How to be a chippendale dancer
FAQs | Chippendales
For starters, you can expect to have a bitchin’ good time watching Chippendales dancers ripping off their shirts for your pleasure and delight. Also you can expect an immersive and modern entertainment experience unlike anything else you’ve ever seen. For more info on what to expect, check out our links for the Vegas Show or Touring Show to get more deets.
Yes, absolutely yes. But that is a completely valid concern. It’s natural to think that guys who are as extremely good looking as the Chippendales could ruin other men for you but that’s simply not the case. In fact, many of our audience members report a HEIGHTENED attraction to their partners after seeing the show. Something about women coming home all amped up from having the greatest Girls Night Out boosts their confidence and they can’t wait to share that feel-good attitude with their honies. If your partner is still concerned about this issue, please encourage him or her to check out the show or some online clips and see if they can learn some moves themselves! Chippendales men are certainly beautiful but it’s their sexy swagger that makes them truly irresistible.
Yes, yes, yes! We always have been and always will be. When Chippendales revolutionized male stripping for female audiences, it was to create an environment where women felt safe and confident to have fun watching. We cater to a predominantly female audience but we have always welcomed LGBTQ to join our community. Chippendales prides itself on providing a fun and safe environment for all our friends to enjoy.
This is a great question, especially now. Thirty five years ago most men wouldn’t necessarily want to come to one of our shows and many women weren’t comfortable with letting guys join in on Girls Night. As the times have changed, so have our our audience members. Chippendales has become a mainstream entity and modern men are totally cool with seeing the show. We have no gender bias but we do acknowledge that there’s not a lot of bros at these shows. Of the handful of guys who may be there, they are all enjoying the drinks and the show. The smart ones are taking notes on moves to attempt with their own partners. Honestly it makes for festive foreplay.
The environment is more of a lounge feel with the live show happening up on stage. The good thing about this is that we have an upscale nightlife feel while still offering guests the best views of the good stuff on stage and the guys who hop down to mingle with the crowd. Chippendales shows are very different from strip clubs… you don’t have to make it rain and there are no poles to climb. The men of Chippendales are dancers not strippers. Yes they take it all off, but it’s done with style. We should probably also mention here that we don’t have a Champagne Room but guests get complimentary VIP access to the Rio’s exclusive Voodoo Lounge when booking a show package deal, so click here for details.
Sure! Ahem, "what-what!"
It’s only weird if you make it weird. Just kidding, it’s not weird at all. Honestly, it’s pretty boss to come see Chippendales on your own. For example a lot of women travel for work and want to go out in Vegas when they are here but don’t feel safe out drinking at a club by themselves or hanging out in their hotel bar where randoms can saddle up next to them and start the cheesy pick up lines. The Flirt Lounge at the Rio and Chippendales show provide a perfect environment. Plus there are so many other women there so it’s NBD to hit the show solo. Also, you’re welcome to hang out after the show and grab a drink with the Chippendales who are nice guys who won’t try to get your number… but you can most certainly give it to if you're totally vibing.
Nah, there is no frontal nudity but one can always hope for a wardrobe malfunction! In which case, you may want to choose seats closest to the stage so you can catch all the action.
Heck yes it is! There are a few games for audience participation and many songs that literally make everyone want to jump up and dance. Of course, you can enhance your experience by interacting now through our social media. You can post and share with friends before, during and after the show. You can also interact with the Chippendales dancers through their personal Instagram pages. It’s mostly pictures of them dancing, working out, and rescuing puppies… you probably won’t like it unless you feel like melting inside from all the cuteness.
We really try to respect the personal bubble rule but if you are comfortable and brought up on stage there can be some flirty contact but no groping or grinding. Keep it classy ladies... keep it classy.
