How to make a small dance floor
How to Build a Dance Floor
Home / Latest Posts / Life / Party Ideas / How to Build a Dance Floor
By: Leigh Anne Wilkes
This tutorial will show you how to build a dance floor using 2 x 2’s and sheets of plywood. So easy and less expensive than renting one.
I shared with you in a previous Wedding Carnival post the story of our dance floor. When we decided to book a live band for the Wedding Carnival I thought we needed a dance floor. My husband did not. We have a large backyard and plenty of grass and he thought dancing on the grass would be just fine.
I am not easily dissuaded or discouraged.
I got on line and immediately started pricing dance floors from rental companies. They are not cheap, between $700-800 for the size we needed. It wasn’t in the budget so I decided I needed to get creative.
To make a somewhat long, 5 month long story short, I had a dance floor and then I didn’t have a dance floor, I had a dance floor and then I didn’t. In fact I thought I had a dance floor until the Sunday before the Wedding Carnival. It fell through – five days before the event.
Remember I am not easily discouraged so I decided we were going to build a dance floor. Or rather my daughter Cali and her friend Hannah were going to build me a dance floor (with some help from dad of course.)
By this time I had totally broken Jim down and he agreed so we headed to Home Depot on Monday night (the Wedding Carnival was Friday).
Dance Floor Supplies
- 6 sheets of 1/2″ plywood
- 30 eight foot long 2 x 3’s – cut 18 of them into two 45″ pieces (you will have pieces leftover) This will leave 12 of the boards 8 ‘ long. They cut them for free for you at Home Depot.
- Nails and hammer
- Floor Paint and supplies for painting
- Painters Tape
- 6 Mending plates to join the pieces together
How Big is the Dance Floor?
The dance floor measured 12 x 16 and was created out of 6 sections that were 4 x 8 which is the size of a sheet of plywood.
How to Build A Dance Floor
The whole neighborhood got involved or enjoyed watching the process taking place out in front of our house.
The above photo is about how involved Tessa got – she held a hammer for a photo but she was working full time so we need to cut her some slack.
- Create 6 frames from the 2 x 3’s that measure 4′ x 8′.
- Add four support pieces to each frame
- Nail a sheet of plywood to the top of each frame. Nail it down along the edges and across the support pieces.
- The moms got involved in this step of the process. Had to bring in the big muscles!
How to Paint a Dance Floor
The next step was the painting process. I decided that I wanted the floor to be checker board to go along with the carnival theme so I purchased black and white floor paint. We primed the boards first and then added a coat of white paint to each section.
Yes, I sat in a chair and watched it dry! I like watching paint dry.
After it was dry, the girls used blue painters tape to tape off the squares. The squares measured 24″ x 24″ so each 4 x 8 section had 2 x 4 squares.
Using small foam rollers the girls rolled the black paint into the taped off squares.
We waited for the paint to dry, removed the tape and we had a dance floor!
Finally, we numbered the pieces so that we knew how to put it back together once we moved it into the backyard.
The mending pieces were hammered into to hold the pieces together.
How Much Does It Cost to Build a Dance Floor
Total Cost of Dance Floor (including paint but not including labor) Approx. $300.00.
It was perfect and it was a wonderful addition to our carnival and YES, we needed a dance floor. Even my husband admits that now. It added such a fun element to the carnival and really got people dancing.
Who wouldn’t want to dance on a black and white checkerboard dance floor!!!
Reader Interactions
How to Build a Dance Floor Out of Plywood?
Building a backyard dance floor out of plywood can sound like a daunting task, but it isn’t that difficult if you follow a few basic rules.
There are many man-made materials you can make a dance floor out of. But it makes sense to build a DIY outdoor dance floor with plywood, as it is affordable, and you only need a handful of materials and tools.
In this project, we are not going to build a professional dance studio. We will make a dance floor outside on the grass.
Why Should You Consider Wood?
Wood is an excellent option for a dance floor because it gives a little. This, in turn, does a better job at protecting your ankles, knees, and your other joints.
Wood is both comfortable to dance on and protective of your joints. Concrete, linoleum, and ceramic tile can’t provide that. In dances with a lot of pounding, this is especially important.
When it comes to wood, plywood seems to be a great choice. Plywood is inexpensive yet provides the right amount of giving versus stability to take good care of the people who dance on it.
