How to do the snake dance move
10 Tips for Learning the Forbidden Art of Snake Dancing - Corporate Event Entertainment & Production Company
It seems like ever since Britney Spears danced with an albino python at the 2001 MTV Video Music Awards, dancing with a snake has grown more popular than ever. Although snake dancing (no not the Axel Rose version) is not a new practice, it is unclear exactly where it is derived from. And even though it is most often done with belly dancing moves, most experts agree that snake dancing does not have Middle Eastern origins of any kind. There is evidence of snake charming dating back to Ancient Egypt, where charmers were traditionally viewed as magicians and healers. However this type of snake charming differs from modern-day charming in India, which is believed to have a more religious influence, seeing as Hinduism holds serpents to be sacred animals. Historically Indian snake charmers were believed to be holy men with godlike powers. From India snake handling spread throughout North Africa and Southeast Asia, but due to new legislation it has since dwindled in the latter part of the 20th century. Additionally, there is some belief that the practice extended from Native American traditions, specifically that of the Hopi tribe, whose snake dance involved performers dancing with snakes in their mouths and around their necks.
Regardless of how it came to being, modern snake dancing is often seen as sexy, sinful, and salacious. Throughout history snakes have been viewed as evil, powerful, and mystical creatures. Thus handling or dancing with one is often seen as a taboo. And that’s exactly why you wanna try it right? Below we explore the top tips you need to know before shakin it with that serpent.
1. Be in shape: A 12 foot python can weigh more than 50 lbs and smaller snakes can still pack a huge weight. Depending on the size of your snake, you must be sure you can lift heavy weights for a long period of time.
2. Don’t dance with a shedding/pre-shedding snake: When snakes enter a shedding stage they are blind and irritable, and anything you do with them could aggravate them even further and make them prone to biting.
3. Wear a simple costume: Wear a simple costume meaning minimal jewelry, which the snake can get entangled in, no sequins, which can catch on the snakes scales and rip off, no long strands, which can also be torn off, and no bright or contrasting colors, which can clash with the colors of the snake and make it harder to see.
4. Don’t feed your snake before performing: Feeding your snake before performing can lead to onstage vomiting and pooping. Plus a snake that is a little hungry is usually more active and interesting on stage.
5. Make sure the environment is warm enough: Snakes are cold-blooded, meaning their body temperature changes with the surround environment. They enjoy warmth so try to keep them warm before taking them onstage and make sure the surroundings are not too frigid.
6. Make sure your body/hands are clean: You must make sure any food residue or smells are washed off your hands and body because you don’t want your snake smelling you and thinking that you are its food.
7. Handle your snake frequently: Handling your snake frequently before performing with them makes them more used to you, and thus more comfortable and agreeable when you are dancing with them.
8. Be comfortable with the snake: You must like snakes and be comfortable with snakes in order to dance with them. Like many other animals, snakes feed off energy, and if you are nervous or scared the snake will be too and act accordingly.
9. The snake is the star of the show: Do not force your snake to do a certain routine or moves. Your snake will do what it wants and you as the dancer must coordinate your routine in reaction to its movements. In other words, the snake leads and you follow.
10. Keep your moves slow and smooth: Snakes do not like fast or sudden movements like dips or spins. Keep them around your upper body and dance with your lower body, keeping your movements as fluid and controlled as possible.
What is the snake dance move?
Also What is the snake sound? Like speaking and singing, though, the sound of a hiss comes from air passing in or out through the snake’s mouth, as well as its nose; a hiss is the sound of a snake breathing in or out really heavily.
Who made the snake dance?
The Snake Dance held every two years by the Native American Hopi tribe dates back to the earliest era of human life in what is now the southwestern United States. Scholars believe that the dance was originally a water ceremony, because snakes were the traditional guardians of springs.
Can snakes hear you scream? Most people don’t realize snakes don’t have ears which makes them deaf. It doesn’t matter what kind of noise you make to scare the snake away, it won’t hear you either way.
