How to learn tutting dance
Online Tutting Workshop | Tutting Academy
Making Tutting Simple
With Online Lessons
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What you will get
in 1×1 coaching
- 60 Minutes (1x1)
- Muscle Memory Experience
- Freestyle Games for Tutting
What you will get
in 1×1 coaching
- 45 Minutes (1x1)
- Muscle Memory Experience
- Freestyle Games for Tutting
on the street
on the street
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Online Mini Course
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for Tutting beginners
Follow my lead
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Muscle Memory
for Tutting beginners
What you will get:
- 80 Minutes
- Without Talking
- Background Music
- Practical Experience
- Accelerated Training
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About the Choreographer
Dvash Ben-Shimon (32yo)
started Tutting dance since 2009.
“When I started Tutting there was zero information online, and I had to spend endless hours creating personalized foundations.
I launched Tutting Academy with the vision to grow the Tutting Community, beyond the Popping style, to all dancers from different genres.
My own favourite Tutting styles are: Head Boxes, Double Tuts, and Groove.”
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How To Learn Popping – The Ultimate Popping Training Guide
Want a clear, easy-to-follow guide to learn Popping? This 8-week Popping Training Guide is the perfect way for beginners to cover all the major Popping techniques.
The Popping training guide is divided up like this:
Week 1: Hitting, Arm Waves
Week 2: Body Waves, Glides
Week 3: Review, Freestyle
Week 4: Isolation, Animation
Week 5: Fresno, Flexes Week
6: Review, Freestyle Week
7: Walk out / Boogaloo, Twist, Tuts
Week 8: Review, Freestyle
Follow this Popping Training Guide to learn and practice all the basic Popping moves you need to know.
You can also download this Popping Training Calendar PDF to custom-plan your schedule:
Download Your 8 Week Training Calendar To Follow Along!
Popping Technique 1: Hitting
Learn how to hit:
Hitting (or popping) is when you flex and release your muscles as quickly and as powerfully as possible. Hitting is done to the beats in music.
For more in-depth instruction, read: Learn How To Pop, Or Hit With Your Body!
Drill Popping hits:
Practice by hitting one body part at a time (arms, legs, chest/torso, neck), in different positions.
Play this song:
- 4 8-counts: Hit with your arms extended straight in front of you, parallel to each other
- 4 8-counts: Hit with your arms extended straight out, perpendicular to the ground
- 1 8-count: From this position, hit as your arm rises up in increments until they are straight up above your head, parallel to each other.
- 1 8-count: Then bring them back down, still hitting on beat. (repeat this up-down motion as many times as you wish)
- 4 8-counts: Hit with your torso/chest
- 4 8-counts: Sit in a chair, and hit with your neck
- 4 8-counts: Stay in the chair, and hit with your legs
- 2 8-counts: Stand on one leg, and hit with the other leg slightly extended out
- 2 8 counts: Stand on the other leg, and hit with the other leg slightly extended out
Just take Clay's 7 Days of Hits Program on STEEZY Studio!
Things to remember:
You want your hits to pack in as much power as possible, in the shortest amount of time possible.
You can hit on the 1 (boom), or the 2 (ka), both, or “ride through” the 1 beat to the 2.
Popping Technique 2: Arm Waves
Learn how to do the Arm Wave:
The 12-point arm wave can be broken down like this
Drill Popping Arm Waves:
Practice the 12-Point Arm Wave with Boogie Frantick
More practice:
- Practice the 12-point arm wave with your arms straight out, reversing directions each 8 count. Do this 4 8 counts slowly, 4 8 counts tempo.
- Then, do it with one arm only for 4 8 counts.
- Switch arms, repeat for 4 8 counts.
- Wave both arms inward towards your chest for 4 8 counts, then reverse it out toward your fingertips for 4 8 counts
- Wave any or both arms in any direction for 4 8 counts. Get creative! You want your arms to “memorize” the pathway of the wave in as many positions as possible.
Things to remember:
It’s important to break down each point of the 12-point wave before blending it all together to create a smooth movement.
This builds your arm’s muscle memory. Keep your hands loose and fluid, and rotate your elbows to create a smoother wave.
Practice facing a mirror; how the wave looks from your POV might not be how it looks to someone watching!
You can practice waving your arms in any / all positions, not just the angles given.
Popping Technique 3: Body Waves
Learn how to body wave:
The 8-point body wave: move in one direction, starting with your head, shoulders, hip, knee, other knee, back to your hip, shoulders, up to your head.
