How to wear dhoti for dance
Boys Kids Green Royal Kurta Dhoti Marriage Engagement Function
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Indian clothes - Traditional Indian Dhoti, Dhoti Kurta, How to Wear a Dhoti, How to Tie Dhoti
In Andhra Pradesh it is called Pancha, in North India it is called dhoti in Hindi, 'Laacha' in Punjabi, 'mundu' in Malayalam, 'dhuti' in Bangla, 'veshti' in Tamil, 'dhotar' in Marathi and 'panche' in Kannada, is the traditional garment of men's wear in India. Dhoti is a rectangular piece of unstitched cloth, usually around 5 yards long, wrapped about the waist and the legs, and knotted at the waist.
Dhoti, a cloth-piece covering the lower part of the body from the waist, is a kind of traditional drapery, bearing the signature of the heritage of Indian civilisation. This single piece of rectangular stitchless cloth, measuring about 5 yards in length, can give a man an air of elegance, inherent to his culture.
In northern India the dhoti is worn with a Kurta on top, the combination known simply as "dhoti kurta", or a "dhuti panjabi" in the East. In southern India, it is worn with an angavastram which is a another unstitched cloth draped over the shoulders in Tamil Nadu or else with a "chokka"(shirt) in Andhra Pradesh or "jubba" (a local version of kurta). On occasions Dhoti kurta is considered formal wear in India.
Dhoti is a traditional Indian men's wear and even in the developed world today men love to wear this ethnic wear occasionally. To tie a dhoti is a difficult task. This attire worn by important political persons makes a political statement. Many people say that clothes may or may not make a man but they certainly make a point when political leaders wear them. Indian political leaders wear their political ideologies on their sleeves by choosing clothes. So if you follow the dhoti trend in Indian political arena, they will tell altogether a different story.
Dhoti is known to be a traditional wear for men all over the country. It is called by different names and worn differently in different sates of India. Over the past century or more, the western clothings have taken the place of traditional Indian wear like dhoti. But in traditional functions like wedding ceremony, it still enjoys an eminent status and preferred by men, all across India. Earlier the dhoti used to be a casual daily wear of the Indian men. But with modernization of our society, it steadily relegated to being just formal clothing in India, though there are still people especially in the rural belts for whom dhoti is the regular clothing attire.
The dhoti dress has not yet lost its popularity in modern day India, as it is still worn with a lot of dignity by the many prominent senior citizens, politicians, musicians, dancers and others. Apart from being worn on all important government and family occasions, the dhoti kurta is also allowed to be worn in the post upscale clubs, which normally stipulate very stern dress code for guests. There is one prominent Indian citizen who gets all credit for popularizing this attire beyond the Indian borders and he is Mahatma Gandhi.
There are various styles of wearing the Indian dhoti. The Bengali style is- men usually make pleats in their dhoti. In south India, the dhoti wearers add the angavastram to their attire, which is an extra piece of unstitched cloth kept on the shoulders. For convenience purpose, many south Indian men fold their dhoti in half and tuck it at the waist so that it reaches only till the knees. In certain Indian communities in Rajasthan, wearing the dhoti-kurta is mandatory.
A dhoti is the coventional male costume for attending official meetings, or ceremonial occcassions, in the entire nation. Even today's young generation, flaunt themselves in Dhotis, ornately designed, happen to be their foremost priority, during festivals, social-gatherings and ceremonies.It not only furnishes them with an ethnic look, which is the in-thing now, but increases the element of dignity, related to manliness.
This attire of eminence, Dhoti is the costume of most of the national icons too. Ranging from the ministers, politicians, national leaders, to the cultural cultivators, like musicians, poets, and men of letters, represent the nation, being Dhoti clad.
Indeed, dhoti was the insignia of national tradition, a strong pillar of Ghandhi's championing of indigenous culture, in the face of the oppressive enforcement cast by the British regime in India. The glorification of Dhoti, was a constituent programme of Satyagraha movement, initiated by the venerated Bapu, the Father of India, Gandhi, during the national war of Independence in India.
Gandhi, himself used to wear Dhoti, to personify the teeming millions of the country, starting from the humble farmers to the elite class, as all had Dhoti as their common dress.
Dhoti, in this hi-tech age, is till date, the daily garment for many regions in India. For example, the royal Rajputs, proudly display themselves in Dhoti. The Bengali manner of Dhoti-draping is quite artistic .Dhoti, with sober but attractive patterns, are arranged in proper pleats, with the front portion of the cloth being held firmly as a japanese fan. Dhoti is the hereditary groom's costume in Bengali marraiges. Again, the manner of wearing is differernt in Tamil Nadu. One famous style is the Pancha Katcham, i.e. five knots or five folds.
A Dhoti, normally comes in shades of white, crme or beige. In South India especifically in Tamil Nadu, the material of Dhots, known as Magatam or Pattu Pancha, is in general, silk, while the fabric could be of tussar, or silk, or comfortable cotton in Bengal. Crimson, Dhotis called Sowlay, is the uniform of the temple-priests in Maharashtra.
The Dhoti is an integral part of our cultural context, and daily customs and religion. Dhoti, as an Indian traditional costume, contains, the very impression of Indianness, needful to project our national identity, before the entire world.
How to wear a dhoti:
• The dhoti is one long piece of cloth. The first step is to start by folding the dhoti in half so that it is half its original length.
• Drape the dhoti behind onself. The stripe of the dhoti should be vertical and held at the top by the left hand. The top of the folded side should be in your right hand and the dhoti should drape almost to the ground behind your heels.
• Bring together in front side the folded side in the right hand to meet the stripe side in your left hand.
• Hold both the folded and stripe side in the left hand and bring them at even tension directly on to the left side, keeping the bottom of the dhoti level and near the ground.
• Hold the stripe side in the left hand as one accordion fold the fold side with the right hand until it is even horizontally with the left leg.
