How to make a cheap dance floor
How to Build a Dance Floor
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By: Leigh Anne Wilkes
This tutorial will show you how to build a dance floor using 2 x 2’s and sheets of plywood. So easy and less expensive than renting one.
I shared with you in a previous Wedding Carnival post the story of our dance floor. When we decided to book a live band for the Wedding Carnival I thought we needed a dance floor. My husband did not. We have a large backyard and plenty of grass and he thought dancing on the grass would be just fine.
I am not easily dissuaded or discouraged.
I got on line and immediately started pricing dance floors from rental companies. They are not cheap, between $700-800 for the size we needed. It wasn’t in the budget so I decided I needed to get creative.
To make a somewhat long, 5 month long story short, I had a dance floor and then I didn’t have a dance floor, I had a dance floor and then I didn’t. In fact I thought I had a dance floor until the Sunday before the Wedding Carnival. It fell through – five days before the event.
Remember I am not easily discouraged so I decided we were going to build a dance floor. Or rather my daughter Cali and her friend Hannah were going to build me a dance floor (with some help from dad of course.)
By this time I had totally broken Jim down and he agreed so we headed to Home Depot on Monday night (the Wedding Carnival was Friday).
Dance Floor Supplies
- 6 sheets of 1/2″ plywood
- 30 eight foot long 2 x 3’s – cut 18 of them into two 45″ pieces (you will have pieces leftover) This will leave 12 of the boards 8 ‘ long. They cut them for free for you at Home Depot.
- Nails and hammer
- Floor Paint and supplies for painting
- Painters Tape
- 6 Mending plates to join the pieces together
How Big is the Dance Floor?
The dance floor measured 12 x 16 and was created out of 6 sections that were 4 x 8 which is the size of a sheet of plywood.
How to Build A Dance Floor
The whole neighborhood got involved or enjoyed watching the process taking place out in front of our house.
The above photo is about how involved Tessa got – she held a hammer for a photo but she was working full time so we need to cut her some slack.
- Create 6 frames from the 2 x 3’s that measure 4′ x 8′.
- Add four support pieces to each frame
- Nail a sheet of plywood to the top of each frame. Nail it down along the edges and across the support pieces.
- The moms got involved in this step of the process. Had to bring in the big muscles!
How to Paint a Dance Floor
The next step was the painting process. I decided that I wanted the floor to be checker board to go along with the carnival theme so I purchased black and white floor paint. We primed the boards first and then added a coat of white paint to each section.
Yes, I sat in a chair and watched it dry! I like watching paint dry.
After it was dry, the girls used blue painters tape to tape off the squares. The squares measured 24″ x 24″ so each 4 x 8 section had 2 x 4 squares.
Using small foam rollers the girls rolled the black paint into the taped off squares.
We waited for the paint to dry, removed the tape and we had a dance floor!
Finally, we numbered the pieces so that we knew how to put it back together once we moved it into the backyard.
The mending pieces were hammered into to hold the pieces together.
How Much Does It Cost to Build a Dance Floor
Total Cost of Dance Floor (including paint but not including labor) Approx. $300.00.
It was perfect and it was a wonderful addition to our carnival and YES, we needed a dance floor. Even my husband admits that now. It added such a fun element to the carnival and really got people dancing.
Who wouldn’t want to dance on a black and white checkerboard dance floor!!!
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24 DIY Dance Floor Ideas For Weddings, Events & More
Published: · Modified: by Allison · This post may contain affiliate links · This blog generates income via ads
Dancing has found its magical way into society and it's the next big thing. Dancing is not just an act of moving the body to the rhythm, it is an Art! Therefore, a special place and attention should be given to it if you want to master the Art.
If you are in need of a dance floor, check out these 24 DIY Dance Floor Ideas, they are cheap and easy to make.
1. DIY Sprung Wood Dance Floor
Do you want to know how to DIY a wood dance floor? Then, this is a guide for you. In this guide, you will learn how to make a sprung wood dance floor from scratch, including how to develop an elevation plan and calculate the size for sleeper thickness.
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2. Dance Dance Revolution Floor Pad DIY
Makey Makey floor pad! Awesome. If you are new to Makey Makey floor pad, you don't have to worry. Here is what you need for the project: 1 Makey Makey kit, computer/laptop, cardboard aluminum foil, wire, wire cutter, scissors, hole puncher, and packing tape.
