How to do popping dance moves
Learn How To Pop, or Hit With Your Body! (Popping Dance)
Do you want to learn how to Pop your neck? How to Pop your arms? Your PECTORALS?
Let's learn about the *Pop (sometimes referred to as a Hit), and practice Popping with different parts of your body.
*We will be using the terms "Pop" in this article.
What is a Pop, or Hit?
A Pop, or Hit, is the most fundamental move in Popping. In fact, some might even say that it is the only move that really defines Popping.
Read about the style here: What Is Popping?
Popping is done by flexing specific muscle groups, usually to beats in music.
Dancers Pop continuously to a steady rhythm, while using different poses and pathways in between Pops.
How do you Pop?
The more energy you put into flexing, within a smaller amount of time, the stronger you Pop will look.
Learning how to Pop requires a lot of repetition and drilling, so practice Popping using one body part at a time.
As a result of conditioning, your body will memorize how to Pop certain body parts in different angles and pictures.
How to Pop your chest
Popping with your chest requires you to control your core. Suck in your lower stomach /diaphragm to push your upper chest out.
The faster you do it, the stronger your hit will look. Also, curve your spine in and out to create an even bigger effect.
How to Pop your neck
To practice neck Popping, use the muscles in the front of your neck to control moving your neck forward, back, and side to side.
While, try to keep your chin level, because isolating your neck will make it easier to see how much your head is moving.
“It should feel like something is tapping you on the back of your head.”
– Boogie Frantick
How to Pop your arms
Start with your arms outstretched, straight front of you (parallel to the ground). Loosen your arms by bending your elbows a bit, then flex everything.
If you want to know how to Pop with your hands, then snap downward with your wrists as your knuckles snap upward.
Pretend like you're revving a motorcycle engine really fast.
Afterwards, you can put all these parts together to create a full arm pop.
How to Pop your legs
Sit on a chair and focus all your energy on flexing your left, then right leg. Then stand up and try to execute the Pop with the same control.
Since it's more comfortable to train on a chair, you'll be able to strengthen your thigh and calf muscles before doing it standing.
All these tips are from Boogie Frantick's Beginner Popping Program on STEEZY Studio.
You'll learn all the basics, so it's perfect for beginners who don't know how to Pop.
He'll go in-depth with each technique, and give you drills that you can practice anywhere, anytime.
If you want to keep practicing your Pops/Hits, then take Clay's 7 Days of Hits Program on STEEZY Studio.
Each day, you'll practice hitting with a different part of your body, or learn a new concept like textures or timing. Try it now for free!
Popping Dance Moves - How To Pop And Lock Dance For Beginners
In this popping dance video mini-series you will learn the most essential moves and techniques you need to get started with. Pop and lock dance style is characterized by quickly contracting and relaxing various muscle groups to create a very sharp movement. Below you will learn forearms hits/popping, chest pop, and Dubstep dance basics. Please check out the full course if you want to learn more moves.
Video 1: Popping dance basics – Forearm hits
In this video you will learn how to create a “hit” or “pop” the forearm. While you can pop any part of the body the forearm is a great one to start with. El Tiro provides a great drill that helps you find your forearm popping muscles. Enjoy:
Want more? Get the full Course:
The Ultimate Popping Dance Course (Beginner to Advanced)
Learn how to dance popping and locking with step by step video lessons. You will learn hits/popping, waving, robotics, gliding, vibrating, slow motion effects and more. Become the freestyler you always wanted to be and impress your friends with your dance moves. Includes 3+ hours of video lessons. You can download it instantly or stream it online here.
Learn more & Buy it here (Click here)
Video 2: Chest Pop
In this second pop and lock dance lesson you will learn how to do a chest pop. The chest pop is really cool because it can create such a big effect in your popping. You will learn the technique needed to do a chest pop and also get drills to practice it.
Video 3: Dubstep dance basics
Dubstep dance is actually popping dancing to dubstep music! In this lesson you will learn how to incorporate “dime stops” and “hits” when you dance to dubstep dance music. The instructor also gives you specific pattern to follow your moves, but at the end you can play with it to make it your own.
Want more? Get the full Course:
The Ultimate Popping Dance Course (Beginner to Advanced)
Learn how to dance popping and locking with step by step video lessons. You will learn hits/popping, waving, robotics, gliding, vibrating, slow motion effects and more. Become the freestyler you always wanted to be and impress your friends with your dance moves. Includes 3+ hours of video lessons. You can download it instantly or stream it online here.
Learn more & Buy it here (Click here)
Hip Hop dance moves for beginners
How to dance at a club for men and women
How to Breakdance for beginners
Easy dance moves for girls.

It's hard not to envy people who are seriously interested in learning how to dance in a club. The search for the answer to the question is a weighty proof of free time, which they spend a lot of fun.
A good dance is based on a musical composition. In any city there are a huge number of nightclubs. Pops in them sounds occasionally, in the first place is electronic music. Many do not know how to move the body when an electronic musical composition is playing. They sit at a table and drink liquor in anticipation of a suitable motive. nine0003
There are two ways to solve the problem. The first involves changing one's own attitude to the music played in clubs. The second suggests finding a nightclub where the DJ works according to the wishes of the crowd.
