How to dance like psy
How to Do the Gangnam Style Dance
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YouTube "Gangnam Style" is fast becoming this decade's version of the "Macarena. "
It's a catchy song and you don't need much hand-eye coordination to do the dance.
"The mindset of this dance is to dress classy and dance cheesy," Psy (the man behind "Gangnam Style") told Ellen DeGeneres.
While some people watch the music video and become overwhelmed at Psy's impressive dance skills, it's really a simple routine to learn.
"Imagine you're on a horse," Psy tells NY1 reporter Michelle Park
PsySource: Michelle Park

2. Repeat, except this time, pick up and step down with your left foot, right foot, left foot, left foot
Basically, your feet go Right, Left, Right Right, Left, Right, Left, Left over and over...
3. Your upper body, meanwhile, alternates between this horse riding motion...
4. ... and lassoing motion
5. Put it all together and you get this:
Some moves, though, just can't be taught
Watch the "Gangnam Style" music video here:
And find out more about "Gangnam Style".

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like that tutorial dance psy
For You
Reply to @_ayumi405freecss_ many seem to be struggling with this move, so here it is broken down! @42psy42 #thatthat #psy #suga #thatthattutorial #thatthatchallenge #thatthatdance #thatthatpsy #thatthatprodsuga #kpop #kpoptutorial #dance #dancetutorial #kpopfypシ #kpopfyp #dancefypシ
11. 2K Likes, 31 Comments. TikTok video from xtine (@xtinedance): "Reply to @_ayumi405freecss_ many seem to be struggling with this move, so here it is broken down! @42psy42 #thatthat #psy #suga #thatthattutorial #thatthatchallenge #thatthatdance #thatthatpsy #thatthatprodsuga #kpop #kpoptutorial #dance #dancetutorial #kpopfypシ #kpopfyp #dancefypシ". R | L | MIRRORED TUTORIAL THAT THAT - PSY (FT.SUGA) | .... That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS).
That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS) - PSY
Reply to @user054688551 I CAN'T GO SLOWER THAN THIS YALL- #thatthat #psy #thatthattutorial #thatthatsuga #kpopdancetutorial #kpoptutorial
355.4K Likes, 964 Comments. TikTok video from xtine (@xtinedance): "Reply to @user054688551 I CAN'T GO SLOWER THAN THIS YALL- #thatthat #psy #thatthattutorial #thatthatsuga #kpopdancetutorial #kpoptutorial". MIRRORED + 50% SPEED | slide back 🤠 | 🔫 ↖️↗️⤵️ | .... That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS).
That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS) - PSY
petong🌞 (ig:patriciafebriola)
TUTORIAL THAT THAT🤠❤️ semoga ngebantu ya geis❤️ @42psy42 #thatthattutorial #psy #suga
182.5K Likes, 541 Comments. TikTok video from petong🌞 (ig:patriciafebriola) (@patriciafebriola): "TUTORIAL THAT THAT🤠❤️ semoga ngebantu ya geis❤️ @42psy42 #thatthattutorial #psy #suga". RIGHT | LEFT | That That - PSY ft Suga | .... That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS).
That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS) - PSY
thank you for 200k views on youtube! 💫 a bit late, but this was super fun to make 🤠 will be doing more of these so comment your requests! ⬇️ @42psy42 #thatthat #psy #thatthatchallenge #kpop #kpoptutorial #kpopdance #kpopfyp #dancetutorial #thatthattutorial
136. 1K Likes, 324 Comments. TikTok video from xtine (@xtinedance): "thank you for 200k views on youtube! 💫 a bit late, but this was super fun to make 🤠 will be doing more of these so comment your requests! ⬇️ @42psy42 #thatthat #psy #thatthatchallenge #kpop #kpoptutorial #kpopdance #kpopfyp #dancetutorial #thatthattutorial". MIRRORED + 75% SPEED | 🔫 L, R, ⬅️⬅️ | slide back 🤠 | .... That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS).
That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS) - PSY
Responder a @flyfalllad Espero sirva 💜 #dance #tutorial #thatthat #bts #pys #thatthatchallenge #suga #kpop #thatthatpsyxyoongi #thatthattutorial
64.7K Likes, 341 Comments. TikTok video from joselyne_ja (@joselyne_ja): "Responder a @flyfalllad Espero sirva 💜 #dance #tutorial #thatthat #bts #pys #thatthatchallenge #suga #kpop #thatthatpsyxyoongi #thatthattutorial". izquierda | derecha | Tutorial ✨THAT THAT✨ | .... That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS).
