How to display dance competition pins
Personalized Shadow Box For Dance Pins
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Looking for something to do with dance pins from competitions? This personalized shadow box is a great solution for storing all your competition pins. Download 4 different styles of dance svgs to personalize your shadow box for dance pins for free below!
How to Make a Personalized Shadow Box For Dance Pins
To make this shadow box for storing your dance pins, you will need:
- Shadow Box Frame – I used this 8×10 shadow box (available in multiple colors) and it works perfect. The width is perfect for storing dance pins and medals and has room to hold well over 100 dance pins! If you think you will need something larger, you can go with a larger sized shadow box.
- Permanent Adhesive Vinyl. For the dancer, I used this black permanent shimmer vinyl (which I am obsessed with) and purple for the name. If you are just getting started building up your vinyl supply, I recommend this variety pack of permanent adhesive vinyl.
- Cricut Maker or Explore Air 2 Cutting Machine (or any other cutting machine) and this machine mat for cutting.
- These Weeding Tools for removing the excess vinyl
- This scraper or something similar to adhere and smooth your vinyl to your wooden board.
- Transfer Tape for applying your vinyl
- Dance Silhouette SVGs (Download Below)
To make your shadow box for dance pins:
- Create a new project in Cricut Design Space
- Upload your SVG File and resize as needed. For the 8×10 shadow box, 8 inches in height is a good size to go with.
- Add the name to your design and place it in it’s spot.
- Send your design to cut and prepare your cutting mats. If you are new to using adhesive vinyl, make sure to check out this detailed tutorial on using Cricut adhesive vinyl and layering adhesive vinyl.
- Apply your design to the front of the shadow box.
- Add a color piece of vinyl or cardstock to the back of your shadow box. I used this shimmer adhesive vinyl and applied it to the inside of the back of the frame.
- Add your dance pins.
I love the way this personalized dance shadow box turned out! It’s such a great way to display (and not lose) all the competition dance pins. My daughter is new to completive dance, but she is excited to fill this up over the years.
If you want to make dance shirts as well, view all my free dance svgs here.
Before downloading this graphic, please share this design on Pinterest – it’s quick to do and makes a
HUGE impact to keep SVG Nation’s designs free to you.
This free SVG cut file comes in a single ZIP file with the following file formats:
- SVG cut file for Cricut Design Space, Silhouette Designer Edition, Inksape, Adobe Suite and more.
- DXF file for Silhouette users.You can open this with the free software version of Silhouette.
- PNG file with transparent background and 300 dpi resolutions.
- EPS file to use with Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape and more.
To get these Dance Silhouette SVG files, enter your name and email into the form below and then click the “Get It Now!” button!
Please remember these are for personal use only. If you’re looking to sell products using these designs please purchase a Commercial Use License here.
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Post Tags: #Ballet SVG#Cricut Dance
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Regional Solo Rules & Awards – NYLA Dance – Competitions & Conventions
All dance solos will be separated by Competitive or Recreational Title Divisions and within Minis (4 – 5 years of age), Tiny Dancers(6 – 8 years of age), Juniors (9 – 11 years of age), Teens (12 – 14 years of age), Seniors (15 – 20 years of age), and Adults (21 and older). Only 1 entry per style per dancer. Each soloist will receive a medal and a placement pin.
NEW***IMPROV TITLE SOLOS (entry fee includes TITLE fee)
Dancer will choose their style division from contemporary or jazz then we will provide the music once you take the stage. Please wear your costume to reflect your style division. Dancer will be given 1:30 to perform.
All dance improv solos will be separated by the current Title Divisions of Minis (4 – 5 years of age), Tiny Dancers(6 – 8 years of age), Juniors (9 – 11 years of age), Teens (12 – 14 years of age), Seniors (15 – 20 years of age), and Adults (21 and older). Only 2 entries per dancer. Each will receive a medal and placement pin.
