How long is the house of dancing water
The House of Dancing Water - What To Know BEFORE You Go
The Basics
House of the Dancing Water is performed in a 270-degree theater, where the first four rows of certain zones are considered splash seats. The show is completely nonverbal. Visitors can choose between two showtimes on most evenings, and tickets are divided into four categories based on their view of the stage. The performance tells the story of Coloane, a fisherman who is transported to a world of princesses, pirates, and an evil stepmother.
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Things to Know Before You Go
The House of the Dancing Water makes for a great date night; it’s not recommended for children under age 6.
The show lasts about 85 minutes with no intermission.
It’s a good idea to book ahead; the show often sells out.
Don’t forget to bring a valid photo ID to collect your tickets at the theater.
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How to Get There
The Dancing Water Theater is located at the Grand Hyatt Macau City of Dreams on the first level next to the Beijing Kitchen. City of Dreams offers a free shuttle service from several areas in the city, including the Macau and Taipa ferry terminals, and Macau International Airport.
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Trip ideas
Top Historical Sights in Macau
If you want to take a deep dive into Macau’s long and storied past, these top historical sights have a place on your itinerary.
Visiting Macau for the First Time? Here's What to See and Do
Whether it's gambling, history, or top views you're after, we've got you covered with these picks for first-time visitors.
How to Spend 2 Days in Macau
With two days, you have time to explore the historic city center, visit top modern attractions, wander Macau’s Portuguese villages, and see its Vegas-style shows.
How to Spend 1 Day in Macau
How to Spend 3 Days in Macau
Colonial Sites in Macau
Macao's Top Tickets
When to Get There
The show is performed nightly on Friday and twice nightly Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Pick up your tickets at least an hour before the show to avoid queues, and plan to start looking for your seat about 15 minutes before showtime.
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Behind the Scenes
Visitors will see a cast of 80 perform at the House of the Dancing Water. What they don’t see are the 150 others working backstage to make the show happen. The crew even includes scuba divers to help keep the performers safe when they’re performing stunts in and above the water.
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Frequently Asked Questions
The answers provided below are based on answers previously given by the tour provider to customers’ questions.
What are the nearest attractions to The House of Dancing Water?
Attractions near The House of Dancing Water:
- Kids' City
- Macau Islands
- Eiffel Tower at the Parisian Macao
What else should I know about attractions in Macau SAR?
As well as visiting the The House of Dancing Water, check out these trip ideas to make the most of your visit:
- How to Spend 2 Days in Macau
- Visiting Macau for the First Time? Here's What to See and Do
- Colonial Sites in Macau
More Tours in Macau SAR
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Things to do near Macau SAR
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- Things to do in Guangzhou
- Things to do in Yangshuo
- Things to do in Guilin
- Things to do in Xiamen
- Things to do in Nanning
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- Things to do in Taipei
- Things to do in Southern China
- Things to do in Guangxi
- Things to do in Okinawa
More attractions near Macau SAR
- Kids' City
- Macau Islands
- Eiffel Tower at the Parisian Macao
- Golden Reel
- Batman Dark Flight
- Warner Bros.
Fun Zone at Studio City Macau
- Galaxy Macau
- Macao Science Center (Centro de Ciencia de Macau)
- Kun Iam Statue
- Macau Tower
- Casino Lisboa
- Guia Fortress
- A-Ma Temple (Ma Kok Miu)
- Maritime Museum
- Senate Square (Senado Square)
Trending attractions
- Hoover Dam
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- Eiffel Tower
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- Na Pali Coast
- Burj Khalifa
- Tulum
- Road to Hana (Hana Highway)
- Las Vegas Strip
- French Quarter
- Alcatraz
- River Seine
- Sagrada Familia
- Blue Lagoon
The House of Dancing Water... Remembering a Masterpiece
The House of Dancing Water in Macau, another one of the true legends in live entertainment, is no more. The show might re-open in a different form at some point in the future. However, with Covid still active around the globe, nothing is sure for now… except one thing: even if Franco Dragone’s masterpiece will be revived in the coming years, we will never see it again in the majestic grandeur and uniqueness of how it was originally created.
