How to dance itik-itik
ITIK-ITIK DANCE - PHILIPPINES: A dance inspired by 'movements of a duck'
HomePhilippinesITIK-ITIK DANCE – PHILIPPINES: A dance inspired by ‘movements of a duck’
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by Kunal Tomar || 5 years ago
Itik-Itik is a Philippines folk dance form created by imitating the “movements of a duck” such as wading, flying, and short steps and splashing water on their backs like the ducks do.
This “mimetic” folk dance is said to have originated from the province of Surigao in Philippines. Apparently, this dance form is said to have been popular in towns such as Carrascal, Cantilan, Lanuza, and Carmen.
Furthermore, there are a few alternate versions of this dance form found in places within the country such as Visayas, Samar, Cebu, and the Tibiao but Itik-Itik Surigaonon remains the most popular.
You might heard about waltz dance, merengue, rhumba, Jive, and many other types of dance forms but their can be a dance called as duck dance then yes it is. Let’s read more about it.
History/origin of the Itik-Itik Dance:
A popular Fillipino legend states that this dance was first created by a young Filipina maiden-dancer of Surigao del Norte named Kanang who was considered to be best dancer in the Surigao province.
Apparently, due to her dancing prowess she was asked to perform the Sibay – another important Filipino dance, at a baptism ceremony.
While performing the Sibay, she got inspired by the music and decided to improvise the dance steps borrowing from the movements of a duck.
This unique dance was then named “Itik-Itik” since “Itik” means “duck” in the local Tagalog language.
Costumes used in the Itik-Itik Dance:
The costume worn in this dance form varies according to the gender, and they are as follows:
1. For Men:
The attire worn generally includes barong tagalog (embroidered formal shirt considered the national dress of Philippines) or the camisa de chino (a collarless Chinese shirt with short sleeves worn under the barong tagalog), and white trousers. Men also sport a bright colored ‘neckerchief’ (kerchief around their neck).
2. For Women:
The attire generally worn includes the baro’t saya (traditional Philippines dress for women), patadyong (a wrap around loose skirt) or the balintawak (a native dress of Filipino women consisting of dress and skirt woven of local fibers with a kerchief and apron to match). Women wear the bandanna around their head which makes the overall look very nice.
Music played in the Itik-Itik Dance:
Itik-Itik is performed to the tune of Dejado. The musical instrument mainly used in this dance form is the Rondella, a string instrument ensemble. In addition, instruments such as bandurrias, mandolins, guitars, basses, drums, and banjos are also used.
Training availability and dance technique involved in the Itik-Itik Dance:
In terms of technique, this dance involves imitating movements seen in a duck. Furthermore, the movements involved in this dance include wading, flying, and short choppy steps. As for training centers and schools, there are none available around the world since this “mimetic” dance form is mainly performed in the Philippines.
A videos explaining the Itik Itik dance steps:
Other popular videos of ‘Itik-Itik’ Dance:
Views: 29,028
Balintawak bandurrias banjos baro't saya barong tagalog basses camisa de chino - carinosa Cantilan Carmen Carrascal Cebu Dejado Duck dance Filipino native dress Filipino women guitars Itik Itik-Itik Surigaonon ITIK-ITIK- PHILIPPINES itikitik itikitik dance Lanuza mandolins movements of a duck patadyong Philippines folk dance Rondella Samar Surigao Tagalog language Tibiao traditional Philippines dress Visayas
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This dance originated from a dance called Sibay, which was performed to the tune of Dejado. The present form got its name in the following manner. At one baptismal party in Carmen, Lanuza,Surigao, a young lady called Kanang, (nickname for Cayetana) who was considered the best dancer and singer of her time, was asked to dance the Sibay.She became so enthusiastic and spirited during the performance that she began to improvise movements and steps similar to the movements of ducks as they walk with short, choppy steps and splash water over their backs while calling to their mates. The people around who saw her dance liked it so much they all imitated her. The dance has since been called Itik-Itik from the word Itik, which means duck. This dance is now very popular among the Visayan settlers of the province of Surigao, especially in the towns of Cantillan, Lanuza, and Carrascal. It is usually performed as a ballroom dance in social gatherings. There are many variations of Itik-Itik steps from which the dancers make their selection and combination. The description below is for classwork or for demonstration. COSTUME. Girls wear patadyong or balintawak style costume and Boy wear barong tagalog or camisa de chino and white trousers.
MUSIC is composed of two parts: A and B. COUNT one, two, three to a measure. FORMATION. If performed s a ballroom dance, couples are scattered around the room. For demonstration, partner stand about six feet apart, Girl at right side of partner when facing audience or front. One to any number of pairs may take part in this dance. ITIK-ITIK STEPS USED: No. 1. STEP, BALL-CLOSE, BALL-CLOSE. Counts 1, 2,and 3. Step L(R) forward (ct. 1), raise heel of L(R) foot and slide R(L) close to L(R) in fifth or third position in rear (ct. 2), small step forward on ball of L(R)foot (ct. and) and slide R(L) close to L(R) in third position in rear (ct. 3).This step is done with one foot leading going forward. No. 2 HEEL, CLOSE-BALL, CLOSE. Counts 1, 2, and 3. Step L(R) heel forward (ct. 1), slide R(L) close L(R) in fifth or third position in rear (ct.
