How do you wobble line dance
Easy Instructions for Beginners to Learn the Wobble Line Dance
Love watching the wobble line dance? Now you will love doing it as well! All the beginners out there, we at DancePoise bring step-by-step instructions of the wobble for you. Have fun, and do the wobble!
Burn that fat with some wobble!
Wobble line dance not only burns lots of calories, but also is a very fun group activity. If you are looking for some offbeat idea for exercising, include this dance form in your workout.
Unconventional dances are a craze nowadays. All we want is another excuse to go crazy. In the ever expanding list of these quirky dances, like the “Gangnam style” or the “Harlem shake”, comes another worthy addition―the wobble line dance.
Line dances have been very popular since the 1950s. The wobble has become famous in the last couple of years. Today, you can see people doing the wobble everywhere, right from parties to weddings to reunions. In these dances, a group of people stand in one or two lines and do similar steps. The best thing is that anybody can wobble; yes, it’s very simple and super fun. No need to worry even if you are a beginner or haven’t heard of this dance as we come to your rescue with these step-by-step instructions. So ladies and gentlemen, young and old alike, it’s time to do the wobble.
Do not immediately start the steps; get into the groove first, feel the music, loosen your body, and then begin.
Step 1: Jump Forward
Jump forward (one-step distance) in such a way that both your feet touch the ground simultaneously. This is the first step of the four-count step.
Step 2: Wobble your hips
As soon as you jump, start swaying your hips from right to left. This is called wobbling your hips. Don’t forget to cross your arms to the beat. Wobble your hips for four counts.
Step 3: Jump back
Jump back to your original position to start the four-count step again.
Step 4: Wobble them again!
Now repeat the wobble again. Sway your hips from side to side, and move your hands as well.
Step 5: Twist to the right
Now it’s time to wobble your entire body. Twist to the right in such a way that you are facing left. Now sway your shoulders and hips alternatively for a four-count step.
Step 6: Twist to the left
Twist to the left, and repeat the wobble of the shoulders and hips. You can do the hand roll at chest level or cross them as well according to the beat.
Step 7: Wobble and wobble more!
Enjoy the dance by wobbling your body like a waving flag. When your shoulders are in front, your hips should be at the back and vice versa. You can try a variety of movements with your hands.
Step 8: Do the step
Now, it’s time to “do the step.” It’s a four-count step, and your hands should sway as well. Take a step with your right leg, and then bring the left leg in front as well. Take a step with your right leg again returning to the original position followed by your left leg.
Step 9: Step forward and do the cha-cha
You can also go forward normally and come back by doing the cha-cha step. Step your right leg in front, followed by the left. Now, do the cha-cha; that is step back with your right foot, left foot, and right foot again. But this should be quicker with more swaying of the hips.
Step 10: Cha-cha step
Now do the cha-cha step in your place. Take a forward step with your right leg, followed by a backward step with the left one. Quickly step in place with your right foot, left foot, and right foot again.
Step 11: Swing to the right
Now start swaying your body from side-to-side and cross your arms to the beat. Continue wobbling your shoulders and hips alternatively.
Step 12: Swing to the left
Gradually turn your body to the left and continue the wobble. Turn very slowly and naturally, continuously swaying your body.
Now, you will be facing left. Repeat all the above steps, complete the entire circle, or continue this pattern till the song ends. The above steps are the basics; you can combine them or try out different variations as well.
Dance is about losing all your inhibitions and having fun, so just relax and let yourself loose. Don’t get too mechanical with the steps; feel the music and do the wobble!
Wobble for Gobble Line Dance How To
Posted on by Holly Collins
What dances would you do for thanksgiving? How about the Wobble! This popular line dance reminds me of turkeys. So, Bill dressed up as a turkey and we did a thanksgiving version of the Wobble line dance for you to learn along with.
Wobble Dance HistoryThe single hit “wobble” written by V.I.C. was released 3 yrs. prior to becoming a hit. It became a hit when the Wobble line dance was created in 2011. Sources claim that West TX Jay (Jeremy Strong) was a co-creator of the Wobble dance.
So, if you want to shake off your tryptophan blues this thanksgiving, get up and do a little wobble. I have provided a written breakdown below so you can enjoy learning to wobble your stuffing away. Gobble guilt free because you can wobble!
Wobble Line Dance How To:Begin step tapping right and left with shoulder shimmy until the wobble phrase comes up.
Wobble section:Step 1 jump forward wobbling forward with hands up shimmy shoulders. Count 1,2,3,4.
Step 2 jump back wobbling back shaking tail feather. Count 5,6,7,8.
