How to make parrots dance
How to Train Your Bird to Dance
Dancing is one of the funniest and easiest tricks to teach your bird. This behavior comes naturally to many of our feathered friends, with highly intelligent birds such as cockatiels and parrots among the easiest to train.
Not only will teaching your bird to dance be entertaining, but it will also offer your pet some extra exercise and mental stimulation, both of which can improve its overall health.
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Choose an Appropriate Training Space
Juana Mari Moya / Getty Images
Before you begin to teach your bird any sort of trick, it's important to take the time to choose the best area of your home to use as a training space.
Birds can respond differently to training depending on their level of comfort with their surroundings, so it pays to select an area that your bird will view as non-threatening and safe.
Quiet, non-cluttered rooms generally make the best choices, preferably away from the majority of household foot traffic. Eliminating as many distractions as possible will help keep your bird on track during your training sessions.
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Select Upbeat Music
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By nature, birds are geared to respond to sound, so it's no wonder that so many seem to enjoy hearing various types of music. When teaching your bird how to dance, try to choose a fun, upbeat tune to train your bird with. Rhythmic songs with medium to fast tempos tend to encourage most parrots to get moving quickly.
Don't be discouraged if your bird doesn't seem to appreciate your musical choices, just keep trying different types of music until you find something that your bird seems to respond to.
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Set an Example for Your Bird
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It sounds like a silly idea, but sometimes birds learn best when they are given an example. If your bird doesn't seem to be getting the hang of dancing on his or her own, it may be necessary for you to step in and give your pet a demonstration. Turn the music up and dance around to show your bird how fun it can be. Many times this will excite parrots to the point that they will start dancing along with you before they even realize what they're doing.
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Use Visual Props
Sean Murphy / Getty Images
If your bird still doesn't dance despite your best demonstrations and other efforts, then you may consider showing your pet some videos of other birds "cutting a rug." Make a playlist of your favorite dancing bird videos to share with your pet. Birds generally love watching other birds, and usually, they will emulate what they see.
This can be one of the quickest ways of encouraging your bird to dance or perform an array of other tricks and behaviors.
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Reward Progress
Elena Kovalevich / Getty Images
As with all training exercises, it's important to reward your pet for any progress it makes toward learning the behavior that you're trying to teach. Even if your bird isn't a full-blown dancing machine after the first few training sessions, rewarding progress in increments is key to helping your pet understand the behavior that you want them to learn.
Keep some tasty bird treats on hand while training to make sure that your bird stays engaged and interested in what you are doing. Using treats to keep training sessions fun will help your bird learn more quickly and easily over time.
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Problems and Proofing Behavior
Bill Killillay / Getty Images
Since dancing is a behavior that comes naturally to most pet birds, it's a little different than teaching a behavior like singing or talking.
If you're having difficulty getting your bird to dance on cue, keep trying different kinds of music. Try leaving the music on when you're not around (at a reasonable volume, of course) so the bird doesn't feel any performance anxiety. Most birds will figure out how to get their groove on with some patient encouragement from you.
Do Parrots Really Dance To Music? — All About Parrots
Parrots love music, so you’ve no doubt seen videos of parrots dancing to the beat of catchy songs.
Rather than acting on training or primal instinct, parrots have complex cognitive abilities that mean that they can dance for fun.
The same part of their brain that allows parrots to mimic human speech and sounds enables them to understand music as they can detect rhythm and move to a beat.
Parrots usually prefer classical, pop, rock, and folk music. Dubstep and other electronic music aren’t usually to their liking.
Parrots have an innate ability to react to music, so let them pick their favorite tunes.
Do Parrots Understand Music?
According to Current Biology, parrots not only enjoy a good beat, but they can process hearing music. Professor Aniruddh Patel discovered that parrots could spontaneously move to the music.
Dogs, cats, monkeys, chickens, and many other animals can be taught to dance. However, this isn’t something they can do on their own. Trainers have to teach them certain behaviors with a reward system in place. Parrots, on the other hand, can dance unprompted or by watching humans dance.
Along with other findings, this showed that parrots could tell this music apart from other sounds. More importantly, they felt and reacted specifically to it.
Researchers explored many different tests to prove the theory that parrots understand music. The leading explanation is tied to parrots’ ability to mimic sounds.
Why Do Parrots Dance to Music?