• There should now be a folded bunch in one's right hand. Slightly lift this bunch in the right hand as one bring's the stripe side over it on to the right side.
The dhoti is now wrapped around the waist. What is left is adjusting the tightness and rolling it down to hold the tension in place.
• Take the bunch in the right hand twist it slightly together and to the left and slip the top side of the dhoti just over the bunch to hold it in place.
• Even up the stripe side so that the stripe is vertical and the dhoti drapes level just above the floor.
• Roll the top of the dhoti down to a comfortable waist level, somewhere below the belly button.
Tips for comfort and convenience: Dhotis do not have pockets, but they do have a roll at the waistline which is very much useful. It is possible to carry small items such as keys, cash, and some IDs by placing them in the roll. With some practice, your items will be secure and easily accessible. One should be careful going up steps while wearing a dhoti. It is easy to step on the dhoti, especially the left side. Lifting the bunched accordion fold higher before rolling helps alleviate this problem. Silk dhotis do stay on.
You do not need to wear undergarments with your dhoti, but be aware that the fabric is thin, especially in the back. Wearing your white dhoti in the rain might be more interesting than you anticipated. Wind can blow open dhotis and when you sit down the dhoti may come slightly apart. The more you overlap the fabric in the middle the less of a problem this is. When you order a dhoti you will probably have to trim off the end. If there is a seemingly useless strip of cloth attached by threads to either end of your dhoti cut it off. This is just to keep the dhoti from fraying until it is sold. Dhotis do stop fraying naturally. They do not just come apart after some time. Dhotis are traditionally worn very near the ground, almost touching. If you plan on dancing in your dhoti, wrap it a little higher to keep it from being stepped on. Fold the dhoti in half before drying it and make sure the stripes line up. When you take it out of the dryer it should still be folded in half with the stipes lined up. This is important for making sure the dhoti stays together well when it is wrapped.
How to make:: sew a traditional Indian costume -
Ethnics periodically come into fashion. But this is not a reason to abandon it in the "fashionable off-season." Traditional national costumes will be appropriate in everyday life.
For example, Indian national women's dresses - saris, they will be very comfortable in summer, as they are designed for a rather hot Indian climate. Natural fabrics will be pleasant to the body in the heat, and a girl in a sari will attract everyone's attention.
Features of the national Indian costume
All the national clothes of India, with all its diversity, can be divided into two types - sewn and unsewn. Unsewn clothing is more ancient. Usually it is a sheet of fabric that is draped around the body in a special way. According to tradition, divine services and ceremonies are held in unsewn clothes.
The oldest example is the dhoti. This is a straight strip of fabric, often one-color, which is draped around the legs. The length of the dhoti depends on the social status of the person: the peasants have short dhoti and tightly fit the hips, and the upper classes wear loose long dhoti. Everyday dhotis are made of cotton or jute fabric, and festive ones are made of silk, decorated with a gold border. Only monks are allowed to wear a saffron or red dhoti.
Dhoti is worn by men and women. True, recently women still prefer saris. And dhotis are replaced by ordinary European trousers. The dhoti was often complemented by another piece of cloth, used as a cape, which covered the upper body. Nowadays, it has been replaced by a sewn shirt - kurta, and the cape is used only as an ornament. Kurts are made from different fabrics, everyday and festive. In addition, kurta is worn not only with dhoti, but also over pajama.
Sari is the oldest example of women's unsewn clothing in India. It is a sari piece of fabric, 5 to 9 meters long and 1.2 meters wide. The sari is draped around the body in a special way. Sari is made from various fabrics, colorful and plain, from cotton and silk, from artificial fabrics. The festive sari also has a gold or silver border, and the edge is decorated with drawings and embroidery.
The sari is not worn over the naked body, but over an underskirt that matches the color of the sari. Sari is also worn with a short blouse (choli) or a long shirt - kurti. The choli is made from the same fabric as the sari.
There are different ways of wearing a sari in different parts of India. For example, the classic version - the fabric is draped around the hips in the form of a skirt, and the edge of the sari is wrapped around the body once and thrown over the left shoulder. In southern India, one end of the sari is passed between the legs and fastened at the back of the belt, while the other end covers the upper body and head. But saris are worn mainly by married women.
If we talk about tailored women's clothing, then one such example is a set of a wide skirt (lehenga), choli, cape (dupatta). This set is called lehenga-choli.
Another option is trousers and a shirt, which are sometimes complemented by a cape-scarf. The female version of the set is called shalwar-kameez and consists of a simple or embroidered shirt, trousers (shalwar), the style of which fluctuates very much, and a cape (dupatta). These are the clothes of Sikh women, unmarried girls, schoolgirls and students.
The male version of the set is called kurta pajama. It consists of a simple or festive shirt (kurta) and pants (pajama). The set can also be complemented with a light scarf. Pants are usually quite wide. But in big cities, traditional trousers are gradually being replaced by European trousers.
Lungi is another common type of men's clothing. Lungi is a loose loincloth made of one piece of cloth or dhoti, but not passed between the legs. Lungs are colored and plain, they are made of cotton, although there are synthetic and silk ones. Lungi are worn both in villages and in cities.
How to sew a sari
It would seem that there is sewing - a piece of fabric and nothing more. In fact, this is so, if you omit the nuances. And the nuances are just as important. For example, it is important to consider the length and width of the required cut (approximately 115 centimeters wide and from 5 to 9meters in length). Just carving out the necessary piece is not enough. Be sure to finish the edges so that the fabric does not fray. And do not forget that one end of the sari, which is thrown over the shoulder, should be decorated with embroidery or beautiful braid. But you can't wear a sari alone. I still need to sew a petticoat and a blouse.
It is better to choose a light fabric for a sari, such as chiffon, satin or silk, as such fabrics easily take on various forms. The fabric can be either plain or colored (just remember that with a plain sari you will not be able to wear jewelry and frilly shoes). Dense fabrics will not work, as they do not fit well, do not take the desired shape and look rather rough. Make sure you have enough fabric and the correct width. The sari cannot be seamed.
