How to describe a lap dance
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an erotic dance by a stripteaser performed mostly in the lap of a customer.
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Origin of lap dance
First recorded in 1990–95
lap-dance, verb (used without object)lap dancing, nounWords nearby lap dance
lap band , lap belt, lapboard, lap-chart, lap child, lap dance, lap dancing, lap dissolve, lapdog, lapel, lapel mike
Dictionary. com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
Words related to lap dance
How to use lap dance in a sentence
Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance is a different sound for you.
Belle & Sebastian Aren’t So Shy Anymore|James Joiner|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Twelve-year-old dance prodigy Maddie Ziegler has suffered the wrath of Dance Moms tyrant Abby Lee Miller.
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“My dance instructor always says she earns most of her income from private teaching,” says Monir.
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Even for Arabic dance no one wears a long dress, just a scarf around the hips.
Iran’s Becoming a Footloose Nation as Dance Lessons Spread|IranWire|January 2, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The moon seemed to smile on him; the aurora appeared to dance with unwonted vigour, as if in glee; the very stars winked at him!
The Giant of the North|R.M. Ballantyne
At the sight, Felipe flung himself on his knees before her; he kissed the aged hands as they lay trembling in her lap.
Ramona|Helen Hunt Jackson
See the ease and grace of the lady in the sacque, who sits on the bank there, under the myrtles, with the guitar on her lap!
Checkmate|Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
I turned round, thrust my purse into the lap of the nearest, and with a light heart led the lady back to the hotel.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 60, No. 372, October 1846|Various
Dance-giving mammas were anxious to secure the success of their entertainments by obtaining the presence of "lovely Mrs. Haggard."
The Pit Town Coronet, Volume I (of 3)|Charles James Wills
How to Give a Lap Dance
I don't know who needs to hear this, but you don’t have to be an amazing dancer to give someone a lap dance. Seriously. Even if you have zero coordination and can't hold a beat to save your life, lap dances have little to do with "skill" and more to do with confidence. (It's like the saying look good, feel good, do good.)
In other words, there's no right or wrong way to give someone a lap dance, so long as both parties are enjoying themselves.
That said, there are a few things you should know before diving head first into it. And luckily for you, we've tapped experts Jaclinne Cheng, CEO and founder of Spicy Lingerie, and Rori Gordon, owner of gentleman’s club Billy Deans Showtime Café to drop all the tea.
Here's what to do when you literally don’t know what to do. Enjoy!
The average lap dance should last at least two songs.This would equal a total of six or so minutes, but obviously adjust this to your own preferences and add time as you see fit, says Gordon. If two songs seems excruciatingly long to you, remember that it's not. You can watch 6-7ish TikTok vids in that same amount of time, don’t let your anxiety win this one.
. Plan your song playlist ahead of time.Just like you check your PowerPoint before giving a big presentation, make sure you have your music cued up and ready to go. Depending on what kind of vibe you're going for, picking from this playlist of sex songs may be ideal.
“A lap dance is supposed to be seductive, so choose songs that inspire your sexuality,” says Cheng. Her picks: “Climax” by Usher, “Girl With the One Eye” by Florence and The Machine, and “Naughty Girl” by Beyoncé.
Wear the right clothing.You should put on anything that makes you feel extremely sexy, says Gordon. “I love lingerie, garters and thigh-high stockings with a long sheer gown,” she says. You can also pair your outfit with some slip-on heels since they accentuate the hell out of your body. Just make sure you walk around in the shoes beforehand to get used to them, suggests Gordon. No shoe is worth breaking an ankle over.
It's also important to layer your clothing, especially if you want the lap dance to lead to sex. This may involve stripping down as you give your partner a lap dance, which is like a super-sexy added bonus.
“It’s important to stretch before you perform to prepare yourself for any extraneous movements,” says Cheng. There's no greater buzzkill than bending over your partner and killing your back in the process.