Can snakes cry? Snakes Never Cry
All reptiles produce tears. The fluid between the retinas and the spectacles is produced by tear glands behind the lenses. A pair of nasolacrimal ducts drain the fluid into spaces in the roof of the mouth. … This is why snakes cannot cry.
Can a snake fart? And Rabaiotti did find that fart answer for her brother: yes, snakes fart, too. Sonoran Coral Snakes that live across the Southwestern United States and Mexico use their farts as a defense mechanism, sucking air into their “butt” (it’s actually called a cloaca) and then pushing it back out to keep predators away.
How do I dance with my man in bed?
How do you whine a girl?
What is the poisonous teeth of a snake called? The poisonous teeth of the snake is called Fang. A fang appears as a long, pointed tooth. In mammals, a fang is a modified maxillary tooth, used for biting and tearing flesh.
What is the point of La Vibora de la Mar?
Special Dances. La Vibora de La Mar (the Sea Snake Dance) is a song and dance where the bride and groom stand on chairs opposite one another and form an arch, which guests pass through while holding hands and dancing. The goal is to not break the snake formation, and that gets harder as the music gets faster.
Do snakes ears?
Scientists have long struggled to understand how snakes, which lack external ears, sense sounds. … Snakes have fully formed inner ear structures but no eardrum. Instead, their inner ear is connected directly to their jawbone, which rests on the ground as they slither.
Why does a cobra dance to music? The “dance” these snakes perform is actually a terrified reactive sway to the snake charmer’s movements—as a means of self-defense from “attack” by the pipe. Snake charming is so violent, in fact, that the Indian Wildlife Act of 1972 actually banned it.
What tune does snake dance to? – The snake feels the pungi as a threat to itself, so in order to protect itself, the snake dances. Therefore, it is clear from the above discussion that Snakes dance to the tune of snake charmer because they change position with the change in position of flute. Hence, option D is the right answer for this question.
Can snakes feel love?
Some snake owners feel as though their snake recognises them and is more eager to be held by them than by other people. However, snakes don’t have the intellectual capacity to feel emotions such as affection.
What smell do snakes hate? Ammonia: Snakes dislike the odor of ammonia so one option is to spray it around any affected areas. Another option is to soak a rug in ammonia and place it in an unsealed bag near any areas inhabited by snakes to deter them away.
Do snakes like music?
Even though it is now proven that they can detect some airborne sounds, there is no evidence that snakes can appreciate music. Snakes are said to dance to music. While playing the flute, the snake charmer sways and the snake moves to the swaying movement. … Milk is not part of a snake’s natural diet.
Can a snake love you? Snakes and other reptiles are generally not affectionate to humans. They may become more tolerant of their owner, but they remain mysterious and hard to read when it comes to emotions. … While they may not get attached, snakes are capable of showing affection.
Do snakes bleed?
Do Snakes Bleed? If someone cuts them, snakes will bleed. Some snakes, however, have an uncanny ability to bleed deliberately. In the scientific community, they call this phenomenon of snakes intentionally bleeding “autohemorrhaging.” In common parlance, this is called reflex bleeding.
What do snakes hate the most? Snakes will often eat insects, amphibians, and other reptiles, so keeping them at bay is key. What scents do snakes dislike? There are many scents snakes don’t like including smoke, cinnamon, cloves, onions, garlic, and lime. You can use oils or sprays containing these fragrances or grow plants featuring these scents.
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Snake dance - seduce and conquer Online publication "Elements of dance"
It's time to admit the obvious: despite the fact that nature has endowed our women with the most beautiful appearance in the world, we are simply deprived of sexual skills. Not a gift, but a skill.
One can argue for a long time that sexuality is an innate quality, and it either exists or it does not. But, it is worth looking around (best of all in the direction of the East) and it becomes clear: there are no non-sexual women in Russia - there are undereducated ones. And then there is the politics of society, which for centuries contributed to the loss of this quality. nine0004
Who is to blame?
In the USSR, as you know, there was no sex. Even earlier, the standard of the way of family life was "Domostroy", which, it seems, stipulated everything except the most important part of the relationship between a woman and a man. And that's right, the topic is taboo. So they brought up from generation to generation girls who know how to perfectly manage the household and somehow realize themselves in the intimate sphere.