Step 3 turn to the left and wobble. Count 1,2,3,4.
Step 4 turn to the right and Wobble. Count 1,2,3,4.
Cha-cha section:1-Rock right foot forward, 2-replace weight to left foot,
3&4– tipple step in place right, left right.
(or coaster step, back right foot, close left foot together, forward right foot)
5-Rock left foot forward, 6-replace weight to right foot,
7&8– tipple step in place left, right, left.
(or coaster step, back together forward)
Step tap side right then left for the count of 8 rotating ¼ turn to the left to repeat from the top or Wobble. We used some body ripples while step tapping but feel free to express yourself.
Credits:The song is the radio edit of “Wobble” by V.IC. We filmed on location at Adventures in Dance in Littleton Colorado. Our dancers were William Hooker and Holly Tomazin. Dance with happy feet this thanksgiving.
Holly Collins Tomazin
WEDDING DANCE instruction
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Historically Accurate Princess Dances,
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Champion Ballroom Dancer & Coach
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Read online “Dreams of the Sea”, Svetlana Opalikhina – LitRes
I know the volume of your steps,
Heart rate.
I know how you read aloud
These poems.
I know how you say “no”,
How sincerely you smile,
How tasty and fast
You are preparing dinner,
How angry and how shy.
How boldly your voice
Bursts into the night,
How important is your silence.
How are you alone
Able to help
Even at a distance.
I know your look,
The depth of your words,
The temperature of your palms -
And the ship when suddenly
Goes to the bottom,
How determined and calm you are.
I know your laughter
And your sadness,
I know your fears.
Very rare
You will say about the past
"Sorry" -
I know about this too.
I remember a short deja vu,
Where the curtains hide the dawn.
I know when I say "I love" -
Words mean nothing.![]()
I know your smell,
I know your taste -
All this
I know for sure.
I never know
I don't want one thing -
What will you put an end to.
I won't say anything like that
Don't ssy, I won't say anything like that. Lie down,
Let's lie down, look at the stars:
You - with bare feet on the shore, if not yourself,
But still boundless and big;
I am in a piece of the sky from a small room,
When it is dark, but not too late.
The wind ruffles your trimmed bangs...
You ask him what you are afraid of yourself.
Why look at the sky in vain just like that, to no avail?
You're stuck and that's probably why you're angry with yourself.
Hey, are you there? Well, let's lie down at least a little more,
I see -
Here are your forearms, here are your palms pulling the grass.
Do you hear how the sky, obediently merging with water, sounds monotonous,
Echoing everything that is alive and inanimate around?
Even if the wind does not answer you,
Even if the stars do not fall in the palm of your hand,
Know that in the whole Universe, in the whole wide world
You are the happiest.You are strong and infinitely free.
My sea
Oh, this is much more than
ordinary words,
This is more than ink lines
On a white sheet of paper:
When tons of boundless sky
From my restless dreams
Tears to shreds in reality
Merciless Rogue Wind;
When tons of water from distant
My fantasies
Half an arm away from me,
Half an instant,
From life to life
Crash to death
On the side of my ship,
Scatter with foam,
Heaving capriciously again.
How incomparably you are
In your greatness!
How gentle is your disposition,
How is your character
No matter how much was sung and said -
All about one thing.
I am afraid and longing for you,
The sea is mine!
Let's dance!
Spin me around,
I close my eyes, trusting you!
My gallant gentleman,
Lead me, my sea!
If I knew before,
That truth is born
Not at all in an argument,
But when you submit to a quiet,
But a powerful wave ...
Oh, this is much more dreams.
Somewhere out there
(I can't see from today's shores)
You are just like my sea,
After all, my sea is like you!
Untitled history
Wraps up the night with inky velvet,
A premonition with a thick and tart smell
Bursts into my dream, like reality, exactly the same
Warning of your presence.
Behind the thin door every rustle is heard
Your doubts and your torments.
You throw gunpowder into my fire,
You know I won't resist.
I hear your every heavy step
Back and forth, every breath you take.
All turning into a pulse and trembling, I myself
I go to meet you, I can't wait any longer.
I walk along the edge of your abyss,
Without closing my eyes, neither looking up nor down.
Taking my hot hand, don't you dare,
Don't try to retreat.
Everything will be as it should be.![]()
#not based on real events
My fingers stick to your shoulders.
27° even at night -
And so it doesn't look like June.
You are silent.
Only goosebumps are not silent,
When I recognize you in silence by your steps.
My thoughts stick to your words
And get lost in the pauses.
I wonder if you know about this?
It's good that you are in control, like me,
You don't lose control over yourself
At the moment where my eyes stick
To your eyes.
