How to do the conga line dance
new conga line dance | TikTok Search
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This was our first dance since 2019! It was a blast!!! #middleschool #lovewhatwedo #goodvibes #middleschooldance
190 Likes, 21 Comments. TikTok video from SlaterLovesShrek (@slaterlovesshrek): "This was our first dance since 2019! It was a blast!!! #middleschool #lovewhatwedo #goodvibes #middleschooldance". Conga Line!!!! | #schooldance!. Love You So.
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NEW DANCE ALERT @Nifè 🚨 ft mum & sis!!😂 #fyp #congolaise🇨🇩 #blowitup #newdance #foryou #viral #only1elohim #waistline #congolesedance #😂😂
88. 2K Likes, 1.6K Comments. TikTok video from MOKONZI🇨🇩🇬🇧 (@only1elohim): "NEW DANCE ALERT @Nifè 🚨 ft mum & sis!!😂 #fyp #congolaise🇨🇩 #blowitup #newdance #foryou #viral #only1elohim #waistline #congolesedance #😂😂". HAD TO GET MY MUM & SISTER ON THISSS!!!😭🇨🇩. Fayahh Robinsonprods.
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It’s starting the conga line for me! #greenscreenvideo #trending #dance #trend #wearenotthesame #funny #congaline #parenttok #dancemoves #playthatfunkymusic
798 Likes, 11 Comments. TikTok video from Rachaelbrooke__ (@rachaelbrooke_): "It’s starting the conga line for me! #greenscreenvideo #trending #dance #trend #wearenotthesame #funny #congaline #parenttok #dancemoves #playthatfunkymusic". Girls dancing to impress on the left! Rachael on the right! . original sound.
original sound - Liam Davies 🏴
Jerome Bartlett
Some days call for a mascot conga line. 🤗 #mascot #mascottraining #mascottrainingcamp #jeromebartlett #dance #viralvideo #newmusic #skylarastin #randomvideo #happy
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Who is starting these conga lines whenever I DJ at spots? Lol! #conga #congaline #vegasnightlife #vegasstrip #vegasnightclubs #vegas #goodtimes #linedance #dance #lizzo #lasvegasstrip #djshadowred #shadowred
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original sound - djShadowRED
Brian Esperon
The new conga line! 💃🏻🕺🏻 @laurynfernandez @asiastar01 @gabby.sablan @cdegurrola @veebeecee02 (dc: @saucetoosauced )
64.9K Likes, 633 Comments. TikTok video from Brian Esperon (@besperon): "The new conga line! 💃🏻🕺🏻 @laurynfernandez @asiastar01 @gabby.sablan @cdegurrola @veebeecee02 (dc: @saucetoosauced)". Teach Me How To Dougie.
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Conga Online edition "Elements of Dance"
Dance vocabularyBack
Conga - a dance that originated in Cuba, through the efforts of the musician Javier Cugat gained popularity in the United States, and later spread throughout the world. Despite the fact that the Island of Freedom is called the cradle of the conga, this dance combines the traditions of several world cultures, however, as well as the choreographic art of this region as a whole.
A similar name is given to a tall and narrow drum that came to Cuba with African slaves, and if the features of the ritual dances of the Black Continent do not come through clearly in the movements of the conga, then only thanks to centuries of assimilation, merging with the traditions of other countries. For example, it cannot be denied that the conga dance was also formed under the influence of Chinese choreographic trends. Slaves from China, once brought to Cuba, endowed it with their own national characteristics, which is most noticeable at the very beginning of the musical composition that accompanies the conga: here we can hear the Chinese horn.
Developed among slaves, the conga dance was originally performed in very modest conditions: for example, the rhythm could be beaten by any kitchen utensils or other simple items that were always at hand. When the conga moved beyond this social group, barrels and pans were replaced by drums. In general, this dance passed through all segments of the population, enjoying success at folk festivals and carnivals unfolding in the open air, triumphantly appearing at solemn events for high society. In addition to being democratic, the conga dance is also famous for the fact that it eliminates the boundary between the dancer and the musician: the latter, who plays his instrument, also takes part in the dance.
The usual attire for the conga is wide trousers, similar to harem pants and sewn from a shiny material, a turban-shaped headdress made of the same fabric, and a loose long shirt. All parts of the costume, made in the same color scheme, are in harmony with each other.
The conga dance has a somewhat political connotation: once a regular guest of parades, it is performed to a marching rhythm, and its musical sequence has repeatedly become the foundation for political songs.
In the choreographic sense, the conga is a line of performers beating a hard rhythm with their heels, and before the second beat in each measure there is a syncopation in 1/16, which is a characteristic feature of the dance. The winding line can be of any length, occupying a considerable territory. It is known that a quarter of a century ago, the performance of the conga in Miami was marked by the construction of a line of 120 thousand people.
The positions and steps of the conga are very simple and identical to the rumba. Only one figure is used in the dance, which is represented by three rumba moves, as well as a signature syncopation followed by a pause.
Success came to conga in the 30s of the 20th century, and although it did not last long, the dance left its mark on history. In the 80s, popularity returned to it: reminiscent of rumba, incendiary and involving many performers, the conga dance fell in love with everyone. Today it is still popular in Cuba, and is being studied in dance studios outside the island.
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Female chimpanzees danced conga
British zoologists analyzed the joint movements of two female common chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes ), living in one of the American zoos, and came to the conclusion that they are distinguished by well-established synchronous bipedalism. If we draw an analogy with human dances, then the movements of a chimpanzee are most reminiscent of a conga - a Cuban dance in which participants line up and move in sync with each other. It is curious that the only reason for such movements in animals is the manifestation of affiliative behavior, scientists write in Scientific Reports .
Couple dance requires not only the ability of each participant to move to the music, but also their ability to synchronize movements and follow the general rhythm of the dance. This activity requires the coordinated work of the motor system of each of the participants and the understanding of how the other moves - and for species other than humans, this can be quite difficult.
Nevertheless, not only humans, but also, for example, some monkeys have an understanding of what rhythm is. Accordingly, they could potentially be taught dance moves (and this has already been shown), but so far it has not been known whether other species of primates can synchronize their actions with each other on their own, without additional training.
Adriano Lameira of the University of Warwick and colleagues focused on two female chimpanzees at the St. Louis Zoo: Holly and Bakary. For several years, they got on amateur videos, performing something similar to the Cuban conga dance - they rhythmically walked one after another, synchronizing the movements of their legs. The researchers collected all the available videos (there were 21 of them in total) and plotted the movement of the legs of each of the participants depending on the time.
The average duration of a synchronized bipedal step of Holia and Bakary was 24.6 seconds, and each step lasted from 0.81 to 1. 49seconds. This is faster than the single step of a chimpanzee in the wild, faster than in captivity, but generally within the average, which is why the scientists concluded that the step during the joint movement is similar to the movement of the single. Correlation analysis of stride frequency showed that, on average, chimpanzees lag behind each other by zero seconds, which means that their joint pace is maintained. Also correlated (p < 0.0001) were the angles of inclination of Holly and Bakary during movement, which, in turn, means that their movements were strictly synchronized.
The authors thus managed to show that pair dancing is not an exclusively human occupation. Given that both chimpanzee individuals are females who have known each other since childhood, their dance is a manifestation of affiliative (friendly) behavior, and can also be a kind of entertainment: both for each other and for themselves. The reasons for the formation of the dance repertoire in both individuals are not yet completely clear.