We are so accustomed to being a “cell of society” that we put ourselves in order only “on the way out”, attract the eyes of strangers, and at home we wash off our makeup and put on a shapeless bathrobe. nine0004
Meanwhile, in the East, a woman's main attention is focused inside herself and her relationship with her man.
It is this philosophy that distinguishes Indian women, who from childhood learn to dance, the art of seduction, adorn their bodies, know the secrets of aromatic oils and incense, recipes for dishes that stimulate sexual appetite, and so on.
Turkish and Arab women strictly follow traditions that are still strong and form femininity "from an early age." nine0004
The mystery of Japanese geishas, who attract the stronger sex like a magnet, is based on the same principles - they learn everything that allows them not only to skillfully seduce, but also to a greater extent arouse the intellectual interest of a man, intrigue, captivate, be different.
All of them are learning!
Russian women don’t even have what Europeans have: neither Latin American dance culture, nor the phenomenal ability of French women to please themselves in small things, not a single national dance, such as tango or flamenco, that would contribute to ...
What to do?
Seek and absorb the best that others have. And now we are smoothly returning to the topic of today's conversation - the Snake Dance.
In fairness, it must be said that in its purest form, the snake dance is a cult action that was common in many tribes in various parts of the world, up to Australia. The meaning and pattern of the dance varied, but always and everywhere they were associated with the magic of the female body and phallic symbolism. nine0003 We are also interested in modern options.
Today, if a woman thinks about expressing her sexuality through dancing, she most often chooses modern jazz, strip plastic or bellydance.
Bellydance, of course, is beyond competition, and it was he who inextricably merged with the snake dance. Today, on stage and in dance schools, there is a mixture of traditional bellydance technique and characteristic movements that imitate the behavior of snakes. Living "attributes" also participate in the dance. nine0004
There are two different directions.
Snake dance
The first is when you learn how to dance like a graceful reptile. The specific plasticity of the arms and body turns you into a snake woman. At first you try to imitate the characteristic snake movements, and then you suddenly notice that they are so natural for a woman, exciting and inviting, that the body becomes smooth and flowing, beautiful and seductive, flexible and attractive.
The magic of the snake dance extends to both the performer and the audience. Classical belly dancing is much less erotic. By mixing the "serpentine" technique with the traditional movements of bellydance, you perform the very magical ritual that hypnotizes men and deifies the dancer herself in their eyes. nine0004
A side effect of the skills of such dancing is the liberation of the body and the explosion of sexuality, not only on the dance floor: the style of a woman's behavior in everyday life, oddly enough, after a completely different awareness of her own body, its beauty and magic, the attitude towards a man also changes, and relationships in general.
Snake dance
The second option is more extreme - when a live snake directly participates in a female oriental dance. Most often, it is a python, which can reach 2.5-3 meters. nine0003 Of course, most of us are unlikely to dare to dance with such a partner; at the very least, courage and sympathy for snakes are required.
And you also need a lot of experience in communicating with these mysterious creatures and great skill as a dancer. After all, according to the performers, each snake has its own character, and they do not tolerate coercion. Some dance with pleasure, others refuse to participate in the dance. Since snakes do not have hearing organs, they simply feel the vibration of music with their skin and move in accordance with their desires. Some pythons themselves "lead" the dancer, while others allow themselves to be "guided". nine0004
The dance with the snake is interesting because it is always an improvisation, because it is impossible to force a python to perform the same movements and establish their order, having thought over the pattern of the dance in advance. The girl is forced to catch the slightest changes in the mood of her partner and the direction of his movements. Snakes, on the other hand, are phenomenal creatures, they feel the dancer very subtly, wrap around her body more comfortably, communicate with her on an energetic and intuitive level and also predict movements.
