How to dance without being shy
Stop Being Too Shy To Dance! Here Are 6 Reminders That'll Help
Do you want to be THAT GIRL/GUY killing it in class or on stage or in a cypher... but you're too shy to dance?
Do you get anxious at the thought of freestyling? Do you get stage fright... no matter how many times you’ve performed? Guess what?? YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!
It may seem like all dancers were just born natural performers, but there are plenty of us that are just plain shy.
See Related Article: 19 Things That Make Introverted Dancers Anxious
But dance is a performing art, so it’s expected of dancers to be able to perform.
If you want to stop being too shy to dance and start being DOPE, then remember these 6 things!
1. No one is watching you dance
The following is true, not just just for dance, but for life in general: Don't worry about what people think about you...
Because they’re probably not thinking about you. And that’s not an upsetting realization at all! In fact, it’s quite refreshing. It’s freeing.
Since most people are focused on their own performance and execution, they’re too preoccupied to watch or judge you.
So focus on yourself, too! And not this idea that everyone's watching you.
2.You can be someone else when you dance
You know what the coolest part about dancing is? You’re performing! This means that you can play the role of someone else.
You can literally be anyone you want when you dance, at any place you want, in whatever scenario you design in your mind.
In fact, being a bit emotionally detached from your IRL self is a great way to be able to dance with commitment to another character.
It can help you infuse genuine intention to the piece without the inhibitions you’d normally feel.
See Related Article: How To Dance With More Confidence
Imagine you as a non-shy version of yourself and dance in that role. Do this enough and you’ll fake it ‘til you make it!
One day, you’ll realize you’re so comfortable performing or freestyling because you’ve played those roles so frequently.
So start performing as that person now – if only for one piece at a time.
3. This is your journey, and yours only
A lot of dancers’ anxiety comes from feeling behind compared to others. We're insecure about not being at a certain level or feel embarrassed performing around really good dancers.
Stop comparing. Stop feeling defeated. Stop using other dancers as benchmarks. Instead, take ownership over your own growth.
Recognize that the only person holding yourself accountable is you.
Whether or not you decide to go take class, audition for a team, or mess up in class... those events are part of your unique journey as a dancer.
Everything and everyone else is arbitrary. Wherever you are is exactly where you’re meant to be at that time.
If you're a complete beginner, or if you want to start dancing and aren't sure how. $%-ups.
See Related Article: Dancers Share Their Most Embarrassing Moments
So don't let the fear of messing up keep you too shy to dance. Also...I’m not downplaying how seriously people take dance. We’re all crazy passionate about it.
A lot of people build professional, life long careers around it. However, when you put it into perspective…
It’s just dancing. Even if you are dancing for a job, a dancer’s mess up at a show is not like a surgeon’s mess up during a surgery.
No one died because you blanked out on that 8-count. No one was hurt from your ripple being early. Nothing blew up because your freestyle wasn’t on point.
It is a dramatic way to put it, but it does help us remember the most important thing: Dance is a luxury and a blessing. Dancing is... fun!
Don't let being too shy to dance keep you from enjoying it.
5. There is no right or wrong in dance
Yes, there are counts and moves to follow when you’re doing someone else’s choreography. There is technique and cleanliness.
But there are no real rules when you’re choreographing or freestyling on your own. Dance is a body and mind expressing itself.
And there can be no “wrong” when it comes to expression. This is one of the most liberating things that any dancer can realize.
If you get shy about something looking weird, then it will look weird. The key is about owning your weirdness.
In fact, the most unique and eye-catching dancers are the ones who really commit to their own style.
And the sooner you realize this, the sooner you can stop feeling shy about dancing. You’ll start to dance just as you’re meant to.
See Related Article: How To Develop Your Unique Style As A Dancer
6. The worst thing would be to not try
Do you ever think about the things you could’ve done if your shyness wasn’t holding you back?
“If only I went up for that group… If only I tried out for that team… If only I introduced myself to that choreographer…If only I wasn't too shy to dance. ..”
Regret sucks. And more often, we regret the things we did not do rather than the things we did. The most unfortunate thing is suppressed or unrealized potential.
And if you keep letting your shyness hold you back, you’ll never know what you’re capable of.
So stop wondering what you could be, and start taking steps to become it!
See Related Article: Overcome Your Dance Fears And Live A Creative Life
We hope these ideas helped you overcome your shyness!
Now, stop being too shy to dance and go blossom.
If you prefer learning on your own, then try STEEZY Studio.
