How to draw a bharatanatyam dancer
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Indischer Tanz Bharatanatyam. Vektor-Illustration
von 2Life in dance. Bharatanatyam
There is a bearded joke that Indian children first learn to dance and then walk and talk. But there is a certain amount of truth in it. Dance training is one of the solid pillars on which culture and education in Indian society rest. And if in films Indians dance at the table, on the street, in cafes and even on the plane, then this is no accident. In real life, they also start dancing at any opportunity. With much love, pleasure and skill.
The history of the origin of Indian dance
The art of dance is the most important stage in preparing children and adolescents for adulthood. The origin of the dance is associated with the 4th century AD, when the Natyashastra code was written. A variety of swings with arms and legs, which seem chaotic, are in fact strictly regulated. Each dance shows a story from classical Indian literature or ancient mythology.
Not a single rite of service in temples begins without a ritual dance. Every year Madras hosts a dance festival that gathers representatives of various religious schools in one place. They believe in a different God, but the dance unites and brings each of them closer. To visit the dance festival in Madras is an unheard of luck. Because you will not see such extravaganzas and dances in any city in the world!
Originating in Tamil Nadu, the Bharatanatyam dance is a hallmark of India. This is what we saw in Indian films. It is characterized by clean, rhythmic movements and a whole set of rules. Based on aesthetic principles:
- Nritta. A dance in a classical form where the dancer simply follows the rhythm and embodies the music in movement.
- Natya. Theatrical direction, combines expressive gestures and pantomime.
Even one dancer can convey a whole series of stories from Indian mythology. Each of her movements is accompanied by accompaniment to music and marvelous singing, retelling this or that legend.
The first part of the dance consists of ritual movements praising the gods. It is followed by the main part of the speech. It often lasts several hours. Hands, feet, fingers and facial expressions convey hundreds of emotions. At the end, the dancer performs a quick series of steps, symbolizing homage to Indian deities.
Musical instruments
Bharatanatyam is always performed with national musical instruments. The brightest of them is the mridanga drum, which is mentioned in the sacred Vedas. For the manufacture, a large piece of wood was used, which expanded towards the middle. Animal skin was stretched on both ends of the drum, so you can play the mridanga with two hands at once.
Dances at Indian weddings
If on the first day of preparation for the wedding, the bride is painted with mehendi (henna patterns), then on the second day the sangeet ceremony takes place. Songs and dances begin. On the part of the bride and groom, relatives are preparing a series of dances that will entertain the newlyweds and guests. Everyone dances, from young to old. Usually relatives come from all over India and other countries - weddings are magnificent and huge. There are cases when several thousand people danced at the same time at a "modest" Indian wedding.
To see the traditional Indian dance bharatanatyam with your own eyes, and perhaps even attend a wedding? In India, perhaps not so - book tours in Gold Travel and go to the land of sun, light and dance!
About studio Bharatanatyam Indian folk dances News Photo gallery
| bharatanatyam Classical Indian dance tradition in India for over 2000 years. The history of the style is centuries old, however, one can reliably trace how it looked to the depth of three or four centuries. During this time, the terms, movements, and performed numbers, content, the musical component also changed and developed along with the style. The style was born and changed on the territory of such modern states as Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, which at one time were part of one South Indian kingdom, ruled by the Pallava and Chola dynasties, and today, since over time these states have their own local varieties of dance, the style is considered to belong to state of Tamil Nadu. The name of the style can be translated as Indian dance (Bharata - one of the names of India, natyam - dance) or Bharata dance - Bharata is named by the author of the treatise Natya Shastra. Also one of the interpretations - by syllables - Bha-bhava - feeling, Ra - raga - music, ta - tala - rhythm. This name was given to the style during the revival of Indian culture, followed by the liberation of India from the power of the English colonialists. The dance was originally performed in temples by devadasi dancers (maidservants of the god). At the temples, there were entire villages of dancers, and the parishioners of the temple often gave their daughters to the servants of the temple. During the heyday of culture, there were up to 400 devadasis at the temples. If the ruler liked the dancers of the temple, then individual dancers or their entire villages, and the temple itself were honored with gifts, the names of many dancers are immortalized in records on the walls of temple complexes. Devadasi dances served a variety of functions. The devadasis themselves were considered the wives of the temple deity, so one of their duties was to entertain the temple deity by dancing for him. Also, the dancers performed their numbers during the festivals, when the temple deity (often in the temple for this there is a special leaving "murti" - the image of the deity) was taken out of the temple on a chariot, accompanied by a procession of musicians, brahmins, dancers and believers. There were also families of singers and musicians who kept the South Indian classical style of Carnatic music - which was also an accompaniment for the Sadir dancers. From such a family of musicians came such famous Sadir reformers as the Tanjore Quartet - four brothers, court musicians under the Chola rulers, who made a great contribution to the codification of dance, in which many features of the dance that we know today appeared (adavu - dance elements, "bricks "the technical component of the dance," margam "- a dance performance program containing dance numbers that are different in complexity and content). With the arrival of the British colonialists in India and with the gradual impoverishment of the rulers, there was also a general decline in culture. Sadir did not escape this fate either. It was revived and restored during the struggle for the independence of the Indian people. We know such names of fighters for the revival of dance as Krishna Iyer (a South Indian lawyer who, in order to draw attention to this type of art, not only arranged evenings of South Indian classical art, but was also a dancer himself), Rukmini Devi Arundale - a Brahmin girl who married Englishman, and actively fought for the revival of art, the restoration of its reputation in the eyes of Indian society. Rukmini Devi began to study style quite late - at the age of 25, and soon organized the Kalakshetra Dance Institute, which became the first center to spread the national heritage (dance, music, crafts) in reborn India. Many researchers searched for dancers and teachers who continued to preserve the art despite the neglect of society, so today there are many schools within the style. The Kalakshetra sub-style was formed at the Kalakshetra Institute of Fine Arts in Chennai. Its founder, Rukmini Devi, trained in the Pandanallur style, refining it and introducing strict and rigid rules in both movements and repertoire, establishing a fairly high degree of stylization that the school has kept unchanged for many decades. Also under Rukmini Devi, the modern costume for the Bharatanatyam dance developed, which she developed together with European tailors - the costume is a stylized image of a sari, exquisitely draped on the dancer. During the existence of the school, many of its students became famous performers, many of them founded their own schools. These are such famous names as Leela Samson, the Dhananjayanov couple, Professor Chandrashekhar and many, many others. Pandannalur sub-style - different teachers emphasize different features of this style in their own way - some emphasize the naturalness and depth of abhinai-pantomime, others emphasize the complexity, clarity and jumpiness of the technical aspect - in the case of Pandanallur, it will be difficult for a modern viewer to draw a conclusion about its features , seeing one or two of its performers, as being passed along the chain from teachers to the next generation of performers, it inevitably changes, reflecting the abilities, talent and preferences of each next performer in an endless teacher-student chain. |