How many calories burned pole dancing
How Much Do You Really Know About Pole Dance Fitness?
An increasing number of people are learning that pole dancing is not "slutty" or an activity that just strippers do. However, there are still many misconceptions and prejudice surrounding pole dance fitness. This post will provide an unbiased explanation of what pole dance fitness is, the pros and cons of pole dance, and how many calories you can burn in one pole dance class.
What is Pole Dance Fitness?
Pole dance fitness is a type of performance art that involves dance and acrobatics centered around a pole. This exercise gives your body a full workout, including strength-based internal training and isometric muscle contractions. In other words, it requires a lot of strength. Even men are amazed at how difficult it is their first time trying pole dance fitness.
Although many people today associate this dance form with female strippers, it is an exercise that dates back 800 years to the traditional Indian sport mallakhamb, which was performed on a wooden pole. .. usually by men. If you watch a few videos of mallakhamb, you'll see that it's not that different from modern-day pole dance.
Pole dance fitness provides a myriad of benefits ranging from physical to mental. Many women feel more confident through challenging themselves with pole dance and love the great body that comes with it.
Benefits Of Pole Dancing Include:
- Weight loss
- Increased confidence
- Better mental health
- Greater flexibility
- Stronger muscles
- Proper posture
- Gives you a challenge
- Stress relief
- Strengthened bones and joints
- Better heart health and blood flow
- Greater balance and mobility
- Regular pole dance practice makes childbirth easier
In a one-hour pole dance class, you can burn approximately 250-350 calories. According to Angela Edwards, owner of PoleLaTeaz, women who are 40-50 pounds overweight usually lose the weight in 6-8 weeks with pole dance fitness.
Women are encouraged to wear stilettos during their pole dance sessions because it challenges the body. You'll get more out of the workout in heels. However, if you are unable to wear stilettos, ballet shoes or bare feet are perfectly acceptable.
Pros Of Pole Dance Fitness
- A sense of accomplishment when you master a difficult move.
- Become more comfortable in your own skin.
- Embrace your sexy side.
- Stay in shape while having fun.
- Become physically stronger.
- Overcoming challenges and learning difficult moves gives you more confidence in other areas of your life.
- Relieves stress.
- You will probably get a few bruises, scrapes, and burns while learning.
- A risk of injury like falling on your head.
- It will feel uncomfortable at first to push yourself out of your comfort zone.
- You will likely feel dizzy in the beginning until your balance and coordination improve.
Following pole fitness Instagram accounts can inspire you and encourage you to keep going as you learn pole dancing. It will also help you develop a deeper appreciation of this performance art. Some of these Instagram users provide helpful pole dance tips with their posts too.
@maggie_falling: Maggie Ann is a pole dancer who won Most Athletic in the USA's National Aerial Pole Art in 2014 and was the level 4 champion in the 2014 Atlantic Pole Championships. Her Instagram account consists mostly of videos, which you can use to get ideas for your own routines.
@anastasiaskukhtorova: Anastasia Skukhtorova is a professional pole dancer from Russia, who won the Pole World News Picture Perfect Award (2014). You will find helpful pole dance tips and inspirational images on her Instagram. An example of a tip she included with a picture is to train with stretch bands because it opens your hips more.
@greshilovevgeny: Men who are looking for pole dance inspiration should follow Greshilov Evgeny. He won the World Pole Sport Championship in 2012 and Best Male of the Pole Art 2013 Championships.
Pole dance fitness is a reputable form of exercise just like lifting weights, running, and dancing. Many people who try pole dancing say that it's much more difficult than they expected and thus develop respect for professional pole dancers.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock
How Many Calories Does Pole Dancing Burn?
Ah, yes. THAT question. 🙂
One of the great things about starting a pole dance or pole fitness class are the health benefits – from weight loss to muscle building and toning, pole can have an amazing impact on your body. Add in increased flexibility, endorphins, and even the confidence and connection to oneself that pole can build, and you’ve got an activity that can change your life in many ways.
But, what about the calories?
Let’s face it – calorie burning is just one of those things that a lot of us think about. “Did I work off that donut? Those gummi bears? That extra bit of cheese?” (Okay, maybe not everybody eats as crappy as I do…) A few weeks ago, I posted about my quest to track my calories better. I’ve been keeping up with my food journal via the MyFitnessPal app on my phone, which has been a decent tracker – there are tons of foods already logged into the database, which can make it easier to find and track what you’re eating, but you can also add your own entries if you have a product label handy (there’s also an option to scan product bar codes, but I haven’t tried it). You also have the option of entering your workouts to track calories expended, but the totals are a little suspect – and the options aren’t great. Naturally, there was no option for pole dancing or pole fitness in the database. 🙂 The results that I found in running online searches weren’t great, either. In general, they quoted about 250 calories, but there was no way to really quantify it. I wanted something that I felt was more accurate for me.
Also, since I started tracking calories in an attempt to shed some extra weight, I wanted more accuracy.
After some research, I purchased a Polar Ft40F heart rate monitor to wear during my pole and lyra classes, to try to get an average of calories burned in each class.
Polar FT40F White (Women’s Heart Rate Monitor)
I’ve been wearing it in every class for the last three weeks. The model features a watch band computer that logs and tracks the results, as well as a chest strap and monitor attachment to wear while working out. You have to enter your stats in the computer in order to get proper results, i.e. height, weight, age. So, keep in mind that this data is based on my specific stats!