You can start dancing through the Beginner Program, try out a new style, learn choreography – all in private, at your own pace.
Soon enough, you won't be too shy to dance at all!
Stop being too shy to dance, in 5 steps
- 1 What’s the process to stop being too shy to dance?
- 2 1.
Discover your super powers
- 3 2. Teach a move
- 4 3. Get on the field
- 5 4. Breakout!
- 6 5. The Final Boss : Something out of nothing
- 6.1 Test the water
What’s the process to stop being too shy to dance?
The solution to being too shy to dance is: Repetition, of manageable steps.
Although it’s easier to dance in large groups or with some, erm, liquid assistance, when you are sober and alone, those comforts aren’t there. Our dance classes for adults are a good starting point. If you’re thinking, “I’m not shy, I’m just bad at dancing”, here’s 3 solutions for you. It’s a solid read!
Shyness can affect us all and even the most confident dancers, in certain circumstances, may be hesitant at first.
Let’s shake off the pressure and start with a couple of steps to unlock freedom.
1. Discover your super powers
When you are dancing alone, perhaps video yourself and see which movements are most dominant. Yes, I know that might be extremely uncomfortable, but stay with me for a moment.
When you see yourself, either in a reflection or on camera, what stands out? Your shoulders? Do you have fast footwork? Are your arms storytelling? Do you like to spin or go to the floor?
Recognising the things your body naturally wants to do (as a child would) helps you build your dance foundation. A safe place from which to expand.
If you unlock at least 3 super powers, you’ll be in good shape.
Now, you might be thinking that you don’t have ANY super powers, but I assure you, if you dance to 3 songs in a row, you will start to develop patterns. If you DON’T see any patterns, email us your video and we’ll tell you where your superpowers lie. That’s our job 🙂
Your next step is a different kind of challenge.
2. Teach a move
Often we learn most about ourselves by teaching something to someone else. Find a family member, friend or even a pet that you can share your movement(s) with and you will start getting used to having an audience.
Make sure you pick the right person, though. They should be non-judgemental or at least give you some constructive feedback.
On a personal note, I know that teaching has helped me gain a greater understanding of how I move. It also clears in my mind where my strengths and weaknesses lie. This is useful in a period of self-discovery!
3. Get on the field
You are no longer too shy to dance! At the next social gathering, dance with / near a group of people and try to mimic their energy.
Not necessarily MOVES, but ENERGY!
If you find you are synergizing with others, perhaps introduce a move to the group. People will probably go for it. If they don’t, go back to your ‘basic’ and soak up the atmosphere.
4. Breakout!
So, you have your moves, you’ve tried them with friends, you’ve used them in a social setting. You feel connected to yourself. Now might be time to enter ‘The Circle’.
If a circle opens up at a party please, KNOW THIS THING WELL:
Most people won’t go in, so if you DO, you’re already one of the cool kids.
If it goes wrong, please understand that nobody is going home that night saying, “Did you see that guy?” People have short memories!
By now you’ll have belief in what you do and THAT is success. Different audiences will respond differently, so try to be present wherever there is action ☺️
5. The Final Boss : Something out of nothing
Imagine: Nobody is dancing. The dancefloor is empty. But you love the song.
Imagine if you’re waiting for a train and someone is busking and you wanna jam. What do you do?
Test the water
Start with a pared down version of one of your basics and see if you feel good. If you want, you can stay in that space and just two-step a bit.
If you want to escalate the energy, get your head up and look around. Others may be awaiting an invitation to join you. If they don’t, you have your basic and nobody got hurt!
If others catch the spirit, they may respond by clapping along, mirroring your movements or energy. We KNOW that dance is infectious!
As I mentioned, repetition is the answer. Repeat the first step until you are comfortable enough to move on to the next, and so on.
By the time you start your first impromptu dance party, you’ll forget how it felt to be nervous. Also, you can jump in at anyone of these steps if you have previous ones covered. If you made it to the final boss, you are officially a party starter and you’ll forget what it was like to be too shy to dance. ☺️
We’re trying to help people boogie all around the world at and are here if you need some guidance. Keep your eyes peeled for ‘Nightclub Survival’ too!
If you’re in London and want to learn more about dance read our ultimate guides on Breakin’ and Street Dance and expand your knowledge and social group.
Much love to all the ex-shyguys and ex-shygals
Damien, B-Better
How to dance without being shy. How to start dancing if you are a log and want to dance I want to dance but I don't know how
There is nothing worse than advice that begins with the word “simple”.