How to Calculate the Size of the Dance Floor
If you just need a small dance floor so you can practice on it, a four-foot square piece of plywood will likely be enough.
But if you need a dance floor for an outdoor wedding, for example, you’ll have to go with a different plan. Size the floor based on how many guests you will have and how much space you have available.
According to industry standards, the dance floor should be large enough to accommodate 30 to 50% of your total invitee list at one time. Calculate 4.5 square feet per dancer on average.
Now let’s do the math:
- The dance floor will be occupied by 30-50% of the guests simultaneously. Let’s use 40 % as our average.
- Each person requires 4.5 square feet (9 square feet for a couple).
- A party with 100 people is likely to have 40 people or 20 couples on the dance floor at any given time.
- This means we will need a dance floor of approximately 180 square feet (17 square meters) for an event with 100 people.
However, there are other factors to consider as well:
- What is the ideal size and location for your outdoor space?
- How much time are you willing to allocate to building a floor?
- How much are you ready to spend? The bigger the dance floor, the more money you will shell out (the total cost of wood material for a floor with six sheets can go up to $350).
Plywood sheets Sizes
Plywood sheets are universally sized at 4 by 8 feet (48 x 96 in., 1.22 x 2.44 m). That is around 32 square feet (3 square meters).
Practical sizes for a dance floor made of plywood are:
- 2 plywood sheets: 8 x 8 feet (2.44 x 2.44 m), 64 square feet (6 square meters)
- 3 plywood sheets: 8 x 12 feet (2.44 x 3.66 m), 96 square feet (9 square meters)
- 4 plywood sheets: 8 x 16 feet (2.44 x 4.88 m), 128 square feet (12 square meters)
- 6 plywood sheets: 12 x 16 feet (3.66 x 4.88 m), 192 square feet (18 square meters)
- 8 plywood sheets: 16 x 16 feet (4.88 x 4.88 m), 256 square feet (24 square meters)
What Plywood Type to Choose?
Wood floors are great for certain types of dancing, such as country, western, and ballroom. Other types of dancing may require a different kind of floor.
Consider this:
- Is the plywood the dance floor itself?
- Or is it a subfloor for something else to be put on top of it?
If the plywood is going to be used without any floor covering, it’s best to go with sanded softwood plywood, such as an AB or AA sheet of 1/2 inch plywood. Here you can find more information about plywood grades.
Note: 1/2-inch is the nominal thickness, actual thickness is 15/32 inch.
If the plywood is a subfloor for another flooring, like linoleum tile, you can use less expensive plywood if you like.
Steps to Build DIY Dance Floor on Grass
We certainly have some challenges when building a dance floor on grass.
First, the ground is uneven; second, the individual plywood panels must be securely connected together.
Let’s have a look at how to do this.
Step 1: Determine the size and the location
Select an area that is level and large enough to accommodate the dance floor. Allow space around the dance floor for people to move around.
Step 2: Collect materials and tools
Obtain the correct number of 4 x 8 feet plywood sheets of 1/2-inch (1.2 x 2.4 m x 1.2 cm).
For the frame, purchase 2 in x 3 in x 8 feet wood studs (5.1 x 7.6 cm x 2.4 m).
Note: 2 x 3 is the nominal size. Actual size is 1 1/2 x 2 1/2 inches (38 x 64 mm).
Each plywood sheet requires 4 wood studs. 2 pieces go along long edges, 2 are cut to form shorter support pieces of 45 in (114.3 cm).
If you build a 12 x 16 feet (3.66 x 4.88 m) dance floor, you need 6 plywood sheets and 24 joists.
Step 3: Build the framework
For each plywood sheet, construct a supporting framework:
- Set one sheet on the ground to help with measurement.
- Align two joists along the long sides.
- Cut two posts to retain four shorter support pieces of 45 in (114.3 cm) each.
- Set them inside the two longer joists.
- Screw the pieces together with 3-inch screws.
- Build one unit for each sheet of plywood you have.
Step 4: Attach the plywood sheet to the framework
After the framework is built, attach the plywood to it using either countersunk screws or nails.
It might also be good to glue the plywood to the supporting structure. That way, the plywood won’t separate from the system when moving it.