The House of Dancing Water had been temporarily closed in June of 2020, with the idea of re-creating, adjusting to new COVID regulations, and re-opening the show for Chinese New Year 2021. However, this plan changed. On 22nd of November 2020, the remaining cast and crew’s contracts were terminated.
As with many shows which were closed during the course of 2020, even though expected, the closure comes as a shock for all who are and were involved in this magical endeavor.
Often, with creations of such brilliance and beauty it is on some level unimaginable that they can ever just cease to exist. Hope remains until the very end. Even though we all know: Nothing lasts forever. Change is the essence of life.
However, whilst even the most beautiful moments must come to an end at some point, the memories remain. The lessons we have learned and the experiences we have made remain. And our lives are forever changed.
To honor The House of Dancing Water which has greatly impacted my life in many ways, I dug into my archives and found something I wrote right after I left the show in 2013.
While this little trip down memory lane can’t soften the pain of the 140 people who are presently packing up their lives to find new horizons, I hope it can give them and all of us, who are and were involved in this great creation, just a little something to hold on to.
As we remember an extraordinary time and place together…
Even though our four months of creation for The House of Dancing Water were exhausting, I was wide-awake most of the time. I was fascinated and felt so privileged to be able to watch Franco’s vision take a clearer shape with each passing day.
We found out quite late in the production process that our show was going to be called The House of Dancing Water. A perfect name considering what happened on stage…
Geysers shot sixty-five feet high and could catapult a person into the air. If they happened to stand in the wrong spot at the wrong time. Jets and rain were additional attractions augmenting the – in itself breathtaking – pool which was hidden under eight hydraulic lifts. These lifts could be moved at any time to reveal either a flat surface, or a body of water, alive with bubbles.
Imagine you are sitting in a theater-in-the-round, the size of a football field. A sixty-five foot long and thirty-seven foot high pirate ship rises up on the lifts. Out of the depths of the circular stage pool…
All of a sudden, thirty scary pirates surface and jump onto the edge of the stage. They face you, muscular, menacing, and dripping with water. The music ramps up and the pirates climb the boat, performing tricks and jumping from great heights over and over again.
These tortured souls have been trapped in the dark depths of the ocean for a very long time. They have now been freed for just a moment and rejoice with daredevil acts. At the end of the six-minute act, the pirate ship, shrouded in fog, sinks back into the depths, disappearing forever.
Thunder rolls, lightning strikes. A torrent of rain plummets from the almost incomprehensibly high ceiling of the theater, pushing the fog aside on its way down.
The dense wave of fog rolls over your head, revealing a shipwrecked sailor, all alone, lost on the vast ocean.
Unbeknownst to you, the telescopic masts of the boat are being retracted underwater and the ship driven off stage to a large aquatic backstage area hidden under the auditorium.
Moments later, the shipwrecked sailor finds himself beached on a dry stage.
You and the rest of the audience gasp at witnessing the sudden appearance of solid ground where only moments before there had been a life-sized pirate ship and then nothing but water and a struggling survivor swimming for his life.
This is only the beginning of the magnificence to come…
Every so often during my four years of working for The House of Dancing Water, I would take an extra day off, to go see the entire show from the auditorium. To remind myself of what I was working for.
Each time, The House of Dancing Water would sweep me away and leave me in tears of joy.
Franco Dragone had essentially managed the impossible and choreographed a masterpiece uniting people of all ages, genders and cultures, artfully weaving together Chinese and Western symbolism.
He created a timeless story:
A beautiful princess endowed with magical powers had been locked away by an evil, power-hungry queen. Then a stranger appeared from a shipwreck, freeing the princess with the help of a mysterious tribe. A fast-paced battle of good against evil ensued, keeping audience members at the edge of their seats for ninety minutes.
While it was in essence a fairy tale story, it provided action galore.
