How do you say dancing in french
A well-made slab will not break [...] even with several people dancing on it. |
Une dalle bien faite ne cassera pas mme [...] si plusieurs personnes dansent dessus. |
He tries to play first nations like a fiddle but he [...] is only step dancing around the whole [...] damn issue. |
Il cherche tromper les Premires nations, mais
il ne fait que tourner autour du pot [. dans cette satane affaire. |
When the registration process finally began, the local people [...] resumed singing and dancing. |
Quand le processus d'enregistrement a finalement dbut, les habitants locaux ont [...] repris les chants et les danses. |
Putting all of her energy in dancing, she tries to forget. |
Elle met
toute sa rage dans la danse, esprant entrer un [. jour l'Opra. |
You follow a dancing point of light until your [...] feet land softly on a grassy plain. |
Vous suivez la lumire dansante jusqu' ce que vos [...] pieds se posent doucement sur une plaine couverte d'herbe. |
As the Canadians raised high the cross [...] to the applause of the crowds, Inuit [...] youth began singing, dancing and drumming to the [...] thunderous applause of the crowd in the square. |
Au moment o les Canadiens ont lev bien haut la croix sous les applaudissements [...] de la foule, de jeunes Inuits ont [...] commenc chanter, danser et jouer du tambour, [...] eux aussi, sous les applaudissements [...] assourdissants de la foule masse sur la Place Saint-Pierre. |
Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister is dancing around this issue just like he did with the other one. |
Monsieur le Prsident, le premier ministre tourne autour du pot sur cette question comme sur la prcdente. |
If we really want to win our publics over, we [...] cannot do it by subsidising folk dancing. |
Si nous voulons rellement gagner la population notre cause, nous ne pouvons le faire [...] en subventionnant la danse folklorique. |
The unsuspecting keepers of [...] summer spend the night dancing. |
Ne se doutant de rien, les dtenteurs de
l't passent la nuit danser. |
You turned my wailing into dancing, you removed my sackcloth [...] and clothed me with joy that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. |
Et tu as chang [...] mes lamentations en danses de joie, tu as dli [...] mon sac, et tu m'as ceint de joie, afin que mon cur te chante et ne soit pas muet . |
The three favourite dances for people with motor problems are [...] rock and roll dancing, tango and waltz. scleroseenplaques. |
Les trois danses prfres des personnes [...] ayant des problmes de motricit sont le rock, le tango et la valse. |
The evening will [...] close with live musical entertainment and dancing. |
Durant le reste de la soire, les dlgus [...] pourront se divertir et danser au son d'un groupe [...] de musiciens. |
There, in the early eighties, a [...] band of colourful characters roamed the streets, striding
[. playing music. |
Des personnages colors dambulaient sur des [...] chasses, jonglaient, dansaient, crachaient le feu et [...] jouaient de la musique. |
Stradda and Circostrada Network offer to download for [...] free a sixth dossier, Dancing the space. |
Stradda et Circostrada Network proposent gratuitement au tlchargement
un sixime dossier, Danser l'espace. |
We had one Elder [...] doing jumping jacks and dancing to see how his heart [...] rate changed during different activities, while the [...] younger teacher and nurse sat on the sidelines because they were too embarrassed to try. |
Il y avait un an qui faisait des [...] mouvements de pantin et qui dansait pour voir de combien [...] son rythme cardiaque changeait en faisant [...] diffrentes activits, tandis que la plus jeune enseignante et une infirmire n'ont fait qu'observer car elles taient trop gnes pour essayer. |
If you are fond of the dancing world, this website [...] is for you! |
Si tu te passionnes [...] pour l'univers de la danse, ce site est fait pour toi. |
A European tax may still be "future music", as the Germans say, but if we do not start playing [...] it now, we will not be dancing to it in future. |
Cela signifie donc qu'un impt europen est peut-tre encore une musique
[. prmature, mais si nous ne commenons pas la jouer ds maintenant, nous ne [...] pourrons plus jamais danser sur cette mme musique. |
Ritual may be personal or group in practice--or both--as illustrated by prayer, dancing, and drama. |
Lapratiquedurituelpeut tre personnelle ou collective ou les deux comme en on voitl'exempledanslaprire,la danseetlesreprsentations dramatiques. |
To this question, Franois Jung-Rozenfarb responds
that after ten years of dancing, he wanted to go back [. to school and registered at a business school in Paris. |