“I don’t know how to dance at all, but I really want to, what should I do?!” - “Just start!”, “Just sign up for dance courses!”, “Just forget it, there are more fun classes!”
Yeah, only when you're trying to “just start” your legs get tangled up and your hands clatter incoherently in space. And you tried to sign up for courses ... But you couldn’t keep up with the others and just thought - thank you, huge mirrors! How awful you look when you twitch so ridiculously. Unlike the teacher and the whole class.
First of all, let's say that attending courses is a very good idea. But it will be easier if you prepare a little in advance. Before memorizing the movements directly, you need to get used to your body better. It will be much easier to follow only the movements, having already overcome the science of following the rhythm and lifting the legs.
To start practicing, you will need: the very tunes that make you want to dance most often (with a pronounced rhythm, this is important!), sportswear, some free time and a deserted, relatively spacious room. And now
Do it once!
First wake up the body to move. For most urban young ladies, it is actually not very ready for it. Take it and ... stretch! Raising your hands up. With taste. With the tension of the whole body - even standing on tiptoe. As in childhood it sometimes happened when you slept for a long, long time and woke up on a wonderful golden summer day. Drop your hands quickly. And... stretch again. Only now - arms to the sides, so that the shoulder blades on the back move. And drop it abruptly. Now stretch from whatever position comes to mind. Yes, why? It's your body, wherever you want, you can drag it there. And change position again. Well, do you feel how the blood ran in a completely different way? It's time to do something further.
Do two!
In dance, the main thing is to be able not to strain, but to relax. Do you think this is something you should not be taught? Aha, yes! Could you feel your neck and back muscles, there are a hundred percent clamps there. In a good way with them “just” go to the masseurs, and we will also be in a good way, but not easy. Do you remember how at school they clasped their bent arms behind their backs, one comes from below, the other from above? Try this. Then change hands. Even if you can’t interlock your fingers, then at least try, reach out with your hands towards each other with all your might. If in one position it turns out easier than in another, by the way, you have scoliosis. Now release your hands and move your shoulders, vigorously, in a circle. Repeat everything several times. You won’t be able to make out the clamps at once, but it will be easier for the muscles.
Do three!
Rhythm. You definitely have it inside you, that's why you react to music in such a way. But to extract it outside until now could not work. Start with the simplest. Do your dance... yes, dance!.. from the most elementary movements. Hands on your hips and walk along the invisible path to the beat of the music. Twice as slow as music. Twice as fast is weak? How about changing the type of gait? Jump on two legs, for example, or rise on your toes with each step, and then lower yourself back? Experiment, don't be afraid. How about being someone dangerous or, conversely, cautious? What about hands? We forgot about the hands. Stand still and raise and lower them to the beat of the music. By the way, the shoulders will soon get tired, then go back to the steps, but then again the arms. Come up with a simple movement, from clapping to ... to anything, in general, and do it to the beat of the music.
Do four!
One such workout will not be enough. It must be repeated at least twice a week. But, again, this will not be enough. Watch the dance! Turn on YouTube clips with good dancers, set numbers for your favorite songs and just follow the performers with your eyes. One day, the movements will turn out by themselves, although you still can’t believe it. So for now, “just” enjoy, because dancing is, above all, enjoyment, right? And it will be yours.
Usually repeat - sometimes by accident, in the heat of the moment - the first movements are obtained after two to four weeks of training. From now on (you can congratulate yourself!) you dance. And soon you can feel free to walk your new skill to all friendly parties and work corporate parties.
Text: Lilit Mazikina
Photo: Shutterstock
Tell us about the dance direction, which do you teach?
I teach Latin dance, salsa. Salsa is a very positive and incendiary dance. It's pretty easy for him to learn. if you have a good sense of rhythm. Besides, I am a certified Zumba and Zumba Sentao Fitness Instructor.
What to do if you can't dance?
dance, certainly! Anyone can learn to dance. My dance directions are very incendiary and rhythmic. By the way, you can do not only one, but also with a partner. As for Zumba, then this is a dance fitness program based on incendiary rhythms. Today this direction is very popular all over the world, because it is available to everyone: it doesn't matter how old are you, Are you a man or a woman whether you can dance or not… Just come and start training. Beauty and precision of movement will come with experience.
to get first results?
If we are talking about Zumba direction, then you only need a few lessons. Salsa needs a little more time because the movements in this dance are more difficult. You need to do it regularly at least 2-3 times a week. It is enough to attend group classes, where you will be taught the basic steps.
