How to play coffin dance on virtual piano
[P85] 8 s 9 d 9 [d(]
[5(] [qd] q [wd5] w [se] e [sE]
[E5] [ts] t [ys5] y d [gY] Y
[ig] [i5] [og] o [pg5] p [hP] P
[sh] [s5] [hd] d [hD5] D [hg] g
h [h5] h h [h5] h h h
h [h5] h h [h5] h g d
s P p i [[email protected]] [@(] o s
[[email protected](] [[email protected]] [@(] P [@(] [p4] [q4] p
[qp4] 4 s [q4] P [qp4] [o5] [w5]
o j [w5] J [j5] J [w5] j
[wJ5] [o5] [w5] o j [w5] J [j5]
J [w5] j [wJ5] [[email protected]] [@(] o s
[[email protected](] [[email protected]] [@(] P [@(] [p4] [q4] p
[qp4] P 4 s [q4] P [qp4] [o5]
[w5] o j [w5] J [j5] J [w5]
j [wJ5] [o5] [w5] o j [w5] J
[j5] J [w5] j [wJ5] [[email protected]] @ [@(]
o s [[email protected](] [[email protected]] @ [@(] P [@(]
[p4] 4 [q4] p [qp4] 4 s 4
[q4] P [qp4] [o5] 5 [w5] o j
[w5] J [j5] [J5] [w5] j [wJ5] [o5]
5 [w5] o j [w5] J [j5] [J5]
[w5] j [wJ5] [[email protected]] P [@(] P [[email protected](]
@ d d [@(] d [[email protected](] [s4] s
[q4] s [sq4] D [g4] g [q4] g
[qg4] [h5] h [w5] h [wh5] [h5] h
[w5] h [wh5] [h5] h [w5] h [wh5]
[ts] [PE] [pe] [qi] [[email protected]] @ [@(] [[email protected]]
[ts] [[email protected](] [[email protected]] @ [@(] [[email protected]] [@(] [pe4]
4 [q4] [pe4] [qpe4] 4 [ts] 4 [q4]
[PE4] [qpe4] [wo5] 5 [w5] [wo5] [pj] [w5]
[PJ] [pj5] [PJ5] [w5] [pj5] [wPJ5] [wo5] 5
[w5] [wo5] [pj] [w5] [PJ] [pj5] [PJ5] [w5]
[pj5] [wPJ5] [[email protected]] @ [@(] [[email protected]] [ts] [[email protected](]
[[email protected]] @ [@(] [[email protected]] [@(] [pe4] 4 [q4]
[pe4] [qpe4] [PE] 4 [ts] 4 [q4] [PE4]
[qpe4] [wo5] 5 [w5] [wo5] [pj] [w5] [PJ]
[pj5] [PJ5] [w5] [pj5] [wPJ5] [wo5] 5 [w5]
[wo5] [pj] [w5] [PJ] [pj5] [PJ5] [w5] [pj5]
[wPJ5] [[email protected]] [[email protected]] @ [[email protected](] [[email protected]] d [[email protected]]
@ [[email protected](] [[email protected]] [s4] [s4] 4 [sq4] [s4]
D g [g4] 4 [qg4] [g4] [h5] [h5]
5 h [h5] h [h5] 5 h [h5]
[h5] [h5] [h5] [h5] [h5] h [h5] h
[h5] h [h5] h 5 [g5] 5 o
5 o 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 h
h [h5] h h [h5] h [h5] h
h [h5] h h [h5] h [h5] h
h [h5] h h [h5] h [h5] 5
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [wo] w w o w i
i [wo] w w o w i i
[wo] w w o w i i [wo]
w w w w w w o w
i i [wo] w w w w w
[wo] w i i [wo] w w w
w w [wo] w i i [wo] w
w w w w [wo] w i i
[wo] w w w w w [wo] w
i i [wo] w o w s [wd]
w [ws] [wo] w [wiP] [wi] [wo] w
o w s d w [ws] [wo] w
[wiP] [wi] [wo] w o w s [wd]
w [ws] [wo] w [wiP] [qi] [wo] w
o w s [wd] w [ws] [wo] w
[wiP] [qi] [wo] w o w s d
w [ws] [wo] w [wiP] [qi] [wo] w
o w s d w [ws] [wo] w
[wiP] [qi] [wo] w o w s d
w [ws] [wo] w [wiP] [qi] [wo] w
o w j J w [wj] [woJ] w
[wji] [qiJ] [woj] o [oJ] [wo] [oj] [wo]
[oJ] [oW] [jO] O [WOJ] O [jWO] O
[WOJ] O [pje] p [pJ] [pe] [pj] [pe]
[pJ] [pE] [jP] P [PJE] P [jPE] P
[PJE] P [rja] a [aJ] [ra] [ja] [ra]
[aJ] [ta] [sj] s [tsJ] s [tsj] s
