steps to the right – “Heavenly Father”
- Take 3 steps to the left – “Are you really there”
- Tap your heel 3 times – “And do you hear and answer”
- Shuffle and Turn to the Left – “every child’s prayer”
Continue to repeat the Cupid’s Shuffle routine throughout the song.
Here’s the pacing to help you stay on track when practicing:
Cupid’s Shuffle Dance Routine- 3 to the right “Heavenly Father”
- 3 to the left “Are you really there”
- 3 heel taps “And do you hear and answer”
- 3 shuffle + turn “every child’s prayer”
- 3 to the right “Some say that heaven”
- 3 to the left “is far away”
- 3 heel taps “but I feel it close around me”
- 3 shuffle + turn “as I pray”
- 3 to the right “Heavenly Father”
- 3 to the left “I remember now”
- 3 heel taps “something that Jesus”
- 3 shuffle + turn “told disciples long ago”
- 3 to the right “Suffer the children”
- 3 to the left “to come to me”
- 3 heel taps “Father in Prayer I’m”
- 3 shuffle + turn “coming now to thee”
Extension Activities:
- Let the children pick a different action to do for your right steps and left steps.
- Try the dance moves on double speed!
- Have the kids come up front and show off their mastery of the dance routine! Have any kids from one class that want to come up front do so, then everyone else sings while those volunteers focus on the dance steps. Then, switch classes and sing again!
Keep reading below to grab the printable dance routine! If you’d like another fun singing time idea to teach A Child’s Prayer this Dropped Pictures activity is simple, fun, and effective!
A Child’s Prayer Cupid’s Shuffle
Dance Routine Steps & Printable
In this A Child’s Prayer Cupid’s Shuffle printable lesson plan, there’s a 2 page overview with the dance routine steps explained and ideas for how to incorporate it into your singing time.
There’s also a cute 1-page poster that shows the steps to help visual learners remember the steps you will be teaching.
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Oración de un niño – Danza de Cupido
Head over next to see our A Child’s Prayer Egg Shakers singing time idea!
What other fun alternate dance moves could you do in this A Child’s Prayer Cupid’s Shuffle dance routine?
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What Is The Shuffle Dance? Learn How To Do It In 5 Minutes!
In the recent years, we’ve seen a lot of EDM fans show off this weird, and somewhat new, dance move in a lot of music videos, throughout the web and on Youtube in their own personal videos. It seems like you are missing out on a lot of fun when you’re not sure what it’s all about and how to do it.
At first sight, it seems like the person is running while smiling and having a good time. To dance music fans, shuffling is more than just having a good time. As with most things EDM-related, it is a form of self expression, an accomplishment, and as some put it “a way to improve their mental and physical health”.
The Shuffle dance was developed in the 1980s, it is improvised dancing where the person repeatedly “shuffles” the feet inwards, then outwards, while thrusting their arms up and down, or side to side, in time with the beat.
Let’s go into more details and learn more about the dance and find out how you can start dancing it in 5 minutes!
Where did it start?
The Shuffling dance started in Melbourne, Australia, in the underground rave scene back in the early 1980s. Back then, it was known as the Melbourne Shuffle. With the growth of the electronic dance music scene around the world, Shuffling dance popularity grew and is now practiced by people from around the world at all the major EDM festivals. In 2012, the Melbourne Shuffle became a popular dance in the UK and became known as simply “The Shuffle”.
The Best Music For Shuffling
Melbourne’s underground scene in the early 90s was under the huge influence of Techno music. This high-BPM electronic music sub-genre placed the perfect beat for shuffle dancers. But shuffling became so popular that it crossed over into electro house and hardstyle genres. Today, shuffling spans into almost the full spectrum of electronic dance music. We’ve seen shuffling in videos from EDM, Trance, House, Techno, Electro and most of it’s sub-genres.
The best music for Shuffling is usually the more upbeat versions of electronic music. Although any EDM genre will work for the dance. Which makes Shuffling a very versatile dancing style: you can choose whatever music you want to dance on. There’s no limit to how much you can personalize this dance.
Check out this Spotify playlist for music to Shuffle dance on.
Shuffling For Beginners
As a beginner, you have to learn to master just two basic moves before moving on to the more advanced stuff.
The first image below shows the T-step movement. The second is the same T-step combined with a variation of the running man dance. You can take a closer look at the dance by watching it being performed by Janet Jackson in the video of her hit “Rhythm Nation”.