Here are my results (so far):
Pole Class 1: 561 calories burned, 100 minutes in length
Lyra Class 1: 491 calories burned, 60 minutes in length (private session)
Pole Class 2: 586 calories burned, 90 minutes in length
Lyra Class 2: 423 calories burned, 96 minutes in length (full class)
Pole Class 3: 523 calories burned, 100 minutes in length
Each of my pole classes is scheduled to be 90 minutes in length – I start the monitor as soon as we begin our warm up and keep it on until after our freestyle at the end of class, when I notice my heart rate falling again. My class spends about half an hour on our warm up, which consists of stretching, calisthenics, and some aerobic activity from things like ab sets, planks, leg work, etc. Our warm up is tough and meant to condition for aerial – it’s less about connecting to the music and the flow of dance and expression, and more about getting you to the point of being able to get your butt over your head.
We work on a lot of pole tricks at my level – fewer spins and floor work (although, it is included depending on the lesson for the class), more climbs, inversions, mid-air tricks, lifts, and aerial training. While we’re not constantly moving, when we are moving, it’s usually in larger, more difficult movements. So, there’s a lot of up and down with the exertion – which I’ve heard burns more calories, but I’m not a trainer, so I can’t attest to that for sure. 🙂 An example of what we worked on in my last class: our warm up, followed by revisiting the junkyard swing so we could attempt it in mid-air, then some work on shoulder mount flips (taking the mount into a pencil, then flipping the legs back down to a pole sit), multiple goes at conditioning our aerial twisted grip pencils and ayeshas, a big Chinese grip full body spin, various inversions, and then our freestyle, which was two songs with everyone dancing (4 students in class that night).
I took two different types of Lyra classes in the last three weeks – an hour long class that ended up being a private (I was the only student registered) and a 90 minute class with six students (and two hoops). I worked harder in the hour class because I was the only student (and boy, did I feel it later), but I still got in a good work out in the 90 minute class. I worked on a variety of tricks in both classes, like splay leg inversions, front balances, and a number of different poses.
Based on my personal data, I burn an average of 557 calories per pole class. I don’t have enough data to do an average for Lyra classes on their own (and I had two different kinds of classes), but when factored in with the pole classes, the average for calories burned doing an aerial arts class is approximately 517. Lyra burns less than pole overall, but a more intense Lyra class (i.e. my one hour long private class) can burn as much as a pole class, even if the Lyra class is shorter in length. All of the pole classes I took were not super packed with students, enabling me to have more opportunities to get on the pole – I also tried to be mindful of staying still for too long, making a point to try to keep busy so I could burn more calories. Obviously, I would get more accurate results by factoring more classes, which is something I intend to do – I want to continue to track my aerial classes from here on out and see what I come up with!
Now, as I said, these results are based on my specific statistics…which, after some consideration, I’ll share in the spirit of full disclosure. But, if anyone asks, I’m totally the weight it says on my driver’s license. 🙂
Age: 32, Weight: approximately 156lbs, Height: 5’6″
Also, in the interest of full disclosure: I started tracking calories because I wanted to lose a bit of weight. Yes, I want to slim down for vanity related reasons, but I also wanted to see if it made my transition into aerial easier. I have gained a lot of muscle since starting pole, but I don’t appear to have lost fat. In fact, my weight has fluctuated up and down over the last two years. While I’m definitely stronger and fitter, I’m not any thinner – I’m a size bigger than when I started. Now, this is not to discourage anyone thinking about pole dance or pole fitness as a weight loss exercise – because people DO lose weight doing it. I just really like candy. And bacon. 🙂
I hope this helps answer some of the questions surrounding how many calories are burned in a pole dance or pole fitness class! I’ll update again in the future, when I have more results, but in the meantime – Happy Poling!
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How many calories are burned per hour of dancing
How to dance to lose weight and get rid of cellulite
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Do you think you can lose weight only if you deprive yourself of delicious food and regularly torture your body in the gym? You are wrong - you can lose weight with pleasure! For example, dancing.
Dancing is one of the most affordable and enjoyable ways to keep yourself in great shape. Dancing classes allow not only to get rid of fat folds and tighten muscles. Rhythmic movements improve flexibility and coordination of movements, strengthen immunity, speed up metabolism, promote the breakdown of fat and get rid of cellulite. During dance, the body produces the hormone of happiness - endorphin. So a charge of vivacity and positive is guaranteed! nine0007
It remains to find out: how many calories does dancing burn and how does dancing save cellulite? We will talk about this further.
Dancing for weight loss: how many calories can you burn in a workout?
Psychologists say dancing is one of the best weight loss methods!
Everything is simple here: more activity - more calories burned, a bonus - a lot of positive emotions. A positive attitude in the process of weight loss is very important.
And so, our selection of the 10 most popular dance styles: 1)
Ballet - 700-750 kcal/hour You can burn about 750 kcal per workout doing classical steps. And in order to look graceful, the trainer will also recommend reducing daily calories to a minimum.
2) Hip-Hop - up to 750 kcal/hour The main elements and techniques of this style are: body swing, jumps, falls, spins and light acrobatic movements.