***All dance improv solos are judged strictly on performance and creative interpretation.***
***All dance improv solos are entered into overall high score improv soloist title ONLY and are not eligible for any other overall high score solo awards as this is its own unique competition. ***
For those of you N.Y.L.A. DANCERS who are up for the challenge to be our T3 here it goes. You must compete with 3 solos with one in each of the categories of dance, vocals, & acting. Your highest scores in each category are then totaled to give your your N.Y.L.A. T3 score. Only 1 T3 entry per dancer/ performer.
T3 solos will be separated into Minis (4 – 5 years of age), Tiny Dancers(6 – 8 years of age), Juniors (9 – 11 years of age), Teens(12 – 14 years of age), Seniors(15 – 20 years of age), and Adults (21 and older).
Our top winner in our Image Consulting/Modeling category (11 & under) and (12 & over) will receive a trophy and pin of distinction and everyone who enters will receive a medal & pin. Each contestant must also be registered and perform a dance/acting/or vocal solo for this title, submit 1 photo, and will have 1 minute to answer 2 questions on-stage while wearing something that bests describes who you really are…so be yourself. *Remember this category should be taken seriously, from the choice of outfit, hair & make-up, quality of picture, and presentation of style they all mean a great deal. Would you present this photo to the casting director of a major film, video, or TV program? You will enter & exit the stage via catwalk style in the shape of an “L”.
Please submit 1 photo per dancer (2 max). Photo can be either B & W or Color and preferably 8 x 10. Each age division will be awarded an Overall High Score Title, 1st Runner-Up, and 2nd Runner-Up. All photogenic entries must be emailed to us by the Friday prior to the event. No photos will be accepted at our events.
At Regionals, 2 professional judges currently working in the field of dance, one representing the East Coast styles of dance and one representing the West Coast styles of dance, will judge the contestants based on the following criteria. In the event of a tie, highest technique score will break tie followed by highest performance score should tie still exist. At Nationals, 2-3 professional judges will be critiquing.
2:45 minutes to show your moves.
1:15 minutes to show your moves.
Judges will view & complete written critiques of all photos within this category.
(choice of pose, facial expressions, mood, b&w or color photo, and catwalk stage entrance & exit.)
35PTS STYLE (choice of outfit, hair, make-up)
15PTS dance, acting or vocal solo
*Judges will review all photos and give written critiques. All contestants agree that the time, manner, and method of judging the contest shall be solely within the discretion of the directors and producers of N.Y.L.A. Dance Conventions & Competitions and that all decisions of the judges are final. Judges Score Sheets are posted online is your studio accounts the Wednesday following each event. All awards will take place at the end of our competition. They will not be available for mailing afterward.
Scores are broken down and awarded as follows:
Platinum 97-100
High Triple Gold 94-96.9
Triple Gold 91-93.99
Double Gold 90.99 & below
If a tie occurs, then the tie will be broken by the highest performance scores. If a tie still occurs, then the judges will break the tie.
5 points will be deducted for going over the time limit.
5 points will be deducted for any routine being videotaped or photographed
5 points will be deducted for taps on your CD’s.
Incomplete or run-off dances (does not include music or costume malfunctions) will be allowed to perform for a second time but the highest score that they can receive is HTG and that dance will not be eligible for Overall High Scores.
Style Divisions
*To make it easy for you please note that each dance is allowed 3 acro moves or Passes. All other N.Y.L.A. Dances containing more than 3 gymnastics or Acro moves must to be entered in Acro Dance or Contemporary Fusion.
Acro Dance
Any gym/Acro move or tumbling passes combined with choreography. Does not include frontward rolls, backward rolls, or cartwheels.
Any Dramatic or Comedic interpretation which emphasizes method, interpretation, staging, and control.
Sub Style Divisions will be divided into Drama emphasis and Comedy emphasis.
Either Classic in Ballet style & terminology OR contemporary use of new Ballet techniques
Any style of dance portraying a recognizable character with dance, costume, and music.
Use of all clogging techniques & styles.
Incorporates Release Technique, COREmovement styles, or fused modern with lyrical & jazz styles.
Contemporary Fusion©
A fusion of 2 or more different styles of dance within your choreography.