Step 5: Attach the units to each other
To attach the units, you have two options:
- Drill through the adjacent frame pieces, then bolt the units together. Other option is to use corner braces. Flipping over the floor after being bolted together is the trickiest part of this option.
- Attach mending plates to the outside corners of the units. The floor will then be fastened together through those plates. By doing this, you do not have to flip the unit over when you are done.
Step 6: Finishing
Finally, you can finish the floor with varnish to make it last. If you find any holes or voids in the surface, fill it with a wood putty made explicitly for flooring.
You can also mount vinyl flooring (like this checkerboard vinyl flooring), or a vinyl dance mat, like in the image below, to the plywood to make it look more professional.
Plywood Dance Floor on Hard Surface
If you build your wooden dance floor on a hard surface, like stone or concrete, it needs to be cushioned to protect the dancer’s ankles and knees.
The easiest way for a dance floor like this is a roll of closed-cell foam subflooring. You can also choose foam panels instead if that’s what you prefer.
Ready-made Dance Floor Kits
If all this sounds too complicated, you can always rent a dance floor, or get a ready-made dance board kit. You set up the floor from the tiles like this:
Extra Items to Spruce up Your Backyard Dance Floor
1. Entrance to Your Dance Floor
Adding an entrance to an outdoor wedding is a nice touch. A wedding arch makes a stunning entrance to the dance floor. You can also use it for other events like birthdays. You only need to change the decoration on the arch.
2. Fencing
Another way to add style is with fences. Fences are also a great way to decorate, and you can even attach lights to them.
3. Lights
As the sun sets, the backyard lights add a lot of charm to the dance floor and whole area.
These Outdoor lights can be used all year round for a variety of reasons.
This type of lighting can be used on special occasions, like weddings, or just to brighten up a dark area of your backyard.
If you are hanging those string lights around the dance floor, and there are no trees, learn more about how to hang outdoor string lights without trees.
These sound-activated outdoor party lights can liven up any party or get-together.
4. Folding chairs and tables
The convenience of folding chairs and tables makes them easy to transport to any location. The otherwise dull white folding chairs can be easily decorated for an outdoor wedding.
The Bottom Line
Dancing in the grass is not possible with heels. In other words, if you want a low-key event, arrange the dance on the grass, but have the guests bring flip flops (or provide them yourself).
If you want a proper dance floor on grass, you can rent one or build one from plywood. Making a dance floor from plywood can be simpler than you thought.
All reviews about the club "Evento" - Afisha-Clubs
All reviews about the club in Moscow
Moscow, Ilyinka, 4, Gostiny Dvor
About the place Reviews (9)
Afisha's review of the club
Armas Vikstrem
617 reviews, 628 ratings, rating 398
There is more than one club in Gostiny Dvor, and this is not a re-opened "Vinaigret", and "Version 1.5" is not in a hurry to close - no, the fresh institution is more noticeable, more voluminous , bolder. Evento is spread over two floors (on the ground floor there is a stage and a large dance floor with a bar, in the basement there is a chill-out) and calls itself an “event restaurant”. It is still impossible to understand what is hidden behind the clumsy wording: at the unofficial opening, an extremely worthy line-up of artists performed, including rapper Larik Surapov and the author of the electronic project Bubblegrog Jam, but a day later they were replaced by harpists and a dimensionless black woman-barrel Diva Avari , which was singing under an unencumbered semantic load of house - apparently, that first birthday had nothing to do with the planned format. nine0003
Troubles in Evento begin at the doorstep: the guard, who has taken over the functions of face control, does not let people with invitation cards in, although after a moment's reflection he changes his mind. The bartender looks for whiskey ice for a long time and to no avail, after which he asks: “Can I make it with frappe (in Russian - crushed ice)? Sorry, the lump is over. Downstairs, in a long corridor with three tunnel branches that are given over to restaurant areas, an unnamed DJ plays the standard program of any Crimean club: “I am a wave, a new wave”, the Quest Pistols group and a background for Fashion TV. Sofas with cushions, designer tables, glittery floors, plasma screens, girls terribly pleased with themselves - a typical set of any place that does not particularly pretend to be anything. These even pretend: the details of what will happen next weekend are kept secret, hinting from afar that funk and tectonics will play (there is no such style: tectonics is a mockingly bizarre dance), and each new weekend worse than the previous one. In absurdity, Evento has already surpassed many colleagues: for example, in the men's toilet, urinals stand exactly opposite the sinks, so for some reason the person washing his hands is forced to look into the eyes of the pissing man. I don’t even want to think about what awaits women’s visitors - and don’t. nine0003
October 16, 2008
The best reviews about the OBENTO
9000 Reviews, rating 7
You can start with the fact that Eyento will soon be sophistic. On Saturday evening, at the most active hour of the night for party-goers, quite a lot of people gathered in the evento. As a result, a flea market at an ill-conceived bar. The pretense of pathos in the form of bartenders naked to the waist, and waitress girls in maxi-belts and plush handcuffs, and in sequins on the floor and in quite successful “for gatherings” areas, which can’t be called a chill out because of the music from the dance floor.
