How to dance for a guy

4 Easy Dance Moves For Guys

If you think you can't dance, stop right there!

Learning to dance is a skill like any other and simply requires good, step by step instruction.

Lucky for you today you can learn 3 Club dance moves for guys with 3 FREE beginner video tutorials (below).

These free easy dance moves come from the 7 day dance floor crash course. You can use these steps at any party, club and social occasion.

In order to look good on the dance floor you need to learn steps that are simple and look natural and these moves are perfect. The following moves are very easy for anyone to learn and use right away.

Free Mini Series For Club Dancing For Men (3 Simple Moves):

Easy Dance Move #1: Step Touch Variation
In this video lesson you will learn how to spice up the classic "step touch" move. In this case you will be rotating the body and stepping back instead of together. Enjoy:


Want More?

7 Day Dance Floor Crash Course - For beginners
Learn how to dance easily with moves that you can use at clubs, parties and weddings. This course is perfect for absolute beginners who want to look "natural" on the dance floor. This video course has 7 modules with +3 hours of video instruction. Delivered through instant downloads.

Easy Dance Move #2: The Swing Bounce
This dance move combines "sway" and "bounce". You will learn how to incorporate these 2 basic moves together to make it look very natural and groovy. Perfect for low key grooving at clubs.


Easy Dance Move #3: How to approach girls and not get rejected!
Most of the guys here are learning to dance in order to meet girls. In this video Brian shares his secrets of how to avoid getting rejected and the type of the moves you can do to get closer to a girl. Check it out:

BONUS MOVE: The Cool Walk

This is a fun easy move that you can combine with the moves you learned above. Here you will learn how to do a walk with style. The key here is to play with the angles of your body, using your arms and flexing and bending your knees.

Get Brian's Course:

7 Day Dance Floor Crash Course - For beginners
Learn how to dance easily with moves that you can use at clubs, parties and weddings. This course is perfect for absolute beginners who want to look "natural" on the dance floor. This video course has 7 modules with +3 hours of video instruction. Delivered through instant downloads.

How To Dance With A Guy (5 Tips To Form The Perfect Rhythm)

How bad is it to be without any dancing ability? Most of the time, it can be awkward and undeserving to be a social fly on the wall. As the proverbial wallflower who cannot dance to save her life, you are missing out on all the joy dancing gives. 

For example, if you’ve ever been the girl who didn’t get asked to the school dance because she couldn’t dance, you’d understand why a dance class is necessary. 

What’s worse is when your crush or boyfriend enjoys dancing so much. Dancing isn’t only associated with clubbing, it can be done in any social and relaxed atmosphere. You might be wondering how easy it is to learn basic dance moves. Well, you’d be surprised at how easy it is to learn basic dance moves that allow you to move to the beat without any awkwardness. 

If you intend to socialize with your partner in public, you should consider learning to dance. You wouldn’t want your man twirling other women on the dance floor while you sit in a corner, would you? 

You don’t need to be a professional dancer before you can rock the dance floor with your man. You just need to be a dancer with basic knowledge of dance movements. Read this article to get some tips for dancing with a guy.


  • 1 5 Tips For Dancing With A Guy
    • 1.1 1. It’s fine to start from the basics
    • 1.2 2. Ignore everyone else on the dance floor
    • 1.3 3. Practice different steps with different beats
    • 1.4 4. Save slow dancing for when you’re more comfortable
    • 1.5 5. Read the mood to know what he’d like to dance to
  • 2 FAQs
  • 3 In Summary 

5 Tips For Dancing With A Guy

1. It’s fine to start from the basics

There is a reason there are specially-made dummy version textbooks for different professions. The dummy version is supposed to teach even the clueless person how something works. Similarly, there are dance classes for dummies which translates to starting from the basics.

Not everyone will be professional singers, but everyone can produce sounds. Not everyone will become dance experts, but anyone with the privilege of movement can dance at the basic level. As such, internalize the fact that there’s no need for pressure. Dancing is supposed to be exciting but also relaxing. If you are high-strung, you won’t enjoy dancing.

The basic dance procedure is simply swaying back and forth to the beat of the music. You are to rest the bulk of your weight on one foot, then rock your entire weight on the other foot as the beat dictates. Avoid locking your knees, else you won’t be able to sway your hips side by side, or back and forth to the pace of the rhythm. 

At first, you might feel nervous or awkward. However, once you feel confident you’ve got the rhythm, you can take extra steps to make the dance fancier. Just make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground all along. It is conventional for guys to take the lead, so follow his lead and steps to avoid too many collisions. 

Also, it is better you follow his lead rather than take the lead, especially if you’re just learning to dance. This will save you from embarrassment and panic. When you feel overwhelmed, draw your breath in and let it out slowly till your head is clear.

2. Ignore everyone else on the dance floor

It is easy to associate dance with competition, especially when you’re in a dance hall. However, if you want to dance with a guy you’re interested in, you should be completely relaxed. You need to portray an in-the-moment picture, so he knows you’re aware of him. 