In the above study, Dr. Patel postulates that there is a link between:
- An animal’s ability to dance.
- The way their brain works in regards to vocal communication.
Parrots communicate by mimicking sounds they find pleasant. According to PLOS ONE, that even allows parrots to use sounds to call out to each other.
A region of their genome sequence, which regulates brain development. This region is highly similar to our own. It’s what allowed us to evolve with higher cognitive abilities, such as:
- Language
- Mimicking
- Spatial awareness
Parrots have bigger brains than other birds. They evolved the region in their genome sequence. That gave them the ability to communicate through sounds. This evolved genome sequence created a link between the:
- Area of the brain in charge of auditory sensations
- One in charge of the movement
Why Do Parrots Bob Their Heads To Music?
That link allows parrots to hear music and bob their heads to the beat in perfect synchronization. It’s a natural response that parrots have. Other birds lack it because they either:
- Lack an ability to mimic
- Their ability isn’t well developed
A team at Harvard University further supported this theory. They analyzed over 3,000 videos of different animals (elephants, dolphins, and songbirds) dancing to music. What did all of these animals have in common?
- They were all vocal learners, mostly communicating through sounds
- They all had the ability to mimic movement
Why Do Parrots Love Music?
Having complex cognitive abilities means that the brain can experience the world beyond the limitations of primitive instincts. Humans, who have intricate neurological pathways, can do things for more than just survival. We do things because we enjoy them.
It’s theorized that most animals can’t dance because there wasn’t any evolutionary pressure for their brains to develop the same neurological pathways that allow us to dance. It would take too much unnecessary energy to evolve a more sophisticated brain. As such, most animals’ brains don’t have the capacity for creativity.
This then begs the question: Do parrots love music because they have developed creative brains? In the research done by Dr. Patel, he posited three theories in favor of parrot creativity:
Better Understanding of Bodies
Is parrot dancing a consequence of imitating human dance moves? Then it means that parrots possess the ability to:
- See a being with a different body structure than their own
- Map out the motor pattern
- Replicate it in their own body
This is an incredible feat. It shows that parrots have enough cognitive ability to associate human body parts with their own. The ability to recognize and relate foreign objects to your own body is seen as a byproduct of creativity.
Another theory was based on the fact that parrots don’t dance for an immediate physical necessity. As such, they must possess creativity that resembles that of a human.
Most animals who exhibit creative behavior do so to get something, like food or a mate. Parrots dance to music unprompted and without expecting something in return. This led Dr. Patel and his team to believe parrots dance due to being creative creatures.
In this same study, a Sulphur-crested Eleanora cockatoo was analyzed. The bird would only move its head up and down when its owners first learned it could dance.
After a while, the parrot (named Snowball) developed 14 dance moves and 2 combinations. There was a period of time when Snowball would experiment with different sets of moves. It would focus less on being synchronized and more on what it could do with its body.
Once it got over its experimental phase, Snowball was able to keep rhythm. This form of self-expression and experimentation could only be possible in creative animals.
Is Dancing in a Parrot’s Nature?
Most pet parrots learn to dance by watching their owners. However, is it possible for a parrot that’s never seen someone dance to bob their heads to the sound of music? As it turns out, parrots are natural-born dancers.
Adena Schachner and her team at Harvard University studied an African grey parrot named Alex. When presented with music, the parrot began bobbing his head to the beat. It had never learned this behavior from anyone else.
During the study, the team also found that the two parrots in the experiment (Alex and Snowball) did not automatically respond to music. Instead, they danced only when they wanted to. This indicated that parrots danced to music for the sake of entertainment.
Best Music to Play for Parrots
Playing just any song won’t be enough to get a parrot to dance. A study done by Dr. Franck Péron with three parrots indicated that parrots enjoy:
- Pop music
- Rock music
- Folk music
- Classical music
The classical music seemed to relax the birds and encouraged them to clean themselves. Meanwhile, pop, folk, and rock music made them dance and sing along. They did this both by squawking and saying human words.
What Music Do Parrots Hate?
In this same study, researchers learned parrots have negative opinions about music, too. The one genre of music they hated the most was high-tempo electronic dance music. This made them squawk in distress.
Do Parrots Like Certain Songs?
The parrots showed the same favorable response to the same genres of music. However, they also displayed different preferences when it came to the songs played.