In principle, in creating a sari, everything is trivially simple. Lay out the fabric, unscrew about half a centimeter along the edge, iron, unscrew again. Secure the flap with pins and sew the folds on the sewing machine on all four sides.
Decorate the bottom and top of the fabric rectangle with a beautiful braid (border). On the side that will be right, sew a beautiful border or embroider this edge with shiny threads, sequins, beads or glass beads. Cut off any threads that stick out and iron the fabric.
Sari underskirt is easy to sew. Her scheme is the same as that of a regular half-sun skirt. Only the length of the petticoat should be 5 centimeters shorter than the wrapped sari so that the edge does not show. A drawstring is sewn into the top of the skirt so that the skirt can be tied. As a material for the underskirt, it is better to choose a cotton fabric that is close in shade to the sari.
Blouses (choli) for saris
But with choli you will have to tinker a little, as they more or less should lie on the figure. Choli blouses are made of inelastic materials, have a narrow armhole and a tight-fitting sleeve. But choli, at the same time, do not hinder movement, you can raise your hands in them, and the lower cut does not ride up.
Plain choli blouse
Measurements: bust, waist, length, shoulder, sleeveless, arm circumference. See the diagram in the article, comments below.
Draw lines from 0 on 4-ply fabric (2-0 and 5-0 folded)
1-0=1/8 chest plus 6.5 cm (2 ½ in) )
2-0=full length
3-0=1/12 chest plus 1cm (1/4dm) or as desired.
4-0=1/8 chest or as desired.
Cut neckline 4-3
5-0=shoulder plus 1cm (1/4in)
Draw straight lines down from 5 and 6
7-5=2cm (3/4in) Join 3-7
8 -6=2.5 cm (1 inch)
9-1=1/4 chest plus 4 cm (1 ½ dm)
Draw armhole 7-8-9
Draw lines from 9 and 10
11-10= 2cm (3/4 dm). Join 9-11
12-11=1.5cm (1/2 in)
13-2=2cm (3/4 in)
Finish bottom 13-12
14-13=1/12 chest plus 1cm(1/4dm)
pieces 15-9 and 16-1=5cm (2in) each
Darts: Insert 3cm (1 ¼ in) into the dart at 14, 1.5cm (1/2dm) at 15 and 1cm (1/4dm) 16 as shown.
If necessary make a small tuck at 6.
Back piece:
17-0=6.5cm (2 ½ in) or as desired. Shape the neckline 17-3. Cut armhole 7-18-9 as shown.
Pick up 1.5 cm (1/2 in) in the dart at 14 on line 11-2 e.) for allowances
Plain sleeve
This is a plain sleeve without any bulk, pleats or gathers at the shoulder or at the bottom, which is simply hemmed.
Fold along the 2-0 line.
1-0 = 1/8 chest plus 6.5 cm (2 ½ in)
2-0 = sleeve length plus 1 cm (1/4 in)
3-2 = same as 1-0 . Join 3-1
4-1= 1/8 chest
5-0= 2.5cm (1dm) Join 4-5
6 half the length of 4-5
7-6=2cm (3/4in)
Shape the back piece 4-7-5-0 as shown
Draw a line at a right angle from 4 to 8.
8-4= 5 cm (2 in) for women and 4 cm (1 ½ in) for children's clothing.
Connect 8-5. Take 1 cm (1/4 inch) above point 4 and shape the front piece 4-8-9-0 as shown.
10-2= half sleeve circumference plus 1.5 cm (1/2 in)
Join and finish 4-10
Leave 3 cm (1 ¼ in) for folds at 10-2
Sari blouse (see diagram and comments)
This blouse is most often used with a sari. This pattern is suitable for figures with a fairly large bust. 4 darts for a better fit. To do this, measure the distance from point 19 to the top of the chest and determine it by point 28, after adding 1.5 cm (1/2 dm) to the seam.
The clasps can be positioned at the front or at the back. Because the width of the front part is greater than the back, the side seam falls strictly in the middle under the arm. The seam of the sleeve should be attached at a point 1.5 cm deep from p.16.
Draw a straight line from 0, fold to 2-0
1-0=1/8 chest plus 5cm (2dm)
2-0=full length minus 1. 5cm (1/2dm)
Draw straight lines from 1 and 2.
3-0=1/8 of the chest or as desired
4-0=1/12 of the chest or as desired
Shape the neckline 4-3
5 -0= shoulder plus 1cm (1/4dm)
Draw straight lines down from 5 and 6
7-5=1.5cm (1/2dm) Connect 3-7
8-1=1/4 chest
armhole 7-8
Bring straight down from 8 and 9
10-9=2cm (3/4dm)
Connect 8-10
11-2=1 /12 chest plus 1.5 cm (1/2dm)
Draw straight up from 11 to 12
12 - 4 cm (1 ½ in) below chest line 1-8
Pick up 2 cm (3/4dm) dart at 11-12
Front piece:
Draw lines from 13-14-15 (continue corresponding lines of back piece as shown)
16-14=1/4 chest plus 4cm (1 ½ dm)
Draw a straight line from 16 to 17
18-13=1.5cm (1/2dm)
Draw 18-14 as shown
19-18= same as 3-0 on back
20-18=1/8 chest or as desired. Finish the neck 20-19
For the fastening at the back, mark point 20 on line 13-14
21-18=same as 5-0 on the back piece
Draw lines down from 21 to 22
23-21=1 . 5cm (1/2dm). Connect 19-23
24-22=about 2.5 cm (1 in)
Armhole 23-24-16
25-17 and 26-15=4 cm (1 ½ in) each. Connect 26-25
27-24=1/12 chest plus 2cm (3/4dm)
28-29-in one line of 27
28-27=1/8 chest minus 4cm (1 ½ in) or shoulder to bust plus 1.5 cm (1/2 in)
Pick up 4 cm (1 ½ in) in a dart at 29.