[tsJ] s [jTS] S [SJ] [TS] [jS] [TS]
[SJ] [yS] [jd] d [ydJ] d [yjd] d
[ydJ] d [jYPD] D [PJD] [YD] [jPD] [YD]
[PJD] [uD] s [jf] d f [ufdJ] f
[ujfd] f [ufdJ] f [sjig] g [sgJ] [ig]
[sjg] [ig] [sgJ] [ig] d [jg] g [igJ]
g [jig] g [igJ] g [oh] [oh] [oh]
[oh] [oh] [oh] [oh] [oh] [oh] [oh] [oh]
[oh] [oh] [oh] [oh] [oh] [oh] o [oh]
o [oh] o [oh] o g d s
P p i [[email protected]] [@(] o s [[email protected](]
[[email protected]] [@(] P [@(] [p4] [q4] p [qp4]
4 s [q4] P [qp4] [o5] [w5] o
j [w5] J [j5] J [w5] j [wJ5]
[o5] [w5] o j [w5] J [j5] J
[w5] j [wJ5] [[email protected]] [@(] o s [[email protected](]
[[email protected]] [@(] P [@(] [p4] [q4] p [qp4]
P 4 s [q4] P [qp4] [o5] [w5]
o j [w5] J [j5] J [w5] j
[wJ5] [o5] [w5] o j [w5] J [j5]
J [w5] j [wJ5] [[email protected]] @ [@(] o
s [[email protected](] [[email protected]] @ [@(] P [@(] [p4]
4 [q4] p [qp4] 4 s 4 [q4]
P [qp4] [o5] 5 [w5] o j [w5]
J [j5] [J5] [w5] j [wJ5] [o5] 5
[w5] o j [w5] J [j5] [J5] [w5]
j [wJ5] [[email protected]] P [@(] P [[email protected](] @
d d [@(] d [[email protected](] [s4] s [q4]
s [sq4] D [g4] g [q4] g [qg4]
[h5] h [w5] h [wh5] [h5] h [w5]
h [wh5] [h5] h [w5] h [wh5] [ts]
[PE] [pe] [qi] [[email protected]] @ [@(] [[email protected]] [ts]
[[email protected](] [[email protected]] @ [@(] [[email protected]] [@(] [pe4] 4
[q4] [pe4] [qpe4] 4 [ts] 4 [q4] [PE4]
[qpe4] [wo5] 5 [w5] [wo5] [pj] [w5] [PJ]
[pj5] [PJ5] [w5] [pj5] [wPJ5] [wo5] 5 [w5]
[wo5] [pj] [w5] [PJ] [pj5] [PJ5] [w5] [pj5]
[wPJ5] [[email protected]] @ [@(] [[email protected]] [ts] [[email protected](] [[email protected]]
@ [@(] [[email protected]] [@(] [pe4] 4 [q4] [pe4]
[qpe4] [PE] 4 [ts] 4 [q4] [PE4] [qpe4]
[wo5] 5 [w5] [wo5] [pj] [w5] [PJ] [pj5]
[PJ5] [w5] [pj5] [wPJ5] [wo5] 5 [w5] [wo5]
[pj] [w5] [PJ] [pj5] [PJ5] [w5] [pj5] [wPJ5]
[[email protected]] @ [@(] [[email protected]] [ts] [[email protected](] [[email protected]] @
[@(] [[email protected]] [@(] [pe4] 4 [q4] [pe4] [qpe4]
P 4 [ts] 4 [q4] [PE4] [qpe4] [wo5]
5 [w5] [wo5] [pj] [w5] [PJ] [pj5] [PJ5]
[w5] [pj5] [wPJ5] [wo5] 5 [w5] [wo5] [pj]
[w5] [PJ] [pj5] [PJ5] [w5] [pj5] [wPJ5] [[email protected]]
[[email protected]] @ [[email protected](] [[email protected]] d [[email protected]] @ [[email protected](]
[[email protected]] [s4] [s4] 4 [sq4] [s4] D g
[g4] 4 [qg4] [g4] [h5] [h5] 5 h
[h5] h [h5] 5 h [h5] [h5] [h5]
[h5] [h5] [h5] [h5] [h5] [h5] h 5
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Note Labels
Fun Happy The Netherlands Virtual Piano Comp Meme
About This Music Sheet
Astronomia (Coffin Dance) is a song by Vicetone. Use your computer keyboard to play Astronomia (Coffin Dance) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The song Astronomia (Coffin Dance) is classified in the genres: Dance, Electronica on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Fun, Happy, The Netherlands, Virtual Piano Comp, Meme.