Today's club youth, despite their loyalty to popular musical styles, enthusiastically welcomes retro sets and intelligently reworked pop.
DJs strive to satisfy the wishes of young people, and administrators worry about the attendance of establishments. Finding a nightclub with the right music is easy. But, another question arises - “how to dance to it”? nine0003
Step by step action plan
- Get started with popular club music. Download some songs and listen for a few days. The player will help. Accompany the audition with dancing. Let it sound when you work or communicate.
- You will have a few favorite works and determine your own direction. If you want to move while the music is playing, do it for pleasure. You can't force yourself.
- Then move on to more active actions. Visit a nightclub and take a closer look at the dance floor. Surely, there is a dancer on it, whose movements will appeal to you. It remains to adopt them imperceptibly.
- After such an outing, pay special attention to homework. At home, carefully work out the movements borrowed from an experienced dancer.
Try to improvise, because the character and atmosphere of the dance depends on the DJ and the dancers.
- In time you will learn to dance well. If this seems not enough, sign up for a dance school and take your skills to the next level. nine0020
You will achieve great success in the club if you loosen up and feel how to control your own body. Sometimes a person is not given to become a dancer. I think there are only a few. Almost every nightclub lover can conquer the pinnacle of club dancing.
Many guys want to learn how to dance cool in clubs because they don't want to look ridiculous in front of their friends. Even people who occasionally drop into nightclubs dance perfectly if they follow the rules.
Club dances are varied, it is not difficult to find the right style that will make you look decent on the dance floor. nine0003
You can bring originality and originality to the style by successfully combining elements of various dances.
Professional dance schools
- Lessons in the direction of your choice will teach you how to dance, meet people, help you lose a few pounds, improve your physical health and have fun.
- Regular training will teach you to relax, make your movements free and uninhibited. If there was stiffness and constraint, such ballast will pass. nine0020
- Choose your school carefully. If you like a certain option, be sure to attend a free class, inspect the dance hall and chat with the teachers.
- You won't be able to dance professionally right away. It will take no more than ten lessons to prepare for dancing at the disco. Just repeat the movements learned in the lesson at home.
Home workouts for guys
- If you don't have time for dance school, train at home. In terms of effectiveness, homeschooling is slightly worse. The main thing is the desire to learn to dance. nine0020
- There are a wide variety of instructional videos on the internet that will teach you the secrets of professional dancers.
- While exercising at home, constantly look at yourself in the mirror to control your movements and make them perfect. Home training alone is not enough; constant practice on a real site will be required.
Lesson for beginners
How a guy should behave in a club
- If you are in a club, try to relax. Don't think that dancing will be unfashionable. Release emotions and have fun. It will turn out to move beautifully if the movements are relaxed and confident. nine0020
- Listen to the rhythm on the dance floor. Strive to match his movements. Improvise. If you constantly dance in a pattern, it will quickly get boring.
- Only a person with a flexible body and excellent plasticity dances beautifully. Keep fit by exercising and exercising.
With simple recommendations, any guy can quickly learn to dance. If you manage to put your soul into the dance, the fair sex will surely shower you with admiring glances. A beautiful dance will help you get to know your body and get to know the inner world. nine0003
Club dances are amazing in variety. They help girls make contact with guys, which often leads to the beginning of a romantic relationship. Some fashionistas try to stand out from the crowd with the help of dancing, moving attractively and gracefully.
Let's imagine that you are in a beautiful nightclub. You are sitting at a table, drinking tequila, your favorite musical composition starts playing. Under the influence of incomprehensible forces, you slowly rise and move towards the dance floor. What's next? nine0003
- Listen carefully to the rhythm. If you manage to imbue them, the dance will turn out elegant and graceful. A person who is out of rhythm brings disharmony to the site.
- Get rid of uncertainty and relax. Uninhibited movements look beautiful. During the dance, have fun without stuffing your head with thoughts.
- The first movements are always slow. In the first measure, do not swing your arms, such movements are very tiring. By the middle of the dance program, you will be tired. nine0020
- It is not recommended to shoot the eyes to the sides while dancing. In nightclubs, use this weapon with care.
- Do not copy the movements of other dancers. Dare to improvise, make the movements original and unique.
I will add that only girls with a flexible and plastic body can move beautifully. If everyday life is not very active, at work you have to sit at the table for hours, the body's reaction to going to the club can be unpredictable. It's easy to avoid this. Do morning exercises daily and follow a healthy lifestyle. nine0003
Video tutorial for beginners
Based on personal experience, I would like to note that girls behave more relaxed and free on the dance floor. Sometimes there are shy people. If you are one of them, enroll in a dance school. By attending classes, under the guidance of a teacher, you will get rid of complexes and free your body.
