How i met your mother dirty dancing
How I Met Your Mother: The 10 Best Song and Dance Moments
There aren’t many network sitcoms that can boast the breadth and awesomeness of How I Met Your Mother‘s song and dance routines. It’s a tradition the CBS series plans to continue as it kicks off its seventh season this Monday at 8/7c with a big Robin and Barney musical number. Judging by this video preview, another legendary performance is in the works.
To celebrate the show’s latest foray into musical territory, TVLine has compiled a list of HIMYM‘s 10 Best Song and Dance Moments — and there were plenty to choose from!
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10. How I Met Your Theme Song
Episode: “Hopeless,” Season 6 | The cast rocks out, performing the show’s infinitely hummable theme song, which was written by creators Craig Thomas and Carter Bays. Nice touch knocking over the microphone, Ted.
9. Dirty Dancing With Barney
Episode: “First Time in New York,” Season 2 | Neil Patrick Harris gets superimposed into the iconic ’80s film as Barney recalls the (fake) tale of how he lost his virginity. Check out the wizardry it took to pull off the moment below. Color us impressed by – and nostalgic over – the work of the HIMYM special effects department.
HIMYM: Neil Patrick Harris, Cobie Smulders Preview Barney and Robin’s New Love Square
8. “Super Date”
Episode: “Of Course,” Season 5 | Hey, Neil Patrick Harris isn’t the only one in this cast with pipes. After you get past the foreign translation below, Josh Radnor shows off his very smooth voice as he sweeps Barney away with visions of a super date. The old-school movie-musical magic is undeniable.
7. Barney’s Naughty Holiday Songs
Episode: “Little Minnesota,” Season 4 | With each Christmas visit of Ted’s sister, Barney shows off just how much he wants to get into her pants by changing the words of well-known holiday songs. Anybody who can make a Hanukkah ditty sound dirty deserves props.
Promo for How I Met Your Mother‘s Big Premiere Raises Big Questions
6. “Stand By Me”
Episode: “Cleaning House,” Season 6 | Two guys who know something about vocals – Ben Vereen and Wayne Brady – duet as Barney’s brother (Brady) finally meets his dad. It’s hard to tell in the video, but the best part of Barney shoving his way into their sweet reunion song is Cobie Smulders desperately trying – and failing – to keep a straight face through Harris’ over-the-top performance.
5. “Best Night Ever”
Episode: “The Sexless Innkeeper,” Season 5 | Marshall’s double date ditty gets the music video treatment in an homage to Extreme’s “More than Words.” In fact, the band’s very own Nuno Bettencourt makes an appearance. To sum it up: Are you free next Saturday?
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4. “Sandcastles in the Sand” & “Two Beavers Are Better Than One”
Episodes: “Sandcastles in the Sand,” Season 3; “Glitter,” Season 6 | This pair of follow-up Robin Sparkles songs aren’t quite up to par with “Let’s Go to the Mall,” only because the first song was so awesome, it’s nearly impossible to top. But the presence of Tiffany, Alan Thicke and a surprisingly game James Van Der Beek – remember, this was way before his Funny or Die venture – more than makes up for the temporary foray into semi-serious balladry. Meanwhile, it’s just difficult to listen to “Two Beavers Are Better Than One” — the unintentionally dirty theme song to a children’s show — without grinning. We can’t wait to see what other sparkly treasures Barney uncovers in the future.
3. “You Just Got Slapped”
Episode: “Slapsgiving, Season 3 | Marshall commemorates his third slap with an Elton John-esque song, and Barney brilliantly joins in with some pained “ohs” and “ahs.” As if that wasn’t awesome enough, the show also released a music video of Jason Segel singing the tune in a Vegas-worthy white suit as a butler brings him a cocktail and a fur coat. Then, to top it off, the song got a remix for Slap Bet the board game in Season 5. Fun fact: Harris directed the board game tag to prep for his HIMYM directing debut later that season.
2. “Nothing Suits Me Like A Suit”
Episode: “Girls Versus Suits,” Season 5 | The show’s 100th episode featured a musical number so big, it quite possibly topped Robin Sparkles in sheer scope. With dozens of background dancers, some intricate choreography by Glee‘s Zach Woodlee – please don’t fall off the cab, Neil! – and a fantastic song, the cast and crew bite off quite a challenge and more than deliver on it. Plus, the word “refute” has never sounded better.
