How to dance like a cool kid
9 awesome fad dances to teach your kids
Every few years, a song comes out that has its own dance moves. Here are 10—old and new—to teach your kids.
1. The Macarena
This Spanish 1990s dance song was once ranked the greatest one-hit wonder of all time. Your kids might even already know it, especially since it was performed by Miss Piggy in the 2014 movie Muppets Most Wanted. Even if it’s new to them (or you), you can all probably master the dance in under 20 minutes.
2. Cha Cha Slide
“Everybody clap your hands!” for this song and dance by Mr. C. This one requires no memorization—or much coordination, for that matter. Just put the song on and listen for direction. You may want to clear some space before you start, though, since there’ll be a lot hopping, sliding and “taking it back. ”
Despite having been released in the 1970s, YMCA’s popularity has in no way diminished. Your kids can quickly become pros at this one as they learn how to move their arms into the letter’s shapes.
4. Thriller
This horror-themed song and dance is the perfect thing to occupy an afternoon, although it’s probably better suited to older kids, because the dance is pretty hard (and the video is a bit scary). Remember when Jennifer Garner performed the dance in the movie 13 Going On 30 to liven up her work party? Proof that this song and dance can turn the most boring of days into a fun one.
5. Vogue
Channel your inner Madonna, “go with the flow” and “let your body move to the music.” The movements for this song aren’t too tricky to learn.
6. Watch Me (Whip/ Nae Nae)
The kids will probably be able to teach you this one! Released in 2015, Watch Me quickly became popular thanks to its super catchy lyrics and its fun dance. Your kids will be inspired by the music video, which features little kids dancing far better then we ever could.
7. Chicken Dance
This four-step, highly repetitive dance is among the easiest one for little kids to learn. Even toddlers will be shaking their tail feathers all day long!
8. Gangnam Style
The 2015 hit by Psy was the first video to hit two billion views on YouTube. As fun as it is to dance to, it will then be stuck in your head for weeks. Note: The video shows women in booty shorts and crop tops, which some parents might not want their kids to see.
9. Hokey Pokey
Is the hokey pokey really what it’s all about? We may never know, but we do know it is a very simple dance to do with the kids.
Read More:
Classic skipping songs
10 classic hand-clapping games to teach your kid
10 kid-friendly card games
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YouTube dances for kids: fun indoor moving and grooving to get the wiggles out
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We just got another boatload of snow, so on Sunday morning, when we were snowed in and couldn’t even get out of our house to make it to mass, we got our dance on.
Because why not?
Turns out that Cora and Owen’s awesome teachers for the past few years had often put on short little YouTube dances for them when they need to get the wiggles out.
We found most of Cora and Owen’s faves, and we found some more.
Not only does moving mid-day help increase concentration and focus (for everyone–not just kids!), but learning and practicing these dances will mean that our kids will be rockstars on the dance floor when it comes time for weddings, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, and Quinceaneras in the next few years.
Win, win, win.
Here’s the skinny. . .
Here are our faves:
The Sid Shuffle:
Shake Your Sillies Out:
The Skeleton Dance (and more):
Ridiculously Fun Dance For Kids:
Dino Stomp:
Dancercise for Kids:
Easy Kids Choreography- Hip Hop:
Mario Dance:
I’m a Gummy Bear:
Awesome Rainbows:
The Wobble:
Zumba Kids — I like to move it:
Jump Up:
30+ minutes of Kidz Bop dances:
Go Bananas:
Baby Shark Dance Version:
Freeze Dance Party Game:
How to do the Floss:
And for when your kids are really up for a challenge. . .
Ariana Grande – 7 Rings (Dance Video)
Hip Hop Dance Choreography:
Hip Hop Dance to Justin Timberlake song:
HOW fun are these? Hope your crew enjoys them as much as we did.
Or subscribe to the whole Dance Party Playlist for all of them:
Talk about some serious fun–and listening and moving and dancing–right in your own living room.
Do you subscribe to our YouTube channel? Head on over and do it!
Check out a few other posts that may help you develop strong and healthy habits for your family:
- wait time
- my day, your day
- frozen peas
- kids who rock the kitchen
- kids who rock the laundry
- rest time
- gem jars
- arm circles
- noticing kids
- homework routine
fyi: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links. ” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Forever and always I recommend only products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” For more information, please see teachmama media, llc. disclosure policy.
originally published: February 22, 2015
About amy mascott
teacher, mother, dreamer. lover of literacy, fun learning, good food, and three crazy-cool kids. finder of four-leaf clovers | dc metro ·
tweet with me: @teachmama
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How crooked editing spoils the impression of dance0001
I don't dance myself, but I like to watch others dance. And I noticed that I prefer it when the camera calmly watches the dancer, and does not rush around the stage. I'll show you with examples what I mean.
How we watch dances live
When someone dances live, you see EVERYTHING. Especially if you are standing in front of the dancers, and not from the top side at the end of the hall. In any case, the overall picture is clear: the dancers in the right order perform the necessary movements synchronously.
