How to table dance
h3g2 - How To Be a Table Dancer
Dancing on tables, being more lucrative than waiting tables, presents some opportunities for the genetically well-endowed with some physical co-ordination skills to make a killing for college tuition or whatever1.
So, you want to be a table dancer, an exotic-dancer, a stripper? It's a tough job, and you'll want to think very carefully about whether or not you want to do it at all, but there can be lot of money to be made, if you end up in the right place. Here you'll find some sound advice about what to expect, and how to avoid the pitfalls in the business.
Strip clubs, or topless bars, or whatever you call them, exist in just about every community where there are men and women. Before getting a job in one, you might want to consider a couple of things.
What's the legal status of 'adult entertainment' in your community, for starters?
Is the club really what it claims to be, or is it a front for a brothel?
In certain parts of the world, you can pretty much count on the answer to that second question being a yes.
In many developed countries, the business is legit. The clubs just can't be next door to schools or churches and they often end up in a part of town that poses its own risks, so this in another thing you should be aware of. If you've found the club, and decided that working there is the job for you, the next question is whether you're the one for the job.
Most table dancing clubs exist for guys to look at girls. There are other kinds, so if you're a guy with rippling pectoral muscles, you can probably find a place to work, too. Don't get confused and apply for a job for the gender you're not, or you'll just be embarrassed. The emphasis of this entry is on girls, so once you've checked out your anatomy to confirm that you do have breasts, you're ready to get started.
Getting Started
Getting the job isn't that hard, unless you've chosen a really ritzy place to work in, where they might want you to have some experience already. At most clubs, you just show up and talk to a manager or something. They agree to let you try it out for a night and see what you think. You check the place out, get a feel for it, see what the other girls are doing and what kind of costumes they're doing it in, and you get ready for your first night dancing. Being flexible and basically in good shape will help here, although you can make money whether or not you can hold paper currency between your breasts while doing the splits.
Of course even a girl without a huge bosom can get by if she's creative with her dance routines and she knows how to pose. That's a little difficult to articulate of course, but you'll know it when you see it so just checkout what other girls are doing and always remember, repetitive repetition is only exciting if you're doing it yourself. Watching it only causes people to yawn... repetitively.
Different places are set up differently. In most clubs, there's a main stage, where one girl at a time does her main routine, for one or two songs. While you're dancing up there, guys can approach the stage for a closer view. You give them a little show, and they give you a tip.
Some clubs only have the main stage. Others also have side stages, which often double as tables. There's usually some rotation, from the main stage and then around the room on tables, some of which might be equipped with poles...
Pole Dancing
Being able to climb or shinny up a chrome plated pole2 is a very useful skill to include in a really creative routine. In many places these poles are actually installed in the centre of the tables, which have centres because they're round so all the guys sitting at them get pretty much the same show and don't have to yell, 'Down in front!' or something.
However, you need to be able to do this stuff with some semblance of grace. And if you seem to be a little unco-ordinated the first time, don't despair because you may already have the requisite skills. For instance, you could practice the routines from those gymnastics lessons your mama paid for.![]()
You'll soon realise, too, that pole dancing is sort of different from what fireman do when they slide down one, because the idea is not to put out the fire but to start one. That's because poles aren't just poles to the guys watching.
After the rotation of stages, again depending on the club, you usually have a while to 'work the floor'. This means spending a little more quality time with your customers, and making a lot more money. It's different from club to club, but there's usually some arrangement where you can dance for one customer for an entire song, for a sum much larger than what you make on the main stage. This might happen right there at their table, or it might be a 'lap-dance' in a different room entirely, or just off in a dark corner.
This is where your club's rules will come into play. Most places have some kind of 'no touching' policy in effect, and there are bouncers to enforce it if a guy starts getting fresh. More frequently, guys will just say things that might or might not make you uncomfortable. You get used to it, and remember, you don't have to dance for anyone you don't want to dance for.