1. “Let’s Go to the Mall”
Episode: “Slap Bet,” Season 2 | Was there every any doubt what would top our list? Robin Sparkles’ first appearance came as such an unexpected and hilarious surprise, this is one spoiler we’re glad never leaked. Everything from the lyrics to the dance moves to the ’80s kitsch is so infectious, it makes you want to dig out your old jelly bracelets, find two strangers named Jessica and Tori, and hit the mall.
Bonus: Marshall Dancing
Episode: “OK Awesome,” Season 1 | We just couldn’t bring ourselves not to include this moment from an old Season 1 favorite. Once you see Marshall bust a move, you’ll understand why.
HIMYM fans, did we snub one of your favorites? Sound off in the comments!
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TAGS: CBS, Cobie Smulders, How I Met Your Mother, Neil Patrick Harris
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Barney Quote #329 - How I Met Your Mother
How I Met Your Mother Quotes- Barney Stinson
- ‘First Time in New York’
- How I Met Your Mother
‘First Time in New York’ Quotes
Quote from Barney
Lily: Speaking of first times, we never got to hear your virginity story.
Marshall: That's right, I almost forgot.
Barney: Okay. I was 16, and it was in a baseball dugout...
Marshall: Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
Barney: I mean, I was in a subway with a high-priced call girl...
Ted: Risky Business.
Barney: I was accidentally hacking into NORAD'S computer...
Ted: That's War Games, and there's not even a sex scene in it.
Barney: All right! I was 23, and it was with my mom's 45-year-old divorced friend, Rhonda. She called me "Barry" the whole time, and for two weeks, my comforter smelled like menthol cigarettes. You happy?
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Quote from Barney
Marshall: Hey, why don't you tell us again about your first time at the camp in the Catskills.
Barney: Baby and her family spent every summer at Kellerman's. Her dad did not approve of our love.
Ted: Did anyone put Baby in a corner?
Barney: Oh, God, no. What can I say, I had the time of my life. True story.
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View more quotes from ‘First Time in New York’
Barney Stinson Quotes
Quote from How I Met Everyone Else
Barney: There's no way she's above the line on the hot-crazy scale.
Ted: She's not even on the hot-crazy scale. She's just hot.
Robin: Wait, hot-crazy scale?
Barney: Let me illustrate. A girl is allowed to be crazy, as long as she is equally hot. Thus, if she's this crazy, she has to be this hot. If she's this crazy, she has to be this hot. You want the girl to be above this line, also known as the Vicky Mendoza diagonal. This girl I dated, she played jump rope with that line. She'd shave her head, then lose ten pounds. She'd stab me with a fork, then get a boob job. I should give her a call.
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Quote from The Three Days Rule
Ted: Barney, the three days rule is insane. I mean, who even came up with that?
Barney: Jesus.
Marshall: Barney, don't do this. Not with Jesus.
Barney: Seriously. Jesus started the whole wait 3 days thing. He waited 3 days to come back to life. It was perfect. If he have only waited one day, a lot of people wouldn't have even heard that he died. They'd be all, "Jesus, what up?" And Jesus would probably be, like, "What up? I died yesterday". And then they'd be all, "Uh, you look pretty alive to me, dude". And then he would have to explain how he was resurrected and how it was a miracle. And then, the dude would be, like, "Okay, whatever you say, bro".
Robin: Wow, ancient dialogue sounds so stilted now.
Barney: And he's not going to come back on a Saturday. Everybody's busy doing chores. Working the loom, trimming their beards. No. He waits the exact right number of days... Three.
Ted: OK, I promise, I'll wait three days. Just please stop talking.
Barney: Plus, it's Sunday, so everyone's in church already. They're all in there, "Oh, no, Jesus is dead". Then, bam! He bursts through the back door, runs up the aisle. Everyone's totally psyched. And, FYI, that's when he invented the high-five. Three days, Ted. We wait three days to call a woman because that's how long Jesus wants us to wait. True story.
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0003Mickey and Sylvia - Oh baby,my sweet baby (OST Dirty Dansing) "Dirty Dancing")
Mickey & Sylvia - cha-cha :)
Mickey & Sylvia - Ohh Lover Boy!
Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange(ost Dirty Dancing)
Mickey & Sylvia - My sweet baby... (film "Dirty Dancing")
Mickey & Sylvia & Sylvia (OST Dirty Dancing) - Baby. ..Ohhh, baby... My sweet baby... You're the one...
Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange (Baby...Ohhh , baby... My sweet baby... You're the one...)
Mickey&Sylvia - Love Is Strange
Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange (OST Man in Black 3)
Mickey & Sylvia - There Ought To Be A Law
Mickey & Sylvia - My sweet baby
Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange (Dogma OST)
Mickey & Sylvia - Oh baby, my sweet baby (Dirty dancin' OST)
Mickey & Sylvia - Oh, baby! My sweet baby...You're the one! (OST Dirty Dancing)
Mickey & Sylvia - My sweet baby...(Love is strange)
Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange (OST Badlands) Malika, 1973)
Mickey & Sylvia - Love is Strange / Love is Strange
Mickey & Sylvia - Love is strange (Love is a strange thing)
Mickey & Sylvia - My baby sweet06 - 900. . . you're the one!!!
Mickey and Sylvia - Oh baby,my sweet baby (feature film "Dirty Dancing") Love Is Strange (ost Dirty Dancing)
Mickey and Sylvia - Love Is Strange (used in back in time)
Mickey and Sylvia - Love is the Srange (OST Dirty Dancing)
9000 Sylvia Is Strange
Mickey and Sylvia - Love Is Strange (1956)
Mickey and Sylvia - Oh baby, my sweet baby (ost Dirty Dancing) Mickey & Sylvia - My sweet baby (Salsa from Dirty Dancing)
Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange (OST Casino 1995) Dirty Dancing"
mickey & sylvia - love is strange (ost 'dirty dancing', 1987)
Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange(ost GT) "
Mickey and Sylvia - Oh baby, my sweet baby (OST Dirty dance)
Mickey and Sylvia - Love Is Strange [PODIUM] Deep Throat")
Mickey and Sylvia - Love Is Strange OST Men in black
Mickey & Sylvia - My sweet baby (OST Dirty Dancing) Sylvia - Love Is Strange
Mickey and Sylvia - 1
Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange '56(1957)
Mickey and Sylvia - Love Is Strange (1957)
Mickey and Sylvia - roro
Mickey & Sylvia - Oh baby, my sweet baby
Mickey & Sylvia - My sweet baby 1961
Dirty Dancing OST Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange
Mickey & Sylvia - No Good Lover
Mickey & Sylvia - Baby. ..Ohhh, baby... My sweet baby... You' re the one...
Mickey And Sylvia - Dearest
Mickey and Sylvia - Oh baby, my sweet baby ( OST The Sopranos 2 Se 6 Ep ) baby (OST Dirty dancing)
Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange (ost Dirty dancing) Oh baby, my sweet baby...
Mickey & Sylvia - Oh, baby. the one.(OST Casino)
Mickey & Sylvia - My sweet baby... (film "Dirty Dancing")
Mickey & Sylvia - Lover Boy;) (ost Dirty Dancing) )
Mickey & Sylvia. from the movie "Dirty Dancing" - Love is strange
Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange (Dogma OST)
Mickey and Sylvia (Mickey & Sylvia) - Love Is Strange (OST Dirty Dancing)
Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange (ost Dirty Dancing)
Mickey & Sylvia (OST Dirty Dancing) - Baby...Ohhh, baby... My sweet baby... You're the one... The Everly Brothers Mickey & Sylvia)
Soundtracks (from Dirty Dancing) - Mickey And Sylvia / Love Is Strange
Dirty dancing (Dirty dancing) 1987 Wings - Love Is Strange (Mickey & Sylvia cover)
Mickey & Sylvia - Love Love is strange Lot of people Take it for a game Once you get it You never wanna quit After youve had it You're in an awful fix Many people Don't understand. ..
Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange (OST How I Met Your Mother 2 season \ OST How I Met Your Mother 2 season)
Mickey and Sylvia (1978) - Love Is St was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Mickey & Sylvia - Oh, baby. My sweet baby. You're the one (OST Dirty Dancing)
Mickey and Sylvia - Love Is Strange - [ p. 314, '11\22\63', Stephen King's "11/22/63", ]
song played while Jay was going down the elevator Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange
Dirty Dancing - Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange
Nicole Scherzinger - biography, photo, personal life, husband and children, height and weight, listen songs online 2022
Nicole Scherzinger - American pop singer, lead singer of The Pussycat Dolls, popular at the turn of 90s and 2000s. She writes lyrics and music herself, dances beautifully and poses for glossy publications. She appeared in several films: Men in Black, Chasing Papi, Dirty Dancing, starred in television series, the most popular of which can be called the sitcom How I Met Your Mother, where Nicole got the episodic role of Jessica Glitter.