In general, evento is something strange. Something with a claim to something. A very uncomfortable dance floor, which is at the same time a passage to the next area. After all this, I was not surprised to see how the bartenders interfere with cocktails and heard at half past three in the night: "we ran out of glasses." DJs changed a couple of times during the night, but not one of them threw even a small spark of drive onto the dance floor. nine0003
April 1, 2009
Narcissistic Egoist
12 reviews, 13 ratings, rating 13
A new club in the very center of the golden-domed capital with the sonorous name EVENTO. The name itself implies that you will expect some unusual events and occasions from this place. Unusual cases begin even before you enter this club, with parking, which is simply unrealistic on a weekday if you want to visit this restaurant in the afternoon. At night, everything is more or less free, probably because there are not so many cars that drive up there.
Top DJs playing in this club, dancing girls, men near the bar, everything is the same as everywhere else, but something is missing. This place does not cling so much that I would like to go into it again. Therefore, Evento suffers from the lack of a crowd of glamor and pathos hanging out at the entrance. Of course, it is not worth judging a recently opened place strictly, but it seems that everything is with him. Bringing famous DJs, jazz parties on Thursdays, good cuisine, cozy design in the restaurant, a small dance floor that doesn’t look much like a club, more like a disco, its design is more suitable for cozy smoking hookahs on ottomans, and not for the incendiary music that plays there . If you want to really see some kind of event, then this is not the right place yet. But if you and your company want to relax, not deciding what you want to sit in a restaurant or hang out in a club, listening to top tracks, then EVENTO is for you. From tried to embrace the immensity and combine EVERYTHING that people prefer.
Not a specific focus on one thing. And dispersed into a lot, they lost their individuality ...
December 13, 2008
3 reviews, 3 ratings, rating 5 I was, I really wanted to go to Heiko & Maiko, but it didn’t work out ... I feel that I need to go - apparently a good place, since they spit poison exclusively by order.
Sir Viktor Rogov, did you yourself read what you wrote? Considering some points, it is absolutely impossible to believe your words))) Dear Victor, or whatever your name is really, if you are so wealthy that you live in the area of Kitay-Gorod - Revolution Square, then you DO NOT NEED to recommend VOG CAFE. You should already know what kind of place this is, and at least once, but have dinner there (although if you are not a metropolitan bone ... or have just moved from one of the workers' settlements near Moscow ... gee-gee-gee ...). I can’t write, it just makes me laugh, I’m sorry for the poverty of speech ... I haven’t had so much fun for a long time, probably since the time of the unforgettable Zhvanetsky: “.
.. I’m on you, on your barge ...” (c). nine0003
Curious about your maxims on the topic that “newly registered people write positive reviews everywhere”, did not refuse her, albeit excessive, curiosity and looked at your page. This is beyond praise!!! One and a half fresh posts, and apparently in order to seem like an experienced user ... Sir, but you once again signed your complete incompetence !! Do you know why? Again, because of the "walking distance". You simply do not know, but none of the people who own certain amounts of money go to the children's cheap ARKA!!! They go to SOHO or MOST!!! And, apparently, in EVENTO :)))))
Vitaly K goes to the same forest)))) judging by the length of the text and the absence of additional posts, his salary was lower))) 5 points, my red tail has not noticed such impudence for a long time !!! As for all the dirty author's cuisine there, I can say one thing - such a “delicacy” as, for example, foie gras is a very peculiar thing for the unprepared, if you don’t set off the taste with applesauce))) Maybe you just don’t know what dishes should be? And that if the dishes are COOKED, and not reheated or defrosted, they are made as much as necessary according to the recipe, which for individual dishes means "long".