Girls who dare to master the dance with snakes claim that it opens up new facets of the possibilities of their own body - extraordinary relaxation, flexibility and plasticity. And most importantly, the deep feminine essence is realized and emancipation occurs. nine0004
Recall that in the East the snake is a symbol of the sensual world and the unity of the feminine and masculine principles. Not without reason, the half-naked body of the dancer, entwined with a python, causes so much excitement, emotions and frank associations among the audience.
acting exercises that will increase self-confidence - Knife
Snake dance, silent films and iron man: acting exercises that will increase self-confidence - Knife When they want to reproach an actor for a mediocre performance, they say: "In this film, he played himself. " But how difficult it is in life to remain yourself, free and open to new experience in any situation. First you need to have a good understanding of your emotions and desires in the moment, and from this confidence, charisma and harmonious relationships with others are born. Acting practices help to establish contact with oneself and the world. Together with the masters of the Gogol School, we have prepared exercises that will help you cope with psychological barriers. And you can get more experience and consolidate your skills in the autumn laboratories of the school. nine0004
Fear of public speaking
— I get lost every time I have to speak in front of people: present a project, make a toast, or make an announcement. I avoid situations in which I need to speak in public, and because of this I miss opportunities.
Researchers have found that people are more afraid of speaking in front of an audience than death, spiders, and heights. Even professional actors experience slight jitters before going on stage. Try to see the excitement as your ally, not your enemy: adrenaline helps us feel the drive and perform with energy. nine0004
- Before the performance, do the Iron Man muscle freedom exercise. It is better to retire somewhere - for example, in the toilet. Breathe in through your nose and tighten your body to the tips of your fingers, remembering to wrinkle your face and clench your fists. Then exhale sharply through your mouth (maybe with the sound "ha") and completely relax. Repeat several times, restore your breath - and go out to the public.
- Make eye contact with the audience. Find one or two friendly spectators in the hall - and speak to them as if they were your friends. nine0077
- Sincerely share your emotions with the audience, you can say this: "I'm worried", "I forgot the text." Firstly, it is bold - and will give you confidence, and secondly, the audience will be imbued with sympathy for you - after all, they had to tremble on stage.
- Shift your focus from yourself to those around you: focus not on how to please your listeners, but on how to convey useful information to them. Because you have something to say.
If emergency measures do not help, you can ensure your comfort during public speaking through good preparation - the development of speech and breathing skills, work on the formulation of thoughts and spontaneous speech. Gogol School this season is recruiting a separate laboratory for developing stage speech skills. nine0004
Stiffness of movement
— My body does not obey me, because of this I give the impression of a person who is insecure. I am embarrassed to dance, to go up on stage, I constantly think that I move awkwardly and look ridiculous.
In Hollywood, they say that the producers of the film company RKO Pictures, after listening, gave Fred Astaire the following assessment: "Bald, can't sing, dances a little. " And this did not prevent him from becoming a great innovator and virtuoso of dance and entering the history of cinema. Start with simple exercises, because a free, light and plastic body is the result of training and attention to yourself. nine0004
- Yoga exercises will help you better control your body. At the same time, tadasana (mountain pose) can be practiced even while standing at a traffic light, and shavasana (corpse pose) can be performed not only at the end of the practice, but also as an independent asana, for example, before going to bed. Lying on your back, try to "scan" your own body slowly and in detail, relaxing every muscle, paying attention to every centimeter.
- Do the Snake exercise: imagine that your spine is a cobra dancing to the tune of a fakir. Start with gentle spiraling movements of the head, then connect the neck, chest, lower back, pelvis. Keep your hands free. This exercise uses elements of oriental dances. As the Polish theater director Jerzy Grotowski said, “an actor is not a face, an actor is a spine.
” nine0077
- Find a body practice that suits you: it can be yoga or Pilates, stretching, contact improvisation, martial arts and, of course, any dance. It is not necessary to practice dancing with a teacher - turn on the music and move to the beat, enjoying the process. If you want to work deeper into psychological problems in contact with the body, body-oriented psychotherapy is suitable.
Distrust of the world
— I am afraid to show vulnerability and hold back my emotions. People around me consider me a man in a case. It seems as if the Snow Queen has bewitched me, but feelings are seething inside, which I do not give an outlet. nine0004
To show an emotion, you need to go through several stages: notice this emotion in yourself, recognize it and try to express it. At first, it will not be easy, especially if you have been taught from childhood that there are "indecent" emotions - for example, anger and sadness. Through regular exercise, you will develop emotional intelligence, learn to better understand yourself and those around you, and stop being cunning like "Hiding Harold's pain."