Benefits of dancing
Any girl wants her leisure time to be rich, interesting and useful. Many of the fair sex attend a dance school. Very good, because it is a guarantee of good physical and psychological health. nine0003
According to doctors, dancing should be practiced regardless of profession, age or gender. Movement tones blood vessels, muscles and joints, which has a positive effect on well-being. Scientists have proven that people who regularly attend dance classes or dance at home have strong immunity and a stable metabolism.
Dancing helps to eliminate problems associated with the spine. Posture becomes perfectly even. If you're wondering how to stop slouching, sign up for a dance class. Dancing will make your walk beautiful and graceful. nine0003
Dancing is the ideal solution for those who are insecure and insecure. Rhythmic movements liberate, add confidence and activate the desire to communicate.
Throw shyness in the box, stock up on desire and confidence, and go to the dance floor to win hearts.
The girl is an air creature. Their movements are plastic and beautiful, and they dance, as a rule, gracefully and attractively. Ease in dancing is natural for girls, but sometimes they need help to learn it. How to dance a girl in a club and what movements are in fashion now? Welcome to our helpful tips! nine0003
Now there are dance floors and clubs in almost every village, and the question of the correct dance technique is very relevant. It used to be possible just to twitch, shifting from foot to foot, but now the quality of the dance among the regulars of club venues has increased significantly. This is not surprising, because quite a few directions have appeared and a lot of room for developing their own style, which many have rushed to take advantage of. Guys, of course, it's easier - break and tectonics seem to be made for them. Girls traditionally receive more demands, they are expected to be more graceful and plastic. Simple rules and a simple home workout will teach you how to dance freely and beautifully, delighting the visitors in the club with your confidence. nine0003
At home, see how plastic you are and what you do better. To do this, stand in front of a mirror and try to move only your hips, leaving your shoulders, arms and legs motionless. If it doesn’t work out and at the same time the whole body is dancing, then you will have to work on yourself. Listen to your body, feel each part of it separately. The beauty of the dance is influenced by the amplitude of movements: high and sweeping will give you energy and expression, low - grace and tenderness. nine0003
Now there are a lot of videos on the Internet on different dance styles. Girls who do this professionally will share how to move, explain which parts of the body are involved in this and demonstrate various tricks in detail. You can watch one of the videos below.
You can learn how to dance and pick up fashionable movements by watching various tricks and tricks in video clips.
Scroll your favorite combinations of pelvic rotations and steps in your head. Think about how you can move your arms. Try it right away, do you like your look? Dance at home to different music, change its tempo and try it. Feel free to improvise. nine0003
Joining the club dance atmosphere
Do a little reconnaissance: come to the club and, sitting at the bar, watch the dancing girls. As you can see, most of the girls dance without any complex movements, and their manner is about the same. Highlight what you like and take these movements to your arsenal. Note that from the outside it looks clearly unsuccessful and, accordingly, do not use such a manner in your dance.
Consider the possibilities of your clothes and shoes, it is unlikely that a tectonist will succeed in heels. Dress comfortably so that your clothes do not restrict your body. nine0003
Entering the dance floor, do not immediately rush to dance actively, waving everything you can. Smoothly adjust to the rhythm of the music, tune in internally. Start the movements lightly and gradually increase their activity.
And finally, the most important thing - relax and don't be nervous. Dancing will be natural only when you feel free. Believe me, those who dance around don't care, they are resting and they don't care about you. Therefore, move as you feel comfortable, without pinching or limiting yourself. Gradually increase the complexity of the combinations and you will succeed. nine0003
Mastering the basic dance moves for beginners is easy with easy-to-follow video tutorials. The main thing is to honestly assess your capabilities and choose the appropriate dance style. Some directions are too complicated and not suitable for beginners, so before starting the first lesson, you should carefully study what types of dance exist and which one is right for you.
Go-Go club dance
Go-go dance originated in the 60s of the last century in American nightclubs. Initially, it was based on the dance moves of the twist, which the girls performed right on the tables. Then the owners of one of the clubs guessed to place the dancers in cages suspended from the ceiling, and thanks to this technique, Go-Go dances became incredibly popular: exquisite and sensual movements attracted a huge number of visitors to the club. nine0003
This dance requires great physical strength, considerable flexibility, looseness and impeccability from the performers. It is usually performed to modern pop music, includes many different styles, such as strip dance, hip hop, twerk and others. It will not be easy for beginners to master this dance from scratch, but it is still worth a try. The advantage of go-go is that dancers are allowed to improvise, and there are no clear rules by which moves are judged.
The group of Latin American dances includes the famous salsa, rumba, bachata, cha-cha-cha, merengue. This direction is perfect for beginners, simple for beginners easy to master, they allow you to develop a special grace, sensuality and plasticity. Thanks to the video lesson, you can independently learn how to dance beautifully and after a few lessons, shine on the dance floor!
Latin American dances are based on passionate, energetic movements of the hips, relaxed and filled with freedom, a straight, proud posture and a high chin. It is important to consider that all steps are performed on half-bent legs. This direction requires good physical preparation, so beginners should not expect lightning-fast results, but perseverance will definitely bear fruit. nine0003
This is a beautiful and passionate dance that is usually performed in pairs. There are several varieties of tango: Argentinean, Finnish and ballroom. The first option is the most popular, and the last, ballroom, is often chosen by happy newlyweds as a wedding dance.
