How to make worship dance flags
DIY Worship Flags for Children – Worship Dance Ministries
Flags add beauty and glory to the worship experience.Flags add beauty and glory to the worship experience.
They can be powerful tools for spiritual warfare.
Children will much more readily dance spontaneously if given a flag.
And flags are expensive!
Children dance with greater freedom and spontaneity when give a flags.As I was preparing to teach worship dance this next year at my church, I found myself longing for a full set of child-sized worship flags. I’d love to have 10-12 sets of flags, enough for a room full of children to have their own flag or set of flags with which to worship. I researched the best prices for child-sized flags (The lowest price I could find, buying in a large quantity, was $11/flag. Most were between $15 and $20).
So, I decided to see if I might be able to make some simple flags, even though I’m not a seamstress (I do have a sewing machine that I know how to use). I found several tutorials online that were extremely helpful. So, I wanted to share with you a synopsis of what I learned and one anointed tutorial on flag making that was looked doable for an unskilled sewer like me.
Materials: For a child. you want a flag to be about 17″x24″. A little smaller will work. So, for one set, you’ll can use 3/4 of a yard of fabric with a width of 42.” You’ll also need a 3/8” dowel, cut in half and sanded, giving you two dowels about 17″ long. While there are several ways to make the flag, here is a method that seemed both simple and beautiful to me:
As for fabric, crystal organza, silk polyester, or tissue lame work well. On average, those sell for $6-$7 per yard; however, with a coupon or during a sale, you can find them for 40% off normal prices at Joanne Fabric or WalMart.
What to do: (Taken from the video How to Make Warrior Worship Flags by Called to Flag.)
First, fold the fabric in half and cut along the fold. so that you have two pieces of fabric that are 21″x24″.
Next, fold the edges of the fabric in 1/2 ” and use a zig zag stitch around them to seal them off.
Next, you’ll create a sort of pocket along the side of the flag for the dowel to slide into. Fold one edge of the fabric (one of the 24″ edges) over 2 1/2 inches using a ruler. Pin it.
Then fold the fabric over itself again, removing the initial pins and pinning it again. Using a normal foot on your sewing machine and a straight stitch, stitch across, leaving a 1″ space for the dowel and making sure the fabric is neatly tucked throughout.
After that, sew over that stitch with a zig-zag stitch for strength. Finally, seal off one end of this pocket, by stitching it closed, so that the dowel does not slip out. Do this by stitching over one end of the pocket back and forth four times.
You can now simply slide the dowel in. It will be shorter than the flag, so that you have a flap of the flag that flows freely. You can easily replace the dowel, if needed by sliding it out.
You can watch the entire video here:
Click image to watch video on Youtube.I’m excited to try creating a flag and hopeful that I can make a set for my students at a price I can afford. I have not made these yet, but will post when I do.
Take time to join the discussion and share in the comments:
Have you made worship flags before? Please share your best tips on sewing and materials?
Or, if you have a favorite seamstress whom you buy from, share that in the comments, too. Sometimes we don’t have the time, resources, or confidence to do it DIY. It’s great to know who we can turn to.
Resources for using flags in worship:
If you would like ideas for choreographing dances with flags, I have several great resources by Pastor Lynn Hayden on using flags for worship and for warfare. Check them out:
Click image for detailsPerfume of Fire DVD: (It is full of 1 Hour and 58 minutes of flag ideas as well as an entire processional/ministry dance. )
Praise Worship and Flags DVD: (If you’ve always wanted choreography ideas, dance patterns to put with any music or dances to follow and learn, this is for you.)
Click image for more informationProcessionals, Props and Pageantry Book: (An extremely comprehensive guide about the subjects. Each section with information on Scriptural Significance and Practical Instructions for using flags and props.)
How to Make a Worship Flag That Spins Freely on Its Pole! – staging
Go fabric shopping with Jesus!A worship flag that can rotate on its pole allows for a free expressiveness in worship.
Lightweight fabrics are best for worship flags, as they are are wonderfully expressive in the air.
Heavier fabrics can wear out even a strong arm, as many a worship flagger has discovered.
When my late husband fell in love with worship flagging while at an out-of-town conference, it fell to me to make flags for him. I wanted to make him quality, inexpensive flags that would spin on their poles. But I didn’t know how.