Plenty of your customers will be perfectly nice and well-behaved, and have lots of compliments for you about your dancing, your body, and whatever else they can think of. More to the point, they'll keep paying you for dance after dance, and everyone's happy.
Getting Paid
This is, after all, why you're there. Rules vary from one club to the next, but a typical set-up will involve 'tipping out'. You collect tips from customers all night, at some fixed rate per dance, plus anything extra they decide to give you because you're just so charming. At the end of your shift, you'll be expected to give some fixed amount of that money to the DJ, waitresses and anyone else working at the club. The amount you have to tip out may vary, depending on how many nights you work that week, whether you're a regular or a first timer, and other factors.
After tipping out, the rest of the money you've made is yours, and if it's enough to cover rent, food, tuition, etc, then you're making a living!
Things to Remember
Table dancing can be exhausting, physically and emotionally. The physical part is obvious, but the mental one is also important. It's hard to explain, but fulfilling a bunch of guys' fantasies, night after night, takes something out of you. Some girls are able to present themselves very naturally to their customers, just being themselves and being friendly. More commonly, you'll find yourself putting on a persona when you're at work. Having a stage name can help with this, and it's a good way to keep your professional and personal lives separate. Something that can help with this, and also make your act more interesting, is to use a costume that represents some sexy persona: a naughty schoolgirl, a cheerleader, a secretary, a dominatrix... whatever.
Back to the physical aspect... Remember to stay in shape to avoid injuries from straining muscles you didn't know you had because you never bothered to ask your body where those muscles were. Remember too that guys aren't going to pay to see something they can see at home for free.
1The quoted portions of this entry are taken from a piece written by a Researcher with experience working as a table dancer in the United States.2Because it's physically demanding, pole dancing has also become a popular type of exercise, in some circles. In purely fitness oriented pole-dancing, it's not expected that you take your clothes off.
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Etiquette. How to entertain guests: conversation at the table, toasts and dances
Feeding and drinking guests is not the only concern of the hosts. It is important to organize and direct the table conversation so that everyone is interested and the guests do not break into groups. There are some "taboo" topics at the table. So, at the table they do not talk about politics, religion, money income, health, absent persons. It is better to think over topics for table conversations in advance. The main thing is that they are interested in guests.
Etiquette does not recommend keeping silent at the table. Of course, you can not speak with a full mouth: before you say something, you should swallow what is in your mouth.
Seniors always start the conversation. The junior who was introduced needs to wait until he is spoken to. If the beginning of the conversation drags on, the younger one can interrupt the awkward pause that has been created by saying something tactful.
Many people know that is not allowed to criticize the served dish when visiting. But it is also tactless to admire the taste and appearance of treats too loudly.
It is also not customary to insist at the table, offering food and drinks. In no case should you force people to drink, demand “penalty” glasses for those who are late. No one should be offended by the refusal to drink again, the guest may have good reasons. The guest does not need to explain them in detail.
Nothing brings people together like a pleasant conversation, and nothing repels interlocutors like an insulting and unnecessary argument. A conversation at the table clearly reveals the level of upbringing of a person. Protracted chatter, imposing one's opinion on others speaks of the inability to conduct a conversation, of the manner of hearing only oneself, and not a neighbor. This is more than impolite. After all, it is not for nothing that the ability to speak is an art, and the ability to listen is doubly an art. A good upbringing is indicated by the manifestation in a conversation with an interlocutor of understanding, sincerity and even shyness. The Swiss thinker Lavater said that if you want to be smart, then learn to ask a reasonable question, listen carefully and answer accordingly; stop talking if there's nothing else to say. The most acceptable form of conversation at the table is a conversation in the form of questions and answers, exchange of views and opinions. At the same time, one should not bombard the interlocutor with new questions without hearing the answer to the previous ones. It is also indecent to interrupt a speaker.