That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS) - PSY
Like that!! @PSY #phuket #สอนเต้น #viral #dancechallenge #stmzacademy #southtimephuket #thatthat #thatthatpsy #psysuga
TikTok video from STMZDANCE (@stmzdance): "Like that!! @PSY #phuket #สอนเต้น #viral #dancechallenge #stmzacademy #southtimephuket #thatthat #thatthatpsy #psysuga". SOUTHTIMEZ PHUKET THAILAND 🇹🇭 . That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS).
That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS) - PSY
San G
That That Tutorial. Gracias a mi alumno por acompañarme #ThatThat #sugapsy #psy #suga #thatthattutorial #btstutorial #sandietutorials #thatthatchallenge
211.1K Likes, 780 Comments. TikTok video from San G (@san.ggz): "That That Tutorial.Gracias a mi alumno por acompañarme #ThatThat #sugapsy #psy #suga #thatthattutorial #btstutorial #sandietutorials #thatthatchallenge". That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS).
That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS) - PSY
Reply to @udheavenlyjm here is the tutorial (mirrored + 75% speed)! 🐎 #thatthat #psy #suga #thatthatchallenge #thatthatpsy #thatthatpsyxyoongi #thatthattutorial #thatthatdance #kpopfypシ #kpopdance
202. 8K Likes, 233 Comments. TikTok video from xtine (@xtinedance): "Reply to @udheavenlyjm here is the tutorial (mirrored + 75% speed)! 🐎 #thatthat #psy #suga #thatthatchallenge #thatthatpsy #thatthatpsyxyoongi #thatthattutorial #thatthatdance #kpopfypシ #kpopdance". 🏇🏻🏇🏻🏇🏻 | 👋🏻🔄L-R-L | 🏇🏻🏇🏻🏇🏻 | .... That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS).
That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS) - PSY
Why do we dance | PSYCHOLOGIES
Mankind learned to dance in ancient times, at the very dawn of its history. For our distant ancestors, dance was a means of communicating with the gods. True, the plots were earthly: rain for the harvest, good luck in hunting... “Initially, the dance had a sacred meaning,” explains Aida Ailamazyan, a psychologist and teacher of the musical movement. - The tribe had its own totem in the form of an animal and worshiped it in ritual dances, identifying itself with this same bear or tiger and copying the nature of its movements. Such a dance was performed not for the dancers themselves and not for the audience, but for the deity. The sacred function required the dancer to enter special states of consciousness. “It was an ecstatic practice of going beyond the personality,” adds Alexander Girshon, a specialist in dance movement therapy.
In the course of time, the sacred side of human culture separated from the secular one, in much the same way as the soul and the body were separated in our consciousness. In cult rituals, dance was significantly replaced by chants and sacred music. And secular balls, entertainment carnivals, masquerades have become a real celebration of the body and dance.
Express sexuality
Even in the most puritanical or Victorian times, the ball provided an exceptional opportunity for people of the opposite sex to touch each other, to enter into close bodily contact during the dance. And in everyday life, such touching was taboo. “In the history of civilization, couple dances were also part of sexual culture,” Alexander Girshon comments. - In this sense, dance is a demonstration of oneself, the choice and testing of partners. It is a meeting through bodily, non-verbal communication. The same role was played by the pioneer discos of the Soviet times and club parties of our days continue to play.
Dancing is also a way to experience your sexuality. “After all, a person is also an erotic creature,” Alexander Girshon explains. - Few manage to exclude this side of their nature from life. And after them there was no one left.
Curbing, control over sexual energy is one of the fundamental moments of most modern religions with their institutions of monasteries, fasting system and regulation of sexual life. “For example, the main criticism from Christian, church positions was directed against social (secular) dances, and not dance as an art, and dates back (mostly) to the 18th-19th centuries,” explains Alexander Girshon. “There are at least two reasons for this. The first is pragmatic: the need to dissociate itself from pagan movements, where dance is part of the rituals. The second is ideological: the opposition between the soul and the body, which is so important in Christianity. That is, not the dance itself, but the freedom of the body and its manifestations - that's what was rejected. So the dominance of the mind over the animal principle symbolizes the victory of the soul over the body.
But the body inevitably demands compensation. “A person always finds a way to deceive a taboo,” says psychologist, dance therapist Alexandra Vilvovskaya. “Carnivals, for example, arose as a need to circumvent the prohibitions of the church.” Hiding under a mask (as if “it's not me, but someone else”), it was possible to give vent to the daily curbed sexuality, freely express it without fear of condemnation.