- Set three alarms at different times during the day. When you hear the call, ask yourself: "How do I feel now and what do I want now?" Desires may not correspond to the situation, so they do not need to be fulfilled immediately. This exercise is a call to reflection: try to catch your emotions and needs in the moment, name them, be aware of what external events or internal stimuli could provoke them. nine0077
- Record your observations in an emotional diary. You can do it this way: divide the page into two columns - write down the emotion on the left, the situation in which you experienced it on the right. Rate the strength of your emotions on a scale of 0 to 10 and pay attention to how they manifest in your body.
- If you are already aware of your emotions, but your facial expressions remain motionless, practice in front of a mirror, as actors do.
Imagine that you are forced to drink a bitter mixture, and you resist: close your lips, frown to express disgust. Or imagine that you are the Cheshire Cat being scratched behind the ear, and your mouth stretches into a wide smile (extreme pleasure). Try to express other emotions as well - you can do it exaggeratedly, like a mime actor. Relax your facial muscles after each exercise. nine0077
— I feel like a loner — I don’t know how to work in a team and delegate responsibilities. I think that others will do worse anyway, so I take on more than I can handle and plunge headlong into work.
Counter-dependence in relationships is a painful detachment, when a person, out of fear of getting into a dependent relationship, moves away from a partner, pretends that he does not need anyone. At work, such a lone player gives his best, but avoids tasks in which you need to cooperate with colleagues. nine0004
- Analyze why you avoid working in a team.
Ask yourself questions: what benefits can I get from teamwork? Which of my goals can only be achieved through teamwork? How should work be structured so that it suits me? What does not suit me in the workflow now? Do this exercise in writing, so it will be as effective as possible. If you don’t find the proper motivation for working in a team, you don’t need to force yourself under pressure.
- Listen to Business School professor Amy Edmondson's TED talk about how to quickly assemble a team from a group of random people. nine0077
- Psychologist Raymond Meredith Belbin identified nine roles that people take on in a team and divided them into three groups: action-oriented, people-oriented, and thinking-oriented. Each role is associated with typical human behavior and strengths. Think about which of the roles you could try on for yourself.
- Acting exercises will help to learn how to cooperate, especially from improvisational theater, where the success of improvisation depends on interaction with a partner.
It is better to train with friends. Try to build a dialogue: a) starting each phrase with one letter of the alphabet, b) starting a new phrase with the next letter of the alphabet, c) speaking only in interrogative sentences. These exercises develop improvisation skills, imagination and vocabulary. Board games will also help with this, in which you need to team up. nine0077
Crisis of ideas
- I can't think creatively. Other people's ideas seem original to me, and my own seem banal and unworthy of attention. I can sit for hours in front of a blank sheet and fall into a stupor when I need to think of something on the go.
Our brain saves effort and therefore gives out stamps in the first place. To think like a child directly and see a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant in a painted hat, you need to train. nine0004
- If you're having a creative block and you can't get started, instead of writing text / drawing a layout / solving some creative problem, write down all the facts that are relevant to the case.
What do you know about the task, what points does it consist of, what result do you need to achieve, what competencies do you have to solve it? What words and associations come to your mind? After 20–30 minutes, the process will start and you will start working.
- Try the Six Thinking Hats technique, a form of brainstorming. Each of the six modes of thought is figuratively represented as a hat of a certain color. For example, red hat - emotions, black - criticism, yellow - optimism, etc. You are invited to consider the problem from different angles, alternately "trying on" different hats. nine0077
- The Silent Movie exercise will help you develop your improvisation skills even on your own. Start any YouTube video without sound — for example, a short film, a cartoon or an episode of a TV series — and start “voicing” the characters. Then you can turn on the sound and check what the characters were actually talking about. If you want more exercises on the development of imaginative thinking, in Gianni Rodari's book "Grammar of Fantasy" you will find many useful examples.