How to do the chicken dance video
How to teach the Chicken Dance in PE Class
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What’s Up PE Friends!Today I want to show you how I teach locomotor and non-locomotor skills through dance. In the video shown below, you can see me teaching Chicken Dance to some of my younger students. We had tons of fun doing this and my kids enjoyed it a lot. Normally I do this dance with my K-2nd Graders. (If you’re looking for a dance for your older kids check out The Jump Dance)
So before we start, you’re going to need the following:
- Prep the music. You will need speakers and a music player. I highly recommend connecting your phone via Bluetooth for this so you can move around with the kids and still control the song. I’ve added some helpful links related to this below:
- The Stereo Setup in my gym
- How to Setup Bluetooth Streaming in your Gym
- All my Music Playlists I use in PE Class
- There are also links to all my tech gear (like the wireless mic) on our Amazon Page if your interested
- Set some boundaries for your students to move around during the dance and find open space
Once all these are set, you are ready to have fun teaching and dancing!
Check out the video below to see an example of how I teach the dance to my kiddos!
*For an overview of the wireless mic you see me using in the video above check out this post on my wireless mic
As you can see this is a good time to also review DIRECTIONS (Forward, Sideways, Backward) 🙂
As you can also see from the video, I start the class by teaching the basic steps first after I let them listen to a sound clip of the chicken dance. The clip usually helps prep the kids for the dance. The chicken dance is a 4 count dance, meaning four counts per step and there are guess what… 4 steps and you will do the Chicken Dance 4 times.
So the magic number here is… wait for it… FOUR!
The Chicken Dance StepsNon-Locomotor Steps:
- Beaks
- Wings
- Tail Feathers
- Claps
Locomotor Steps (Switch these up if you want):
- Skip
- Slide
- Gallop
I start with Non Locomotor steps first making sure that I count to four as I do the steps, then proceed in explaining to kids which locomotor we will practice during what I call “The Movement Break” which is the time between each Chicken Dance.
While we are moving I give the kids a cue to freeze and get ready for the dance by saying “BEAKS UP” and then we start the next round of the dance.
The Basic Breakdown is Below:
- 4 rounds of the chicken dance
- Skip in the open space
- 4 rounds of the chicken dance
- Slide in the open space
- 4 rounds of the chicken dance
- Gallop in the open space
- 4 rounds of the chicken dance
- Use other locomotor steps aside from the ones I used
- Have students perform square dancing moves with a partner during the movement break
- Create a routine around another skill like dribbling, ribbons or scarfs
More Resources for K-2nd
The Call it Macaroni Song
Another great song for teaching locomotor and non-locomotor skills in class is a fun follow the leader called “Call it Macaroni”. You can check out the video below for an example of this one:
*Digital version of the song or CD available for purchase here
The Hokey Pokey Dance
This is a fun variation of Hokey Pokey that I shared back in 2016 – it’s a great one to throw in when you are working on HULA HOOP TRICKS and already have hula hoops out. It also works on reviewing Right and Left sides of the body which is good for younger students.
Locomotor License Test
At the end of 1st Grade we assess students on Locomotor Movement Skills. For this assessment we do something called “The Locomotor License Test”. It’s a fun way to turn an assessment into a fun challenge that ends in a reward for the students hard work, you can download the free lesson plan and Locomotor License Cards HERE. Also, I’ve included the video below if you want to check it out:
*If your a Member, you can download the E-book in the membership forums 🙂
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von 4 90,000 Scientists have found a deep-sea headless chicken in the ocean. And it's dancingAustralian scientists' cameras mounted on fishing boats captured a video of a deep-sea sea cucumber, also known as the headless chicken monster. And this is the rare case when each of the words in the name is one hundred percent justified.
What do you usually think of when you hear about sea cucumber? Probably something not very bright and interesting.
In that case, you (and we, too, for sure) simply do not know about a creature called the deep-sea sea cucumber Enypniastes eximia. It's also called the headless chicken monster, and you'll see why in a moment. nine0003
For the first and last time this handsome man was photographed in the Gulf of Mexico last year, now for the first time he was caught on the cameras of Australian scientists from the local Department of the Environment, tells ABC News. They installed their equipment on fishing boats fishing in Antarctica, and did not immediately understand what they managed to capture on video.