A cette question, Franois Jung-Rozenfarb rpond [...] qu'aprs dix ans dans la danse, il a voulu reprendre [...] ses tudes et s'est inscrit dans une cole de commerce. |
Flexibility activities that encourage children to bend, stretch and reach such [...] as gymnastics and dancing. |
Activits d'assouplissement encourageant l'enfant se plier et s'tirer, par exemple [...] la gymnastique et la danse. dietetiste. |
He enjoyed singing, dancing folk dances, tell stories, [...] and cooking. |
Il aimait chanter, danser les danses folkloriques, [...] raconter des histoires et cuisiner. |
Dancing, sliding, grooving? but it could [...] be getting a little chilly. |
On a beau danser, glisser, gigoter, il [...] peut arriver que le froid nous s'impose un peu. nouvelles. |
The people [...] flooded the streets dancing, and rejoicing and [...] many of the people ran beside our vehicle for miles as we paraded through the town. |
Les gens ont [...] envahi les rues, ont dans, se sont rjouis et [...] beaucoup ont couru sur des kilomtres ct de notre colonne [...] de voitures lors de notre traverse de la ville. |
I am throwing confetti and dancing on my desk! zazzle. |
Je lance [...] des confettis et je danse sur mon bureau! |
Children from the Casa amiga das Crianas, a centre for reception and psychosocial activities, put on a Christmas [...] spectacle for local children and [...] four other associations: dancing, short plays, juggling, [...] acrobatics and a fashion parade [...] to show the clothes they had designed and made, held the 130 invited guests spellbound. |
Les enfants de la Casa amiga das Crianas, centre d'accueil et d'activits psychosociales, ont prsent un spectacle de Nol
[. aux enfants du quartier et de [...] quatre autres associations: Danses, picettes de thtre, [...] chants, jonglage, acrobaties et un [...] dfil de mode montrant leurs propres crations ont tenu les quelques 130 invits en haleine. |
In this program there [...] is much music and dancing and singing. |
Dans ce programme, il y a [...] beaucoup de musique et de danse et de chants. |
To reflect the story of thwarted love set against a
[. backdrop of tango music, the site was designed as a kaleidoscope of the film, recreating [...] its poetic and dancing atmosphere. |
Pour soutenir cette histoire d'amour [...] contrarie sur fond de tango, le site se veut tre un kalidoscope du film, reconstituant [...] son univers potique et dansant. |
dancing translation in French | English-French dictionary
n danse f
→ The music and dancing lasted for hours.
→ Many schools include dancing in the curriculum.
all-singing all-dancing *
adj tout (e) nouveau (nouvelle) , tout (e) beau (belle)
→ ... the executive's new all-singing, all-dancing website.
→ It will be an inquiry process, segregated into three separate parts, rather than an all-singing, all-dancing public inquiry
ballroom dancing
n danse f de salon
country dancing
n (British) danse f folklorique
dancing class
(=dancing lesson) cours m de danse
→ She goes to dancing classes on Saturday mornings.
dancing partner
n cavalier (-ière) m/f
dancing shoes
[+men] escarpins mpl
[+women] chaussons mpl de danse
disco dancing
n danse f disco
→ Then on a Thursday night, disco dancing down at the youth club.
lap dancing
n strip-tease où la danseuse s'asseoit sur les genoux des clients strip-tease où la danseuse s'asseoit sur les genoux des clients
line dancing
n danse f en ligne
morris dancing
n (British) danses folkloriques anglaises danses folkloriques anglaises
pole dancing
n pole dancing m danse érotique autour d'une barre de strip-tease danse érotique autour d'une barre de strip-tease
table dancing
n danse f sur table
tap dancing , tap-dancing
n claquettes fpl
I do tap-dancing. Je fais des claquettes.
Translation English - French Collins Dictionary  
See also:
dancing class, dancing partner, dancing shoes, ballroom dancing
Collaborative Dictionary English-French
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See how “dancing” is translated from English to French with more examples in context
Develope, batman jeté, tandu batman… French is the language of ballet
Wherever a dancer works, he will always find a common language with colleagues from other countries, and this language will be French! Demi-plie, batman jete, batman tandu, batman tan d yu jete, ron de jamb pa r ter,…… Stunningly beautiful words and no less beautiful movements! How did it happen that the French language and ballet, and with it all modern choreography, turned out to be inextricably linked? People have always danced, inventing an infinite number of movements. Dance is the most beautiful form of art in which creativity, pure aesthetics, physiology and psychology intersect. In a sense, the dance teacher from the fairy tale "Cinderella" was right: in any incomprehensible situation, dance!