In general, I can still snipe on this topic endlessly, but the conclusion lies on the surface - for one reason or another, some dudes here said something superfluous and far from reality ...
And in general, dear kind sirs, you will ever learn write correctly or hope for nothing? It's just inconvenient to read))))
IMHO - judging by the furious hissing of individuals (I don't take Shpileva-Wikstrem into account, he was always extremely poisonous), Evento stepped on the tail of many metropolitan establishments. So, the place is worth checking out))) I’m going to tell you, because it’s time, it’s time to start paying tribute to graphomania and write your reviews so that individual irresponsible elements do not spoil the impression of establishments where normal people can relax))))
Uh... for those who are especially negative - I really just registered today and have not written about anything yet))) But I really want to))) So I will devote my spare minutes to literary exercises! Promise! Sayonara and all that)))
November 5, 2008
Victor Rogov
6 reviews, 7 ratings, rating 2
Became a victim of advertising, went with a girl to "CLUB EVENTO", was so happy located within walking distance from home, hoping to have a delicious meal and enjoy an unforgettable evening.
I'll tell you how it happened! nine0093 It all starts with a stunning place like Gostiny Dvor, famous for its nightlife like Version 01 and Amsterdam cafe, these are the places that I went and my close friends went to, the location is amazing, the corner looks at Vasilevsky Spusk. There used to be a casino on the site of this club, as far as I know.
We approached the entrance, a tall guard with a very serious look was standing at the entrance, he said, wait, we stood for a few minutes, we missed it. A personal search was carried out on the stairs, as in the police. while we were being searched, another small company approached from behind with whom it was no longer comfortable to stand on the heel of the stairs, the effect of a flea market was created. The place for personal search was not thought out, indeed, as someone already wrote, you can drop something and then run down the stairs. , Nothing criminal was found with us and we were allowed to the second level, more precisely, to the floor below where the wardrobe is located, Under the stairs,
Having handed over my girlfriend's coat to the cloakroom attendant, it suddenly appeared on the floor, the black coat quickly became covered with dust and small debris from the floor, what was my surprise as the cloakroom attendant began frantically shaking it off, saying that everything was fine.
Walking a few meters from the wardrobe, entering the archway, they chose a table, a very nice girl offered several options, most importantly very respectfully. The menu was in hand almost instantly,
The wait for the order was painfully long, the food is average, you expect something more from the restaurant, like in the cartoon Ratatouille. The products may have been fresh, but the taste was not very good. The whiskey and cola ordered by the girl, according to her, were normal, but about the orange juice, I got the impression that it was diluted, I could be wrong. nine0093 After eating, we didn’t order a hookah, a noisy company sat down next to us, which began to spoil our sincere romantic mood, which even the kitchen did not spoil, and because of this noisy company, which started yelling and “Thump”, we decided to leave this place. Before leaving, we went up to the second floor to see what else was there, a small dance floor that looked more like a piece of a corridor where 3-4 girls and 2 guys from neighboring countries danced.On this, our trip to the Club - cafe Evento ended with a slight sludge, the girl was upset, she was expecting something more. nine0093 Briefly.
C grade place with a huge minus, a lot of shortcomings on the part of the organization, flaws in planning, romance is quickly erased, the kitchen, with its quality of cooking, could be cheaper, for this money you can go to a very decent restaurant and really have an amazing meal in a pleasant Romantic setting . The coat was taken to the dry cleaner the next day. This place can be visited once and everything becomes clear, a drunk person feels good everywhere.
This place has an amazing Plus - it's location. nine0093 This is my first post, tomorrow I'm going to a very good restaurant Vogue Cafe recommended by friends. After visiting, I will definitely unsubscribeNovember 4, 2008
1 review, 1 rating, rating 4
I recently visited this club and was very pleased.
Firstly, a beautiful and very cozy interior. It's really nice to be there.
Secondly, since it has just opened, there are not many people. There is no annoying hustle and bustle. Visitors are very pleasant in appearance, without excessive pathos and excessive egocentrism. Everyone is positive, relaxed..
Thirdly, no problems with face control. No queues and stone faces of the guards.