A great tip you can keep in mind as beginners is that you can sprinkle talcum powder or add liquid to the floor to help you slide more smoothly and easily.
After mastering the basic shuffle moves you can now throw in some jumps, spins and slides. You’ll make the dance your own, having a complete shuffle routine that’s personalized and unique to you alone. After that, all you need is some awesome EDM banging music blasting through your speakers and let the fun begin!
Time To Learn How To Shuffle
Learning how to shuffle might seem like a difficult task, but it really isn’t!
When you take it slow, understand the steps and practice, you’ll be ready to hit the dance floor in no time!
As we previously mentioned, you’ll be starting out by learning the basic “running man” move. With time, you’ll be able to switch things up and add your unique twists to the overall dance. Hell, you might end up having a unique dance for every song, you’ll become the unstoppable Shuffle Master! Sounds awesome no?
In the below tutorial video, you will learn the basics of Running Man. You’ll start by breaking down the steps easily and after that we put the steps to the counts and then to the music.
When getting started, keep these tips in mind:
1. Start slow – learn and practice the basics over a period of time
2. Dance in front of a mirror to better see what you’re doing
3. Copy the experts: watch Youtube videos to see how others are doing it
4. Wear good shoes and socks (or your feet will hurt like hell!)
5. Start slow, use slower BPM tracks such as deep house at first to get the hang of it first
6. Find people who already have mastered the dance and become friends, they’ll give you tips and tricks from their own experience
And most importantly, DON’T GIVE UP! Like everything in life, this will take it’s time to master and will need practice time, even though it looks easy in the videos.
Here Are Some Advanced Moves
The Kick Side Step:
The Charleston Shuffle:
Club Dance Footwork Moves:
Are There Any Benefits To Shuffling?
Shuffling, as you might have already discovered by now, is a lot of work. Your legs are moving, your hands are moving and your whole body is balancing itself throughout. You will be sweating in out when you shuffle, that’s almost a guarantee. But consider it a workout. Throughout the years, fitness experts and clubs have promoted dancing to music as a sort of exercise regime. And it is! Nowadays, shuffling falls into that category.
During a shuffling dance, your full body is moving and shaking. Burning around 500-1,500 calories an hour. Your leg muscles, calves, and glutes (and behind area) are getting toned with every passing minute, in addition to the toning of your abdominal muscles, with every twist and turn. Your legs get a serious focus, in addition to the muscles being stretched and toned, the joints and ligaments in your legs are getting some much needed attention. They’re getting extra strength with every active move.
But shuffling not only improves physical health. It can do wonders to your mental health as well. Similar to other physical workouts, shuffling releases endorphins into your nervous system. These are the anti-stress hormones, and the longer you shuffle, the longer they’ll stay in your system and the more stress and anxiety goes out of your way.Shuffling also improves mental focus, you’re in your zone trying to keep the rhythm going and focused on your moves, being in this mindful state is very beneficial to you. Once you’re in your rhythm and going about your dance, the success of every move will boost your confidence levels and keep you away from the everyday stresses of our lives. You’ll have a great sense of accomplishment after a successful streak. One dance will create a momentum in you to keep on going and try the more complex moves and get out of your comfort zone.
Speaking of “zones” being focused on your body movements will also bring you closer to the music. This deeper appreciation for the melodies and the detailed undertones of the track adds a special bond between you and your favorite artists.
There’s a whole community of Shuffle dancers out there. With the above knowledge and some time to practice, you’ll join them on the dance floor and you’ll be showing those awesome moves at the next EDM festival in no time!
Want more? Learn how to grind dance in minutes, go to our article right here.
Read More on EDM Festival Insider:
How to Dance Cha Cha Cha: 6 Steps (with Pictures)
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In this article:
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Cha-cha-cha is a popular Afro-Cuban dance often performed at ballroom dance events and also in Latin clubs. The music for cha-cha-cha is written in 4/4 time signature and about 30 bars per minute (120 beats per minute) in a medium-fast, syncopated theme.
Cha-cha-cha is usually considered a couples dance in which the "leader" (traditionally - although not necessarily - a man) will control the flow of the dance, guide the follower and decide which combination to do, etc., while the "follower" (usually, this is a woman) will try to match the movements and tact of the host.
