How he loves us dance

Healing and Restoration Through Dance – YWAM Montana – Lakeside

One of the most beautiful things about having a relationship with God is the way He relates to you so personally.  Often times we hear or read about how He knows us better than we know ourselves but when we get to experience it first hand that’s when you know He really does know and love you intimately.  I began to understand this intimate love through dance, a language I believe God knows very well. Dancing has always been a part of my life, I started at age five and have never really stopped.  There was always something about dance that drew me to continue learning; little did I know that God would use dance to speak to me and bring healing when I needed it most.

In the summer of 2002 my youngest sister who was only a little over a year old was killed in a car accident.  My twelve year old self did not understand why God would allow such a horrible thing to happen to a family who loved and served Him.  I remember watching my Mom weep with groans so deep and my Dad cry harder than I had ever seen, it stirred my little heart to a place of bitterness.  A God who loved me would not allow such a tragedy.  So I ran from Him, became angry and bitter, and declared that He didn’t exist.  My family stuck together, became stronger, and still worshipped God with all their hearts, but I just couldn’t.  I continued taking dance classes and filling my time with things that felt fulfilling to me, yet still all the while completely broken inside.  Then a few years later my parents were approached by the pastors of our church and asked to share their story.  They agreed and asked if I would like to contribute a dance to conclude there time sharing.  Naturally I agreed, I would never pass up an opportunity to perform.  So, based on my parents’ suggestion, I picked a song that seemed applicable and choreographed a dance to it.

The night of the talk came and it felt like any other night. My parents spoke and then I came on stage and waited for the music to start.  As the music came on and I performed my first few steps something inside me began to break. Did I really believe the lyrics I was dancing to? Did God really know better than me? Could I let go of the need to know why?  God began to move in my heart and with every step I let go and opened the door of my heart.  And God came in, I sat on the stage weeping in front of everyone, not fully understanding what had happened.  I had just messed up the ending to my dance and was on my knees weeping in front of the entire church, yet I didn’t care, I was beginning to see how hurt I was and how the Father’s love could bring restoration.  After that night God began a process of healing within me. You see, we merely have to take one step towards God and He runs after us with relentless abandon. And He was after me, He wanted my healing more than I did.

I was able to perform that dance on several more occasions, each ending with the same result of a broken, weeping mess on the floor.  Yet each time I did that dance a little more of me was healed. God used my love for dance to speak to me.  He knows me! He knew that the only way to get to my heart was through movement.  God used dance to heal me, to speak to me intimately, and to restore my relationship with Him.  God knows us intimately and cares more about our wholeness than we do, His love is relentless, and I know I will see Him use me and my love for dance to bring restoration to others in the future.  What an amazing, loving God I serve.

using your talents – Worship Dance Ministries

I’m not much of a football fan, but my husband is, and I like spending time with friends, so we hosted a small Superbowl party Sunday night. My favorite part of the game was the interview with Russel Wilson, the quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks at the end of the game. His team was not predicted to win, he was playing against one of the highest scoring teams in the league and one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL, and yet the Seahawks outscored the Broncos in a way that caused jaws to drop.

So, of course, everyone wanted to know what was behind the Seahawks amazing performance. When asked, Wilson said he asked his team at the beginning of the season, “Why not us? We’ve got the talent, the coaching staff, and the best fans in the NFL.” It turns out that questions, “Why not us?” has roots that go further back for Russel. He went on to say that his dad used to say it him.

“My dad used to always tell me, ‘Russ, why not you?’ ” Wilson said, “And what that meant was believe in yourself, believe in the talent God has given you, even though you are 5 foot 11, and you can go a long way.”

I love that line, “believe in the talent God has given you…and you can go a long way.” Do you believe in the talents God has given you? Sometimes we mistake fear, doubt, and insecurity for humility. I’m much more comfortable talking about what I don’t have to give (years of technical background, experience with a large dance ministry) than what I do (God has anointed me to dance and opened doors for me to serve inside and outside the church). But God has been showing me in the past year how He loves to take what we have to give and magnify it (literally, make it bigger) if we are willing to offer it to others.

Recently I received this email from one of my subscribers in response to the blog I wrote about dancing during advent.  I choreographed and led a group of 5 dancers, including myself, and shared the dance and what I learned from it on this blog and sent the link to my email subscribers. (You can read about it here.) Here was her response (I share it with her permission):

I must truly thank you because you have no idea how your ministry has impacted me from the very first email I received from you. My having the opportunity to read the first post you shared with me about the 4 things you learned from the Advent Worship Dance awakened something in me that I felt only I was forced to deal with.  You would have never known, but I too struggled during that same time as well.

…My worship team consists of four members (with two being BRAND NEW to worship arts ministry) and there was a great demand on having a grand presentation for Christmas as in times past (when I became a part of the ministry, there were at least 20 – 25 women who were a part, but when my former leader was released to serve outside of the church, I was chosen to lead the ministry…. I tried my best to overcome discouragement and move forward with the worship piece that GOD had showed me – there was great opposition, many questions, and even the thought of not going forward because there were so few of us….Well, we prayed, we cried, went forward and GOD moved mightily on my little band of worshippers!  Not only that, but my youth ministry, which consists of seven girls, ministered with joy and power as they have never done before and there wasn’t a dry eye in the service!

