How to learn belly dance in hindi
Must-Know Tips Before Your First Belly Dance Class in Hindi
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By Pooja Sinha14 Feb 2018, 12:01 IST
मजबूत और Toned Legs पाने के लिए इन 5 एक्सरसाइज को करें
टोंड आर्म्स के लिए सबसे प्रभावी है ये 5 मिनट का वर्कआउट
योग शुरू करने के आसान तरीके
क्या महिलाओं को वेट लिफ्टिंग करनी चाहिए?
फ्लैट टमी और एब्स की है चाह तो जरूर करें ये 5 एक्सरसाइज
इन 5 आसान एक्सरसाइज से आप भी कम कर सकती हैं पेट की चर्बी
Belly dancing एक डांस शैली है। जिसे अगर रोजाना किया जाये तो बॉडी की बनावट सही रखने के साथ-साथ आंतरिक निखार भी आता है। आपकी पूरी बॉडी को कर्व के साथ फिट एंड फाइन बनाकर रखता है। इसी खूबी के कारण belly dancing पश्चिम की सीमाओं को पार कर भारत में भी काफी लोकप्रिय हुआ है। बॉलीवुड तो मानो इसका दीवाना है। Belly dancing शारीरिक हो या फिर मांनसिक हर किसी के लिए हर तरह से फायदेमंद होता है। लेकिन अगर आप Belly dancing शुरू करने के बारे में सोच रही हैं? तो Belly dancing के बारे में ये बातें जानना आपके लिए बहुत जरूरी हैं, आइए एक्सपर्ट से जानें कौन सी हैं ये बातें।
बैली फिट VS बैली डांसिंग
चैताली सोपारकर बैली डांस एंड बैली फिट इंस्ट्रक्टर का मानना हैं कि belly dancing एक skill based क्लास है। जहां आप अलग तकनीक और ओरिएटल स्टाइल बैली डांसिंग सीखते हैं। वहीं बैलीफिट एक घंटे का डांस वर्कआउट क्लास है। जिसके पहले पड़ाव में belly dancing पर आधारित डांस वर्कआउट होता है। दूसरे भाग में योगा और पिलाटे्स based वर्कआउट होता है। और आखिरी हिस्से में मेडिटेशन होता है।
Belly dancing शुरू करने की सही उम्र क्या है
7 साल से लेकर 70 साल की उम्र तक कोई भी महिला belly dancing शुरू कर सकती हैं। यहां तक की मोटापे से भी कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता है। यानी किसी भी उम्र और साइज की महिला belly dancing को कर सकती हैं।
Watch more: अपनी fitness को लेकर काफी creative हैं अदा शर्मा
बॉडी का किसी विशिष्ट शेप में होना जरूरी है
अक्सर महिलाओं के मन में यह सवाल आता हैं कि क्या belly dancing के लिए आपकी बॉडी का किसी विशिष्ट शेप में होना जरूरी है लेकिन चैताली सोपारकर का कहना हैं कि कोई भी डांस या फिटनेस प्रोग्राम आपकी बॉडी की स्थिति पर नहीं बल्कि आपकी मानसिकता पर निर्भर करता है। किसी भी साइज या बॉडी शेप की महिलाएं belly dancing शुरू कर सकती हैं।
Belly dancing के फायदे
- Belly dancing आपकी बॉडी के लिए ही नहीं बल्कि माइंड के लिए भी अच्छी होती है।
- शारीरिक ढंग और पोश्चर में सुधार लाने के लिए belly dancing फायदेमंद हैं।
- Belly dancing से पाचनक्रिया में सुधार आता है।
- इससे कारण आपका आत्मविश्वास बढ़ता है।
- प्रेग्नेंसी की तैयारी करते समय belly dancing फायदेमंद होता है।
- Belly dancing से आप पीरियड्स में होने वाले दर्द और दुखने से निजात पा सकती हैं।
Belly dancing शुरू करने के लिए आपको सिर्फ पॉजिटीव सोच और मुस्कुराहट की जरूरत होती है। तो हेल्दी बॉडी के लिए belly dancing शुरु करें और उसे अच्छे से enjoy भी करें।
Producer: Rohit Chavan
Editor: Anand Sarpate
बैली डांसिंग बैली डांसिंग के फायदे बैली डांसिंग से जुड़े तथ्य Belly dance Belly dance benefits Belly dance facts Belly dancing age Fitness tips Video
देश की खूबसूरती देखने जरूर जाएं सिक्किम की 'Gurudongmar Lake'
त्यौहारों के समय बच्चों को कैसे दें ट्रैडिशनल लुक, जानें आइडियाज
मजबूत और Toned Legs पाने के लिए इन 5 एक्सरसाइज को करें
घर पर इस तरह से बनाएं इंस्टेंट ब्रेड रसमलाई
करवा चौथ में इस तरह दिखें स्टाइलिश