There is a basic combination, also known as side step or chassé or closed base. It is described here from the point of view of the master (part of the actions of the follower are approximately identical; the biggest difference is that it moves backward when the master moves forward, and vice versa). Note that other cha-cha combinations replace some or all elements of the base combination with uncommon elements. The basic combination of cha-cha-cha counts as 2-3-cha-cha-cha, or 2-3-4&1 if you know how to count the musical rhythm.
Step forward with your left foot. "Dance Step" means to take one step (in this case a forward step), putting your entire weight on your foot (in this case your left foot), but NOT lifting or moving your back foot, then transferring your body weight to your other foot (in this case case on the right). Read on for more details:
- Small step forward with left foot on bar TWO of music.
- Rock (i.e., shift your weight) back onto your right foot for a count of THREE.
- Small step forward with left foot on bar TWO of music.
Chasse left, otherwise called cha-cha-cha left. "Chasse" means you take a step, then put your feet together and transfer your weight to the foot you just moved, then take the third step with your original foot. So it looks like this: step, together, step - as if one foot is chasing the second and trying to catch up with it with each next step. Note that "together" means that you actually feel your feet touching. In this case, our chassé is on the left, so it consists of three quick steps to the lead's left side for two beats of music. More:
- take a tiny step with your left foot to the left on the FOURTH measure of the music (this is the first "cha" in "cha-cha-cha").
- Place your right foot together with your left, and transfer your weight to your right foot; do this halfway between the fourth and the first.
(This is the second "cha").
- Step left with your left foot for a count of ONE. This is the third and final "cha" in "cha-cha-cha". This may be a step slightly larger than the previous ones, visually reflecting the emphasis on bar 1 that you hear in the music, although this is not a hard and fast rule.
"Dance step back" with the right foot. This is similar to stepping forward, except you are moving backwards and on the other foot. Detailed description:
- Small step back with the right foot, counting TWO. As in the forward step, shift your weight onto that foot, but don't lift your other foot off the floor (the left heel may lift, but don't really move your left foot back, or lift your heel into the air).
- Swing (i.e., shift your weight) forward onto your left foot for a count of THREE.
Chassis right .
It is very similar to the chasse to the left, only it is done to the right.
- Tiny step to the right with right foot, count of FOUR.
- Put your left foot together with your right (means that they should touch each other), and transfer your weight to your left foot. This will happen halfway between bar 4 and bar 1.
- Step right for the count of ONE.
Repeat from “dance step forward with left foot”. At this point, hopefully your left foot is free to take a step forward, after which you will chasse to the left again, and so on.
- Place your feet together on the chassis. Together . A push step instead of a chassé looks sloppy. By the way, this is much, much easier to do if the first step of the chassé was like that of a tiny child. Did we mention taking small steps?
- Latin dance moves are five billion times easier if you take small steps (although this can be done with slightly larger steps).
- Cha-cha-cha is one of the more complex ballroom dances. The combinations are complex (though not as complex as West Coast swing) and the tempo is fast (though not as fast as the Viennese Waltz). This manual can help you get started, but learning to dance from description is extremely difficult. Look for teachers and classes. By the way, group lessons can be much cheaper than individual lessons.
- Take small steps. Less than this one. No, even less.
- Practice! It takes three hundred rehearsals to develop muscle memory, but it takes ten thousand to bring it down to a purely instinctive level.
- Don't look at your feet; keep your head up. Trust your sense of body position to understand where your feet are. If you need to see your legs, use a full wall mirror positioned so that you can see your legs while your head is fully up. Resist the urge to look down. In fact, don't even look down when trying to see the floor, as this will subconsciously cause the head to move forward and down.
- Latin hip movements are difficult to master and most likely impossible to learn from textual description alone, but you can start with your legs, which play an important role in building Latin hip movements, and add knees when you master the legs. To make your legs and knees move vaguely like Latin dance moves, whenever you transfer your weight from your C foot, lift the heel of that foot, allowing the knee to bend but the ball of your foot still touching the floor, then slide your foot into its new position, toes all are still touching the floor, and lower your entire foot as you transfer your weight onto it, straightening your knee, allowing the other heel to rise as the weight is removed from it. So, in other words, you walk on your toes, but when you transfer weight, you lower your foot to the entire plane of the foot (or “toe-heel, toe-heel, toe-heel” you will hear ad nauseam if you ever take rumba lessons or cha-cha-cha). The leg that bears the weight always stands on the floor with the whole foot and the knee is straight; the leg, on which there is no weight, touches the floor, but the heel is raised and the knee is slightly bent.