So when I read your post, I felt as though I was reliving my entire worship journey this past year.  So I say to you Min Amy, continue to do what the Lord has called you to do:  being encouragement to the many worship artists and dancers who find themselves in that cave, wondering if GOD truly is calling them to come outside of the cave and to be a voice of truth, a light of hope, and a minister who brings the message of Jesus Christ to those who want more but don’t know what more is……. .

This touched me deeply because confirmed what God has been showing me about Himself: He takes what he do, even something small, and He puts a magnifying glass on it. I shared my stories and the dance ministry I have at a small church, and He magnified the impact by speaking into her life and then magnified it again through her ministry, a ministry touching people I don’t know and wouldn’t have access to except through this woman.

At this season in my life and ministry, I am like the boy who gave his lunch sack to the disciples whom Jesus had asked to collect food for a crowd of thousands. His wasn’t an large lunch, but it was what he had and he offered it. The Lord took it and made a feast. The boy could have thought to himself, “Who am I to think I can help the teacher feed this crowd and what difference is this lunch going to make anyway?” But instead, he handed over what he had, a hungry crowd ate lunch, and the Lord inspired the gospel writers to record his part in this miracle. We can say to ourselves,”Who am I to teach others? Who am I to dance? Who am I to __________ (fill it in for yourself)?” But, if instead, we say, “Why not me? I’m willing. Take this, Lord, and do what you will,” He will put His magnifying glass on it and enlarge the impact for His glory and for the people He loves.

So, what about you? Do you trust the talent God has given you? What do you have to give? Whatever the size of the gift, offer it. Make it available to others and see how the Lord magnifies it, how He literally makes it much bigger than you could have imagined.



How not to be jealous of a man if he loves to dance? – Orthodox magazine “Foma”

October 19, 2022 Author: EFANOV Andrey, archpriest

Approximate reading time: 3 min.




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Reader question:


My man and I met at social dances. Time has passed, I no longer want to dance with anyone other than him, so I don’t want to go back there. Now I realized how dangerous these dances are in terms of soul corruption. In the summer, I was jealous of one of his partners, who decided that she could claim something. But he reassured me, clearly showing that he was with me.

I understand that he will continue to dance with her and with other girls, because he loves dancing very much. Including rather vicious ones, in which there is very close physical contact. Deep down in my heart, this worries me. In the future, I want a family with him. Whether he wants this is still unclear. My task now is not to betray myself.

But how can he console himself, given that he will continue to dance with other partners? I more or less conquered jealousy, but the very realization of the fact continues to excite me. I'm scared that if I don't go to the dance with him, it might have a bad effect on the relationship...

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers:


I think that the root of the problem lies in confidence in a man and in the specific perspective of a relationship with him. I don’t really understand what “my man” is - a lover (and then we are talking about fornication), a groom, just a man who you like, but with whom you communicate in order to understand what are the prospects? These are all completely different things in terms of how relationships are built.

I understand that you people are adults. It often happens that a woman realizes earlier that she would like a family with a man. It happens that a woman, in principle, is set on a family, so she is more willing to see a future husband in a man, because if a man is not set up for marriage, he is unlikely to look at a woman precisely from the position of whether he wants to see her as his wife. Because of this, it happens that women are very disappointed when it turns out that for a man communication with them was just a pleasant pastime, without a family perspective. That is why we are against fornication, because it is not necessary to get ahead of events and enter into close relationships before marriage begins - that is, it will be decided that a man and a woman have one life for two. Marriage marks exactly this line: here we were apart - and here we are together. We love each other and are ready to bear responsibility for each other and for our relationship.

I agree that dancing is a highly imaginative activity. especially certain kinds of dances. I understand your desire to dance with only one partner, because when you love, you don’t want any intimacy or a hint of intimacy with others. I also don’t think that you should break yourself and go to the dance, it’s definitely not worth it. I think the most important thing is for you not to rush things, calmly indicate that, for example, you are pleased to dance only with this man, you don’t want to dance with others. and then look at the reaction and behavior of the man. If you walk openly with him as a couple, if the general prospect of family life becomes visible, if the man is truly reliable, then, I think, the questions will disappear. By the way, with this option, you can tell him that you would not like him to dance specific dances with someone else.

If it turns out that he doesn't need a family in principle and you and he have different ideas about the future, then the question here is not about dancing at all.

But I'm afraid there's no way to be consoled. I think that now the task is not to betray yourself (including your moral values), but to look at how things really are and whether that very prospect really looms or is it just your desire. If it doesn't emerge, it's sad and painful, but you'll have to see it and accept it.

With God!

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P.S. The priest answering you in a letter can only give general recommendations. If you want to get a more detailed answer on your personal situation, a personal meeting with a priest is required.

The waiting time for a response may vary depending on the complexity of the question and the workload of the responding priests. Also on holidays, days of special busyness of clergy (beginning of Great Lent, Holy Week, Twelfth Feasts, etc.), waiting for an answer may take longer than usual.