Moto riders would catapult so far over the audience’s heads, they almost seemed to touch the ceiling. Cliff divers would jump from unbelievable heights, presenting death-defying stunts. Dancers and acrobats would fly through the air and dance over the surface of the water.
And, of course, there would be a dazzlingly romantic, happy ending.
The size of our stage made it impossible to process all the detail during one show, turning every single one of my visits to the auditorium into a brand new experience.
The lifts would make our stage come alive as if it was a breathing land-and-seascape.
Earthquakes would shake the ground while geysers would erupt with a loud hiss. Props and artists would magically appear and disappear under the water surface.
Sometimes, all lifts would descend as one, colorful lighting from underwater and above would turn the now gigantic pool into oceans of different colors, signifying our journey through life.
Dazzling lights, rain, jets and fountains would aid the story with their grand visual and sensory impact, leaving an unforgettable impression in the hearts of all who came to see this incredible creation.
Whilst seeing the great performance as just another member of the audience, I would always experience the joys of a coach seeing his charges rise to never-imagined heights – and, in our special water environment, depths.
Like a father watching his children grow from their first clumsy steps to charismatic perfection, my heart would almost burst with feelings of love and pride.
As the beauty on stage mesmerized me, I would remember why I worked there in the first place: because I believed in the vision, and the beauty of it all.
With mind and heart refreshed, I would dive back underwater, where I would resume my work as a show diver and performer trainer with dedication and passion.
Some of my favorite work moments were the small rituals and encounters with our artists backstage.
During a part of the show called the “Fountain Dance”, a group of swans would appear out of the dark blue depths of the stage pool to bring the lost princess and her savior together in a moment of budding romance.
In order to magically appear out of nowhere, a group of fifteen dancers, dressed in tutus as swans, would need to get across an expanse of water.
But, once saturated, the dancers’ tutus were too heavy to swim in. So they pulled themselves along a rope that led from a dry backstage area across the water surface to a set of stairs hidden at the edge of the stage, just out of view of the audience.
Ready in case of an emergency, I would watch the swans. I would hover underwater as they pulled themselves slowly towards the stage.
At the last moment, just before their cue to appear in front of the audience, I would kick up to the surface and the swans would wave to me, laugh happily, blow me kisses and we would splash each other with water.
I would delight in watching the first minute of their performance from behind a dark curtain, before I needed to continue to my next cue.
Another highlight for me was the moment when performers would first come underwater at the beginning of each show.
We would all share complicated handshakes and fist bumps in greeting or play a round of rock-paper-scissors. Some of the artists were only half-dressed and finished donning their costumes underwater, in full control of their movements even while immersed.
I loved being responsible for reveals or catches.
During a catch, the artist would jump into the water, relying on me to catch him (or her) and give him air within a split second. I would then swim him underwater to the nearest pool exit backstage, or towards his next cue, so he could magically re-appear on stage.
For a reveal, I would simply swim the performer to his cue position. Hovering just underneath the water surface, I would hold him, then, at a signal, let him go up for his cue on the water surface.
One of my favorite catches would happen just off the edge of one of the lifts. Thirty seconds before our catch, I would swim out to where the performer was standing.
The pool water was crystal clear, so I could see his toes hanging over the edge of the lift.
I would gently squeeze his toes, letting him know of my arrival. In turn he would wriggle them, saying hello to me, his invisible rescuer. Moments later, he would enter the water. I would grab him in one practiced, swiping move and swim him, as fast as possible, to safety. The audience would never be the wiser.
Then, there were moments full of adrenaline and heightened responsibility. When performers would fall off the chandelier for example. Their costumes would be so heavy, it would make it hard for them to swim to safety without a show diver holding them from beneath.
Or, there would be other moments of performers sinking underwater inside a cage or pagoda.
Each scene usually accompanied by perfectly timed underwater rescues to keep everyone safe yet be invisible… so as not to destroy the illusion for the audience.