Fourth, friendly staff. The hostess is very friendly and polite, I can also say the same about security.
Fifth, incendiary music!
In general, the atmosphere is relaxing and conducive to a pleasant, comfortable stay!November 4, 2008
6 reviews, 100 ratings, rating 18
I wanted to get into this institution, even from the moment when there were banners advertising the opening all over Leninsky Prospekt. I liked the fact that Evento did not pretend to be a super-closed club as one of the Moscow clubs, let's call it club F, which at the same time advertises itself anywhere :) I always wanted to know if you are still for the elite or are you just playing to be chosen? But let's not talk about the F club anymore.
Evento has found a place for himself, you can say in the very center of Moscow, leaving in the morning you go out to Red Square and the eye rejoices at St. Basil's Cathedral. Regarding parking: during the day, of course, it’s not easy to park near the establishment itself, but don’t be discouraged, a little far from Evento, there is paid parking (100 rubles per hour), which doesn’t really work at night, so take this fact into account if you go there at night. The place parameter can be safely estimated as 5/5
Now about the design of the club itself. Everything is at a very good level, several themed lounge rooms, comfortable sofas, a good audio system, which is really the only one in our city so far). There is a vip room, which is on a hill from everyone, there are sofas, pillows, etc :) The background parameter is 4/5 just because I would like more vip-rooms. nine0003
If we talk about the cuisine, there are very interesting positions, the only thing disappointing there so far is the local sea bass, it turned out to be completely tasteless, but the steaks are super! Black angus steak Pts advise, baked scallops, too, for 5 points.
There are affordable breakfasts (cereals, etc.), there are also inexpensive business lunches. The prices for alcohol are not cosmic). Parameter food 5/5
Well, the most important reason why people go to the club to relax is people&music. Face control, of course, still needs to gain some experience, I won’t argue with that, but don’t forget that the institution is not yet a month old. In general, the audience that you will meet there is closer to the people from the Roof of the World than from any thread of Paradise or the Opera, I hope I will be understood correctly. The music is different during the day and in the evening, sometimes a lounge plays in the background, sometimes jazz musicians are invited, I definitely have never been bored there before :) Commercial house plays at night ala Rai, Dyaga, etc. 5/5
As a result: a very interesting place has opened in Moscow, with good European cuisine, hookahs, which operates around the clock in the very center of the city. If you want to have a great rest without meeting fools, which are Christmas trees, on which brands were hung without any taste, and listen to up-to-date and high-quality house, while not overpaying for pathos, then I advise you to visit this place.
p/s Thanks to the haters who wrote rubbish about Evento, it was you who inspired me to finally start writing reviews on this site. nine0003
November 2, 2008
Vitaly K
1 review, 1 rating, rating the invitations were a complete mess, what with them that without them, they could be used for their intended purpose if they were a little softer. Entering the Club, you stick into the stairs on which you drop the phone, you are searched by security, etc., you go down, there, under the stairs, a wardrobe with 1 window in which a slow guy can neither hang it nor find it later, they hung it up and barley then everything themselves.,
Hookah is a completely different story, it is not clear what kind of husks are put there, ashmetki, it was not possible to smoke, it was disgusting, they disdained to eat there. I speak at once, dumbly.
the audience is motley, those who were more serious right away when they reached the locker room, didn’t go to the toilet, I can’t say anything about this,
Dance floor - the dance floor is generally one name ... Worse than in smoky propaganda, Everything inside is not comfortable , dumb. You can't say about this place that it's a club, and it doesn't feel like a DJ cafe.....
The only positive thing is that beautiful girls were invited, who were constantly photographed by photographers ... and then they probably paid a lot to come to such a bum.
I won't go there even if I get paid!!October 31, 2008
Evgeny Tarasov
1 review, 2 ratings, rating 5
I liked it. Very nice, good music. True, there were few people. But on the other hand, there was no crush, the audience was decent, it was possible to chat calmly. And how many pretty girls there! Dan played last weekend. By the way, I went to dinner on Thursday, a jazz band was playing. Had a great time and had a delicious dinner. Received aesthetic pleasure. I work near Evento, I used to dine in Porto, now I prefer to dine in Evento, and have breakfast too.