You can also be the first to ask him to dance. Taking the first step will give him the impression that you like to dance and chill. Guys are more interested in girls who can chill with no pressure or promises. Show that you feel confident and aren’t intimidated by other good dancers in the room.

When he asks you to dance, ensure you maintain eye contact as often as possible. At the same time, make sure you look away, preferably over the guy's shoulder to avoid making things weird. Strike an easy conversation and talk about different things. 

Creating a balance between focused attention and practiced coyness will make the dance memorable and nearly perfect. Also, don’t wait for a guy to ask you to move before you start dancing. You should dance because you like to dance, not because of a guy. It might take a few tries to make a man notice you for your rookie dance steps. 

You should be able to have a swell time by yourself instead of hinging your hopes on him noticing you because you’re a good dancer.

If he ends up not noticing you, it will be his loss. You would have nothing to lose because you had fun by yourself. Forget about being an excellent dancer, most guys don’t care about you having the perfect moves. They just want you to smile at the end of the dance.  

3. Practice different steps with different beats

If you are to become adept at dancing and less awkward in social settings, you should increase your dance practice in private. Practicing at home removes the pressure of learning from an expert or just dancing in a dance hall. 

The more you spontaneously move to dance beats in between errands, the more it is easy for you to dance in other situations. Select several kinds of music to practice different dance moves that you want to try in public next time you are out. Practice slow dancing, fast-paced movements, and specific movements.

Continue the random movements until you can practice more refined styles. Use a full-sized mirror for your practice, get good speakers to give you the dancehall feeling, and get a partner to practice with. If you can’t find a partner at home, practice with yourself.

Ensure you keep your arms relaxed in whatever position you’re assuming so you don’t get tired easily. Meaning, instead of jumping all over the place with random movements, control your limbs by practicing specific moves. Focus on arms, legs, and waist movements. Except you’re using dance as a workout, start with simple boring dance steps.

Another reason you should practice economical moves is that you might end up more in cramped dance floors than ballrooms. You don’t want to be stuck with the knowledge of haphazard movements only.

4. Save slow dancing for when you’re more comfortable

There are various dance types for different occasions, you should get familiar with them. While uncomplicated slow dancing is the easiest form you can start with, it is not the only or always appropriate dance type.

Avoid dancing to slow music with a guy you don’t know intimately. If the guy hasn’t indicated that he wants to know you intimately, it might be weird to slow dance with him. If you’re assured the slow song is fine with him, hold your partner’s hand in the traditional slow dance move and gently sway to the easy beat. 

To avoid stepping on your partner’s feet, be cautious of where you place your feet. At the beginning of the dance, observe the distance between your feet and his. Then, measure your steps so that your feet move in tune with his without any danger of stepping on each other’s toes.

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Ensure you leave enough room between both of you so you don’t encroach on the personal space you’re not yet willing to yield. If you are dating the guy, it might be okay to have only a little gap between both of you. 

Slow dancing means you’ll both be facing each other. As such, consider holding a conversation about the date, smile at him at the appropriate time, and let your body be in a relaxed mood. 

If you’re not that familiar with the guy, you might want to go for fast dancing. Fast-paced beats require a level of expertise. Therefore, practice ahead with fast beats, so your amateur moves won’t make you look like a woman experiencing a seizure. 

The goal is to be comfortable and enjoy yourself, so you don’t have to get the moves perfectly. Just do what’s best for you at the time.

5. Read the mood to know what he’d like to dance to

It is important to study the body language of your dance partner to know which song he wants to dance to. If he is in the mood for casual quick dancing, don’t go for slow songs. He might indulge you but he won’t have fun. If he’s in a romantic mood, then you know a slow song is more appropriate. 

If you’re in a club or event alone, you’d need to scope the room for a guy to dance with. Ensure you stand close to the dance stage to let the guy know you want to dance. Start a solo dance first, then make eye contact with him. If his eyes lit with interest, smile, walk towards him and pull the guy to dance with you.

If the guy doesn’t show he is interested in you, don’t stand there awkwardly. Walk away to get a drink or go back to dancing alone until you get an interested dance partner. Also, a guy’s level of interest will determine the kind of song you pull him to dance to, even if you’re just meeting him.


How do guys dance for beginners?

Men want to impress the woman they like, so they’re more likely to learn complex dance steps even as beginners.

How do you slow dance with a guy?

Simply follow his lead, and keep an eye on your toes without being too conscious about it. Keep your eyes on him and look away at appropriate intervals. 

What does it mean when a guy wants to dance with you?

It could mean he likes you, thinks you’re a great dancer or just wants to feel you up. His intention will show when you dance with him.

What are good dance moves?

Once you’re able to master arms, legs, and waist movements, you’ll be able to dance almost any dance move.

What is the most romantic dance?