When in the same room, hearing the same song, one or two of the parrots would not dance or sing as enthusiastically as the others. This indicated that parrots have individual tastes in music.
How to Teach a Parrot to Dance
Parrots naturally love music and have a lot of fun dancing to it. Dancing is a great form of exercise and is an effective stress-reliever.
While parrots may dance on their own, they can always benefit from lessons. Taking the time to teach your parrot how to dance will yield great results for its overall happiness.
Different Music
Parrots have their own taste in music. As such, the first song you play might not be the one to make your parrot dance. Keep experimenting until your parrot finds one it likes.
Dance Together
Parrots are very social, and they like to share experiences with humans. Studies have found that parrots dance for longer when humans or other parrots join in.
Simple Moves
Overcomplicated moves might confuse your parrot, just like they would a human who’s new to dancing. The parrot can eventually figure out more complex moves on its own later on.
Parrots respond well to vocal encouragement when dancing.
Short Lessons
Parrots dance in short intervals and only when they want to. Keep the lessons short, so you don’t tire out your pet or make it hate the lessons.
Do you have a single parrot or a group of parrots that can’t seem to imitate your moves? Then show them videos of other parrots dancing. This might allow them to understand what they are supposed to do.
Reward System
Offer your parrot food as a reward when they succeed. What better way is there to get a pet to do what you want?
Select an area of the house where the parrot is most relaxed. Remember that dancing is meant to be fun for parrots. Make sure the lessons take place in a stress-free zone.
Start Gradually
Some parrots don’t take to music right away. At first, you should sing a song or two to your parrot, stretched out over a few days. Then, play the songs around the house. Play them close enough that the parrot can hear but far enough away that the music won’t distress the parrot.
Right Music
Parrots prefer songs with soft vocals in them. Even if you play soothing or upbeat songs (the kinds parrots usually prefer), you might have more luck if the song has vocals.
Why Won’t My Parrot Dance?
If your parrot doesn’t dance despite your best efforts, then don’t worry. You can check a few elements to make sure everything’s okay:
Not Energized
If the parrot isn’t getting proper nutrition, it might not have the energy to dance.
Physical Limitations
If your parrot is injured or pregnant, it might not be able to move the way it would like to.
Not All Birds Are The Same
Not all parrots like the same music or even want to dance to it. Some parrots have no interest in dancing at all.
Distressing Music
Watch for any signs of distress. That’s true even if you are playing classical music and the parrot isn’t screaming at the top of its lungs, begging you to turn the music off. It might still feel too uncomfortable to dance.
Parrots can dance to music. As science has proven, they’re happy to do so. Just be sure to learn what music they like and let them have a good time. By doing so, you can both enjoy a dance party together.
How to make your parrot talk and more? Teaching Commands
Parenting Life Hacks and Tips Parrots Birds
If you ask any person what parrots are known for among other birds, then in response you will hear: "They can talk. " And this is true, or more precisely, these birds can imitate a person, pronouncing words and even sentences! However, not every parrot owner manages to train a pet to make specific sounds.
This is due to the fact that the bird is trained for quite a long time. At first, she will try to pronounce the lightest, very similar sounds, syllables, only then - words, more or less similar to those that you trained a parrot, and only after a while will make noticeable progress.
By the way, here's an interesting fact for you: parrots perceive a female voice better than a male one. Pay attention to this when training your pet!
It is very important to spend at least 20 minutes a day on training ! Usually the larger the bird, the easier it is to train, but today we will talk more about budgerigars, as the most common domesticated birds.
First, there are some nuances that are necessary to establish a trusting relationship between you and your pet:
- The bird must recognize you as the owner: it is easy to walk on your hands, allow yourself to be stroked and eat from your hands.
Because birds, which the owners did not accustom to hands in time, are less amenable to training - they just tight and shy. Try to praise your pet, be around as often as possible, at least in order to study her habits and preferences.
- Only one person can train a bird if you have a large family. Everyone can feed, stroke, pick up, but only the one to whom the parrot is most attached to train.
- Always be calm with your parrot, these birds do not like sudden movements! Gently slide your hand into the cage and extend your finger so that the parrot gets used to the hands. Don't worry if to achieve goals you will need many days. Important! If the bird has a history of biting, you can start with gentle touches with a teaspoon. Over time, when the parrot sits on your finger, try take it out of the house and put it back in.