3) Reggaeton - up to 700 kcal/hour Sharp movements involve all muscles, high-quality cardio load strengthens the heart muscle and “accelerates” the blood. During the dance, the legs, hips and buttocks are strengthened, giving the forms a piquant roundness; nine0007
4) Jazz-modern - up to 650 kcal/hour This "mixture" of elements of classical ballet, ballroom dancing, tap, break and other styles is attractive in that it heavily loads almost all muscle groups, and this is extremely important in the process weight loss;
5) Zumba - 525 kcal/hour Zumba is a dance fitness program that combines fitness exercises and movements from Latin American dances.
6) Pole dance (plastic strip) 500 kcal/hour Combines cardio, stretching and strength training at the same time. Almost all muscle groups are involved. The main load falls on the legs, stomach, back and buttocks.
7) Twerk - 500 kcal/hour Twerk is a very erotic dance whose roots can be found in American southern rap. The dance actively works out the legs and hips, and also increases the density of the tissues of the pelvic bone, which helps to avoid osteoporosis.
Latina - 450-500 kcal/hour Latina is a common name for many areas of Latin American dances, such as mamba, bachata, jive, rumba, cha-cha-cha and others. All of them are united by the fact that the dance is based on energetic movements that actively help fight excess weight.
9) Belly dance or oriental dances - 300-400 kcal/hour Perhaps this is the most feminine dance of all possible fitness areas and, at the same time, the most uncomplicated in terms of choreography. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of oriental dances, especially for women: while doing belly dancing, you actively shake your hips, as a result of which blood circulation increases in the pelvic organs. This helps to restore the functioning of the ovaries, and also has a beneficial effect on the uterine mucosa. With the help of oriental dance, spasms during the menstrual cycle are reduced. nine0007
10) Contemporary – up to 400 kcal/hour Contemporary is a dance direction, consisting of many different techniques and styles. It is based on classical dance, modern and oriental techniques - qigong, yoga, taijiquan.
As you can see, dancing is a great helper in the process of losing weight. The main thing to remember is that it is important not only to reduce, but also to keep weight. An important factor that helps not to gain extra pounds is a fast metabolism, which can only be achieved with the help of a power load. Dancing is first and foremost a cardio workout. Therefore, do not forget to add strength exercises to them 2-3 times a week to achieve a really high-quality result! nine0007
Burning calories by dancing
Dancing is an aerobic exercise, during which the body is saturated with oxygen and actively burns fat in muscle tissue. This is a very simple and affordable way to get a toned figure and smooth skin without signs of cellulite. You don’t need any special equipment (except for half-dance) and you don’t need to drag yourself through the whole city to a sports club either. You can dance at home, and on vacation, and wherever you are in the mood to warm up.
The number of calories burned while dancing depends on your weight, age and duration of the class. On average, a dancer weighing 50 kg burns about 250 calories per hour of moving to music. With a weight of 75 kg, the body will spend 390 calories, and with a weight of 115 kg - already 580 calories per hour of exercise.
Choosing the right dance genre is very important. Ballet is considered the record holder for calories burned. But ballroom dancing is located on the very last step in the ranking of fat-burning dances. However, first things first. nine0007
Dancing is one of the easiest, most fun and rewarding types of physical activity. in addition to the really high calorie consumption, at the same time you are still positively charged and spend time with pleasure, which is very important when building a body shaping technique and generally healthy weight loss.
Amazingly, the biggest calorie burn is provided by ballet classes: more than 30% more calories in the same time as swimming in a fast crawl. In addition, ballet burns probably the most calories of any type of dance, and more than 3 times!! more than modern dance. It's no wonder that ballerinas and ballerinas are so slender (or maybe they don't take others as astronauts ..:))
Find out: How many calories do you burn swimming? How many calories are burned in crawl swimming or diving?
It is also interesting that ballroom dancing burns calories very little compared to the same disco, normal aerobics and ballet: so a dancer with a body weight of 60 kg consumes 239 kilocalories per hour, while active disco consumes 348 calories at the same time.
To find out how many calories are you spend at the disco, answer yourself the question - how do you like to dance and choose between Disco dances, modern dances and Latin ballrooms.
So how many calories are spent on aerobics, step or disco:
Forms of dance classes and physical exercises | Caloria, Kcal/hour, at a weight of | 9018 90 kg 90 kg 90 kg 90 kg 90 kg 90 kg 90 kg 90 kg 90 kg 90 kg 90 kg 90 kg 90 kg 90 kg kg | 60 kg | 50 kg |
Do you want to lose weight? Top up on cardio. And then everyone imagines the hell of a treadmill or an endless circle in the stadium near the house. But what if we tell you that you can lose calories, get high on your favorite tracks and pump your body and heart in an unusual format of cardio training? And this is not even about innovative simulators, popular cycling or a banal jump rope. We are talking about dancing!
As part of our editorial experiment, we went to dance training at New York Dance Studio
, armed with special sensors and Suunto smartwatches. The purpose of our experiment was to find out how many calories can be burned during a regular dance workout at the "Beginner" level. The results exceeded all expectations, but more on that later.
