How to do hammer time dance
Stop, Hammer Time! - News
May 23, 2022
At the Carnegie Mellon University Invitational on March 25, Kendra Noneman, a Ph.D. student in the Program in Neural Computation, approached the throwing circle with her dance partner, "Stanley," an 8.82-pound metal ball attached to a steel wire. She named it after Stanley Kirk Burrell, better known as the rapper, MC Hammer.
Effortlessly, she launched Stanley a whopping 60.15 meters, setting a Carnegie Mellon record, propelling her to the top spot in Division III and securing her place in the upcoming NCAA Division III Outdoor Championships on May 26-28 in Geneva, Ohio. Not too shabby, given that she and Stanley hadn't practiced in almost two years after transferring to CMU from Boise State University.
"After my final competition at Boise State in February 2020, I had major shoulder surgery. I thought my collegiate career was finished, and I was okay with that," Noneman said. "I was very excited about coming to Carnegie Mellon in the fall of 2020 to further my education. I reached out to Coach [Gary] Aldrich only to introduce myself and to see if he needed any volunteers or help. I had no intention of competing again."
The initial conversation between Noneman and Aldrich, the head coach for the Tartan track and field team, did not include any of her accomplishments from Boise State; however, Aldrich quickly uncovered her impressive throwing resume. He was taken back by her credentials, which included multiple first-place finishes. Of particular interest was a throw of 60.14 meters at Border Clash 2019.
"I was very excited to see someone of her ability at CMU," Aldrich said. "My initial thought was to see if we could just get her to be around and train with the team if she wanted to. Then, we found out she still had eligibility to compete, which was an incredible day. She's meant so much to the team. She's been an incredible role model to our younger throwers. And she continues to get better."
Fast forward to March 2022 at the Washington and Lee Carnival, Noneman's first competition in two years. She set a then-school record with a throw of 55.42 meters. Not a week later she topped that mark with the school record, 60.15-meter throw, at the CMU Invitational. In late April at the University Athletic Association Conference Championships at Washington University in St. Louis, she set the conference championship and facility record with a throw of 58.51 meters. How can this be possible after such a long layoff?
"Physiologically it doesn't make a lot of sense but what makes the hammer unique is getting better at it is less about working harder," Noneman said. "I'm not as strong as I used to be, but you don't ever really lose that muscle memory. Your brain doesn't forget how to do it. Although I wasn't throwing, I was still imagining myself throwing and going through the progressions."
Besides muscle memory, Noneman's areas of interest include big data, machine learning and STEM education but her forte is studying how the brain coordinates eye movements. Human eyes make more than 100,000 daily movements with six small muscles, making eye movements the simplest mechanical model for understanding muscle control.
"It's the coolest motor system," she said. The irony is that, unlike most athletes, Noneman doesn't rely on her eyes while throwing.
"It's all about feeling, the connection," she said. "It's also very rhythmic. I can hear my feet tap. I can feel the tension. I can hear the ball as I turn. You know you had a good throw when you hear it woosh upon release."
Next up is nationals, which will be Noneman's collegiate finale. Really, it's one final dance with Stanley.
"Don't try too hard. Don't breathe too hard. Let the hammer do the work."
Mc Hammer Dance -
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Dance mix classes are held in Molot fitness club. Modern dances will help keep the body in good shape, develop grace and plasticity. Thanks to the selection of exercises and the intense pace of training, dance mix allows you to activate all muscle groups. In addition, this is a great opportunity to master the basic elements of modern dance styles. nine0019
Dance mix - what kind of workout is this?
Reasons to do Dance mix
Dance mix - what kind of workout is it?
Dance Mix is an aerobics discipline based on a combination of different dance styles. Lessons include individual dance elements and movement complexes. Direction Dance mix can not only improve physical health, but also help you learn to dance solo or with a partner, which will allow you to be the center of attention at a party, vacation or club. nine0019
Choreography consists of elements of several dance styles at the same time, which allows you to gain knowledge about each of them separately, learn how to combine them with each other, and also develops a sense of rhythm. All this contributes to the development of excellent physical shape, plasticity. Teaches you to listen and understand music, which is the most important quality for a dancer.