We had never seen anything like it before, and at first we didn't even know what it was. And I must confess that this creature is one of the most impressive that I have seen. Dick Welsford, Department of the Environment Scientist
The headless chicken monster differs from most of its sea cucumber counterparts in that it can swim and deliberately sink to the ocean floor for something tasty. And the appearance of his unusual nickname is quite easily explained by his appearance - for some reason he reminded scientists of a headless carcass.
This creature once again shows us how little we know about the ocean and those creatures that can be found in its depths. Surely there are many other creatures that live and wait for the moment when they are discovered. nine0003
By the way, this sea cucumber has another nickname. It is called the Spanish dancer for its flamenco dress-like forms, gracefully swaying as it moves.
But in general, it is very surprising that Australian scientists can be surprised by something, because in that part of the world you can meet some kind of monster just walking along the beach. This happened to a family of New Zealanders who accidentally discovered a giant cookie right on the sand. And the cookie could walk. nine0003
In the same place, in New Zealand, local divers found a hefty kraken, who also decided to relax on the beach. And this guy (probably) quickly found himself company in the form of a New Zealander, terribly reminiscent of one famous Russian deputy.
The whole truth about chickens: they are not stupid at all
- Colin Barras
- BBC Earth
Image copyright Ernie Janes/
Despite a reputation for being hopelessly dumb, chickens are remarkably intelligent and empathetic, BBC Earth columnist found out.
Reputation: k Uritsa is a stupid bird, a walking meat factory and tasty eggs.
In fact: e the most common bird in the world is intelligent and perhaps even able to react to the condition of its fellows, which raises a number of ethical questions for the poultry industry. nine0058
The situation with chickens is somewhat unusual.
There are over 19 billion chickens on Earth, making them one of the most common vertebrate species on our planet.
Photo copyright, Klein & Hubert/
Photo caption,How smart is it to peck grain?
However, most people rarely see them or do not see them at all - at least in a living form.
This leads to rather strange ideas about chickens. nine0003
According to some studies, people often do not even classify them as ordinary birds.
However, they are typical members of the order Galliformes, which includes bird species such as turkey, partridge and pheasant.
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In addition, chickens are often thought of as stupid animals that do not have the complex psyche of "higher" species, such as monkeys or great primates.
This attitude, promoted by the typical depiction of chickens in popular culture, may help people to eat eggs and meat from factory-farmed chickens without much worry.
But in fact, chickens are not stupid at all.
They can count, have some degree of self-awareness, and even manipulate each other in ways that Machiavelli would not neglect. nine0003
In fact, they have such a high intelligence that even a short acquaintance with these birds can break the ingrained stereotypes.
As part of a study published in 2015, Lisel O'Dwyer and Susan Hazel conducted practical exercises with graduates from the University of Adelaide in Australia. While studying psychology and perceptual processes, students conducted experiments that included training chickens.
Before the start of classes, the students answered the questionnaire. Most of them admitted that they had little to do with chickens and perceive them as primitive creatures, incapable of feeling bored, disappointed or joyful. nine0003
Just a two-hour training session was enough for the students to be very likely to recognize that chickens can feel all three of these emotions.
"Chickens are much smarter than I thought before," one of the students wrote in the comments to the final questionnaire.
Another student added: "I never suspected that chickens are quite smart and learn fast enough."
Photo copyright, Tony Heald/
Photo caption,Male jungle hen (Gallus gallus), the closest wild relative of the domestic chicken
For another, yet to be published study, O'Dwyer repeated this experiment with poultry workers and got the same results.
"We took two completely different social groups and found that they had the same initial attitudes and their same change," she explains.
Now she intends to study whether such an experience will affect people's eating habits - for example, whether they will switch to more ethically sourced chicken. nine0003
Along with many other contributions, O'Dwyer's research was included in a scientific review on chicken perception by Laurie Marino of the Kimmel Animal Welfare Center in Kanaba, Utah, and published in January 2017.
"This paper is part of a collaborative project called Someone organized by the Animal Refuge Network and the Kimmela Center," says Marino. ". nine0003
According to Marino, the scientific evidence clearly confirms that chickens are not nearly as clueless and stupid as many people think.
