How to dance waltz video
Learn Basic Steps For Waltz
Waltz is an elegant, nearly universal dance, perfect for weddings, or almost any social occasion. It's not as hard to learn as most people think.
- Basic steps
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Quick intro
Waltz dates back to the late 17th century Europe, but has never really been out of fashion and clearly stood the test of time. It should probably be one of the first ballroom dances you learn.
It is a smooth and graceful dance with long, flowing movements, characterized by rise & fall motion. It has a unique 3/4 timing and a simple rhythmic pattern which blends with the music. You can start waltzing very quickly by just learning the simple box step.
Basic steps
The basic step for waltz is a box step. It's named after a pattern it creates on the floor (box or square) and forms the foundation of the dance.
A box step can be divided into two parts - a forward half box and a backward half box. Each half box has three steps - a step forward or backward, a step to the side, and a step to close the feet together.
The leader starts with the left foot and executes a forward half box, followed by a backward half box. The follower performs the opposite – she starts with the right foot and executes a backward half box, followed by a forward half box.
The basic box step pattern uses three counts - slow, quick, quick, which is repeated twice to create the box step. Timing is 1,2,3,1,2,3 or 1,2,3,4,5,6.
Instructions & Diagrams:
When dancing waltz someone has to lead and someone has to follow. Usually the man will lead and the woman will follow.
Men's Steps:
- Step forward with the left foot
- Right foot step sideways to the right
- Bring your left foot next to your right foot
- Step back with the right foot
- Step back sideways with the left foot
- Bring your right foot next to your left foot
Lady's Steps:
- Step back with the right foot
- Left foot step sideways to the left
- Bring your right foot next to your left foot
- Step forward with the left foot
- Step forward sideways with the right foot
- Bring your left foot next to your right foot
In this video Leon and Kim will show you the basic box step. You will also get important tips on rise & fall movement which characterizes this dance:
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Once you've mastered the basic box step, it's time to start rotating that box. It will usually be rotated to the left (counterclockwise), so it's called the Left Box Turn. It's quite simple: with each half box, you turn 1/4 of the turn to the left. After two boxes (or four half boxes) you will complete the turn and end up where you began. Then start all over again.
Ok, so now that you know the basic box and how to rotate it, lets continue with basic progressive. Here, as the name implies, the leader will always be moving forwards and the follower backwards. This will enable you to move around the dance floor instead of just dancing on the spot. Here is a clip from Learn & Master Ballroom Dance course that will show you in detail how it's done:
Where to go next?
Now that you know the basics, what's your next step (pun intended ;)? To go to the next level, we recommend one of the video training programs. Here are our recommendations »
How To Waltz Dance For Beginners
Learn how to Waltz dance for beginners in this starter guide.
Table Of Contents:
What is the Waltz?
How To Count The Waltz
Waltz Basic Steps (Box Step) – Video
Progressive Basic Step – Video
2 styles of Waltz
What is the Waltz? Slow Waltz Character/History:
The Waltz dance is one of the classiest Ballroom dances with an emphasize on “rise and fall” and smooth movement across the dance floor. The Slow Waltz Originated in Vienna, Austria and was soon the go to dance at various Ballrooms and parties.
It is a dance that has a very elegant and soft character to match the classical music that often accompanies it. This dance has figures that are in one place such as the box step (taught below), as well as figures that travel around the floor such as the progressive basic step (taught below).
It can be danced to classy songs like “Appassionata” by secrete Garden and “The Sweetheart Tree” by Johnny Mathis.
How To Count The Waltz:
The way you count the Waltz is: “1,2,3” – “1,2,3” – Each beat is even. The Waltz has a 3/4 time signature which is different than many of the other social dances like Rumba or Foxtrot that have a 4/4 structure.
Check out the 2 Waltz steps below:
Basic Waltz Dance Steps (The Box):
Summary of Waltz Basic Steps (Box Step)
Fwd with left foot
Side with right foot
Close left foot to right foot
Back with right foot
Side with left foot
Close right foot to left foot
Back with right foot
Side with left foot
Close right foot to left foot
Fwd with left foot
Side with right foot
Close left foot to right foot
Pro Tip:
One of the keys to make your Waltz look better is to do “rise and fall” through out. In general you lower on count “1”, and go up on count “2”, then lower at the end of count “3”. Try it out!
Now that you learned how to Waltz in place with the box, you need to learn how to travel around the room since Waltz is a traveling dance.