You know, I would prefer not to write anymore
These strange verses0007 It was playful (you can playfully).
Only thoughts like a stream, like a warm
Tropical downpour,
Hundreds of
Hasty words are poured on me.
My thoughts go to war against me -
Boldly, boldly, without any protection
And without cover.
Two hashtags: one - #not for you,
another - #not based on real events, -
Will be my rear,
Where will you be
Always forever mine.![]()
From a long, viscous, hot distance to ...
(No, I don't know where the finish line is)
I am looking for the continuation of the route with my eyes:
The rest of the way
Too dangerous -
On the very, very edge.
Feeling the air. Fog.
As in thick milk,
I move with small steps;
Both on water and on land,
And in a storm, and on a quiet wave,
Closed my eyes,
I keep a distance between us.
There was a moment - it seemed,
The path is over,
The ribbon is torn off, victory,
A splash of short happiness.
But here is
Another shot in the air -
And, without having time to blink,
There is a new distance in front of me.
Everyone always stays close by
All of your friends always stay nearby,
The rest linger for days,
Sometimes, even for years.![]()
For me, gentle hugs are like a reward,
For you, the reward is uncontrolled freedom.
I’m procrastinating in my head
I can’t decide,
I won’t put an end to it
Among this informational noise
And other things,
What is really mine -
My foundation, my foundation.
Long awaited snow.
Having trodden paths, people walk,
Having buried themselves in empty tapes.
Like, kiss less
And skimp on compliments.
I'm watching you,
My companions regularly
Sending signals about you.
How I want to touch you
For a second.
I'll wait, just a little left.
Let's do it your way
Okay, let's go by your rules!
The game is not for life, but for death,
Vanilla ice cream left
Melt on your lips.
Let's go by your rules:
Silence, burning the morning,
And my fear and mania,
Eating you and me.![]()
Let's follow your rules:
Unchangeable reality,
Where I observe the main thing -
Be cold and shy.
Let's do it your way:
Don't trust random words,
But only in body movements
Read you - and in the eyes.
Go your way:
The player is disarmed but not defeated.
New circle.
Game continues!
Game on!
Three steps
The alarm clock rang at eight,
He said: "Get up, don't be afraid of anything."
These butterflies in the stomach came from somewhere again -
Looks like the season.
OK! I watched a movie, read a book,
I sat silently.
Cold shower. A couple of cups of coffee.
Then she turned on the music.
Does not help.
I went to count the steps -
There were three of them.
At the first - I wanted to
Throw everything to hell.
On the second - even run away.![]()
At the third I realized:
Nothing can stop me.
Look into my eyes! Look!
Like the night
Midnight painted what the morning put into words
(Nothing personal - ordinary nonsense):
Barely touched your skin with a wide brush,
I dipped my fingers in gold and painted the dawn.
Red (maybe not even worth it) - fear or passion -
Sticky and warm, like a drop of blood
From a fresh wound, exactly the same.
Black - cold, bold, always free,
Like silence,
Like sky,
Like night.
How many times have I told you
“Good night”, “good night”,
Saying “come on, bye”
And looking into your eyes,
Sending you
Messages with dots
Between words that can’t be said aloud
I hugged you so many times
And I said "I miss you".![]()
I didn't want to let you go so many times
- My heart can't take it.
I miss you so much.
- I know.
Silence... Silence...
The sky is falling in the palm of your hand...
Fact or fiction?
Fact or fiction?
The sun in my hair,
A cloud of foam
In the ghostly surface of the water
The world is reflected.
Time to be brave.
On your soft lips
In a quiet whisper
My secrets rustle
And break with my breath.
Fact or fiction?
Weeks flow like a dream,
In which both air and time
Can be touched by hand,
Push carefully.
Time to be honest
Make peace with yourself.
Every time, like the last time:
"Stop the game"!
Everything (roulette… Read: “Nothing…”) is possible.
I forgot to warn you
(At first I wanted to,
And then it somehow started spinning
And everything was out of place):
Love does not apply
"Under-" all sorts and half measures -
Exactly the same as when you dance,
You can’t take half a step dance!
I forgot to tell you
There, at the table, at the first short meeting,
When in a white porcelain cup
Jasmine tea cooled down,
That when I dive into love,
I live and breathe easier.![]()
And you won't understand it,
Study me - don't study me.
I forgot to say that I can read very well
Gestures, looks and I don't believe words at all.
I didn't tell you that I understand you
Before you understand yourself.
There was a time, but somehow the opportunity did not turn out
I have time to tell you about the most important thing:
If I love, then I love backhand -
Until the loss of pulse, until the wheezing in the throat.