For reference:
we understand that the individual calculation of calories burned during training directly depends on the parameters of your body: height, weight, etc. Therefore, all data below is individual and may not be accurate. But these figures can be taken as an average, if you do not plan to feel sorry for yourself and be lazy in training, and the coach expects to squeeze the maximum out of you. nine0007
During the experiment, we attended two training sessions in the areas of "Hip Hop" and "House". Compare the data and try to understand what is right for you.
hip-hop: we squeeze the maximum under bit
Duration of class:
1 hour
Newcomer Lecturer:
Michelle Beatz (Mikhail Nikiforov)
Spend Spend Hop is a dance direction that has absorbed African American street philosophy, elements of funk, pop, break and jazz. It originated at the end of the last century as a dance of the inhabitants of poor American neighborhoods. But what came out of it - expression, passion, creativity, freedom and emotions - went far beyond street battles. nine0007
The training itself was quite varied and was divided into blocks: warm-up, study-repetition of individual basic elements that make up the dance, memorization of choreography through the combination of various elements (ligaments). It was hot and difficult from the fact that the brain fought with the body. It was important not only to perform the element correctly, but also to remember its place in the combination, to follow the technique and attention ... to relax. Yes, yes, with all this, it was still necessary to relax, trust the music and start enjoying the process. But the results were worth it. nine0007
As a result, thanks to my meticulousness (often repeating elements and a little grimace under the beat in front of the mirror), in one training session I walked as many steps as I walk daily from the subway to the house (there are 3517 of them).
Minimum pulse:
Maximum pulse (peak):
137 3517
The number of burned calories:
410 kcal
Training intensity:
6/10 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 6/10 9000 9000 6/10 9000 9000 6/10 9000 6/10 calories
Lesson Duration:
1 hour
Kerry (Karina Muslimova)
Brief certificate: 9000
House - dancing dance from the same name Chicago in the early 80s. Interestingly, the name of the style comes from the Warehouse club, where DJs started playing house music. What is in the music is reflected in the dance - it's high speed, rhythm, drive. Wide, energetic movements are performed to short slowing down and then accelerating fragments of house. nine0007
House is legs, legs and more legs. And when the coach says: “Let's connect our hands, swing to the beat and make a turn,” the brain explodes. But the most amazing thing about this is that our body is much smarter than we are, and perceives a lot on some intuitive level. Therefore, after a few repetitions, I began to automatically (bingo) perform a bunch. And honestly, I’ll tell you, this is a real thrill when you just start moving on the same wavelength with the beat and sounds without any extra stress. It's like dancing in a disco, but without improvisation, but with clear preparations. All in all, a definite recommendation from me. nine0007
do not skip the warm-up. This is necessary in order not to get a ridiculous and unnecessary injury. And in dance, this is a great way to hone the technique of the basic elements that are used in drawing up connections and choreography.
The readings of the gadgets surprised me: by the number of steps taken, the house even interrupted my way from the subway to the subway. For a workout, I found and jumped about 4120. That's how you go to two workouts, and the norm for the day is ready.
Minimum pulse:
Maximum pulse (peak):
The number of steps passed during:
90 /10
Instead of a conclusion
If you still have not decided on what principle to choose a dance direction, choose what you like. Browse your playlist and see what kind of music makes you dance in front of the mirror or energizes you before the work day. You can burn 300 kcal in half an hour of the hated (for me personally) crossfit, or you can not notice how two hours have passed, honing the elements and ligaments near the mirror. nine0007
Editor's opinion:
The main advantage of dancing is that it is simply impossible to think about something superfluous during training. I thought about the perishability of life or the routine at work - I missed a couple of the coach's recommendations and already got out of rhythm. Therefore, if you want to dance cool, at the master class you will have to turn off your head and join the process. Here is such a budgetary motivation - cheaper than a session of a psychotherapist, you will also burn calories.
You can learn more about dance directions, schedule and levels. nine0007
Any activity that increases your heart rate helps burn calories, which is why dance is a great way to get rid of excess body fat. The calories burned by dancing can vary greatly depending on which muscle groups are used during the movement of the body. The longer people dance, and even with pleasure, the higher the chances of burning fat and building a muscular corset. This is especially interesting for the category of people who are trying to keep their weight and body volume within the given limits, or are starting to think about it. nine0007
There are quite a few styles from which you can choose the one that suits you: belly dance, ballroom styles, swing, ballet, salsa, hip-hop, breakdance, tap, vogue, lambada. These and many others can be found in financial centers, special dance schools on Vernadsky or Lenin Avenue, in Moscow or Chelyabinsk, in a big or small town. If you know how to study on your own, TV or Internet video tutorials will help.
Calories burned
A dance session (about 30 minutes) can burn between 105 and 620 calories. The result is influenced by many factors, such as
The number of calories spent on a dance or class can be increased if:
- Practice in a good mood, enjoying the dance, freely performing all movements, without constraint and tightness.
- If arm movements are expected, perform them with maximum opening, this will allow more muscles to be involved in the work.
- Take big steps, move more and move up and down as much as the dance steps allow.
Try to feel your muscles in your thighs and buttocks. nine0263
- Keep your whole body in good shape without forgetting your posture.
- Perform all movements with full force, but comfortably.
And of course, to achieve a result, it is not enough to just dance at a corporate party two or three times a year. Regularity is needed, which implies at least two full-fledged classes per week. And in order not to gain the calories spent immediately, it is recommended to refrain from eating an hour before and after training. However, food is a completely different story. nine0007
To have a slender figure, it is not enough just to go on a diet, because without physical activity, the accumulated calories are consumed very slowly and inefficiently. The calorie burning table for various physical activities will help you to coordinate when choosing what is best to do.