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3. DIY Tap Dance Floor From Scrap Wood
If you need a quick and urgent tap dance floor, you should read this guide. It is an urgent project that requires only materials you have around. It is built out of shelves from an old bookshelf, scrap wood, and scraps of EVA foam.
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4. How To Make A Dance Floor Out Of Plywood
In this guide, they discuss a couple of methods by which you can DIY a dance floor. The first method which is the most amazing is through the plywood. The instructor started by laying the base using 8ft 2×3 plywood pieces laid horizontally.
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5. Dance Floor DIY
Making a dance floor can be simpler than you thought. The first step is to get all the materials (the list is given in the description box of this video). Then, rough sand the plywood using a belt sander. Use clean-up paint to remove the sawdust before staining the plywood boards.
6. DIY Dance Flooring
One material that needs extra attention on this DIY dance floor is the pool noodles. It is very advisable to cut it with a jig but if you don't have a jig you can make do with a serrated knife. However, make sure each disc of pool noodle cut is about 1¾".
7. DIY Ultimate Dance Floor
Every dancer needs a good dance floor for practice. The instructor started by giving a detailed explanation of the type of material required for the dance floor and how you can get them at a cheaper cost.
8. How To Build A Floating Dance Floor
What is your motive for building a floating dance floor? Floating dance floors are exceptionally exceptional, they give an extra bounce to your dance floor and thus make you feel good to dance on it.
The base of this floating dance floor was made from foam pads and 2×4 pieces of wood assembled to form a grid.
9. How To Make An Outdoor Dance Floor
Are you having an event or any outdoor gathering that involves your guests dancing? Then, you need to learn how to DIY this outdoor dance floor to spice the dance up.
You need only these 5 simple steps to take before the outdoor dance floor can be yours; let's check the first two.
The first step is to determine the location- it must be a place where you can lay out your party. The second step is to determine the size.
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10. DIY Indoor Epoxy Dance Floor
With a high gloss resin floor, you will want to dance every day.
The first thing you need to do to have this amazing indoor epoxy floor is to prepare the materials. Then, prepare the room for the floor. Make sure the atmosphere of the room is suitably appropriate; dry, heated with a minimum of temperature of 20⁰ C.
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11. How To Build Your Own Dance Floor
Buying a commercial dance floor is very expensive. Spending $700 - $800 on the dance floor alone is out of it, at least for someone living on a budget. However, DIY has made everything easier and cheaper. You can have an adorable dance floor at a cheaper cost.
Here are some materials you need for this dance floor: plywood sheets, mending plates, hammers, floor paints, and nails.
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12. DIY Dance Floor From Recycled Pallets
What can be cheaper than a dance floor made out of recycled pallets? Pallets have proven themselves to be exceptional materials that form into different DIY that involves woodwork.
In this guide, you will learn how to transform the recycled pallets into a beautiful outdoor dance floor.
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13. How To Build A Dance Floor
To build this dance floor, the first thing to do is to build a base assembly for the floor. After the frame, place plywood and put a product patch. Apply a bond enhancer and lay the tiles on it.
14. DIY Dance Floor Idea
When you know that none of your materials won't go to waste, you will be more willing to DIY every now and then. For this video, the sprung dance floor was made from the raised subfloor, sprung mat, and regular mat.
15. How To Make A Glow Dance Floor Under $20
This glow dance floor is very cheap, you can make one for less than $20. You need only two materials for this glow dance floor and about 15minutes of your time.
16. DIY Floating Dance Floor
To build this floating dance floor, the first thing you need to do is to lay a bare concrete floor into square feet. After this, cut pool noodles into 2inches thick discs and glue them to every corner of the square feet. Cover the pool noodles disc with plywood and lay Marley on it.
17. How To Build A Dance Floor
There are different types of dance floors. There is a sprung floor, performance surface, and an illuminated dance floor. This guide gives detailed instructions on how to build these three types of the dance floor. It is now left to you to choose the one you want to install and get to work.
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18. DIY Individual Tap Dance Floor
Do you need a dance floor that can bounce, limit fatigue, and limit the rate of injury? This individual tap dance floor is good for you. It is very simple and cheap to make. Among the materials needed are OSB sheathing, jigsaw-type flooring, and liquid nails.
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19. DIY Pallet Dance Floor
This was made from some block pieces in the pattern of a pallet. After laying the blocks and everything is intact the next thing is to grout. This is done by mixing some sawdust, gloss oil-based polyurethane, and mineral spirit.