I love on the exhale and on the inhale.
And absolutely... I can't hide it at all.
Time to love
Clock behind me
Time - "Love",
Time - "Give smiles"!
Forget about quarrels
And about insults,
Empty words, mistakes.
The clock behind me shows
Time - "Open Hearts".
Be hard at it
And stand your ground to the end.
Don't teach me not to love
You taught me
To be submissive and to be obedient,
Taught me to wait
And look ahead without fear,
Even “to say”, even “to talk”…
I always did everything the other way around.![]()
I always ran as fast as I could
And always without looking back,
I wanted to become the whole World...
To prove that I can do it myself.
I am constantly with myself
Played hide and seek,
Never agreeing
"On the shore".
You taught me silence,
without knowing it;
Taught me to observe
And to face the truth.
But so far I don't see -
Or I just don't understand -
How can I separate my "I want"
From what is "impossible".
You taught me
To be free and patient,
You taught me not to read minds,
But to speak.
I can really
Be happy
And I ask: don't teach me
Not to love...
On the edge of the abyss
I know, you see,
Like fiery lava
Along the stems, along the leaves
Juice flows continuously ...
I am a strong tree,
I put down roots in the rocks.![]()
But as soon as you
Just touch with your breath -
You will see, it will open
A velvet, scarlet flower,
And my strength will instantly become
Deafeningly small.
You can stay for a long time
Under the shade of a calm crown -
Or on the edge, on tiptoe
Walk along the very edge;
Watch how swaying
Thin branches are pierced by a current
From lightning flying
Alternately from Hell and Paradise.
In powerful hands,
In millimeters from the abyss,
Where to the boundless sky
Closer than to the earth ...
Where hours fly by
At breakneck speed
And, like ice on hot skin,
Seconds are melting…
In powerful hands
Trembling petals blossom,
And the cold moonlit night
Quiet, warm dawn is changing.
You can stay for a long time
Under the shade of a calm crown.
I will take care of you -
This is such a trifle.

I reach out to you.
Quiet rustle
Tear off the
Flower and take
step into the abyss ...
Dreams of the sea Read online Free Svetlana Opalikhina
I need your music
- I know the wolves of your steps, 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906 906ET Heart rate.
- I know how you read aloud
- These poems.
- I know how you say "no",
- How sincerely you smile,
- How delicious and fast
- Cooking dinner,
- How angry and how shy.
- How boldly your voice
- Bursts into the night,
- How important is your silence.
- How you are the only one
- Able to help
- Even at a distance.
- I know your look,
- The depth of your words,
- Temperature of the palms –
- And the ship when all of a sudden
- Goes to the bottom,
- How determined and calm you are.
- I know your laughter
- And your sadness,
- I know your fears.
- Very rare
- You will say about the past
- “It's a pity” -
- I also know about this.
- I remember a short deja vu,
- Where the curtains hide the dawn.
- I know when I say "I love" -
- Words mean nothing.
- I know your smell,
- I know your taste -
- All this
- I know for sure.
- I will never know
- I don't want one thing -
- What will you put an end to.
I won't say anything like that
- No shit, I won't say anything like that. Lie down,
- Let's lie down, look at the stars:
- You - with bare feet on the shore, if not yourself,
- But still boundless and big;
- I am in a piece of heaven from a small room,
- When it's dark, but not too late.
- The wind ruffles your trimmed bangs…
- You ask him what you are afraid of yourself.
- Why look at the sky in vain just like that, to no avail?
- You're stuck and that's probably why you're angry with yourself.
- Hey, are you there? Well, let's lie down a little more,
- I see -
- Here are your forearms, here are your palms pulling the grass.
- You hear how the sky, obediently merging with water, sounds monotonously,
- Calling to everything that is alive and non-living around?
- Even if the wind does not answer you,
- Even if the stars do not fall in the palm of your hand,
- Know that in the whole Universe, in the whole wide world
- You are the happiest. You are strong and infinitely free.
The sea is mine
- Oh, this is much more
- ordinary words,
- This is more than ink lines
- On a white sheet of paper:
- Sea-sea!
- How incomparably you are
- In your greatness!
- How mild is your disposition,
- How is your character
- Unpredictable.
- No matter how much was sung and said -
- All about one thing.
- I am afraid and longing for you,
- The sea is mine!
- Let's dance!
- Spin me around,
- I close my eyes, trusting you!
- My gallant gentleman,
- Lead me, my sea!
- If I used to know,
- What is the truth
- not at all in the dispute,
- And when you obey the quiet,
- but the power wave ...
