How to dance charleston video
5 Fast Feet 20s Charleston Moves From A Viral TikTok Video.
Have you seen that viral video with a crazy girl in a black and white stripy shirt and black skirt, smoking an imaginary cigarette and doing those crazy fast feet moves? Have you wondered what is this dance: jitterbug, shuffle, loose leg, lindy hop? It's 20s Charleston and Ksenia Parkhatskaya with the undone belt and imaginary cigarette at the front of it.
In this blog you will find out the 5 awesome move Ksenia does in this viral video and learn how to do them yourself.
TikTok viral fast feed video
When 20s Charleston took over the world in 1930s it was a dance craze. In 2021 Charleston 20s takes over the world again, though this time its through social media and no one knows the name of the dance.
Charleston dance jam at Paris Jazz Roots
Here is a little extract that went viral all over the internet and became popular on Tik Tok and other social media. On the video it's myself, Ksenia Parkhatskaya, and my talented colleagues jamming at the Paris Jazz Roots swing dance event in 2015.
Original full video was filmed and published by Eric Esquivel.
Among others you can as well see these wonderful international dancers and teachers of the swing dance styles:
Evita Arche
Remy Kouakou Kouame
Nathan Bugh
Juan Villafane
Rikard Ekstrand and many others.
You might wonder what this dance is? We are at a swing dance event in Paris and we are doing authentic jazz dance: jazz, Charleston, black bottom, soft shoe, tap and so on.
Fast feet viral moves: 20s Charleston is back in fashion
Many people wondered what are the moves that I am doing. On this video specifically you can see dance steps such as:
Happy Feet
Charleston 20s basic step
Fall Off The Log
Over the Tops
Triple Step
All that with my signature imaginary smoking!
And now get your socks ready to learn those moves with me. I am going to share some free dance tutorials from my online dance school Secrets of Solo.
Happy Feet dance move
You have probably wondered or even tried to imitate that viral fast feet move what I am doing while smoking. Well, I'll tell you the secrets of my solo...the first movement I am doing is the 1920’s Charleston the Happy Feet!
Some people call this move Heel Toe. The original name of this authentic jazz dance move is Happy Feet.
This name can be as well found in reference to the famous Savoy ballroom in New Your. Savoy Ballroom was known as the “Home of Happy Feet” during the Harlem Renaissance. It became known for its interracial dancing and entertainment, “where downtown whites and uptown black people came to “trip the light fantastic,” clap hands to the Charleston..” (from The Harlem Renaissance, p. 57 Stuart A. Kallen · 2009)
Happy Feet is as well a name of a popular jazz tune by Bing Crosby & Gutchrlein Paul Whiteman Orchestra from the 1930’s film “The King Of Jazz”
Charleston Basic Step & Twist
The dance that we associate with The Great Gatsby, gangsters and prohibition era is 20s Charleston. This dance was immensely popular during the period of 1920's Prohibition as well as 1930's Great Depression. When the US stock market crashed and part of the society was left in complete poverty, dancing for many was an anti - depression pill, it swept the worries away.
20s Charleston is a dance step, a dance style and a style of music. A style that is defined by music, clothing style, manner and expression. 20s Charleston was a craze during the Jazz Age. It is danced to ragtime, hot jazz and Charleston.
Charleston has a very interesting story, if you are curious enough to dive into it, I wrote a blog called “The History of Charleston dance”.
As for now I will leave you to wiggle around the room with the instructional videos:
First video is to do with the Charleston 20s Twist & Character that is at the basis of it all.
In this next video you can learn about 5 different ways to do the Charleston. To try my way in the viral video, straight away hop to the 20s style with the twist!
Fall Off the Log dance move
Another irresistible viral fast feet move I am going for in this video is Fall off the log (falling-off-the-log / falling off a log)- twisting movement consisting of shuffles and the alternate crossing and recrossing of one foot over the other, the body leaning sideways - "Brotherhood in Rhythm".
Modern Flapper
“Jazz Age dance maestro”
LA Magazine
For the first 5 years I was completely in love with the 20s style, I dedicated loads of time to investigate the essence of it. At some point I became the most viewed 20s Charleston dancer gathering almost a million views on my dance videos.