If I had to wait with a performer underwater, we would entertain each other with elaborate good-luck handshakes, snap our fingers to see who could get the loudest sound, blow air rings, and genuinely enjoy each other’s company for a few seconds before the music told us the time for action had come…
When I returned to work as a stage manager for another show in Macau, I took every chance I could get to return to
The House of Dancing Water.
I must have been in the audience for another thirty times. My heart beating loud and fast each and every time. I could never get enough of the incredible melange of human talent and beauty shrouded in water and light.
Even the unique smell of our theatre, due to the pool water, immediately triggered a wave of happiness and feeling at home.
Now, I am glad I experienced The House of Dancing Water so many times, with all its subtle changes over the years.
And, as I write this article on the day of the show’s closure, I think of the entire show family of The House of Dancing Water, past and present. I think of all who made this show come alive. And I think of all we can still accomplish together in the years to come.
Thank you for everything!
More from Liam Klenk:
Keep Your Cool Backstage as a Stage Manager: 12 Insights
The Importance of Kindness in Entertainment
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show "House of Dancing Water", Macau: Best Tips before visiting
4 223 Excavations
Very good
Explosions. edge of reality
Nov. 2019
This grandiose and unique show can only be seen in Macau. Tours are impossible due to complex technical constructions. costumes, scenery, stunts are beyond words. Artists perform stunts beyond reality. Video filming is prohibited. The staff clearly monitors and asks to stop. I did it on the CITY OF DREAMS website, it is in the building of this casino hotel that the show is based). I bought tickets for an average price category. The view is excellent, the seats are comfortable. one of the few shows that you won't get bored watching over and over again. Definitely worth a visit and more than once if possible!! nine0003
Review for: The House of Dancing Water Show in Macau
Published August 17, 2020
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
Victoria L
Moscow, Russia45 publications 2019 • With friends
If you get a chance, be sure to watch this show. 2 years of rehearsals were not in vain! More than a hundred artists / gymnasts / acrobats, whose work is sometimes mesmerizing! I recommend! nine0003
Published November 28, 2019
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
Vladimir Lyubarsky
Rehovot, Israel 2019
I tried to describe my impressions in words... I gave up this activity. No words can describe it. Just visit there. I've seen a lot of different high class world shows, but this one took the first place in my personal rating. This is JOY!!! nine0003
Review for: The House of Dancing Water Show in Macau
Posted October 14, 2019
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
Oyuna Tsydenova
Yiwu, China78 publications
Must to see in Macau
May 2019 • With friends
I had a great time coming to this show! Just a wave of emotions and beauty! I would even go a second time, no matter where your place is, it was just gorgeous! I am absolutely delighted! I advise everyone! nine0003
Published May 25, 2019
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
Ksenia E
Miami Beach, FL114 posts
Great Show
Jan. 2019 • Family vacation
I bought it in 1.5 months specifically for the 4th row, I was looking for it in the center. There were only a few places. I specifically wanted the 4th row, since it is cheaper than the 5th or 6th, and the views are the same. So, the 4th row is perfect. The show must be viewed from below, as everything happens below, right in front of you. There are, of course, and high, but such moments are few. Didn't flood at all. And as far as I can tell, rows 2 and 3 were also dry. I have been to almost all shows in Vegas and several other cities in the states and 1 time in Russia. At first, I didn't like it very much, especially compared to le reve in Vegas, which everyone compares to. I thought it was complete nonsense, and although I watched le reve 8 years ago, the impressions were better there. But then it started . .. as a result, I really liked the show. I don't know if it's better than le reve, but definitely not worse. Tickets purchased online must be exchanged at the box office in advance. They asked me to show my passport and the card with which I bought it. They ask you to come as always for an hour, but enough for 10 minutes, you immediately go into the hall. It seems like it’s no longer possible to shoot, employees walk and say something. Yes, and it will not work - it's dark. Luggage can be left by presenting a ticket. You need to look for a cloak room. Territorially near the yellow Porsche. After the presentation in the same place, in the cloak room area, free hotel buses to the pier. Just 10 min brisk pace after the end, picking up the luggage, we were already on the bus
Published March 3, 2019
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
Moscow, Russia714 publications
Useful tips for visiting
Jan. 2019 • Traveling alone
First tip - be sure to see it!!!! I have been to many Cirque du Soleil shows and shows in different countries but this one definitely stands out and is a must see!!! nine0102 Causes - the show takes place in a pool of great depth (this is my first water show), in a matter of seconds a dry stage turns out from the pool and vice versa (huh?!), huge structures come out of the pool and after the performance go under water (ship, gazebo, bridge - where do they come from? How are they dried afterwards?)))))