So I prayed and wandered at length through several kind of stores, looking for something I could use to build such a flag. I found the key when I laid eyes on my first box of grommets. From there, I designed his first flag. He loved it. He started a worship flag ministry in our church, and over the years I made many more.
You are free to use this pattern to make flags for yourself, flags for others, and flags to sell.
Please read all these instructions before beginning your project. If you haven’t done much sewing and crafting and have questions, it might help to consult a friend who has more experience.
Suggested sizes for children’s flags
Supply list
Equipment list
Size & measurements
Make a pattern
Prepare the fabric
Prepare the dowels
Assemble the small dowel
Assemble the flag on the large dowel
Troubleshoot the spin
Suggested sizes for children’s flags:
The measurements in these instructions are for a personal adult-size flag.
But you can make these flags any size and style you want.
For ages 2 through 4 years old (or thereabouts): 24″x 16″ with a 24″ pole (fabric size 27″ x 18″)
For ages 5 through 8 years old: 28″ x 22″ with a 30″ pole (fabric size 31″ x 24”)
List of supplies for each flag:
• 1 yard lightweight fabric
This pattern does not require quite one yard, but the extra assures enough fabric so the cut edges can be straightened.
Lightweight fabrics are best for worship flags, as they are are wonderfully expressive in the air. But beware of wispy fabrics like chiffons. These are very difficult to work with and are best saved for those with expertise in sewing.
• Thread that matches the fabric
• One 7/16″ x 36″ dowel –– this is the backbone and handle of the flag.
Choose this larger dowel carefully. It needs to be straight. You can check for this by rolling it on the floor; it needs to roll smoothly.
If it’s clunky when it rolls, it is warped, and a flag will not spin on it.
This dowel also needs to be able to be sanded perfectly smooth. For this, the grain of the wood needs to run straight down the length of the dowel. Check for cross-grain by rubbing your hand up and down the pole, feeling for rough areas. If the grain of the wood runs across the dowel at any place, the roughness will catch the fabric and keep it from spinning. We have had little success in trying to sand out cross-grain on a dowel, and the flag never spins properly.
It seems to me that it’s harder than it used to be to find a quality dowel. I recommend that you pray for God to provide the ones you need, so you can find a suitable dowel when you shop.
• One 1/8″ x 36″ dowel –– this dowel keeps the height of the flag stretched out so the fabric doesn’t bunch down on the pole.
It is not important for this thinner dowel to be straight, but avoid any extreme warp.
• Two 1/2″ brass grommets –– these are what hold the flag in place on the pole.
You can find these at hardware stores. Use the tall half only, not the flat half.
• Six inches or so of a medium-width or medium-thin-width decorative fabric trim –– this holds the grommets in place.
Avoid wide trims; a wide trim will take up too much of the pole length, not leaving enough handle. Choose a color that will complement either the grommet or the flag color. Some trims are less prone to unraveling, and therefore easier to work with. But if it’s the unraveling type and you love it, it may be worth the extra bother.
• A couple inches of electrical tape. This is to cushion the ends of the small dowel, so the rough wood end doesn’t poke a hole in the fabric.
Equipment list:
- (Optional, but recommended): large piece of paper to make a 45″x31″ pattern
- Measuring tape
- Fabric scissors
- Ironing board and iron
- Pins
- Sewing machine
- Needle for hand sewing
- Sandpaper
- All-purpose scissors or knife
- Hot glue gun or tacky craft glue
- (Optional): stain & varnish for the large pole
Size of cut fabric:
42-45″ wide; 31″ long
Size of finished flag:
Approximately 40-43″ wide; 29″ long
Make a pattern
(Optional): Make a paper pattern 45″x31″.
If you are going to make more than one flag, it saves time and work to use a pattern. Use butcher paper or any other large paper, or even tape smaller paper together. Make sure it’s cut on the square.
Use the pattern to cut the fabric.
Prepare the fabric
If you are not using a pattern, start by making sure one end of fabric is cut square.
Fabric is rarely cut straight enough at the fabric store. Determining what is straight can be quite a challenge with some of the fabrics. Chiffons, for example, are impossible. Just do your best; it won’t be a big deal when your wispy chiffons flags are flying.
Measure and cut fabric 31″ long.
If your fabric is 42″ or 45″ in width, it works to use the entire width.
Otherwise, cut the fabric width to 42″ or 45″ wide after cutting the length.
