How to do the arm swing dance
arm swing dance and lights
For You
Warda Asif
ft. my LED lights going ✨ #fyp #dance #tutorial #dancetutorial #smoothcriminal #remix #loop #trend #BeKind #ledlights #bling #foryou #woah #viral
311 Likes, 6 Comments. TikTok video from Warda Asif (@imwardaasif): "ft. my LED lights going ✨ #fyp #dance #tutorial #dancetutorial #smoothcriminal #remix #loop #trend #BeKind #ledlights #bling #foryou #woah #viral". woah | 🙅♀️ | swing R,L arm | .... Smooth criminal remix.
Smooth criminal remix - Jaida ❤️
jiaxuan with no F
energy is LOW after 3hrs of arm swinging dance
913 Likes, 14 Comments. TikTok video from jiaxuan with no F (@jiaxuanwithnof): "energy is LOW after 3hrs of arm swinging dance". ZOOM.
ZOOM - Jessi
Be OD w the arm swing 🤣
801 Likes, 29 Comments. TikTok video from darioboricua (@darioboricua): "Be OD w the arm swing 🤣". Pov: every tiktok lightskin. original sound.
original sound - THE A.K. WAY
the arm swing and perfect lighting😈 #fyp #mtr #sekou
176 Likes, 7 Comments. TikTok video from Ler🧛🏼💋 (@vampler_7): "the arm swing and perfect lighting😈 #fyp #mtr #sekou". Lightskins on my fyp when they find a new sound. original sound.
original sound - Erit_Sekou
Dance tutorials💎
Freak tutorial👊#dance #foryoupage #dancetutorials #trends #hoddiegang #ledlights
TikTok video from Dance tutorials💎 (@nvnk_dances): "Freak tutorial👊#dance#foryoupage#dancetutorials#trends#hoddiegang#ledlights". Swing arm | 👊&click | Sway hips | .... Freak (feat. REI AMI).
Freak (feat. REI AMI) - Sub Urban
Gotta love these lights! #tiktoker #foryou #dance #lights #armmovements #dj #music #dancemusic #clubbing
956 Likes, 26 Comments. TikTok video from Kim (@_kim_lawless_): "Gotta love these lights! #tiktoker #foryou #dance #lights#armmovements #dj #music #dancemusic #clubbing". Riot - Carl Cox Remix.
Riot - Carl Cox Remix - Pan-Pot
Janelle Diamond
Arm Swing dancee 💃🏾#phiasims @phia.sims #imvu #imvudance #imvuchallenge #imvutiktok #viral #fypシ #fyp #trending #dance #fashion
302 Likes, 7 Comments. TikTok video from Janelle Diamond (@thebaddestbadgirl): "Arm Swing dancee 💃🏾#phiasims @phia.sims #imvu #imvudance #imvuchallenge #imvutiktok #viral #fypシ #fyp #trending #dance #fashion". original sound.
original sound - 🤍
Omg why am I doing the light skin arm swing
190 Likes, 10 Comments. TikTok video from Leyshaa (@leyshaa): "Omg why am I doing the light skin arm swing". original sound.
original sound - Playboiisoundss🉐🖤
doing our lil dancey dance #lights #dance #trend
998 Likes, 25 Comments. TikTok video from Khadija (@khadija.rehman): "doing our lil dancey dance #lights #dance #trend". Lights.
Lights - Em1r

@dregotmadrizz @UnionK @kuvarie @.mierre did i do it right??💀#lightskin
105 Likes, 6 Comments. TikTok video from tretre. (@ur.tre): "@dregotmadrizz @UnionK @kuvarie @.mierre did i do it right??💀#lightskin". The arm swing too op . som original.
som original - tefy 🎸
arms swing dance | TikTok Search
For You
Kausha Campbell
We’re obsessed with the partner arm-swing move! @Shariah True #getdownonit #dance DC: @BDash @Miranda Derrick
23.1K Likes, 517 Comments. TikTok video from Kausha Campbell (@kausha_campbell): "We’re obsessed with the partner arm-swing move! @Shariah True #getdownonit #dance DC: @BDash @Miranda Derrick". Get Down On It.