The second tip is to buy tickets in advance !!!! I bought from the official site. It is available in English and Chinese. Everything seems clear and simple. I bought the cheapest ticket (I don’t advise you to take an expensive one, everyone has a good review). The price is about 6 tr. nine0003
Take the first or second row!!! You will not forget this, because many heroes will be from you literally at the insistence of less than a meter !!!!! BUT!!!!!! Take something with you on your knees, after all, water (splashes fall).
More information about Macau, as well as other cities (more than 180) and countries (33 countries) you will find on my Instagram page natali.v.popova
Posted on March 2, 2019
This review reflects the subjective opinion of a member the Tripadvisor community and not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews. nine0003
Svetlana M
144 publications
Must visit!!
Jan. 2019 • For two
It is forbidden to take photos or videos there, I can not provide proof), but believe me this is an unrealistically cool show, better than in Las Vegas as for me and very romantic.
Published January 23, 2019
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews. nine0003
Krasnoyarsk, Russia93 publications
Very Chinese
Jan. 2019 • For two
A circus show in which the Chinese perfectly demonstrate excellent acrobatics, elements of ballet using high-tech achievements. According to the plot, this is a "love story" against the backdrop of the struggle between the magical forces of good and evil. The plot develops on water or on land, which quickly and organically replace each other in the arena. In the end, goodness and love win, which is facilitated by freestyle on bikes. Jumping motorbikers cause genuine delight of the public. nine0102 We advise you to look.
Published January 12, 2019
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
Almaty, Kazakhstan29 publications
It was amazing!!!
dec. 2018
Found out about the show while browsing coupon site. I read admiring reviews, and it was decided to definitely see one of the best shows in the world. Not an ounce of disappointment!! The excitement knew no bounds!! My daughter (8 years old) constantly repeated: "How do they do it ???" I didn't have an answer. Brain Explosion!! :) Regarding the availability of seats - it's better to buy tickets in advance and not worry about the sectors. From everywhere you can see great. nine0003
Published January 9, 2019
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine146 publications
dec. 2018
We ran in 15 minutes from Venice casino! Bought the last two tickets in the 3rd and 4th row. They gave my husband a plastic raincoat so that he wouldn't get wet. It was very beautiful and interesting! I advise. nine0003
Published December 30, 2018
This review represents the subjective opinion of a member of the Tripadvisor community and is not the official position of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor checks reviews.
Showing results 1-10 of 1,949
Show in Macau - tickets, schedules, events and entertainment in Macau 2019 Events in Macau
News about entertainment and shows in Macau.
"House of the dancing water" show gives extra discount for performances on Sunday and Monday . Redeem until 30 Oct, tickets valid until 17 December
Macau Attractions : Macau Bungy Jump, Sky Walk, Sky Jump, Tower Climb and variations of all of these are now available from us at a discount 7% .
The Monkey King Show . Monkey King Show in Macau - prices have dropped!
An adult ticket can be purchased at a discount of 20% .
For booking, write to [email protected] full name + passport number of the client.
The show takes place at the Sands Cotai Theater every day at 8pm except Thursday.