The wave should move down one side of your body, then back up the other.
Drill Popping body waves:
Wave down one side of your body for 4 counts, then back up for 4 counts.
Do this for this entire song:
Things to remember:
It’s important to start and complete your full body waves.
Drill how to isolate the different parts of the wave, but incorporate it into your grooves.
You can start the full body wave from different body parts (like from the ground-up).
Technique 4: Glides
Learn how to Glide:
Do the step-glide by stepping out with one foot, then sliding it back.
Do the over-under/under-over glide by lifting the heel of one foot, and sliding the other foot in front of it. Take that same foot, and slide it behind the other foot.
Drill Popping glides:
Practice the Step Glide with Boogie Frantick with this free YouTube drill:
More practice:
- Do the over-under/under-over glide 4 times in one direction, then 4 times in the opposite direction
Things to remember:
Footwork doesn’t mean your upper body isn’t doing anything! Add your own flavor with grooves or head looks, etc.
Gliding is all about shifting your weight on your feet. Pay attention to which foot and where (heel/toe) your weight is.
Review: Hitting, Arm Waves, Body Waves, Glides
Re-visit the techniques from weeks 1 and 2. Combine all the techniques that you learned in a guided freestyle.
Play this song:
- 2 8-counts: Hit with your arms in any position
- 2 8-counts: Wave both arms in any angle
- 2 8-counts: Do the body wave
- 2 8-counts: Do the step-glide in any direction
- 2 8-counts: Hit with your chest
- 1 8-count: Wave only 1 arm, in our out
- 1 8-counts: Wave with the other arm, in our out
- 2 8-counts: Body wave as you step out with your feet
- 2 8-counts: Do the over-under glide
- Remainder of the song: Combine any of the techniques in your own freestyle
Popping Technique 5: Isolations / Fixed Points
Learn how to do isolations and fixed points:
Isolate one body part and move it while the rest of your body stays still, or
Keep one body part at a fixed point as the rest of your body moves around it.
Drill Popping isolations and fixed points:
Play this song:
- 4 8-counts: Isolate your head by moving it front and back
- 4 8-counts: Isolate your head by moving it side to side
- 4 8-counts: Isolate your head by moving it in a circular motion, like you’re making a letter “O”
- 4 8-counts: Extend your arms straight in front of you, and create circles with your hands
- 4 8-counts: Keep the same position, then start bending/moving at your wrists and elbows
- 4 8-counts: Isolate your legs by doing an “in-place” glide – keeping one leg planted while the other glides in front of it and back
- 8 8-counts: Fix point different things, like putting your hand on a “wall” and dancing around it, or holding a “ball” and only moving the ball
Things to remember:
Isolations and fixed points are great tools to create concepts, imagery, and stories. Solid balance is key when fix pointing your leg(s) and moving your upper body.
Popping Technique 6: Animation
Learn Popping animation:
Ticking is when you snap into a position with your joints.
Strobing is a faster pace of dime stops; it creates this illusion of leaving a trail of movement (like you’re dancing under a strobe light).
Poppers often strobe in pedestrian movements like walking.
Botting is when you create a “Robot” effect with your whole body using parts of these techniques. It makes your body/movements look “fake.”
Drill Popping animation:
Start this mixtape:
- Tick through the entire 12-point arm wave for 5 minutes straight
- Do the 4-point tick walk: stepping forward with one foot, and ticking the other leg in 4 points as you complete the step
- Strobe as you arm wave, walk, and complete other pedestrian movements (cooking, brushing your teeth)
Things to remember:
Keep your core nice and firm when you’re ticking your limbs and make your dime stops as clean as possible when you strobe.
Popping Technique 7: Fresno
Learn how to do the Fresno:
The Fresno is a part of Popping / Boogaloo technique. Shift your weight from side to side as you hit with each leg and arm.
Drill the Popping Fresno:
Play this mixtape:
- 4 8-counts: Do the Fresno (1 hit makes you move, the 2nd makes you stop)
- 4 8-counts: Hit your bottom right diagonal, bottom mid position, then bottom left diagonal
- 4 8-counts: Do the Fresno in a “single single double double,” AKA your arms hitting right left right right, left right left left
- 8 8-counts: Do the Fresno with variations with your steps (walk outs)
Things to remember:
The Fresno is important because it really teaches you how to stay with the pace of the music. Use your weight to keep balance as you pivot your feet.
Your whole body turns, not just your hip!
Never snap your legs all the way back; use your ankles to buffer the hits.