Get Down On It - Kool & The Gang
The arm swing 🤣 #afrotiktok #dance #london #uk #vibes #mòhwalk #birthday @JE @BLACK @itsschioma_
393 Likes, 6 Comments. TikTok video from s.e.o (@oluwaseni.eo): "The arm swing 🤣 #afrotiktok #dance #london #uk #vibes #mòhwalk #birthday @JE @BLACK @itsschioma_". suono originale.
suono originale - Moise_kean
jiaxuan with no F
energy is LOW after 3hrs of arm swinging dance
913 Likes, 14 Comments. TikTok video from jiaxuan with no F (@jiaxuanwithnof): "energy is LOW after 3hrs of arm swinging dance". ZOOM.
ZOOM - Jessi
Taylor Danielle
The arm swing is so fun to me... lol 💁🏼♀️ #ProjectCar #dance #foryoupage #fyp
3K Likes, 27 Comments. TikTok video from Taylor Danielle (@_taydanielle): "The arm swing is so fun to me... lol 💁🏼♀️ #ProjectCar #dance #foryoupage #fyp". Jzuz tarhini i still got my money.
Jzuz tarhini i still got my money - @jzuz
Janelle Diamond
Arm Swing dancee 💃🏾#phiasims @phia.sims #imvu #imvudance #imvuchallenge #imvutiktok #viral #fypシ #fyp #trending #dance #fashion
302 Likes, 7 Comments. TikTok video from Janelle Diamond (@thebaddestbadgirl): "Arm Swing dancee 💃🏾#phiasims @phia.sims #imvu #imvudance #imvuchallenge #imvutiktok #viral #fypシ #fyp #trending #dance #fashion". original sound.
original sound - 🤍
Reply to @you_need.therapy
288 Likes, 17 Comments. TikTok video from ☠️Daymen☠️ (@daymen_is_swaggy): "Reply to @you_need.therapy". Roblox is my life.
Roblox is my life - Emily Montes
Swinging tf out my arms on this dance😭 #fyp #justforfun
TikTok video from JJ (@jj.yung): "Swinging tf out my arms on this dance😭 #fyp #justforfun". original sound.
original sound - the iso’s 🥀
Join me in an armswinging dance! #justforfun #partytime #dancing #dancingman
70 Likes, 5 Comments. TikTok video from GuyInCostume (@lanval777): "Join me in an armswinging dance! #justforfun #partytime #dancing #dancingman". original sound.
original sound - GuyInCostume
#imvu #imvugame #imvudance #imvukid
TikTok video from Royalty💓 (@9blixxss): "#imvu #imvugame #imvudance #imvukid". Arms Swinging Dance. original sound.
original sound - Royalty💓
ARM SWING #imvu #imvuchallenge #imvutiktok #phiasims #phiasims💕 #foryou #fyp #ptp #foryourpage #tiktokdance #armswingchallenge
202 Likes, 18 Comments. TikTok video from Bebaa (@bebaaa5121): "ARM SWING #imvu #imvuchallenge #imvutiktok #phiasims #phiasims💕 #foryou #fyp #ptp #foryourpage #tiktokdance #armswingchallenge". original sound.
original sound - 🤍
Swings. How to teach a dog to dance, or Sports dog training
A swing is an ordinary children's swing: a board fixed in its middle on a stand, but in such a way that one of its sides is somewhat heavier than the other and is always lowered to the ground.
It is advisable to start mastering the skill of overcoming the swing, having already mastered climbing up the hill and boom with the dog. If you start with this exercise, then the dog will always try to jump on the swing and jump off it. Watch her carefully: the dog can injure itself with a bad jump or get very scared. Then you are unlikely to instill in her the skill of passing a swing.
Call an assistant for help. He must take one side of the swing board with both hands and lift it so that the opposite side touches the ground. The dog must be brought to the lowered side of the board, taken with the right hand by the collar, and with the open palm of the left hand under the stomach. After giving the command “forward”, lead the dog onto the swing board to its middle. After that, give the command "stand". Take a short pause. After that, the assistant should slowly lower his end of the board to the ground. Again, give the command "forward" and slowly lead the dog along the board, not allowing it to jump off the projectile.
Soon the dog begins to understand what is required of him, and the helper stops holding the board. He stands ready to the side of the board in case the dog gets too fast in the middle of the swing. Gradually (after 2-3 lessons), the need for an assistant disappears, and soon you can refuse auxiliary techniques.
