How to do shadow dancing
Easy Ways to Set Up a Shadow Dance Bar
Hemera Technologies/ Images
By: Farrah Davis Updated September 15, 2017
Shadow dancing is a fun and unique type of dancing. Shadow dancing is created by placing a screen with a light source shown in the direction of the dancer (behind the screen). The audience, on the other side of the screen, only sees the silhouette of the person dancing, creating a sensual and exotic type of dance that spices up any home party or nightclub. The way to set up a shadow dance bar depends on how much space you have and your budget.
Simple White Sheet Option
This is the easiest and cheapest option, with enough space to suspend or set up your sheet. Choose a 100 percent cotton sheet, as some thicker materials do not permit light to shine through as well as the cotton. If your space has rafters or beams, it is easier to hang the sheet and put something on the bottom for weight, such as a broom handle. If you cannot hang the sheet, purchase two microphone boom stands and place them and the end of the sheet to pull it tight. These stands are inexpensive and can be found at most musical supply stores.
Custom DIY Setup
To make your custom-sized shadow dance bar, first measure your space. After you get your dimensions, buy your fabric. Buy a little more than the size you want, to allow room to attach the fabric to the frame. For larger-size fabrics, check out curtain backing. This material comes in large rolls and can be cut to any size. Buy lumber to make your frame, as straight as possible. Cut wood to proper lengths and attach them to make the frame with wood glue and a nail gun. Once the frame is built, lie it on the floor and place the fabric on top; pull snug to the edges. Attach the fabric with a staple gun and set the frame in place. Put a light behind it and grab your dancer to start the show.
Professional Rear Projection Screens
You can also use professional projection screens, which come in several different sizes. Most come with portable metal frames that are lightweight and easy to transport. It takes more than one person to set up these types of screens for use, but there are many other benefits. These screens are more durable than homemade screens, which allow the dancer to get close to the screen and rub against it. This makes the dancing more animated and sensual.
Lighting Setup
Your lighting setup should be free of loose cables and high heat. Light should be placed approximately 6 feet behind the dancer, around mid-torso height to spread the light evenly. Use only one light source to create one uniform shadow. You can use a simple desk lamp, utility lights, or strobe lights.
Writer Bio
Farrah Davis began her writing career in 2010. She has worked for Harley Ellis Deveraux and Green Dinosaur as an environmental consultant project manager, writing environmental plans for commercial projects. She graduated from West Virginia University with a Bachelor of Science in interior architecture and a focus on environmental studies.
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Join Robert Ohotto for this timely new 3-Part Reflections Parallel Course where he will teach you to keep yourself neutral, empowered, self-connected, and self-protected when dealing with the shadow agenda of others – a valuable guide that will improve all of your relationships, most notably your relationship with yourself.