All entries which are mailed in with OPEN CATEGORY on their entries will be placed into this style division.
International Dance
All forms of world culture dance styles. Few examples : Spanish, Korean, African, Irish.
Either Classic in Jazz style &terminology &choreography OR contemporary use of new Jazz Techniques (CONTEMPORARY, BROADWAY, & THEATER DANCE STYLE welcomed).
Musicality & dynamics emphasized. Added use of emotions, balance, stories, & control.
Center Contractions, shapes, and body lines used to form abstract ideas.
Any dance using Poms or Drill combined with line formations.
Any style of dance done with toe shoes.
Must have a minimum of 10 dancers incorporating any number of styles.
Hip Hop
Choreography for street or video dance. Includes pop & lock or breakdance.
Song & Dance
Any style of dance combined with live or recorded singing .
Either Classic in tap style & terminology OR contemporary styles of Heavy Strike rhythms. No tape on taps.
Theater Dance
Any style of dance which includes aspects of Theater Dance, Musical Theater, Song & Dance, or Musical Theater songs.
Combining any style of dance, any style of song, & any style of acting monologue to make-up the required performance.
Any type of vocal presentation which emphasizes musical range, pitch, style, and timing.
Sub Style Divisions will be divided into Contemporary Music emphasis or Traditional Music emphasis.
Commercial – Video, Stage, TV, Soaps, Film potential. 1 headshot required. Black/White or Color.
8 x 10 only. They must also be registered and perform a dance/acting/or vocal solo as part of this title.
Only 1 entry per dancer/ performer.
Studio directors determine the Competition level of each dancer according to the online studio roster. Each routine’s level is determined by the percentage level of the dancers registered (51% of your Duet/Trios and Groups determine level).
**NEW All registering studios at both Regionals and Nationals must have a minimum of 5 dances which must include either one duet/trio or one group dance.
A dancer’s level CANNOT be changed once entered into your studio performance online roster. A dancer can only be in one level and can only compete with one studio per location.
No Solo can be moved to a higher competition level other than the level in which the performer is listed on the studio roster.
All Duet/Trios and Groups can be moved to a higher competition level other than the level in which the performers are listed on the studio roster PRIOR to competition, but never to a lower competition level.
Any person who is visible on stage once the routine has started, and prior to the end of the routine, will be considered a performer, and is subject to age division, and group size rules and must be registered as such.
Any routine including a teacher is not eligible for overall awards. A teacher is someone who choreographs or teaches class, and is 21 years of age or older. Entries with teachers in them may perform for adjudication only. This does not apply to student teachers under the age of 21.
NYLA DANCE reserves the right to cancel any event which does not meet our minimum number of entries. All monies will be refunded should this occur. No refunds if competition is confirmed; only a NYLA DANCE credit will be issued.
All entries must be received 35 days before the event. After 35 days, dances will be placed on a waiting list and charged an additional 10% per dance to compete.
To be eligible for the early rebate, your entries must be paid in full 60 days prior to the first day of competition along with the NYLA DANCE release form. Do not deduct your rebate when registering as this will be given to you at a later time.
NO entries will be processed without full payment. We only accept cashier checks, money order, or echeck beginning 2020. No personal or studio checks will be accepted in advance or at event.
A performer’s age is determined by their age as of January 1st.
For solos as well as when averaging duets/trios and groups, drop the decimal and round down (if average age is 7.89 then place routine in 7 year old age division).
Studio directors must be prepared to present a birth certificate of each dancer should a written protest arise from a performance. This protest must be made in writing no longer then 30 minutes after the incident. If found guilty, the dance will be moved to the appropriate division.
NYLA DANCE trusts that each studio director will remain honest and true to the dancer’s training and experience level so that we can offer fairness to each and every competing dancer at all of our events. Only a studio director has that information to give to us as we do not see the dancers on a regular basis.
COMPETITIVE Level: This competition level is for intermediate/advanced dancers which train 4 or more hours per week including classes and rehearsals. Entries will be adjudicated, and will receive High Score Awards within this level.