You can try to do without an assistant. Take the dog on a short leash, walk to the lowered side of the board. Grasp the collar with your right hand, under the dog's belly with your left. Give the command "forward". After that, start the dog, pulling the collar, on the board to the middle of the swing. As soon as it reaches the middle, give the command "stand" and hold the dog so that it does not move. After holding it for a couple of seconds, again give the command “forward”. As soon as the dog takes a step and the board starts to lower, you hold the dog, not letting him move until the opposite side of the board touches the ground. After that, slowly bring the dog down.
Increase projectile speed gradually. The dog easily learns to run on the projectile, but for a long time it will try to jump off it, and points are reduced in agility for this. A dog that jumps off an obstacle before it passes the axis of the swinging board (before the board starts to swing) is penalized as a failure to complete the exercise.
It takes a long time for the dog to learn to stop in the middle and slowly lower the opposite side of the board.
As in the case of overcoming other implements, train your dog to overcome the swing by approaching from different angles, to the right and left of you, and finally with acceleration. And after all this, include the shell in the track.
A dog that jumps off a rocking board before the board touches the ground (even if the dog has already entered the contact area) is penalized as a fault.
Swing Hamster swings can be metal, wood, or plastic. It can be a board mounted on a movable rod. There is also such a version of the swing, when the seat is made from a piece of plastic tube. Many hamsters love to ride them,
Swing Swings for guinea pigs can be made of different materials: metal, wood or plastic. It can be a board mounted on a movable rod. There is also such a version of the swing, when the seat is made from a piece of plastic tube. many

CHAPTER TWENTY. Basic swing Imagine what you want. See it, feel it, believe it. Make a mental copy of yourself and start implementing. Robert Collier Baza was almost 15 months old when we started learning to swing. As mentioned in chapter 16, before
How to make a DIY swing: 10 cool options
May 29LikbezDo It Yourself
Everything can be used: from an old tire to a construction pallet.
01. Classic board swing
What you need
- Thick rope;
- board 30–50 mm thick;
- drill;
- drill;
- hacksaw;
- paint;
- brush.
How to
1. Cut a piece of board about 50 cm long with a hacksaw or other saw that is at hand.
2. Paint the resulting seat to protect it from rain and make it look more aesthetic.
YouTube Channel Jeremy Rabe3. With a drill a couple of millimeters larger than the thickness of the rope used, make two holes - at both ends of the board. Set back 2-3 cm from the edge so that the seat does not break, and drill exactly in the center of the vertical for even suspension.
YouTube channel Jeremy Rabe4. Divide the rope into two equal parts, make loops at the ends and fasten to a suitable branch. Place the ropes at a distance approximately equal to the width of the seat.
Jeremy Rabe YouTube Channel5. Thread the ends of the ropes through the holes in the board and tie a couple of knots at the right height.
YouTube channel Jeremy Rabe6. Try rocking.
Jeremy Rabe YouTube ChannelWhat can be changed
- If you don't have a board, a shovel handle, a piece of log or a piece of plywood will work as a seat.
2. Swing made of disc and one rope
What you need
- 4–5 boards 30–50 mm thick and 400–500 mm long;
- thick rope;
- hammer;
- nails;
- brush;
- paint or varnish;
- clamps;
- glue;
- drill;
- wood drill;
- tape measure;
- thread;
- pencil;
- jigsaw;
- grinder or sandpaper;
- file.
How to make
1. Build a platform out of boards. To do this, spread the side ends with glue, connect them together and tighten with clamps. An easier option: nail two bars across the boards, stepping back from the edge by 10 cm.
Mitch Deitrich YouTube Channel2. Sand the top of the deck by hand with sandpaper or with a machine.
Mitch Deitrich YouTube Channel 3. Using a tape measure, find and mark the center of the area with a pencil. Also put a line at a distance of 10 mm from the edge of one of the sides.
4. Drive a nail into the center, tie a pencil to it with a thread and draw a circle with a radius along the mark at the edge of the site. Pull out the nail; you won't need it anymore.
Mitch Deitrich YouTube channel5. Saw out the circle with a jigsaw and trim the sharp edges with a file or sandpaper.