An active lifestyle helps the body get rid of excess calories in a short time, which means it makes it possible to lose weight quickly. In this article, we will tell you what burns calories best and how to quickly lose weight without resorting to debilitating diets. And you can control the energy consumption and the work of the body with the help of special fitness bracelets with a heart rate monitor and an alarm clock. nine0002
catch a groove and lose calories
0 1 853
There came a moment in my life when I desperately needed to lose 5 kilos. Like many with a similar problem, I ended up in a fitness club and tried exercise bikes, ellipticals, treadmills and other equipment. But pedaling and pumping the press was boring, time was crawling, like in a lesson at school. Dance training seemed like a cool replacement for the gym. And I began to study the schedule of group dance classes. nine0007
There came a moment in my life when I desperately needed to lose 5 kilos. Like many with a similar problem, I ended up in a fitness club and tried exercise bikes, ellipticals, treadmills and other equipment. But pedaling and pumping the press was boring, time was crawling, like in a lesson at school.
Dance training seemed like a cool replacement for the gym. And I began to study the schedule of group dance classes.
Incomprehensible names alarmed: Zumba, Dance Mix, Oriental, Jazz Modern, Body Ballet. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, I decided to test everything on the cats myself. It was funny. I share. nine0007
I wasn't particularly sporty and didn't intend to kill myself in class. The training selection criteria were as follows:
- Mandatory weight loss effect.
- Not boring! On the contrary, it is incendiary.
- You should have enough strength until the end of the session, you need to finish it without feeling hatred for the coach.
- Simple dance elements so that you can repeat if not the first time, then at least the second time.
I went to different classes and in the end I chose dance aerobics-latin, aka Dance Mix. Calories burned no less than on the simulators, and dancing was fun and easy. In addition, I learned that latin and zumba are always the most incendiary trainers. This is another bonus 🙂
So, my impressions of dance training.
1. Zumba - incendiary and effective
- Suitable for: for those who want to dance and lose weight at the same time.
- What muscles does it train: all groups. is very high.
- How many calories are spent: 7-8 kcal per hour per 1 kg of body weight.
- Result after six months: is not only a noticeable weight loss and good shape, but also a bunch of like-minded people. nine0263
Started with Zumba, now she is at the peak of popularity. This is an intense workout that includes both cardio and strength training. The main rhythms are Latin American dances: salsa, bachata, samba, there are elements of hip-hop and even ballet.
The lesson really looks not so much like a workout, but like a party, where everyone lights up to cheerful rhythms. It's fun, but requires full commitment, as the pace of the exercises is high for most of the session. As a result, I broke down - without preparation, I simply did not have the strength to jump to the end. nine0007
This is how my only Zumba party went.
2. Dance Mix (dance aerobics) - just the right amount
- Suitable for: for those who want to get sick less and lose weight correctly.
- What muscles does it train: all groups. high.
- How many calories are spent: 5-6 kcal per hour per 1 kg of body weight.
- Result after six months: trained cardiovascular and respiratory systems, good tone and emotional mood, extra pounds dropped. nine0263
Dance Mix is an aerobic workout with upbeat dance music. That is, running, jumping, walking, swinging arms and legs with choreographic elements from different dances. There is disco, hip-hop, house, strip plastic, latin, R "n" B, folklore - from Russian to Irish. The choice depends on the tastes of the coach. I ended up with an adherent of Latina.
For me, this training turned out to be the perfect way to get my body in order. At the end of the first lesson, I did not die, but I had a feeling of severe fatigue. After 3 classes, it became noticeable that this fatigue was pleasant. Six months later, the fat really decreased, muscles and endurance increased. The main thing is that I'm still dancing 😉
This is what happens to me.
But the Dance Mix is very different. It also happens, depending on the coach and the level of the group.
3. Belly Dance (Oriental) - useful exotic
- Suitable for: for those who want to work with a feasible load, for lovers of the East.
- What muscles does it train: mainly pelvis and legs. medium.
- 4-5 kcal per hour per 1 kg of body weight.
- Result after six months: nine0261 improved posture, a sense of self-confidence, a feminine figure.
I came to the trial lesson in sneakers and without a scarf with monists. They didn’t look at me askance, but there was a slight discomfort, since everyone else was dancing in Czechs, tying a scarf around their hips.
The elements are simple, I liked the life-affirming energy of the class. But at the end of the workout, I was almost not tired - I realized that it was unlikely to lose weight here. But getting a waist and correcting your posture is quite realistic. nine0007
It is said that increased blood circulation in the pelvic area has a beneficial effect on the female body. And belly dancing also develops the vestibular apparatus, strengthens the joints and is good for the spine.
4. Body Ballet - grace and become
- Suitable for: for ballet lovers and those who dream of the figure of a ballet dancer.
- What muscles does it train: back, legs and abs. medium.
- How many calories are spent on training: nine0261 4–5 kcal per hour per 1 kg of body weight.
- Result after six months: markedly improved posture, coordination of movements, grace. The figure is approaching an achievable ideal.
In essence, this is a ballet with elements of yoga, Pilates and cardio. It is very beautiful, even though the dancers are not in lush tutus, but in sportswear. In the group for beginners, the exercises are not very difficult, a lot of stretching. Some of them are performed at the ballet barre, if there is one in the hall. I had. For an hour and a half I felt like a ballerina. nine0007
There are no clearly regulated rules in body ballet - the coach focuses on either the dance or the sports component, depending on the wishes of the students and their own experience. In my case, it was more like a classical ballet, measured and boring, with long repetitions of the simplest elements.