Salsa, closed-distance waltz, and slow dancing are the most romantic dance styles.

In Summary 

Dancing is an interesting activity that serves its purpose in different situations. It can bring people closer, especially if it is done right. Anyone can learn basic dance steps, but these tips should help you understand both the physical and emotional benefits of dance to your relationships. 

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How to learn to dance in clubs for a guy


How to move on the dance floor without looking ridiculous and clumsy - this question has probably worried the representatives of the stronger sex ever since the synchronized movements of couples in a waltz or mazurka. For at least a century now, men have had to guess what a profitable disco dance should be like. Unfortunately, even professional choreographers will not answer this question. But we will try to highlight the basic rules. nine0003

hop and R'n'B

Rules to follow


Let's tell you a secret: most guys on the dance floor don't look stupid because they haven't taken lessons in dance studios and can't tell tectonics from r'n'b , but because they do not catch the rhythm of the music and cannot relax. And if no one usually pays attention to the first, then the second immediately catches the eye of others.

Hence the first rule: listen to music and let your body “dance” freely. nine0003

Choose a style

If you are a frequent discotheque visitor, you should choose a certain dance direction in which you will move on the dance floor. Of course, this will depend on the music that the DJ will put on, but for ten years now hip-hop and electronic music have not left the clubs. Therefore, you can master the basic movements of either one or the other. The "electronics" elements are a bit simpler, so it might be worth starting with them. Video tutorials to help you! nine0003

Sign up for a trial class

Try to vary your movements

If after watching the videos you still can't feel comfortable on the dance floor, you should consider signing up for a dance studio. An experienced teacher, a company of like-minded people and regular classes will quickly do their job, and you will finally be able to relax and stop having complexes while dancing. Plus, to the envy of your peers, you will no longer dance like a “newbie”. nine0003

Remember that everything is for fun

If you do somersaults on the court for ten minutes with a tense face, and then return to the table sweaty, your friends are unlikely to appreciate it. Understand that dancing is not a competition, but a completely cultural form of recreation. As they say, relax and have fun!

Let it all flow

Let go of your body and emotions, surrender to the music and move without paying attention to others. The tension in the dance is the main obstacle. Stop thinking about movements, no one will notice them in the crowd and darkness anyway. nine0003

How girls will evaluate movements on the dance floor

Perhaps the results of a study by scientists from Northumbria University will help answer the question of how to learn to dance in clubs for a guy. Experts studied which dance moves performed by a representative of the stronger sex attract women. The places were distributed as follows:

  1. Head turns;
  2. Pelvic twist;
  3. Vigorous leg movements;
  4. Large amplitude elements; nine0043
  5. Uninhibited movements.

No matter how strange the rating may look, it is scientifically confirmed. However, many gain self-confidence on the dance floor only after attending a few lessons in a dance studio. By the way, in the Labosa club, there is a chance not only to learn how to move effectively, but also to meet your partner so as not to be alone at the disco.

How a guy or a man will learn to dance

Rehearsal bases, dance halls, recording studios
in Moscow

How a guy or a man learns to dance

How often do we see guys in a nightclub who sit at the table or at the bar and never go to the dance floor. Most likely, this is due to the fact that a person is not confident in himself or simply does not know how to move beautifully to the beat of the music. In youth companies, the question is often raised of how to learn how to dance for a guy in order to dynamically and have fun on the dance floor.

Helpful tips: how to quickly learn to dance for a man

Since there is not much space for dancing in the club, you should pay more attention to the upper half of the body - such movements eliminate the possibility of stepping on the neighbor's foot or unwittingly hitting him. If you decide to practice at home, then there are a huge number of video tutorials on the network, where an experienced dancer demonstrates how to properly work with the body, arms, head, and hips. You can easily understand how to learn to dance a guy on your own. nine0003

If you don't have a place to practice movements and combinations at home, you can rent a dance hall for a few hours. Today there are a huge number of profitable offers at an affordable price, and you can train regularly, honing your skills.

If you want to know how to learn how to dance for a man, then we suggest you read the advice of professionals:

• Give preference to training with teachers in a dance school, as regular classes are much more effective. Lessons are held several times a week, which allows you to systematically repeat the learned material and improve your technique. nine0003

• The study area should be spacious and comfortable. Full-length mirrors, special flooring and fresh air access are a must.

• A CD with dance lessons of the selected style will allow you to master the simplest basic movements and combinations. This will allow you to understand how to learn to dance from scratch for a guy.

• Each movement must be practiced to the point of being automatic. A seemingly simple technique requires regular repetition in practice.

• Start mastering more complex movements only after you have mastered the basic ones. nine0003

• Try to combine several dance sequences into one whole - repeat this set of movements to different rhythms.

• Move smoothly and naturally without straining your body. The elements of the dance should flow smoothly into each other.

• It is best to study with a teacher and a small group, as a view from the outside will help correct mistakes in time and allow you to work out complex connections in detail.

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