YouTube channel Mitch Deitrich6. Using a drill, make a hole in the center with a diameter of 2-3 mm larger than the thickness of the rope of the future swing.
Mitch Deitrich YouTube channel7. File down the resulting sharp edges in the center so that the rope does not fray when swinging.
Mitch Deitrich YouTube channel8. Paint or varnish the resulting seat and wait until it dries.
Mitch Deitrich YouTube Channel9. Thread the rope through the hole and tie a couple of knots so it doesn't fall through.
Mitch Deitrich YouTube Channel 10. Attach the free end of the rope to the tree.
What can be changed
- The round seat can be easily replaced with a reasonably strong rectangular board. It won't make the ride any worse.
- To avoid the hassle of splicing the boards, you can use a piece of plywood of the right size.
3. Swing from an old tire
What you need
- Tire;
- bicycle inner tube;
- rope;
- electrical tape;
- steel washers according to the diameter of the rope;
- clamps;
- drill;
- drill;
- knife;
- thin cord or line.
How to do
1. Estimate the approximate length of the rope from the branch to the ground, and add 1 m in reserve.
Rewind in place with duct tape to keep the edges from fraying, and cut off the piece with a sharp knife.
2. Cut the bike tube and put it on one end of the rope.
Chris Notap YouTube Channel3. Tie off this piece to form a loop wrapped around the camera. This will protect the rope from chafing and prevent it from cutting into the branch.
Chris Notap YouTube Channel4. Throw the rope over the branch and tighten the loop. For convenience, you can use a thin cord with a weight attached to it.
Chris Notap YouTube Channel5. Form a knot about 1.5 to 1.7 m from the ground.
Chris Notap YouTube channel6. Cut two more pieces of rope about 2 m long each. Thread them into a knot on the hanger, and then tie one knot at each end to secure.
Chris Notap YouTube Channel7. Tie a knot on the main rope from the branch. You should have three ends to hold the tire on.
Chris Notap YouTube channel 8. Divide the tire into three approximately equal parts and drill holes d across the thickness of the rope, stepping back from the edge of the tire. On its back, make a few more holes for rainwater to drain.
9. Insert the ropes into the holes, put on the washers, and fix the ends with clamps.
Chris Notap YouTube channel10. Release the tire and try to rock.
Chris Notap YouTube channelWhat can be changed
- Instead of clips, you can simply tie knots that will not allow the rope to fall into the washers and will securely hold the entire structure.
- If desired, the tire can be easily painted so that it looks more aesthetically pleasing and does not stain clothes.
4. Plank swing
What you need
- Piece of furniture board;
- elbow;
- pencil;
- rope;
- drill;
- drill;
- file;
- sandpaper or planer;
- hacksaw;
- matches or lighter.
How to do
1. Step back from the edge of the furniture board by 250–300 mm, attach a square and draw a line with a pencil.
YouTube channel "Mikhail Le Dantu"2. Saw off the future swing seat along the line with a hacksaw.
YouTube channel “Mikhail Le Dantu”3. Mark with a pencil the places for attaching the rope in each corner, stepping back from the edges by 20 mm.
Michael Le Dante YouTube channel4. Make holes with a drill. Choose a diameter so that the rope passes with difficulty and does not dangle.
YouTube channel “Mikhail Le Dantu”5. Cut the sharp corners of the plank with a hacksaw, and then grind it down with a file. If you want it to be neat, first outline the shape with a template, coin, or other round object.
YouTube channel “Mikhail Le Dantu”6. Round the top edge of the board with sandpaper or a planer so that the child does not get hurt.
YouTube channel “Mikhail Le Dantu” 7. Cut two identical pieces of rope and cauterize their ends.
8. Thread the ropes through the holes in the board on each side, with the loose ends on top.
YouTube channel “Mikhail Le Dantu”9. Attach the ends of the ropes to any strong support, such as a wall bar.
YouTube channel "Mikhail Le Dantu"What can be changed
- If the furniture panel is replaced with a cutting board, then all that remains is to drill holes and fix the ropes.
- The swing can be hung in a doorway, on a tree, on a terrace or pergola beam.
5. Swing made of polypropylene pipes and plywood
What you need
- Polypropylene pipe;
- rope;
- plywood;
- carabiners;
- hacksaw;
- pipe cutter;
- drill;
- drill;
- paint;
- brush.