5. Jazz Modern (Contemporary) - freedom of expression
- Suitable for: for those who want to learn how to dance beautifully to any music.
- What muscles does it train: legs, hips and back. high
- 5-6 kcal per hour per 1 kg of body weight.
- Result after six months: toned figure, improved coordination of movements, revealed creative potential.
I didn't go to jazz-modern, because I decided on latin. But I looked through the crack at the lesson. From the side, the dance looks impressive. It looks like ballet, but there is no classic stiffness. There are many unusual figures, free movements, but at the same time everything is very rhythmic. nine0007
Impression - I won't repeat it, neither the first nor the second. The elements are complex, the combinations are long: different steps, rotations, jumps, rolls on the floor. It will be difficult for a beginner to join a group if it is not for absolute beginners. The music used is modern, often romantic hits.
Jazz-modern did not suit me only because of its complexity. The loads here are serious, although not exhausting. But this is no longer fitness, but art.
Go through my criteria again:
Slimming | Emotions | Expended forces | Simplicity elements | |
Zumba | yes | yes | no, it's too much | yes |
Dance Mix | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Belly Dance | no | yes | no, little load | yes |
Body Ballet | yes | no, boring | yes | yes |
Jazz Modern | yes | yes | yes | no, difficult |
Everything is simple here: more activity - more calories burned, as a bonus - a lot of positive emotions. A positive attitude in the process of weight loss is very important. nine0007
And so, our selection of the 10 most popular dance styles:
1) Ballet - 700-750 kcal/hour
You can burn about 750 kcal per workout by doing classic steps. And in order to look graceful, the trainer will also recommend reducing daily calories to a minimum.
2) Hip Hop - up to 750 kcal/hour
The main elements and techniques of this style are: body swing, jumps, falls, spins and light acrobatic movements.
3) Reggaeton - up to 700 kcal/hour
Sharp movements involve all muscles, high-quality cardio load strengthens the heart muscle and “accelerates” the blood. During the dance, the legs, hips and buttocks are strengthened, giving the forms a piquant roundness;
4) Modern Jazz - up to 650 kcal/hour
This "mixture" of elements of classical ballet, ballroom dancing, tap, break and other styles is attractive because it heavily loads almost all muscle groups, and this is extremely important in the process of losing weight; nine0007
5) Zumba - 525 kcal/h
Zumba is a dance fitness program that combines fitness exercises and movements from Latin American dances.
6) Pole dance (plastic strip) 500 kcal/h
Combines cardio, stretching and strength training at the same time. Almost all muscle groups are involved. The main load falls on the legs, stomach, back and buttocks.
7) Twerk - 500 kcal/hour nine0261
Twerk is a very erotic dance whose roots can be found in American southern rap. The dance actively works out the legs and hips, and also increases the density of the tissues of the pelvic bone, which helps to avoid osteoporosis.
8) Latina - 450-500 kcal/hour
Latina is a common name for many styles of Latin American dances, such as mamba, bachata, jive, rumba, cha-cha-cha and others. All of them are united by the fact that the dance is based on energetic movements that actively help fight excess weight. nine0007
9) Belly dance or oriental dance - 300-400 kcal/hour
Perhaps this is the most feminine dance of all possible fitness areas and, at the same time, the most uncomplicated in terms of choreography. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of oriental dances, especially for women: while doing belly dancing, you actively shake your hips, as a result of which blood circulation increases in the pelvic organs. This helps to restore the functioning of the ovaries, and also has a beneficial effect on the uterine mucosa. With the help of oriental dance, spasms during the menstrual cycle are reduced. nine0007
10) Contemporary - up to 400 kcal/hour
Contempo is a dance direction consisting of many different techniques and styles. It is based on classical dance, modern and oriental techniques - qigong, yoga, taijiquan.
As you can see, dancing is a great helper in the process of losing weight. The main thing to remember is that it is important not only to reduce, but also to keep weight. An important factor that helps not to gain extra pounds is a fast metabolism, which can only be achieved with the help of a power load. Dancing is primarily a cardio workout. Therefore, do not forget to add strength exercises to them 2-3 times a week to achieve a really high-quality result! nine0007
How many calories are spent dancing in a disco? How many calories are burned in ballet and aerobics?
Dancing is one of the simplest, funniest and most beneficial activities , because in addition to the really high, at the same time you are still positively charged and spend time with pleasure, which is very important when building a body shaping technique and in general time is the same as swimming with a fast crawl. In addition, ballet burns probably the most calories of any type of dance, and more than 3 times!! more than modern dance. It's no wonder that ballerinas and ballerinas are so slender (or maybe they don't take others as astronauts ..:))
Find out:
It is also interesting that ballroom dancing is very insignificant compared to the same disco, normal aerobics and ballet: so a dancer with a body weight of 60 kg consumes 239 kilocalories per hour, while active disco consumes 348 calories in the same time.