History of ballet
Ballet originated from the dance culture of European nations. The word ballo in Italian means to dance, and the verb ballare means to dance. It was in the traditions of Italian masquerades and folk festivals that the vocal and dance genres ballata and balletto were formed - recitation of poems and singing mixed with dancing. Balletto arrived in France from Italy with Catherine de Medici, who brought with her the fashion for theatrical performances and "gallant dances". Once in the luxurious halls of the French royal court, balletto has become more complex, elegant and has moved away from folk roots. The first court Ballet comique de la Reine (Queen's comic ballet) was staged in 1581 by the Italian Baldasare da Belgiojoso. Gradually, this genre naturalized in France and waited for its finest hour during the reign of Louis XIV. The young king participated in productions from the age of 13, and under him ballet became not just art and entertainment, but an instrument of politics and diplomacy. For example, in view Ballet royal de la Nuit (Royal ballet of the night) the king performed six roles, the performance was performed seven times in front of a respectable audience, among which there were many foreign diplomats. The performance consisted of forty-five performances, in which allegorical, mythological, exotic and chivalrous subjects were interspersed with picturesque and comic scenes. At the end, the Dawn Star appeared, followed by Aurora and her retinue. And when the sun appeared, everyone parted, and Aurora proclaimed in verse: LE Soleil Suit C ’ EST LUUIS (The Sun, which follows me is Louis Young) .
Then the king danced the grand ballet finale, accompanied by Honor, Grace, Love, Dignity, Victory, Fame, Justice and Glory0003 Louis XIV ET LA Mise EN SC è DU Pouvoir Absolu , Author of Gabriella Azaro, 2013). Gradually, under the burden of state affairs, the Sun King left the stage, but the court ballet fulfilled its task: it created an “ideology” from the performance and, through the allegory of the victorious Sun, established in the collective consciousness the image of Louis XIV as an absolute monarch. Ballet was the king's greatest passion, and in 1661 Louis founded the Royal Academy of Dance, bringing the art form to a professional level. By the way, the Academy of Music appeared only eight years later.
The first serious classification of ballet terms was carried out by Raoul Auger Feuillet. In 1701, he published the work of Chor é ographie ART De é CRIRE DANSE (choreography or the art of describing the dance). which was given a description of all dance movements according to the method of dance teacher Pierre Beauchamps. Later this classification was improved by Pierre Rameau in work Ma î tre à danser (Dance Master, 1725) - This manual recorded all the basic steps and movements of classical dance still in use today. They were named, of course, in French.
A decisive role in the establishment of French as the official language of dance belongs to the French Academy. She did her best to ensure that the vocabulary of classical dance, which was formed during Beauchamp's time and immediately after, remained practically intact in the French version.
The basic element and starting point of the dynamic part of the dance is the step, and this postulate has not changed since the time of Louis XIV. Each ballet step represents a certain sequence of movements, so all steps are carefully classified, cataloged and identified. The very word "step" in French sounds [pa] - pas , and, as if by magic, these two sounds launch a whole series of images from the world of pointe shoes and ballet tutus in the average person's brain - pas de deux, pas de trois . Who went to dance school in the course! When my daughter recounted what they did in the choreography, I was amazed at the abundance of French words. Without knowing French, the young dancers diligently performed pas droit en avant, pa droit en arrière, pa sure and dedan, pa sure and deor . What do these magic words mean?
In the aforementioned book Choreographie ( 1701), Raoul Feuillé described and drew five positions of the position of the legs, which had been fixed a little earlier by the royal dancer and dance teacher Pierre Beauchamp. Based on these choreographic positions, all steps, movements, figures, pirouettes, jumps and revolutions are lined up to this day. Choreography is a very methodical and well-organized discipline, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, which allows you to decompose the dance into separate components. All movements are named perfectly simply, logically and compactly. Moreover, compactness is lost when trying to describe movements in another language. For example, develope (developp é) means a kind of batman - the working leg slides from the 5th position with the toe on the skating leg, rises to the knee, extends forward, sideways or back, and then drops to the 5th position. And all this development! Below are a few more examples, but without detailed descriptions. avant [ ] 9Olo [assembly] jump with legs extended in the air or jump with landing on two legs0003
Battement Fondu [batman Fontya] Soft, smooth, “melting” movement
Battement Frapp [Batman Frappe] Movement with a blow, or shock traffic
Balanc é 9000 [Balan Swinging motion
Changement de pieds [changement de pied] Jump with change of legs in the air
Grand – grand
grand pli grand é 0004 Deep squatting
Grand Battement Jet é [Grand Batman Plie] Throwing foot to
Grand Fouette [Gran Fuete] 9000 soft, elastic plié in various movements
Frappé batman shape with knee bend; a quick kick with the foot of one leg on the ankle of the other leg with an accent “from oneself”
The word "fondue" is now known to all lovers of cheese, chocolate and French cuisine, in general. It means "melted", which is quite recognizable from the description of the movement - soft, smooth, "melting". Whichever word you take from this or from another list of choreographic terms, they are all living words of the French language. And what are pas de chat worth [ pas de sha], i.e. cat step or pas ciseau [ pa Siso] , known as scissors . In fairness, it should be noted that separate Italian terms are used in classical dance, for example:
Adajio slow part of the dance.