No! That is a rumor started by jealous dude-bros who can’t dance. Most of the men are straight but we won’t tell you which ones because we love them all equally. It’s also a really fun guessing game to play with your friends and we would never deprive you of that. And last but not least, it’s your fantasy and they are what you want them to be. Most of them aren’t firemen either but that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy the hose show.
Oh for sure, she’s going to be so sad she missed it. Good news though, you can get her some swag to make her smile and let her know you’re still BFFs. If she’s still not over it (and they’re so hot, she might not be) then you may have to be a pal and go with her for another Girls Night down the road. The show is constantly evolving and the guys keep it fresh. Taking one for the team has never been more enjoyable.
Wear whatever makes you feel like the hottest version of yourself. For many showgoers, that means micro minis and stilettos, for others it’s jeans and a sexy top. If you’re part of a Bachelorette party it’s fun to band together and wear coordinating outfits or looks that heighten a chosen theme for the night. Party tiaras, boas and other Girls Night flare are always nice options and great ways to let the world know you and your crew are a force to be reckoned with. Bonus- it’s also the best way to get noticed and then pulled on stage. For inspiration, see some of the ensembles other audiences members wore on our Community page.
If you’re venturing to Vegas for the show and aren’t used to the dry climate and desert warmth than you may want to up your moisture level before your makeup application. You’ll probably be in for a long night so sweat-resistant and long-wear formulas can help you look picture perfect throughout the night. The theater also has a dark, sexy vibe so don’t be afraid to maximize your look with false lashes, a brighter lip, or go full on with your contour.
The professional dancers of Chippendales don’t make house calls for dancing or other adventures. The best way to take them home is in your post-show photo opp or via our newsfeed so you can scroll through afterhours, tweet with them or post at your leisure.
No, you can’t take them home with you. But check out the adorable night shirts in the boutique to wear while you dream of them.
Excellent question. We decided to post this inquiry to our guys at Chippendales. After adjusting their bow ties, the guys offer coy side smiles. The way they explain it is really simple… Chippendales pretty much invented Girls Night Out entertainment as we know it when they came on the scene in 1979. They are all abs and class, setting the highest standards in the business… meaning the men are of the highest caliber and the production value is better. The show in Las Vegas also has special celebrity guest hosts performing with them on a regular basis. Then they all ripped off their shirts. You can’t argue with that.
No girl, you keep your dollars! We know you have drinks and tiaras to buy so don’t you worry about it. It’s also not that sort of show and the guys are dancing at times in very tiny costumes that are already full of talent.
The show starts right on time so coming an hour early to get your tickets is a good idea. This gives you time to order drinks and get situated in your pre-selected seats. If you make it to the second show on the weekend nights then you should stay to meet the dancers and all that good stuff like pics with them and hugs, glorious hugs! Before the show you can take pictures against the “step and repeat” backdrop so you can get perfect premiere-style images to remember your night.
You’re so cute, of course you can! See what others have posted for inspiration inside the Flirt Lounge. But no pictures during the show until the guys say it’s okay.
The best advice we can give on this subject is to tell you to start yelling and cheering when you want some extra attention. Being decked out in party gear is another good way to signal that you and your friends are ready for the spotlight when the time comes. The audience members are selected at random but the guys definitely pay attention and do their best to choose girls who seem to want it the most. You can also choose to sit someplace where you know you’ll be in view of the guys when they come off stage to select a few lucky ladies. Insider tip: The guys come off stage to dance with the crowd so even if you’re not on stage you can get a little extra love. Maybe an aisle seat?
Not even a little bit. You can politely decline. If you are adamantly opposed to being on stage then you should let your friends know too so they don’t work too hard to get you on stage. The Chippendales dancers are totally cool about respecting your boundaries. Lastly, you should know that if you are on stage, it’s a fun and supportive environment. See where in the theater you’ll be most comfortable when you pick your tix.
Chippendales choreographer talks about life of a dancer
By Andrea Barbe
Imagine going to a job where you get to explore several different career fields, groove to your favorite songs on stage and have money thrown at you by hundreds of screaming women.