Sew the Flag
Use a straight stitch to hem the three non-pole edges to finish the edges of the fabric: Along both 42″ (or 45″) sides, fold, iron, and pin a double-folded 1/2″ hem. Turn the edge twice so that no raw edge is showing.
Do the same for the non-pole end of flag.
An unhemmed selvage will not hold over time with flag use, so be sure to hem this edge even if the selvage has a clean edge.
Sew close to the edge of the hem, as shown above.
Hand stitch the two corners, as shown in the picture below.
This will prevent the corners from breaking open under the stress of flagging. A few stitches now will prevent having to rebuild the corners later.
Pole end of flag
To prepare the pole end of the fabric, you need to make a channel for each dowel.
Fold over 5/8″ of fabric on the selvage edge and iron.
Then fold over 1 1/2″ of fabric, iron, and pin. Be sure to accurately measure the 1 1/2″ fold. If it is too small, the flag will have difficulty spinning. And if it’s too large it might slip over the grommet.
Sew with a straight stitch close to the edge of the hem.
Sew the second row of stitching 1/4″ from first stitching. This will make a channel for the thin dowel.
Prepare the dowels
Sand both dowels.
The larger dowel needs to be perfectly smooth for the flag to spin. If this dowel is of poor quality and cannot be sanded smooth, the flag fabric will catch on the rough wood and not spin well.
Be careful when sanding the thinner dowel, as it’s easy to break.
Optionally, stain and varnish, or just varnish, the larger dowel.
Assemble the small dowel
Carefully slide the full-length small dowel into the 1/4″ channel.
With a knife or a sturdy pair of all-purpose scissors, cut the dowel to fit the channel, so that it almost fills the length, but does not protrude.
Your aim is to cut the dowel so that it fits comfortably, with a tiny bit of wiggle room, end-to-end in the pocket. The purpose of the dowel is to keep the flag from collapsing on the pole.
But be careful to not to cut dowel too long, or it will poke a hole through it’s pocket.
Slide the fabric back from each end of the cut dowel, and wrap a short piece of electrical tape around each end of the dowel––about two wraps per end––and extending a couple millimeters beyond the ends of the dowel.
This adds a bit of cushion, so the hard ends of the dowel don’t poke a hole through the fabric. It also prevents frequent re-sewing of the dowel pocket ends.
Hand stitch the 1/4″ channel closed at both ends so the dowel cannot slide out. Use large enough stitches so they can be removed easily if the small dowel breaks and needs to be replaced.
Assemble The flag on the large dowel
At the very end end of the larger dowel, glue a short length of trim around the dowel.
The purpose of the trim is to be an attractive obstruction so the grommet cannot slide past it. Depending on appearance, the thickness of the trim, and your personal preference, you may glue one layer of trim to the pole or continue winding so that you have two or more layers.
Slide a grommet on, so its flanged side is against the trim. The tube side will be hidden by the flag fabric when it is finished.
Slide the larger dowel through large channel in the flag. Fit the flag channel over the tube side of the first grommet.
The upper grommet and trimSlide on the second grommet, mirror image to first, fitting the tube into the channel in the flag.
Placement of the second grommet: If the grommets hold the flag too snugly, it will not spin. However, very little slack is needed to allow the flag to spin. You want it tight enough to keep both grommet tube ends tucked into the dowel pocket.
Practice flying the flag by holding the grommet in place with your thumb, making sure the flag turns freely on the pole. Fine tune the grommet placement as needed for optimal spin. Troubleshoot the spin before gluing the second trim. (See next section.)
After you have ensured a good spin, leave about 1/8″ of slack between the second grommet and the trim, and glue a piece of trim around the dowel to hold this second grommet in place––as you did with the top piece.
Your flag is ready to fly!
May your worship of Father God, King Jesus, and the Holy Spirit give both you and Them much pleasure!
Troubleshoot your flag
If your flag doesn’t spin well, there may be one or more reasons:
Problem: The larger dowel is warped.
The fix: Replace the dowel with one that rolls smoothly on the floor.
Problem: The larger dowel is rough, catching on the fabric.
The fix: Sometimes you can sand and varnish this out, but other times it requires replacing the dowel with one you can sand perfectly smooth.
Problem: The large dowel pocket is smaller than recommended. Either the fold-over was smaller than 1 1/2 inches, the first line of stitching was too far from the edge, or the small dowel pocket was too wide.)