How to make
1. Cut a 30 x 30 cm or 30 x 40 cm seat out of plywood. Drill holes in the corners to attach a rope. Paint the plywood if desired.
Cut the polypropylene pipe into pieces: 15 cm four pieces, 25 cm two pieces, 35 cm two pieces. Drill through holes in each piece along both edges.
Divide the rope into two equal pieces. Then fold each in half, thread and secure in carabiners. These will be the left and right suspensions.
YouTube channel “Marcel Yarmakov”2. Take the longest piece of pipe and thread one rope of the right and left hangers through the holes on each side.
YouTube channel “Marcel Yarmakov”3. Next, string one middle section of the pipe, also inserting the rope through the holes at the ends of the parts.
YouTube channel “Marcel Yarmakov”4. Next - one of the shortest pieces. Here, the rope is already inserted into the pipe itself, along the entire length.
Marcel Yarmakov YouTube channel 5. Now thread the free ends of the left and right hangers through the holes of the second long piece.
6. Insert the rope into the remaining free holes in the tubes of medium length. And then add one short piece at a time, again passing the rope through the pipe along its entire length.
Pass the free ends of the hangers through the holes in the seat and tie a knot in each.
Marcel Yarmakov YouTube channel7. Attach the carabiners to any solid support. The swing is ready!
YouTube channel "Marcel Yarmakov"What can be changed
- The seat is also easy to make from a cutting board or piece of wood of a suitable size.
- Instead of pipes, wooden blocks or cuttings from garden tools will do. True, you have to tinker with drilling holes for the rope.
6. Skateboard swing
What you need
- Old skateboard;
- rope;
- spade handle;
- tape measure;
- pencil;
- drill;
- drill;
- paint;
- screwdriver.
How to do
1. Remove the wheels and everything else from the board.
DIY Network YouTube channel2. Step back 5 cm from the edges and mark four holes for the ropes: two on each side.
DIY Network YouTube Channel3. Drill through these areas. Choose the diameter so that the rope holds as tightly as possible.
DIY Network YouTube Channel4. Cut two 30-40 cm long pieces from the handle and drill one hole in each side. Step back from the edge by 3-5 cm so that the wood does not crack. These will be the hand rests.
DIY Network YouTube Channel5. Paint the bars the same color as the skateboard.
DIY Network YouTube channel6. Divide the rope into two equal pieces and fold in half. Tie a knot at each end, but don't tie it tight just yet.
YouTube channel DIY Network 7. Pass the rope through the bars, make another knot, and then pass the rope through the holes in the skateboard. Tie knots at the free ends from the bottom of the board.
8. Hang the structure from a suitable tree branch and use knots to adjust the handles to a comfortable position.
DIY Network YouTube channelWhat can be changed
- If you make single hangers thicker with splits on a skateboard, you can easily do without handles.
7. Swing with legs and purchase seat
What you need
- Board 50 × 200 mm;
- board 25 × 100 mm;
- 2 anchor bolts with rings;
- 2 carabiners;
- timber 50 × 100 mm;
- nails;
- swing seat;
- hammer;
- tape measure;
- drill;
- drill;
- hacksaw or jigsaw.
How to
1. Cut the parts needed to assemble the two supports: four pieces of 2.5 m from a board 50 × 200 mm, four pieces of 1.35 m from a board of 25 × 100 mm and four pieces of 35 cm from a bar 50 × 100 mm.
Assemble the "A" structure. Fold long boards at an angle and nail lintels from the middle segments to them. Reinforce the top of the support with short pieces of timber.
Build the second swing leg in the same way.
Dacha TV YouTube channel2. Trim the protruding edges with a hacksaw or jigsaw to avoid injury.
YouTube channel “Dacha TV”3. Place a piece of board 50 × 200, 2 m long, on the crossbars at the top of the letter “A” and nail it. Raise the entire structure.
YouTube channel "Dacha TV"4. Drill holes for fasteners in the middle of the beam at a distance of 50–70 cm from each other. Wrap anchor bolts with rings in them.
YouTube channel “Dacha TV”5. Hang the seat on the ropes and fasten it to the rings with carabiners.
Dacha TV YouTube channel6. Check the strength of the structure.
YouTube channel “Dacha TV”What can be changed
- Instead of boards for supports, round beams or logs can be used.