Ksenia Parkhatskaya in 20s Charleston style. Photo by Nuria AguadeIf you’d like to know my story of how I lived and breathed as a 21 century flapper, check out my blog 5 best Charleston dance videos by Ksenia Parkhatskaya.
Flapper Girl Ksenia Parkhatskaya. 20s Charleston dance. Photo by Nika Zhuk.Other Jazz and Charleston dance moves
Triple Step and Over The Top as well as plenty of other equally viral moves you can find inside my online dance school Secrets of Solo where I feature 10 separate courses, and 40+ hours of teaching material.
Two courses might of special interest: Secrets of Charleston 20s & Solo Jazz 101
Secrets of Charleston 20s
The first one is all about the “King of the Dance” 20s Charleston. By taking this course you will learn over 30 classic Charleston moves and their variations. You’ll discover all about the styling and try out some eccentric flash steps.
Solo Jazz 101
Solo Jazz 101 is for absolute beginners! You’ll discover the fundamentals of swing: feeling the beat, walking with groove and bounce. Ksenia will then guide you through major solo jazz dance steps and help you create your first dance routines. Advanced dancers can also benefit by firming up their basic solo jazz dance steps.
Hong Kong Dance Magazine’s marked Secrets of Solo as Top 5 Favourite Online Dance Schools. To date, there have been over 3,500 dance students who have joined Secrets of Solo! You can read their testimonials here, we have 4.9 rating in Trustpilot.
Even if after watching all these classes you are still in doubt whether online tutorials are your thing or not, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. So there is absolutely no risk at all for you. Sign up now & give it a go.
Side By Side Charleston Variation
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Types of modern dances.

The Charleston is a dance named after the city of Charleston in South Carolina. Rhythm gained ground in US mainstream music with the premiere of a show on Broadway called "Runnin' Wild", which debuted the song "Charleston" written by James P. Johnson and became an immediate hit.
It is impossible to name the exact place where the dance originated, although today in the city of Charleston, South Carolina, they will not only tell you that the dance was born here, but they will even demonstrate a specific place - an orphanage "Jenkins Orphanage" - according to legend, it was the orphans from this orphanage who invented the dance, later called the Charleston, the music on the basis of which formed the basis of the musical, which became zamenimy.
And its existence is recognized long before the triumphant appearance on the stage of the musical “ Runnin’ Wild ”, where, along with the debut of James P. Johnson’s song “ Charleston ”, the dance of the same name was performed. However, it was from this moment that the popularity of the Charleston began to rapidly gain momentum.
At first, this dance was mostly associated with young emancipated girls, who were called flappers (from the English - cracker), it was they who could afford to dance alone and demonstrate contempt for the old traditions in the dance.
Despite accusations of immorality and swagger, undermining the foundations of the nation's spirituality, all segments of the American population were carried away by the Charleston. There was no official Charleston training in dance classes, so wealthy people began to take lessons from their own servants: cooks, maids and laundresses, who mastered this dance much faster.
In general, there was nothing complicated in the performance of the dance. He was considered easy to learn, it was only necessary to learn how to make energetic movements with his arms and legs to fast music. On the other hand, the number of injured people has increased due to the irrepressible desire to put all the available energy and strength into the Charleston.
Charleston was a new dance. The Charleston was a fast dance. The Charleston was a simple dance. The Charleston was a dance that could be danced with a partner or alone. But most importantly, the Charleston was the first dance to blur the line between "dance being danced" and "dance being looked at" - by 1925, it seemed that everyone danced it.
Dance Critic Roger Pryor Dodge recalled a police officer in St. Louis who was directing traffic by dancing the Charleston.
Charleston, unlike other dances, became both spectacular and performing: it could be danced and watched. Charleston was brought to Europe by Josephine Baker , it was in her performance that the Parisian public saw this dance for the first time. Thanks to her, dance in Europe has become no less popular than in America.
Charleston technique
Charleston has a syncopated rhythmic structure, 4/4 time.
They dance the Charleston both in pairs and solo. The basic step is performed in place or moving forward, backward and to the side. The step begins with an off-beat movement, when the heels are parted, the support is on the left leg, and the right one simultaneously rises in a bent position with a twist to the right and back.