To find out how much you spend at the disco, answer yourself the question - how do you like to dance and choose between Disco dances, modern dances and Latin ballrooms. nine0007
So how many calories are spent on aerobics, step or disco:
Dance and exercise forms | Calories burned, kcal / hour, with a weight of | ||||
90 kg | 80 kg | 70 kg | 60 kg | 50 kg | |
Ballet lessons | 965 calories per hour | 863 calories per hour | 761 calories per hour | nine0118 653 calories per hour560 calories per hour | |
Ballroom dancing | 354 calories per hour | 316 calories per hour | 279 calories per hour | 239 calories per hour | 205 calories per hour |
Disco dancing | 515 calories per hour | 460 calories per hour | 406 calories per hour | 348 calories per hour | 299 calories per hour |
Modern dance | 308 calories per hour | 276 calories per hour | 243 calories per hour | 209 calories per hour | 179 calories per hour |
Low intensity aerobic dancing - calm aerobics | 276 calories per hour | 247 calories per hour | 218 calories per hour | 187 calories per hour | 160 calories per hour |
High intensity aerobic dance nine0005 - active aerobics | 624 calories per hour | 558 calories per hour | 492 calories per hour | 422 calories per hour | 362 calories per hour |
Merely limiting your servings is not enough to effectively lose weight. On average, to get rid of 1 kg of fat, you need to burn 7,000 kilocalories, and without sports, this is simply impossible to do. Nutritionists recommend creating a calorie deficit, as well as choosing your favorite type of physical activity. Only with such a tandem will it be possible to properly lose weight. About how many calories you need to burn and how to lose weight, read further in our article. nine0007
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How many calories do you need to burn to lose weight
To burn 1 kg of fat, you need to spend an average of 7000 kilocalories (plus/minus 500 kilocalories). They also give a recommendation to lose weight gradually and smoothly, namely by 4 kg per month maximum. To burn fat at 500 g per week, you will need to burn about 3500 kilocalories, per day - 550 kilocalories. And such a deficit needs to be done only in order to get rid of 2 kg per month. nine0007
If you follow a diet that allows you to create a deficit of 500 kilocalories per day, you will be able to lose weight by 1 kg in 2 weeks . That is why doctors emphasize the need to use not only a balanced diet, but also physical activity. You also need to consider that the less body weight becomes, the greater the calorie deficit is needed, which makes it necessary to recalculate the amount of calories consumed every 2-4 weeks.
You can lose 1 kg of body weight only by creating a deficit of 7000 Kcal, but this rule only works in the first 1-2 weeks of active weight loss, because subsequently the metabolic processes slow down greatly. For subsequent weight loss, you will need to increase the calorie deficit. nine0007
How many calories per day do different activities burn
In order for the weight loss process to proceed competently and in a certain mode, it is necessary not only to regularly provide the body with physical activity, but also to perform the exercises correctly.
This is the most popular form of exercise for obese people. , walking is allowed even for those who have problems in the musculoskeletal system, and the weight excess is too large. It is generally accepted that:
- normal at a maximum speed of 3 km / h burns 200 kcal per hour of such a load;
- Walking at a speed of 5 km / h will require at least 300 Kcal per hour from the body, sometimes 400.
But these indications are very conditional, because a lot depends on such factors:
- walking temperature;
- initial / initial weight of a person;
- the number of kilometers traveled and others.
To maximize your calorie burn, follow these expert tips:
- Nordic walking can and should be practiced . This is a load that is carried out using special ski poles. It is considered the safest and most effective for weight loss, it allows you to burn 40% more calories than normal walking.
- Walking up and down stairs will be very effective . But this type of load is allowed only for those who do not have problems in the work of the cardiovascular system.
If you do such walking, you will be able to burn 60% more calories. nine0263
- Losing weight must walk at least 5 km a day , only in this case you can count on effective weight loss. In this case, the step should be medium, and the pace should be high enough (as far as possible).
- Walking time should not last less than 40 minutes , because the process of burning calories begins at 20 minutes of training and continues until it ends. The best option is the load for 60 minutes, then it needs to be increased to 90 minutes.
At a typical "amateur" running speed of 7 km/h, 600 kcal is lost in 60 minutes of training. Jogging will be especially effective, which burns about 1000 kcal in 1 hour, but it may be contraindicated for people who are very overweight. At least, doctors and sports instructors do not advise starting weight loss with such a load, because damage to the musculoskeletal system and disruption of the cardiovascular system is possible. nine0007
It is worth paying attention to, which can be walked according to the scheme walking 100 m - jogging 400 m - sprint (fastest run) 300 m - walking 100 m . Such training in the early days can be performed with double repetitions, but for people who are too obese, even such a “lightweight” option can become problematic.
Therefore, at first it is worth reducing weight by at least 10 kg by walking and correcting nutrition, and only after that start more intensive exercises.
Unfortunately, this popular weight loss exercise burns catastrophically few calories - only 5 kcal per minute . But you can increase this figure with the help of dumbbells - weighting makes it possible to get rid of 15 Kcal per minute. nine0007
Such data is not a reason not to do the plank exercise, because it will be effective for strengthening muscle mass.
To make this type of exercise more useful in terms of weight loss, you need to use dumbbells during the exercise. Even if they are 1 kg each, at least 500 Kcal will be burned per hour of training.
Such a load is considered one of the most effective for maintaining physical fitness and losing weight. By doing only one, 1 Kcal is burned. If you perform the exercise constantly, then you can increase the number of repetitions to 50 and even 100. Accordingly, you will be able to burn 50 and 100 Kcal. Considering that push-ups are performed at a fast pace, you will need to spend a maximum of 5 minutes on one approach. nine0007
This exercise belongs to high-load gymnastics, and it burns 690 kcal per hour of load. It is easiest to perform it with legs wide apart, but if you want to enhance the effect, then the legs should be located side by side. On inhalation, the body is lowered; on exhalation, it is lifted.