Make Up Tips: आईब्रो को परफेक्ट शेप देने के आसान हैक्स
Diwali पर इन ट्रेडिशनल सूट को पहन अप्सरा जैसी दिखेंगी आप
टोंड आर्म्स के लिए सबसे प्रभावी है ये वर्कआउट
दक्षिण श्री लंका में घूमने के लिए खूबसूरत जगह
Periods में अब NO हिचकिचाना सबको अब ये बात हक़ से बताना
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वृंदावन जाएं तो इन जगहों पर खाएं स्वादिष्ट खाना
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त्यौहारों के समय बच्चों को कैसे दें ट्रैडिशनल लुक, जानें आइडियाज
करवा चौथ में इस तरह दिखें स्टाइलिश
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ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ - Free Online Belly Daning Classes
ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ - Free Online Belly Daning Classes Join over 26. Do you ever wonder how some women seem to move so effortless and
confident? Learn to move like a pro.
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ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ Online ClassesYou can dance with us for free! We have published the basic belly dance moves and regularly upload new videos for you. All workouts are playlists of several videos and contain a complete body warm up and a relaxing cool down Tell me more
Bellydance Class #1entry level
Start your training with this entry level class. You learn the fundamentals of belly dance: posture, seesaws, side sliding and mayas with your hips and chest.
Bellydance Class #2Beginner
Do the moves fromclass #1 already feel smooth & juicy? In class #2 you'll learn more belly dance basics: tilting internal circles and vertical circles with your hips and chest. The afro with pelvic floor integration is our specialty.
In class #3 you'll learn more of the essential belly dance basics: sliding forward and classical Egyptian horizontal circles with the hips and chest.
Bellydance Class #4Beginner
In class #4 you'll learn more belly dance basics: camels with the hips and chest and your first sharp hips accents initiated by your gluteus muscles.
Bellydance Class #5Beginner
In class #5 you'll learn more belly dance basics: twists and horizontal eights with pelvic floor integration as well as some basic arm movements like the snake arms.
Bellydance Class #6Advanced
In class #6 you'll learn some advanced belly dance moves: hagala schimmy and variations as well as arm movements that lead up to the snake arms.
In class #7 you'll learn some advanced belly dance moves: hip drops, accents, elegant eights with foot lifts, layered with chest camels and hip drops, as well as the secrets of a great hip shimmy.
Bellydance ChoreographyIntermediate - Advanced
Learn my beautiful belly dance choreography step by step! It's my interpretation of a classical Egyptian love song "Daret Al Ayam" (Days go by) by Um Kalsoum.
Bellydance all movesBeginner - Advanced
Here you have an overview of all the belly dance moves you have learned so far. Step by step instructions.
Bellydance all DrillsBeginner - Advanced
Here you have an overview of all the Bellydance drills with music. Dance for as long as you can!
Tips on Dance & HealthAn overview of Coco's tips & the home of her new interview series Free Woman. Have fun!