5. That said, please don't do anything your body can't handle.If you can't do a somersault, it's probably not worth trying a backbend. Same goes for the splits. But if you are flexible, definitely show it off. Going for a backbend while sitting on your partner’s lap is definitely a crowd pleaser too, says Cheng.
6. Set the mood with dimmed lights and candles.But don't make it too dark to which your partner can't see you. You might also want to play into a role-play fantasy if it's something you and your partner have discussed beforehand. Dress up as a nurse, devil, teacher, whatever—just make sure your setting resembles the theme at least a little bit too.
No need to plan a full-on dress rehearsal, but you should have an idea of what you want to do, how you want to touch yourself, how you want your partner to touch you, etc. before just going into it blindly. Here are some v common moves you can add to your routine:
- Stand between your partner's legs and lean your upper body forward with your back arched and your butt up in the air. This gives your partner a super-hot view of your body. Trust me.
- Turn around and hover your butt just above their crotch, moving your butt in circles like you're painting their lap with your cheeks. (Feel free to place your hands on their thighs or the arms of the chair for balance.)
- When in doubt, know your hottest seduction tool is your hips. So slowly start swaying your hips from side to side, and then move them in a figure eight to the beat of the music.
8. Choose your setting wisely.
This can be in a bed, on the couch, on a chair, or wherever you’re most comfortable. Just make sure that with whatever setting you choose, you can switch between standing above your partner, sitting, and squatting easily and whenever you want.
9. Think less about dancing and more about connecting with your partner.If you’re not a dancer, taking the pressure off of a lap dance can help. I don’t know any receiver who isn’t going to enjoy the view (the view being you, someone they’re already super into, stripping and undressing right before their eyes). I can promise you, the last thing they’re thinking about is how on-beat you are with the music.
10. Have fun and be confident.“If you’re not having a good time, your partner will be able to tell, and it won't be an enjoyable experience for both of you,” says Cheng. Let loose and don't be afraid to move to the music in whatever way you want to. There's nothing you can do here that would be wrong or incorrect. Remember, so long as everything is consensual, it's literally impossible to fuck up a lap dance.
Simova Hera "MeGera" - Private dance (SI) - read online for free The light from rare lanterns snatched out of the darkness factory buildings, one of which houses the Women's Club. Nose and cheeks singed with frost. I hid my face in my fluffy collar and sighed.
Mom managed to give birth to me on New Year's Eve! In fact, she was set for the end of January, and she went to the festive disco with a clear conscience. Although what fun can be when the stomach climbs on the nose, I do not understand. And then it didn’t make me happy, my mother had to go to the hospital from the Christmas tree and Santa Claus.
Grandmother, tugging at my short skirts, muttered without malice that aspen trees don't produce oranges — my father's identity remained a secret to everyone. With all my love for parties, I turned out to be smarter than my mother. I have not yet married, but there were no unplanned pregnancies on my account.
Silently hissing curses, I squeezed my fingers, numb from frost, on a printout of a diagram of factory buildings. A gust of wind ripped the crumpled paper out of my hands, but I had already oriented myself and minced in the right direction. Damn the fashion for "industrial" clubs!
According to my feelings, in a couple of minutes, thin stockings froze tightly to the legs, and the frost brazenly penetrated under the skirt and clung to the unprotected loin, forcing to hurry up. A few short runs across the ice, and with an absurd swing of my arms, I narrowly avoided falling.
I already felt like a patient at the emergency room, but a strong man's hand grabbed her under the elbow, helping to keep her balance.
- Thank you! She cast a quick glance at her savior, noting in her mind the beautiful profile and the long strand of very blond hair. “Maybe you can tell me where the sorority is here?”
- I'd better take you there, it would be a shame to dump such beauty in the snow.