Photo copyright, Ernie Janes/
Photo caption,Chickens have amazing skills
A series of studies published over the past decade by Rosa Rugani and her colleagues at the University of Padua (Italy) can be cited as an example.
Based on experiments with newly hatched chickens, the researchers found that chickens can count and even perform basic arithmetic. nine0003
From the moment of birth, there were five items near the chicks - plastic containers from Kinder Surprise.
A few days later, the scientists took these containers and, in front of the chickens, placed three of them behind one screen and two behind the other.
The chickens approached the screen more often, behind which more objects were hidden.
An experiment was then conducted to test the chicks' ability to memorize, add and subtract.
Having hidden the objects behind two screens, the scientists started moving them from one screen to another in front of the chickens. nine0003
The chickens probably kept track of the number of items behind each screen and still approached the screen with more containers more often.
From an early age, chicks show good math skills even with little training, says Rugani.
Photo copyright, Pete Cairns/
Photo caption,This hen does not have a "chicken" mind at all
She believes that not only chickens, but also higher animals in general, can have such abilities. nine0003
"Skills like this help animals in nature, for example, to get more food or find a larger group of animals to join," says the scientist.
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Chickens are also to some extent able to "mentally travel through time", that is, to imagine what will happen in the future in order to eventually get more food. nine0003
Such conclusions are contained in a study dated 2005 by Shevon Abaysingh, then working at the University of Bristol (UK).
In Abaysingh's experiment, hens could peck one of the buttons to get short access to food after a two second delay, or the second one, which opened the feeder for a longer time, but after six seconds.
The birds pecked at the second button much more frequently, choosing more food after a longer wait. nine0003
In other words, they exhibited willpower, a quality that some biologists believe indicates some degree of self-awareness.
In addition, chickens have a complex system of social relations.
Photo copyright, Ernie Janes/
Photo caption,Chickens have a very complex social life
According to some research, birds can understand how their fellow birds see the world and apply this knowledge to their advantage.
If a rooster finds a particularly tasty morsel in search of food, he will usually "dance" and make a characteristic call for food, trying to impress the surrounding hens. nine0003
However, if subordinate males behave in the same way, the dominant rooster may notice this and attack them.
Therefore, in the presence of a dominant cock, subordinate individuals usually "dance" silently in order to both impress the females and not attract the attention of the dominant male.
At the same time, some males try to attract females by fraudulent means and make calls to food, even if they cannot boast of tasty finds. nine0003
It is not surprising that hens quickly bite through roosters who use this trick too often.
Some evidence even suggests that chickens may experience a rudimentary form of empathy for their fellows.
Photo credit, Klein & Hubert/
Photo captionChickens can be very social blowing their chicks with air. nine0003
Previously, chickens were given the opportunity to experience first hand that this procedure caused slight discomfort.
When a stream of air was directed at the chickens, the heartbeat of the chickens increased and they called the chickens more often.
However, if the air was blown into an empty place next to the chickens without causing them discomfort, the chickens behaved as usual.
In an experiment published in 2013, chickens learned to distinguish by color a "dangerous" box that had bad airflow from a "safe" box that didn't. nine0003
At the same time, the hens were worried when the chicks were placed in a "dangerous" box, even if they were not actually ventilated and were unaware of the threat.
These results suggest that hens may be reacting to potential chick discomfort based on their own experience and not simply on signs of dissatisfaction in the young.
Photo copyright, Ernie Janes/
Photo caption,Chickens are raised in many countries
According to Edgar, the experiments are not yet complete. "We have not yet determined whether the behavioral and physiological responses of hens to their chicks' slight discomfort are indicative of an emotional response or whether they are simply akin to excitement or interest," she says. nine0003
If it turns out that chickens are able to sympathize with their fellows in need, this will raise some serious questions about the methods that are used during the breeding of chickens on industrial farms.
"On farms, all animals often see, hear and smell other animals when they are in pain and stress," says Edgar. "It is important to understand whether such situations have a negative impact on their well-being."
Marino also believes that the time has come to discuss this topic. nine0003
"The perception of chickens as clueless and stupid animals is partly due to the reluctance to recognize their intelligence and sensitivity, because people eat them," she says.
The inconvenient truth is that chickens understand a lot more than people think.