For some, this is just a wet dream. But for others like Jordan Lee Dizon, dancing, acting and adult entertaining is a way of life for a Chippendale.
Dizon, the 5-foot-10 Chippendales choreographer and dancer, travels all over the world to bring women a taste of their wildly popular Las Vegas show.
Now approaching its 30th year, Chippendales stopped at the Whiskey Tango bar in Omaha on Oct. 11, 12 and 13. Dizon took a few moments to talk with The Gateway about his career and what Chippendales means to him.Just out of curiosity, how many people do you think attended the Oct. 12 show?
About 300. Last night, it was just like this.
How long have you been a Chippendale’s dancer?
Eleven years. I’m trying to think how far back – yeah, 11 years. It paid for college, you know, but I make more money doing that. I mean, I have a degree, but I make more money doing this and this is fun.
Where did you go to school?
I went to the University of Michigan.
How did you become involved with Chippendales from there?
I was home in the summertime in New York, and the New York Chippendales were there. I needed to make some money for school. They had open auditions, and they had like a thousand people there, and they only hired two. I got lucky, I guess.
Oh, wow. What was your degree in at the University of Michigan?
I have to ask: do you have a girlfriend?
I wish.
How many hours would you say you typically spend rehearsing and performing?
Well, the road shows vary. Like today, we just did a run-through – we always do a run-through every day, because each place is different, the size of the stage and everything. I’m the dance captain, so I’m the one who does the choreography. I set the stage, set who’s in what acts and stuff like that. It’s a lot of time. I mean I do more work before the show than actually in the show.
Obviously, you guys are all in very good shape. How many hours would you say you spend at the gym per day or per week?
No ones believes this, but hours per week, I’d say I spend less than three hours. After 30 minutes, I’m done. And we eat anything and everything. Trust me. We eat one time, and it’s all day. A lot of people think you have to work out for two or three hours. If you know your body, after 30 minutes, you’re done. I can’t do that hour thing. I’m lazy.
Could you give me a rundown of a typical day for you?
A typical day – well, before we came here, we were in Wichita, Kan. We did a show there, and there were about 900 people there. It was a pretty decent show. The next morning, we always have call times or certain times where we all have to meet. We meet in the morning, eat breakfast, talk about our day coming up, then we travel and get to the place, check into the hotel. Then we come to the club, see the stage and figure out how to set up the show. The guys go do whatever they need to do. We have a certain time we all need to rehearse, and we rehearse for an hour, or an hour-and-a-half, then go back to the hotel, eat, shower and come back. It’s a lot of work. You’ve got to have a thick skin to do this. I mean your day never stops.
Without getting too personal here, may I ask how much an average Chippendale dancer gets paid?
We get a salary plus tips. It varies. Each guy negotiates his own contract, and each guy gets paid differently. So I can’t really speak for what they get paid. I know what I get paid, but that’s always a no-no. We’re not allowed to talk about that.
As far as tips go, how much would you say you receive a night?
Again, it varies. Like last night was better than tonight, even though there were more people here tonight. I haven’t counted tonight’s tips yet. There are some shows where I’ll make around $4,000 to $5,000 a night just in tips. But there are some shows where you’ll only make $200. So it depends on who’s generous and who’s not.
The Chippendales main shows in Vegas are extremely popular. Can you tell me how those performances would compare to the shows on tour?
Well, we’re all one group, but we’re all divided. The main group is in Vegas. I did the Vegas show. I just joined this group, in fact, about two weeks ago. The guys on the road actually have it harder because you never know what you’re getting into. Each show has to be different because each place is different. The Vegas shows have 15 guys. They run more smoothly because they have so many guys. We only have six here tonight. We do the exact same shows that they do, but with a whole lot less. So being on the road is a lot harder. They have it made; they really do. They live there. They work their regular jobs. And, at night, they go home and go to bed. We either catch a plane or – it’s rough. The Vegas show is the show everyone wants to be in. Being the managers of [the touring show], Elvin [Bibiloni] are the only two who stay with the Vegas show that’s in this group.