Is it possible to learn to dance on your own? For example, at home, repeating the movements of the instructor on the record?
You can learn to dance on your own, there are quite a few examples of this - famous dancers and choreographers, who began to take their first steps under the video tutorials. It was with video lessons that the great king of pop music, Michael Jackson, began in his time. Just set yourself a goal and go for it. Put on your favorite music and let your body catch the beat.
How to feel confident on the dance floor?
To feel more confident on the dance floor, more time for group activities. Communicate with people who love dancing. And do not be afraid to dance outside the walls of the hall or your apartment! We often set our own barriers. we think that we can't do something we can't... Actually, we are just afraid to be worse than others, we are afraid what people think of us. Don't get hung up on this. Better concentrate on your emotions and have fun!
How do you express yourself through dance?
Just be yourself and listen to your body. It will tell you the right moves!
How did your collaboration with GallaDance dance clubs start?
Why did you join the Activia campaign? Good mood starts from within”?
I love Activia products. They start my day. When you experience great physical exertion, It is very important to watch your diet. I am for a healthy lifestyle, for the movement so it's nice to know that you are part of the company, that fits perfectly with your lifestyle. AND, certainly, it has to do with dancing: I couldn't find a better way to show people that dancing is a great opportunity to feel good and infect others with your mood.
Do you remember your first time at a dance? How it was? There were many people in the hall and they all seemed to know how to dance. Everyone but you.
It seemed that everyone could dance. Everything but me.
How many such cases end with the first attempt. And not in the hall talented, willing and dreaming to dance are returning.
I think a lot and therefore, we are with you we will try to figure out what is really happening and how they are not afraid to come to the hall.
List of the most pressing questions taken from life from my students and friends G.
I have compiled a list of the most relevant and important issues that concern girls before their first dance attendance. Thanks to my friends and students, these questions are taken from life and the most, which are not real.
Question #1 - What will I look like?
You think… “surely everyone there is thin and slender, so graceful. And I ... I, of course, thick. And, most likely, I will be the thickest. And a longer T-shirt will not save me. Everyone will notice it right away. And my figure is not correct, not suitable for these dances. It is necessary that the legs they were long and the waist was thin, but I have the most ordinary legs.
Many people think so and are afraid to go dancing. And you, going into the hall, do not look at yourself in the mirror and don't give yourself a second to examine with predilection. Better look around the room. Look around, and for sure there will be girls with completely different figures. But do not rush to compare yourself, turn attention to what they are doing, warming up, sitting or stretching. And think about the fact that we are all different and we come to the hall not to show off our forms, but to dance and everyone has their own goals.
Question #2 - I can't dance at all, what should I do?
You say to yourself… “I can't dance at all, how quickly they will understand it. Or maybe so directly and say that dancing is not yours and you are not given to learn. You better go, baby, to embroidery. This is how the coach will take it in front of everyone and say. And I also have no hearing at all, and I have poor movement remember. All in all, it's bad."
I'll tell you and I know for sure that the ability to dance is a skill that is being worked out. Someone started dancing since childhood and it is easier for them, for someone it is more difficult, and there are many reasons for this, but you can learn. The main thing is desire, no matter how trite it sounds. think about what you are good at, like hearing the rhythm, or maybe repeating the movements and build on it. Everything else will gradually follow. And do not forget that you came to dance to learn and this It's natural that you don't get everything right the first time.
Question #3 – Will they accept me to the team?
Can you imagine… “here I come into the hall like that, I smile, I’m so active, and I tell everyone, “Hi girls, is there Irish dancing here? I come to you, accept the newcomer! . .. damn, but they are all silent ... Better, probably, a modest "hello, are you dancing here?" and enough for the first time. And I'll be in the hall keep quiet, and in the locker room I will change clothes while standing. And then all of a sudden I’ll take someone’s place, get offended, be rude, or just throw things on the floor.
And so on, and there can be many more such questions. I want to find a common language and be on the same wave with the participants, so that they would like to come to classes. And this problem is relevant absolutely in any new team. Therefore, for the first time, be yourself, be friendly, open and make new acquaintances will surely fit.
Question #4 - Will I fail?
In your fantasies, it’s like this ... “when the class starts, everyone will fall into place and start dancing without breaking, they will repeat all the combinations, smiling on the go, and asking how the day went. And I, with the zeal of a mountain doe, will try to repeat at least something and, of course, unsuccessfully. Then the coach will begin to name terms and names that I do not know, but of course everyone knows and understands perfectly. And I will clap my eyelashes and pretend that I understand. In the middle I will understand that I have no strength at all, but I will hold on to the end, no matter how strong it costs me.