I smiled involuntarily. It was not in vain that I bought these boots and a new fox fur coat, which leaves slender legs open. Despite turning thirty today, I was rightfully proud of my physical form: I spent my childhood and youth in a sports school, at training camps and competitions in rhythmic gymnastics and ballroom dancing. The habit of exertion forced me to pay for membership in a fitness club every year, and the absence of a family allowed me to spend a lot of free time in it.
- I wish you a lot of fun!
Warm breath weightlessly touched the chilled fingers. My savior disappeared behind the door of the service entrance. And I got a little stuck. His kiss stirred something inside me, I wanted more.
Pumped up Santa Claus deftly got rid of my fur coat. Half-naked young men in tight-fitting trousers, with ears and ponytails fussed around. As soon as I told the next bunny boy that the deposit for the table was paid, a minute later “Olezhek is your waiter and assistant for tonight” rushed in.
- Let me guide you! The guy flashed a smile and gave me his hand.
How nice! I feel special. I froze at the entrance, allowing my eyes to get used to the twilight of the hall. Between the tables and on the stage, "bunnies" danced. Some of them looked very seductive. A real women's paradise! The mood improved rapidly.
- You have the largest table with the best view of the stage. Will you wait for your friends or will we start the party right away?
A beautiful view really opened from the soft sofa. I ran my hands over the plush upholstery and looked up at Olezhka.
— What do we have on the program today?
- "Excitement" salad, "Big Orgasm" cocktail, private dance with any club star of your choice.
I looked at the appetizing ass of the next "bunny". Understanding flickered in Olezhka's eyes.
— Perhaps I need to cheer up first. Coffee with cream, if possible.
- Of course, whatever you want! - Olezhka got lost among the same "bunnies".
I didn't want to start the holiday without girls. The phone vibrated. Congratulations today rained down on me with New Year's confetti, I lazily touched the screen. “Lapus, I don’t do well today! Happy birthday! See you tomorrow!”, “Alas, my daughter got sick. But I love you-kiss-congratulations! You will receive a gift…”, “My car won’t start…” That’s how it always is! Already minus three ...
- Happy Birthday!
— You are gorgeous!
— Hello, friend!
— Finally you are here! I was ready to dive into the "Big Orgasm" without you!
- It's you in vain, there is enough pleasure for ten people.
— Where is everyone?!
The girl made a noise throughout the hall. We squeaked, hugged and behaved completely frivolously. The eyes of the girlfriends enthusiastically sparkled towards the naked torsos. The waiters began to look at us with interest. Olezhek made a brutal face at his competitors. And then he jumped up - Tanya pinched his ass.
— What? I have to make sure I'm not sleeping!
— Would you like me to pinch you too?
- Oh, I already believe! she laughed.
Ten minutes later everyone was there. The Excitement salad turned out to be strawberries and whipped cream. It was especially pleasant to bite fragrant berries or lick cream from them under the greedy glances of men. We lounged on a soft sofa and looked at the dancing boys.
“You can choose any of them for a private dance,” Olezhek breathed hotly into my ear.
“So far I don’t see anyone worthy of this honor,” I chuckled.
The professional in me grimaced in my mind - such jerks happen on the dance floor of any club. The girls seem to be bored too. Need to drink now! As if by magic, two “bunnies” appeared near our company with a huge glass of sparkling sparklers.
Our joyful squealing momentarily overrode the rumbling of the music and attracted everyone's attention. Before I could even blink an eye, a vessel decorated with fruits and flowers was in the center of the table. In unison, we clung to the long tubes, to the coordinated chanting of the waiters who came running to our table: “Happy Birthday!”.
Sweet and sour cocktail gently rolled down the tongue into the throat, leaving a feeling of freshness and a desire to take another sip. Delicious. Even what is happening on the stage began to arouse interest. It looks like when we got distracted, the group of dancers changed.
My gaze caught on a dark-skinned guy with almost white hair tied in a high ponytail. He moved like a lazy predator. The sight of his bulging muscles warmed his stomach and tightened his nipples. I started. Looks like I've got my first candidate. The lights suddenly went out in the hall and it was not possible to get a better look at the interesting dancer.