The fix: Remove the stitching and re-sew OR use a smaller (5/16″) dowel, with a correspondingly smaller grommet size.
But note that the smaller size dowel breaks more easily.
Problem: The second grommet is placed too close and holds the flag too tightly.
The fix: Remove the lower trim and any glue residue. Hold the grommet in place with your hand as you try to spin the flag to determine proper grommet placement. When it is spinning easily, re-glue the trim to hold the grommet in place.
JEHOVAH NISSI. Why is a banner ministry necessary?
Telegram channel
Many of us have been to services (or seen them on the Internet) where people dance or simply wave bright, beautiful flags to the beat of music - actively or smoothly. It looks beautiful and attracts attention. But it leaves many of us perplexed - why are there flags and banners at the church / community meeting? What do they want to say? Is this the way to glorify God? nine0007
We at KEMO were lucky to host a person who stands at the origins of the banner (flag) ministry of the new time and knows almost everything about it.
Karen Simmons is the founder of Inner Court Ministries (Florida, USA). For more than 30 years, she has been studying the role of flags in knowing God, and also teaches others to glorify God with banners, become more sensitive to God and develop in their calling. Before leading a workshop for worshipers in our community, Karen clarified why flags are needed and what Scripture says about it. nine0018
— Karen, why did you choose to develop the banner ministry? And so long in this service to God?
— I can't say that I chose flags for myself as a ministry :) It was God who chose me for this ministry. When I was a child, my brothers and I were very fond of playing war games. And I always had my father's handkerchief tied in the form of a flag on a piece of wood.
And when I met Jehovah Nissi — God, who is our Banner — it was not difficult for me to begin to express Him through flags. I have been in this ministry for 30 years and this expression of my God through banners and flags has many forms. nine0007
I am not teaching only about the flags, but about the whole spectrum of manifestations of His character and how it can be expressed through the flags.
— Far from all churches use the flag service. Some do not understand why this is necessary at all, they reject it. Why do you think?
- Churches may reject the flag service because it might distract someone during the service, or the flag might accidentally hit someone, or something similar. But in my opinion, in most cases this happens because people do not delve into the issue of glorification with flags and banners, do not look for reasons why God needs this service. nine0007
It is easy for us to accept the Lord as our Shepherd. It is easy to accept Him as our Healer. But when we decide to accept the Lord as Jehovah Nissi, as our Banner, then such a thirst for God appears inside us, something excites us, sometimes this feeling is uncontrollable! And it scares people!
For example, in the Song of Songs we find a place where Jehovah Nissi himself describes his bride in a very menacing manner—as an army with banners. And it is not always clear to us how to present ourselves in this image, how to apply it to ourselves. In most cases the banner represents the power of God and people are afraid of it. nine0007
- What congregations, denominations, churches of which countries have already accepted and use this ministry? Which believer finds it easier to accept it and develop in it?
- In my country, the leading churches can use everything related to flags, mainly in some processions, marches as something very special, only on some special holidays. In most cases, the banner, flag service is used in worship by non-denominational churches or congregations. nine0007
But I believe that God is now restoring the Tabernacle of David and the Holy Spirit will excite believers all over the face of the earth to use this ministry more and more as a very multifaceted opportunity to show love, joy, gratitude to our Lord.
Because God is our King. And since He is the King, He is worthy of the brightest, most beautiful, loudest praise! The Lord takes pleasure in such a bright, beautiful form of worship. He created us to worship Him, to praise Him. Therefore, praise and worship is an expression of how grateful we are to Him for what He has done for us. nine0007
I have been to 17 countries around the world and seen different types of worship. But everywhere there was one common element - joy and praise before God.
— Is everyone called to be such deep admirers? After all, there are people who do not understand this, are embarrassed. In some churches, too loud, active, unusual (and many consider flag worship unusual) worship is not welcome ...
— I believe that there are people who have a special deep desire to express gratitude to God through the flag, dance ministry, ministry of mimes and other presentation ministries. Of course, not all people have this very deep desire. And I believe that those worshipers who have no desire to use flags, banners, dances or anything else that represents an expression of their love for the Lord, they should not humiliate or belittle those who want to do this. As it is written in Ephesians 2, we must act as a single whole, a single organism, we must respect each other and respect the gifts that are invested in us. nine0007
— If a person wants to delve deeper into the topic of flag worship, what key scriptures should he study first? From Torah and Brit Hadash?