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20. How To Build A Dance Floor On Grass
This guide talked about how to build a dance floor on grass. It is a super amazing project and a big step to spice up your outdoor event. To make this, you need to take note of some things like the wood you will be using; it must be upright. Using a framing nail gun is also advised against a hammer.
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21. DIY Pool Noodle Dance Floor
To make this pool noodle dance floor, you need about 50 discs of pool noodles and ¾" plywood sheets. Glue the pool noodle discs to the backside of the plywood sheets and lay them on the floor. After this, you're good to go.
Make sure you use a jig to cut the pool noodles and if you don't have one, make the size of the disc the same throughout.
22. How To Make A Pixel Dance Floor At Home
In this video, you will learn how to make a pixel dance floor at home. The instructor started by drawing the outline/ plan for the floor on a sheet of paper.
23. DIY Tap Dance Floor
The materials needed for this DIY tap dance floor include plywood (¾" or ½" according to your preference for thickness), rubber mat squares, sandpaper, box cutter, gorilla glue, and polyurethane.
24. How To Make DIY Tap Dance Board
This DIY tap dance floor allows you to practice on your own. It is very easy and inexpensive. You can make the board from any regular wood that you can find around. After getting the wood, the next thing is to cut it into boards and glue a foam spare mat on it.
There you have it! Make your dancing experience skyrocket today by building your own dance floor. Thanks for stopping by, if this article was helpful kindly share with your friends and family that might be interested in making a dance floor.
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Concert area navigator: a beginner's guide
Typical layout of a large concert hall or stadium
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Here, for example, is the diagram of the Olympic sports complex. We see a fan zone, a dance floor, two VIP boxes and stands.
Large club layout
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This is the map of the Moscow Stadium Live, the biggest club in Europe. Several VIP boxes and a dance floor.
Typical small club scheme
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This is the scheme of the Moscow club with a capacity of only 1000 people. This scheme is also relevant for the vast majority of clubs, say, Voronezh or Novosibirsk. Tables (they are also VIP-seats) and a dance floor.
Well, now let's move on to the analysis of each of the zones.
1. Fan zone
1. Action. This is the most popular area, so most of the fun happens here.
2. For the nearsighted. This zone is located closest to the stage, so from here you can see your favorite musicians in the best possible way if you make your way to the front rows.
3. Feelings. This is where the epicenter of the concert atmosphere is located: in the fan zone, the fan base always gathers, which sings the loudest, creating a unique collective backing vocal, sparklers are lit here (if it is agreed with the venue), flash mobs are held and flags are waved.
4. Sound. Most often, the sound engineer's post is located at the end of the fan zone, respectively, the sound in the hall is adjusted with a focus on the bulk of the people who are here. Not always, but most often it is in the fan zone that the best sound on the site happens.
5. Access to the body. At particularly high-profile concerts, some musicians have no problem "going to the crowd" or stage diving. Trust me, it's always fun.
6. Trophies. Fan-collectors can replenish their collection of drum sticks and picks only while in the fan zone, because trophies simply do not fly farther than it.
1. People. They are everywhere. You simply do not have personal space, as there are a lot of people, but there is not enough space. Not only do you want to not miss anything, so the closer to the stage, the greater the concentration of people per square meter. Social phobia will be difficult.
2. Risk of injury. Here you may well get hit from the elbow to the left, on the head from the neighbor's too active mosh from behind, and if the slam starts . .. In general, hold on, buddy!
3. Flash mobs. From the stage, a good flash mob often looks pretty cool, but you, who are in the epicenter of the fan zone, all these streamers, posters and flags can block your view. In principle, all this is not for long, and you can endure for the sake of a cool group, but there are always dissatisfied people. Who knows, maybe you won't like it too much.
4. Exit. At large venues and festivals, after the end of the concert, people are released in parts - first the VIP, then the stands ... In this case, the visitors of the fan zone are the last to leave.
5. Cameras. Someone is always filming something here. In front of your face now and then the screen of the nearest neighbor's mobile phone appears, which is not always pleasant.
6. High frequency. The squealing girls are here too, yes, yes. The decibelometer periodically goes off scale.
Fan zone - for those who do not stand by the whole concert, but support the entire movement. Here you need to sing, dance, jump and generally create activity. People who want to stand / sit quietly, just listen to music and look at the musicians, are clearly not here. You need to be prepared for some of the disadvantages of the zone and not get hung up on them, enjoying your favorite music and the atmosphere of the event.