When seating guests, try to take into account the peculiarities of their character and temperament. In any company there are entertaining storytellers. Plant them among the "silent ones" who prefer to listen rather than speak. Every guest should participate in the conversation, even if he is in a bad mood. It is necessary to maintain a conversation with at least those who are sitting next to you. It is impolite and indecent to answer questions in monosyllables “Yes” and “No”. It is also considered extremely tactless to fall into a harsh, offensive and haughty tone if your statements are disputed. In society, it is also not customary to talk with one interlocutor. It is desirable that as many guests as possible take part in the conversation. Remember that an evening spent among interesting interlocutors is remembered longer than a tasty treat.
It is not customary in society to whisper or speak loudly. Talk in a low voice. When talking to a neighbor, half turn your head towards him. It is indecent to turn your whole body, because in this way you will find yourself sitting with your back to other guests.
General conversation is possible only in a small company. With a large number of guests at the table, they talk mainly with those sitting next to and opposite. If there are several groups of talking guests at the table, the hosts should, if possible, pay attention to everyone. The task of the hosts is also to change the topic of conversation in time if one of the guests got angry, spoke unsuccessfully, or became dangerously “witty”.
A person who knows how to joke in time, tell an anecdote, and make a witty toast has great art of a feast. However, this is a good measure, you should not abuse wit too much and joke for any reason. Excessive activity in this respect is very close to scoffing and antipathy, especially when the jokes offend those present and, especially, absent from the table. Anecdotes should also be treated with a sense of proportion. You should not tell obviously old, not funny and, of course, indecent jokes. If someone began to tell a well-known anecdote, one should not interrupt him, but one should try to look interested and laugh politely where the narrator expects it.
It is immodest to entertain your neighbors at the table with stories about your achievements and personal successes. Also, keep in mind that long monologues will bore other guests. If you were a participant in interesting events, visited unusual places, met famous people and you are asked to talk about it, tell about the events modestly and not very common. In any case, a well-mannered person tries not to stick out his personal merits.
Proclamation of a toast may turn out to be that rare case when a person can openly or somewhat veiledly show another person his sincere attitude, friendship, deep admiration, etc. But remember: the best toast is a short toast. Long, wise and moralizing toasts are accepted among some peoples, but even they are pronounced only on solemn occasions.
Proclaim the first toast while standing at the reception. A toast is pronounced in honor of the solemn event to which the reception is dedicated. The host "manages" the toasts. During the feast, the oldest or most honored guest has the right to raise a glass first. At all times solemn table sayings were the privilege of men. A mandatory turn for a table talk should not be scheduled without prior approval. It is also not customary to demand answers to a toast. The person to whom the toast was dedicated can only express their gratitude with a slight tilt of the head or with a short phrase like “Thank you for the kind words.” If a toast is made in honor of a young man, he should rise slightly.
When making a toast in honor of someone present, you should look at him (both before and after you took a sip) . According to the etiquette, the glass is raised and held at the level of the third button of the shirt. Never raise a glass above the shoulder, and even more so above the head.
At the table it is indecent to drink alcoholic beverages before the first toast is made (you can drink some non-alcoholic drink). In general, it is customary to fill glasses and drink at the same time to all guests, after pronouncing the next toast.
A few simple rules should be remembered so as not to be embarrassed when making a toast:
- women are not recommended to toast to the health of men, and young ladies to the health of the elderly;
- do not try to make all the toasts at the table;
- If a man makes a toast to a woman's health, the men present may drink their glasses while standing as a sign of respect for ladies in general. However, this procedure is not accepted everywhere;
- while making a toast, the guests should pay attention to the speaker. You should not eat, shift dishes, talk at this time.
A guest who can sing or play any musical instrument should not refuse to do so at the request of others.
A bored guest should be cheered up, a timid one should be encouraged. You should not ask questions like: “What are you missing?” or “Why are you silent?”. This makes the person even more uncomfortable.
Music and dancing often accompany celebrations. Music creates high spirits, and dancing, being a great pleasure in itself, also contributes to the rapprochement of people, the manifestation of a person's personal qualities. Of course, you should always take into account the tastes of guests regarding dance melodies and music that sounds during the feast. Such "background" music often helps to pass pauses in a conversation without feeling awkward.