- Of course, this is Exodus 17, when Moses raised the rod. It talks about the character of God, and if you relate this to the flags, then this is one way to visually understand the character of God.
Psalm 60:4-5 says we can be set free and raise the banner of victory with God for others to see. The same can be said about the passage of Scripture, which describes when Yeshua was on the cross and the Father said, "Now I lift up my Son, and all will come to Him." The flag does the same thing - it unites us and gives us movement towards God. nine0007
I believe that flag service can bring together different generations and different cultures. For example, a person may not hear what is being sung or said, but may see and understand such praise.
— How does participation in active glorification of God help a person draw closer to God? For example, if a person first came to serve in a community or church?
- If we look at what the flag in the service of God means in general, at the very definition of the flag, we will understand that it has several purposes:
1) it prompts you to react, prompts you to inquire - what is going on here?
If I, a new person, come to a community/church and see people with flags, then I will definitely immediately be interested in what is happening here. This concerns the soul: we see and respond, act in response. A person "from the street" flag service can touch deep in the heart! I know many cases when the guests of the services saw the flags (they served flags in front of them) and received healing.
2) for those who have long been in the dance or flag ministry, this is an expression of what they receive from the Holy Spirit, what they feel in their hearts. For them, it is like a double-edged sword: they take something from the Lord and give back, responding to the Lord. nine0007
— Please share how believers can approach God, open up more and get to know Him? Your practical short "recipes".
— This is exactly what I'm teaching :) I really love to devote time to the Lord, because He truly deserves our undivided attention.
I love keeping a prayer journal. I can pour out my heart in these revelations on paper, which helps me to go back, turn the page and see how God answered my prayers. nine0007
As we cultivate intimacy with the Lord more and more, our faith is built up, restored, and we can love the Lord and we can always say “yes!” to Him. It's important to always say yes, even if you don't understand. But when you have built a close relationship with the Lord, it is always easy to say “yes” to him.
— Karen, how do you feel about worship in the Jewish style? How close is it to you?
— I think this is a great form of worship! I recently had the opportunity to speak about God's circles. The Bible describes seven different types of worship that circle dances use. And it reminds me that God is Alpha and Omega, He has no beginning and no end, because the circle closes. And in these round dances, in these circular dances, so many feelings can be expressed! This is a testament to who He is. nine0007
- Some people claim that the Jewish style of worship is the most important. Because it is the Jewish people who are originally the representative of God, the bearer of His Word and power. And as the ancient Jews danced, in fact, so we all need to worship. What do you say about it?
— We are all completely different and we have a different view of worship, but as the Bible says, we must be as one. When we all come together in front of God's face, no matter how we worship, each of us presents some kind of fragrance to the Lord - we offer a separate fragrance to Him, but together we become a fragrance to the Lord. nine0007
For example, a Chinese man prays and worships in Chinese and I will not understand anything of what he is praying for. But when we - believers from different nations, peoples, countries, confessions - gather together to glorify our one Father, we show God one worship from different forms.
— What advice can you give to people who are embarrassed to praise God actively — in dance, song, flags, etc.?
— For me, the only answer is that it all has its roots in how we present and see ourselves before our Father. If we do not accept ourselves as His children, whom He loves with unconditional love, then we will always worry about who and what will think of us. Therefore, as I said initially, it is very important to cultivate, to cultivate your intimate relationship with God. Because when our heart is at peace and we know that the Lord accepts us and loves us unconditionally, then nothing from the thoughts of others can disturb us. The Song of Songs mentions the eyes of a dove - when we do not take our eyes off the Father - this is the red line of everything in this matter. I always say: you know the One who created you, and then you will be at peace. And just enjoy Him, enjoy Him. That's it :)
Karen Simmons leads the banner ministry at Daytona City Church. It reveals the principles of leadership and helps people establish themselves in God's calling. The upbringing of “standard-bearers”, glorifiers of the flag ministry, who will prepare the way for the Lord — this is her calling and anointing. Karen serves and teaches in the US and Eastern Europe. Her ministry has impacted 28 countries, and as a result, through the breath of God, many iconic ministries have been born. nine0018
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Tang Dynasty
During the Tang Dynasty, during the reign of Empress Wu Zetian, a simple peasant named Chen Shi (Zhou Qi) comes to Luoyang in search of his elder brother. Chen Shi gets a job at the Chamber of Criminal Affairs (Dali Temple) and eventually becomes an assistant to Li Bing (Ding Yuxi) - the head of the Chamber, Deputy Minister of Justice and part-time cat demon. Chen Shi and the other members of the Criminal Chamber follow their commander and embark on a journey full of thrilling cases, adventures, and dark political struggles. © Natalia Nick for According to the manhua Da Li Si Ri Zhi (大理寺日志)
adventure comedy
no episodes
flying dagger
Flying Dagger
Adventures comedy martial arts fantasy historical parody nine0007
Two pairs of bounty hunters, the Big and Little Daggers and the Big and Little Witches, first collide when the Daggers are tasked with capturing and delivering the Nine-Tailed Fox and his mate Flying Cat. Both couples decide to unite and share the money to complete the task, but it soon turns out that the customer needs these two for no good purposes at all, and in general he is not going to pay them.