Photo - Lev Giller
2. Dance floor
1. Price. The ticket price for the dance floor is lower compared to the fan zone.
2. For brutal. If you want concert "meat" - you definitely come here! The dance floor is always the epicenter of slam, circlepit and the like. To understand whether you like it all - you need, of course, to experience it once. We also saw one and a half meter inches happily running into the slam on a par with huge muscular men, so who knows.
3. Communication. Here you will not be bored while waiting for the concert. While there is a gathering of visitors, and the performers are preparing to take the stage, it is likely that an interesting conversation will develop with people standing nearby about music, festivals, favorite songs, and about anything in general.
4. Degree. There is a bar next to the dance floor in most clubs. You don't have to go far for drinks and water.
1. Distance. The dance floor is located right behind the fan zone, and most often the same thing happens there, but you are moved a few meters away from the stage and the crowd of people.
2. Again, people. Here you may well be poured over with beer by riotous amateurs, embellish the concert with alcohol or crush your ribs in a slam to the point of injury (rarely, but this happens).
3. Lottery. Not always good sound.
4. Intrusiveness. Drunk bar patrons can distract from a pleasant pastime.
If your main goal is to "hang out and hang out", then you, without a doubt, are here. People who are not ready to support the entire concert movement have nothing to do on the dance floor. You can only partially see the action on the stage, so those who want to personally see every detail should not go to the dance floor.
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3. VIP boxes
1. Overview. Here, no one will bother you to consider the musicians and all their actions. The boxes are always located a level above the fan zone, dance floor and stage, so those who want to see everything - here.
2. Calm. Music lovers with children, older people and those visitors who just want to sit still and listen to their favorite music are comfortably accommodated in the box.
3. Privileges. Guests with VIP tickets often have their own entrance, cloakroom and bar. VIP areas are sometimes a sofa or chairs with a table, and the waiters promptly bring everything you order from the menu, so that the especially hungry can also eat or drink.
4. Pleasant surprises. Next to you, one of your favorite musicians who came to support his colleagues in the workshop may well dignifyly drink wine.
5. Variation. If you suddenly want to dance and move, you can go to the fan zone.
1. Issue price. The cost of tickets to the stands sometimes goes beyond all reasonable boundaries! You have to fork out, because you have to pay for comfort.
VIP boxes are the right option for those who want to be left alone. Here you can sit quietly, listen to music and see how the concert magic happens down there. Well, the photos / videos from here are the coolest!
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1. Personal space. Nothing, but it exists. For an amateur, of course, a plus, but: you are at a sufficient distance from the dance floor and the fan zone so that the concert movement does not touch you.
2. Comfort. You sit yourself like in a movie theater, enjoying the spectacle.
1. Limited. If you want to be active, chances are high that you won't succeed. You can’t go out into the fan zone, there’s nowhere else to dance, and on the spot you will interfere with those sitting behind.
2. Remoteness. Grab binoculars in the theater around the corner to see the stage.
If you want peace, but there is a local crisis in your wallet. Budget option for VIP-lodges without a bar, blackjack and ... well, you get the idea.
Photo - cyber.

We conducted a small survey among the visitors of our VKontakte group and found out which concert zone our subscribers prefer.
Where are you going next?
We hope we have helped beginners in the difficult task of choosing the best venue for the perfect concert.
Go to concerts, listen to good music and enjoy every note!
Moscow bars where you can dance
Moscow bars where you can dance-
2 5393
5 15322
214 61928
3 2948
244 48205
Tema Bar
A photo: vk. com
Dream Bar
A photo:
Rock'n'Roll bar
A photo:
Bar Strelka
A photo:
Unusual concerts in the Peter and Paul Cathedral. 12+
Jazz, medieval and classical music on the organ.
See schedule
"Hands up! Bar" 18+
Hands up! Bar” you can indulge in nostalgia for a bygone youth, or you can shake the old days and light it up on the dance floor, like 20 years ago. Musicians, stand-up artists and DJs perform here, fun parties take place, and Sergey Zhukov, the founder of the bar, who likes to come here with friends, may well be at the table next to you.
Learn more
Bar "Youth" 18+
Café by day and club by night. It doesn’t matter what day you decide to visit the Youth, sets from cool DJs will play here every night. The bar constantly pleases its guests with promotions, discounts and noisy parties. And if, after dancing, you also want to sing, then there is even karaoke in Youth.