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I hope you will join me for this timely 3-Part Reflections Parallel Course where I will teach you new archetypal approaches on how to compassionately embrace your own Shadow, neutralize your shadow triggers, remove yourself as a target for other’s darkness, and master the Art of Shadow Dancing.
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- The Shadow as a System of Survival and Power Management
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Robert Ohotto
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About Robert Ohotto
Robert Ohotto is the author of the best-selling book Transforming Fate into Destiny and is a world-renowned Radio Show Host, Spiritual Teacher, Thought Leader, and Intuitive Consultant, and Founder of HoloKompass™. Robert is recognized as a trailblazing presence within the field of psycho-spirituality, multi-sensory development, and human consciousness. Visit Robert's web site to learn more »
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Shadow dance day
Shadow dance day
Views: 2660, date: 01/27/2016, author: Nina Vasilievna Efimova Transparent, unknown shadows
They swim to You, and You swim with them,
Into the arms of azure dreams,
Incomprehensible to us - You give Yourself.
Before You they turn blue without borders
Seas, fields, and mountains, and forests,
Birds call to each other in the free heights,
The fog rises, the skies turn red.
And down here, in the dust, in humiliation,
Seeing immortal features for a moment,
Unknown slave, full of inspiration,
Sings you. You don't know him,
You won't distinguish him in the crowd Do not reward him with a smile,
When he looks after him, not free,
Having tasted for a moment of Your immortality.
Alexander Blok
According to a funny calendar, January 27 - Day of dancing with your shadow What is the trick? Everything is very simple: our daily life - like a long serpentine ribbon - stretches and stretches. If you follow this tape all the time, crazy thoughts disappear from your head very soon, the body becomes so slow to rise and No Mood covers you. Because nothing is happening. Everything is the same, every morning. The same route, the same people, the same actions... Staying in this gray state, it is very easy to forget that it happens differently. nine0011
But! We are our own masters, right? Is it difficult to do something unusual, which, perhaps, you have long wanted, but just as long been postponed? And if you want something unusual, look what day it is today. Maybe you have been waiting for him for a long time, but he took it and stepped on it?
Shadow dance day . The most ancient creature that comes into this world with us is our Shadow. Do you know that she also has her favorite habits and places? Want to get to know her better? Then you need to do an ancient shamanic ritual: dance with your shadow and try to hug it. But in no case, do not catch her in snares, do not chase after her like a game, and respect other people's shadows. Try not to step on them at least on this day, bowing at a meeting! Who knows, maybe one of you today will be lucky to hear their stories or see their life! : nine0011
Try, let yourself go. Dance, dance, study your shadow, so bizarre and yet familiar. It has a power hidden in you. Touch it, snuggle up, get to know your shadow. Make friends. In it you ... Your strength, subtlety, feelings. Your beauty and your success. The shadow is always with us. There is light and there is shadow. And now there are already many of us. And when it's lonely, there is always our shadow. Dance with her. She will tell you how. nine0011
Shadow Dance
A small exercise that, with due desire and skill, can be performed independently.
For the exercise you need: an empty lamp (not cluttered with furniture), a light wall is better (so that your full-length shadow falls freely on it). Need - an altered state of consciousness, slight fatigue "in good shape" Turn off the light, turn it on and point the lamp at the opposite wall. Turn on the music and start moving with your Shadow. Look at her as you would look at another person. She's not quite you yet. It has a power that is hidden in you, but not yet manifested, a subtlety that has not yet crystallized in you, swiftness. The Shadow may seem very strange. nine0011
To get started, get to know each other, go up to the wall, touch your hands to the hands of the Shadow. Kindly. Then turn on the music and move on. The heart, intuition itself will lead you, tell you how to move. Step back, come closer, rub your back against the wall, make a bridge, tilt your head down - the movements can be very different.
The purpose of this exercise is to release, to receive the strength, confidence, grace hidden in your dark half. Give away what hinders you, binds. The result after the exercise is a change in a person before our eyes. And you can see how his Shadow is changing ...
P.S. You can try doing the exercises with your students. But try it yourself first. With a strong desire to cope, and everything will work out for you. Good luck!
Shadow show
This is what people say about the Shadow "special" people.
The shadow is another being of an unknown nature, which every living person has and in a sense balances him. The shadow in question is not the shadow that a person casts on the sun. This is a creature of incomprehensible and still unidentified to the end of nature, which lives in a different reality, the structure of which also remains a huge mystery. nine0011
There is a strong connection between a person and his Shadow, but not every sorcerer is able to feel this connection and use it to interact with his own Shadow. But for someone who still managed to establish at least some contact with the Shadow, this meeting promises indescribable opportunities and prospects. One who is personally acquainted with his Shadow becomes invulnerable and almost immortal, despite the fact that such a connection is beneficial to both, so sometimes the Shadow itself makes an effort to meet with its master. nine0007
I am born as your shadow,
Embracing you by the shoulders,
It's not easy for me to repeat,
It's probably easier for me to live.
I don't have a penny with me,
I have nothing to pay for freedom,
And remained a silent thief
Pick up money for you.
Long evenings only
I change you for walls,
On paving stones and crossroads,
On asphalt and lamplight.
We are phantoms. And next to us
Shadow Beasts and Shadow Birds
They will live until the morning, and after
Disappear in damp foliage.
I am born as your shadow.
I have no other habits,
I have no other dialects*,
I don't have other names.
Everyone knows that reflections
They die without lamps and matches.
You please every evening
Light a fire for me.
Manakuri Moon
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Emotional intelligence. Dance with the SHADOW.
It's time to work with your "repressed/shadow" part, which, according to Carl Jung's theory of personality, is a source of increased tension and irritation. nine0164
The larger this SHADOW, the more a person is aggressive and hateful towards himself and other people.
The shadow is an aspect of our separated Self, for some reason repressed and projected outward onto the "Other". The “other” is really nothing more than a reflection of our separate selves. We fight and cling to our shadows. Shadow fighting is the suppression of one's negative trait, accompanied by strong disgust and aggression towards those who possess it. Until we learn to dance with our SHADOW, aggressiveness will not go away. nine0164 According to Jung's personality theory, we repress (deny) the part in ourselves that makes us angry in other people. The other person thus acts as a resonator that points us to this repressed part. If, of course, we can recognize it in time.
Model of personality according to Carl Jung
Why do we push out the “ugly” part? These are the games of our EGO. Our EGO strives for the ideal. It does not allow the thought that something is wrong with us, that we are not perfect. That is why parts of our personality that do not fit into our ideal "I-image" PERSON are rejected and suppressed.

The negative traits of our personality are concentrated in the Shadow!
In order to adapt, the child needs the approval of adults. His survival depends on this process. That is why the child has the most serious reasons to meet the expectations of the parents.
The process of forming a SHADOW.
Education is like the work of a gardener. Some qualities are cultivated, and some are cut off like unnecessary branches of a tree. In the understanding of parents, their main task is to help the child in social adaptation. So that in the future, he became a respectable member of society. nine0164
For example, parents say to their child:
- “You can't take toys from other children!”.

But it is precisely at this moment, in the child, that the basic conflict arises. The child wants to receive the approval of the parents. But also, it has a desire to get a toy. He experiences severe emotional discomfort. He needs to choose what is more important to him.
For example, he has chosen and begins to suppress one of the desires in order to fit the image of a "Good boy/girl". Thus, the suppressed desire gradually goes into the SHADOW. nine0164
SHADOW examples:
Good kids don't upset their parents.
A good girl should study well.
Good girls are not evil.
Real boys don't cry, etc.
The child ceases to be free in his manifestations. Appropriate behavior is determined by the parents. And if he wants to feel loved and get approval, he has to do the “right thing.