Popping Technique 8: Flexes
Learn how to do flexes:
The Twist-o-flex is when you put your hands on either side of your hips, then pivot your arms so that your chin is touching one shoulder.
Turn your upper torso to meet the plane of your hand placements there, then step forward to your base position.
The Neck-o-flex is when you touch your chin to a shoulder as you extend it out, then pivot your lower body around your arms as your head stays facing that direction.
Then, turn your upper body and head to the opposite arm.
Drill Popping flexes:
Play this:
- 8 8-counts: Twist-o-flex
- 8 8-counts: Neck-o-flex
- 8 8-counts: combine both flexes in your own freestyle
Review: Isolations, Animation, Fresno, Flexes
Re-visit the techniques from weeks 4 and 5. Combine all the techniques that you learned in a guided freestyle. Play any song you like.
- 2 8-counts: Isolate any body part
- 2 8-counts: Isolate another body part
- 2 8-counts: Fixed point one body part
- 2 8-counts: Fixed point another body part
- 2 8-counts: Tick the 12-point arm wave
- 2 8-counts: Tick while walking
- 2 8-counts: Strobe from/to any position
- 2 8-counts: Do the Fresno
- 2 8-counts: Do the Twist-o-flex
- 2 8-counts: Do the Neck-o-flex
- Remainder of the song: combine any of the techniques in your own freestyle
Popping Technique 9: Walk Out and Boogaloo
Learn the Walk Out and Boogaloo:
Do the Walk Out by crossing one leg in front and across from you. With that some foot, step toward the other diagonal.
Twist to that direction, then step forward with the back foot. Use the same foot to step behind yourself, then pivot to the front, and bring both feet in.
The Boogaloo is when you do a full body wave, starting from your head rolling all the way around, rolling your shoulders in opposite directions, pushing your chest out, then bringing your hips and knees out and around.
Drill the Walk Out and Boogaloo:
Play this:
- 14 8-counts: Hit all the 7 points of the walk out 4 times each.
- 14 8-counts: Use your opposite foot to start and hit all the 7 points of the walk out 4 times each.
- Repeat hitting during the walk out on each side, but 2 times in each position.
- Repeat again, 1 hit in each position, in tempo with the music.
- Draw a “figure 8” with your knees to prepare to do the Boogaloo roll.
- 8 8-counts: do slow Boogaloo rolls - fill up the full 8-count per roll
- 8 8-counts: medium Boogaloo rolls - 4 counts per roll
- 4 8-counts: fast Boogaloo rolls - 2 counts per roll
Things to remember:
For the walk out, use your opposite arm when you step forward with a leg.
Stay loose with your body as you do the Boogaloo roll.
Popping Technique 10: Twists
Learn Popping twists:
Do the Egyptian Twist by making angular pictures with your arms as you pivot your focus and toes toward different directions.
Drill Popping twists:
Play this:
- 1 8-count of Egyptian twist to your right.
- 1 8-count of Egyptian to your left.
- 2 Egyptian twists to your right, 2 steps to your right.
- 2 Egyptian twists to your left, 2 steps to your left.
Things to remember:
Keep your upper body and shoulders squared to the front, with your face following your toes. Hit with each time you pivot or step.
Popping Technique 11: Tutting
Learn how to Tut:
Tut by creating different lines and shapes with your arms. Bend from the elbows, wrists, and fingers.
Drill tutting exercises:
- Play any song
- From a resting position, bend at your elbow to raise one arm to chest level
- From there, extend it straight up
- Go through this same pathway to bring your arm down
- 8 8-counts: Drill your arms in this up-up-down-down pattern, alternating between arms
- Now raise both arms by the elbows in front of your face, and bend in a 90 degree angle at the wrist
- 8 8-counts: Alternate bending each side
- 4 8-counts: Extend your arms straight out on each side, and bend at the the elbows and wrists at 90 degree angles to create a “Z” then rotate them inward to create a box
Things to remember:
Keep your angles clean! 90, 180 degrees
Review: Boogaloo, Twists, Tutting
Combine all the techniques that you learned in a guided freestyle.
- 2 8-counts: Boogaloo rolls
- 2 8-counts: Egyptian twist
- 2 8-counts: Tut with just your arms
- 2 8-counts: Tut while traveling with footwork (you can just step, or glide)
- 2 8-counts: Walk out and Boogaloo rolls
- 2 8-counts: Egyptian twist in different variations
- Remainder of the song: combine any of the techniques in your own freestyle
Use this guide to train your basic Popping technique within 2 months.