Even beginners can master the basic steps and positions, but in order to master the true skill, you will have to work hard. The dance moves for beginners are easy to remember and the couple always moves counter-clockwise. nine0003
One of the most popular styles for girls is oriental dancing, as the movements are very simple and beautiful, helping to relax and awaken sensuality. Belly dancing is much easier than strip dancing, does not require physical training and special flexibility, so you can master it in the shortest possible time.
Originally this ancient dance was performed by concubines for their master, but today it is danced even in discotheques. The basic movements for belly dancing for beginners include swinging the hips, soft movements of the arms and chest. The video lesson will allow you to learn how to move rhythmically and beautifully. nine0003
To learn how to dance, you need to overcome shyness and your own laziness. Thanks to simple video workouts, beginners can try different directions and choose the one that works best and gives the most pleasure. Basic dance moves for beginners are easy to master, and regular practice will help you achieve the desired level of skill.
It is not very likely that you will be invited to a social ball, much more likely to be in a club or at a party of friends in a different democratic setting. nine0003
The ability to dance is useful everywhere. Having mastered the technique, you will feel confident, increase self-esteem, improve posture and figure, change internally, feeling incomparable pleasure. Find out which modern dances for girls are the most popular and where to learn fashionable dance moves.
Dancing as a useful hobby
Control of one's body in dance is given to almost all people, but excessive modesty prevents many from realizing themselves. If you are shy in companies and refuse men who invite you to dance, rebuild yourself internally. Especially modest girls can try to learn how to dance modern dances at home by turning on their favorite music and improvising in front of a mirror. nine0003
This hobby is suitable for women of all ages, weights and body types. Do not be shy if you have a non-standard figure, lush hips, large breasts or a protruding tummy.
Dancing is good not only for mood and beauty, but also for health . Thanks to dance movements, blood flow increases, lung function improves, and the heart strengthens. After regular classes, posture improves, coordination of movements and the work of the vestibular apparatus normalize. nine0003
For every girl and woman there is a suitable type of modern dance, in which it is easy to turn flaws into virtues. Dancing regularly, girls become more feminine, their gait and facial expressions change. The choreography teaches the art of seduction and coquetry, playfulness and a confident look. At the same time, dancers know how to keep their distance and are never toys in the hands of a man.
Where to learn to dance quickly and beautifully
There are two ways to learn to dance nine0192 - independently and under the guidance of a teacher. The first option is ideal for those who once studied choreography, and now just want to master a new style. The second guarantees success for everyone.
Home schooling and its features
Girls can use video lessons on modern dance, read books on choreography, watch films, study theory in magazines for self-study.
It is important not to neglect the virtual choreographer's recommendations, but to strictly follow them. More importantly, find good courses and materials for self-study. It is better to choose a few, and only then weed out the extra ones, having understood the nuances. nine0003
For starters, of course, you can do without a suit, but a suit helps you get in the right mood and immediately teaches you to move according to your clothes. Be sure to need suitable music, which will help you choose the training lessons and a description of the dance.
It is better for beginners to choose directions in which improvisation is allowed . As a rule, these are "natives" of street styles, they do not require special training, costumes and a partner. Having mastered the technique of free dance styles, you will feel confident on the dance floor. nine0003
It is more difficult to master the classical styles, which require learning the position of the body, head, hands, basic positions and steps. Such directions require classes with a teacher at home or at school.
Education in schools and studios
If you are accustomed to take everything seriously and want to be not only a participant, but also the centerpiece of the dance floor, then it is better to enroll in a modern dance school.
Benefits of studying in a studio:
- Experienced teachers, good schools have professional choreographers. nine0020
- No need to think about where to find a partner or team for pair and group dances.
- Professional dance hall with mirrors, the right music.
- A special atmosphere and new friends with similar interests.
- For girls - the opportunity to find a mate not only for the waltz, but for life.
To find out what services such schools provide, we called the Fashion Dance studio , working in Moscow, and asked a few questions. nine0003
What dance styles can you teach a beginner?
We have a wide range of styles, from waltz and tango, including ballroom and modern, trendy Latin American and oriental dances, to go-go and erotic styles for special occasions.
And what, you can teach any girl to dance?
For each client, we find the most suitable style for him, taking into account personal data and wishes. There are no people who do not know how to dance, this is given to man by nature, the main thing is to open up correctly. nine0003
What kind of wishes come to you most often?
The most popular trend among boys and young girls is modern dance, older women want to learn belly dancing, and ladies who have free time in retirement are drawn to the waltz.
The global problem of today's youth is marriage. Especially for newlyweds, we opened a course pre-wedding preparation , in which we stage the dance of the bride and groom, father and daughter, friends and girlfriends. nine0003
What do you need to start studying and how much does it cost?
First you need to come to us and express your wishes. We help to orient in the names and styles, jointly select a group and a teacher. Further, everything is individual, including prices. We have a lot of discount programs. Better go to the website of the dance school Fashion Dance , and if it is not clear, call us, we will be happy to tell you everything!