You guys definitely have some wild fans.
I certainly think so.
[laughs] Women are worse than men. Oh my gosh. Guys will go to a club and just sit there, look around and that’s it. With women, I don’t know. The way I see it, men act like men 24 hours a day. Women let their hair down once in a blue moon. So that’s why they really go all out. Because when we’re not here, trust me, they’re totally different people.
With that being said, what’s the craziest thing a fan has ever done to you or for you?
Ripped off my bottoms completely, and I had to walk back to my dressing room completely nude. And it took me 10 minutes to get back to my dressing room. That’s how packed it was. That was in Europe, when we did our European tour. We go all over. Trust me, I’ve seen anything and everything. I’ve been asked so many things. Trust me. I’m in the process of writing a book. I’ve seen it all.
In keeping with our theme here, have you personally had any stalkers or had a coworker deal with that type of situation?
Oh, yes. I’ve had some that were like “Fatal Attraction.” In Florida, this one girl drove – this is funny – she was a real pretty, real nice girl. Here’s the thing: when you’re dancing, you have to be professional. Well, she would follow us to every tour we had. So she found out that we had a show six hours away, she drove her and her kids all the way over there and her ex-husband followed her. During the show, her ex-husband came on stage and wanted to question me. I’m thinking, “Dude, [laughs] I’m sorry.” That’s bad.
What about any wardrobe malfunctions?
It happened tonight during the officer act. One of the guys forgot to button the button on his pants. One thing about our skits is that you have to be a dancer, you have to have personality, stage presence and you have to be an actor, because if you’re a cowboy, you have to act like a cowboy.
How do you guys keep from getting too excited during your performance?
That’s one of the typical questions we get. The other typical question we get is “Which one of y’all guys is gay?” We get that all the time. Why would people think any one of us is gay? If I was gay, I wouldn’t want to dance in front of women, I’d want to dance in front of a guy, wouldn’t you think? But the reason people say that is because usually a girl will say, “Hey honey, I’m going out with the girls. We’re going to go see Chippendales.” It’s a defense mechanism. “Oh, you know they’re gay, right?” So it makes them feel better. But to get back to your question – what was your question?
How do you keep from getting too exited?
Oh, if dancing gets you excited, then there’s something wrong with you, if you know what I mean. It’s just dancing. It’s performing. It’s like being an actor. It’s like asking Tom Cruise, “How do you get excited doing a scene?” It’s acting. You know what I mean?
What do you guys do to relax after the show?
I go back to the [hotel] room. I don’t go out. This is a job, you know? Everybody has their own reasons for being here. For me, it’s because I love dancing. Some people like the variety or the attention. It’s different for everybody. Like some of the guys from tonight – they’ll probably go out. Elvin and I, we usually just go back to our rooms. I mean, we’ve been doing this for so long. In New York, we all go out and stay out late, but that was a long time ago. I’m old.
Is there an age limit on Chippendale dancers?
They have to be 18 at least.
Chippendales puts out a calendar each year. How do the guys get chosen for that?
Ah, that’s a good question. It’s the guys who are in the best shape. That’s what it used to be. I haven’t been on the calendar for the past few years, and I’m upset about that. I’ve been on the calendar for the past nine years, but the last two years I haven’t been. I’ve been trying to fade out from press stuff. I guess that’s the reason why. But Elvin’s on the calendar. [Mike] Sullivan’s on the calendar. He was the one during the show with the five o’clock shadow. Some people think that’s sexy, you know? Five o’clock shadow on me looks like I got dirt on my face. I have to shave every day.
You said you were fading yourself out from Chippendales. What are planning to do next?