At dance mix training you will find yourself in a positive and friendly atmosphere. Find out how interesting and original dance can be. nine0019
Reasons to get involved Dance mix
- Dance fitness develops coordination, strengthens muscles, and makes you more resilient. The lesson will give you a surge of emotions, and will also allow you to spend time in the company of like-minded people in an interesting and useful way.
- This type of aerobics will make your body plastic and flexible, form a beautiful posture, get rid of extra pounds and cellulite.
Already after a month of regular training, the volume of the hips and waist will noticeably decrease.
- Dance mix classes will not only improve your appearance, but also improve your health. Dancing normalizes the work of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems, by saturating all the cells of the body with oxygen, the general well-being improves, the mood rises. nine0010
- After training Despite the high physical activity, after training there is cheerfulness, lightness and self-confidence. Classes help get rid of complexes and tightness.
- Dancing is an effective way to relieve nervous tension after a hard day's work. Dance mix reveals inner potential and allows you to master beautiful movements in order to later be the center of attention at a disco or in a club.
While enjoying dancing, you can reduce weight and form a beautiful relief, improve overall tone, develop flexibility and get emotional relief. Dancing elements strengthen muscles, and the intensity of classes allows you to burn excess fat. Dancing will also help relieve stress, energize and give a good mood. nine0019
Dance Mix workouts allow you to keep your figure in excellent shape, which significantly increases self-esteem. During the class, you will learn to move gracefully, control your own body and dance beautifully.
Mix Dance will relieve stoop and the first signs of scoliosis, and is also a prevention of obesity. One session burns about 250 calories. Dance normalizes the work of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.
Dance mix relieves nervous tension, which allows you to get rid of depression. nine0019
Training has no age restrictions, people with any level of physical fitness can do it. However, certain contraindications still exist. Intensive Dens Mix workouts are contraindicated for those who have problems with the spine, joints, veins and knees. Numerous sudden movements and jumps can increase blood pressure and increase the number of heartbeats, so classes are not recommended for hypertensive patients and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. nine0019
The coach must be informed in advance about the state of health. Based on this, he will be able to adjust the load and control the correct execution of the dance steps.
The main directions, which includes Dance mix:
- Hip-hop, house, jazz-funk, breakdance, freestyle - modern directions in dance, which organically combine elements of dance and sports. Due to vigorous movements, one full-fledged lesson is equal to an hour of cardio training. During the dance, physical activity applies to all parts of the body. nine0010
- Strip-plasticity — the dance direction promotes the development of plasticity, grace, helps to get rid of complexes, teaches you to feel your body, and also improvise to beautiful, calm music. It seems to many that the elements of striptease are easy to perform. Actually it is not. The instructors say that this direction is quite difficult, as it includes static exercises that put a lot of stress on the legs.
For beginners, unaccustomed muscles can hurt a lot. However, the result is worth it. nine0010
- Denshall — fiery style came to us from Jamaica. In this direction, emphasis is placed on elements that involve the buttocks and hips. Practicing this style improves blood circulation in the legs and abdomen, allows you to tighten the skin, get rid of cellulite.
- Rhythm & Blues or R&B. Combination of rhythmic and plastic movements. Provides an even load on all muscle groups. At first glance, the dance seems complicated, but in fact the elements are quickly remembered and easily reproduced. nine0010
Some trainers include elements of oriental, Latin American, folk dances, modern, rock and roll, jazz in their dance mix training. All of these areas equally have a positive impact on health and contribute to the rapid burning of calories.
A few recommendations for those who decide to start practicing Dance mix:
- refrain from eating two hours before the start of the workout so as not to feel discomfort; nine0010
- during dance aerobics, the body spends a large amount of fluid to compensate for its loss, it is necessary to take non-carbonated drinking water for training;
- Going to training, pick up comfortable clothes and shoes.