adventure comedy
Chronicle of Heavenly Dance
Dance of the Sky Empire
Adventures comedy drama fantasy romance historical
Tang Dynasty
The story takes place in the prosperous Tang Dynasty in an era when humans and demons coexisted. Disappearing Cloud Academy is the best in Great Tang. But, it is said that her disciple will be the one to bring back the Demon Prince. To everyone's surprise, a scoundrel named Li Xuan, a descendant of a human and a demon, is accidentally admitted to the academy. His arrival breaks the fragile peace. Li Xuan, the secret agent of the Demon Clan Su Yulian, and the human girl Long Wei'er develop a complex relationship. Ultimately, Li Xuan becomes a hero to the people and is faced with a choice: which world does he belong to? © FSG Be Mine Broadcast from 07/08/2020
adventure comedy
Fox and scientist
Red Fox Scholar
Adventures friendship comedy fantasy historical
To become truly immortal, the fox Bai Shisan (Li Xian) must kill the scholar Wang Zijin (Chen Li Nong). The scientist is going to take the exam in Beijing, and on the way they meet. Together they go on many adventures. Will Bai Shisan finally be able to do what he came for? Premiere 04.12.2020
adventure friendship
ninja and cat
Neko Ninja
Adventures comedy historical
New adventures of the ninja Kagerota and his cat. Premiere 20.05.2017
adventure comedy
no episodes
Ninja and the Cat (TV)
Adventures comedy historical
Kagerota is the son of the legendary "red-nosed ninja" who left the boy when he was ten. The young ninja went to Edo on his first mission: a guy must steal a goldfish from Daimyo Yashiki's house. Sneaking out of Yashiki's house with the fish, Kagarota notices that a fat cat with a red nose has followed him - just like his father. © Kinopoisk Broadcast 01/10/2017 - 03/21/2017
adventure comedy
no episodes
one night bride 2
The Romance of Hua Rong 2
Adventures romance comedy historical
Hua Rong and Qin Shangcheng were about to officially marry when they returned to their island. However, just then, an imperial decree comes out to marry Hua Rong to Duanmu Bai, the hostage prince of a neighboring kingdom, in order to facilitate relations between the two countries. Qin Changsheng and Hua Rong decide to go to the neighboring kingdom to save the situation...
adventure romance
The Pirates
Adventures comedy historical
End of the Goryeo era, beginning of the Joseon era. It is necessary to bring a royal jasper seal from the Ming Empire, which would confirm the legitimacy of the Joseon state. But during transportation, the royal seal fell into the water and was swallowed by a ghost whale. To avoid punishment, the officials transporting the seal said that pirates had taken it away. Now the pirates, in order to save their lives, by any means need to find the ghost whale and return the royal seal. The protagonist Jang Sa Jung (Kim Nam Gil) was once exiled, and in order to restore his position, he decides to catch a ghost whale. The protagonist Yeo Wol (Song Ye Jin), the chieftain of the sea pirates, also rushes off to find the royal seal to protect...