An overview on full length bellydance classes that we've recorded for you here in Berlin. The German video contains subtitles.
Sensuous Dance WorkoutEverything about Coco's Sensuous Dance Workout program - your personal wellness program at home: TV-shows, reviews, interviews.
COCO's Bellydance ShowsHere you can see a collection of Coco's belly dance shows. Enjoy!
Teacher TrainingListen to what our graduates have to say about our teacher training and watch the scholarship entries.
Fun Travel, interviews...An overview of all interviews, travel vlogs and other videos from and with Coco.
Join over 26.000 women in our Online Bellydance Classes Do you ever wonder how some women seem to move so effortless and
confident? Learn to move like a pro.
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The history of oriental dance. The secret of the birth of belly dance. Temple prostitution. Gypsies. Mata Hari.
The history of oriental dance is as mysterious as the desert dance itself. There are many versions of the origin of belly dance . In ancient times, it was a ritual dance - women surrounded the woman in labor and danced away from male eyes, driving away evil spirits from her. They made movements similar to the movements of birth pangs, so that the spirits could not recognize which of the women was giving birth, and could not steal the soul of the newborn.
Later belly dance became continuously associated with the spread of the cult of the Goddess of Fertility. The main occupation of the Arabs was agriculture, and dance is the most expressive means for depicting any activity. If we talk about belly dance , then it reflects the process of conception, gestation and, finally, birth. That is why belly dance contains erotic elements.
Temple Prostitution Institute was directly related to belly dance which was part of certain rituals. It is unfortunate that people often associate temple prostitution with brothels. In ancient times, the concepts of "love" and "fertility" were considered interrelated. People turned to the services of the servants of the temples of love not only for the sake of a good harvest, but also for reunification with the earth, the Mother Goddess. In this case, temple prostitution had a great spiritual meaning, and belly dance played an important role in the ceremony of preparing an act of love, that is, gaining a lost connection with the Earth Mother and renewing strength. Until now, not a single eastern holiday is complete without a belly dance - it brings joy to the house and the "lamp of Allah" lights up in the house.
Many people think that belly dance is just an exotic oriental dance, very beautiful and erotic. But everyone knows that "the East is a delicate matter." At the beginning of the 20th century, the scandalous dancer Mata Hari performed in the West and aroused a strong interest in oriental dance. Mata Hari announced that she was performing Indian temple dances. And because of this, in Europe, oriental dances were associated only with India. This stereotype exists to this day. Bellydance appeared in the West after the end of the Mata Hari era and was called "Bellydance" at an exhibition in Chicago at the beginning of the last century.
The dancers of that time did not dress at all like they do now. During belly dance , they performed in long, closed dresses, with a scarf to emphasize the hips. The dance image changed only under the influence of Hollywood. The suit - a bodice, a belt on the hips and a bare stomach, appeared originally in the cinema. The dancers of Egypt began to copy this image, so the movements became clearer, and the first films appeared with the participation of oriental dancers. Since then, the concept of choreography has appeared in the east, since before the dance was improvisation from beginning to end. But the group dance was still out of sync, indistinct, because the dancers were not very technical.
And then the era of solo belly dancing begins - in the clubs of Beirut, Algiers and Cairo. Such entertainment was popular with Western tourists, but initially it was only dirty haunts, until the Syrian dancer and actress Badia Masabni opened the Casino Opera club. Famous oriental dancers such as Samia Gamal, Tahia Kareoka, Nadia Afek and others started their careers at Casino Opera. Samia Gamal is the first dancer who began to use a veil in the dance and wore heels.
In the 50s of the 20th century, such great oriental dancers as Zukher Zaki, Naa, Aza Zarif, Najwa Fuad, Nadia Hamdi, Fifi Abdu and Rakia Hassan shone in Cairo nightclubs. But Islamic laws became tougher and attitudes towards dance deteriorated. Only Bahrain and Libya were liberal about belly dancing and there it flourished. In Turkey belly dance developed in the cabaret style, the costumes of the dancers were more open and seductive than in other styles.