If you want to follow along with a tutorial, STEEZY Studio’s Popping Program (taught by renowned Poppers Boogie Frantick, Kid Boogie, and Slim Boogie) is a much easier way to train.
All you have to do is plan out your schedule and follow along with the videos. Sign up here to try it out for free!
Tutting / Tutting / King tat VIEW ALL DANCE LESSONS >>>
The tatting or king tat dance style is one of the street dance styles. Its distinguishing feature is that it is danced mainly with the hands. The hands form right angles with respect to the forearm. The fingers and palm are flat. The tutting dance is built from figures and hand movements. If you can create the sensation of a Rubik's Cube in the process of dancing, which is constantly transforming, then you have learned how to dance king tut. I hope that the dance lessons on the basic technique of the style will help you with this.
Video dance lessons: demonstration of king tat / tatting
In our Dragons dance school in Moscow, there is training in the direction of tatting. It is part of the illusion dance course. Therefore, if you live in Moscow and ask yourself the question: how to learn to dance, then come to me for a trial lesson. Our dance lessons are available to everyone. Even if you have never danced before, even if you are afraid that it will not work out or are shy. Just come and see if you can learn to dance.
Basic equipment. Dance tutting training for beginners
1. Teaching video of king tat dance: "Square" movement.
As the name suggests, your hands should form a shape that looks like a square. Make sure that the corners are straight everywhere (that is, 90%), and the palms do not make "ducks". It is important not to rush here. Some people can repeat it right away, most after 5-10 minutes. The main thing is not to worry and calmly repeat the movement and bring it to automatism.
2. Online street dance tutting lessons: Open and closed movements
Be sure to check out this dance lesson, it is very important in your learning of tutting style. You will understand how movements are built, how they can be interconnected in this direction.
3. Dance lessons for beginners. Basic tatting technique: Rectangle
We continue our online dance classes and again geometry. Now you need to learn the movement of the rectangle. Like the square movement, it is important to observe right angles. In general, this is not a very difficult movement, but do it several times slowly at first so that your dance training is effective.
4. How to learn to dance: hand isolation exercises for tutting
Let's continue our training in modern dance and one of its most spectacular styles - the tutting style. To make your dance look beautiful, it is not enough for you to learn the basic "boxes" - a rectangle and a square. In this dance lesson, I will talk about the principle of "isolation" in dance and show you some exercises that will come in handy when you master king tat.
5. How to improve tutting. Three levels from easy to hard.
I noticed one thing. Many people come to my Dragons dance school who found my lessons on YouTube and then watched them for a long time and learned to dance from the video. Perhaps you want to learn how to dance, watch video clips and online dance lessons. If you have the opportunity, then I recommend that you look at my real classes that take place in Moscow. They definitely help :)
6. Dance lesson for beginners. Link number 1. Putting the dance moves together
And now a few links so that you learn how to connect the movements together and build a dance yourself. The main advice - king tat is a robot transformer. Just keep it in your head and try to convey it through the dance.
7. Bundle #2. Teaching dance style tutting dance
8. Online dance school: Link #3 (can be done in pairs)
9. Advanced tatting link
Of course, the dance doesn't end there. You can use your imagination and invent your own combinations and dance combinations. Improvise, use your whole body as a transforming mechanism that can form incredible figures. Then your dance classes will be very interesting and will bring great results.
I also hope to see you at my trainings at the Dragon Dance School in Moscow. See you!
How to learn to dance: video tutorials for those who are not afraid to try
January 28, 2017LikbezSports and Fitness
If you decide to learn to dance, do not delay. Just repeat after the instructors the basic movements of modern, street, ballroom and social dances.
Iya Zorina
Author of Lifehacker, athlete, CCM
0Answers to the main questions
Is it difficult to learn to dance?
It's really no more difficult than anything else you're new to. Dance directions are very different from each other. Even if you have mastered one of them, it will be unusual for you to do the other.
However, all dances are connected with the ability to control one's body. And if this is not new to you (for example, you were engaged in martial arts, gymnastics, swimming, and even more so dancing), it will be easier for you to adapt to new movements than a beginner who is not friendly with his body.
Even if you have a fairly wooden body, don't despair. The secret of success is constant practice.
Learning to dance from video lessons is more difficult than from courses. If your body is flexible and obedient, you can still do something similar to the movements of the instructor from the video. If not, you can quickly become disillusioned with dancing: the difference between what is shown in the video and what you will see in the mirror will be too strong.
Still worth a try. At least in order to determine the appropriate direction.