For quick weight loss, women need to perform 45 push-ups per day, dividing them into 3 sets. Men will need a heavy load - 100 push-ups in 5 sets.
Surprisingly, spinning the hoop is a great way to burn calories. Moreover, this exercise does not require high endurance or special knowledge / skills. In just 1 hour of rotating the hoop, you can burn about 500 Kcal, but you can increase this figure if you perform the exercise at a fast pace. . It is much easier to practice daily two approaches to the hoop for 30 minutes, then each load will save you from 210-250 Kcal. nine0007
You can enhance the effect by performing a load while standing on one leg or simultaneously with rotation, do any dance movements or wave / rotate your arms, head.
This is not only a hobby, relaxation and pleasure, but also a method of burning calories. If the dances are slow or take place in a calm rhythm, then in 1 hour of class you can lose about 200 Kcal. You can increase efficiency and increase the rate to 300-400 Kcal by choosing rhythmic, fast, moving dances. nine0007
Choosing a specific physical activity will make weight loss effective and real. You can combine classes - for example, in the morning, perform 2 approaches to the rope for 10-20 minutes, do 50 sit-ups in the afternoon, and dance for an hour in the evening. Thus, in a day it will be possible to burn almost 1000 kcal! Usually such a load is gentle, the pace of the exercise is low or medium, so the rate of burning calories will also not be too impressive. Zumba moves
- General complex. nine0261 This is a full-fledged workout in the gym, during which both gymnastics and classes on standard simulators are performed, and power loads are given. In 60 minutes, it is possible to burn about 600 kcal. It does not matter what the speed of the exercises will be, the end result remains the same.
- Tabata is a short workout that only lasts 4 minutes , but during this time, strength exercises are performed at a very fast pace. For 1 minute of such a load, almost 14 kcal is burned! If you perform 3-4 approaches to tabata per day, then it is not difficult to calculate the number of calories that you can get rid of - 250 kcal minimum, which is not bad at all, given the amount of time to complete the complex.
How many calories do you burn during sex
Sex is, of course, not a full-fledged workout, but physical activity is powerful for the body, and this can be used for weight loss . Here's what experts say about this method of burning calories:
- One kiss destroys 68 kcal, but only if it lasts 60 minutes. If a woman kisses her beloved man in a position on top and doing push-ups at the same time, then in 10 minutes she will be able to get rid of 70 kcal. nine0263
- Undressing each other burns about 8 kcal. If a man starts to unbutton his beloved's bra with his teeth, he will burn about 50 kcal in 1-3 minutes!
- Massage will be pleasant for both partners. For an hour of such pleasure, you can burn 80 kcal. This result will be both for the massage therapist and for the one who receives the “service”.
- 30 minutes of slow, erotic dance even in clothes - and you can get rid of 100 kcal. The pace may be different, but it is better if it starts to gradually accelerate.
- An hour of active sex - and 145 kcal will be burned. If a woman is in a position on top, then another 50 kcal can be safely added to this indicator.
There are many ways to burn calories. The most enjoyable is sex with a loved one, but it will not give impressive results. Therefore, it is better to combine "carnal pleasures" with banal physical activity and lose weight smoothly, while maintaining muscle mass.
Useful video
Watch the video about burning calories for weight loss: nine0261
Do you think 100, 200 or twice as much? What is the equivalent of these losses: maybe a whole dinner eaten, or just a small apple for lunch. About different types of activities, and about how many kilocalories you lose in one lesson, read on.
How many calories are burned in different types of dance?
It turns out that not only aerobics and strength training help to quickly lose weight and gain the desired muscle mass. The well-known and beloved dances also help us to become slim and attractive, and finally, to find the figure of our dreams. So, how many calories are burned while dancing. nine0007
In the first place, oddly enough, ballet. With the help of various classic pas, you can burn about 750 calories.
Second place goes to Hip-Hop - 465 calories.
Third place at the disco - 394 calories for free and not always beautiful movements.
What to choose?
For respectable girls and women, classical dances are perfect. It is they who will help not only to lose the cherished calories, but will form the correct posture, give special grace and elegance to the gait. nine0007
For lovers of sultry parties and hot passions, Latin American dances are an ideal option. Here you can throw out all the emotions out, cheer up and just spin in a crazy rhythm.
You can feel like real feminine goddesses after doing strip plastic surgery and belly dancing. The real art of seduction in its original, pure form will help to win the beloved man.
Where to go to class? nine0261
We found out how many calories are burned while dancing. We also learned about the variety of dances, and what is best for you in terms of temperament. Now the matter is small - to find a suitable gym, where you will forget about everything and just enjoy what is happening.
So, in women's fitness you can go to sultry latin classes. Rumba, mamba, samba, cha-cha-cha and salsa - all this will cease to be exotic words, but will become a real hobby. Also in this fitness center there is a unique Zumba Fitness program - a kind of symbiosis of dance and aerobics. If you want to lose as much as possible and completely forget about excess weight, then this is what you need! nine0007
Do you want to experience incredible freedom? Then feel free to go to. Free dance classes will help not only to completely liberate and relax, but also get rid of unnecessary complexes, add grace and elegance to movements, give peace and real rest to the whole body.
Do you want to be sexy and feminine, to beat your man to the ground? Then forward to the club 5th element for oriental dance classes or strip plastic.