When we understand what others want from us, we learn to show "good" qualities and hide "bad" ones.
With age, a person learns more and more to suppress his desires and qualities that do not correspond to his ideal "I-image". As a result, his SHADOW becomes more and more dense and more and more often, begins to manifest itself.
How to discover your SHADOW?
It is not difficult to determine the SHADOW. It is difficult to install it, as part of its nature. When searching for our shadow sides, we will be prompted by all those people who are not comfortable for us: we don’t like them, they annoy us, they “piss us off”, make us angry, cause hatred. Natalia Valitskaya
In order to discover the SHADOW in ourselves, let's do one simple exercise.
Write down a list of 3 people who annoy you.
In front of each, write down the qualities that annoy you in this person.
It is these qualities that are your SHADOW. And people in whom these qualities are not suppressed help us to discover these parts in ourselves. Of course, our Shadow is much larger than what could be learned in this exercise. This is a simple tool to do it yourself at any time convenient for you. nine0164
How does SHADOW work?
The more perfect a person is outside, the more demons he has inside.
S. Freud.
First, we need to learn to capture and interpret the signals that our SHADOW sends. Shadow and Light, these are two polarities of one I. The more one of the polarities is expressed, the more the other is immersed in the shadow. For example, the more a person cultivates and develops ENERGY, the more he denies and shadows his APATICY. And the more APATISM is driven into the SHADOW, the stronger it affects a person.

Personality polarities.
A fanatical commitment to something, signals a repressed polarity that has gained maximum power in the shadow.
Thus, people in whom
dark polarities are suppressed , meeting with people in whom dark polarities are manifested , will experience severe discomfort and irritation. In order to reduce the level of your irritation and anger, you need to accept and integrate your SHADE. nine0164Signs of a non-integrated SHADOW.
One of the causes of emotional breakdowns is increased tension in the SHADOW. There are so many repressed polarities that a person is no longer able to cope with it.
Often, these repressed polarities come out under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In this state, the control of the EGO falls and long suppressed desires come out. Alcohol acts as a kind of switch between the world of SHADOW and the world of LIGHT.

Manifestation of non-integrated SHADOW:
Constant condemnation of others and the desire to remake them.
Frequent fear, anger, shame and other negative feelings.
A lot of self-condemnation, guilt and rejection of one's qualities and traits.
Too rigid fixation on one's point of view.
Lack of flexibility and ease in dealing with people. nine0164
Low level of energy and ability to experience joy.
Many personal prohibitions, standards and dogmas.
To reduce the level of irritation, you need to accept this part in yourself. This part, however much you like it, is a part of you. By accepting this part, you will become more whole and emotionally healthy.
This does not mean that you will always act from this part. But you will have a choice. By giving yourself the right to act in this way, you will automatically allow other people to have this right.

By accepting your SHADOW, you are freed from the illusion that the WORLD SHOULD ALWAYS BE COMFORTABLE, and the task of other people is to please you in everything and meet your expectations.
This is one of the hardest parts of anger management work. You accept parts of yourself with which you have been in conflict for a long time. Now these parts do not pose a threat to you, as they no longer accumulate in you. You legalized their presence in you.
Find contact with your SHADOW. nine0015
When a person connects with his Shadow, many things stop annoying him. A person begins to live in peace with himself and the people around him. Now people do not interfere with his life. A person becomes able to manifest himself differently, in all his diversity. He gets flexibility and freedom.
Situations that previously caused irritation and rage in him now seem completely harmless, and it becomes easy for a person to influence them.

Anger ceases to be an enemy, but becomes a tool in achieving goals. When a person accepts his SHADOW, he does not become bad from it. It becomes much larger, more holistic and wiser than it was before.
EXERCISE: Accept the rejected part.
1. Write down the qualities that irritate you in other people (from the previous exercise).
2. Write down and say the phrase: "I accept a part of myself that ... (what annoys you in other people)"
For example: "I accept a part of me that behaves demonstratively." Or, "I accept a part of me that can break promises."
I wish to have a part of me that...
I want to have a part of me that...
I accept a part of me that…
I allow myself to manifest a part that...
- nine0163 It's natural for me to have a part that.
I deserve to have a part of me that…
3. Describe the feelings you had during this exercise.
4. Talk about this experience with someone you trust. Tell him about the part of yourself that you have discovered in yourself and now intends to accept. Tell me why you need to do it.
After you accept the rejected part, you will begin a new period of life. You will know yourself more deeply than ever before. Every time someone or something annoys you, ask yourself the question: “What rejected part of me is now reacting to this person?”. nine0164
Step by step, you will get to know and accept your SHADOW. Accepting your SHADOW does not mean that you will stop striving for development and showing your BRIGHT SIDES. One does not exclude the other. But in this case, your development will occur harmoniously and without fanatical tension.
Having accepted the Shadow in yourself, you will automatically be ready to accept it in other people.