RECREATIONAL Level: This competition level division is for beginning dancers who have little or no experience competing and train 3 or less hours per week including classes and rehearsals. Entries will be adjudicated, and will receive High Score Awards within this level.
Solos – Dancers must compete in the level they are registered. Dancers can compete multiple solos but only one style division is allowed per solo.
Duet/Trios and ALL groups – Dancers must compete in the level they are registered. 51% of your group determines level.
NYLA DANCE does not have a set schedule therefore it is determined by the number of entries registered per event. Please send all schedule requests in the comment box in your online registration AND via email. All religious and school functions take priority. Schedules are emailed to studio directors only by Friday (7 days) prior to each event. Then all changes to the schedule MUST BE MADE by Monday the week of the event due to our program being printed. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Unless NYLA DANCE has made an announcement about Video taping and non-flash photography, Video taping and flash photography are strictly prohibited during the entire convention & competition weekend (Disqualification could result). 5pts will automatically be deducted from that dance if caught illegally taking photos or video.
Unless a piece of choreography has been officially copyrighted, NYLA DANCE cannot enforce any plagiarism policies. Complainant must provide proof for consideration of complaint.
All dancers authorize the use of their image in photos and video for publicity and advertisement purposes with N.Y.L.A.Dance Conventions & Competitions.
Music must be submitted online and a USB turned in at the registration desk.
Please label your music with Title of Dance, Age Division, Style Division, Studio Name/Teacher, and Choreographer. Please have all music cued to beginning of the song. You can pickup your USB at the end of the event. Please bring an additional backup just in case there are problems.
Dancers may not exit or jump off the front of the performance stage during performances or any event activities.
Studio directors, teachers, parents, or dancers are not allowed to approach the judge’s table or disturb the judge’s themselves during the competition. This includes the scorekeeper’s table and approaching to get SHOUTOUTS. SHOUTOUTS will be given out at the beginning of the awards ceremony not prior so please do not approach judge’s table after they have been read.
If issue with music occurs, please have the studio director or teacher approach the music table with a 2nd copy of the music asap.
Program info & Entry fees must be received 35 days in advance of the Regional location in order for us to guarantee our program publication. Late entries will be listed together on a separate sheet.
Enrollment in the convention is not required at Regionals to compete but IS required to attend Nationals. Please note that the workshops give us a chance to know you better and to see you dance, learn, & have an awesome time!! Also, you get to make new friends by meeting other N. Y.L.A. Dancers.
Stage size will be approximately 30″ x 30″ at most locations. Size will vary.
All attendees at our NYLA DANCE events should comply with the rules set forth by each venue.
Only dancers, studio directors, teachers, and prop coordinators are the only persons allowed backstage during the competition to ensure a smooth program with no delays.
Everyone competing and attending NYLA DANCE events should display good sportsmanship, including no studio to studio recruitment. Deductions and disqualifications could occur due to this behavior.
NYLA DANCE is not responsible for lost or stolen items at our events including music left behind.
Please be ready to check-in for your dance 30 minutes prior to the performance time with the backstage manager. Holding the competition up for unexcused costume changes or rehearsing in the hallway when we are looking for you will result in a point deduction for your total score. If the event runs ahead of schedule, all dancers should be ready to perform earlier than your program time.
Their will be no changes made to the performance sequence unless approved by the NYLA DANCE director or backstage manager.
If you mess up the stage with excess from props please make sure you clean it up immediately following your
Prohibited onstage use of anything hazardous or things which could possibly create a safety issue: including glass, knives, fire, helium balloons, or fog/smoke on stage.
Recreational divisions will follow same guidelines and will qualify for their own overall high score of the day.
Studio names cannot be listed as the name of your dance or as a song title.
Incomplete or run-off dances will be allowed to perform for a second time but the highest score that they can receive is High Triple Gold and the dance will not be eligible for Overall High Scores.
Each regional location will give out special distinction awards recognizing outstanding performance, choreography, and dedication.
