Teach me how to do the thriller dance
8 Music Video Dance Tutorials to Give You Superstar Moves (Hit Songs)
Dance, Performing Arts
Are you learning how to dance to some hit music video dances? Then, these easy and fun dance moves tutorials are for you! Music videos contain some of the most impressive dance sequences ever, and many of us love to emulate the moves of our favorite artists. Whether you’re looking for popular songs with simple, fun dances to learn or a more advanced music video dance tutorial, you’ve come to the right place!
While many of us can’t learn an entire dance routine just by watching a music video, there are dance teachers out there who can break down the routines into step-by-step sequences. Though nothing beats working with a teacher in person, some great YouTube music video dances have been created to help elevate your moves to superstar level without making you step foot into a dance studio.
The following handpicked dance tutorial videos contain some of the most iconic music video moves of all time. From Justin Timberlake to Dua Lipa and Lady Gaga, get ready to impress your friends when they see you pulling off these famous routines!
Whether you’re just trying to learn how to dance or you’re looking for fun moves to add to your repertoire, these cool music video dance tutorials are well worth learning.
- Dua Lipa – Break My Heart
- Justin Timberlake – “Suit and Tie”
- Ariana Grande – “Problem”
- Michael Jackson – “Thriller”
- Lady Gaga – “Applause”
- Beyonce – “Single Ladies”
- Justin Bieber – “Baby”
- Katy Perry – “Dark Horse”
Now, let’s take a look at the best dance tutorial videos!
9 Music Video Dance TutorialsAre you looking for an easy dance tutorial for beginners or fun dances to learn? You’ll love these! These easy-to-follow videos will show you how to learn to dance in no time at all!
Dua Lipa – Break My HeartThis 2020 hit is a fun tune and awesome music video! This easy-to-follow tutorial makes it exciting and rewarding to learn these moves.
https://youtu.be/0WrduNbwYUE?t=57Video can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: DUA LIPA – Break My Heart | Dance Tutorial with Kyle Hanagami (https://youtu.be/0WrduNbwYUE?t=57)
Thank you to Kyle Hanagami for the use of this video!
Justin Timberlake – “Suit and Tie”
This is one of the quickest and most fun dance tutorials out there. It serves as a crash course introduction to JT’s smooth dancing style. You may need a hat to go with your suit and tie to pull off these moves!
Thank you to Shannon Bex for the use of this video!
Ariana Grande – “Problem”
This fun and flirty routine is great for both workouts and dance classes because it can really get your feet moving!
Thank you to Mandy Jiroux for the use of this video!
Michael Jackson – “Thriller”
The “Thriller” dance is probably the most famous music video move of all time. Unlike other tutorials, this video covers the entire dance routine, not just the iconic arm gestures.
Thank you to FUNKMODE for the use of this video!
Lady Gaga – “Applause”
Take some inspiration from modern dance styles and get into the arty groove of this Lady Gaga track.
Thank you to Andrea Wilson for the use of this video!
Beyonce – “Single Ladies”
Beyonce’s moves are among the most coveted, and there are tons of dance tutorials out there to help you master Queen Bey’s dance routines. “Single Ladies” is not only one of her most popular videos, but it’s also one of her most fun dances to learn!
Thank you to Howcast for the use of this video!
Justin Bieber – “Baby”
Get your teen-idol moves on with this routine from Justin Bieber’s breakout single “Baby.”
Thank you to Andrea Wilson for the use of this video!
Katy Perry – “Dark Horse”
Katy Perry tends to be a little bit wackier than other pop stars, and her “Dark Horse” video is no exception! Luckily for aspiring superstars like you, this is an easy dance to learn!
Thank you to Andrea Wilson for the use of this video!
Have Fun Learning Some New Dance Tutorials!There you have it – our favorite music video dance tutorials to learn on YouTube. The videos above do a great job explaining each move and breaking down the performance, offering fast and easy dance routines to popular songs. Do you have a favorite music video dance routine that’s not on the list? Leave a comment below and let us know!
While YouTube videos are a great, fun resource, the best way to learn new dance moves and how to dance is by working with a teacher one-on-one. Getting personalized feedback and advice from a dancing professional is a huge help for anyone who wants to master superstar moves.
Fortunately, finding a great dance teacher is easier than you think! Simply search for your teacher and book your in-person or online lesson today.
Thriller Hen Party Dance Class
Michael Jackson revolutionised dance, the ultimate dance icon and King of Pop. MJ’s iconic dancing is just as famous as his songs. From crotch grabbing, to moonwalking, everyone of all ages wants to learn some MJ moves, especially the Thriller routine. That’s why we HAVE to offer a Thriller Hen party dance class.
We don’t mean to boast, but our professional dance teachers have appeared in West-End and World Tour productions of Thriller Live! One of our teachers even danced in Chris Brown’s Thriller tribute at the World Music Awards! Who better to teach you a Thriller Hen party dance class than dancers who have performed in these top MJ productions.
What to expectYour Thriller Hen party dance class is designed for all ages, abilities and genders, no dance experience needed! Before things get too spooky, we begin with a fun warm up to a mashup of dance floor favourites. While your zombie make-up is fresh – let’s grab a group pic! Now, ghoulie zombie faces at the ready, it’s time to learn the iconic Thriller routine. We will teach you a full choreographed Thriller routine, step by step, at the groups pace. So you can perform the complete routine whenever you wish, even at the wedding. Your teacher will offer to film your final performance on your smartphone, don’t forget to mention us on Insta @dancepartyexperience.
To make the occasion extra special, your Thriller Hen party dance class includes – MJ wig, red Thriller jacket and sequin glove for the King of your party to borrow. The best thing about a Thriller Dance class, is it’s so easy to costume. Grab some old clothes, fashion bargains or charity shop finds, splash with fake blood. Backcomb your hair with talc, smudge your eyes with black eyeliner – voila! Zombified!
MJ music mashupMichael Jackson’s choreography is too spectacular to limit you to just one experience. If you’re more bad-boy than spooky, as well as ‘Thriller’, our Michael Jackson jukebox consists of ‘Bad’ and ‘Beat It’ also. If you want a taste of all three of these iconic MJ dance routines, we have a Michael Jackson music mashup of all three tracks for your Thrilling pleasure!
Make your Bride-to-be feel extra specialNow the king of your party is dressed in the iconic Thriller jacket wig and glove, its time to make the bride-to-be feel extra special with their MJ Thriller solo dance moment. Your Thriller dance class is fit for a King and no-ones gonna save you from the beast about to strike! Inside all of you is a Killer Thriller and we will unleash yours!
By booking with Dance Party Experience you can be sure of a fabulous party that will exceed expectations. But hey, don’t just take our word for it, check out our 5* Facebook & 5* Google Reviews from past happy customers.
We were also named by Instyle Magazine as the top cool Hen party idea! And have delivered Dance Party Experiences at The Brit Awards After Party two years in a row!
Everyone loves a bit of MJ and will have you devilishly hyper for a night of thrills. Now Moonwalk your way to a Thriller dance class, they sell out fast, so “shamone!”
Let our team of Dance Specialists make your Thriller dance class, the party she’ll never forget! Enquire Now
All of the studios we use are in the city centres close to the prime party locations. If you cant see your desired party location then please get in contact as we are happy to travel to you.
London, Bath, Bristol, Brighton, Bournemouth, Cardiff, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Leeds, Liverpool, Maidstone, Manchester, Nottingham and Southampton.
description, content, interesting facts and much more about the movie
A man with a camera in one hand and a knife in the other comes to the house of his ex. He is opened by another girl who tells the man to get out otherwise she will call the police.
Young people have a good time at the rollerdrome. Angela notices that a certain man is photographing her from afar. She leaves the landing and hurries to her locker. There, she is attacked by her ex-boyfriend Tyler, who attacks her. The guy comes closer and closer. He forces the girl to confess to cheating and lies. Tyler then draws a knife and stabs. He photographs the body after the deed. nine0003
Ten years later. There is a quiet party going on in a private house. Friends chat about wine. The owner of the house, Angela, has her own business related to this drink. Her husband Greg is grateful to his wife for organizing the party. The hostess approaches the man with a camera. They chat about wine-producing countries. The man refuses wine tasting. He introduces himself as Franco. The man thanks Angela and Greg for the party. He asks the girl to pose with a glass. Franco talks about his old camera, which he says his father gave him. Franco works for Greg as an auditor. Angela complains that she has to work a lot with numbers, and she asks Franco to help find her an accountant. Greg gives a speech in which he thanks all the assembled employees of the company. In particular, he is grateful to Angela for her patience. He then commends new employee Franco for the job. Angela approaches Franco, gives him a bottle of wine and escorts him out the door. Later, Angela sees through the window Greg chatting with a girl. The woman goes to the next building. Suddenly, Jeanie's obese friend who was in the house points a gun at her.
A second later, she recognizes Angela and removes the barrel. Jeanie's gun was a gift from Jack. Angela approaches her daughter Vivian. The girl complains that the dog ate her sandwich. Near the house, Angela meets a friend who has come to pick up some bachelor. Greg introduces his wife to Lisa, the new assistant who replaces Rose. Greg and Lisa retire to the office to review the reports. Angela becomes jealous of her husband. nine0003
Later, Greg texts Lisa that she shouldn't have worn the earrings to the party. At home, Angela finds one of the earrings on the floor. Before going to bed, Angela sees Greg texting Lisa. Greg teases his wife for being jealous. He also noticed their conversation with Franco. The pair begin to kiss, but Greg says he's having a tough day tomorrow due to his company's merger. Greg picks up the phone again.
In the morning, Greg calls his daughter Vivian to hurry up, while he leaves for work. During the day, Angela is on the phone with the bank and apologizes for not being able to make the bill on time. She asks to give her another week. The doorbell rings. This came Franco, who said that he could not find an accountant for Angela. He proposes his candidacy. Angela suggests meeting tomorrow at a cafe near the library, and Franco takes her phone number. Then he takes out the printed pictures and gives them to the girl. Angela loves them. In the evening at dinner, everyone but Angela is on their phones. Greg doesn't touch his wife at night. nine0003
The next day Angela is cooking in the kitchen. Greg leaves and leaves his phone. It starts to vibrate with messages and Angela decides to see what's up. She sees that Lisa asks to reschedule the meeting earlier, and at the same time worries that Greg is hiding something from Angela. She tells everything to her friend, who is absolutely sure that Lisa is Greg's mistress. Angela reveals that Greg had already cheated on her in some way when she was pregnant. Angela doesn't want a divorce, and a friend suggests she get someone on the side. nine0003
Greg calls his wife, who says that he will be late at work, which means he will not be able to pick up Vivian. Angela hears Lisa's voice and hangs up. She goes to Jeanie to take care of the girl today. Jeanie shows Angela the code to the gun safe.
Angela packs her dresses into her suitcase and leaves Lisa's earring on the bed. She asks her friend Claire to spend the night at her place. Franco is already in the cafe. Angela apologizes for being late and orders her chamomile tea. Greg asks why Angela isn't answering. Franco looks at the financial statements and says that things were even worse at Greg's company. Franco remarks that Greg is very lucky to have Lisa, as she doesn't mind working overtime. Angela begins to sniffle and talks about her feelings about her husband. Franco confirms that there are rumors in the office. He tries to calm the woman down and talks about his last girlfriend who cheated on him. Franco begins to work on finances, when suddenly live musicians start playing in the cafe. But instead of working, Franco invites Angela to dance and they have a great time. Returning early, Greg does not find his wife at home. But he finds Lisa's earring on the bed. nine0003
It's already late in the evening. Greg is walking his dog and trying to get through to his wife. Sitting in the kitchen, he calls Lisa and asks about the earring. The girl confirms that she lost one of them, but has already ordered a replacement. Lisa tells Greg to be careful as she hates to lie. During the dance, Franco kisses Angela and she kisses him back. The couple moves into Franco's rented apartment. Angela compliments the interior of the apartment. Franco manages to cut himself while opening the wine. Angela's attention is drawn to three large portraits of a girl who looks like her. Angela asks who it is, but Franco avoids answering. Then Angela decides to leave quickly, but then Franco replies that the photo is of his niece, who was killed many years ago. Franco thanks Angela for her kindness and sheds a tear. This touches the girl and she kisses Franco. nine0003
Greg calls Claire. But Claire says that even if Angela had been with her, she would not have betrayed her friend. Angela and Franco have sex. After the act of love, Franco wants to ask Angela something, but she asks to be quiet. He wants to know if she will return to her husband. Angela says she will never do it again. Franco is sure that it is not Angela's fault that she is now in someone else's bed. He adds that his heart belongs to Angela. She asks Franco not to hurry.
Vivian tells Gini what time to pick her up today. Greg comes to the house and takes his daughter. He is surprised that Vivian spent the night at the nanny, and Angela never showed up. Angela herself finally woke up. She calls Jeanie about her daughter and then returns to the sleeping Franco. By the bed, she examines an album with photographs of the girl from the portraits. But at the end of the album are photos from the scene of the murder and newspaper clippings. Franco wakes up and selects the album. He says that the killer was a photographer and this is the only thing left to him as a memory of his niece. Angela asks Franco to take her to the car. nine0003
Arriving, Franco asks Angela for a new meeting and a kiss goodbye. He even agrees to get rid of the album. Angela kisses him quickly and gets into her car. At home, Greg lashes out at his wife with reproaches. Angela reminds him of his correspondence with Lisa. But Greg says that his assistant only arranged a trip to Italy for their anniversary. The earrings were a gift for Angela, but for some reason Lisa decided to wear them to that party. Greg convinces his wife that he has no secrets from her. Angela almost cries. Greg leaves for work. Angela in her heart is trying to wash away the betrayal. nine0003
Angela writes to Franco during the day. A few hours later, he himself is on the threshold of Greg's house. Franco apologizes and gives a flash drive with a new accounting program. Angela reveals that she was wrong about Greg and asks Franco not to call her again. Franco leaves.
But he starts to follow Angela from afar. He films her picking up her daughter from school. At night, Franco calls Angela, but she hangs up and blocks the number. That flash drive contains spyware that allows Franco to access a hidden camera in Greg's house. nine0003
The next day, Angela confuses the stranger with Franco. Returning home, she notices the flashed figure of a man outside the window. In the evening, Greg and Angela are on a date. A man thanks his wife for a happy marriage. Angela asks not to remember the past and drink for love. Suddenly, Angela notices Franco in the restaurant, who is standing at a distance. Angela asks Greg to move, when suddenly her husband also notices Franco and greets him. Franco says that he is meeting a friend here and leaves. Greg considers himself lucky to have an employee like Franco. At night, Greg shows his wife hotels in Italy. Their conversation is being listened to by Franco while the photographs are being developed. Angela states that she didn't like Greg calling Franco to their table. But Greg thinks Franco is a great guy. nine0003
The next day, Angela draws all the curtains and locks the doors. She calls Claire and tells her about her affair. Angela reveals that Franco seems to be following her. Claire thinks that perhaps Franco was just offended and the girl should apologize. Later, Angela calls her husband at work and asks her to pick up Vivian. Greg is very busy, but still agrees. Franco enters his office and offers to help.
Franco picks up Vivian from school at Greg's request. Angela is shocked by Franco's presence in their house. She orders him to get out. Franco reveals that Greg gave him the keys to their house. Angela starts calling the police. But Franco warns that the merger of Greg's company will be in jeopardy due to an accounting error. Angela is not ready to sacrifice her husband's company and hangs up. Franco forces the girl to confess that she is a cheater. But to admit that that night she was in love with Franco Angela cannot. Franco continues to blackmail, and under such pressure, Angela utters a phrase about love. Franco drinks the wine and silently leaves. nine0003
In the evening, Greg justifies himself to his wife for the keys to the house. Greg asks his wife for support. The dog in the yard starts barking. Then the sound of breaking glass is heard. Greg hugs an injured dog. The police and the vet arrive. Greg reports that the dog is unlikely to survive. Angela says that she barely calmed her daughter down. The police confirm the attack. When asked if the family has enemies, Angela is silent. The policeman is sure that this is a message to someone from the inhabitants of the house.
Greg and Angela clean up the pieces until morning. Greg receives a message, and after reading it, he silently pours himself a drink. But Angela reminds him that he won't be able to take Vivian to school then. Greg says that his company's merger is being delayed because of a number check. Greg does not understand what's wrong, because Franco checked everything. Suddenly, Greg says he's sorry because he's been lying for so long. Angela doesn't understand what's going on. Greg reports that his company is bankrupt at five minutes, and he himself has not received a salary for four months. And if the merger does not happen, then he and Angela will lose their home. The girl says they can do it. nine0003
The photographer continues to follow Angela from afar. The girl comes to Detective Davis and reports the possible culprit of the attack. Angela talks about the antics of Franco Claire. A friend believes that it's time to tell Greg about everything, because otherwise no one can protect Angela. But Franco's arrest will end Greg's deal. Angela decides to tell the truth. Returning to the car, she discovers a photo of herself with the caption cheater.
At home, Angela tries to uninstall the program that Franco gave, but it will take ten hours. Then Angela tapes up the phone's cameras. She takes the phone away from Vivian and tells her that a family dinner is planned tonight. Angela hears Greg's car and goes out to meet her husband. But Franco enters the house with him. Greg shows Franco some blurry security camera footage. While Greg is distracted in the kitchen, Angela runs upstairs to see how the program is being removed. Franco overtakes her and blackmails her with a recorded confession of treason. Later, they all have dinner together, but Angela doesn't admit to anything. nine0003
Angela asks Claire to contact her ex who was a private detective. This conversation is being monitored by Franco. Angela tearfully hints at her betrayal, and Greg's face changes. Meanwhile, Franco introduces himself as Eric and meets Claire at a bar. After sex, Claire brags to Angela about a photograph of a sleeping Franco. Angela tells her friend to run away from the apartment. Claire discovers a photo studio with numerous photographs of Angela, as well as Franco's previous victim. Claire sends her coordinates to Angela, but the arriving police have no right to break down the doors of Franco's dwelling, because in the correspondence Claire does not report a threat to her life. nine0003
Angela takes the gun from Jeanie's safe. By morning, she gets to Franco's house and tries to find a friend. She, too, discovers the photo studio, and then Claire, who was stabbed to death. On the body of a woman is a photo of Vivian with an order to come home. Angela shoots Franco in the back while he was looking at Greg's photo. After a struggle, Angela manages to shoot Franco right in the chest. Angela rushes to release her bound husband from the ropes. But suddenly Franco pounces on her again. Greg picks up a gun and kills the maniac. nine0003
Greg, Angela and Vivian go to Italy.
Novelties of this TV autumn
Chickens are counted in the fall - folk wisdom says. The same wisdom, multiplied by relevance, says: the new TV season is also considered in the fall. So, we have calculated and present to your attention the TV harvest of 2019.
Chickens are counted in the fall - folk wisdom says. The same wisdom, multiplied by relevance, says: the new TV season is also considered in the fall. So, we have calculated and present to your attention the TV harvest 2019:
IP Pirogov
The most delicious series of the year. The main character Vera is a loving mother and beloved wife. Well, that's what she thought, at least, until it turned out that her supposedly loving husband had cheated on her. Having put the unfaithful spouse outside the threshold, Vera loses faith in men and tomorrow. Without a husband and a job, it seems that she will have a hard time. No, it's just sweet. Remembering her confectionery talent, Vera discovers the world of small business. She has to curb her emotions and become a real business woman - now she has her own "stortap" and even new perspectives in her personal life. The main role in Anton Maslov's drama was played by Elena Podkaminskaya ("Kitchen", "Teach Me to Live"), the roles are also involved: Alexander Pankratov-Cherny, Danila Dunaev, Alexander Konstantinov, Vasilisa Yuskovets, Elena Valyushkina. nine0003
Watch " IP Pirogov " in the video library START in the Kartina. TV subscription!
Another comedy series produced by TNT. The director of "Kitchen", "Mommies", "Hotel Eleon" - Dmitry Dyachenko and the producer of "Interns", "Zhukov" and "Dances" - Semyon Slepakov represent the story of one family. In the center of the plot - Tolik and Rita - the owners of a children's cafe. They have been together for a long time, only they do not have their own children. All attempts to become parents were unsuccessful. Tolik even thinks of leaving for his constant mistress Natasha, but he lacks the courage. His best friend Vovchik offers an original way to solve the dilemma: to sleep with the go-go dancer Milana, in order to understand later who Tolik is more ashamed of - in front of his wife or his mistress. Tolik, heeding the advice of a friend, does just that. But instead of shame, he will experience a shock: all three of his women alternately declare that they are pregnant. How to be? What to do? Tolik is not looking for easy ways: he decides to settle a triad of future mothers of his children under one roof, so that all his children are with their father. The roles in the series were performed by: Boris Dergachev, Daria Moroz, Lyubov Aksenova, Anastasia Kalashnikova and others. nine0003
Watch the series " Triad " on TV channel TNT in the Kartina.TV subscription!
He is rude, sexist and boorish. And also - a former basketball star, and now a successful coach. Mikhail Kovalev is an odious person, but the main thing is that he is a person. The character is just tough. Because of this character, Kovalev loses his job. Now in the Super League he is an exile. But Kovalev is not going to give up: he goes to the province, where he takes patronage over the local women's student volleyball team, hoping to return to big sport with them. True, three women stand on the way to his goal at once: Vice-Rector Irina, who does not intend to put up with the methods of the new coach, his ex-girlfriend Natalia, who has not forgiven old grievances, and the team captain, who does not know that the new coach is her father.
Learn more
- How long does it take to learn a dance routine
- How to belly dance like a pro
- How did street dance start
- How to become flexible for dance
- How to organize a school dance
- How to play dance with the devil by breaking benjamin on guitar
- How long is dirty dancing musical
- How to conga dance
- How old is michael flatley lord of the dance
- Learning how to dance in ohio
- How to monetize dance videos on youtube