- o, this is much more
- This is a lot more fantasy,
- More than a dream.
- Somewhere out there
- (I can't see from today's shores)
- You're just like my sea,
- After all, my sea is like you!
Untitled story
- Inky velvet wraps the night,
- Premonition thick and tart smell
- Bursts into my dream like reality, exactly the same
- Warning of your presence.
- Every rustle is heard behind a thin door
- Your doubts and your torments.
- You throw gunpowder into my fire,
- You know I won't resist.
- I hear your every heavy step
- Back and forth, every breath you take in and out.
- Turning into a pulse and trembling all by myself
- I go to meet you, I can't wait any longer.
- I walk along the edge of your abyss,
- Without closing my eyes, neither looking up nor down.
- Taking my hot hand, don't you dare,
- Don't try to retreat.
- Everything will be as it should be.
#not based on a true story
- My fingers stick to your shoulders.
- 27° even at night –
- It doesn't look like June.
- You are silent.
- Only goosebumps are not silent,
- When in silence I recognize you by your steps.
- My thoughts stick to your words
- And get lost in the pauses.
- I wonder if you know about this?
- It's good that you are in control, like me,
- You don't lose control over yourself
- At the moment where my eyes stick
- To your eyes.
- You know, I would prefer not to write anymore
- These strange poems,
- So that everything with you is the same as before,
- It was playful (maybe playfully).
- Only thoughts like a stream, like a warm
- Tropical downpour,
- Hundreds of
- hasty words are poured on me.
- My thoughts go to war with me –
- Boldly, boldly, without any protection
- And without cover.
- Two hashtags: one - #no you,
- another - #not based on real events, -
- Will be my rear,
- Where will you be
- Always mine endlessly.
- From a long, viscous, hot distance to ...
- (No, I don't know where the finish line is)
- Lost.
- Looking for a continuation of the route with my eyes:
- The rest of the way
- Too dangerous -
- On the very, very edge.
- Feeling the air.
- As in thick milk,
- I move with small steps;
- Both on water and on land,
- Both in a storm and on a quiet wave,
- Closed my eyes,
- I keep a distance between us.
- There was a moment - it seemed,
- The way is over,
- Ribbon is broken, victory,
- Splashes of short happiness.
- But here
- Another shot in the air -
- And without having time to blink,
- There is a new distance in front of me.
All of your own always stay close by
- All your friends always stay by your side,
- The rest stay for days,
- Sometimes, even for years.
- For me, gentle hugs are like a reward,
- For you, the reward is uncontrolled freedom.
- I’m procrastinating in my head,
- I can’t decide,
- I won’t put an end to it
- Among this informational noise
- And other things,
- What is really my foundation,
- Long awaited snow.
- Having trodden paths, people walk,
- Buried in empty ribbons.
- They give likes, kiss less
- And skimp on compliments.
- I'm watching you,
- My satellites regularly
- Send signals about you.
- How I want to touch you
- To you for a second.
- I'll wait, just a little left.
Let's do it your way
- Okay, let's do it your way!
- The game is not for life, but for death,
- Vanilla ice cream left
- Melt on your lips.
- Let's go by your rules:
- Silence, morning burning,
- And my fear and mania,
- Eating you and me.
- Let's follow your rules:
- Unchanging reality,
- Where I observe the main thing -
- Be cold and shy.
- Let's follow your rules:
- Don't believe random words,
- But only by body movements
- Read you - and by your eyes.
- Go by your rules:
- The player is disarmed but not defeated.
- New round.
- Game continues!
- Game on!
Three steps
- The alarm clock rang at eight,
- He said: "Get up, don't be afraid of anything."
- These butterflies came from somewhere again in the stomach -
- Looks like the season.
- Okay! I watched a movie, read a book,
- I sat in silence.
- Cold shower. A couple of cups of coffee.
- Then I turned on the music.
- Doesn't help.
- I went to count the steps -
- There were three of them.
- At the first - I wanted to
- Throw everything to hell.
- On the second - even run away.
- On the third day I realized:
- Today
- Nothing can stop me.
- Look into my eyes! Look!
Like night
- Midnight painted with colors what the morning put into words
- (Nothing personal - ordinary nonsense):
- With a wide brush it barely touched your skin,
- Dipped her fingers into gold.
- Red (maybe not even worth it) - fear or passion, -
- Sticky and warm, like a drop of blood
- From a fresh wound, exactly the same.
- Black - cold, bold, always free,
- Like silence,
- Like the sky,
- Like night.
- So many times I told you
- “Good Night”, “Good night”,
- Said “Come on, while”
- and looked into the eye,
- Between words that cannot be spoken aloud
- I hugged you so many times
- And said “I miss you”.