Useful addresses
- 5Life Dance School,
- Elcentro Argentine Tango School,
- Center for Musical and Plastic Development named after S. D. Rudneva "Geptakhor",
- Photo
Feel the body
Why is dancing so popular today ? “Modern culture is experiencing a very strong need to regain its corporeality,” says Alexandra Vilvovskaya. - The popularity of appeal to the body - fitness, wellness and the cult of health and youth in general, the surge in the popularity of spas and other similar services, the growing popularity of dancing - all these are attempts to make up for the lack of physicality. Modern man is characterized by "separation" from his body. Therefore, sometimes even in the dance we touch each other, but we do not allow ourselves to fill this contact with feeling. We feel the other body, but we don't feel it." We have to re-learn to perceive the body (with all its needs and manifestations) as a value, learn to feel it. And dance gives us that opportunity.
In harmony with gender
Dance (as a rule) requires a clear gender identity. “At present, men and women (with varying degrees of comfort) have to play mixed social roles,” explains psychophysiologist Vita Kholmogorova. “In dance (pairs and not only) this division is very clear, he puts everything in its place.” It fills us with a sense of harmony, brings awareness of belonging to one's gender. This gives us the key to harmonious interaction with the opposite sex - at least in the process of dancing.
Turn on pleasure
“The main engine of both amateur and professional dance classes is pleasure,” Alexandra Vilvovskaya is sure. – Dance responds immediately to many human needs. It's beautiful, it gives you the opportunity to communicate, to be among people. And this is movement, because movement is natural for a person. Through pleasure, dancing for many becomes at least a favorite hobby, a great addition to the rest of life.”
The key to the pleasure of dancing lies in psychophysiology, says Vita Kholmogorova: “The movement is successful and the brain immediately receives a positive signal. Dance generally gives powerful signals of reinforcement, the feeling of "I can." In the process of dancing, all internal rhythms are coordinated in the body: heartbeat, breathing, pressure in the vessels, vibrations . .. And as soon as all systems begin to work smoothly, obeying a single rhythm, this relieves tension in the whole body. Something similar happens when a person, for example, drums his fingers on the table - he needs some kind of repetitive rhythmic action to coordinate systems.
Dance for two
Ballroom dancing fascinates many. In particular, because in them the relationship between a man and a woman appears in the ideal form desired by our divided world, Stanislav Popov, president of the Russian Dance Union, is convinced.
“There is a bewitching beauty in ballroom dancing, as the audience says, “not from our life”. Many people feel that dancing gives them the opportunity to touch something more beautiful than our everyday life. For me, it has always been like this: I remember how in the fifth grade I asked my mother to sew a jacket to go to the dance floor. Then, in the newly opened Luzhniki, people in jackets and ties came to dance foxtrots and waltzes. The dances were couples and the couples were beautiful. Later, a shake, a break appeared ... as if a reflection of what is happening with the modern institution of family and marriage. Today we are more divided, and looking at the exciting dance of partners, at their perfect, well-coordinated movements, many feel nostalgic for this ideal of close relationships.
To heal means to make whole
“During dance classes, those parts of the brain that used to be “sleeping” are activated,” explains Vita Kholmogorova. - The work of the right and left hemispheres is synchronized. All sensory systems are activated: we learn to simultaneously hear sounds, feel the rhythm, track movements, and due to this, the perception of the world becomes wider, more voluminous. Dancing also improves our connection with ourselves.”
It is connected with the sensual side of our nature, with the movement of emotions, not thoughts. “Passion for dance expands our consciousness, our existence acquires greater integration, integrity,” Alexander Girshon continues. – The contradiction between intellectual, analytical and sensual ways of perception is removed. In addition, dance gives us the experience of acceptance on a deep, non-verbal level, and this can be acceptance in many ways: acceptance as agreement with a partner, acceptance as approval of a group or community, acceptance as pleasure for oneself.
“I want to dance!”
Many of us felt this need in ourselves, watching with admiration the graceful steps of ballerinas or the refined movements of hip-hopers. Or maybe you should say to yourself: “I can” - and let the dance into your life? “To start dancing means to be open to change, to start changing from the inside,” Alexandra Vilvovskaya is sure. – Any changes in the life of an adult require determination, and not everyone is ready for them. But in dance, a person comes into contact with the real self. This is a very important and rare experience. And those with whom this contact happened are grateful to the dance precisely for this.
Dance as a psychotherapy
“It teaches us to understand our body language, helping us to find integrity and find contact with our life resources,” says psychotherapist, specialist in dance movement therapy Guzal Loginova.