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Other Songs By Vicetone
[6s] s [6s] s [6f] f [6f] f
[6d] d [6d] d [6h] h [6h] h
[6j] j [6j] j [6j] j [6j] j [6ej] [6ej] [6ej] [6ej]
[6ed] s a o
[4qp] [4qp] f [4qd] [4qs] [5wa] [5wa] a [5wd] [5ws] a
[6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l [6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l
[4qp] [4qp] f [4qd] [4qs] [5wa] [5wa] a [5wd] [5ws] a
[6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l [6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l[4qp] [4qp] f [4qd] [4qs] [5wa] [5wa] a [5wd] [5ws] a
[6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l [6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l
[4qs] s s s f f f f
[5wd] d d d h h h h
[6ej] j j j j j j j j j j j
d s a o
[4qp] [4qp] f [4qd] [4qs] [5wa] [5wa] a [5wd] [5ws] a
[6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l [6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l
[4qp] [4qp] f [4qd] [4qs] [5wa] [5wa] a [5wd] [5ws] a
[6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l [6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l 6Astronomia (Coffin Dance) (Alternative)
f d s a
[4p] 6 [8p] [qf]
[ed] s
[5a] 7 [9a] [wa]
[rd] d s a
[6p] p l
k l k l
[6p] p l
k l k l
[4qp] p f
d s
[5wa] a a
d d s a
[6ep] p l
k l k l
[6ep] p l
k l k l
[4qs] [4qs] [4qs] [4qs]
[4qf] [4qf] [4qf] [4qf]
[5wd] [5wd] [5wd] [5wd]
[5wh] [5wh] [5wh] [5wh]
[6ej] [6ej] [6ej] [6ej]
[6ej] j [6e] [6ej] j [6e]
[6j] j e [6j] j e
[0uf] [yd] [ts] [ra]
[4pgj] [qe] [4pgj] [qeuf]
[4yd] [qe] [4qts] e
[5ahk] [wr] [5ahk] [wrahk]
[5yd] [wryd] [5wts] [ra]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
[6p] [et] [6p] [etl]
[6ak] [etsl] [6ak] [etsl]
[4pgj] [qe] [4pgj] [qeuf]
[4yd] [qe] [4qts] e
[5ahk] [wr] [5ahk] [wrahk]
[5yd] [wryd] [5wts] [ra]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
[6p] [et] [6p] [etl]
[6ak] [etsl] [6ak] [etsl]
[4qs] [4qs] [4qs] [4qs]
[4qf] [4qf] [4qf] [4qf]
[5wd] [5wd] [5wd] [5wd]
[5wh] [5wh] [5wh] [5wh]
[6ej] [6ej] [6ej] [6ej]
[6ej] j [6e] [6ej] j [6e]
[6ej] j [6e] [6ej] [6j]
[0uf] [9yd] [8ts] [7ra]
[4pgj] [qe] [4pgj] [qeuf]
[4yd] [qe] [4qts] e
[5ahk] [wr] [5ahk] [wrahk]
[5yd] [wryd] [5wts] [ra]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
[4pgj] [qe] [4pgj] [qeuf]
[4yd] [qe] [4qts] e
[5ahk] [wr] [5ahk] [wrahk]
[5yd] [wryd] [5wts] [ra]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
[6pgj]Astronomia (Alternative)
[ufx] f h k [ydlx] [zC] [tsxv]
[ydz] d G j [tskz] [lx] [razC]
[tk] o [dk] s [fk] G [fhk] j
z [rG] I a S d G k
[ex] u [ax] p [sx] d [psfx]
v [ql] t i o p s g s g h j l [0of] r u [Ia] [of] [pG] [tsh] o G I [uf] t [I9d] e y [uof] [Id] t [5yoa] 9 w e r y [0of] r u [Ia] [of] [pG] [th] o G I [uh] t [G9j] e y [uofh] [IGpj] t [5adhk] 9 w e r y [0of] r u [Ia] [of] [pG] [tsh] o G I [uf] t [I9d] e y [uof] [Id] t [5yoa] 9 w e [ro] [Qp] [8ua] w [tua] w [rua] w [9wrya]
[6tuo] 0 e [ro] [tI] y [8u] 0 w t u o s u o s f h [esj] u p a [sx] f [qjlx] t [iz] o [pgl] s [wdk] y o p [av] [d k x 0 v]
r u I o a [7k] Q r T [yC] [u k z I C][ej] u p a [sx] [p j l][rax]
r e [7ya] Q r T [yaIG] Q [5aIG] 9 [wuof] e [Iryd] 9 [6upS] 0 e r [TSGpj] 0 [$SGpj] * Q W e r
To Zanarkand (Final Fantasy) (Expert)