When I watch a video, I also want to be in the front row and see everything. But the specialists who edit videos of people dancing often turn on the show off mode: they add effects, close-ups, change and cut frames, circle the dancers with the camera - this makes it difficult to perceive the dance as a whole number, it makes it difficult to consider the idea of the dance.
Examples will follow
Bad example
Chose a random number from the "Dancing on TNT" program. The jury admires how the participant dances. So put the camera like we're on the jury too. But no.
The cameras are flying around the hall like pierced balls, for some reason they focus on parts of the body, show the audience, show the SHOCKED Miguel, approach, move away. Just chaos. And so with all the dances from this show. I tried to watch it, but I can't.
Damn, I understand that this is a TV show and it's important for viewers to see how Miguel is pretending to be shocked. But dancing ... where is the dancing?!
There is also such a shitty example from the same show, but it's on Rutube... If you take the risk and go over, you'll see how Miguel was brought to tears! Who brought it? Yes, some guys whose dancing is cool, but because of the editing, all the magic is lost ...
Cool example
Jungle music video. This is a "live" one-piece number, in which the generous and wise camera allows us to see EVERYTHING, and does not fly like crazy. Thanks to the smooth movement, I enjoy staging.
Jungle has dance accents in almost all videos. If you like music, then you can safely google and shove
Another cool example
Pay attention to how the guy behind Serge Ginsburg's back is rocking. If you pile on editing and effects, then the magic will disappear.
Jean-Pierre Cassel is dancing - Vincent Cassel's father
Bad example
I love footwork. Under 160 bpm, guys and ladies do magic with their feet. It is strictly forbidden to show this dance from different sides, and even more so cut or slow down. But some "craftsmen" did it...
The dance is spoiled at the beginning of the video and from 3:35
Cool example
And here's how to show the footwork. Footwork dad dances - KING CHARLES. Dancing clearly and clearly. The camera does not twitch, but I look at my feet, I see breakneck speed, complex movements and skill.
A variant with a moving camera also exists, but without fanaticism. Here is the footwork again and the camera, which “floats” a little, but still takes the position of the viewer in the front row - this spoils the impression of the dance.
Floating camera reception is coolly used by dance schools. Dances by students of different dance schools and choreographers are a separate genre on YouTube. I advise you to watch the channels: Kyle Hanagami, 1MILLION Dance Studio, Matt Steffanina.
Show one number. The camera is smooth, as if a sharpened knife slides through solid butter - a baldness. And there is no editing and other visual husks. But you could show a close-up of his hand on her belt, or the wet eyes of the audience, or her fingers sinking into his hair! NO!
Direct commercial. Want also? Go to our school!
In fact, you don’t even need professional confusing shooting and a super camera in 4k. A cool dance will look cool anyway. For example, someone just took a photo of my favorite HIRO. Everything is perfectly visible.
I don't know what this type of dance is called. Who will tell?
Or here's an even more shitty version, which does not interfere with enjoying the dance. Video from the training, filmed on the phone, hands are shaking, people are yelling. You don't need fakes and whistles to show the idea of the Les Twins.
Well, the last pop and super illustrative example of staging a dance number. It’s difficult to shoot like that, because you can’t hide flaws with the help of editing, but even a rare specimen of a stinky snob should get high from the result.
How are things in the movies?
In films, the delivery of dance numbers works differently. It is still important to see the faces of the characters, their experiences, the environment. But still, in the cinema, I prefer solid scenes where you can fully see the dancers without any sharp camera throws.
Bad example
You can see that the dude is dancing really cool, well, why spoil everything with an “attentive” camera, which will show your ass, then arms, then legs. I don't care about his body parts, I want to watch him rock out to his full height! Until the 48th second, everything is fine, but then the dance loses its dynamics due to editing.
Dance starts at 00:29
Cool example
Step Up 3. A character named Elk is having fun with his girlfriend. The camera does not twitch, but only watches the dance, getting up at the right time in the right place. And that's great.
This number is also a tribute to scenes from classic Hollywood musicals
Final scene from Singing in the Rain. There are mounting glues, but they do not interfere. The camera does not dance over the body of Gene Kelly, does not spoil the overall picture.
The actor had a fever and a temperature of 39.4 °C during the filming of this scene
Illustrative example from the movie "Foxtrot"
According to the script, a bored soldier dances at a checkpoint. The frame for the entire dance scene changes only three times: we are shown the dance from the side, in front and from the back in the general plan - these three cuts and changes in the shot do not interfere with enjoying the soldier's dance.
The original music is different, but it seems much more dynamic with this one
But for clarity, I randomly mixed the frames, cutting the same scene from the film. It's not quite right anymore.
The last cool example, honestly, honestly
I can't help but show an excerpt from my favorite La La Land. The cameraman points the camera at Gosling's beautiful face - no! The operator admires Emma's cute legs - no! The camera pans around the dancers, looping over hands or smiles—no, no, no! There are always two characters in the frame and one beautifully choreographed dance number.
Dance starts at 1:50
All this chatter about editing and operators is purely my fad. I wanted to share with you, and at the same time show some cool scenes and clips.
Share these cool solid numbers in the comments so that everything can be seen! Or vice versa with bad examples :)