In Evento, I also liked the fact that there is a separate menu for breakfast and lunch. I recommend. Good luck. nine0003
October 29, 2008
David Nasonov
1 review, 1 rating, rating 1
The poster allows the publication of such "reviews" on its own behalf both on the site and in a printed magazine! It so happened that I am quite close to this institution and can absolutely honestly and objectively judge it, having full information. So, in order... firstly, there was no unofficial opening the day before the opening, the musicians mentioned did not play accordingly. Secondly, insulting the respected performer Diva Avari is at least low, I think that Diva's producer will be very upset by the certified translation of this review from the Afisha printed magazine. Thirdly .... sorry about the toilet, I want to speak out very much, although this is not pleasant ... apparently the author has an unhealed childhood trauma or some kind of strange phobia, I want to fantasize about who peed on the hands of the poor little author every day and forced to look the pissing man in the face .
... but let's not talk about it, and so, in the men's toilet in the Evento club, the sinks are really located across the wall from the urinals, but the wall is mirrored and the one who washes his hands sees only his own reflection, unlike the author who sees apparently his tormentor. In a word, of course there were shortcomings, but not as fantastic as the boy writes, or invents, or fulfills an order ... I ask all those who doubt to visit this institution and make an objective assessment and share it in this fascinating forum! Good luck! nine0003
October 29, 2008
Berlin's 10 atmospheric techno clubs and DJ bars
People come to Berlin like adults: the city of endless raves has long become a magnet for techno lovers. Those who are specially trained can enter the club on Friday evening and leave from there on Monday morning. If you want to pass as a local, add our list of non-pop places to the map and have a good time there.
Photo: Crusty | RA
Photo: Sameheads
Richardstraße, 10, 12043 Berlin
Basement bar in Neukölln, where walls and ceilings are hung with everything from mirrors to crucified dolls, and in some places there are non-working slot machines. Here you can chill upstairs in the bar, or you can go down the stairs to the basement and get to the party. Downstairs is a small area that looks like an apartment with rooms, corridors and a very low ceiling that you can reach with your hand. The dance floor is designed for 50 people. The atmosphere is very cozy and homely, but on weekends it is crowded with people. Entrance - from € 4 to € 6. It happens that the money goes to help needy and vulnerable groups. nine0003
At Sameheads they try to mix up an interesting mix of music and DJs: a local program manager can easily find a no name musician on Soundcloud and invite him to his place, and sometimes popular locals or world-famous DJs perform here. Next Saturday, for example, Elena Sizova from Minsk will play.
Visual: @palomaberlin
Skalitzer Straße, 135, 10999 Berlin
This bar cannot be accessed from the street. Focus on the steps in the courtyard - they will lead you to the institution itself. Paloma has two levels: the lower one, where there is almost always someone playing, and the upper one, which is open on weekends. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday there is an opportunity to roam from floor to floor and stay where the music comes in more. The program manager is a former salesman for the oldest vinyl store Hard Wax, which focuses on house and techno. As you understand, such a past of an employee also affects the bar program. In addition to good music, huge windows offer a great view of the U-Bahn, where yellow trains run. Entrance - € 4-5, cocktail - € 6-7. On Thursdays, before the parties, there are interesting events where the musicians talk about the techniques of writing tracks, mastering, etc. In general, a cozy and homely bar where young people hang out and where freaks from the area drop by. nine0003
Photo: Hoppetosse
Eichenstraße, 4, 12435 Berlin
Hoppetosse is a place about house, minimal house and techno. It is located on a small two-story ship on the Spree River. Basically, vinyl DJs play here and most of the contingent are other DJs who support the speakers. The club is famous for its long parties: from Saturday to Monday, people come off without stopping. Ricardo Villalobos, Zip, and other musicians who we don't know today, but we'll know for sure in a couple of years, performed here. Hoppetosse looks like the Minsk "Hooligan" after the fire: planks on the floor, and around - parts of the ship left over from the time of the voyages. Usually the entrance costs € 5, but if suddenly a powerful line-up and two dance floors are announced, you will have to pay € 12. In addition to the dance floors, there are two small lounges with many sofas and you can lie and relax in the middle of a multi-day frenzy. nine0003
Photo: Club der Visionaere "official"
Club der Visionaere
Am Flutgraben, 12435 Berlin
