How to become a line dance instructor
Welcome to the Home of the International Consortium of Line Dance Instructors (ICLDI)!!!! We are an organization that offers dance teachers an opportunity to complete their dance instructor certification throughout the USA. We are administered by an Executive Council (EC) that is comprised of the senior officials selected to serve (see EC names below). The EC establishes policy guidance and regulations governing the operation of the organization. Our premier certification offering is referred to as the Accelerated Instructor Certification Program (AICP) and contains the following:
The AICP includes professional training for dance instructor certification in Odenton, MD and focuses on the fields of business development, legal aspects of dance instruction, physical therapy, injury prevention, teaching techniques, dance appreciation and music theory. We offer a diverse range of instructor training to meet the cultural, entertainment, and recreational interests of our customers across the US. Whether you are looking to meet new dance instructors and just get away from your daily instruction duties, participation in the AICP sponsored by The International Consortium of Line Dance Instructors can help. The following EC membership is presented: Executive Director, Sharon Lynn Holmes, M.S. Administrative Officer, Lorraine Jones Wardlaw, M.S. Dance Development Director, Lawrence Bradford, Master Instructor Dance Outreach Director, Melodye Robinson, M. Attorney Advisor, Rebecca Letsome Eastern Regional Director, Aline Goodman Southern Regional Director, Sheila Cash-Carter Mid-Western Regional Director, Marilyn Sanders (Acting) Western Regional Director, Harriette Coggs-Stuckey, M.S !!!!!Shed the stress and worry of everyday dance life. Attend our certification sessions and enjoy a fantastic time of learning with other dance instructors.
Contact "The Consortium" today!
Become A Dance Instructor Today! Dance With Janet
My Instructor Training program will help you build and develop a dance community in your area. Ever since I learned how to dance, I thought if more people knew how to dance, they’d love it as I did. I’ve found that to be true. As I have taught more and more people to dance, I realized my dream of sharing dancing all over the world could definitely become reality. I’ve developed this course to show you how YOU can be part of it. For those of you who like to dance and would like to have a dance community in your area, but don’t – the wait is over! You soon will. I’ll show you how…it will start with YOU. It will involve new behaviors…with new individuals…and a new understanding of people – maybe of yourself! Your world will expand, your employment may change, and your circle of friends could multiply; it’s up to you. You can do as much or as little with the information I’ll provide you as you wish. One thing I will GUARANTEE: if you implement my system, YOU WILL DANCE WITH A GROUP OF PEOPLE IN YOUR AREA. I will be with you every step of the way, and I personally will be available to answer your questions. I have done this, and I am still doing it. YOU CAN, TOO!
I have created a program that is truly Dance With Janet‘s Business In A Box, where I share with you how I’ve been able to teach full time and successfully share dancing with THOUSANDS of people. It synergizes what dances are being taught within the line dance community. It improves how instructors TEACH so people can learn to dance more easily!!!! And it shows you how you can do exactly what I have done, as your own company, if you so desire – WHEREVER in the WORLD that may be.
The knowledge you gain will definitely put you on the Dance With Janet teaching team, if you wish. I have more classes in the queue than I can possibly teach myself. Requests for new classes are now coming in WEEKLY from all over the country…and training people is the only way to meet the demand of people who want to learn how to dance. It is a VERY EXCITING time to debut this training, and THE BEST time to be a dance instructor!!! I am THRILLED to share this information with you!!!
* Lesson 1 – People’s Psychology
* Lesson 2 – Creating The Dance With Janet Community
* Lesson 3 – The Mechanics Of Teaching – Part 1
* Lesson 4 – The Mechanics Of Teaching – Part 2
* Lesson 5 – Gigs
* Lesson 6 – Basic Dance Steps
* Lesson 7 – Triples & Turns
* Lesson 8 – Step Sheets (Learning & Choosing Dances)
* Lesson 9 – Hosting Dances
* Lesson 10 – Marketing
* Lesson 11 – Entrepreneurial Logistics
* PLUS Weekly Q & A
Five ladies – Debbie, Karen, Cathie, Pam, & Kim – jumped on the bandwagon for the first Instructor Training program. I’ve included videos with them so you can hear their thoughts about what they learned. These videos were filmed using Facebook LIVE, and were totally unscripted. I simply asked them for their opinions. Take a listen to what they have to say to see if this program is for you!
* 12 – 18 Hours of Live Training (Attend In Person or Virtually)
* 12 Hours of Videos Plus Manuals of the Live Training
* 36 Hours of Additional Coaching Assistance
* Beginner 1 & 2 Curriculum with Song Suggestions
* Membership in DWJ Instructor Facebook Group (For Follow Up Support)
* Complimentary Access to DWJ Members Only Videos & Step Sheets
1) 2-Day Weekend Event In Chicago Area from 10 am – 5 pm
– Please join me in person for this seminar or via live stream.