2), small step forward with ball of L(R) foot (ct. and), slide R(L) close to L(R) in fifth or third position in rear (ct. 3). This is done with one foot leading, going forward. No. 4. STEP, SLIDE-CLOSE, SLIDE-CLOSE. Counts 1, 2, 3. Small step R(L) forward (ct. 1), twist trunk slightly to right (left) side, bring L(R) foot in fourth in front and slide backward with ball of same foot and simultaneously with a spring slide R(L) forward to close with L(R) in first position (ct. 2), repeat ct. 2 (ct.3). The L(R) foot bears no weight on cts. 2, 3. This step is done with alternate foot, going to any direction. No. 5. CROSS-STEP, SLIDE-CLOSE, SLIDE-CLOSE. Counts 1, 2, 3. Same as No. 4 except that the step on ct. 1 is done across the other foot in front. No. 6. CROSS-STEP, SLIDE-CLOSE, CROSS-STEP, SLIDE-CLOSE, CROSS-STEP. Counts 1, and, 2, and 3. Step R (L) across L (R) in front (ct.
1), slide with ball of L (R) foot close to heel of R (L) foot (ct. and), short slide or small step with R (L) foot sideward left (right) across L (R) in front (ct. 2), repeat ct. and, (ct. and), short slide or small step with R (L) foot sideward left (right) across L (R) in front (ct. 3). Note: The numbering of the steps in the Fundamental Steps and Music is followed. Itik-Itik step No. 3 is not used in this dance. INTRODUCTION Music Introduction. Partners face front. Bow to audience. Girl holds skirt, Boy places hands on waist.....................................1 M I. Music A. Partners face right so that L shoulders are toward front. Arms sideward at shoulder level. (a) With R foot leading, take seven Itik-Itik steps No. 1 moving forward. Bend trunk slightly forward and lower arms to about waist level on ct.
1, straighten trunk and make two small flaps of arms upward to shoulder level on cts. 2, 3 of every measure..................7 M (b) Step R foot in place (ct. 1), pause (cts. 2, 3). Arms at shoulder level.................1 M (c) Face left about. With L foot leading, repeat (a) and (b), going to proper places....8 M II. Music B. Partners face front. (a) Starting with inside foot (L for Girl and R for Boy), take seven Itik-Itik step No. 2 to partner's place, girl passing in front of boy. Arms are bent forward with elbows at shoulder level, fists slightly closed and near each other. Move trunk as in figure I (a), raise elbows slightly upward on ct. 1 and two small downward flaps on cts. 2, 3 of every measure as if flapping wings....................7 M (b) Step in place with outside foot (now) (ct. 1) pause (cts.
2, 3). Arms as in ct. 3 in (a)..1 M (c) Repeat (a) and (b), finishing in proper places.8 M III. Music A. Partners face each other. (a) With R foot leading, take four Itik-Itik steps No. 1 to form one line at center, girl in front of partner, both facing front. Girl holds skirt, Boy paces hands on waist....................4 M (b) Join both hands, R and of Girl with R of Boy, and L hand with L hand of Boy. The Boy's hand are under the Girl's hands. Palms of partners are together. With the right foot leading, take three Itik-Itik steps No. 2 moving sideward right.Move trunk as in figure I (a). Raise L arms high..3 M (c) Step R foot sideward (ct. 1), point L obliquely forward left (cts. 2, 3). Reverse position arms (R arms high).................................1 M (d) Repeat (b) and (c), starting with L foot, moving sideward left.
R arms high in (b) and reverse position in (c)...............................4 M Drop hands. Face toward direction of proper places. (e) Repeat (a), going to proper places............4 M IV. Music B. Partners face each other. (a) Starting the right foot, take two waltz steps forward to meet at the center. Arms in the lateral position, moving sideward right and left, fingers fluttering...................................2 M (b) Hold in open ballroom dance position, stretched arms toward front and both facing front......2 M (c) Girl starts with R and Boy, with L foot. Take three Itik-Itik steps No.2 moving toward front..2 M (d) Step forward, R of Girl and L of Boy (ct.1), face opposite direction without chaging the position of hands and point forward with free foot (cts.2, 3). On cts.2, 3 tretched arms are raised at head level.