How many times a week do you dance?
Muscles may initially ache after exercise. But, unlike strength training or running, the body does not require a recovery period.
Therefore, you can safely practice dancing all the time. One of my teachers said to dance 25 hours a day. In any case, the more you dance, the more noticeable the progress.
How to learn to dance modern dances
From this direction we have chosen three types that can often be found in the schedules of fitness clubs and dance schools. And the first - plastic and insanely beautiful contemporary.
Abel M/Flickr.
Contemporary combines elements of modern jazz, yoga and martial arts, seasoned with improvisation and attention to breathing. This is freedom and plasticity - the natural beauty of movement.
Here is a clip with a contemporary combination. Give it a try, just be sure to warm up and stretch well before you teach.
And here is the second part:
By the way, about the warm-up. In the video below - a full lesson with a warm-up, stretching and analysis of the combination. In English, but everything is clear and without translation.
If you don’t have time to repeat or consider how some movement is done, set the speed to 0. 25.
If you like combinations but can't repeat them yet, here are some more videos of routine contemporary lessons.
You will most likely have to do the same in the dance school before you can perform beautiful combinations.
Strip plastic
imperiamarket.byMany people confuse pole exercises and strip plastic. The second is just a sensual dance that can be performed without a pole.
When doing strip plastic, you will not stand at the barre and pull your toe. Everything here is based on the natural sexuality of the female body. Of course, many teachers diversify strip plastic with elements of contemporary or modern, Latin American dances and other areas, but it all depends on the teacher.
How beautiful your dance will look again depends on how well you can control your body, how mobile your joints are and how stretched your muscles and tendons are.
In the video below there is an analysis of the combination. Not too simple, but very sensual and beautiful. And you don't have to move on the floor, so your knees don't get hurt.
And here is a playlist with strip plastic lessons from different dance schools. There are both individual movements and combinations.
And one more, simpler combination. Try it if the first one doesn't work.
júbilo haku/ This is a sensual and beautiful dance, which, among other things, helps to develop plasticity and even get rid of some health problems.
There are a lot of belly dance lessons on YouTube. Below are some of them.
The basic movements are explained very clearly here:
And the second part:
Below is a playlist with five lessons for beginners from another teacher.
How to learn to dance street dance
pinterest.comHip-hop has only been around for about 50 years. But during this time, many trends and styles have appeared, with different elements, plasticity, and special features.
In addition, modern hip-hop is often complemented by movements from other dance styles, which provides even richer vocabulary and original combinations.
But before you come up with your own combinations, you need to master the basics. In the playlist below you will find basic moves, steps and many combinations. They explain everything in an accessible way. If you can't make it, slow down the video speed.
The next big playlist videos explain the concepts of inertia, manipulation and isolation in hip-hop. There's also a story about improvisation, battle behavior if you're up for it, and a few variations of ground hip-hop moves (on the floor) to diversify your combinations.
Colonne/ Breakdancing consists of different elements: tricks and power movements on the floor, waves, fixations, and also changes in the levels at which the dance is performed.
Here on this channel there is training in different styles: Waving, King Tut, Robot, - an analysis of the technique of power elements and basic movements at different levels.
Below is a video detailing the 6 steps element from Footwork.
And here you can see how the "turtle" is performed.
Here is a voluminous playlist, in which there are quite a lot of breakdance elements with a detailed analysis of the technique of dance and strength elements.
Lauren Wood/Flickr.
Sexy dance in which you need to actively work the buttocks, hips, stomach and arms. In this playlist you will find several lessons with analysis of twerk movements.
How to learn to dance ballroom dancing
vimbly.comAt least once in your life you will surely need a waltz. Moreover, it is not so difficult to dance it at an amateur level.
Here are four good lessons that will teach you how to hold your hands and do the basic waltz steps in pairs or individually.
How to learn to dance social dances
Social dances are not designed for competition, but for communication between partners and enjoyment. Improvisation is welcome here, through which the dancer can express himself, his feelings and emotions.
pinterest.comThis dance comes from the Dominican Republic. He is very sensual and sometimes erotic. The basis of bachata is four steps with an emphasis on the last one. In the dance, there are rotations and throws of the partner, small lifts.
Despite the fact that bachata is a pair dance, solo combinations can also be taught. For example, if you don't have a partner yet.
In the video below - an overview of the main steps. Where to transfer body weight, how to hold hands, how to focus - everything is told in the most detailed way.
And here is a variation of bachata from the same teacher.
Below is a playlist for those who want to dance bachata together.