Pick 1.5 to 2 cm (1/2-3/4 dm) into the tuck 30
31-16=1/8 of the chest or 1.5 cm (1/2dm) more than
32-31=1.5cm (1/2dm)
33-31=1.5cm (1/2dm) from 31 and 1cm (1/4dm) beyond line 16-17 inward.
Dart 33-28-32 as shown
34-26 = 1/4 waist plus 1.5 cm (1/2 in) plus dart width at 29. Connect 33-34
If necessary, dart at 24
Leave 2 to 2.5 cm (3/4-1 inch) behind lines 8-10 and 16-34 for seam allowances
How to put on a sari
, in fact, a sari to completely transform into an Indian girl.
1. Sari is laid from right to left. On the right side, a knot is tied with the tips of the sari and fastened at the waist. At the same time, you need to adjust the length of the sari so that it overlaps the petticoat. The knot is tightened tightly, since it is on this knot that all meters of the sari fabric are held. Hide the knot behind the edge of the skirt.
2. Wrap the long end of the sari counterclockwise around the figure. Throw the end of the sari over your shoulder (behind it should be in length, approximately, just below the buttocks). With this end, if necessary, it will be possible to cover the head.
3. Drape loose fabric with pleats. The depth of the folds is approximately 10-15 centimeters. Depending on the height and build of the girl, the depth and number of folds on the sari may vary. Traditionally, eight folds are made. Each subsequent fold should protrude slightly beyond the previous one so as not to overlap each other.
4. Formed folds are tucked in the center of the figure behind the waistband of the petticoat. For security, you can secure the fabric from the inside with a large pin, but if the skirt fits snugly enough to the body, this will not be necessary.
5. The loose fabric formed on the right side should be laid in a loose fold, which will then be covered by the upper part of the sari. The upper part must be removed from the shoulder. At shoulder level, make about five folds, following from right to left. Move each subsequent fold slightly lower than the previous one. The sari is folded over the shoulder and secured with a pin from the inside of the choli blouse. If desired, secure the sari with pins and above the chest if you are afraid that it will fall.
That, it seems, is everything you need to know and be able to do in order to wear traditional Indian clothes. We considered only the female version of the costume, because, firstly, there is no such hassle in dressing with a men's suit, and secondly, girls can more often afford to wear a sari than men - a traditional Indian costume. But if it is interesting, it will be possible to write another article. Good luck!
12 ways to drape.

How to sew an Indian dance costume with your own hands: for a woman (girl)
The classic Indian dance costume for women consists of three items:
- trousers or pants with a special cut;
- kameez or tunic;
- cape or wide scarf.
For sewing all components, you must use silk or cotton fabrics in bright colors with embroidery, appliqué, sequins and traditional oriental patterns. If a suitable material is not available, you can use any bright plain fabric and decorate the finished product yourself. We first take measurements and draw a sketch of the desired model on paper.
For classic trousers, use the pattern below. This model is the size for an adult woman. To sew a costume for a girl, you should adjust the size of the blanks.
We cut out the blanks, laying allowances of about 1.5-2 cm. Sweep the details or chop them off with tailor's pins in the places of future seams. We carry out a side and step seam, insert an elastic band at the waist and on the cuffs, overcast the seams.
For kameez or long tunic, use the basic pattern below. If necessary, you can add sleeves or other elements. When sewing a children's kameez, darts are not necessary. If not very loose fabric is used, additional overcasting is not required.
As a cape, you can use any long and wide translucent scarf that matches the color of the tunic and bloomers. For an adult dancer, the width of the cape should be about 2 meters, depending on her height and dimensions. To put on a cape, you need to fold it into an accordion and throw it over one shoulder, straightening the folds on the chest. The other end of the fabric should be folded into a tight bundle, wrapped around the waist and fastened on the left side. A dance costume with a cape on is shown in the photo below.
How to build a pattern of women's trousers with an elastic band without a side seam
Sometimes bloomers need to be replaced with a wide skirt. In some costumes, the skirt is worn over the trousers. For its sewing, you can use a smooth or corrugated translucent fabric. As a rule, the traditional “sun” style is used on an elastic band or a rigid belt. The lower part of the hem should end approximately at the level of the ankles.
How to wear a sari yourself
Time passes and everything changes, but the Egyptian pyramids, the sunset and the traditional dress of Indian women - the sari, which has won many admirers around the world, remain unchanged. What is the best way to dress and with what shoes and accessories to combine this ethnic clothing? Many ladies ask themselves the question: how to wear a saree? First of all, it is worth understanding what it is.
What is a sari
Before learning how to wear a sari, or more precisely, how to tie and drape it, you need to understand what it is. After all, this is not just a dress, it is a kind of ancient cultural tradition for many Hindu or Pakistani women. But before putting on a sari, it must be taken into account that this is not just traditional women's clothing, but a special lifestyle. After all, Indian women wear it for centuries and their every movement is filled with grace and plasticity. Do not rush and make sudden movements.
Sari is a long fabric, 5 to 9 meters long, decorated with various ornaments, exquisite embroidery and rhinestones. Ordinary daily clothes are distinguished by calm colors. For holidays, silk or chiffon saris with embroidery or gems are suitable.
Equally important is the position of the pattern. For short women, it is better to prefer a vertical pattern that will visually stretch the figure
Ladies with curves can successfully combine a tight skirt and light fabric, which will add airiness and lightness.
Skirt and choli choice
Wear a short-sleeved knitted or cotton choli top or plain blouse underneath. But at the same time, it is better that the cutout on it is not very deep. What is unacceptable, especially in India and Pakistan, is underwear peeking out from under clothes. The color of the blouse should be contrasting. If the sari is red, then the choli is better to choose green. Although for owners of magnificent forms, it is best to choose a tone-on-tone top with the main fabric.