Well, I flip houses on the side. I’d like to settle down. I’d like to meet somebody eventually, you know. You can’t do that on the road. I mean, this is fun and it’s a living here, but there’s always a transition. I’d still like to do choreography from Chippendales, but I can do that at home. I don’t have to go all over the world.
Anything else that you think readers should know about?
They’ll have to wait for the movie.
Is Otis based on a real-life Chippendales dancer?
Image Credit: Erin Simkin/Hulu
As an original Hulu miniseries that explores every aspect of Chippendale's dark history without the slightest hesitation, Welcome to Chippendales can only be described as gripping and haunting. That's because this eight-part chart not only shows how this all-male, all-female strip club rose to the top, but also the impact sex, greed, and drugs ultimately had on it. In the meantime, if you just want to know more about dancer Otis (played by The CW's Roswell, NM star Quentin Playr)—specifically, his character's origins—we've got you covered.
From what we can tell, trained dancer, aspiring actor and family man Otis is not at all based on a real person or Chippendale performer who was an early component of the organization. The truth is that his role in this performance is mainly to give us an idea of what it could be like for a struggling black entertainer turned stripper in the 1970s and 80s, but that's more of a lie. After all, the Chippendales faced numerous racial discrimination lawsuits in their early years due to the fact that they rarely hired people of color for any position - despite the fact that its founder was an Indian Bengali.
Image Credit: Erin Simkin/Hulu You might think that Somen "Steve" Banerjee wanted to make his male strip show as diverse as possible given the fact that he was an immigrant with big dreams and aspirations, but no. Instead, according to reports, its former employees were almost exclusively white—in 1985, only six of the 130 people on the payroll were black—and African Americans were also not allowed to enter the club. It took a few things, but this year (1985) He pledged 25% of all new Chippendales employees would be black, and there would be no discrimination in who could set foot in his establishment.
In addition, Steve pledged to do business of at least $500,000 with local African-American traders, and to pay a total of $85,000 (no more than $250 per person) to anyone who could prove they were denied entry to a strip club due to their skin color. Note also that according to LA Mag, Black dancers were sometimes hired as Chippendales gained more recognition. However, there was only one black dancer in the team at a time, and the group was dominated by white performers. This probably includes their clubs and national tours.
As for Chippendale's most beloved original dancer of all, the title given to Otis on the Hulu show may have been none other than E Peterson (now a commercial fashion photographer). “I would never even think that I work here,” he said. said then. “It wasn’t my plan, but sometimes you have to be open enough to go with the flow, and that wasn’t in my nature… [It] opened my closed mind, understanding that we are all different, we all came from a different point vision, and the ability to see and understand this helps me navigate this period of life.
where to study, salary, pros and cons
Author: Professional Guide
Dancer is a person of art who performs rhythmic movements to music, taking part in theatrical performances, shows. The profession belongs to the type “a person is an artistic image”, it requires excellent self-discipline and, of course, talent. Children who distinguish literature, physical education, music and singing from all school subjects can become dancers. By the way, the ProfGid career guidance center has recently developed an accurate career guidance test that will tell you which professions suit you, give an opinion about your personality type and intelligence.
- Brief description
- Profession Features
- Pluses and minuses of the profession
- Plus
- Minuses
- Important personal qualities
- universities
- Best colleges and academies for dancers
- Best universities
- Place of work
- Salary
- Salary of a dancer as of December 2022
- Professional knowledge
- Famous dancers
- Examples of companies with vacancies as a dancer
- ballet;
- variety and folk dance;
- historical dance and others.
- Excellent physical development, because dancing strengthens the body and willpower.
- Opportunity to work on the best stages.
- Talented dancers achieve success quickly.
- The profession is interesting, active and ambitious people will like it.
- Opportunity to earn income from various sources, because dancers work alone or in pairs, can take part in private productions, star in music videos.
- Useful business connections in the world of art.
- The opportunity to change the field of activity, because dancers often open schools, give private lessons, work as choreographers - the choice of directions is huge.