Types of modern dance for beginners
For beginners, the easiest way to learn styles of modern dance, in which there are no clear rules of choreography. Small flaws are practically not noticeable here, they are mistaken for improvisation and personal highlights of the girl.
Free dance - the choice of dreamers
Free dance, also known as rhythmoplastic or plastic dance, appeared at the beginning of the last century. The basis of this dance style is ballet, diluted with free movements from everyday life. The main essence of this direction is emancipation, energy, interaction with the environment. nine0003
Improvisation, spontaneity and creativity are encouraged in free dancing to modern music. Perhaps this is the best choice for beginners, since there are no strict rules for choreography and technique, but there is an opportunity for self-expression.
Girls can perform free dances both alone and in pairs with a man. The absence of strict limits is a guarantee that you will not look bad dancing, because everyone can come up with their own movements.
Modern as a free choice
Art Nouveau arose against the background of the rejection of traditional ballet techniques. His credo is the rejection of canons and conventions, the embodiment of new choreography . Modern came to modern girls from the twentieth century. One of the founders of the direction was Isadora Duncan. Another dancer who contributed to the development and popularity of the style is Mary Wigman, who abandoned traditional beautiful movements in favor of unusual and even shocking ones.
Modern is danced barefoot, its main choreographer is nature. The technique cannot be called complicated, the main component of success is the emotionality of the dancer. Sensuality in every movement is a guarantee of your own pleasure and the delight of others. nine0003
Electro - youth direction
Electro is one of the most popular directions in the list of modern dances for girls, accessible to beginners. In fact, this is a street dance that was born in the middle of the last century to club music. Electro is danced more with the hands than with the body, so it is ideal for beginner dancers and people with weak physical training.
Divided into two directions:
- Milky Way - calm movements, somewhat similar to the performance of an actor on stage. Each exit of the dancer is a small performance with a beginning and an end. It is better to start learning to dance electro from this type, then moving on to a more complex direction. nine0020
- Electro - active movements, smoothly turning into each other at high speed. The main thing here is to feel the music and understand what they are singing about in the song so that the movements do not contradict the meaning.
Tektonik - dynamics and energy
Tektonik is another modern dance direction for girls and guys. Tektonik combines dance elements of techno, hip-hop, popping, locking. True fans stick to a certain style of clothing - skinny jeans, tight T-shirts, basketball-like sneakers. They are distinguished by futuristic hairstyles with gothic elements. nine0003
However, there are no strict requirements, you can dance tectonics in any clothes and with any hairstyle. Not only tight-fitting, but also loose clothing is allowed - hoodies, shorts, tops. Most suitable for movement flat shoes .
It is customary to distinguish two groups of tectonics - heavy and soft. Each group includes several types of dance. It is difficult to learn dance elements on your own, it is better to do it in a group or with a teacher.
Breakdance is a favorite of plastic
Breakdance is a dance for modern girls who own acrobatics, which originated in the seventies of the last century. Breakdance literally covered the masses with a wave in 1984 after the release of the movie Beat Street. They began to dance it at discos, in clubs and even at school parties.
The break is divided into two large groups - lower and upper:
- The upper break is similar to the popular disco dance. It is characterized by sharp interlocking movements of the arms, legs and the whole body. The upper break group includes many stylistic trends.
- Lower breakdance is more difficult and filled with acrobatics. It is danced on the floor, it needs physical preparation and strength to hold the body. This type of modern dance is more suitable for boys than girls.
Break clothes need to be as comfortable and convenient as possible. Girls are b-girls, breakdancing in beautiful sportswear of famous brands to look stylish and attractive. With a short haircut, there is no problem, but the owners of long hair need to take care that the hair does not interfere with movements. nine0003
Hip-Hop - naughty and rhythmic
Hip-Hop originated in New York's working class environment in the mid-seventies. Within a few years, he became part of the youth culture in many countries. In the late nineties, Hip-Hop became a full-fledged component of the music industry. Nowadays, this direction is distinguished into a fashionable subculture, this is a popular style that has become a lifestyle for some.
Hip-hop is danced to rhythmic music, including rap. Rhythm, as a rule, is set by DJs, and dancers and dancers need to have time to hear the music and think over the movements to it. nine0003
Contempo - the flight of the soul
Contempo successfully combines several dance styles. He attracts girls with the simplicity of movements and the ability to improvise. The founders of the contempo, among whom was Isadora Duncan, did everything so that everyone could master this dance.
Contempo training should begin with the preparation of muscles, joints and ligaments. The bottom line is the alternation of tense muscles with a sharp relaxation. The contempo is built on the contrast of ups and downs, characterizing contradiction and balance. It is better to dance barefoot, so that nothing interferes with freedom. nine0003
Hakka - the choice of modern girls
Hakka appeared in the eighties of the twentieth century, thanks to the hardcore musical direction. The energetic movement of this distinctively named modern dance dictates heavy rock bass beats. This is one of the most emotional dance styles that requires endurance and sports training from girls.