adventure comedy
court lady
Court Lady
Adventures romance comedy drama historical
Tang Dynasty nine0007
Born into a privileged family of one of the founders of the Tang Empire, Cheng Chu Mo (Xu Kai) never aspired to do anything more than enjoy the carelessness of his own life. He was a playful and wayward man, but his life changes drastically when he falls in love at first sight with Fu Rou (Li Yi Tong), a diligent daughter from a merchant family. In order to win Fu Rou's heart, Chu Mo begins to study hard. As he grows in knowledge and courage, he decides to follow in his father's footsteps to serve the country and plans a military campaign against the pirates plaguing the coast of China. While Chu Mo's path to greatness takes him down one path, Fu Rou takes him down another. Leaving…
adventure romance
Princess "Sugar"
Sugar Princess
Adventures comedy fantasy romance story historical nine0007
This fairy tale film tells us about a naughty princess who dreams of finding true love. To see the world beyond the walls of the palace and find her prince, she runs away from home and finds what she has been looking for for so long. Based on the manga of the same name by Takemoto Izumi.
adventure comedy
Journey to the Tang Empire
Tang Dynasty Tour
Adventures romance fiction comedy historical
time travel
A story filled with humor and drama about an archaeologist who survives a sandstorm and finds himself in the distant past during the Tang Dynasty. He was forced to use not only the name of his ancestor Yun Ye, but also some of his modern knowledge and skills to save the people and the princess, who is like two peas in a pod like his girlfriend. nine0007 37
adventure romance
Samurai Assistant Aisaka-kun!
Bushi-Stant Aisakakun
Adventures fiction comedy historical
time travel nine0007
The story of a famous pornographic artist, Aisaka Sojiro, who travels back in time from the Edo samurai era to the current Reiwa era and becomes a mangaka's assistant. © Shanderia Based on the manga of the same name. Broadcast from 07/26/2021
10adventure fantasy
Incident in a tavern
The Accidental Gangster and the Mistaken Courtesan
Adventures comedy melodrama historical
In 1724, a completely accidental event took place in Korea, which, however, changed the whole life of a slob and a street fighter nicknamed Thunder. He fell in love! And, as luck would have it, in the girl of the formidable bandit Korshun. But our hero guy is not a miss. And fate gives him a chance. One fine day, he becomes the proud owner of 11 salt warehouses, 5 jewelry stores, 21 grain warehouses and 2 gold warehouses. But most importantly - now he is the boss of the gang. The battle for love begins... Premiere 03.12.2008
adventure comedy
beauty maker
Cosmetology High
Adventures romance comedy historical
He Lan Jun has a high position as an imperial doctor, a house and a fortune, but one day he loses everything due to his inability to heal the skin of the Empress. In the city, he meets an old friend Su Lian Yi and together with her decides to open a clinic in order to regain the proud name of a doctor. nine0007 thirty
adventure romance
Terracotta Warrior
A Terra-Cotta Warrior
Adventures comedy melodrama historical fantasy
During the Qin Dynasty, a warrior of the Imperial Guard committed a terrible crime: he seduced a courtier. The court is not interested in such details as love. Therefore, as a punishment, the soldier took a place in the terracotta army of the emperor.
oneadventure comedy
Hong Gil Dong - Legend of the Honest Thief
Sharp Blade Hong Gil Dong
Adventures comedy martial arts drama romance action movie historical
Hong Gil Dong is the illegitimate son of a high-ranking official. His mother was a slave, his father does not recognize him. From birth, he was told that he could not achieve anything in life. And only a lonely monk saw something in him and taught martial arts. But Gil Dong led an idle life, often visiting the kisen's house and terrifying all the inhabitants of the town with his destructive power. And he had one goal: to secretly leave for China. Until an unfamiliar man died in his arms, leaving him the staff of the head of the thieves guild and a bunch of problems. Ho Yi Nok has just returned to Joseon from China with her grandfather. She is a fighting girl and tries her best to make money, but on the way to wealth, there are always ...
adventure comedy
tomb keepers
Guardians of the Tomb
Adventures wuxia comedy fantasy historical
Lu Wu Zhi helped Li Si Xiu build the burial mound of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor who unified China. The students continued building and guarding the royal tomb. So there were 9great tombs known as the Burial of the Great Emperor. For thousands of years the tomb has not been robbed. Outsiders considered the guards of the tombs a sect. After the death of Lu Wu Zhi, the place of the Tomb Emperor was taken by his senior disciple, Mu Rong Xiu.
wuxia adventure
I fell in love with you
I've Fallen For You
Adventures detective romance comedy historical nine0007
During the annual Peach Blossom Festival in Paradise, immortal men and women, upon reaching the age of eighteen, seal their destinies by marriage.