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u||o||a s d| [s4] 8 q [ea] t e [qd] e [s5] 9 w [ra] y r [wo] [ra] [s6] 0 e [ta] u t [ed] [ta] [a3] 7 0 [wo] r [wa] [d0] [wf] [f4] 8 q [ed] t e [qf] [se] 5 9 [wd] [ra] y r [wo] [ra] [s6] 0 e t [h7] q [rg] [yf] 1580w8[d0]wtw[a0]w[ts]w[d0]4 [s6]8qetq[ea]titet[id]te [s5]72579[a5]79wry[ro]w[ra]y [s6]80etute[d7]9qr[sq]9[qd]r [f1]3580w80[wg]t[wh]080 [wg]tw02469qe[s9]q[sje]yeq [she]y3570wr[sl8]wrurw [ra]u[sr]w[pj4]68qet[qka]etite [tsl]ite57[ka9]wry[wsl]r[yh]kz|||[slhf1]
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3 4 $ 5 8 [f4] [p4] [f4]
[f4] j [f4] 4 s [d9] f g
[f5] d s [a0] s d [s6] u
[i9] [s9] [s9] 5 s [a5] [s5] d
p [tp] [o8] o 8 t [f0] [O0]
[f0] [f6] j [f6] 6 s [s9] d
f [d5] s [a0] s d [s6] p
[o0] [o0] [o0] [o(] [d(] [d(] [p9] [f9]
[f9] [wf] [wd] [wf] [wg] [wh] 9 q
[wh] 9 q w [h6] [j0] [wJ] [j6]
[h0] w e [g9] 6 8 [g9] 6
8 9 [qg] [h8] [H(] [h^] [qg] W
[hE] [f6] [p6] [f6] 5 [f$] j [f$]
$ s [d5] 5 5 [d0] f g
[f0] 0 d f d [s4]Mind of a Thief (Mother 3)
Shogo Sakai
Play Astronomia (Coffin Dance) (Alternative)
[6s] s [6s] s [6f] f [6f] f
[6d] d [6d] d [6h] h [6h] h
[6j] j [6j] j [6j] j [6j] j [6ej] [6ej] [6ej] [6ej]
[6ed] s a o
[4qp] [4qp] f [4qd] [4qs] [5wa] [5wa] a [5wd] [5ws] a
[6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l [6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l
[4qp] [4qp] f [4qd] [4qs] [5wa] [5wa] a [5wd] [5ws] a
[6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l [6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l
[4qp] [4qp] f [4qd] [4qs] [5wa] [5wa] a [5wd] [5ws] a
[6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l [6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l
[4qs] s s s f f f f
[5wd] d d d h h h h
[6ej] j j j j j j j j j j j
d s a o
[4qp] [4qp] f [4qd] [4qs] [5wa] [5wa] a [5wd] [5ws] a
[6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l [6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l
[4qp] [4qp] f [4qd] [4qs] [5wa] [5wa] a [5wd] [5ws] a
[6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l [6ep] [6ep] l [6ek] l [6ek] l 6
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Play this song
Note Labels
Fun Happy The Netherlands Virtual Piano Comp Meme
A song by Vicetone
Verified by Mark Chaimbers
About This Music Sheet
Astronomia (Coffin Dance) (Alternative) is a song by Vicetone. Use your computer keyboard to play Astronomia (Coffin Dance) (Alternative) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:20, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Astronomia (Coffin Dance) (Alternative) is classified in the genres: Electronica, Dance on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Fun, Happy, The Netherlands, Virtual Piano Comp, Meme. [P85] 8 s 9 d 9 [d(] [5(] [qd] q [wd5] w [se] e [sE] [E5] [ts] t [ys5] y d [gY] Y [ig] [i5] [og] o [pg5] p [hP] P [sh] [s5] [hd] d [hD5] D [hg] g h [h5] h h [h5] h h h h [h5] h h [h5] h g d s P p i [[email protected]] [@(] o s [[email protected](] [[email protected]] [@(] P [@(] [p4] [q4] p [qp4] 4 s [q4] P [qp4] [o5] [w5] o j [w5] J [j5] J [w5] j [wJ5] [o5] [w5] o j [w5] J [j5] J [w5] j [wJ5] [[email protected]] [@(] o s [[email protected](] [[email protected]] [@(] P [@(] [p4] [q4] p [qp4] P 4 s [q4] P [qp4] [o5] [w5] o j [w5] J [j5] J [w5] j [wJ5] [o5] [w5] o j [w5] J [j5] J [w5] j [wJ5] [[email protected]] @ [@(] o s [[email protected](] [[email protected]] @ [@(] P [@(] [p4] 4 [q4] p [qp4] 4 s 4 [q4] P [qp4] [o5] 5 [w5] o j [w5] J [j5] [J5] [w5] j [wJ5] [o5] 5 [w5] o j [w5] J [j5] [J5] [w5] j [wJ5] [[email protected]] P [@(] P [[email protected](] @ d d [@(] d [[email protected](] [s4] s [q4] s [sq4] D [g4] g [q4] g [qg4] [h5] h [w5] h [wh5] [h5] h [w5] h [wh5] [h5] h [w5] h [wh5] 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Astronomia (Coffin Dance)