- High injury rate.
- Serious injuries can put an end to a professional career.
- Short career period.
- Very high competition.
- schools and academies of choreography;
- dance studios;
- colleges;
- universities.
- "The art of dance (by type)", implemented in choreographic colleges and schools. You can start training after grades 7-9, which depends on the requirements of the college;
- The Art of Ballet.
The direction of training is open in many creative colleges, studio schools, academies. Children who have completed the 4th grade of the school are invited to study.
4 years
90,000 RUB/year
12 budget places
4 years
158,100 RUB/year
23 budget places
4 years
65,000 ₽/year
8 budget places
4 years
200,000 ₽/year
16 budget places
- Dance Quarter School.
- School for children "Dancevaliya".
- State 27 Dance Studio.
- ARB im. A. Ya. Vaganova.
- MCU at the Moscow State Academy of Theater Arts "Gzhel".
- School-studio (school) at GAANT them. I. Moiseeva.
- KMTI im. G. P. Vishnevskaya.
- ARB them. A. Ya. Vaganova.
- Russian State University A. N. Kosygin.
- ISI.
- KemGIK.
Brief description
This profession has a rich history and is closely associated with the arts. However, the success of dancers by more than 50% depends on dedication, endurance, self-discipline. A specialist can work independently, performing solo choreographic numbers, it is also worth highlighting pair and collective dances. There are a lot of types and techniques of this art direction:
See also:
Also distinguish styles such as street jazz, hip-hop, R'n'B, contemporary dance, street dance, etc. Dancers choose the style and type of performing arts based on their physical abilities, temperament, personal preferences. On stage, they create artistic images, convey emotions, making the hearts of the audience tremble.
Features of the profession
Anyone can become a professional dancer, but it is worth starting training in childhood. Choreographers recommend giving children to dance studios at the age of 3-7 years, which will allow them to develop good posture, plasticity, stretching, a sense of rhythm and other skills necessary for professional performance. Dancers most often work in 1-2 overlapping styles, they pay special attention to training and rehearsals, maintaining excellent physical shape. A career is short, because its peak is at the age of 15-25 years, and after 30 years, most specialists change their field of activity. They can realize their talent and knowledge in other areas, working as directors, choreographers, school teachers.
Dancers independently or under the guidance of a choreographer create performances: choice of music, sequence and rhythm of movements, costumes and image, facial expressions, plasticity. Before performing the dance, they rehearse for a long time, honing their skills. Many members of this profession often travel around their home country and go abroad to give concerts. The activity is associated with certain difficulties, which leaves an imprint on the lifestyle and character of the dancer.
Pros and cons of the profession
See also:
Important personal qualities
Dancers have excellent plasticity, but in this profession not only technical performance is important, but also emotionality. The dancers convey the idea of the performance with the help of movements, facial expressions, so they must be distinguished by well-developed artistry. Increased performance, resistance to physical stress and low pain threshold are very important, because rehearsals and performances often end with sprains, dislocations and other minor injuries. Only those people who do not suffer from laziness, negligence, and excessive self-confidence ascend to the pinnacle of success.
Training for a dancer
Professional education can be obtained in various institutions:
There are no special requirements for the education of a dancer, the level of his skill is determined during choreographic tests. It is worth starting training at a young age in order to reach a professional level. Let's consider the most interesting directions:
You can also go to study at a university, choosing a specialty related to choreography, folk dance and other areas. Primary training can be obtained in public and private schools of choreographic art, during individual lessons.
Best Primary Schools
Best colleges and academies for dancers
Best universities
See also:
Place of work
Dancers are in demand in theaters, film industry and organization of holidays and events. They can work as teachers, find vacancies in nightclubs, private groups - there are many options for employment.
There is no exact tariff rate in this segment, because everything depends on the style in which the dancer works, personal qualities, education, reputation and experience.