Pictured: Nicole Scherzinger
Childhood, youth, family
Nicole Praskovia Elicolani Valiente Scherzinger (this is the full name of the singer) was born in the summer of 1978 years in the family of Filipino Alfonso Valiente and Rosemary Elikolani, half Ukrainian, a quarter Hawaiian and a quarter Samoan. Parents at that time lived in Honolulu, and Nicole's mother was only eighteen years old.Nicole Scherzinger as a child
Already a well-known artist, the performer posted on her Instagram page a photo with her two grandmothers. The signature below it read:My ohana ["family" in Hawaiian - approx.]. Consists of the most powerful women on earth. Made of hundreds, but these two represent it. Hawaiian and Ukrainian queens! Warriors with the biggest hearts and the strongest faith! Love you.Rosemary did not live long with her daughter's father. She divorced Alfonso in 1981 and moved with Nicole to another state - Kentucky, settling in the city of Louisville.

Nicole Scherzinger in high school
The stepfather, who gave Nicole his last name, raised the sisters in strict accordance with religious principles. From an early age, Nicole was taught discipline and order, the girl knew that she had to fulfill her duties around the house and only then could she walk. As a teenager, Nicole almost fell into depression due to complexes:...I used to be very critical of myself, especially at a young age. I was like in prison. When I was fourteen, I started running. I could go for a run in the middle of the night. The thoughts in my head said that I should only be the best.Classes in the theater studio helped to defeat the rejection of one's body. Scherzinger participated in amateur theatrical productions, for example, played Velma Kelly in the musical "Chicago", performed in concerts with songs.

After completing her high school education, Nicole moved to Dayton and enrolled in acting at Wright University. At 19In 99, she went to an audition and became the backing vocalist for the Days Of The News band. The girl never finished her studies at the university.
First groups
Together with the group Days Of The News, Nicole recorded their second untitled album, which fans called "green" because of the color of the cover. But soon discord began between the musicians, and the aspiring singer left the band and tried to break into the musical Olympus on her own.Nicole Scherzinger as part of Eden's Crush
2001 can be called successful, when Scherzinger recorded two compositions in tandem with Barry Dyck and became a member of the American "star factory" Popstars. The singer was noticed and offered a position as a vocalist in the girl group Eden's Crush. But the reality was not what Nicole expected - four other members of the group constantly brought her to tears with insults and conflicts.
Nicole Scherzinger & Eden's Crush - VO (2001)
The group soon ceased to exist, as the company that sponsored Eden's Crush closed. Nicole took the pseudonym Kea and recorded several solo compositions. One of them, "Breakfasy In Bed", later became the soundtrack to Peter Segal's comedy "50 First Dates" with Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler.The Pussycat Dolls and solo career
In 2003, Nicole became a full member of The Pussycat Dolls, which she drew attention to even earlier. At first it was a burlesque group with dance performances, later songs began to appear, and in order to finally become a musical group, the band announced a casting for the role of a vocalist. Nicole passed it along with Melody Thornton and Kaya Jones and not only became the main voice of the group, but also wrote songs herself.The Pussycat Dolls and Nicole Scherzinger
She released two studio albums with the Dolls in 2005 and 2008: PCD and Doll Domination. The first went platinum twice, and the compositions "Don't Cha", "Sttickwitu" and "Buttons" (authored by Nicole and Sean Garrett) occupied the top lines of the American charts.
The Pussycat Dolls – Don't Cha
The spectacular brunette began to be celebrated more and more often, especially after a tour of the cities of America. The girl appeared in the "Hot-100" of the men's edition of Maxim (22nd place on the list). Opera singers and actors agreed to record duets with the charming soloist of The Pussycat Dolls. So, Nicole sang along with Vittorio Grigolo and Will Smith, and also shot a video for the song Scream with Timbaland and Keri Hilson.Nicole Scherzinger rose to fame in the 2000s
In 2009, the group went on a big world tour, after which there was a break between Scherzinger and the rest of the members. In a later interview, the singer admitted that the discord was largely due to the busy schedule of performances and psychological problems among the group members. Scherzinger, for example, suffered from bulimia, but was afraid to admit it to her colleagues. Another participant, Jessica Satta, relieved constant stress with alcohol.