Fwd with left foot
Side with right foot
Close left foot to right foot
Fwd with right foot
Side with left foot
Close right foot to left foot
Back with right foot
Side with left foot
Close right foot to left foot
Back with left foot
Side with right foot
Close left foot to right foot
2 Popular styles of Waltz:
American Style: The American style Waltz originated in the United States and has moves that are done in closed-hold, as well as moves that are done in open-hold. The open-hold moves are what distinguish this style from the International style.
International Style: This style of Waltz is danced in both the USA and Europe. All the Waltz moves in this style are done in closed-hold. The International style is also often done competitively.
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Want More? Learn more Waltz dance steps:
More Waltz dance lessons
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🤬 How to dance the waltz? | Interesting facts
Dancing is the best way to express your feelings and get even closer to your loved one. Waltz is the most romantic pair dance. That is why every self-respecting person should be able to dance the waltz.
How to learn to dance the waltz?
To learn how to dance this beautiful dance smoothly and beautifully, it is best, of course, to start from childhood. The child's mind grasps everything new much faster, and the child's body is more pliable to new loads and movements.
Waltz is included in the ballroom dancing program
Thus, if you have a child, it is better to immediately send him to the ballroom dancing section so that in a couple of years you can admire the performances of your child. So your baby will get used to discipline and beauty from childhood, and you can be proud of his successes and achievements.
If you are eager to learn how to waltz yourself, you will have to come to terms with the fact that you will need patience. The main thing is not to lose perseverance and train. Remember that at first something may not work out, but over time everything will definitely work out, and you will be free to dance the Viennese waltz.
The ability to dance the waltz was highly valued in high society
It is best to sign up for a ballroom dance course. Experienced instructors will help you integrate into the dance environment and help you learn all the necessary movements as quickly as possible. Be sure to choose your courses carefully so as not to be disappointed. Ask friends and acquaintances which club has the best reputation. Many clubs have open free lessons at the beginning of the season, where you can get to know the teachers, the school and find out the schedule.
If you do not like or are embarrassed by noisy companies, you can use the services of a private teacher. Of course, this is not the cheapest pleasure, but a calm environment will help you relax and learn the material faster.
How to dance the waltz
For those who are especially busy, and maybe a little lazy, the best option would be to learn to dance at home.
How to learn to dance the waltz at home?
So, if you dream of not only circling around the hall in a beautiful outfit, but also feeling the music, as well as correctly performing all the movements, then it is best for you to contact a private instructor. As we noted above, this is very convenient. In addition, a personal teacher will be able to objectively assess your abilities and characteristics, and teach you how to dance.
To get the most out of your private lessons, start by learning to dance. It will be useful to get acquainted with the features of such types of waltz as: Viennese, Friendship, French, Boston, Figured. Find out how and when they originated, where they were danced, what are the differences.
The newlyweds choose the waltz as their first dance
To learn how to dance the waltz, like any other dance, you need to learn to feel the music. Get a player and download waltz music. Listen to it in your free time, trying to imagine the movements that can be superimposed on this music.
You can also use instructional videos to learn how to waltz. So we can gradually master the skill of dancing in a calm home environment. In addition, the video allows you to repeat the necessary part of the lesson if necessary. Yes, and it costs much less, because you can download the lesson on the Internet. If you buy a CD with lessons, it will cost you less anyway.
Perhaps one of your friends or relatives knows how to dance this dance. Ask him to teach you, or to correct the technique. In any case, practice as often as possible at home, go to open classes or events where you can work out with new partners once again.
Viennese waltz: video lesson
To learn how to dance the waltz, you need to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the dance. This will set you in the right romantic mood. If this becomes your real hobby, success in learning the waltz will not be long in coming.
How to dance the waltz?
Before you start learning the Viennese Waltz, it is important to prepare yourself and your body. To do this, you need to tune in and start training the body. So, try to do a warm-up every day, preferably to the music of the Viennese waltz. This will set you in the right mood, you will have time to get used to the music and rhythm.
Try to perform all movements smoothly, to the beat of the music. Sudden movements can harm you, especially if you are not used to it. Pay special attention to stretching, especially the hands and socks. To do this, perform lifts on toes, rotations. Try also to stretch your fingers, and keep your hands at shoulder level. In no case should the shoulders be raised in the dance, it looks ugly.
Waltz - partner dance, a lot depends on your partner
Of course, the ideal option would be to learn to dance the waltz together with a partner. This will bring you closer to your loved one. A shared hobby is very good for a relationship, so of course it's worth learning to waltz together, not apart.
The editors of wish you patience in learning such a dance as the waltz. But we assure you - the result will be worth it. You can impress everyone or make your old dream come true.
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Published: 12.01.2016