Lunch will be provided both days
September 10th & September 11th
(Willow Lake Club House – 161 W River Rd, Building B, Elgin, IL 60123)
2) Pre-Recorded Training Videos
– Available Instantly!
It’s Time To Change The Future Of Country Couples & Line Dancing!
Why should an engineer start dancing tango / Sudo Null IT News
About once a week my evening looks like this: I put a nice shirt or two in my bag, a nice pair of shoes and come to a park with an open veranda, a restaurant or a club. Several dozen well-dressed men and women have already gathered there, I quickly change clothes and join them. I know someone, we warmly embrace and exchange a few words for life. There is a bar: you can take a glass of wine, a cocktail or juice. Somewhat old-fashioned, but beautiful and rhythmic music is playing. Here it changes, I listen to the first bars, look around the room, choose the most spectacular woman and try to catch her eye. nine0003
No, this is not a "over 30" dating club, not a psychological training and not an underground marketplace for escort services. For more than ten years, apart from a few breaks, I have been dancing social Argentine tango.
The key word here is "social". This is not a sport (there are sports and ballroom dancing, the standard program of which includes tango), not fitness, not a folklore circle. Social dancing is a hobby that millions of people all over the world do, and now I’ll tell you why this is an ideal activity for Habr’s audience: software engineers, testers, SREs and others, who until recently were condescendingly called nerds and geeks (so far our companies did not begin to receive billion-dollar valuations, and we ourselves did not become millionaires in those very 30s). nine0003
Another important feature of social dances is that they are danced in pairs, where there are roles of leader and follower, leader and follower (this is what, by the way, the politically incorrect master and slave had to be renamed into). These couples are formed impromptu: in tango there is the concept of cabeseo / mirada, when potential partners meet eyes, nod to each other, the partner approaches the partner and invites her to the dance floor with a gesture. Other social dances probably have their own, more or less formal ways of negotiating a dance. The social dances themselves are largely improvisational, of course, they have separate figures and ligaments, but exactly how and in what order to compose them is decided by the leader in a pair during the dance, based on the music, his mood and the availability of free space on the dance floor. . nine0003
It's obvious that you can't just come and start dancing without preparation - all social dances have to be learned, some longer, some faster. They say that in Cuba they learn to dance salsa in two weeks, and tourists probably do it in 2-3 days, but the typical training time for tango, salsa, and swing varieties is from three to six months. At this point, it is considered that students can already dance tolerably with each other and other beginner dancers and enjoy it. The path from beginner to intermediate and advanced level can take several years, but in general this process has no end: you can always improve the basic technique, learn new figures, ligaments and whole varieties of dance. nine0003
Thus, a typical week of a student in a social dance group consists of two group lessons of one and a half hours and at least three hours of independent practice, without which the lessons practically do not make sense: in the lessons we only learn the material, and for mechanical memorization it is required to repeat it many times . In addition to lessons and practices, you will have to spend at least a minimal amount on clothes and shoes. Over time, you will want to attend more expensive seminars and intensives and even take private lessons (I continue to do this regularly with my more than a decade of experience), as well as buy or make custom-made dance "equipment". For the sake of what, one wonders, such an investment of money, and, more importantly, time? And why do I strongly recommend IT workers to do this? nine0003
First of all, social dancing is a great way to socialize (pun intended). At lessons and practices, as well as at milongas (the so-called tango parties), salsatecs and parties of other dances, you meet a variety of people with whom you will be united by common interests, topics for conversation, and this is great both to satisfy the basic need for communication, and for making new useful contacts, as well as, last but not least, acquaintances with the opposite sex. Women in social dances come off to the fullest in terms of dresses, shoes, hairstyles and makeup: everything that they sometimes lack in everyday life, they can fully embody on the dance floor, so their eyes diverge out of habit, and the pulse quickens to a slight tachycardia. The rituals of choosing partners and partners are pretty similar to similar gender rituals of flirting and seduction, and the fifteen-minute dance itself can express a lot of emotions without words and helps to get to know each other better than texting on Tinder or dating in coffee shops. However, moving from dancing to casual conversation is as easy as shelling pears: I remind you that the bar is open! nine0003 This is a picture from a real Moscow milonga, taken from the LocalWay website