Allegro [allegro] jumping
Arabesque [arabesque] flight pose, the name of the pose comes from the style of Arabic frescoes.
Even they came to all languages indirectly - through French. How did this process physically take place?
Development of ballet
French ballet was literally exported to the Russian Empire in the middle of the 19th century, when the choreographer Marius Petipa came to St. Petersburg. Together with him came his art, methodology and terminological dictionary. Not everything went smoothly for the French dancer and choreographer - he saw ballet in his own way, refusing the format of "light entertainment" to which the public was accustomed. As the researchers write, at some point he was ready to retire, but unexpectedly the theater management decided on an experiment - to put the ballet to the music of a professional (not "ballet") composer. Thus began work on the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty" together with P.I. Tchaikovsky. For its time, it was a pioneering work – brilliant music and brilliant staging strengthened each other without obscuring or competing. The audience was ecstatic! This was followed by The Nutcracker and, finally, Swan Lake. Did you know that Petipa is not the first director of Swan Lake? Twenty years before him, the choreographer Reisinger took up this ballet and ... failed. Now it's hard to believe it, but the fact is that the premiere of Swan Lake turned out to be a failure! Twenty years later, Petipa returned to this idea, believing that the perfect music of Tchaikovsky was ruined by the unsuccessful production of Reisinger.
Today, the Petipa-Ivanov version is considered classical and is danced all over the world! Experts say that it was Swan Lake staged by Petipa-Ivanov that marked the beginning of a new page in the history of Russian ballet, and from that moment on, imports turned into exports, which was greatly facilitated by historical events. After the revolution 19For 17 years, Russian dancers poured into the United States of America and the countries of Western Europe, bringing with them a wealth of knowledge and, of course, terminology. This is how ballet gradually developed throughout Europe - albeit far from the French capital and its influence, but using a French glossary.
French in the modern world of dance
Today, along with the Parisian school of classical dance, there are various stylistic models in the world, among which the Danish, Italian, Russian (Vaganova system), American and Cuban schools are considered the leading ones. In fact, the founders of classical ballet are the Italian and French schools, and despite the fact that they were influenced by the Vaganova system and certain Russian-language terms, the very vocabulary of the Paris Academy, which began to take shape under Louis XIV, managed to maintain its positions. Even in the work "Fundamentals of Classical Dance" (1934), which formed the basis of her nominal system, choreographer A.Ya. Vaganova used French terms to describe the order of movements in the lesson in order to practice hands and coordinate movements. Exercise should start with plie, then ron de jamb par terre, batman fondue, batman frappe, ron de jamb en lair, petit batman, develope, grand batman jette . We can say, thanks to A.Ya. Vaganova's status of the French language was officially fixed in the Soviet ballet, as Latin was fixed in medicine or Italian in music. This happened in other countries as well. For example, when the great Italian dancer, choreographer and teacher Enrico Cecchetti, who danced on the stage of La Scala in his native Milan, at the Mariinsky Theater in St. his school in London at 19At 18, he taught the English using French terminology. From the point of view of language, this terminology was as foreign to him as it was to his students. But from the point of view of the dance, everything was clear, and this is the main thing!
At some point, a new phenomenon appeared in the world of classical dance: not knowing French made it difficult to master ballet terminology. The point is not only in terms, but in the logic of the sequence of movements in training and in performance! If you understand the meaning of words développé, soutenu, en l'air , etc., it's much easier for you to remember them as terms. Given the processes of globalization in the modern world, English is increasingly entering this territory. For example, principal dancer or pointe shoes do not cut the ear at all in places far from Paris and France. From this, one could conclude that at the moment ballet speaks French exclusively in France, and the presence of French is directly proportional to the geographical and / or cultural proximity of the modern dance school to France. Music historian José Juan Pacheco Ramos ( JOS é Juan Pacheco Ramos , Universitat ILles , Spain ) conducted a study and explored these world -wide lords) classical dance.