- You can also call your budgie by its name in a moderate tone when feeding it from the palm of your hand. If a bird bites or shows aggression, it means that it is worried, worried.
Calm her down delicacy, turn on pleasant music or just leave it for a while.
- Speaking of music. If you want the parrot to learn a certain phrase, then you can cover the cage with a dark blanket, turn on the recording and leave the player for 10-15 minutes next to cell. Your parrot will listen carefully to the text, memorizing it. Just don't overdo it!
- When the bird is obedient to you, put all your energy into teaching different commands.
Parrots are very smart birds, and can repeat after the owner not only words and phrases, but also some movements. So, for example, you can teach a parrot to dance .
How to do it?
You should put the bird on your hand, turn on rhythmic music and shake your other hand to the beat. Try to demonstrate to your pet what you want to receive in return: shake your head, You can stagger from side to side without sudden movements while sitting.
If the bird likes such entertainment, then after a few lessons it will dance for you. Remember, it is in your power to make the parrot lively, cheerful and funny!
What else can you teach a parrot?
You won't believe it, but this bird can even be potty trained in a certain place!
What do you need?
- Watch your bird for a few days. Pay attention to how she behaves before she "goes" and how often she does it. Budgerigars usually go to the toilet every 10-25 minutes, but, again, everything is very individual and depends on the diet.
- Find a place for a toilet. If the parrot liked the roof of the cage, then this place may be the cage itself. And when you play with a parrot, for example, at a table in a room, you can lay flooring or put a special jar next to you in order to bring the bird to it at the right time.
- As soon as the parrot goes to the toilet, try to set a timer to predict the next time. At the moment when the timer rings, take a feathered pet and bring it to the desired place toilet.
Watch how the bird behaves at this moment, and try to accompany the "deed" with a special sound, for example, "oh-oh." So she will understand and connect your “comment” and her “action”, and then get used to doing things without your commands where necessary. Be careful during training - the bird may show you that it already wants to “go away”, but, unlike other animals, it takes a long time she can't stand it.
- Now consolidate the result by repeating the learned command regularly, day after day. Over time, the parrot will go to the toilet where you learned. If suddenly something goes wrong, do not scold parrot. Just don't focus too much, and don't forget to praise when everything is done in the learned place. You can also encourage something tasty, but in a way that does not become the "norm" and subsequently the bird did not try to lure you out of the treat in this way. If the toilet is a cage, you can let it out to play as a reward.
Drop command
If your feathered friend likes to play with dangerous objects: buttons, chains, small parts of toys, then you definitely need to wean him from this activity, because this may be, in First of all, it is dangerous for his health. To do this, you need to attract the attention of a parrot with something else, for example, a favorite toy or a treat. But this must be done immediately, as soon as the bird is get addicted to forbidden subjects, otherwise it will look like you are reinforcing her interest with encouragement. At the same moment (or better in advance), say the command “drop it”. As soon as feathered a friend will switch to something else, for example, a toy that you offer him, encourage him. Then the parrot will begin to figure out what you want from him, especially if you regularly reinforce all with the voice command "quit". Soon the bird will remember your demands and will not flirt.
Music for wavy parrots, listen online, and whether they like songs and melodies, can I dance, does it help to learn to speak
Is there special music for parrots - not the most common question that owners of decorative birds can ask. The reaction of birds to audio recordings is unpredictable: each individual behaves differently from case to case. Today he can dance, tomorrow he will begin to sing along, otherwise he will express dissatisfaction with a cry. Why does the parrot have a desire to dance, what melodies does he like best? There is not much information on this topic, but there is still something to talk about.
Rhythmic music that your parrot will enjoy dancing to:
Do birds like melodies and songs
Birds in the wild use different sounds to find a partner, notify the flock of predators or communicate with each other.
They use not only individual sounds, but also complete songs. Therefore, different melodies evoke positive emotions in them.
If you turn on the wave of different songs, you can see how they start to sing, dance or even kiss your mirror image or a couple.
On the Internet, you can find special selections for free that are liked by almost all birds. They include pleasant melody, chirping, soft voice, chirping, and singing.
Which compositions are chosen
Rhythm and dynamics are taken into account when choosing music for the wavy. Birds are not connoisseurs, so they may like a completely unusual song. Even whistling in some individuals causes pleasant emotions. Some birds prefer to listen to classical music, while others like dance tunes.