A long skirt is worn under the sari, which serves as a base and matches the color of the fabric. It is better if it is on a soft elastic band and reaches the ankle, which will not restrict movement while walking.
With some skill, you can put on a sari in just a few minutes. Most importantly, take your time and practice putting it on. First you need to unfold the fabric in length and, holding the right edge, tuck it into the elastic band of the petticoat. For greater confidence, you can prick this place with a pin, and then wrap it counterclockwise around the hips. After the first layer, we start draping the sari. Folds are made in the amount of seven to ten pieces approximately the width of a palm. The folds are aligned and laid behind the belt in a straight line. To ensure the strength of the structure, it is best to pin the bends with pins.
After that, we wrap the fabric around the waist again and lift it towards the right chest, lowering the free edge to the left shoulder, which is also draped along the remaining length. To prevent the sari from falling off the shoulder, we fix the fabric with a pin. You can throw the free edge of the fabric over your hair, securing it with hairpins, making a kind of hood. Of course, it is best if the seller shows you how to wear a sari when buying, so that later at home there will be no problems. It is possible that you won’t be able to wrap it the first time on your own and you will have to practice. But there are no unsolvable problems.
Shoes and accessories, how and with what to wear a sari
It is best to combine a sari with exquisite bracelets for hands and feet made of copper or bone. They will give the image a finished look and can add a certain charm. For a sari, not only the color and pattern of the fabric are important, but also the right shoes. It is best to prefer light ballet flats or flat sandals. They will be successfully combined with a classic saree.
Gujarati sari
This method is popular in Western India. This drapery is suitable for any occasion of life, both for every day and for a holiday.
Glass bangles and gold jewelry go well with this style. Choli may not match the color of the sari, but it is better to choose a skirt in color.
- Tuck the sari into the skirt starting from the right side so that the end of the sari points to the right. Make 1 circle.
- Start draping the sari with the pleats facing to the right. Tuck them into the skirt so that they are in the middle of the skirt.
- Take the other end of the sari and drape it. For convenience, you can fasten the drapery with clothespins.
- Wrap the draping of the sari around your back and drape the end over your right shoulder.
So that the end of the sari is just below the level of the hips.
- Pin the drapery at the shoulder to the blouse.
- Take the end of the sari and tuck it under the skirt at the waist on the left hip side.
- You can wear bracelets. Saree is ready!
Rajrani style
Rajrani style is considered to be the royal style. A girl dressed in this style instills an element of grandeur due to the subtle combination of draperies and sari embroidered with rich decorations.
You will need:
- Ornate sari.
- Matching skirt for the sari.
- Choli.
- Jewelry such as bracelets, earrings and long beads.
- A pair of stylish shoes, preferably with heels.
- Several pins.
How to drape the Rajrani sari fabric:
- Take one end of the sari and carefully fold it into the skirt around the waist, starting from the right hip in front and ending, after the first circle, with the center of the waist in front.
- Drape the other end of the sari, you can use clothespins.
- Wrap the drapery over your back and drape it forward over your right shoulder, with the end slightly above your right knee. Pin the sari to the blouse.
- Take the untucked part of the sari and drape it, then tuck it into the skirt.
- Now take the edge of the sari that was slung over the right shoulder and attach it to the left with a pin.
- You can now put on your jewelry.
Another variant of the Indian costume
For tailoring, choose satin, satin, chiffon, silk, thin cotton for a top if you want to emphasize lightness and femininity. Thicker fabrics do not hold the desired shape well. How to make an Indian sari for carnival? Sew a semi-sun skirt from crepe satin, sew the bottom and decorate the belt with a ribbon. Sew two petticoats from nylon with the same cut, which are ten centimeters longer than the satin tier.
Trim them with bias tape. Sew a blouse according to any top pattern, in which the bottom, sleeves and neck need to be processed in the same style. Sew a guipure veil on your head. You just sew a two-meter cut, gather it up and decorate it with a decorative flower.
The skirt can be sewn in a straight cut with side slits. Decorate the skirt, top and sari with sequins, braid. The organza sari in this case is short, like a veil, and serves as a headdress. By this type, you can sew a short straight sari.
For dancing, you can sew a skirt from wedges in two or three tiers. The underskirt can be transparent, but long. And the subsequent tiers are shorter, but made of satin fabric. On top you can tie a belt with coins. Instead of a skirt, sew bloomers (wide trousers, narrowed at the ankle).
Gujarati style
Since time immemorial in the western part of India, the Gujarati style has been considered the most popular in putting on traditional attire.
Gujarati style
Its peculiarity lies in the fact that in this way you can drape the outfit, both for everyday wear and for special occasions, it all depends on the choice of fabric for the outfit.
Gujarati has long been a symbol and visiting card of India
The algorithm is as follows:
- The fabric is tucked into the skirt at one end, wrapped once around the waist.
- Several pleats are folded in the front and point straight to the right. The folds are tucked in the middle over the edge of the skirt.
- The other end is draped and wrapped around the back. The free end of the canvas is thrown forward over the right shoulder, its length should be below the thigh.
- The end of the sari is tucked into the skirt at the left waist.
Modern Gujarati Dress
To complement an oriental look, you can decorate a sari with a large brooch, wear large bracelets and earrings.
Gujarati style - abundance of jewelry
Having mastered the simple art of correctly putting on the Indian national dress, you can create delightful and exotic images. The reward will be an original, elegant and feminine outfit of an Indian beauty.
Putting on a sari
How to put on a sari
How to choose a scarf for a jacket
Only after choosing a suit, shirt, shoes, tie, you can start choosing a scarf. It is like a highlight, an addition, so it must be combined with the overall image. For those who have a lot of jackets of different colors, cuts, styles, you can choose any accessories that you like, most likely there will be a suit for it in a large wardrobe. If there are not so many jackets or they are of the same type, it is better to buy each scarf for a specific occasion.