You can even lose weight while exercising, as you expend a lot of energy and burn calories. Hakka strengthens the muscles of the legs, pumps up the hips and makes the lower body more toned and slender. nine0003
At the same time, Hakka is easy to learn for beginners, there are few basic elements, and everything else is improvisation that fits into the style.
Go-Go - for disco stars
Go-Go originated in the mid-sixties of the last century, initially it was one of the ways to entertain visitors in entertainment establishments, festivals, clubs, discos. Go-Go came to Russia only in the nineties, it was actively used not only in clubs and discos, but also to draw attention to any social events. nine0003
Go-Go should not be considered obscene, the dancing woman always remains unavailable . At the dawn of Go-Go dancers were even hung up in cages so that men would not even think about the possibility of approaching.
The ability to dance Go-Go is necessary for self-confident girls who love to attract attention and be in the center of events. Go-Go will come in handy in a club or disco, it will teach you to catch the rhythm, control your warmth, play and improvise.
The best dance trends for women
For women who look at dance as a hobby and one of the opportunities for self-realization, there are many modern trends. You need to proceed from the existing skills and initial physical fitness. Gradually, the bar can be raised, moving on to more complex styles.
Oriental and Indian dances for beginners
Oriental charm will never go out of fashion, because the spirit of the East leaves no one indifferent. All exclusively feminine, they are playful and light. Modern types are ideal for girls and women who cannot be classified as thin - curvaceous and even a protruding tummy are welcome. After a few lessons, the little ones forget about their complexes and serve them as their virtues. nine0003
Most popular three destinations :
- Egyptian - it is characterized by modesty, more closed clothes;
- Arabic - one of the main roles is played by hair, the play of loose hair is an element of dance;
- Turkish - skimpy outfits, contact with the audience, dancing on the table.
Belly dance is the most favorite oriental dance, bright, spectacular, fabulous. You can learn it on your own, but it is better to attend at least a few classes at school. For belly dancing, a costume, jewelry, and makeup are important. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, belly dance has come out of the underground and even entered the structure of the All-Russian Dance Organization. nine0003
Alluring Indian melodies make you start dancing even those who have never learned to dance. Indian choreography is based on Natya is a dance-music style born from Bharata Muni's Natya Shastre theory. Not only movements are important, facial expressions, eye play, internal energy play a huge role here. These skills will not interfere in life.
List of popular pair dances
Pair dances, both ballroom and modern, help girls quickly find a common language with men, learn to be in a pair, dominate and obey, depending on the situation. For shy girls and women, this is the best way to get rid of excessive modesty and awkwardness from the touch of a man. nine0003
The most popular modern pair dances:
- Waltz is a slow one that does not lose popularity and is constantly evolving. The ability to dance a waltz is a sign of good taste.
- Tango is an old Argentine dance, which is still called modern. Today, tango is divided into many types: Argentinean, Uruguayan, ballroom, Finnish and others.
- Balboa - very close contact with a partner, the bodies should be pressed tightly against each other so that there is no gap. There are not many movements, so this modern dance is great for beginners. nine0020
- Rock-n-roll is a rhythmic pair dance with uninhibited movements.
Rock 'n' roll requires acrobatic skills and long workouts, it's best to train with one partner as it requires a lot of lifts at a fast pace.
- Flamenco is a bright cocktail of Moroccan, Spanish and Gypsy motifs, full of improvisation and mystery.
- Paso Doble is a dance style that looks like a Spanish bullfight. The man plays the torero, and the girl plays the cloak or mulet in the hands of the matador. nine0020
- Rumba is a dramatic dance of love to the rhythms of African drums superimposed on clave rhythms. Modern rubma is divided into ballroom, Cuban, African and gypsy.
When choosing a dance, be guided by the initial training, posture, endurance, the work of the vestibular apparatus. This does not mean that you have to tie yourself down, just start small. You may first need to do or, and only then move on to dance exercises.
List and descriptions of modern dances prepared with the participation of School of Fashion Dance. Especially for the online magazine "Women's Hobbies".