- Would you like something else to drink or hookah?
An unfamiliar "bunny" uttered the words directly into my ear, as if accidentally touched it with warm dry lips. I winced.
— Menu, please.
The guy smirked knowingly and handed me a red book, opened on the spread with "Crazy Menu". Hmm, boys are served well. The girls at the next table were already flirting with might and main with half-dressed "desserts". But it's none of my business, is it?
I was already swimming a little out of habit. Work and sports excluded alcohol from my menu. From the spectacle unfolding on stage, my mouth went dry, and I automatically nodded at some suggestion of a “bunny”. Within a minute he was down on one knee by the couch. A thick tube stuck to my lips. The drink burned his throat.
Hmm... I need to drink something more life-affirming. A half-naked "bunny" appeared next to me at the first gesture, and a minute later a beaker with a burning B-52 stood in front of me. Well, who pours like that? I got up, corrected my shaky balance, and headed to the bar to the laughter of my friends.
It's time to explain to the bartender how to make the right cocktails. It is good that here it would not even occur to anyone to argue with a woman. A highball instantly appeared on the counter, and the bartender tilted a bottle of coffee liqueur over it with a beaming smile. A layer of Baileys, then Curacao, and I barely had time to push away the hand of the guy who tried to set fire to this beauty.
Ritmo Dance School - in Moscow - description and program of the event, date, place and time - ticket prices, reviews - Training on 2do2go
Specially for February 23, based on our popular strip plastic trend, we developed a series of master private dance classes. Strip plastic is based on a mixture of different styles and trends. It includes elements of modern jazz, classical ballet, oriental and Latin American dances, as well as modern choreography. The movements of this dance are very erotic, but there is no vulgarity in them. The secret is to seduce without undressing.
Private is both a dance and a show, and at the same time, it is a continuous dialogue. The fact that a man knows that the dancer performs her number only for him gives a special attraction to this dance. Along with beautiful plastic choreography, body flexibility, a beautiful costume, and pleasant music are important in this dance. All this makes Privat a complex multifaceted art. In addition, elements of acrobatics are included in the private dance to the extent that helps to make the performance even more spectacular and expressive.
Each private dance is a real mini-performance, which involves creating an image. This requires not only dancing skills, but also artistic skills, you need to be able to play with your face, express emotions with the help of facial expressions, eyes and body - and this is the second secret of this bewitching dance!
Private dance is also attractive because it does not require any special equipment, large space for performance, or special physical training of the performer. It can be danced in an ordinary apartment, in a small room. Therefore, you can use the movements learned in the lessons of this course when staging a "home" striptease act, which will be a surprise for the "express seduction" of the Man of Your Dreams.
Private Intensive includes 10 lessons with 5 different topics:
Chair dance is a classic lap dance, incredibly erotic and technical.
Cane Dance - this attribute adds a special charm to the dance.
Dance with a tie - and here the GAME is especially important!
Shirt dance - what could be sexier than a man's shirt and ... an erotic girl dancing with her!
Dance with a hat is mischievous and very erotic at the same time.
Each topic will be covered in two sessions.
Schedule of Master classes:
Monday, February 11
21:00 private with a shirt teacher Arina Kutuzova
Wednesday, February 13
19:00 Privat with a tie, teacher Valeria Vishnevskaya
20:00 Privat with a hat, teacher Valeria Vishnevskaya
21:00 Privat with a cane of
Friday, February 15
Saturday, February 16
13:00 private with a hat teacher Sasha Esina
17:00 private with a tie teacher Sasha Esina
18:00 private with a shirt teacher Arina Kutuzova
from 18: 00-22: 00 buffet and film club
Sunday, February 17,
16:00 Privat with a chair "Classic" Classic Anna Shvetsova
9000 17:00 Private with two chairs, Anna Shvetsova9000 0 Cost:
One session 500 rubles.