f d s a
[4p] 6 [8p] [qf]
[ed] s
[5a] 7 [9a] [wa]
[rd] d s a
[6p] p l
k l k l
[6p] p l
k l k l
[4qp] p f
d s
[5wa] a a
d d s a
[6ep] p l
k l k l
[6ep] p l
k l k l
[4qs] [4qs] [4qs] [4qs]
[4qf] [4qf] [4qf] [4qf]
[5wd] [5wd] [5wd] [5wd]
[5wh] [5wh] [5wh] [5wh]
[6ej] [6ej] [6ej] [6ej]
[6ej] j [6e] [6ej] j [6e]
[6j] j e [6j] j e
[0uf] [yd] [ts] [ra]
[4pgj] [qe] [4pgj] [qeuf]
[4yd] [qe] [4qts] e
[5ahk] [wr] [5ahk] [wrahk]
[5yd] [wryd] [5wts] [ra]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
[6p] [et] [6p] [etl]
[6ak] [etsl] [6ak] [etsl]
[4pgj] [qe] [4pgj] [qeuf]
[4yd] [qe] [4qts] e
[5ahk] [wr] [5ahk] [wrahk]
[5yd] [wryd] [5wts] [ra]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
[6p] [et] [6p] [etl]
[6ak] [etsl] [6ak] [etsl]
[4qs] [4qs] [4qs] [4qs]
[4qf] [4qf] [4qf] [4qf]
[5wd] [5wd] [5wd] [5wd]
[5wh] [5wh] [5wh] [5wh]
[6ej] [6ej] [6ej] [6ej]
[6ej] j [6e] [6ej] j [6e]
[6ej] j [6e] [6ej] [6j]
[0uf] [9yd] [8ts] [7ra]
[4pgj] [qe] [4pgj] [qeuf]
[4yd] [qe] [4qts] e
[5ahk] [wr] [5ahk] [wrahk]
[5yd] [wryd] [5wts] [ra]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
[4pgj] [qe] [4pgj] [qeuf]
[4yd] [qe] [4qts] e
[5ahk] [wr] [5ahk] [wrahk]
[5yd] [wryd] [5wts] [ra]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
[6psf] [et] [6p] [etlm]
[6kn] [etlm] [6kn] [etlm]
Astronomia (Alternative)
[pdj] e T u i u T e | [60] e T u i [up] i [uf] [psg] q e t T t e q | [48] q e t T t e q [pfj] e T u i u T e | [60] e T u i [up] i [uf] [ipsf] q e t T t e q | [ips] q e t T t T t [pd] y I p P p I y | [269] y I p P p I y [oaf] y o a s a o y | [osf] t u o O o u t y [8wtu] o [0wru] y [qet] [0w] u o [4qtip] s [5wyo] o [30wtu] [29wry] [10wt] y u o u yuy[t0] u [ow] [tp] [sq] [ae] [eo] [1wtu] | i u [5wry] t y [0u] [to] [u8] yty[t0] u o [4p] [to] [uw] [5etu] i u [5ru] y | [6et] y u | e t e | e t e 6 | e t e | e t e [6u] | [ep] a [4ips] | 8 e 8 | [8a] e [8p] [5ru] | [iq] u y t y [6etu] t y [eu] [tu] p a [4ips] a p [5rto] [ry] [wt] y u o [wu] yuy[t8] u o [4tp] [sq] [wa] [oe] [1wtu] | i u [5wry] t y [18wto] t u o O o u t [18] t u i o O [ot] u o [30ru] u O a s a O u [30] u O a s a s a [9wyo] a d D d [9wo] | o a d D t y [8wtu] o [0wru] y [qet] | [0w] u o [etp] s [wrya] o [0wtu] [9wry] t y [8wtu] o [0wry] y [qet] | [0w] t u o [qetp] [0eto] [wu] [59wry] | [150wt]
Many Meetings (Lord of The Rings)
Howard Shore
[fe] t [rd]f[h0] w [qa] t [pe]a[d8] r [fe] t [rd]f[h0] w [qa] t [pe] [a8] r [fe] t [rd]f[h0] w [qa] t [pe]a[d8] r [fe] t [rd]f[h0] w [qa] t [pe] [ua8] r w||| [fe6] tgfdf[h40] w [qa4] e [p6]a[d81] w [fe6] tgfdf[h40] w [qa4] e [o6]p [a81] w [fe6] tgfdf[h40] w [qa4] e [o6]pa[d81] w [fe6] tgfdf[h40] w [qa4] e [p6] [a81] w [qY4]u [yqe8]t t[t30] [we80]w[tq4] [te80] y [y81]Yy[wt70] [uq4]u[qoe8] Yy[30]t[w80]e[tq4] [te80] y [Y81]y[wt70] [rq4]t [tqe8] yr[30]e[w80] [q4] [e80]www[w81] [w70] [rq4]t [rqe8]t r[t30] [yw80] [q4] [e80]wew[w81] [w70] [fe6] tgfdf[h40] w [qa4] e [p6]a[d81] w [fe6] tgfdf[h40] w [qa4] e [p6] [a81] w [qY4]u [yqe8] t [t30] [we80]w[q4] [te80]t y[u81] [w70] [uq4] [qeY8]u Y[u30] [wt80] [q4] [te80]et [u81] [w70]t [qY4]u [qoe8]o o[o30] [wt80] [q4] [te80]ett[u81] [w70] [uq4] [yqe8]u|[u30] [wt80] [q4]t[te80]tt [t81] [w70] [qp4] [qe8]fa [30] [wa80]o[qp4] [poe80] o [o81] [w70] [qp4] [qe8]fa [30] [wa80]f[qpg4] [oge80] [of]p[of81] [w70] [qp4] [qe8]fa [30] [wa80]o[qp4] [poe80] o [o81] [w70] [uq4] [qe8]oyu[p30] [wo80]r[q4]t[e80] rt[u81] [w70] [qp4] [qe8]fa [30] [wa80]o[qp4] [poe80] o [o81] [w70] [qp4] [qe8]fa [30] [wa80]f[qpg4] [oge80] [of]p[of81] [w70] [qp4] [qe8]fa [30] [wa80]o[qp4] [poe80] o [o81] [w70] [uq4] [qe8]oyu[p30] [wo80]r[tq4]t[e80] rt[u81] [w70]| [p92] y o [30] t [se6] t sa [wa5] t [p92] y o [30] [to] [se6] t d [wa5]p[to] [p92] [ya]o|[30] t [e6] t| [w5] t [p92] y o [30] [to] [iea6] [ia] [soi] [woda5]| [sq4] [sqe8]s|[s30] [ws80]a[qp4] [oe80] oo[o81] [w70] [sq4] [sqe8]s s[s30] [wa80]p[q4]o[oe80] oo[81] [w70]o [sq4] [sqe8] d [a30]p[wo80] [qp4]p[e80] o [o81]u[w70] [q4] [qe8]| [30] [w80] [qp4]p[e80] o [o81]u[w70] [q4] [qe8]| [30] [w80] [q4] [e80]| [81] [w70] [q4] [qe8]| [30] [w80] [q4] [e80]| [81] [w70] [tq4] [sqe8] ar[r30] [wa80]w[qpe4] [oe80]eew[wo81] [w70] [sq4] [sqe8] [sa] [s30] [wsa80] [sqa4][sp][sre80] s [ys]uiopa [qp4] [qe8]fa [30] [wa80]o[qp4] [poe80] o [o81] [w70] [qp4] [qe8]fa [30] [wa80]f[qpg4] [oge80] [of]p[of81] [w70] [qp4] [qe8]fa [30] [wa80]o[qp4] [poe80] o [o81] [w70] [uq4] [qe8]oyu[p30] [wo80]r[trq4]t[e80] rt[u81] [w70]
Wind (Naruto)
Yoshio Akeboshi
[Ws] Y O [(P] E Y [qO] t i [(o] E Y [*i] W T [(o] E Y Y i O O % ( W E t s s P O [O4s] 8 q w W P s s [*WTs] P O O O P s [(P] W Y i o O o s s P O [Ws] Y O W Y O W Y O [WD] Y [Os] [qP] [tO] [iO] q t i q t i [qO] [tP] [is] [*S] W [TS] [*s] W [TP] [*P] [WO] T [*O] [WP] [Ts] [(EYP] Y D D D D g s P [%YOs] ( W [%YOs] ( W [%YOs] ( W [%Ys] [(YP] [WYO] [YOqs] t i [YOqs] t i [YOqs] t i [Oqs] [tP] [iO] [*YS] W T [*Ys] W T [*YO] W T [*Y] W T [(Ots] E Y ( [EYS] [Ys] [(YP] E Y [(ts] [EP] [WYO] [%YOs] ( W [%YOs] ( W [%YOs] ( W [%Ys] [(YP] [WYO] [YOqs] t i [YOqs] t i [YOqs] t i [Oqs] [tP] [iO] [*YS] W T [*Ys] W T [*YO] W T [*Y] W T [(EYP] [YD] [ts] [EP] [qWO] t i t O t [*H] W [Th] [*g] W [Th] [Ws] Y O W Y O [(D] E [YS] [(s] E [YP] [qO] t i q t i [*H] W [Th] [*g] W [Th] [Ws] Y O W Y O [(D] [ED] [YD] [(D] E [Yg] [qs] [tP] [iO] q [ts] [iD] [*H] W [Th] [*g] W [Th] [Ws] Y O [WO] [YP] [Os] [(D] E [YS] [(s] E [YS] [qs] t i P [*S] W T s O P [Ws] Y O P [(P] E Y O O O [Ws] Y O [(P] E Y [qO] t i [(o] E Y [*i] W T [(o] E Y [%(WYOs]
Perfect (Expert)
Ed Sheeran
Coffin dance piano
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Game information
Game name
coffin dance piano
original name
coffin dance piano
PC, Mobile
- Astronomia Piano Coffin Dance meme is a piano song game made for fans of the new viral coffin dance.
- Astronomia Piano Coffin Dance meme is a piano song game made for fans of the new viral coffin dance.
kalinka_vv — LiveJournal
Continuing to sum up the results of the last year, I would like to note a completely unusual project that demonstrates innovative forms of art (immersive theater), hence the unusual subtitle " Shoot/Get Treasure/Repeat (museum of sixteen plays)"! The cycle of plays, consisting of 16 miniatures, was written by the English playwright Mark Ravenhill (born 06/07/1966) in 2007 by order of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. As part of the festival " Golden Mask" this "theatrical marathon" was shown twice at the weekend (we watched on Sunday, 04/06/2014) staged by the St. Petersburg Theater "Post" (directors Dmitry Volkostrelov and Semyon Aleksandrovsky), and it lasted from 17.00 to 22.35 according to a prearranged schedule.