C-Walk Life is very quiet and lonely without music. If I'm sad, I try to listen to funny and mischievous tunes, and my mood changes. Music helps to cope with everyday activities, and on holidays it creates high spirits. Calm and measured music calms and helps to understand your feelings and thoughts. Music with sounds, like words, tells about everything. It is not for nothing that people are treated with music and create drawings inspired by various melodies. nine History of C-walk:C-Walk began its history in the early 70s of the XX century in Compton, a poor suburb of Los Angeles, and was performed to rap slogans. In the early 80s in South Central Los Angles Crip Walking began to develop as a symbolic dance for the Crips, from which it got its name. Initially, members of the JoeShow Riots street gang used deft footwork to portray their name or give gang signs to initiate new members into the gang.![]() C-Walk dance moves:The main style is Crip Walk . All other variations originated from it. Crip Walk is not very fast, all attention here should be focused on the correctness of the movements, which can be repeated. Early on, the C-Walk was used exclusively by Los Angeles gangs to give warning signals during robberies or for initiation into gang members. The dance was banned in many schools. nineClown Walk is a dance that is usually faster. Its basic movements are the same as those of Crip Walk: the Shuffle (shuffling), the V. But in Clown Walk, the movements are performed in an improvised manner. The main difference between Clown Walking and Crip Walking is that it does not contain bandit signs and other gestures to position one's belonging to one group or another. Clown Walk is a dance adapted to hip-hop culture. Some include Clown Walking and other dance styles such as popping and waving to make it even more spectacular. The movements of Clown Walk are based on a musical beat. Clown Walk is always improvisation, the dancer should look at ease without planning the sequence of steps. Clown Walk doesn't have a specific set of moves, it's an original dance. nineD'n'B Dance ( Drum and Bass step ) , most often at so-called gatherings (informal meetings or D'n'B parties), battles (dance competitions, from the English battle - battle), and in clubs Drum And Bass directions. D'n'B dance style absorbed elements of break-beat and hip-hop. D'n'B dance 9 Dance movementsDnB:The main emphasis in the performance of D'n'B dance - on the movement of the legs ("feints" with the legs): the technique of alternating "toe - heel, toe - heel" (the so-called basic, basic ) technique of swings forward, to the sides, crossing legs technique of turns and half-turns on the heel, on the toe, occasionally in the air technique of turns of 180, 360 or sometimes more degrees (the most difficult) There are several sub-styles drum and bass : nineDnB dance has grown so much that anyone can learn it: dance schools are increasingly including it in their training programs as one of the fashion trends. House - is a modern dance direction to modern house electronic music, the temperature of which makes the whole body work actively, including elements from breakdance, hip-hop, jazz, disco, latina, tap dance, etc. 9 “House” movementsSince the musical house style is not only an electronic beat fashionable in clubs and dance schools, but also sonorous African motives, the fast active rhythm of the melody makes the body move with an energetic amplitude, throwing out the arms and bounce your legs. That is why the house dance style includes three elements that form the main basis of dance training. House jacking (kach) – swinging the body back and forth to the rhythm of the music – fast smooth body movements passed through the back, neck, pelvis. nine0191 House lofting – an acrobatic wave from breakdance (lofting – from the name of the American club “The Loft”, where the element was born) – soft undulating body movements not to the rhythm of the melody, but through its beat. ![]() Dance movesJazz funk:Jazz funk has it all: a burst of passion, a little bit of fire, sharp and smooth, plastic and impulsive movements. Having plunged into the unbridled atmosphere of jazz - funk, you will not want to return to reality. However, this dance requires not only good dance skills, but also physical fitness. Indeed, in order to light up several hours on the dance floor, while performing rhythmic and clear movements, more than one day and a month of training is needed. But this is not enough, because real Jazz-funk is not just a set of certain movements, it is emotions, a fuse and a sparkle in the eyes of the dancer himself. Jazz funk 9Dance Jazz-funk reveals the most hidden sides of your character. It will help to express your emotions, sometimes through very crazy movements!!! In general, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. Dance History Jumpstyle:Jumpstyle is a subset of HardDance that also includes Shuffle and HardStep. Jumpstyle is usually danced under HardStyle or JumpStyle, since it is these musical styles that are most suitable for dancing in BPM and for the very melody of the compositions. Dance originated in Belgium around 1997 and remained at its original level for a very long time. Later, around 2005, it began to spread to all European countries. The very first jumpers danced OldSchool, lots of basic moves and a few simple tricks. But it looked a little monotonous, so the dance continued to evolve. This resulted in other styles such as FreeStyle, StarStyle and TekStyle. Jumpers came up with new moves, tricks, combinations. The dancers began to arrange their meetings - meetings of the jumpers. Dance moves Jumpstyle:
Any type of jumpstyle can be danced in pairs, for this you need to agree on a sequence of movements in advance.