Official prices on the show website:
Select city
Hong Kong Macau
Golden Reel
The Golden Reel is the most amazing ferris wheel in the world and you can't help but experience it for yourself. The Ferris wheel in the form of a giant golden figure eight is the first and only attraction that is only in Macau. This huge wheel is installed in the glass skyscraper Studio City at a height of 130 meters above the ground! It has 17 steam-punk cabins, each of which can accommodate up to 10 passengers. Although the number eight is considered a symbol of good luck in Chinese culture, the design of this wheel is associated with a Hollywood-inspired fantasy legend. According to a statement from the company, "Two fiery asteroids smashed through the facade of the building and left glowing rings. " nine0003
Location: Studio City, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau
Time: 16.00 and 20.00
Ticket price: VIP (purple zone) - 139 USD A (yellow zone) - 111 USD B (green zone) - 82 USD C (red zone) - 54 USD D (blue zone) - 40 USD
Hall map
Batman dark flight interactive show
Batman dark flight is the world's most amazing and only interactive simulation game based on the Batman superhero saga. Created using the most modern technologies, this attraction will be an exciting adventure for its participants. In Batman dark flight, guests will take a virtual flight through the futuristic city of Gotham to become part of the legend with Batman. Immersed in a fantasy atmosphere with all the senses, participants will visit Batman's cave, meet some of the most iconic comic book supervillains and help save Gotham from disaster. Opening hours: Mon-Thu: 12:00-20:00, Fri-Sun: 11:00-21:00 Note: children are allowed at least 1. 2 m tall
Venue: Studio City Macau, Estrada Flor de Lotus, Level 2, Macau
Ticket Price: 20 USD
dancing water")
The famous water-acrobatic show "House of dancing water" has been a huge success with viewers from all over the world for many years already - it was not for nothing that 250 million USD were spent on its creation, and the production took five years to develop. As a result, the grand show in Macau has become one of the most spectacular in the world. Note: in the period from February 12 to April 28, the show is not held due to repair work in the theater building
Week: Estrada Do Istmo, City of Dreams, Macau
Time: 17:00 and 20:00
Ticket Cost: dated 75 USD
Scheme of the hall
Bandzh -jumping from the Macau Tower
BungyJump, or the world's highest bungee jumping - 233 meters! Fans of extreme sports and just thrills flock to Macau just to jump from the Macau tower and become one of those who tried the highest bungee jumping in the world! One step into the void from a height of 233 meters - and 5 seconds of free fall at a speed of 200 km / h! Stop at a height of 30 meters and a smooth descent to the ground. Schedule: Mon-Thu: 10:00 – 18:30 Fri: 10:00 – 21:00 Sat-Sun: 10:00 – 22:00
Venue: Convention and Entertainment Center Largo da Torre de Macau, Macau
Time: September - June: Mon - Thu 10:00 - 19:30, Fri 10:00 - 21:00, Sat - Sun 10:00 - 22:00 July August: Mon - Thu 10:00 - 21:00, Fri - Sun 10:00 - 22:00
Ticket price: From 496 USD
Skywalk X - a walk along the very edge
from this obsessive fear? Then this entertainment in Macau is just for you. You can safely walk along the very edge of the platform, which is at a height of 233 meters! And even close your eyes, if it suddenly becomes completely scary - it is impossible to fall into the abyss thanks to the system of super-reliable cables and additional insurance. Schedule: Mon-Thu: 11:00 – 19:thirty Fri: 11:00 – 21:00 Sat-Sun: 10:00 – 21:00
Venue: Convention and Entertainment Center Largo da Torre de Macau, Macau
Time: September - June: Mon - Thu 10:00 - 19:30, Fri 10:00 - 21:00, Sat - Sun 10:00 - 22:00 July August: Mon - Thu 10:00 - 21:00, Fri - Sun 10:00 - 22:00
Ticket price: From 128 USD
Macau Sky Jumping
fly within 20 seconds! Below you will land on a specially designed soft platform, so that the possibility of getting any injuries is completely excluded. nine0003
Venue: Convention and Entertainment Center Largo da Torre de Macau, Macau
Time: September - June: Mon - Thu 10:00 - 19:30, Fri 10:00 - 21:00, Sat - Sun 10:00 - 22:00 July August: Mon - Thu 10:00 - 21:00, Fri - Sun 10:00 - 22:00
Ticket price: From 368 USD
Tower Climb