- I didn't want to let you go so many times
- - My heart can't take it.
- I miss you so much.
- - I know.
- Silence… Silence…
- The sky is falling in the palm of your hand…
- Breathe!
- Reality or fiction?
- The sun in my hair,
- A cloud of foam
- In the ghostly surface of the water
- The world is reflected.
- Time to be brave.
- On your soft lips
- In a quiet whisper
- My secrets rustle
- And break with my breath.
- Fact or fiction?
- Weeks flow like a dream,
- In which both air and time
- Can be touched by hand,
- Push carefully.
- Time to be honest,
- Make peace with yourself.
- Every time is like the last time:
- Stop the game!
- Everything (roulette… Read: “Nothing…”) is possible.
- I forgot to warn
- (at first I wanted,
- And then
- somehow spun and there was all out of place):
- No
- “NDMO-906 906 906 9 Exactly the same as when you dance,
- You can't dance half a step!
- I forgot to tell you
- There, at the table, at the first short meeting,
- When jasmine tea was cooling down in a white porcelain cup
- That when I dive into love
- I live and breathe easier.
- And you won't understand it,
- Study me - don't study.
- I forgot to say that I can read very well.
- I didn't tell you that I understand you
- Before you understand yourself.
- There was a time, but somehow the case 9 did not turn out0606
- I have time to tell you about the most important thing:
- If I love, then I love backhand -
- Until I lose my pulse, until my throat rattles.
- I love on the exhale and on the inhale.
- And absolutely... I can't hide it at all.
- The clock behind me
- Shows
- Time - "Love",
- Time - "Give smiles"!
- Forget about quarrels
- And about insults,
- Empty words, mistakes.
- The clock behind me shows
- The time is "Open hearts".
- Be firm in this
- And stand your ground to the end.
- You taught me
- To be submissive and to be obedient,
- Taught me to wait
- And look forward without fear,
- Look,
- I've always done things the other way around.
- I always ran as fast as I could
- And always without looking back,
- I wanted to become the whole World…
- To prove that I can do it myself.
- I tirelessly with myself
- Played hide-and-seek,
- Never agreeing
- “On the shore”.
- You taught me silence,
- Without knowing it;
- Taught to observe
- And to face the truth.
- But so far I don't see -
- Or I just don't understand -
- How to separate my “I want”
- From what I “can't”.
- You taught me
- To be free and patient,
- You taught me not to read minds,
- But to speak.
- I can truly
- be happy
- and I ask: do not teach me
- I don’t love ...
- I know,
- as a fiery lava 906. leaves
- Juice flows continuously…
- I am a strong tree,
- I put down roots in rocks.
- But as soon as you
- Just touch with your breath –
- You will see, it will open
- A velvet, scarlet flower,
- And my strength will instantly become
- Deafeningly small.
- You can stay for a long time
- Under the shade of a calm crown -
- Or on the edge, on tiptoe
- Walk along the very edge;
- Watch the current swinging
- Thin branches are pierced by current
- From lightning flying
- Alternately from Hell and Heaven.
- In powerful hands,
- in millimeters from the abyss,
- Where to endless sky
- is closer than to the ground ...
- Where the clock flies
- at a frantic speed of
- , like LED, like LED, like lid
- Seconds are melting…
- In powerful hands
- Trembling petals blossom,
- And cold moonlit night
- Quiet, warm dawn replaces.
- You can stay for a long time
- Under the shade of a calm crown.
- I will take care of you -
- This is such a trifle.
- I reach out to you.
- Quiet rustle
- Monotonously
- Tear off a flower
- and take into the abyss
- Step ...
- from a jar of thin 9005 is slow
- I remember being a naughty child
- She stole candies in rustling wrappers from a high shelf.
- It's a bit embarrassing - or just embarrassing - because
- I never got a stick from my mother for this.
- I, like all, no doubt, children, inquisitively explored the world
- And laughed loudly, loudly.
- I stole candy. I was both scared and sweet.
- Sweet - a minute, and scary - a few days.
- There are moments in adults - just like those sweets,
- Only the cost is worse than fear
- And noticeably more painful.
- Mom won't scold me for that.
- Pat on the head and say: "This too shall pass.
- Time drags on, and something pulls from the larynx along the spine.
- Sugary condensed milk sticks to the palate,
- And that very "something" does not allow to swallow it.
- August is starry and silent.
- Pink marshmallow clouds reflected in my windows
- And they say: "Thank you, bye."
- No flutter inside. Quiet, warm and calm.
- It is important for me to understand and know,
- That you are satisfied with everyone and everything around you -
- And I will be satisfied.