The same movement is carried out with the other leg. The off-beat movement is performed with closed knees. Hands move freely and vigorously.
The basic step can be performed by moving back and forth and sideways, as well as turning around its axis. The dance requires a lot of improvisation and, if performed in pairs, the main move varies in the positions of the partners and combinations of movements.
Charleston Features
Vigorous hand movements and characteristic foot turns are the main features of this dance. It has certain features of ballroom choreography, namely, the foxtrot, with the difference that the Charleston has a limited nature of movement and is performed most often on the spot. The musical accompaniment is represented by certain compositions of jazz and swing.
Despite its scandalous reputation, at the beginning of the last century Charleston became the king of dances. Having begun his victorious march in America, he conquered Europe somewhat later. It was impossible not to be infected by the desire to dance this provocative, easy-to-perform dance. Chalston was performed both in pairs and individually.
Ballrooms and hotels regularly held dance competitions showing hundreds of variations of the basic Charleston step (officially there were 74 movements in the Charleston).
One of the most famous Charleston competitions was held in 1925 at the Orpheum Theater in Kansas City. It was won by Leonard Reid , the future creator of Shim Sham .
Unfortunately, Leonard did not manage to get his award - the competition was “only for whites”, and although he managed to participate in it thanks to his fair skin, someone envied his win and gave his secret to the organizers of the competition
Charleston was the king of dances - but it also suffered the fate of any "fashionable" phenomenon - in 1926 a new "fashionable" dance arose - Black Bottom , and the Charleston was to be forgotten, just as were previously forgotten Bunny Hug , Apache Dance and many more.
Salvation came in the form of a new trendy dance - Lindy Hop , which incorporated many of the Charleston movements. And thirty years later, when the Lindy Hop went out of fashion, the Charleston returned again - this time in the form of two rock and roll dances - Charley Bop and Mashed Potato, which did not last long, however.
And then another fifty years passed - and Charleston began to dance on both sides of the ocean again . ..
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Simple dances for beginners. How to learn to dance?
Author Bartendaz Reading 5 min. Views 13.3k. Posted by
Dance is a beautiful, bewitching spectacle, captivating with its incendiary rhythm, bright colors and joy of life. The feeling of a holiday, which the dance gives, bursts like a bright comet into the dullness of everyday life, and life blooms with new colors.
In these video lessons, different types of dances are selected from classical to modern dances. In step-by-step videos, basic movements for beginners are disassembled.
Videos are suitable for different categories of beginner dancers: adults, children, pensioners. Dance lessons are selected in such a way that you can practice on your own, at home.
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- Modern dances for beginners. Video
- Zumba dancing. Video for beginners. For weight loss
- Fitness dancing for beginners. Video
- Salsa dance for beginners. Video
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- Charleston dance. Video training for beginners
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Belly dance for beginners.

In this video you will learn how to learn how to dance oriental dance, belly dance ioi in another way - Arabic dance. The presented video dance lessons for beginners will help you in learning to dance from scratch.
Slimming dance for beginners. Video lesson. Video
Russian dance for beginners. Video lessons
Bachata dance. Video for beginners
Modern dances for beginners. Video
Zumba dancing. Video for beginners. For weight loss
Fitness dancing for beginners. Video
Salsa dance for beginners. Video
Latin American dances. Video for beginners
Indian dances for beginners. Video
Hip hop dancing for beginners.

Club dance for beginners. Video lesson
Ballroom dancing. Video lessons for beginners
Mandala dance for beginners. Video
Chachacha dance. Video for beginners
Waltz dance, for beginners. Video lessons
Gypsy dance. Video for beginners
Tango. Video tutorials for beginners. Step by step instructions
Easy dancing for beginners. Video lessons
Samba dance for beginners. Video lesson
Dancing at the disco. Video training for beginners
Lezginka dance. Video for beginners
Irish dancing for beginners. Video training
Twerk dance for beginners. Video training
Jive dance for beginners. Video
Flamenco dance, for beginners.

Step dance. Video for beginners
Charleston dance.