An expensive suit does not go well with random accessories bought in a hurry in the first shop that comes across. The material, coloring, accurate processing of edges is important. Silk, velvet, gabardine, polyester, linen, suede, satin, cotton - any of these options is possible, the main thing is that it matches, but does not repeat the fabric of the jacket. It is also worth remembering a tie, a pasha scarf is better combined with it, if they differ in texture - a matte scarf goes with a shiny tie and vice versa.
Choosing the right size
There is no perfect standard for everyone, different sizes are suitable for the same jacket, it all depends on the fabric, the way of laying, the width of the pocket. The denser the material, the less acceptable parameters are - linen, woolen, velvet, suede, there are 30x30 cm, 32x32 cm, 33x33 cm. Average sizes - 35x35 cm, 36x36 cm, 38x38 cm, good for gabardine, polyester, cotton. But silk, satin, from thin flowing fabrics, it is better to buy at least 40x40 cm, 45x45 cm.
There may be deviations from the accepted recommendations, depending on the way of laying, it is important to remember that small scarves fall down during the day and get lost at the bottom of the pocket, while thick large ones stick out strongly and look untidy. On a note!. On a note!
Before buying, it is better to check the width of the pocket and try to fold in different ways. After that, the choice will be easier.
How to choose the right color
A strict business look does not imply complex patterns and floral ornaments. Usually, for such suits, one-color scarves are selected, which echo the tone of a jacket, shirt, or tie. They should not be exactly the same color (otherwise they will be “lost” against the general background), lighter or darker shades are acceptable. The best solution (“classic”, so to speak) is white, which goes well with any dark jacket.
Patterns, intricate ornaments, prints, polka dots, stripes - all this is acceptable for a sporty and casual style. It is more suitable for everyday wear and informal occasions. Such options are more often chosen by active, creative, courageous individuals, for whom individuality and their own style are important.
Indian costume - a tribute to centuries-old traditions
There are many national costumes in the world that reflect the traditional character and ethnic originality of this or that nation.
Probably one of the brightest and most unusual is the Indian costume. Despite the centuries-old influence of other ethnic groups and cultures, these clothes have retained all their national features. It combines all the best, it is comfortable, elegant and comfortable. Even in modern India, representatives of all walks of life prefer to spend all family celebrations, any holidays and official ceremonies in national clothes.
Men's Indian suit
The clothes of men in different parts of India are very different, but despite this, they follow the general principles: comfort, simplicity and convenience. Each nationality of this multinational country has its own characteristics and traditions of wearing clothes. Most poor men wear the so-called dhoti. This elaborately draped garment is a piece of rectangular fabric that is up to 5 meters long. It can be white or any other solid color. Dhoti is worn on the hips. In different parts of the country, this traditional costume has different names (“dhuti”, “veshti”, “laacha”, “mundu”). There are several ways to drape a loincloth. It does not start from the edges, but from the middle of the fabric. Most often, dhoti is worn with a kurta (long shirt) or with a shoulder cape - angavashtram. The kurta is most often knee length, although it can be shorter. Her neckline is on her chest. Most often it is decorated with embroidery. Many nationalities wear it with churidars - skinny pants or with shalvars (wide and loose trousers). In some parts of India, men wear a lungi, which is a 2 x 1.5 m strip of fabric sewn like a skirt. Such a long frock coat as shervani is also common in the country.
Its length falls below the knees. Traditional clothing is made from silk, cotton, wool and khadi (a mixture of the above materials). They complement the national Indian costume with such headdresses as a turban (5 m long fabric skillfully wrapped around the head) and gandhi (a headdress in the form of a cap).
Women's Indian costume
The most feminine clothing known all over the world is the sari. Amazingly, this is a simple piece of fabric, 5-9 m long, skillfully wrapped around the body of the fair sex. Depending on who owns it, the sari can be woven from cotton or the finest silk. It can be decorated with a variety of patterns and plain, decorated with embroidery, gold threads, sequins, beads, sequins. They produce casual and festive saris. There are many ways to drape this garment, but the most common is when the fabric is tied around the waist, where numerous folds form. The end of the sari is thrown over the shoulder, covering the chest. These clothes are worn with a tight blouse (ravika, choli) and an underskirt. Very bright and elegant handmade wedding saris are the most expensive. Most often, their patterns never repeat. The color scheme of the sari is so diverse that it makes no sense to list the shades. Representatives of many nationalities of India wear shalwars and kameez. Shalwars are pants that are very wide at the top and narrowed at the bottom. Kameez is an elongated tunic with side slits. This dress is very comfortable and beautiful. On the bottom of the pants and tunic, these clothes are trimmed with hand embroidery. Cutouts are also decorated in a variety of ways. This traditional costume is complemented by a wide and long scarf (chunni or dupatta).
In some areas, the so-called lenga choli is worn, which is a suit of a blouse (choli), skirt (lenga) and cape.
Indian costume accessories
It is almost impossible to imagine an Indian woman without elegant gold jewelry. Among the wealthy population of the country preference is given to diamonds, rubies, pearls, emeralds and other precious stones in gold and platinum
Shoes are also given great attention. Many models are finished with intricate embroidery and even precious stones
Features of the national Indian costume
All the national clothes of India, with all its diversity, can be divided into two types - sewn and unsewn. Unsewn clothing is more ancient. Usually it is a sheet of fabric that is draped around the body in a special way. According to tradition, divine services and ceremonies are held in unsewn clothes. The oldest example is the dhoti. This is a straight strip of fabric, often one-color, which is draped around the legs. The length of the dhoti depends on the social status of the person: the peasants have short dhoti and tightly fit the hips, and the upper classes wear loose long dhoti. Everyday dhotis are made of cotton or jute fabric, and festive ones are made of silk, decorated with a gold border. Only monks are allowed to wear a saffron or red dhoti.