- Nature takes its toll, nature cannot be deceived,
- We have one direction with her, one way.
- Do you feel how the earth under your feet
- breathes measuredly and calmly?
- Stop and listen as the planet speaks to you.
- Do you hear?
- And she hears you!
- Every drop of rain, wind is a light breath
- Sees right through you, sees your doubts.
- September is approaching, he wants you to trust him.
- 34. You are an adult boy
- And sometimes you can admit to yourself that you are tired.
- I would like to have someone stronger for a while0606
- And cry from the non-existent resentment,
- Burying your shoulder.
- I wish that when it gets chilly
- and hands freeze without gloves,
- It would feel confident and hot in the chest.
- The sky looks into your eyes.
- Heaven wants you to be open and honest.
- And sometimes, if you really want to, you can - even if you can't.
- If you love people, then openly.
- Without any pretense and coarse flattery.
- Allow yourself to make mistakes and forgive the mistakes of others.
- Wake up and smile knowing that this day
- will be the best,
- It will be yours without a trace.
- Do not get stuck in yesterday.
Do not foresee what
- What may happen is not meant to be.
- Be free and trust, watching the clouds,
- Which look out your window in the evenings.
- I love you unconditionally
- (This word is a confirmation).
- I love you unconditionally - this means without any "buts".
- I love you without a doubt,
- Without hysteria, without hope.
- I love you the way I like.
- My scenario. My cinema.
- Hundreds of eyes of curious onlookers
- Watching and waiting for the final
- On the pages soaked through and through
- With what each of them expected...
- On the pages where you will not find
- Neither you, nor me, nor us…
- Unable to find answers
- Dozens of inquisitive phrases.
- I love you infinitely -
- Between stations and cities,
- Between the looks of lovers, habitually,
- Between hundreds of beautiful words.
- I love you quietly, confused,
- In complete chaos and silence.
- I love you unintentionally:
- You just settled in me.
- Do you have questions for me -
- I have one answer:
- At least in verse (or prose, if you like?)
- You are in me. You are my sunshine.
- I am in quarantine for you.
- I'm 14, I'm afraid I won't last.
- You are in my chest and in my head.
- At first it may seem,
- Something is pressing hard from the inside,
- Dizziness has become more frequent -
- This virus is more common in spring,
- Only I have a battle going on
- With him (not the first year has gone),
- I can’t find an “antibiotic” in any way.
- I would probably fit better
- Super anti-butterflies in the tummy.
- I am in quarantine for You.
- I'm 14, I'm afraid I won't last...
- I'll drink wine, go to the cinema
- And smile at you when I meet you.
- It won't be long before the peach pulp:
- It's just March,
- And the snow is again sweeping.
- I look at you and never argue,
- But I think quite the opposite.
- I look at you without knowing you at all.
- I look into you and tear out of
- Sheets of paper, folds of a blanket,
- From memory my stupid whim.
- So be it.
- Know it's worth nothing
- Not touching it with your eyes, not with your hand,
- Pass,
- My stories
- A hero who lingered for a long time.
- On the tenth day I look at the city,
- And on the third day I look into myself,
- I negotiate with myself
- I am scolding myself.
- The sun gently melts in the horizon,
- Like sugar in warm milk.
- Days flow, on the brightest notes
- Days sound - sound like you in me.
- I'll call you at 8:20, we'll talk -
- About politics, about the weather
- And about what it means to believe and accept.
- I'll call you when the heart
- becomes completely empty
- And, apart from you, nobody wants to trust.
- I'll call. You don't like to read
- The confusion of my thoughts.
- I will try to translate everything that is in my head into sound.
- Whatever I try to invest
- In what I say, meanings,
- It is not known what you will hear -
- Music or a thud.
- I'll call, yes.
- You haven't been coming for so long.
- It's been 37 hours and 15 minutes.
- Here you can hear around the clock,
- How the rails are knocking, the trains are hurrying.
- You know…
- They themselves run somewhere
- And they never wait for anyone.
- I'll call you at 8:20
- Or a little later.
- I'll collect my thoughts and type.
- Your voice is confident and calm
- Goosebumps on my skin.
- I myself, I voluntarily
- I'll jump down the rabbit hole.
- Is it possible to
- In words this smell?
- This storm
- Can't rhyme -
- Hungry beast
- On soft paws it picks up so beautifully.
- Is it possible
- In short lines
- About fear?
- The heart really wants to escape
- Away from the body in one fell swoop.
- Is it possible about this look
- In awkward little letters?
- About this tenderness, about this power -
- In meaningless sounds?