There are a few simple rules to remember about dancing behavior:
- a man should dance with as many women as possible , paying tribute to courtesy and attention to each of them. It is indecent for a man to dance all evening with only one woman even if it is his wife;
- the mistress of the house should take care that men do not leave a single woman unattended;
- it is necessary to invite the mistress of the house and her adult daughters to the dance;
- while dancing, look at the partner or partner . Looking at others is impolite towards them;
- a man cannot, having invited a woman to the next dance, go dancing with another;
- it is impolite to attract the attention of others by demonstrating the ability to dance;
- one should also not show a desire to teach someone to dance.
Inviting a woman to dance, a man offers her his right hand. If a partner dances badly, in no case should you reproach her for this, and even more so, learn certain movements. The most correct decision is the partner's decision to offer the partner to perform the movements that she succeeds in. It is not recommended, while dancing, to look intently into the partner's eyes or at her legs, to press her to yourself. To allow yourself liberties while dancing is a sign of bad education. At the end of the dance, the gentleman must accompany the lady to the place where she was before the dance. At the same time, he also offers her his right hand. It is indecent to leave a woman alone, so it is necessary to remain near her until someone else approaches her.
A woman must also behave tactfully while dancing. Having promised a dance to one partner, it is indecent to go dancing with another. It is impolite to refuse for no reason when invited to dance (but if the lady stubbornly refuses, you should not insist on the invitation). During the dance, a woman should not have a bored or displeased expression on her face. This is disrespectful to your partner.
As a rule, the initiative in the dance invitation belongs to the man . The exception is the "white" dance, when the lady is allowed to choose her own gentleman. Pair dances are usually danced together - a gentleman and a lady. However, if there are not enough gentlemen, two ladies can also make a couple. But dancing a man with a man is not accepted.
Tags: usefulness, etiquette
How to learn to dance shuffle - Lifehacker
Master the basic moves, then improvise and have fun.
Iya Zorina
Author of Lifehacker, athlete, Candidate Master of Sports
0This dance style includes a lot of freedom and improvisation. That is why he is so good. You can master the basic movements in a couple of hours, and then complicate them to infinity and combine them with each other, create your own combinations and spy on others.
Dance in sneakers, socks or barefoot, in any outfit, anywhere.
Master the basic movements of the shuffle
In this style, you do all the basic movements with your feet, your arms most often move freely - according to your heart.
Running man
This is the most basic and essential shuffle movement. You can do it in three different ways.
Full foot
The movement begins by bending your knee and lifting one leg. Next, you need to simultaneously put both legs - supporting and raised - at a distance of one step from each other.
The raised leg is placed forward on a full foot, the standing one behind slips back on the ball of the foot and remains on it - the heel is not placed on the floor. The weight is evenly distributed between the two legs.
After that, it remains to return to the starting position. To do this, the front leg slides back, and at the same time, the back leg is pulled up. You find yourself in the starting position and repeat the cycle. The movement itself is soft and springy: do not stick into the floor, keep your legs relaxed.
This is a lighter and faster running man look that may be needed for some combinations. Here you put your foot not on the whole foot, but on the heel. At the same time, the one standing behind remains on the toe.
On pads
In this variation, the foot is placed forward on the pad. At the same time, the one standing behind also remains on the ball of the foot, and the body leans slightly back.
In this movement, one foot constantly makes a “herringbone” - turns the heel in and out - and the second touches the floor and immediately rises back.
When the heel of the skating leg turns inward, the toe of the other leg touches the floor; when outward, the other leg rises, turning the knee inward.
It turns out two positions: closed - when the legs are wrapped with the knees inward, and one leg is raised, and open - when the legs are turned out with the knees outward, and the toe touches the floor. Practice doing the T-step in both directions: slowly at first, then with acceleration.
You jump on one foot while the other touches the floor in different places: on the side of the supporting leg, across, behind - anywhere you want. You can put your foot on the toe or on the heel - the latter is called a kick. The supporting leg can simply rise low or perform a T-step - move the heel out and in.