Dhoti is worn by men and women. True, recently women still prefer saris. And dhotis are replaced by ordinary European trousers. The dhoti was often complemented by another piece of cloth, used as a cape, which covered the upper body. Nowadays, it has been replaced by a sewn shirt - kurta, and the cape is used only as an ornament. Kurts are made from different fabrics, everyday and festive. In addition, kurta is worn not only with dhoti, but also over pajama.
Sari is the oldest example of women's unsewn clothing in India. It is a sari piece of fabric, 5 to 9 meters long and 1.2 meters wide. The sari is draped around the body in a special way. Sari is made from various fabrics, colorful and plain, from cotton and silk, from artificial fabrics. The festive sari also has a gold or silver border, and the edge is decorated with drawings and embroidery.
The sari is not worn over the naked body, but over an underskirt that matches the color of the sari. So
saris are worn with a short blouse (choli) or a long shirt - kurti. The choli is made from the same fabric as the sari.
There are different ways of wearing a sari in different parts of India. For example, the classic version - the fabric is draped around the hips in the form of a skirt, and the edge of the sari is wrapped around the body once and thrown over the left shoulder. In southern India, one end of the sari is passed between the legs and fastened at the back of the belt, while the other end covers the upper body and head. But saris are worn mainly by married women.
If we talk about tailored women's clothing, then one such example is a set of a wide skirt (lehenga), choli, cape (dupatta). This set is called lehenga-choli.
Do-it-yourself Russian folk costume
Another option is trousers and a shirt, which are sometimes complemented by a cape-scarf. The female version of the set is called shalwar-kameez and consists of a simple or embroidered shirt, trousers (shalwar), the style of which fluctuates very much, and a cape (dupatta). These are the clothes of Sikh women, unmarried girls, schoolgirls and students.
The male version of the set is called kurta pajama. It consists of a simple or festive shirt (kurta) and pants (pajama). The set can also be complemented with a light scarf. Pants are usually quite wide. But in big cities, traditional trousers are gradually being replaced by European trousers.
Another common type of men's clothing is lungi. Lungi is a loose loincloth made of one piece of cloth or dhoti, but not passed between the legs. Lungs are colored and plain, they are made of cotton, although there are synthetic and silk ones. Lungi are worn both in villages and in cities.
Sewing chudidar, choli
Before sewing an Indian sari, you need to know what to wear it with. Young girls prefer a tunic with chudidar (these are pants that taper from the knee). In fact, they resemble jeans with narrow legs, only there are folds at the waist (almost like riding breeches). Indian tailors cut two parts of the right and left halves of the chudidar at once.
This requires a large but less time consuming sewing. Beginning seamstresses can find patterns of trousers with a narrowed leg at the ankle. You just need to change the pattern a little, increasing it by the size of the folds and sew it.
Choli is a blouse with long or short sleeves. In terms of patterns, it is similar to the shirt style, that is, the sleeve has a large length and a small height of the rim. For a top, choose stretchy fabrics or thin cotton. Measurements of the chest, sleeves, shoulders, length of the product, waist will be required. Although there are short tops that end under the bust.
Indian tailors offer patterns in a variety of shapes and cuts. They differ from the simplified patterns of tops, so the product with a deep cut on the back fits perfectly.
Which scarf to choose
When it comes to choosing a chest accessory, many aspects are important. So, you should not purchase a product from the material that is used to sew a tie. For example, a matte tie will look great in tandem with a satin or silk pocket handkerchief
For example, a matte tie will look great in tandem with a satin or silk pocket handkerchief
For example, a matte tie will look great in tandem with a satin or silk pocket square.
Use a pocket square or pocket square for a stylish and dramatic look.
The most common fabrics for pache are cotton and silk. Often there are costume paraphernalia, sewn from suede or linen.
The color of the handkerchief is also important. Pasha is selected in the same color scheme as the suit / jacket. It is not possible to choose an accessory tone on tone with clothes
Only small matches of the color of the pocket square with the prints of the tie are allowed
You can not choose an accessory to match the clothes. Only small coincidences of the shade of the pocket square with the prints of the tie are allowed.
Business men prefer to wear these handkerchiefs in the pocket of a jacket or vest.
The size of the scarf is important. Usually the latter is selected in accordance with:
- the size of the pocket on a tuxedo or jacket;
- with the chosen installation method.
Popular sizes are:
- 40x40 cm;
- 30x30 cm.
A handkerchief tucked into the breast pocket is a handy detail that complements a formal look.
If necessary, also available in other dimensions.
How are saris worn?
There are many different ways to wear a sari, there are about nineteen types of drapery. How Indian women drape fabric around their body depends on the status of the woman, her age, caste and place of residence. By the way a woman wears a sari, one could easily guess from which region of India she was. We invite you to learn and watch a video on how to put it on.
Consider one of the most common options, which is called nivi. It is customary to start draping a sari from right to left, making one turn in a circle.
- Take the inside edge of the sari and tuck it into the waistband of the petticoat, adjusting the length of the sari from right to left in relation to the floor.
- Wrap the loose end of the sari from the back side, tucking the fabric evenly to the waistband of the petticoat.
- Next, starting from the right side, make 7-10 folds of 5 or 12 centimeters, at your discretion. Folds are necessary for freedom of movement. They should be evenly distributed in length and width.
- Place the gathered pleats behind the skirt. Once again, wrap the sari around you covering your back and chest, and then throw the free edge over your shoulder, thereby creating a pallu.
- If everything is properly draped, the pallu should be below the elbow, but not longer than the arm. And in the final part, so that it does not fall off, it must be attached to the choli T-shirt with special clips or hairpins so as not to injure the fabric.
Done! Now you own one of the ways how to drape a saree!