LA Style Los Angeles style hip-hop ( LA Style ), which emphasizes the show number, unlike New Style. If New York Style is an interpretation based on old school hip-hop styles (popping, boogaloo, hype, waving), then 9LA-Style dance does not exist as a dance term, but as a choreography. What's wrong with the fact that LA is a choreographic style, on the contrary, on the one hand, it's great, because often in MTV clips you can see just LA, and not Undeground Hip-Hop, well, actually, who likes what and who does what for what purpose dancing, someone wants to fight in battles for respect, fame, and someone just wants to dance well and show themselves in the club at the next party. Go-go 9Go-go dance includes a wide range of movements: from fast and short, to smooth and wide amplitude, movements with a clear fixation are replaced by waves. The swinging of the hips and the work of the chest in Pidgey dance make it very attractive and sexy. Fast, beautiful, often changing movements - all these are club dances. Improvisation is also very often used here. Mastering the technique of club dancing will allow you to dance easily and freely, without thinking about style and using a variety of techniques depending on the tempo and nature of the music, as well as your mood. nine History of Go-go:On January 11, 1963, the first American disco "Whisky-A-Go-Go" opened in Hollywood. Cages with dancing girls in short skirts were hung from the ceiling of the club. In these cages, go-go stories began. The owners of clubs, bars and restaurants began to hire dancers to attract men who, having seen the dancing beauties, often became regulars of the establishments, spending money on alcohol. 9Go-go training:Go-go dance technique is the correct position of all parts of the body in the dance and movement along a given trajectory with the required amplitude and speed. If you have not mastered a certain movement, then using it in a dance can significantly spoil the overall picture of the dance as such. ![]() At lesson go-go attention is paid to the dance base, to what the dance consists of. It's no secret that if you have learned letters, then you can read (make diagrams) and later write (improvise). So here, having developed a dance base to automatism, it will be much easier for you to dance when your movements will simply splash out of you and you will not have to think about raising your elbows, straightening your knees, making a point, etc. nine0003 Classes are aimed at mastering various styles of modern dance, learning individual movements and the ability to combine them in any form to any music. Much attention is paid to style and quality, many features of the ability to move beautifully to music are being worked out: the effects of deceleration and acceleration, the plasticity of the whole body, the ability to beautifully transition from one dance style to another, work on emotions in dance with space and with the audience. The training program includes a good physical activity, work on the plasticity of the whole body, stretching elements, development of flexibility. nineRagga Jam is a novelty dance direction, which is an "explosive" mixture of groovy hip-hop and sultry rhythms of the Jamaican and Antilles. Ragga Jam officially took shape in 1996 by Frenchwoman Lere Courtelmont, who mixed elements of street choreography with sexy African moves to reggae, pop and hip-hop. From France, this style has successfully spread throughout Europe, then America. Came and fell in love in Russia. Initially it was considered a "female" dance, because. was created as a means of self-realization of women-personalities, seeking to show others that they are capable of much. Today, both girls and men, experienced dancers and beginners, come to the Ragga Jam dance school with pleasure - all those who love to live a bright, eventful life, move and enjoy dynamic and groovy dances! nine0003
The boom in Ragga Jam dances, based on Jamaican, Antillean rhythms and reminiscent of Hip-Hop, but with large amplitudes, has already passed through Europe and now covered the CIS countries. Frenchwoman Ler Courtelmont, who owns the patent for Rugga Jam, originally positioned this dance as a means of self-realization for women who want to show themselves and others that they are Women with a capital letter by mastery of the body and expressive movement. Ten years have passed since then. Women remained in Ragga-Jam dances, but Men also appeared - millions of admirers of Ler's author's design, which captivated them with sportiness, dynamism and absolute uniqueness of style. Today, ragga jam is a fashionable dance for people who love and appreciate life, health, movement. nine0003 The choreography of Ragga Jam dances allows you to create interesting and accessible performances after just a few months of practice. Ragga Jam dance is easily modified to perform both on two square meters of a club dance floor and on a large stage, and, despite its affinity to ragga rhythms, it is perfectly performed under any hip-hop. Crump Crump is a dance whose origins are taken from hip-hop and breakdance. A characteristic feature of hip-hop style is borrowing and, following the evolution of music, there were also experiments in the field of choreography. Every new hip-hop dance style is becoming more and more eclectic, acquiring and borrowing the features of related styles and adding "convenient" choreography of unrelated styles. Born in the West with the light hand of entrepreneurs and the introduction of PR technologies dance hip-hop has spread far beyond its own historical homeland, giving rise to local (national) versions of the style. Multi-technique and openness hip-hop movements for experimentation and improvisation poses a serious classification problem according to styles, techniques and fronts. In the performance of certain techniques, both naturalness and unnaturalness of human biomechanics coexist. By way of exclusion, we can say that hip-hop dance is not folk, not classical, not contemporary, not techno dance - this is a separate extensive direction of dance art. Paradox - where the rules and restrictions are blurred. A catchy feature of this dance direction is its character, the acting component. nine0003 The dance, its execution must first of all show the best qualities of the performer in the form of dance confrontation, sometimes even slightly aggressive. The main goal of a dancer is to win the audience's sympathy and therefore - hip-hop is positive and kind. "Ancestor" dance hip-hop is African jazz, which means improvisation. Through dance, people expressed their feelings and desires. Young boys and girls sought to show themselves in the best light with the help of dance and attract the opposite sex. Hence a lot of hip movement and sexy movements. Both in Afro-jazz and in hip-hop there is a certain "relaxation", the movements seem to be turned to the floor. This is explained by the fact that among the African peoples God is in the earth, and not in heaven. Therefore, they worship him, turning to the earth. Hence the low landing of the body and constantly slightly relaxed knees in the dance. Competitive alternative, freestyle (mix, funk) - these are different techniques combined in a bunch or even faster manner of performance, where breaking elements do not dominate, this is the so-called. “top”, with a slight introduction of parts of jazz dance, a characteristic movement is a mundane swing swing, with emphasis down or up. nineCommercial (stage, pop) hip-hop is more recognized by the audience and professional choreographers for combining equally parts of breaking, "tops" and jazz dance techniques, these are stage performances perfectly reworked in advance, united by a single direction, plot, choreography, with virtually no improvisations, a lot of synchronous connections and musical experiences, the nature of the performance is less aggressive. |