Hoppetosse and Club der Visionaere are run by the same people and are within a five-minute walk of each other. When the party at Hoppetosse slowly fades by Monday evening, people move to the Club der Visionaere. The only negative of this location is seasonality. The place is open from April to November - depending on weather conditions. But in the presence of the sun, here you can relax on ottomans right on the street, hang your legs in the water and listen to music coming from the open window of the club. The room itself is small: a DJ plays on one side, a small bar is 2-3 meters away, and between them there is a dance floor of 5 m². On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, admission is usually free, on other days - € 4. If you suddenly want to stay longer and get hungry, know that there is a pizzeria on the second floor of a brick building. All in all, the place is homey and a bit rustic, but no less iconic than Berghain. nine0003
Am Wriezener Bahnhof, 10243 Berlin
A thousand and one articles have already been written about this techno mecca of Berlin. It has a luxurious sound, a cool atmosphere, but Berghain is famous mainly for its long entry line and unpredictable face control. You can go through here many times, but 21 times you will not get there for reasons that are incomprehensible to anyone except the guard. There is an opinion that you need to look like you don’t really want to go inside. If you are in a cocktail dress - the chances drop, if you look around and take pictures of everything on your phone - the chances drop, if you demonstrate with all your looks that you are about to get to the best party of your life - the chances are almost zero. Recommendations on how to get to Berghain can be found here. nine0003
Weekend parties here last more than a day. Only now there is some seasonality: tourists come and hang out the first night, and locals pull up closer to Monday night. If you hang out here for a couple of days, you can see how the audience is gradually getting naked, becoming more freaky, and now there are more leather panties, chains and naked people on the dance floor than people in clothes. Usually the entrance costs € 15 euros, on Fridays, when the club is partially open, € 12, and on Saturdays € 16–18. Another feature of Berghain is that DJs play long sets of 3-6 hours. If you look at the lineup, see some interesting names, and then come in at night and hang out until 8am, you might not see any of them. During the night, as a rule, they play only a couple of sets. As for drinks, it is customary here to buy a bottle of Club-Mate or beer, and then fill it with water from the tap in the restroom. nine0003
Photo: Funkhaus Berlin
Funkhaus Berlin
Nalepastraße, 18, 12459 Berlin
At one time, a station was built in the GDR, very similar (in its purpose) to the Ostankino television tower. A huge space from the start was designed with an emphasis on good acoustics. Now there is Funkhaus Berlin, which hosts events not quite regularly - a couple of times a month. As a rule, these are big concerts or parties for a couple of days. You can come here as if visiting a museum by appointment and carefully study the location in the daylight, but, you must admit, it is much more interesting to look at the place during the event. Entrance to the party - € 15, to the concert - about € 30. Be sure to study the poster before visiting. nine0003
Photo: MONOM
Nalepastraße, 18, 12459 Berlin
In the same building where Funkhaus Berlin hosted, there is another club - Monom. He is known for his 4D sound system: the sound is located around the perimeter - on the ceiling, along the walls and even in the floor. As a rule, musicians write their programs specifically for an unusual system. This is the only place where a set can sound like this and not otherwise. In addition to parties, Monom hosts many performances and installations where sound meets visuals. Sometimes exhibitions are organized here. Of course, this alignment affects the contingent - many are attracted by the art component. Entry fee – from € 15.
Photo: Andreas Hesse
Diskothek Melancholie 2
Brückenstraße, 1, 10179 Berlin
This almost secret bar is located in Neukölln. You can't just enter it from the street. First you have to find a small nightlight in the area, which are a dime a dozen in Berlin. Then, when you get to the right stall where they sell beer and cigarettes, look for a refrigerator with your eyes - this is the key to success. Behind the doors of the refrigerator is the entrance to the nightclub. There is a meme on the Internet where, when you enter Diskothek Melancholie 2 through the refrigerator, you see a fairy tale, and when you leave, you see a man at the checkout selling cigarettes. Everything plays here: drum and bass, house, techno, and experimentalism. Usually they hang out at the bar until 3-4 in the morning, and then move to other places. Entrance – € 5.
Photo: arkaoda
Karl-Marx-Platz, 16-18, 12043 Berlin
Berlin arkaoda is a sister club of the eponymous institution, which opened in 1999 in Istanbul.