Not always there are direct indications of the need to learn French, because the site is most often conceived as an advertising and marketing tool. And yet…
American Ballet Theater organizes, for example, Project Pli é to train dancers from disadvantaged social backgrounds who find it difficult to break through to the professional level. The Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet in St. Petersburg independently organizes French courses. Along with other schools such as John Neumeier's Hamburg Ballet, it offers a comprehensive, multi-year training program for dancers. José Juan Pacheco Ramos did not stop there, he studied the videos posted online by these and other groups to make sure that indeed, steps, movements and figures are still called as they were called at the dawn of ballet. Based on all the data obtained, the researcher concluded that most schools do not directly indicate the need to study French, while using the full arsenal of French-language terms, the rejection of which would lead to long descriptive constructions, as we could see for ourselves in the second part of this article. Moreover, in our list, descriptive constructions are halved so as not to overload the reader's attention. List of schools and troupes visited by José Juan Pacheco Ramos:
- Royal Ballet, London, UK
- Academy of Russian Ballet A.Ya. Vaganova, St. Petersburg, RF
- Escuela Nacional de Ballet de Cuba, Havana, Cuba
- John Cranko School, Stuttgart, Germany
- Academy of Choreography at the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow, RF
- A number of schools in Japan
- Houston Ballet Academy, Houston, Texas, USA
- Ellison Ballet School, New York, USA
- School of American Ballet, New York, USA
- Scuola di Ballo del Teatro alla Scala, Milan, Italy
The sites are usually presented in the language of the country, provided with an English version, and their purpose is to attract new students and present their productions. At the same time, French words were constantly encountered by the researcher at every step. And this means that all over the globe from the USA to Japan, teachers and students, communicating with each other in the language of the country, use French terms to refer to ballet movements. And these terms have remained unchanged for more than three hundred years!
This article uses research published in the journal Gerflint (Research Group for the Study of French as a Language of International Communication).
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Shall we dance?
© surachetkhamsuk / Adobe Stock — Five, six, seven, eight! We join the family choreography.
Not enough inspiration to keep the kids busy? While looking forward to your next holiday in France, let them discover the art of French dance! Travel through the history of ballet with the Paris Opera, experience hip-hop or develop your choreographic talent with the House of Dance in Lyon... We will take you behind the scenes of the dance, visiting the rooftops of the Opéra Garnier itself!
Experience the world of ballet with the Paris Opera
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Une publication partagée par Opéra national de Paris (@operadeparis) le
What is the connection between electronic music and ballet? The answers are provided by Aria, the new digital platform of the Paris Opera (for mobile devices and tablets) - the perfect solution to get to know the art of choreography with the whole family! Videos, images or quizzes in French and English... With the help of a chatbot, you will quickly become a know-it-all in the world of dance.
Do you want to know more about the world of ballet stars and dance school students? Slip behind the scenes through the films of the interactive "3rd Stage": here you can enjoy the arabesques of the ballet of atoms in the futuristic Palais Garnier or follow the ascension of a dancing couple from the basement of the Bastille Opera to the rooftops of Paris, because dancing is also a journey!
Aria Platform (External link)
Clinanem - 3rd scene (External link)
Ascension - 3rd scene (External link)
Learn Hip Hop with La Villette Park
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Are your kids itching to start playing ball with their friends again? Let them wait a little while watching the online hip-hop football lesson from La Villette Park! Raise your arms, make one and a half turns and sway to the beat - the "Ball in a Circle" tutorial from Murad Merzouki, a famous French hip-hop dancer, is so exciting that even adults will want to dance!
Finally, to hone your talents in anticipation of the ball games, don't miss the online concerts broadcast on Facebook by artists included in the La Villette program. Your kids will have to sweat a lot!
Murad Merzouki's ball (External link)
La Villette (External link)
Become a choreographer with the Lyon Dance House
Learn more
How to dance bhangra How to do the chop dance How to dance like a teenager How to get a male ballet dancer body How to dance with a boy How to make a 25 yard belly dance skirt How to make a dragon dance costume How to jersey club dance How to get a ballet dancers body How long should you dance a day to lose weight How to build arm strength for pole dancing