To begin, you turn your knees and toes inward and lift one leg. Then turn your toes and knees outward, and put your raised leg forward crosswise. Repeat the same with the other leg.
All movement takes place on the balls of the feet, the heels do not fall to the floor. You can move both forward and backward.
First you put your feet crosswise with your toes outward with a jump, then you also spread your legs apart with a jump.
One leg is straight, standing on the whole foot, the other is with a bent knee on the pad. Leaning on the pad, you slip the foot of a straight leg back, as if wiping the sole on the floor.
Immediately after the slip, you turn around. In the turn, the straight leg bends and goes to the pad, and the one that was on the pad, on the contrary, turns on the heel. After that, it remains only to change legs and move in the same way in the other direction.
From the starting position - standing with a raised leg, as in Running man - you turn your hips to the side with a jump and put your legs crosswise.
The front foot is on the heel, the back foot is on the ball. Then you jump back to the starting position and do the same on the other side.
From the starting position, you turn your hips to the side with a jump and spread your legs a step apart from each other. The standing foot in front is placed on the heel, the standing one behind remains on the pillow. Then, with a jump, you collect your legs and do the same on the other side.
Try other variations of the basic shuffle movements
You can perform basic movements in different directions: forward and backward, turning around. This will give you more freedom to improvise.
Running man variations
Do several times in place and then turn around. You can also try walking this way to the side. Each time the leg will need to be placed slightly crossed in order to slowly move to the side.
Variations T‑step
You can lower your foot on the toe, on the whole foot, touch the floor to the side of the supporting leg or forward and behind it.
You can also keep the other leg on the floor at all - leave it on the toe and turn the knee in and out.
Variations Diamond
Here, another element is added to the movement - the heel strike. In the starting position, you wrap the toes of the feet and knees inward, and then jump on the heels, turning the socks to the sides.
From this position, without jumping, turn your toes and knees inward, cross your legs with a jump, turning your feet with your toes outward, and then return to the starting position.
Charleston Variations
After three turns of the Charleston, turn both toes in one direction and then in the other. At the end, you can turn the knee to the side.
Combine familiar shuffle moves
While you lack the skills to move freely and come up with something of your own, learn a few combinations. They contain interesting movements that will replenish your dance vocabulary.
Combination 1
This is a simple combination of two basic movements - Running man and T-step. First take five Running man steps, then four T-steps to the side and repeat the same in the opposite direction.
Combination 2
Another combination of two basic movements. Here you do three Running mans, then one T‑step with a back foot touch, and two front heel touch kicks. The same on the other side.
Combination 3
There are no standard steps here, but there are already familiar Sidekick and transition from heels to toes.
Learn more difficult combinations
We will add some videos with good combinations.
1. Cool video for beginners: movements are repeated in slow motion to make it easier to dance to the music.
2. And here the combination is analyzed step by step in slow motion, dividing it into three parts. Very comfortably. Look for more on this channel, there are several such analyzes.
3. No slowdown here, just a great combination. But you already know almost all the movements, so you can figure it out. If something is not clear, watch the video at a speed of 0.25.
Pick some music and improvise
You probably have a favorite song to shuffle to. Include them and start with basic movements: just do the Running man and periodically add different elements when you want. Move in different directions, relax and have fun.
If you don't have favorite tracks, try our selection.
I must say that the shuffle is an amazing cardio workout. In just a couple of tracks, you will be out of breath and sweat, like after a run, but you will feel absolutely happy!
What's more, if you have to force yourself to keep going while running, shuffle requires you to have the willpower to stop and not dance. As a bonus - a short video from a beginner after a couple of hours of practice.
Shuffle is cool!
Read also 🕺💃🤸♀️
- Dancing as a sport: choosing the right direction
- Dance movement therapy: how to discover and change yourself through movement
- How to learn to dance: video lessons for those who are not afraid to try
- How to learn street dancing from the comfort of your home
- Zumba is a fun way to lose weight for those who love dancing
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