Many of the well-known oriental dancers influenced the style of belly dance , using a veil, sword or snakes as accessories, but they did not have much influence, since this ancient art was formed over the centuries, each nationality brought its own touches to it, but its basis - the beauty and plasticity of the female body - remained unchanged.
Gypsy tribes had a great influence on belly dance . Nawar, which means gypsies in Hindi, traveled through India, the Middle East and Europe, temporarily settling in Spain. Many researchers believe that the Navar are the ancestors of the Ghazi. A closer look cannot hide the similarities between Indian folk and oriental dances.
Now in the dance world a mixture of styles is popular, which is called bellydance-burlesque. It is enough to learn a few basic movements and add a special mood to them. We have compiled detailed instructions on how to learn belly dancing so that you can dance no worse than a Colombian pop star.
Tatyana Shamanina
weight loss
How To
Slim stomach
incendiary dance
How to learn to dance a beautiful oriental belly dance at home? Of course, it's not easy. Nevertheless, it is easier to dance it at home than any other dance style. Especially if you have never been into dancing before.
Basic movements
- Starting position
Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Then slightly bend your knees and raise your chest - this is the starting position for starting any movement in the belly dance. For smooth movements in the dance, you need to tighten the muscles of the lower abdomen and engage the pelvis.
- Hip lift or shimmy
Bend both knees. Then straighten your right leg to lift your right thigh up. Then lift the pelvis up to the chest, while the upper body should not be involved. The heels must not be lifted off the ground during this movement. When you "pull" up your right hip, lower it and repeat the movement with your left. Namely, straighten your left leg and lift your left hip up.
- Fast Thigh Lift
Repeat the hip lift on both sides at a faster pace. Do not pause - first lift the right thigh up, and then smoothly - the left. At an accelerated pace, the hips will swing quickly from side to side - now you know how to perform the shimmy movement.
- Hip Drop
Start in the starting position with the right foot on the floor and the left foot slightly extended, about a few inches forward with the heel raised. Then bend both knees and keep your chest and arms up. Then straighten your left leg, lift your left thigh and immediately lower it to the level of your right thigh. At the same time, keep your right leg bent during the movement. Next, repeat the mini-bunch at a fast pace so that it looks smooth, without pauses and breaks.
- Belly
How to quickly learn belly dancing at home? Easy, the main thing is not to miss a single basic movement, including the “tummy”. Starting position - feet are on the floor, the upper body is raised, and relaxed arms are at the sides. Then slightly bend your knees and tighten the muscles of your upper abdomen, pulling them in. Then relax your stomach and tense only the muscles of the lower abdomen. Consistently alternate, pulling in the lower, then the upper press. Repeat the movement smoothly and without pauses.
- Try a breast lift
The last basic movement that will help you understand how to dance belly dance correctly. The starting position is a raised chest, arms are located on the sides, legs are together, and the feet are on the floor. Next, we pull the chest up to the end so that the shoulder blades seem to slide along the back. Then lower your chest back down. Repeat the link at a fast pace, while alternately contracting the abdominal muscles.
Why do home belly dancing?
Oriental dance will help not only lose weight, but also cope with various pains.
- Back and Joint Pain
Smooth movements increase the flow of synovial fluid (natural lubricant) in the joints, and also tone the muscles of the back, which improves posture and prevents back pain.
- Help in losing weight
How to learn belly dancing at home and lose weight? Easy - one hour session will help burn up to 300 calories.
- Preparing for childbirth
Belly dancing tones the abdominal and pelvic muscles involved in childbirth.
- Against stress
Oriental belly dance is not only beautiful, but also healing. The dance feels like a session of physical and psychological relaxation.
- Period Pain
Soothing dance bands help relieve congestion in the pelvic area, which improves blood circulation and relieves PMS pain.