Statistics show that birds have a positive attitude towards music with words, so ordinary electronic tracks sometimes go unnoticed. If you turn on monotonous music at all, then the bird may become depressed or begin to behave aggressively.
This behavior is due to the fact that the brain of parrots is more complex than that of other birds. They can perform complex cognitive tasks, so they can concentrate, perform dance moves, and are also distinguished by their developed thinking.
Does your parrot like to listen to music?
Usually the birds do not concentrate on only one musical style, therefore they are considered music lovers:
- they have a positive attitude towards dance music, therefore they dance and chirp unusually;
- parrots respond well to hip-hop, and some individuals are fans of chanson;
- aggressive music such as synth-pop can stress the bird;
- is not recommended to turn on loudly in a room where feathered, rock lives, as even some people cannot listen to such music calmly;
- electronic or club music without words can cause aggression.
Therefore, it is recommended to choose music wisely so as not to spoil your pet's mood.
How to make a parrot say "hello"
Step 1. Say it more often. The main secret: the repetition of the same word many times. You need to say the word as clearly and often as possible, being near the bird. The more times he hears a word, the more likely he is to remember it. This is why some parrots may surprise guests with profanity. When you pass by the cage, stop for a moment to say "hello" . Even if he does not answer you, then you have put this word in his memory - you have put a "brick" into the first stage.
Step 2. One-on-one. Of course, it may take a little longer than you planned: "Moscow was not built right away." Try to set aside 15-20 minutes each day for individual pernatika training during the lesson. Take him to an unfamiliar area for him (for example, to another room).
Speak the word slowly so that the parrot understands exactly what you are saying. After talking to him for a bit, give him a chance to respond. Keep repeating this day after day and your bird will say "hello" to you when you don't expect it!
Watch the wavy say "hello":
Step 3. Reward. When the bird says the cherished word, be sure to encourage him. Positive reinforcement - long term into future lessons: this will be one of the most valuable teaching tools. Immediately after the first: "Hi" from the side of the bird, treat him with a treat, praise, show how good he is! For most parrots, these 9 are suitable0090 treats as a reward, like slices of apple, banana, pear, carrot or celery; peanut . Keep treats close at hand.
Wavy dancers
Parrots have an amazing sense of rhythm. Therefore, they not only dance, but sometimes sing along with the performer. It is almost impossible to explain this behavior, but ornithologists believe that the wavy simply imitate the owner, so they begin to move unusually, repeating the movements of a person.
During the dance, the bird looks happy and happy and does not react to external stimuli. She actively moves her head, moves her paws, and can also raise and lower her wings. Such movements are made even in the absence of goodies. We offer you to watch a funny video clip where a parrot is dancing:
Video "Performance"
However, parrots are capable of more than just dancing to music. They learned how to reproduce it, as the video clearly demonstrates.
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Innate characteristics
Scientists have found that the wavy has an amazing sense of rhythm. Therefore, as soon as a person turns on the music, the parrots begin to sing and dance. They react this way not only to songs, but also to trills, chirps, tweets, long conversations or human singing. Such sounds amuse the feathered one, and due to high spirits, he begins to dance.
At such moments it is very interesting to watch the bird, as it becomes incredibly cute and funny. But , there are some individuals who do not respond to music at all.
Also useful to read: Budgerigar care
When the parrot speaks
On average, parrots start to speak very well (subject to regular training) from 3 months to a year from the start of training. Of course, this depends on the ability to learn conversation, her character, ability and desire to speak. Gradually, the vocabulary will be replenished if you continue to devote enough time to your pet.
Remember that when the parrot speaks , then quite quickly will begin to memorize and repeat everything that periodically hears, incl. and conversations between households, swearing among themselves, or even constantly calling the cat out to dinner. All this will be repeated without hesitation!
Each wavy has its own unique characteristics, so the birds react to the same music in a special way. Bird observations show that it is usually domestic wavy ones who react to music with dances and chirps. This is due to the fact that they live with people for a long time, therefore they imitate human behavior.
People begin to move, wave their arms and squat during rhythmic and dance music. Parrots observe this behavior, so eventually begin to imitate a person. By copying their master's movements, they begin their own unique dance. After all, it is the wavy that are represented by amazing birds that copy the speech and manners of human behavior.