.......................................1 M (e) Repeat (c) and (d) starting with other foot, moving away from front. Lower stretched arms in (d)..........................................4 M Release hold, partners face front. (f) Starting with outside foot, take one Itik-Itik step No. 1 (9cts. 1,2,3). Three step turn outward (cts. 1, 2, 3. Girl holds skirt, Boy places hands on waist.....................................2 M (g) Repeat (f) strating with inside foot. Reverse turn.........................................2 M Boy immediately transfer weight to L foot after the last count. V. Music A. Partners face front. As the following steps are being done partners are moving little by little forward. (a) Take eight Itik-Itik steps No. 6, R and L foot across in front alternately. R arm in reverse "T" position and back of L hand supporting R elbow when R foot is across in front; reverse position of hands when L foot is across in front.
....8 M (b) Starting with R foot, take four step-point steps moving backward to proper places, Girl holds skirt, Boy places hands on waist...................4 M Partners face each other. (c) Execute four waltz steps sideward, R and L alternately. Arms in lateral position, moving sideward right and left alternately, fingers fluttering..................................4 M VI. Music B. Partners face left so that R shoulders are toward each other. With R foot leading, take sixteen Itik-Itik steps No. 1, moving clockwise. Arm positions and trunk movements as in figure II (a). Finish in proper places...........16 M VII. Music A. Partners face each other. (a) With R foot leading, take four Itik-Itik steps No. 5, meeting at center. Girl holds skirt, Boy places hands on waist...........................4 M Partners face front.
(b) Starting with R foot, take four Itik-Itik steps No. 4 forward. Trunk is slightly twisted to right and left side alternately on cts. 2, 3 of every measure, R and L arm in reverse "T" position alternately, free hand on waist.............4 M Turn right about. (c) Repeat (b)..................................4 M Face toward direction of proper places. (d) Repeat (a) going to proper places...........4 M VIII. Music B. Play last two measures slowly. Partners face each other. (a) With R foot leading, take four Itik-Itik steps No. 1 toward center. Finish in one line, Girl in front. Arm position and trunk movement as in figure II (a)...............................4 M Partners face front. (b) Take four waltz steps sideward, R and L alternately. Arms in lateral position, moving sideward right and left alternately, fingers fluttering.
...4 M (c) Boy holds waist of partner. With R foot leading, take six Itik-Itik steps No. 1, going clockwise once. R arm of Girl in reverse "T" position, back of L hand under R elbow. Partners finish facing front, Girl at right side of Boy............6 M Join inside hands, outside hands down at sides. (d) Boy stands still while Girl executes a three-step turn right in place, passing under arch of arms (1 M). Both bow to audience (1 M)...........2 M
New School Hip-Hop & Viral Dance: 10 hip-hop lessons from Slenergy and Artur Panishev
- Street dance
- Special project
What is dancing on Instagram and TikTok right now, challenges from hip-hop stars, modern music, new school. You will not find this in Russian-language YouTube.
See the first lesson on the page
New School Hip-Hop & Viral Dance is what is being danced right now all over the world to top chart breaking tracks. To create this course, I had to revise dozens of hours of video, but it was worth it.
What will happen there?
-10 lessons
- 50 new moves
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- And, of course, Artur Panishev's boundless charisma.
Who will suit the course:
Those who watched and were inspired by our “Hip-Hop Dance School”
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Still not familiar with Artur Panishev?
He has been dancing for 15 years, 10 of which he has been teaching.
Arthur's school team has 38 first places in 3 years from different festivals. Together they often attend the international championship "Hip-hop International" in Moscow, where Arthur battled in the final last year. One day, they won 1 million in a talent contest!
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We offer you two training options:
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Second. You watch lessons, record videos, send messages to Arthur, ask questions, and he gives feedback.
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fuck!!!!!!!! at 39 I also dance tick tonic .

Lady Mila
freak out!!!!!!! at 39, also dance tick tonic ................ and other taktsy ... teak tonic
Tectonic, huh? Good deal. I only remember Mahmud Esambaev, who demanded to lower the retirement age for dancers.
Lady Mila
damn people, I didn’t expect that I could do it myself0129 5 years
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Lady Mila
me 39 bp
well done then
Lady Mila
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Nick Qi (Student)
Taktsy, this is cool
Why not? Years are garbage, the soul is a priority
Lady Mila
ohh exactly!!!
Then go ahead!
Lady Mila
so it is always
Valery Shilov
everyone goes crazy in their own way
Sergey Tyshkun
Cool. ...
Sergey Tyshkun
Lady Mila
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Sergey Tyshkun
Lady Mila
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Sergey Tyshkun
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Is it true?
Lady Mila
Judas also thought that his way was true
Lady Mila
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Gennady Aleshkevich
is still young.
Lady Mila
well thank you for the compliment
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Lady Mila
Gennady Aleshkevich
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Lady Mila
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did not drink
Lady Mila
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Lady Mila
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Come on))
Lady Mila
Lady Mila
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Elchin Kuliyev
Lady Mila
Elchin Kuliyev
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