Dance and its role in the life of children about the direction of dance

/Register for a lesson and dance for children and teenagers here/

Among the many forms of artistic education of the younger generation, choreography occupies a special place. Dance classes not only teach to understand and create beauty, they develop imaginative thinking and fantasy, give harmonious plastic development. In comparison with music, singing and fine arts, which have their permanent place in the school schedule, dance, despite the efforts of well-known teachers, choreographers, psychologists and art historians, could not be included in the number of compulsory school subjects. Meanwhile, choreography, like no other art, has enormous potential for the full-fledged aesthetic improvement of the child, for his harmonious spiritual and physical development.

Choreography classes are designed to: develop strength, endurance, dexterity, flexibility, coordination of movements, the ability to overcome difficulties, temper the will and improve the health of children. And also develop a sense of rhythm, form beautiful manners, gait, posture, expressiveness of body movements and postures, get rid of shyness, tightness, complexes, teach you to enjoy the success of others and contribute to the overall success.

The movements used in the choreography, which have passed a long selection, certainly have a positive effect on the health of children. We can talk about a kind of choreotherapy - a method developed and tested in recent years

Man started dancing a long time ago, much earlier than he started talking. The desire to dance expressed the need to convey to others their feelings, emotions with the help of the body. For a person of a primitive society, dance was a way of thinking, a way of life - almost all important events in life were celebrated with dances: birth, death, war, healing of the sick, etc. Through dance, people prayed for the appearance of rain, sun, fertility, protection, etc. The dance was not just connected with life, but was life itself. For example, in ancient Greece, the muse of dance and choral singing Terpsichore was included in the pantheon of deities. In India, according to Hindu legend, the world was created by the dancing god Shiva. In the East, dance is perceived as something divine that a person once received from the gods as a gift.

The most important thing is that there are no people who don't dance. Naturally, this does not mean a professional dance, which has its own rules, numerous steps and certain movements, but a dance devoid of any rules, in which only the body dances, and the mind is turned off. Such dances can usually be found on dance floors (discotheques, clubs, etc. ) and streets.

Everyone loves to dance - both adults and children. And it doesn’t matter if, according to the rules, a person dances or moves as best he can. Either way, dancing is fun. Moreover, the feeling of joy acquires new nuances depending on what kind of dance a person performs - cheerful or romantic, tender or passionate

Dance creativity as such occupies an important place in the spiritual and moral education of children, adolescents and youth. Creative teams of a choreographic orientation are one of the most popular and demanded by society areas of leisure activities, additional education and vocational guidance for children and youth. In this regard, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of professional pedagogical skills for the head of a choreographic team. In his work, the leader of such a team solves a huge number of tasks. Dance art itself is multifaceted, the choreographer must understand almost all areas: art, education, pedagogy, psychology, economics, etc. He must love his work.

Children definitely love to dance, they have fun, they rejoice, imagine themselves in different images, fantasize and develop. They learn purposefulness, due to the desire to learn, to achieve the correct execution of this or that movement, this or that manner of a certain style of dance. Children are interested in this artistic direction, dancing they open up, relax and splash out excess energy. If a child is seriously passionate about dance, it means that he has something to strive for, something to do, someone to look up to. As a result, the end result will please everyone, but first of all - the children and the teacher. Dance is important for children, so dance art needs to be developed, choreographic circles and groups should be created in schools, leisure houses, etc.

Dance classes not only develop musicality, but also help to develop willpower, communication skills and develop creative potential. Indeed, many studies by psychologists have proven that children involved in dancing achieve greater academic success than their peers, and are also ahead of them in general development. Dance helps to form the initial mathematical and logical representations of the child, trains the skills of orientation in space and develops speech. Dancing helps to develop qualities such as organization and diligence. Rhythm, plasticity form the basic motor skills, abilities and prevent postural disorders. Such classes enrich the child's motor experience, improve motor skills, develop active mental actions in the process of physical exercises. Even the most withdrawn children become more liberated, open and sociable.

Music and dance are what you need to develop a good ear for music and a sense of rhythm in your child. It has long been proven that there is a connection between movement and thinking. Through the training of each new movement, the child develops the most powerful nerve networks. When the repertoire of movements expands, then each step in development will give the senses (especially hearing, touch and vision) an increasing advantage in the perception of environmental information.

The art of dance is an excellent means of educating and developing children. It generalizes the spiritual world, helps the child to reveal himself as a person. The organic combination of movement, music and play creates an atmosphere of positive emotions, which in turn liberate the child and make his behavior natural and beautiful. A real dance is a true feast for the soul and body. There is a huge variety of such holidays - ballet and ballroom dancing, rock and roll and salsa, rumba and tango, belly dance and classical waltz

There is a good African proverb “If you can talk, you can sing; if you can walk, you can dance”. We all know how to dance, a dancer lives in each of us, and he wants to dance. You don't have to learn to dance, everything happens very simply. To do this, you just need to retire for a while and put on the music that you like, forget about everything that worries you, and just relax. Yes, and you need to know that you are not dancing for anyone, but just dancing, and your dance is a kind of disappearance from this world.

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