The closed space of the MMOMA mansion (Moscow Museum Of Modern Art, on Gogolevsky Boulevard, building 10) was successfully chosen for the show, consisting of five small not even halls, but empty rooms without exhibits, where actors and spectators simultaneously receive information from the screens of laptops and television monitors, from audio headphones, video projections on walls, etc. , etc.
The whole cycle is a complete epic narrative, built in the form of a series, as if from puzzles, composed of separate performances in completely different genres: from documentary reporting to science fiction, which, using all sorts of expressive means, including the use of computer technology, are placed outside the framework of a single scenes.
Plays are exhibited every 20 minutes synchronously in several halls located on two floors, showings begin at exactly the specified time, regardless of the movement of the audience. The specifics of the production require an almost interactive participation from the audience, since everyone is free to choose the order of acquaintance with the plays and make their own route (with any number of movements and stops). To do this, the layout of the halls and the schedule of numbered parts-puzzles-plays are given in a convenient, but atypical theater program. The author's sequence is highlighted in blue, it is in this order that they were written, and this order has its own logic. All plays last fifteen minutes, between them there are short breaks to move to the next hall (according to the schedule). By the way, there are not so many chairs for spectators in each hall, but in general, people were seated on the parquet, the atmosphere is very relaxed!
As the name of the cycle " Shoot/Get Treasure/Repeat " Mark Ravenhill used the aphoristic formula of a computer company, which, in the terms of reference, obliged its programmers to make games exactly according to this principle "Shoot / Get Treasure / Repeat ", avoiding too complex and incomprehensible to the consumer moments. In contrast to such a primitive "consumer society", the author united sixteen short plays with a common theme - democracy and human rights in the era of globalization and media consciousness against the backdrop of large-scale changes in society after 11.09..2001, affecting the perception of the surrounding world, taking into account the new tragic signs of the clash of civilizations.
The variety of styles of the cycle's plays delights: from a monologue listened to through audio headphones to dubbing (changing titles) to silent film frames, from a lively dialogue of characters in a hospital to an interrogation protocol, from a television talk show to a romantic dinner with a glass of white wine... There is even a reading of pre-printed text from cards randomly laid out on the table by two "interlocutors" (self-irony regarding standard replicas / comments that can be applied to any situation without particularly delving into and without thinking).
