How do dance marathons work
Being a Dancer - Dance Marathon
What is Dance Marathon?
Dance Marathon is a year round student run organization that works to support cancer patients being treated at University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital. Dance Marathon volunteers work year round to raise funds to support the entire family. Dance Marathon culminates with a 24 hour long Big Event in February. The Big Event is a tribute to the fight against cancer that these children face.
How do I get involved? What can I do?
You can start by getting signed up today! Traditionally, most people get involved their first year by signing up to be a dancer. When registering for Dance Marathon you will pick a Miracle Group, and your group’s Morale Captain and Lime Captain will provide fundraising resources, plan social activities to meet people, and keep you informed of what’s happening within the organization. To attend the Big Event dancers must raise $250 with a $25 registration fee. If you need financial assistant to register as a dancer, there is an opportunity to apply for our UI Dance Marathon Registration Fee Waiver Program. You can view the program guidelines here. After participating your first year, if you are interested, there are tons of ways to get more involved on our leadership team. You can become a Family Representative, a Morale Captain, or a Chairperson, or eventually even a member of the Executive Council!
What if I don't know anyone in Dance Marathon?
Not a problem! Your Morale Captain and Lime Captain will help get more involved in the organization and meet new students leading up to the Big Event! Or, even better, invite all of your friends to sign up to be a dancer as well!
What leadership opportunities are there?
There are nearly 300 leadership opportunities within Dance Marathon, and there is definitely something for everyone. All majors can find a place in Dance Marathon that can benefit them! From being a Morale Captain, on the Business committee, or Family Relations, there is something for everyone! Leadership is selected for the next year right after the Big Event in February, so watch our website for information to apply.
How do I raise my money?
There are many ways to raise you money – from canning downtown on a weekend night, to writing letters to family members asking for donations. Take advantage of our online giving system, as well. You can email friends and family and ask them to visit your own online giving page. This means you can raise your money without even getting out of your chair! For more information on money raising tips, visit our fundraising page.
I'm a terrible dancer, why would I want to be a part of Dance Marathon?
To start off, there is a LOT more to Dance Marathon than just dancing! And aside from that, no one cares what you look like dancing or what kind of moves you have because everyone is there in support of the Dance Marathon kids and families! It's all for the cause and to show our support for the families. Aside from that, dancing is not the only thing that goes on at Dance Marathon. There are many different kinds of entertainment at the Big Event, including live bands, games, meeting lots of people, prizes, family stories and much more!
Do I have to dance for 24 hours?
Only if you are able! We have an accommodations room at the Big Event for those that need additional support during the 24 hour period, and encourage everyone of every ability level to participate in Dance Marathon. Dance Marathon is a really incredible experience that is hard to put into words until you actually experience it for yourself! During the 24 hours you will experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, but it is one of the most rewarding and exciting experiences you will ever have. The event closes with power hour, which is a very high energy, indescribable wrap up the event.
Isn't Dance Marathon just one day a year?
Definitely not. Dance Marathon is most known for the Big Event in February, but the organization is busy with activities YEAR ROUND. Throughout the year Dance Marathon hosts family events, social activities, and fundraising activities. Dance Marathon is what you make it. You can be as involved as you like! Visit our calendar to learn more about what is currently going on.
Who are the families that Dance Marathon supports?
The families that Dance Marathon supports are all children who are receiving treatments right here in Iowa City at University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital. Dance Marathon specializes in supporting pediatric oncology and bone marrow transplant patients.
Community | Miracle Network Dance Marathon
Stay Informed
The Miracle Network Dance Marathon blog is a great way to stay up-to-date with news and information about the program. You’ll find fundraising best practices, news about the program, and ways to support your local member children’s hospital.
Share Your Story
We know that you want to make an impact in your local community and with Miracle Network Dance Marathon you're empowered to do just that as part of this student-led movement. So, we want to hear from you! Why do you do Dance Marathon? Did you get involved to give back to your community and build a brighter future for local kids? Do you have a personal connection to a children's hospital? Did you join to make friends? Share your story of why you participate in Dance Marathon on our guest blog and with our community.
Dance Marathon Leadership Conference
Each year Miracle Network Dance Marathon hosts a Dance Marathon Leadership Conference (DMLC) to bring students together for collaboration and celebration. DMLC provides student leaders, campus advisors, and hospital associates the opportunity to network, to learn best practices that have led to Miracle Network Dance Marathon successes, and spend the weekend planning for the coming year. Presenters and speakers are well-versed in Miracle Network Dance Marathon, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, nonprofit strategy, and management.
Fundraising Incentives
Nationally, we want to recognize the work you are doing for your local children’s hospital. Fundraising incentives are available to any registered Dance Marathon participant. Check out all you need to know below to secure this exclusive merch. Kick your fundraising into high gear and Change the Kids’ Health, Change the Future!
Distinguished Leadership Award
The Distinguished Leadership Award is an effort to recognize the incredible contributions of the collegiate and high school graduating student leaders who have made an exceptional impact within their Dance Marathon program, on their individual campus, and for their local Childgren’s Miracle Network Hospital. Our hope is to recognize a group of students from throughout the United States and Canada for:
- Leadership within their respective Dance Marathon organization, serving as a role model for other students and working to grow the Dance Marathon movement on their campus.
- Commitment to the cause through personal fundraising and advocating for children’s hospitals’ need for donations.
Child Health Day
Every year, on the first Monday of October, the Miracle Network Dance Marathon movement, represented at over 400 college, university, and K-12 campuses, unites together to celebrate Child Health Day and raise critical funds for children’s hospitals.
Students come together to join, raise, and share on Child Health Day under the vision that Kids Can’t Wait, they need care now.
Learn More
In the Our Morning program we will tell you where and how dance marathons for pensioners are held! / TV shows / Online broadcasts / Online TV
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TV shows
In the Our Morning program we will tell you where and how dance marathons for pensioners are held!
07:00 Friday, September 23, 2022
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In Sima, a foreign car burned down on the road
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Performance "Cruel Dances". dance marathon in 2 parts
Musical arrangement: Natalie Plezhe
Stage fight director
and plastic numbers: Andrey Ryklin
30s in America. The Great Depression and the golden age of Hollywood.
After the devastating economic crisis, America was flooded with dance marathons organized by clever show-dealers to help those left without work and shelter, but in fact, to make good money on it.
But the dance marathon of 1936 takes place not just anywhere, but in Hollywood, the world center of cinema. And his heroes decide on exhausting dances not only for the sake of food, lodging for the night and an illusory cash prize. They come to the marathon in the hope that they will be noticed and invited to the movies. They dream of becoming actors.
But to win this marathon, you need to be not only seven-veined, but also cunning, unprincipled, deceitful. And yet, most of the participants in this tragic story naively believe that the strongest will win, and hope that they will be the one.
The play by Sergei Aldonin is an emotional story of young people bewitched by magic dreams about cinema and Hollywood, a story about how Hollywood “grind” these obsessed people in its heyday.
... It's amazing why such a stunningly modern story as "Horseless horses are shot ..." has practically no stage history in Russia? Irresistible charm and long-term trail of the film of the same name? Maybe. The film by Sidney Pollack at one time literally stunned the Soviet audience. Many people in their 30s now consider this film to be one of their strongest cinematic experiences. There is no other reason for this blatant disregard of theatrical figures for the luxurious, simply rushing to the stage material, I can not explain ...
And I happened to be among those juvenile moviegoers who in the early 70s greedily absorbed every frame of a foreign film graciously allowed to be shown. It was allowed, most likely, thanks to those "nightmares" of the American realities of the 30s that were depicted in it. Goskino officials must have been delighted with him - a rare example of derogatory criticism of an overseas enemy, created by the enemy himself!
In those now distant 70s, we were excited not so much by the “social sphere” as by the tragic story of young people who survive with all their might and do not want to live. Sidney Pollack's film may seem unnecessarily laconic today, even aesthetically parsimonious, but that's what shocked. It seemed to us then that this was not about us, such a situation does not threaten us, since everyone tirelessly thinks about us - parents, school, country. Some thirty years have passed, and the situation of the novel by H. McCoy is easily projected onto our native reality, at the beginning of the 21st century ... But let's discard the obvious parallels. What globally attracted this story of bygone days, and how did we dare to aim at "William our Shakespeare" after an outstanding film, which is still easily accessible today, it is enough to go to "Hump"? First, and I started with this, a passionate story, unlike any other and not hackneyed either in the theater, or in the cinema, or, thank God, on TV. Secondly, the scene of action - a dance marathon - with today's trends in culture, talking to the audience exclusively in the format of a show is more relevant than ever.
And, thirdly, this is not just a show, this is a reality show - an even more modern format - life under the close attention of the public, no matter sitting at the TV screens or coming to the dance floor ...
The situation of a dance marathon is by no means a figment of the author's artistic imagination. After the devastating economic crisis of 1929, all of America, from North to South, was literally filled with dance marathons, which, as a rule, were organized by dexterous and not very clean show-dealers. The de jure reason is to help those left without work and shelter; the de facto reason is to earn more. The peculiarity of the marathon described by H. McCoy is that it takes place in Hollywood, the world center of cinema. And for some reason this feature practically remained outside the brackets both in the film adaptation and in the dramatizations. But the years of the great economic depression in the United States are one of the most fruitful periods of the “dream factory”.