Neither foot loses complete contact with the floor.
- Once you've mastered the basic combinations above, mix the above elements with some more advanced moves. This assumes that you will lead, as the leader chooses which combination to make. The easiest combination to describe in text is the main pass, also known as the back-and-forth base or the forward base. To make the main pass, after you finish the dance step back on your right foot and switch to your left, take the forward cha-cha movement (three quick steps, right-left-right; this takes the place of a right-hand chassé), then dance forward on your left foot as normal (and slide back onto your right foot as usual), cha-cha-cha back (left-right-left) instead of chassé to the left, and finally dance back on your right foot and switch feet. You can then repeat this as well, or chassé to the right (returning to the base combo). As a result, the dance steps in the main passage are identical to the basic combination; the only difference in the combination is that you walk back and forth with cha-cha instead of side-to-side steps.
This is called the main pass because your feet actually move past each other in a cha-cha instead of coming together.
- The harmony of the leader and the follower is achieved through close contact between partners through the arms / shoulders / back with the participation of muscles. This encloses the two dancers together in a "frame" that allows the leader to move them both in unison. The follower should not know in advance which combination the leader will perform.
- In the ballroom dance subculture, you shouldn't turn down if someone asks you to dance at a social event, and you shouldn't be jealous if someone asks your partner to dance. Within this subculture, it is considered normal and polite for a man to walk around the hall and dance with other people's wives or girlfriends in turn.
- There are several regional and cultural varieties of cha-cha, some of which are more of a "ballroom" style, while others resemble the "street" style.
A comparison of different versions or varieties of cha-cha is beyond the scope of this article, as it attempts to determine which is more "authentic" or "correct". This article is about the "ballroom" style of cha-cha, or American style. The international cha-cha-cha style is similar, at least in the basic steps. Western cha-cha and country style are less similar, but cha-cha can still be recognized there.
What will you need
- Music: A few good cha-cha tunes such as "Sway" by the Pussycat Dolls (or Dan Martin or Michael Bubble or Julie London), "Todo, todo, todo" by Daniela Romo (or any of the other artists on this song), "Let's get loud" by Jennifer Lopez, "Save the Last Dance For Me" by Michael Bubble, or just search YouTube for "cha-cha-cha music".
- Partner: While theoretically you can learn the steps on your own, you won't learn to lead or follow until you practice leading and/or being led, and this can only be done with a real partner.
- A smooth, uncluttered floor: A solid hardwood floor is best, but not essential. Tiled floors work well too, although your feet may get more tired after a while. Carpets, on the other hand, make turns difficult, and if you dance too much on the carpet, the carpet will wear out faster than you think (it's not for nothing that the Americans call the dance "rug cutting", which means "cutting the carpet").
- Shoes that can slide and rotate easily, i.e. shoes with smooth soles. You don't need "dance shoes" directly; elegant shoes with leather soles are perfect. It's a lot harder to dance in sneakers or sneakers (although dance sneakers do exist and they work, they're quite expensive - plus, who wants to go to ballroom dancing in sneakers?) No and no flip flops, as they come off too easily.
About this article
In other languages
Cha-cha-cha is a popular Afro-Cuban dance often performed at ballroom dance events as well as in Latin clubs.

This page has been viewed 21,829 times. How to learn how to dance shuffle - Lifehacker
Iya Zorina
Author of Lifehacker, athlete, CCM
0 This dance style includes a lot of freedom and improvisation. That is why he is so good. You can master the basic movements in a couple of hours, and then complicate them to infinity and combine them with each other, create your own combinations and spy on others.
Dance in sneakers, socks or bare feet, in any outfit, anywhere.
Master the basic movements of the shuffle
In this style, you do all the basic movements with your feet, your arms most often move freely - according to your heart.
Running man
This is the most basic and essential shuffle movement. You can do it in three different ways.
Full foot
The movement begins by bending your knee and lifting one leg. Next, you need to simultaneously put both legs - supporting and raised - at a distance of one step from each other.
The raised leg is placed forward on a full foot, the standing one behind slips back on the ball of the foot and remains on it - the heel is not placed on the floor. The weight is evenly distributed between the two legs.