All NYLA rewards will be awarded to the teacher or studio director only.
All groups competing will receive 1 group plaque and others receive placement pins or ribbons.
All solos competing will receive 1 medal and 1 placement pin or ribbon.
Contestants and teachers by virtue of entering a N.Y.L.A. Dance Convention & Competition Event give their permission and consent to the directors of N.Y.L.A.Dance to use their images or photographs to appear on videos, television, or any other media for advertising, news coverage or any other commercial use of our events. Further more, I understand and recognize the risks of physical injury inherent in dance and dance performances such as, but not limited to, sprains, pulled muscles and broken bones. I am willing to assume those risks. I agree that I will not hold N.Y.L.A. Dance Conventions & Competitions, its director Skip Costa, agents and employees, nor the facility liable for damages, illnesses, or injuries sustained or contracted by me or my children or students while in attendance and/or participating in any activity connected with a N. Y.L.A. Dance Conventions & Competition. N.Y.L.A Dance will not tolerate rude or disruptive behavior from its participants. This is enforced during the entire convention/competition facility which includes classroom, dressing room, ballrooms, auditoriums, on/off stage, hallways, and lobbies just to name a few. I agree to accept the Judges Decision as final for this competition number. Should the judges move this number from one category to another, I understand that there will be no penalties nor deductions.
AWARDS: Everyone receives an award for entering.
$25 in NYLA Rewards overall high score soloist (Valid for 1 year)
*Each Division must have at least 5 entries in order to be awarded Rewards.
***BOTH Competitive & Recreational SOLOIST will receive an OHS Trophy and be included in a special dance at Nationals!!!
***ALL MISS NYLA, MR NYLA, & T3 TITLE AWARDS will receive their special title sash, and a tiara (female) or a trophy (male). No cash awards for titles.
Dance Hero of the Year – A special award given to honor an amazing student, teacher, guest artist, or dance lover for the amazing love, hard work, & sacrifices that go into making dance possible for everyone. This award also Includes a specially designed plaque. Please nominate your Dance HERO of the YEAR by bringing a personal letter to your REGIONALS and telling us why you believe that your HERO should be recognized. That’s all it takes to make someone feel very special. Final decisions will be made by N.Y.L.A. Dance Director SKIP COSTA at NATIONALS. Also, Rita Hewitt Award for Inspired Choreography & Steve Bielecki Emotional Performance Award Nominees
Certificates of distinction from our JUDGES will be awarded at both Regional & National levels.
Dance competitions for corporate holidays
If you have the role of an entertainer in a team and you are looking for something to diversify the festive evening, then in addition to toasts and congratulatory words, try to include dance competitions in the script. Definitely the bosses, and employees, will appreciate it. True, before their performance, the public must “ripen”, so it is better to turn them on after a few toasts. We bring to your attention several competitions. We hope they will make your evening unforgettable.
The music for dance competitions is recognizable. It can be a folk tune, rock and roll, waltz, tango or a composition from a famous movie. The main thing is that it should be cheerful and characteristic, that is, it should fit the created images. And it is even better to alternate cheerful and fast melodies with slow and calm melodies, so as not to cause overexcitation or boredom in the audience. When composing a script for a dance competition, do not forget about the attributes that need to be prepared in advance. Also remember about short breaks where the audience can take a break, dance at their pleasure, drink a glass of wine or eat a sandwich. You do not need to put all the numbers in a row. It is good to alternate dance competitions with toasts, jokes and intellectual competitions (riddles, for example).
Rock and roll dance cocktail
Players pair up. The main thing is to distribute them at a safe distance from each other. The facilitator says what the players should do for certain words. For example, to the word "cola" the participants dance holding hands. When the host says the word "wine", the girls should jump on the guys' hips. When the toastmaster says “vodka”, the young people should put (put) the ladies on their shoulders. The strongest win!
Situational dance
Participants are divided into teams of 3 to 5 people. Each group is given a card that describes the situation: sunrise, forest fire, raging sea, wrestling in the ring, etc. The task of each team is to portray the situation in such a way that other viewers understand the action. At the end, all participants need to give out incentive prizes for their efforts.