And so you can spoil your whole first impression of the first lesson. Much better to say coach that you have your first lesson today and he will briefly brief you before the start. Then, throughout the lesson, he will prompt and help. Remember that the occupation introductory, try to do those movements that are obtained, do not try to do them perfectly correctly. And the most important advice - turn off your brain and just move after others, you will surely succeed.
Question #5 – Which teacher?
You think… “I’ll go into the gym, and there she is… so slender, beautiful, in branded shorts and stylish blouse. She does everything right and dances beautifully. How can you stand it! ".
Who will be your coach is a very important question. It's like having your own dentist, hairdresser and yourself know who. You can dig up a lot of information on the net, collect reviews, look at photos and videos, and this is important and probably right. But to understand if this is your teacher, you need to work with him and get to know. And most importantly, trust your intuition when choosing.
Question #6 - What should I wear?
All your thoughts are occupied with these questions – “what should I wear and where should I wear and how should I wear? Necessary urgently go to the store and buy everything new - shorts, blouse and sneakers. What if I don’t guess, and they don’t dance in shorts like mine. Where can I change? They're all in the dressing room I will be watched. Maybe I'd better get dressed at home? And leggings and a T-shirt, I’ll put everything on, and then once, I threw off my blouse and into the hall. And do not care that summer is outside and I will be hot. The main thing is that in the locker room gotta undress."
There are several ways to solve the problem. The first is to wear the clothes in which you yourself like. If you are not sure, take two sets of clothes, and in the locker room look at who is wearing what, and make a decision on the spot. Another option is to look at the studio website for photos or videos from workouts, and what everyone is wearing. Search the internet for clothing recommendations for the style of dance you have chosen. If you are shy, don't choose bright colors to start with. Well, if you are brave, then wear what you see fit and maybe you will become a trendsetter in this group.
I wish you good luck with your first class and may it all go well great.
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If you are very shy about dancing in public, you are really depriving yourself of many positive emotions. It's not that hard to learn the basic moves and dance them on stage, even if it's just a small bunch. Practice at home, work on improving basic movements, develop self-confidence - this will help you dance calmly in public, without being embarrassed by anyone.
Dance confidently
Smile and have fun. The best way to stop being embarrassed about speaking in public is to become more confident, even if confidence isn't your forte. Straighten your back and lift your chin. This will give you a confident look. Smile all the time and enjoy your time on the dance floor. This will help you feel more confident when performing different dance moves.
- Don't look at the floor or look back. Otherwise, you will look like you are shy and not very comfortable.
Do not drink too much. A couple of sips will help you relax and give you the confidence to dance great. But if you drink too much, you will most likely end up feeling embarrassed again. When a person is drunk, his honed skills begin to dull. There is an increased risk that you will start performing some new dance moves right on stage. Also, when you're drunk, you don't have as much control over your body, so you might accidentally bump into other people or just fall right on the dance floor.
Don't worry about what others think. You may be nervous because you are worried about how others will appreciate your dancing skills. You don't always have to be ready to dance if you go to a bar or to an event. Just try to blend in with the crowd. Remember that most people are more concerned about how they themselves look while dancing. Even paying attention to you and your movements, they are more worried about their dance.
Avoid any awkward and too fast movements. If you're worried about being embarrassed about the way you dance, you should stick to more basic moves. Don't try to replicate some incredible move you've only seen once in a dance show. Leave it to the professionals and include in your dance only those movements that will definitely look good. For example, you should not depict elements of a break, crump and other styles that may attract undue attention.
- Again, avoid sudden and sliding movements (eg moonwalk). Agree, it is unlikely that you will be able to slide in the same way as Michael Jackson.
Dance with a partner or team up with friends. You will most likely feel much more comfortable if you are surrounded by your friends. In this case, you will not have the feeling that the views of the audience are directed only at you. In addition, when dancing with a partner, you focus on him and on interacting with him, and not on how the audience will evaluate you.
- If you are dancing with a team, please respect the privacy of others. Do not spread your arms too wide and do not step on the feet of other dancers.
Learn basic dance moves
Understand the tempo and rhythm of the music.