After that, it remains to return to the starting position. To do this, the front leg slides back, and at the same time, the back leg is pulled up. You find yourself in the starting position and repeat the cycle. The movement itself is soft and springy: do not stick into the floor, keep your legs relaxed.
This is a lighter and faster running man look that may be needed for some combinations. Here you put your foot not on the whole foot, but on the heel. At the same time, the one standing behind remains on the toe.
On pads
In this variation, the foot is placed forward on the pad. At the same time, the one standing behind also remains on the ball of the foot, and the body leans slightly back.
In this movement, one foot constantly makes a “herringbone” - turns the heel in and out - and the second touches the floor and immediately rises back.
When the heel of the skating leg turns inward, the toe of the other leg touches the floor; when outward, the other leg rises, turning the knee inward.
It turns out two positions: closed - when the legs are wrapped with the knees inward, and one leg is raised, and open - when the legs are turned out with the knees outward, and the toe touches the floor. Practice doing the T-step in both directions: slowly at first, then with acceleration.
You jump on one foot, and the other touches the floor in different places: on the side of the supporting leg, across, behind - anywhere you want. You can put your foot on the toe or on the heel - the latter is called a kick. The supporting leg can simply rise low or perform a T-step - move the heel out and in.
To begin, you turn your knees and toes inward and lift one leg. Then turn your toes and knees outward, and put your raised leg forward crosswise. Repeat the same with the other leg.
All movement takes place on the balls of the feet, the heels do not fall to the floor. You can move both forward and backward.
First you put your feet crosswise with your toes outward with a jump, then also with a jump you spread your legs to the sides.
One leg is straight, standing on the whole foot, the other is with a bent knee on the pad. Leaning on the pad, you slip the foot of a straight leg back, as if wiping the sole on the floor.
Immediately after the slip, you turn around. In the turn, the straight leg bends and goes to the pad, and the one that was on the pad, on the contrary, turns on the heel. After that, it remains only to change legs and move in the same way in the other direction.
From the starting position - standing with a raised leg, as in Running man - you turn your hips to the side with a jump and put your legs crosswise.
The front foot is on the heel, the back foot is on the ball. Then you jump back to the starting position and do the same on the other side.
From the starting position, you turn your hips to the side with a jump and spread your legs a step apart from each other. The standing foot in front is placed on the heel, the standing one behind remains on the pillow. Then, with a jump, you collect your legs and do the same on the other side.
Try other variations of the basic shuffle movements
You can perform basic movements in different directions: forward and backward, turning around. This will give you more freedom to improvise.
Variations Running man
Do several times in place and then turn around. You can also try walking this way to the side. Each time the leg will need to be placed slightly crossed in order to slowly move to the side.
Variations T‑step
You can lower your foot on the toe, on the whole foot, touch the floor to the side of the supporting leg or forward and behind it.
You can also keep the other leg on the floor at all - leave it on the toe and turn the knee in and out.
Variations Diamond
Here one more element is added to the movement – the heel strike. In the starting position, you wrap the toes of the feet and knees inward, and then jump on the heels, turning the socks to the sides.
From this position, without jumping, you turn your toes and knees inward, cross your legs with a jump, turning your feet with your toes outward, and then return to the starting position.
Charleston Variations
After three turns of the Charleston, turn both toes in one direction and then in the other. At the end, you can turn the knee to the side.
Connect familiar shuffle moves
While you lack the skills to move freely and come up with something of your own, learn a few combinations. They contain interesting movements that will replenish your dance vocabulary.
Combination 1
This is a simple combination of two basic movements - Running man and T-step. First take five Running man steps, then four T-steps to the side and repeat the same in the opposite direction.
Combination 2
Another combination of two basic movements. Here you do three Running mans, then one T‑step with a back foot touch, and two front heel touch kicks. The same on the other side.
Combination 3
There are no standard steps here, but there are already familiar Sidekick and transition from heels to toes.
Learn more difficult combinations
We will add some videos with good combinations.
1. Cool video for beginners: movements are repeated in slow motion to make it easier to dance to the music.
2. And here the combination is analyzed step by step in slow motion, dividing it into three parts. Very comfortably. Look for more on this channel, there are several such analyzes.
3. No slowdown here, just a great combination. But you already know almost all the movements, so you can figure it out. If something is not clear, watch the video at a speed of 0.25.
Choose the music and improvise
Surely you have favorite songs that you can shuffle to.