(don't stop reading on the previous paragraph, it's not all good things about social dancing!) problems and algorithms. In this regard, the "right hemispheric" functions - emotions, intuition, imaginative thinking, perception of art - are less developed in us, and the further we advance in our career, the stronger this imbalance. Social dancing is a great way to pump your "right hemisphere": learn to listen and hear music, perceive and express emotions and improvise. These are invaluable skills that will come in handy countless times in a variety of life situations, from moving in a dense stream of people to work meetings and business and personal relationships. nine0003
I'm not talking about the fact that the formation of new neural connections is a hyperuseful process for the brain, especially with age. If you don’t want to turn into a conservative bore by the age of 40, who is lashing out at the youth unleashed with their flashlights in the yard, then it’s a matter of our time! - you need to constantly learn something new, helping the brain and psyche to maintain plasticity and lability. Learning something that is not just outside of your work responsibilities and professional interests, but perpendicular to them is a hundredfold useful. With my ten years of experience, I constantly continue to learn something in tango, attend seminars of Argentine maestros, exchange new chips with tangeros friends, study tango music and learn a little Spanish to better understand the lyrics. nine0003
But that's not all! The third whale of dancing is the physical form. At first glance, it seems that most social dances, unlike ballroom dancing, do not require much effort, especially if we are talking about Argentine tango, and not boogie-woogie or lindy-hop. But this impression is deceptive: the music is fast, the figures and ligaments are complex and require a certain dexterity, and a lot of strength is required to maintain balance (feet and ankle), hold your axis (back muscles and corset muscles), embrace with a partner (muscles of the arms ). Each step in tango is accented and, starting from the floor, ends at the point of contact of the couple, engaging all the muscles along the way. And so an hour and a half of a lesson, two hours of practice or 3-4 hours of a milonga! nine0003
In-depth work on dance technique and basic techniques of balance, step, axis and embrace lead to an increase in body awareness (understanding how the body and its individual parts work) to the level of advanced adherents of Pilates, bodybuilding and even yoga. Some dancers and especially dance teachers organically develop in the direction of body psychotherapy and embodiment (google, the text is already big). Already from the advanced level, dancers get a good posture, a light and energetic step, as well as an image improvement and an increase in self-esteem as a bonus, and with experience this only progresses. nine0003
With this, I will end social dancing in general and move on to the benefits of Argentine tango specifically.
Firstly, in my opinion, it is in the Argentine tango of all social dances that there is the most improvisation and the least memorized chords and "tracks". At least it is in tango that this is valued above all. This is due to the traditions of the Argentine milongas, where the density of couples per square meter of the floor is sometimes such that there is nowhere for an apple to fall, and the ability of a partner to use all the available space or move in one place in a variety of ways was a sign of skill. nine0003
Secondly, tango has the most complex emotions and feelings. The norm for tango is a close hug, when the bodies of the partner and the partner are tightly pressed in the chest area. We are actually dancing, embracing! Feeling each other's micro-movements, delicately touching with your feet, hearing breathing, freezing or breaking away in unison is priceless for me. Well, just hugging other people is good for your health (yes, there are scientific studies).
Because of this, tango is usually danced by people who are emotionally mature, able to express their mood and appreciate the feelings of others. There are very few “achievers” in the tango environment, people whose thoughts are aimed at producing an external effect: after all, most of our dance takes place within a couple. At the same time, the rule "what happens on the dance floor - stays on the dance floor" applies, and after a sensual tanda on the verge of eroticism (four melodies that are danced in a row without a change), my partner and I can look at each other and disperse in different directions in satisfaction, so that in 15 minutes, experience the same (or completely different) range of emotions with other people. nine0003 And this is a photo of your disobedient servant in the emotional moment of the dance