“Dance is a communication that takes place on three levels: dance with oneself, with other people and with the world. The task of the therapist is to create a safe space for the therapeutic relationship. It is in it, analyzing the relationship on the example of movements with a dance therapist or other people (when it is a group work), a person can learn to interact with others and with himself. The dance therapist helps him feel, understand the cause of symptoms, pain, various bodily discomforts or restrictions in movement.
The dialogue with oneself is restored, the person learns to understand his body language, develops the ability to use movement to express the full range of feelings. One of the tools of this method is dance improvisation: these are moments of exploration and expression of emotions, fantasies, dreams, memories by means of symbolic movement. The fact is that when we move spontaneously, we express ourselves accurately and honestly: in this movement, the unconscious becomes visible, takes shape; we reunite with it and gain access to our inner psychological resources. As a result, additional opportunities for self-knowledge and gaining personal integrity are opened up. And that is the main goal of psychotherapy.”
Text: Ekaterina Koptelova Photo source: FOTOBANK.COM/GETTY/ALTRENDO, CORBIS/FOTO S.A
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1. Psychology of dance: the relationship of personal characteristics and dance movements
Dance is a story of the body about what is happening in the soul, it is an amazingself-discovery
and an exciting opportunity to make friends with your body.
The psychology of dance is a
set of mental states and sensations
associated with dance or
observation of the dance process.
Argentine tango
- dance of passion -
a skillful couple can always
create a dramatic and
atmosphere around themselves.

consists of
improvisation and
expresses strong desire and passion
Tango conveys those
feelings that
master dancers, and
the eroticism of sharp movements
is worthy of admiration.
If you want to know more about your
relationships, dance this dance. At the same time,
learn to build relationships with
greater awareness.
Argentine tango is the real
relationship therapy.
All difficult moments in relationships
come up immediately from the first lesson.
In the dance as in life:
- the girl agrees or does not agree to the beginning of the dance
to dance you need to feel good on your feet and takes care
- dialogue about what is happening between partners noticeably improves
result - we move faster in the right direction
- and of course a man leads, decides, but at the same time listens to his partner
- a woman follows and fills the dance with beauty, but at the same time,
does not place all responsibility for what is happening on her partner.

In salsa, a completely different atmosphere hovers
. There is no such force here, and
has a more playful mood. And, although this is also a very sensual dance
, it is performed
more easily and brightly. Instead of
expressing hidden passions,
dancers openly flirt, dancing fast
waves with their hips. Salsa is a very cheerful dance.
Dancers of both styles "tell"
a love story, but
use different techniques. Tango represents
the forbidden attraction and passion that
accumulates within. With their
movements, the couple creates a feeling of
lust and strong desire. Salsa
depicts the playful side of attraction, which
creates a great mood.
In any dance we
express our emotions
For example, the smooth movements in rumba
look romantic and sensual, while in
paso doble we see strength and aggression.
Followers of Darwin's
theory are convinced that dance is a way to
attract the attention of a potential
life partner.

to inspire men to such a
"feat" that will give them the opportunity to
appreciate a partner.
If he moves well, then he is in
in excellent physical shape, he has a lot of
strength, endurance and quick reaction. And
is, in turn, an indicator of what kind of
he is a wrestler and how he can protect his
companion in a dangerous situation. This, of course,
does not mean that a woman will be attracted to anyone
who will fight in a bar, quite the contrary.
Rather, it is the desire to protect, and not
the desire to fight.
In Brazil, there is a national
martial art - capoeira, where
participants have the opportunity to demonstrate
their acrobatic abilities and power.
Dancers in this dance use
sweeps, kicks and kicks to
show their masculinity and
muscles, but there is practically no contact between them
, they
move around each other to the beat of the music.

15. Dr. Jeff Luck, a music psychologist, says that dance moves speak not only about strength, but also about a person's character,
and thedance floor is a great place to
get to know another.
16. What should we pay attention to when a person is dancing in a nightclub?
Extroverts are energetic and active, theymove widely around the dance floor and
use a lot of exaggerated
arm and leg movements.
Nervous people dance
as nervously as they
behave in everyday life. Dance
is accompanied by sharp
movements and jerks.
They do not seek to draw attention
to themselves, so their movements are not
sweeping. Neurotic
swing impatiently to
music, and then
try to sneak off the dance floor as quickly as possible
If one of the
people around you has
notice the soft style of
dancing and gentle, but at the same time,
confident hands,
be sure that in front of
you are a complaisant