- A purchased seat is easy to replace with a homemade one.
8. Chair swing
What you need
- Chair;
- rope;
- paint;
- brush;
- hacksaw;
- drill;
- drill;
- sanding paper.
How to
1. Saw off the legs of the chair with a hacksaw near the seat.
deco dino YouTube channel2. Drill one hole in each corner of the seat.
YouTube channel deco dino3. Sand the surface of the chair with sandpaper.
deco dino YouTube channel4. Paint the resulting swing seat with fresh paint and let it dry.
YouTube channel deco dino5. Divide the rope into four equal parts. Pass each piece through the hole and tie a couple of knots.
deco dino YouTube channel6. Use the loose ends to hang the structure from a thick tree branch.
YouTube channel deco dinoWhat can be changed
- The swing can be hung on the terrace or in the pergola.
It will be especially great to build several of these structures and relax with friends.
9. Pallet swing
What you need
- Pallet;
- rope;
- sandpaper or machine;
- tape;
- carabiners;
- drill;
- drill;
- scissors;
- lighter.
How to do
1. Sand the surface of the pallet with a sandpaper or machine to remove all burrs.
SuzelleDIY YouTube channel2. Drill six holes in the outer boards of the pallet with a diameter equal to the thickness of the rope.
SuzelleDIY YouTube Channel3. Flip the palette over and do the same on the other side. Try to keep the holes in the top and bottom boards on top of each other.
YouTube channel SuzelleDIY 4. Go over all the holes with sandpaper or a machine to remove burrs and not damage the rope.
5. Prepare two pieces of rope. Wrap the rope with tape and cut in this place. Then cauterize so that the edges do not fray.
SuzelleDIY YouTube Channel6. Snake the rope through the holes on one end of the pallet and tie knots at the ends.
SuzelleDIY YouTube Channel7. Do the same on the other side of the palette.
Straighten the ropes to look like the cables of a suspension bridge, and connect with carabiners - one on each side.
YouTube channel SuzelleDIY8. Take two more pieces of rope and tie them in a loop at both ends.
YouTube channel SuzelleDIY9. Throw these ropes over a thick tree branch.
SuzelleDIY YouTube channel10. Attach the pallet to the hangers with the carabiners.
YouTube channel SuzelleDIY11. Lay down a blanket and bring pillows.
SuzelleDIY YouTube channelWhat can be changed
- Instead of a rope, the upper hangers can be easily made from chains. Support cables can also be replaced with chains, but it will look too brutal.
10. Garden swing with legs
What you need
- Beam 100 × 100 mm;
- timber 50 × 50 mm;
- galvanized chain;
- board 25 × 100 mm;
- bolts;
- mounting plates;
- screws;
- sandpaper;
- hacksaw;
- jigsaw;
- tape measure;
- pencil.
How to make
5 see
YouTube channel “Mikhail .MD. Dervedmid"2. Assemble two supports in the form of the letter "A" with the upper and lower braces from a bar 50 × 50 mm. Drill through the parts and connect with bolts.
YouTube channel “Mikhail .MD. Treevedmid”3. Cut off a 1.8 m long crossbar from a 100 × 100 mm beam and fasten it to the upper stops of the uprights by tightening it with bolts.
YouTube channel “Mikhail .MD. Derivedmid 4. Saw six boards 120 cm long: three for the back and three more for the seat.
5. On the top board of the backrest, if desired, cut out a pattern with a jigsaw. Sand well with sandpaper.
YouTube channel “Mikhail .MD. Derivedmid”6. Attach three boards with screws to the pieces of timber 50 × 50 mm - this will be the seat.
Do the same for the back and join the two pieces together at the desired angle.
YouTube channel “Mikhail .MD. Derivedmid»7. Saw out the armrests from two boards and attach them with screws through the beam to the seat and back.
YouTube channel “Mikhail .MD. Derivedmid"8. Drill holes for the bolts in the beam and install them through the chain link. Fix it on top with a nut, and so that it does not fall into a tree, place a metal plate or a large-diameter washer.
YouTube channel “Mikhail .MD. Derivedmid»9. Make holes in the beams of the seat, insert bolts into them and fix the ends of the chains.
YouTube channel “Mikhail .MD. Derivedmid» 10.