Musical carousel
This game is probably familiar to everyone since childhood, but this does not lose its relevance and attractiveness, because it can always be diversified. So, the traditional version of the game: music sounds - everyone dances, the melody ends - everyone tries to sit on chairs. Whoever doesn't have enough is out. The second option: at the end of the music, everyone tries to sit on the floor, the last one lost. The third option: the girls sit on the backs of the crouched guys (there should be fewer of them). The fourth option: you can decide for yourself what to sit on for the players, for example, on a fitness ball. By the way, any dance competitions can be beaten in a way that suits you.
Dance on the newspaper
Several couples are chosen to dance. Each couple is given a sheet of newspaper, on which they must dance either to fast or to slow music. At the end of each melody, the page folds in half. Couples who stumble are eliminated. The game continues until one pair remains. If the players are equally graceful, in the end, you can invite the men to take the ladies in their arms. Long in this case, no one will last.
Dance competitions are interesting not only for young people, because their goal is not so much to show mastery (if any) as to amuse the audience. For example, couples with different heights, ages and builds look comical. When choosing participants, take this into account, but do not overplay so as not to offend anyone.
Choreographic festivals and competitions in Russia, Europe and around the world. Organization of participation in competitions and festivals.
Parents, sending their child from early childhood to various dance studios, pursue the goal of harmonious physical development of the child. Having received some skills and abilities during classes in a studio or in a group, young dancers and choreographers need to show their achievements in dance to the general public and the search for choreographic competitions begins. Participation in the competition means new emotions, excitement, the desire to win, the desire to be the best, which means improving the acquired skills and new development.
There are a number of festivals-competitions of children's and youth creativity, where among many areas of creativity there is a nomination - choreography. As a rule, such festivals-competitions of various genres are organized by travel companies and, in addition to performances, you are offered a ready-made tourist program with sightseeing tours of cities and visits to the most interesting cultural sites in the country where the festival-competition itself is held. Participation in such competitions is due to the fact that it is necessary to pay in full the participation package, which includes accommodation, meals, excursions. For beginners, going to European competitions is the best option to try your hand - everything is clear - every day of the festival-competition is filled with performances, excursions, master classes. Each group is provided with a local Russian-speaking guide. Usually the cost of a tour to such a festival-competition is more expensive than just a tourist package and this is due to the fact that the organizers of the festival-competition also invest in the cost of the program the costs of organizing and holding concerts, prizes and diplomas, which all participants receive in such competitions.
The next stage is when the child and parents decide to engage in choreography professionally and choose different directions - ballroom dance, classical dance, modern variety show dance. There are choreographic competitions in the areas of dance, where participants are only choreographic groups and soloists. The organizers of such competitions are former dancers, heads of their own studios, famous choreographers. The requirements for the participants of the competition and the dances performed are more stringent, strictly regulated in time. There are such competitions for young children, from 8 years old, in which you can try yourself and decide whether it is worth going further along the path of professionalism or just continue dancing for your own pleasure, and there are such competitions for children from 12-14 years old who decided in the future get a job as a dancer. Prizes in such competitions are often cash prizes, scholarships for dancing at summer schools and European dance schools. And in competitions for young professionals, a contract for work in the European theater can also be an award. The program of such competitions is designed to improve the technical level of dancers, contains competitive performances, master classes and does not involve excursions and any cultural program, so if you decide to travel to a European country for such a competition, please request additional transfer services, excursions.
Ballroom dancing competitions have long turned into a sport and this is a whole separate industry with its own rules.
A separate direction of choreography is folk dances. For teams that improve their skills in folk dances, we offer participation in folklore festivals, where you can meet different cultural trends and learn new traditional dances or characteristic movements. The organizers of folklore festivals offer participants accommodation in families and provide participants with meals during the festival. Applications for participation in such festivals are accepted at least half a year before the start of the festival, and the organizers themselves select teams for participation.