- Is it possible to tell about this passion
- to be pierced by electric current?
- Even if rank after rank,
- It still won't be enough.
- Hot lips. Wet touches.
- Silence, abrupt breaths
- No matter how hard I try, hardly
- I can describe in words.
- Don't ask
- I won't tell the truth.
- No, I'm not capricious -
- It's just wasted.
- I paint with the most
- Bright colors during the day
- What happens at night
- With a thin black lead
- I scratch my heart,
- I don’t draw.
- Your words are like the first snow
- Fallen leaves
- And frozen:
- Quiet, soft -
- As if you are afraid to frighten;
- Careful.
- You see how my storm is raging,
- How “the sea is worried - time”? ..
- every day, opening eyes
- I risk
- to be defeated, in captivity.
- You know everything,
- Do not look for confirmation in words,
- Do not ask.
- I won't tell you the truth.
- Just…
- Give me a hug…
- I am writing about summer again –
- I thought summer was just around the corner.
- I am writing about it again.
- About what? Guess yourself.
- I'm writing about fairy tales again
- In my head, about heroes,
- Who without prompting
- Ready for a lot for you.
- I am again writing about the hands,
- Which gently hug.
- About smells and sounds,
- About lightness and serenity.
- There are stories in my head -
- To write is not to rewrite, you get tired.
- There is a stormy sea in me,
- Which you do not know.
- Midday heat of the desert
- Burns my skin.
- I have a million stories -
- And everyone is like you.
- No evidence,
- No arguments either.
- Do I love you or not?
- What is love? Illusion!
- I love you - or do I?
- I know all your rules,
- And they, like water through your fingers,
- Flow away -
- And let them.
- So I need it!
- I love you - or do I?
- Don't look me in the eyes,
- I can't handle it.
- You are so close and I love it.
- I love you.
- Or YES!
- Every day and every new night
- I can say:
- I didn't love you like that yet.
- Yes, I learned all the rules.
- They don't suit me: away
- Prejudices and that junk,
- What hid my depth,
- It was on the surface.
- I will be quieter than water and lower than grass -
- Let the devils dance in the still pool,
- After all, there is always an ax from a bad head.
- Life is boring,
- If you don't take risks.
- Yes, I was crazy about hands.
- Yes, I lost my mind from the look.
- You are my Angel. Arrow. Onion.
- You hit my heart. I'm glad.
- Yes, I know I will die, losing blood,
- But it takes years.
- I probably won't dare to change
- Nothing
- This strange lack of freedom.
- I remember thousands of long hours,
- Hundreds of sincere, warm lines.
- I haven't loved you yet,
- Like today and at night.
- If I could fly
- I'd soar in the sky at midnight
- If I could read
- Thoughts,
- I would do this with anyone - yes, with everyone in a row ...
- But not with you.
- If I could flip like the pages of my favorite book,
- Weeks, months,
- I would always go back to this day, to this confusion.
- And if I could escape from my head
- And from my heart,
- I would hardly take advantage of this -
- I would have to leave you and be alone.
- If I didn't know how to wait…
- If I didn't know how to dream, I would have nowhere to go:
- I wouldn't be your smart girl.
- If only, if only... If you weren't around,
- My world would be completely empty.
- I need your music –
- Gently touch the strings.
- I need your music -
- Gently touch the keys.
- I see how the sounds embrace you,
- How they melt on the skin and penetrate.
- Your ringing voice
- Pierces my silence.
- I need your music,
- Let me turn the volume up.
- Give me the correct coordinates
- Your frequency. I
- I will catch a wave and stay on it.
- You are my drug, my weakness,
- My strength! only
- Do not test for strength.
- I need your music -
- Multi-voiced choir.
- Your orchestra, your fire,
- The brightest flame!
- Take just one note -
- Clean, light and free.
- Give me your music -
- Or shoot point-blank.
- Ask me how I want to win?
- Not among equals -
- Only at home.
- Like at school,
- On a blank sheet
- Opening a notebook,
- Write an essay
- Under the heading "Hero".
- Write silently,
- Not being modest or shy,
- Hurrying, in a confused handwriting
- Everything in a row, starting from
- From the first step:
- About failures, doubts, fears;
- About what took your breath away;
- About the moments when it seemed
- That the fire was extinguished forever.
- I did not pull out from under the rubble
- Frozen kittens.
- ellipsis
Fact or fiction?
Time to love
Don't teach me not to love
along the edge of the abyss
condensed milk
In quarantine for you
I'll call you
Don't ask
About summer
Or yes?
I didn't love you like that yet
If I couldn't wait
I need your music
If not for one thing