Washing a sari in India
A woman dressed in a sari by her very appearance sets up a respectful attitude towards her, as to the better half of humanity, automatically making her more feminine and attractive than women in jeans or modern clothes.
Surprisingly, this most ancient outfit is still independent of fashion trends and most Indian women still prefer to wear saris.
An outfit that, with its diversity, emphasizes the individuality in every woman, revealing her true beauty, her feminine essence. Try and you put on this magic of ancient attire. Be beautiful and feminine!
Traditional men's clothing in India
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Sari - dress from India
Photo: Shutterstock
Indian costume is not only part of the ritual and history of the country, it is an important distinguishing feature. And it’s not only about the necessary differences in caste (by the way, the division into castes is still strong in India), by the costume, or rather, its color and elements, you can determine which region of the country a person is from, which village he is from. It is an honor to wear national clothes, to have a sari in the family means to live in abundance.
Indian clothing is always a celebration of color and comfort. Perhaps, in no other culture of the world do they care about the convenience of clothing as much as in India. And this is understandable: the humid and hot subtropical climate obliges to things that are simple in cut and wide in silhouette. Almost all products are multi-layered, made of thin natural fabric with a lot of smells and wraps. In general, Indian draperies are unique, part of the style, it is impossible to repeat the addition of a sari or dhoti without special preparation, it seems that they are made from a huge piece of matter.
Types of Indian costume
It is believed that in India there are five basic costumes, three for men and two for women:
Dhoti is a formal version of a men's loincloth over 5 meters long. The fabric really does not have any cut, it is an ordinary rectangular cut of white color. To tie a dhoti, you need to start draping from the middle of the canvas. You need to tie the two upper edges on the belt in front into a knot, wrap the remaining two around the left and right legs, respectively, tucking the ends into the belt. The rest is a matter of technique. From the thickness of the fabric you need to create a "tulip", a characteristic pattern of these "pants".
School uniform: robes, saris and short skirts
Dhotis and shervanis are worn with a turban. In different villages of India, there are different turbans, which also speak of a person's social affiliation and even his age
Kurta is closer to Europeans, because it is a simple wide shirt with long sleeves. Usually kurta is sewn to knee length. Wear it with tight white trousers.
Shervani - a luxurious men's outfit of a frock coat and trousers. Such a robe is very expensive in India, and only really rich families can afford it. Shervanis are worn to celebrations, usually with a turban and a national scarf.
Women's outfits
The most famous Indian woman's outfit is, of course, the sari. The traditional sari consists of three elements: a T-shirt, a skirt and the sari itself, the length of which can reach 20 meters, although most often they are limited to 9.
All the splendor of India is expressed in the sari, the poets wrote. This is the spirit of the country, its mood. Wearing a sari is not a cheap pleasure, only natural, very thin fabrics are used for tailoring, often with hand embroidery, gold threads. Saris are prepared for girls from birth as a dowry.
An open body is just as forbidden in India as it is in Islamic countries. The famous open belly outfits - langa choli - are part of the dance costume. You can wear it only among your own
Putting on a sari is easier than it seems. The cloth must be lowered behind the back almost to the floor and wrapped around the body so that the fabric comes out from under the arm to the opposite shoulder. The number of turns depends on the fabric and the occasion on which the sari is worn. In everyday life, there is only one turn. The free end - pallu - is usually lowered in front.
The simplicity and beauty of saris have made them a part of New Year's carnivals all over the world. Sewing a good sari as a New Year's costume is easy, especially since the fabric panel provides room for imagination and room for decorations.
Shalwar kameez is a kurta for women. This everyday outfit is simple, but very beautiful: a combination of wide trousers with an elastic band and an elongated shirt. The homeland of this attire is Afghanistan, but it received true recognition in India.
Also interesting to read: how to remove smell from clothes?
Sari fashion Indian women's clothing
Kalpana Shah's method
Take the end of the sari and place it on the right side of the thigh to the waist, so that the hem is 5 cm above the floor. | Tuck the sari into the front of the skirt. | Continue tucking the sari into the back of the skirt until you have made a full circle. |
Fold the sari in one big pleat at arm's length from the waist as shown. | Tuck the other end into the skirt to form a loose loop. Loosely wrap the saree around your body. | Hold both ends of the hem of the sari in your hands in front of you. |
Begin to drape about 15 cm wide. | You should have 4.5 full pleats. For convenience, you can fasten the folds with clothespins. | |
The end of the sari should be below the knees in the back. | Pin the sari drape to the shoulder choli. | Now return to the loose fold that was left on the belt. |
Start draping the pleats with your left hand, supporting them with your right. | Then tuck the drapery into the skirt. | Align the drapery. |
Drape just below the navel. | This is what the drapery looks like from the back. | The end result! |
At first, it may seem difficult, but once you figure it out, you will learn how to tie a sari very quickly. Let's look at some more ways to tie and wear an Indian sari.
Nivi style, this is one of the most popular types of saree draping in India. This style originates in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Until now, locals prefer to wear saris in this way, and this is not surprising, since this style of drapery is a cultural heritage of India. Nivi style is suitable for all occasions.
Tuck one end of the sari into the skirt and wrap the sari around the waist.
Make sure that the distance from the floor and the sari is 5 cm.
Take the other end of the sari and drape it into 6-7 full folds.
Fasten the pleats so that the length is enough for the entire back to above the knees.
Throw the drapery over the left shoulder and pin the sari to the inside of the choli.
Now focus on the rest of the undraped sari. Put the top edge on the left into the skirt on the right side.
Drape the rest of the fabric and put it behind the skirt also on the right side
Then you can fasten the drapery to the skirt from the wrong side with a pin, at a distance above the right knee, so that the drapery does not fall apart when walking.
The Bengali style saree looks chic with intricate borders and vibrant colors. This style is chosen for large events.
To complete the style you will need:
- White sari with red border.
- Blouse with short puff sleeves.
- Red and white bracelets.