You need to move to the music, so it is very important to determine its rhythm. The tempo can be fast or slow (depending on the music track). Listen to the track and try to clap your hands or stomp to the beat of the music. If this is your first time trying to determine the rhythm of a track, it's best to choose music with a well-defined musical rhythm. This will make it easier for you to hear it.
Try to connect hand movements. Once you have determined the rhythm of the music, you can start moving to it. If you're just learning to dance, it's best to learn the different moves one by one. Start by simply placing your feet straight and moving your arms in rhythm. To begin with, you can try moving your hands from side to side or from top to bottom.
- The arms are in contact with the shoulders and shoulder girdle, so be sure to include the shoulders and chest in the dance.
- Try experimenting with soft undulating hand movements.
Learn basic leg movements. Having learned to move your arms to the rhythm, connect your legs to the dance. You can start with the simplest: lift one leg, then the other (the movements are roughly similar to marching in place). If you feel comfortable enough, you can try bending your knees a little and jumping a little to the rhythm of the music. Try bouncing around a little and add steps to the side.
- Try to include the hips and the entire lower half of the body in the dance.
Take dance lessons. Search online for a dance school near your area and see which classes you would like to attend. Choose a dance style that you would be interested in learning. For example, you can try hip-hop, jazz, contemporary, ballet dances.
- Alternatively, if you're looking for something a little more casual, you can sign up for dance lessons at a community cultural center.
- You can watch video dance lessons on the Internet or on DVD.
Practice dance moves
Try dancing for yourself. To get rid of complexes on this topic, try dancing for yourself in a secluded environment where there is no one to judge you. This method will help you become fully accustomed to the dance moves and build your confidence in those moves. Be sure to practice dancing to the music!
- Shut up in your room, give yourself some space so you can dance freely without bumping into anything.
- If you are worried that someone will come into the room while you are exercising, choose a time to practice when you are at home alone.
Feel free to dance! - Live!
Somehow one friend admitted in a frank conversation that she was terrified of dancing in front of strangers. Only a good portion of alcohol helps her to liberate herself. True, the girl does not want to remember what she does after, and is even afraid. Because any dope, although it helps to get rid of constraint, does not at all make you and your movements better. What conclusion can be drawn from this? You need to dance exceptionally sober, completely surrendering to the music. But for this you need to stop being shy. Such is the vicious circle. So, I promised a friend to help. What to do to overcome embarrassment?
1. First you need to understand that dance is just dance. You will not be prettier or slimmer than you are. Dancing will not make you better or richer. Dancing is just a means to get positive emotions. It turns out that, embarrassed to dance, you forbid yourself to rejoice. No sane person can forbid this!
2. Learn to love yourself. Perhaps when you see someone dancing and try to repeat, you fail. This is the main mistake of many. Do not try to repeat!!! Move the way you feel. One very important rule works here: you need to love yourself. If it doesn’t work out and you, looking in the mirror, are unhappy with yourself, dress nicely. It is very important. Do everything to please yourself. Think about movement later.
3. No matter how absurd it may sound, match the movements to the look in which you are going to the club. If you are a campy girl, then move accordingly, and if you are wearing short shorts, then move sexy! Feel free to rehearse in front of the mirror while brushing your hair. It is very good if you sing at the same time. Such simple trainings help to approach the dance from the side of emotions. You should absolutely not care what others think. Wake up feelings.
4. Don't go to clubs with just anyone! Next to you should be people with whom in ordinary life you are not shy to be yourself. This is such a small psychological moment that works well.
5. I beg you, don't go to clubs with people who are as shy as you! Look for the company of those who love to dance, who do it with complete liberation.
6. Don't be afraid to make acquaintances. The issue here is sympathy, not your skill. Take me in particular. When I come to the club, I meet nice and open people. It doesn't matter to me how a person dances, whether he does it cool or not. If it is open, then we will succeed in communication and dancing. For example, I often visit different cities and give master classes. And I often get invited to clubs. Sometimes those who invite me know who I am and try to impress me through dancing. It looks like this: it all starts with the fact that I propose to dance (not meaning crazy battles right here and now), I just want to dance together. And the girl eventually gives out incredible steps that she has been studying for several years. And what do you think my reaction is? Yes, it frankly scares me! I yell at her, "Hey baby, stop! Let's just dance!" The club is important atmosphere, communication, including communication in the dance, but not professionalism. As a rule, I get acquainted with those girls who have nothing to do with dancing at all!
7. I want to say right away that the constraint does not go away at once. It took a friend of mine several months of such trainings to finally stop thinking about what reaction others would have to her dancing.