But not only imitation is the main reason for the dance, as music is an integral part of their lives. Their whole existence is filled with sounds, chirping and singing. Birds enjoy pleasant melodies. On the Internet you can find many videos where the wavy dance beautifully and enjoy the songs.
Overview of computer methods for Android
1. "Parrot Phrase Book". Free.
The program is distributed free of charge. There are several levels of difficulty. Word list to remember: Hello. Birdie. Wonderful person. Hen. I love. Guard. Be healthy. I love you.
The program automatically repeats the word every few seconds. The use of the program is best set up for half-hour sessions to obtain an effective result.
2. "Conversational genre for parrots". Paid.
You can use the program to teach birds words, phrases, and various sounds. You can install and use the program on a desktop computer or laptop. Along with the program, you get a basic set of words and phrases that are best suited for the first workouts. It is best to use the program periodically, several times a day for 5-8 minutes.
3. "Learning Cockatiel". Free. In English.
Would you like your parrot to learn your favorite phrase? The program provides the ability to record and use in training custom sounds recorded through the "dictaphone" application.
4. Voice recorder. Free.
There is nothing easier than writing or speaking words into a voice recorder or recording phrases in mp3, which will teach the bird instead of you. Of the minuses, one can single out the lack of communication with a bird, and trust is an important component of successful learning!
5. Methods that can be found on YouTube. For example, watch a video on how to teach a parrot to speak. You can simply play this video to your pet when you leave home:
Which is more preferable: melodies or songs
It is impossible to say exactly what kind of music birds prefer. Some prefer regular melodies, while others react exclusively to music with words.

Therefore, the owner of the wavy must conduct his own experiment to find out the wishes of the pet.
Birds usually respond best to music with words. If electronic records are selected that are listened to in clubs, then they often cause aggression and discontent among birds.
Birds do not like computer processing, so such sounds cause the parrot to become uncontrollable. He begins to make noise and flap his wings, and learning to speak is also deteriorating.
If you often turn on the same song to the bird, then over time the wavy will learn the words and sing a song at any convenient moment, so by listening to music, you can expand the feathered vocabulary.
Quick method to learn your name in 5 minutes a day
The best way to quickly teach a bird to say its name is to include in a sentence it already knows. When the bird has passed the first step and learns to speak words, start adding its name to this word.
For example: "I love you Polly" or "Hi Polly" if she already knows the word "Hi". Repeat this phrase often throughout the day and during class. 2 sessions per day for 5-10 minutes at a time are much more effective than longer sessions once every few days. The bird will forget what you are trying to teach it if you are not consistent. In a few days, there is a chance to hear the name from the beak of your pet!
English zoologists decided to conduct an experiment to understand what kind of music parrots prefer. For this, representatives of the most intelligent breed, the Jaco, were involved. Three birds were played music in different styles. It turned out that birds like rhythmic music the most. Classical melodies had a calming effect.
During the study, a special screen was placed in front of the parrots, on which there were two buttons. With the help of the first button, the birds could turn on rhythmic music, and when the second button was pressed, a quiet and calm melody began to play. The parrots sang and danced to different songs with pleasure, so it was not possible to find out exactly which musical direction they like the most.
Indiana ornithologists did their own experiment with the parrot Snowball. Scientists shot several videos that interested psychologists and neurophysiologists. The bird included different songs, while listening to which the feathered one made about 14 simple movements, as well as 2 complex ones. For each composition, he chose the most suitable actions to the rhythm. For each song, he used different movements.
Melodies for the development of speech skills
Music can be used not only to entertain the parrot, as it allows you to speed up the process of learning human speech. The basic rule is the regularity of classes with birds.
To effectively use the melody when teaching a pet, it is advisable to use simple tips:
- choose the optimal time for regular classes, and the ideal choice is the period in the morning before feeding, since with the help of treats you can easily encourage your pet;
- classes are held in a calm and peaceful atmosphere, so the bird is not allowed to worry or worry about its safety;
- Do not shout, get angry or raise your voice while talking and singing, as such activities do not bring positive emotions to the bird;
- when listening to music and talking, you need to keep the wavy on your hand;
- it is important to watch your speech so as not to say unnecessary words;
- it is desirable to include the same song or verse every day so that the bird can quickly learn the desired passage;
- wavy are considered attentive students, so they can remember even words spoken by chance, so you need to stick to the plan;
- It is desirable to use the recordings in the absence of a stable Internet connection for online listening.