Bar Coyote Ugly 18+
A cult American bar that allows you to forget about the conventions of civilization for a while and completely surrender to selfless drive. The founder of the network of these mega-popular establishments is a former employee of the brokerage company Lillian Lavel, who created a new original concept of incendiary fun. The protagonists of the bar are "coyotes" - girls in short denim shorts and tight T-shirts, who fervently dance on the bar counter (in "Coyote" it is intended for this). Anyone can join!
Tema Bar 18+
An original combination of club and cocktail show bar. Tema Bar is open around the clock, and you can visit here at any time convenient for you. The institution has three cozy rooms, which are equipped with soft sofas and plasma panels. During the day, you can come here for a business lunch, have a hearty meal with dishes from various cuisines of the world and combine lunch with watching TV shows or sports. And in the evening and at night in the "Theme Bar" the real fun begins.
Bar Strelka 18+
Strelka Bar is a public creative space designed in an eclectic style. All details and elements are thought out to the smallest touches, as the creators of the interior took care of the design of all pieces of furniture and decorations that create an atmosphere of warmth and goodwill. Here the most fashionable and hip representatives of art and culture gather, who set the pace and spirit of the parties.
Rock'n'Roll bar 18+
Bar, cafe, club
Rock'n'Roll bar is a democratic bar in the center of Moscow. It is decorated in an unobtrusive American style with dark wood furniture, photographs, flags over the bar and bright graffiti on the walls. During the day, this is a calm and quiet place where you can have lunch or sit with a cup of coffee, but in the evening everything changes. DJs, musicians and those who want to have fun flock here. It is better to book tables in advance - the room is always full, you can’t get to the bar counter. The menu has about 100 cocktails at affordable prices, there are promotions and discounts.
Bar "Boiler"
Kotelnaya is a two-story cocktail bar that constantly hosts noisy parties and jazz performances. The space is designed for 200 dancers, so there is enough space for everyone! And the art deco bar counter and wide golden staircase will create an almost cinematic atmosphere for your party.
dream bar
Dream Bar is a cozy and stylish establishment with an English-style interior: an abundance of leather sofas and classic natural wood furniture, designer floor lamps, and original accessories. Here you can try more than 150 drinks specially designed by professional bartenders. On weekends and holidays there are parties with go-go shows and dances, these days there is nowhere for an apple to fall. Guests of the bar are also attracted by pleasant bonuses and promotions.
Papa's Bar & Grill
Papa's Bar is a truly versatile place that is open 24/7 and offers guests every imaginable benefit. During the day you can have an inexpensive lunch here, and in the evening and at night you can have fun from the heart. The special charm of Papa's is given by friendly and smiling staff from the southern countries, so that guests have the illusion of being in warm exotic lands. The institution often has promotions and happy hours. In the evenings, live music sounds here, everyone dances until they drop.
st. Nikolskaya, 10Bar Crazy Daisy
This bar is also called “the legend of the capital's madness”. Loud parties are held here on weekdays and weekends. The bar is open daily from 16:00 to 06:00. Cool promotions are often held here, for example, every Tuesday girls get all cocktails for free all night. Come to Crazy Daisy and dance until dawn.
Bar Liberty 18+
Liberty is a bar where you can have a delicious dinner and dance until you drop all night, and at five in the morning you can go to breakfast right from the dance floor. Liberty is twenty-four hours of freedom from conventions and stereotypes. Come to be yourself!
Shushas on "Pushkinskaya" 18+
Restaurant bar, karaoke and night club in one place! During the day, you can dine here in a calm and cozy atmosphere, and in the evening blow up the dance floor with hot dances. Shushas hosts various promotions seven days a week. The main thing is to keep track of the days of the week and keep up with profitable discounts.
Bar "1929" 18+
Do you have an adventurous spirit and a thirst for adventure? At the 1929 bar, you can plunge into the merciless and inspiring atmosphere of the American Great Depression, which equalized clerks, businessmen, workers, students and opened up new horizons.
Slavyanskaya sq.
Dirty Dance Bar 18+
Dance like freedom
Is dancing the only thing that helps you break free from conventions? Come to the Dirty Dance bar - for those who love to move, a visit here becomes a truly spectacular event. And an excellent bar menu will complement the impressions of a dizzying evening.
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