Internal dissatisfaction was growing, it was impossible to speak frankly. Nicole spoke about this only years later:
I hid my mental problem from the whole world, I was very ashamed. When you're fighting your own demons and insecurities, it's not something you want to share with other people.In parallel with her work with the Pussycat Dolls, Scherzinger always dreamed of releasing a solo album, prepared material and even came up with the name of the future record - "Her Name is Nicole". But the release of the disc was delayed. But instead of the expected release in 2009year, Nicole's debut solo album was released only in 2011 and was called "Killer Love".
Nicole Scherzinger - Your Love
It is noteworthy that she performed the song “Power’s Out” in a duet with the famous Sting, and a remix of the song “Heartbeat” with Enrique Iglesias. The disc was released only in European countries and in Australia, and was never released in the USA.
Nicole Scherzinger during her solo career
At the end of 2019, Nicole announced on Instagram that The Pussycat Dolls were reuniting and going on a world tour in 2020. The group, indeed, in almost full strength, performed on The X Factor with a new composition "React", after which they announced that they were no longer subject to pressure from record companies, because of which the ex-participants had been in silent confrontation with each other for more than ten years.The Pussycat Dolls – React
The band's world tour was postponed to 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic, but TPD continued to work on developing a new album.Movie roles
Scherzinger demonstrated her artistic gift more than once in the cinema. At first, these were small roles in television series: in 2001, she played Veronica in the family comedy My Wife and Children and a guest pop star in Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
An interesting experience for Nicole was the experience of filming in Troy Beyer's melodrama "Love Costs Nothing" and the crime comedy "Be Cool!". The actress also played Vanessa in the TV series Wizards of Waverly Place.
As an actress, Nicole was especially remembered by the audience as Lilly, the girlfriend of the main villain Boris in the fantastic action movie Men in Black 3.Nicole Scherzinger in Men in Black 3
And in 2017, the musical film Dirty Dancing was released on television, where Nicole showed off her choreographic talents. True, the musical itself did not have much success, since it was, in fact, a remake of the picture with Patrick Swayze in the title role.Nicole Scherzinger dancing
Personal life of Nicole Scherzinger
For a long time, the singer did not develop relationships with the opposite sex. So, she met with the frontman of the 311 group Nick Hexam for a long time, was engaged to him, but the matter never came to official registration - in 2004 the couple broke up.
Nicole Scherzinger and Nick Hexam
In 2006, Nicole briefly dated American actor Talan Torriero, who was 9 years younger. But at that moment, the singer was working hard on new material and did not take the novel as something serious, as well as the following relationship with comedian Dane Cook.She then met Formula 1 champion Lewis Hamilton. Their relationship has often been the subject of heated discussion, since since 2007, when they declared themselves a couple, they broke up several times, then converged again.
Nicole Scherzinger and Lewis Hamilton
At the start of 2015, Scherzinger announced her final breakup, a difficult decision she says she and Nick made together. Seven years of deep feelings were never crowned with a legal marriage, and Nicole so wanted a wedding and a big family.In 2015 the couple broke up for good
Parting with her beloved man, Nicole, according to rumors, tried to survive in the arms of fleeting boyfriends.
With Grigor Dimitrov
In 2019, the media again started talking about Scherzinger and her new love. It turned out to be a former rugby player, 35-year-old Tom Evans. He was a member of the show The X-Factor, and 42-year-old Nicole was on the jury. Soon, the singers began to appear on Instagram their joint photos and hot declarations of love.Nicole Scherzinger is currently dating Tom Evans
In an interview, she called Tom a colleague and best friend, the man of her life and dreams. In 2020, Nicole introduced her lover to her family, and when the borders were opened, she went with him to Portugal to meet Evans' parents.Nicole Scherzinger is now
In early 2021, it became known that the singer was fully focused on The Pussycat Dolls, refusing solo releases.
Important events in life
- 1999 : Became backing vocalist for Days Of The News.
- 2001 : became a member of the American "star factory" Popstars. She took the place of the vocalist in the girl group Eden's Crush.
- 2003 : became the lead singer of The Pussycat Dolls.
- 2005 : PCD's first studio album released.
- 2008 : The group's second studio album, Doll Domination, is released.
- 2010 : The Pussycat Dolls break up.
- 2011 : Killer Love debut solo album released.
- 2014 : Big Fat Lie's second solo album released.