In my opinion, the author's arrangement of the pieces turned out to be preferable (I chose just such a sequence), since the tension from the newly received information in each fragment is on the rise. And without previously accumulated information about the details of ongoing events (from other parts), individual moments of a particular "show" can be perceived not only as provocative, but generally shocking (without a clearly expressed causal relationship between them with a "clip" presentation of the content of the cycle). For understanding, it is important not only to look at the same events from the point of view of different characters within the situation, but also to be able to see the consequences of their decisions.
1. "The Trojan Women", after the name of the tragedy of Euripides (415 BC), directed against the aggressive policy of Athens, - a "chorus" of women's remarks after the September 11 tragedy, an assessment of events on behalf of the heroines of future episodes of the cycle.
2. "Intolerance", referring to the silent film of the same name by David Griffith "Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughtout the Ages" (1916), reveals the play on words on which the plot of the play is built: "Intolerance" means both "intolerance" and "intolerance" ".
3. "Women in Love", a reference to D.H. Lawrence's controversial novel "Women in Love" (1920), as did Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928), which shocked contemporaries with its frank description of the freedom of gender relations. The playwright remembers it as a step towards the formation of the liberal consciousness of modern Western society.
4. "Fear and Poverty", after the title of B. Brecht's play "Fear and Poverty in the Third Empire" (1935-1939), in another translation - "Fear and Despair in the Third Empire". Brecht and Ravenhill describe on contemporary material for each of them how terror, fear and violence, invading different areas of human life, destroy interpersonal relationships.
5. "War and Peace", a modern analogy with the epic novel (1836-1869) by L.N. a towel on his head", and a person who values his rights (in a situation with violation of the rights of other people).
6. "Yesterday an Incident Occurred", from the name of the newspaper section of the crime chronicle (Yesterday an Incident Occurred), the media consciousness of modern man and the control of Big Brother, the substitution of concepts: the information flow, supposedly directed against terrorism, encourages fellow citizens to voluntarily give up part of their personal freedom.
7. "Crime and Punishment", as the hero of the novel (1866) by F. M. Dostoevsky, the character of Ravenhill, in the conditions of the need to endlessly make choices in a changing world, could not resist the temptation, selfishly deciding to achieve reciprocal feelings for "beloved himself", even if at the cost of violence.
8. "Love", in parallel with the title of Meat Loaf's ballad "For the sake of love I will do everything (but I will not do it)", the play reveals the motives of the actions of a soldier who is waiting for love, even if illusory, from a victim who is capable of much for the sake of illusion of saving one's own life.
9. The Mikado (1885), Arthur Sullivan's comic opera to a libretto by William Gilbert, was incredibly popular in English-speaking countries, it is an example of multiculturalism at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The libretto reflects the fashion for oriental arts, draws parallels between the British and Japanese island cultures, compares their propensities for conservatism, ritual, etiquette, given that both are eccentric and do not obey continental laws. The direct quotation reveals Ravenhill's nostalgia for those happy times before the tragedies of Pearl Harbor and Hiroshima.
10. "The War of the Worlds", as in the novel (1897) by G. Wells, where the war on Earth is provoked by the invasion of the Martians, and today "strangers" are to blame for everything, only aliens and aliens are carriers of other cultures (races, faiths, etc. .).
11. "Armageddon", a reference to the plot of the film (1988) by Michael Bay, the mass consciousness perceives neo-colonial politics as a battle between Good and Evil: "And every day we bring freedom and democracy to the world, bringing the kingdom of heaven closer."
12. "Mother", the heroine of the novel (1906) by M. Gorky loses her son. And the character of the play by M. Ravenhill, too, on the film frames they even look alike, these two unfortunate women separated by a century, but if Gorky had to suffer from political and ideological struggle, then in modern wars there are so many victims that no one even remembers personal heroism , in the current realities, human life is depreciated, and the death of a soldier turns out to be stupid and in vain.
13. "The Death of the Gods", if in the film epic (1969) L. Visconti reinterpreted the moral fall of the members of the family of the industrial aristocracy as the precariousness of the foundations (moral and cultural values) of patriarchal Europe, then M. Ravenhill continued this allegory further: upholding the primordial values of the West is inevitable will entail the trampling of other cultures, and then the struggle for freedom and democracy will be incompatible with the opportunity (which has already become a habit) to start a new morning with coffee and fresh pastries.
14. "Paradise Lost", by analogy with the poem "Paradise Lost" (1667) by John Milton, the heroine of the play, as if expelled from a comfortable capitalist paradise, faces the cruel reality of the differences in the mentality of East and West in a single British tenement house with poor soundproofing . How was it with Milton? "Our mind exists by itself, and from Paradise it creates Hell, from Hell - Paradise.