For me personally, such a thing as tango tourism plays an important role. Argentine social tango is so widely spread across the planet that there are dancing parties in almost every major city in the world, except for countries where bodily contact between unfamiliar people is considered unethical or even prohibited. Going on any trip, I throw a pair of dance shoes into my bag, and I am almost sure that if I want to go dancing, I will easily find such an opportunity for myself, as it happened many times in Israel, Cyprus, Turkey, Greece, Croatia, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Denmark, USA, and everywhere else. Before the coronavirus, tango festivals were held all over the world, including in Russia and Belarus, including both just milongas and master classes by a world-class maestro. This was a great reason to choose a place for the next vacation: to see the city and in the evening there is always something to do. St. Petersburg, Nizhny, Chelyabinsk, Minsk, Istanbul, Naples, Genoa, Barcelona - these are just some of the places where I attended great events and met cool people. nine0003
And finally: when the basic movements are danced to automatism, and the necessary muscle groups are constantly in good shape, the requirements for physical fitness become not as acute as at the beginning of the journey. As a result, tango can be danced even at a rather advanced age of 60-70, unlike other social dances, where this is rather an exception. In the milongas in Argentina, where the tango culture is most alive and integrated into society, it will not be a surprise to meet dancers aged 80 and even older. Just watch the great Carlos Gavito at almost 60 dancing with 35 year old Marcela Duran to the music of Osvaldo Pugliese. This show was one of the catalysts for me getting into tango, and the tune is still one of my favorites:
Now you probably have one question left: where to start your path to social dancing, how to understand if it's mine or not? If the article arouses interest, I will write a sequel about this and much more that I will meet on the path of a social dancer, as well as share my personal experience. In the meantime, instead of a link to the continuation - a link to an open lesson, which will be held on February 19 (Friday) at 20:00 in the Moscow studio El Gato Tango in Armenian Lane, where I practice most of my tango life and which, of course, I recommend from the bottom of my heart . Teachers will talk about the history and modernity of tango, show dancing in different styles and to different music, and at the end put those who wish in pairs and show a few simple movements in a training embrace. nine0003
Sports School of Formaeshen Vera Children (Dancing)
List of centers for the preparation of children of age
from 3 to 6 years (initial block)
Our centers for Vatutin and MMS :
⁃ New 4 Studio Studio Studio Stadi Stella - Shcherbakova, 158 st. Fox Zareka" - Zarechny Ave., 39 k.2
⁃ d / s No. 160 - Muravlenko, 19/1
⁃ d/s №160 - Evropeyskiy pr. Fly Studio - Lesoparkovaya, 13a
⁃ c / c "Fire Fox Cape" - Marshal Zakharov, 11/2
new d/s No. 51 - Mechanical, 44
⁃ d/s No. 7 - Minsk, 90
⁃ d/s No. 7 - Minsk, 84
⁃ d / s No. 101 - 50 years of October, 32a
⁃ d / s No. 101 - 50 years of October, 51a
⁃ d / s No. 135 - Volodarsky, 59 d / s №135 - Nemtsova, 26
⁃ lyceum No. 93 - Geologists, 19
⁃ d / s "Krepysh" - Melnichnaya, 80
⁃ "House of Dances" studio - Melnichnaya, 83 k2
⁃ DtiS "Pioneer" - Chelyuskintsev , 46
⁃ Sports Dance Center - 50 years of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, 91
0045 ⁃ new d / s No. 141 - Montazhnikov, 24 (1st microdistrict)
⁃ new d / s No. 186 - Dmitry Mendeleev, 14a (3rd microdistrict)
⁃ d / s No. 186 - Nikolai Zelinsky, 21 k1 (3rd microdistrict)
⁃ d / s No. 186 - Nikolay Semenov, 33 k2 (3rd microdistrict)
⁃ d / s No. 158 - Alexander Logunov, 8 (4th microdistrict)
⁃ d / s No. 158 - Nikolay Semenov, 21 k2 (4th microdistrict)
⁃ d / s No. 162 - Alexandra Logunova, 14 (4th microdistrict)
⁃ d / s No. 162 - Shirotnaya, 37 (5th microdistrict)
⁃ new d / s No. 162 - Permyakova, 54B ( former d / s 164, 5th microdistrict)
⁃ new GAU TO "Center-Judo" - V. Gnarovskoy, 1 (6th microdistrict)
⁃ d / s №176 - Melnikaite, 127 k1 (6th microdistrict)
⁃ d / s No. 176 - Melnikaite, 131 k1 (6th microdistrict)
⁃ d / s No. 146 - Motorostroteley, 3 (Vostochny-1)
⁃ d / s No. 146 - Stakhanovtsev, 4 (Vostochny-1)
⁃ d / s No. 146 - Boris Zhitkov, 3 ( ZhK Sukhodolye)
⁃ d / s No. 146 - Linear, 5 (LCD Yubileiny)
⁃ new d / s No. 141 - Linear, 25 (LCD Vidny)
⁃ new d / s No. 141 - Nikolai Rostovtsev, 14 (Yamalsky-1)
⁃ Athletic Gym - Nikolai Rostovtseva, 2 k1 (Yamalsky-1)
⁃ Fitness center "Lux" - Malaya Borovskaya, 4 (Voinovka)
⁃ d / s No. 25 - Borovskaya, 2B k1 (Voinovka)
⁃ d / from No. 25 - Tallinnskaya, 2 (Voynovka)
Our centers at the House of Defense:
Mayak and Chervishevsky tract:
⁃ d/s No. 50 - Parkovaya, 2b0045 ⁃ d / s №60 - Parkhomenko, 29
Our centers in the area of st. Fedyuninsky:
⁃ new d / s No. 141 - Nikolay Rostovtseva, 14 (Yamalsky-1)
⁃ new d / s No. 50 k8 - Novoselov, 109 k1 (LCD Plekhanovo)
⁃ new 904 ⁃ / s №158 - 4 building (Novo-Patrushevo)
⁃ d / s № 158 - P. Sharova, 11 (Novo-Patrushevo)
⁃ d / s No. 60 - Vyuzhnaya, 6 (Yamalsky-2)
⁃ Athletic Gym - Nikolai Rostovtsev, 2 k1 (Yamalsky-1)
⁃ new Child Development Center LOKKI CLUB - Akademichesky pr., 12 (d. Dudareva) (*subscription price in this branch differs from others)
List of centers for continuing education,
enrollment of children from 4 years old: