Teach me how to do the jerk dance
What is TikTok? Fresno, California teacher gets millions of views on app with videos, songs showing off jerk dance at school
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ByBrittany Jacob via
Thursday, December 9, 2021
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Austin Lemay, the energetic teacher at Tenaya Middle School in Fresno, was seen on video busting out his old moves for his students.
FRESNO, Calif. -- Whether you were dusting your shoulder off or leanin' and rockin', memorable Hip Hop dances from the early 2000s are making their way through the viral TikTok dance craze.
Austin Lemay, the energetic teacher at Tenaya Middle School in Fresno, was seen on video busting out his old moves for his students.
"I've been waiting 30 years for this," he said.
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Lemay is the Campus Culture Director. Dancing on Fridays after class is a regular event for students.
These teens get to show their moves outside of the classroom or even praise Mr.Lemay for his.
"This is my job and this is my career," Lemay said. "More than anything, this is my passion as it is with every other teacher and adult here on campus. These kids are our passion."
The video was posted by fellow teacher Jenny McCauley to bring attention to the good things happening at the school.
In just one day, it received millions of views.
McCauley says the student-staff connection is a high priority for the school.
"We upped our game pretty much," she said. "We stepped it up, we engage with the kids and we have fun. Having fun is really important to us."
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"It's been very important to us to provide an environment where kids want to be here, they want to come and connect with other people," says principal Armen Torigian. "I feel like if kids' heads are in the right spot, they are feeling safe and they are having fun, then we can teach them anything that they need to learn."
Dereona Thepphakaysone is one of Mr. Lemay's students and the mastermind behind the original post.
"Due to the pandemic, things slowed down and so I feel like kids are still scared to come back to school and try to make new friends," she said. "Having things more fun makes them feel included, makes them excited to go to school."
Lemay credits his parents for his moves and willingness to get up and dance.
He says he hopes to continue shedding a positive light for the school and the students.
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How to Jerk (dance) - Ten easy steps « Hip Hop :: WonderHowTo
- By WonderHowTo
Smash Bros LA, also known as SBLA, is a Jerk dance crew from Los Angeles, consisting of six members who have taken their jerkin' skills to the Interweb with this tutorial on Jerk dancing. Within the video, SBLA go over how they perform ten jerk moves, and how you can do it the easy way. Moves include: The Reject, Dip, Pin-Drop, Spongebob, and Berries & Cream.
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Dancing in the fight for a beautiful figure / All for a woman
Dancing can rightly be considered the oldest sport, amazing with incredible diversity.
At the same time, this is a great way to bring the figure into perfect condition without the monotonous repetition of exercises.
During the performance of dance movements, a significant load falls on the muscles of the legs and buttocks, which are always the first to suffer from the insidious attacks of the “orange peel”.
An additional plus can be considered the fact that along with the loss of excess weight and cellulite, you also forget about a bad mood and all kinds of stress.
Tireless researchers-scientists have proven that a dancing person produces huge amounts of the hormone endorphin, which is also called the hormone of happiness.
It is important to consider that if heavy aerobic exercise is not available to everyone, then dancing can be practiced regardless of the number of years lived and the state of health. Obeying the rhythm of the melody, you can automatically control the load: alternate fast energetic music with calm, move from simple dance steps to more complex ones. By the way, it is very useful to dance on tiptoe during, for example, a banal apartment cleaning: your mood will improve, your butt will become more toned, your legs will be slimmer, and your walk will be more graceful.
The champion in terms of the intensity of pulling up the muscles of almost the entire body, of course, is rock and roll, as well as its types: boo-gi-woogie, be-bop and rock swing. This dance fully justifies its popularity: moving rhythmically, bouncing, half-squatting and rising, you will load the muscles of the legs and buttocks so well that you will soon be able to forget about cellulite. And spinning in an energetic dance and mischievously rotating your hips, you once again train the lateral abdominal muscles that model the outlines of the waist.
Cheerful mamba, invigorating tap dancing, playful cha-cha-cha, bouncy Irish dances and their various variations are characterized by a quick and easy rhythm, requiring mobility and at the same time clarity of movement from you. These dances develop endurance, make you actively lose weight, tone the muscles of the back, abdomen, legs and buttocks.
Step, flamenco, hip-hop will perfectly replace the notorious myostimulation. For instant results, dance for at least 20 minutes in a row, wear special sports shapewear or ordinary woolen clothes, and gradually increase the time each time.
It is most favorable to dance at home: you can choose a time convenient for yourself, not feel embarrassed for not too dexterous movements and do as much as you like.
If you want to learn a new dance, you can purchase a video course with training: now there is a large selection of various disks with training dance programs designed for home use. Most often they are focused on the club dances (ClubDance), Latin American dances (Latina), belly dance (BellyDance) and strip plastic (Strip-plastic) offered in fitness clubs, the most popular and useful for the figure.
However, no matter what you choose, any option will strengthen your muscles, improve your respiratory system, give you a beautiful toned body, and at the same time make you more relaxed, graceful, plastic and sexy.
Dance with pleasure and as often as possible, and the result will not keep you waiting!
Lily is really out of the bucket. It was Nelya Poleshko who washed the podium. Actually, two people were entrusted with washing: she and Stabovoy Dima. But Stabovoi was sitting on the balustrade, humming something and slapping the banister with a rag twisted into a bundle to the beat. - Nelk, eh Nelk, can you dance the Charleston? Nelka stuck out her lower lip contemptuously. - All girls can do it here. - Teach me. And I'll teach you something too. Telepathy teach? - What? - Thoughts to read at a distance. Or vice versa - inspire. - Can you do it? — You ask! Do you want me to give? - Inspire him! said Nelka, nodding at the camp dog Kosmos, who was running past. - Space! Space! Na-na-na! . "Easy," Dimka said. Kosmos, wagging his tail, ran up to the podium. - Well, what can I suggest to him? “Something,” Nelka shrugged. Dimka looked intently at the Cosmos. Cosmos suddenly began to fuss, went to the corner of the podium and raised his leg. “Fool,” said Nelka. - Honestly, it's not me, it's him. In general, you know how difficult it is for dogs to inspire, but their nervous activity is not high enough. But then the Cosmos seemed to go berserk. The fur rose up on the back of his neck. With a hoarse bark, he rushed to the wooden walls of the platform. - Why is he, Dimka? What did you give him? - And who knows. I didn't give him anything. Now I can read his thoughts myself. - Dimka folded his palms like a mouthpiece and put it to his forehead. “The Mind Catcher,” he explained. - I read it! he suddenly shouted. — Well? — There is someone under the podium! - And who? - Does not speak. - Let's lure him out. - And what to beckon? We don't know what he eats. If the beast is a carnivore, it is necessary for sausage, and herbivores go well for plantain. - Let's make a sandwich: sausage on top, plantain on the bottom. - We'll smoke it out now. Dimka reached into his pocket and took out cigarettes. “No,” he said, looking into the pack, “it won’t be enough on his own. Until the end of the shift twenty-two days, and then three pieces left. A bored guy with Gogol's profile came up. — What are you doing? "Go, go," Dimka said. When the guy disappeared behind the podium, Nelka put her ear to the crack. - Dimk, breathe! Stabovoy sniffed the air. - Smells like a wolf. Or a badger. - Have you smelled the badger? — A hundred times! - Oh, Dimka, it's moving! Cosmos barked so that it seemed to want to jump out of its skin. He wheezed, roared and pounded on the boards with his paws. "That's it," Dimka decided. — It is necessary to set it on fire with hot metal. He then immediately jumps out. Dimka jumped off the podium and grabbed a piece of rusty wire lying nearby. - Let's heat it up white, and order. The match burned to the end and burned Dimka's finger, but the wire did not heat up. However, Dimka did not lose hope. - Let's set the whole box on fire. Do you know what temperature develops? Three thousand degrees! The box caught fire. - How are you? Nelka asked. - Is it warm? - Yeah. Now it's heating up. But the box burned too quickly. “A little warm,” Nelya said disappointedly. - Nothing, - said Dimka, - we will stab with knives. He opened the door a crack and began to pierce the air with the wire. - Got it! Hit the beast! he shouted. But it wasn't there. The beast, apparently, was caught strong: the wire slowly crawled into the gap. - Nelka, grab it! Nelka grabbed. The inscription on the screen: So Kostya Inochkin entrusted his fate to two faithful people. * * * “Take a spoon, take a tank, if you don’t have it, shamai like that,” the familiar signal for dinner floated over the camp. In the dining room, one detachment sat at long tables on one side, and the other on the other. We ate the soup. "Listen to the information," said Dynin and went out into the aisle. Tomorrow is parent's day. Cutlets were brought, and the detachment sitting opposite started working together with forks. And the third detachment chewed only pasta. - Tomorrow, guys, - continued Dynin, - we have to take a record height. By discipline, by organization, by talent. How, comrade counselors, did you discover talents? “We found out, we found out,” the leaders responded. And now the naked cutlets were left lying lonely on empty plates. - Half a cutlet! Lera ordered and, breaking off half of her cutlet, began to eat. “I have two,” said the leader of the second detachment, the one who was learning the Charleston. — Is this from the entire detachment? Denin made a stern face. - It doesn't fit anywhere. Must have at least one talent per flight. Valya burst out laughing. Denin looked at her sternly. “If they can’t sing, they can’t dance,” he said, “let them at least learn a verse, free movements to the accordion.” - Half a cutlet! Half a cutlet! - passed to the right and left along the table. Everyone tried to be terribly fair and marked exactly in half, and Sharafutdinov even put both halves in his palm and compared them by weighing. - Is showing tricks a talent? he asked, not stopping the weighing under the table. - Tricks, artistic pyramids, pantomime - everything is fine. "Write me down," said Sharafutdinov. - I'll show you a flying lady. — What other lady is this? Denin frowned. "Tambourine! ..!" the guys shouted, and Sharafutdinov pulled out from under the belt and showed Dynin the book: "36 tricks." "Ah," said Dynin. - Only without cards. Tomorrow,” he continued, “the best of you, the most worthy… And who do we call the most worthy guys? — Who has good discipline!.. — Who eats everything to the end!.. - Who is tearing grass for rabbits! .. - Well done, - praised Dynin. - So, the most worthy will pass the circle of honor in carnival costumes. — Half a cutlet!.. Half a cutlet!.. — rustled along the table. And, as in the game of broken phone, the order was, of course, distorted. In the right corner it reached: “For half a cutlet!”, And there the plates were hastily lowered to the floor, and in the left corner the order took on a completely idiotic look: “On the shelf in summer!” Here they looked at each other in bewilderment and asked each other:0005 - Which shelf? — What about in summer? Somehow figured it out. - Mitrofanova! called Denin. The detachment froze… everyone looked at Dynin with frightened eyes. - Was the information confirmed? "Whoa," said Mitrofanova with her mouth full. "You see," Dynin said anxiously. “And Comrade Mitrofanov will come. And he looked meaningfully at the counselors. “And my dad will come,” said a boy from the junior detachment. "Eat, eat," said Dynin. - You know the law: "When I eat, I am deaf and dumb." Here, shut up. And left the dining room. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Venya crawled up to Stasik Nikitin and pushed him in the knee. |