How to clean dance floors
Dance Floor Dance Floor Maintenance
Please keep your dance floor in top condition by carefully reading and following these maintenance and cleaning instructions.
- Travel Board & Practice Floor
- Wood Dance Floor
- Vinyl Dance Surface
- Tap Floor
- Prevent Slippery Floors
- Recoat Tap & Percussive Floor
Travel Board & Practice Floor
Protect Your Investment
In any environment, using a dirty floor is the fastest way to damage the finish. Be sure to clean your floor regularly.
TAP DANCERS: Always check tap shoes for loose screws prior to stepping on this wood surface.
- Keep floor surface dry.
- Clean surface of travel board, one (1) panel at a time, with a Mr.
Clean Magic Eraser.
1. Wet the Magic Eraser with clean water. Squeeze out excess water. Wipe the Magic Eraser back and forth from one edge to the next edge, moving across surface of panel until clean. Do not let water seep into seam between panels. Check cleanliness of Magic Eraser after each panel. When Magic Eraser is dirty rinse in clean water, squeeze out excess water and continue.
2. Wipe panel dry with paper towels. Wipe the surface and sides with paper towel to dry and remove any residue. - How to clean Magic Eraser: Rinse Magic Eraser with clean water in sink or bucket until clean. Squeeze out excess water.
NOTE: If your floor is really dirty, or you want to clean it faster, use a green kitchen scrubby pad.
CAUTION: Do not use soaps or detergents on this floor finish. Do not use wax/silicon based polishes, paste waxes, or solvent/pine based cleaners. These products will make the floor more slippery and will make the floor more difficult to clean.
CAUTION: Do not allow water to seep into the seam of the travel board.
PLEASE NOTE: Although we are seeing people use these floors out of doors, they are not
designed for outdoor use
Wood Dance Floor
Protect Your Investment
In any environment, walking on a dirty floor is the fastest way to damage the finish. Be sure to clean your floor regularly. Cleaning kits are available for purchase from O’Mara Sprung Floors.
TAP DANCERS: Always check tap shoes for loose screws prior to stepping on this wood surface.
- Vacuum, sweep, or dry dust mop. This includes any throw rugs, mats or small carpets.
- Keep floor surface dry.
- Clean up spills immediately, before they cause damage.
- After every tap class, damp mop floors with a solution of 1:4 Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner to water. This will remove residue created by tap shoes.
- Mop surface with a microfiber mop head.
Do not use soaps or detergents.
- Use AquaSport Wood Floor Cleaner (other chemicals may leave slippery residue). Mix according to manufacturer’s directions. Using 16 oz. spray bottle, spray 1 to 2 floor panels at a time and mop with micro-fiber cleaning pad attached to a flat head mop.
- Do not use wax or silicone based polishes, paste waxes, or solvent or pine based cleaners on wood floors. They will make the floor more difficult to clean. If the floors are subject to grease, oils, or other contaminates, periodic use of IFT Cleaner by Basic Coatings may be necessary.
- Rent a 17″ floor buffer (also called a floor maintainer) from a local hardware store or janitorial supply company. Purchase a green and/or a red, 17″ cleaning pad. Red is the more aggressive of the two pads. These can be returned if not used.
- Use AquaSport Wood Floor Cleaner (other chemicals may leave slippery residue). Mix according to manufacturer’s directions.
Removing Scuff Marks
- Rent or purchase an Oreck Orbiter floor care machine.
- Purchase 1 or 2 Oreck terry cloth bonnets.
- Purchase AquaSport Wood Floor Cleaner (other chemicals may leave slippery residue). Mix AquaSport according to manufacturer’s directions. Using a 16 oz. spray bottle, spray 1 to 2 floor panels at a time and clean with Oreck Orbiter terry cloth bonnet. If this is not strong enough to remove your scuff marks then mix 2 parts water to 1 part AquaSport.
CAUTION: Do not allow cleaning solution or water to seep between the seams of the floor.
Vinyl Dance Surface
Protect Your Investment
Walking on a dirty dance floor is the fastest way to damage the surface. Be sure to clean your vinyl dance floor surface regularly to keep it in top form. Please follow these recommendations when cleaning your dance vinyl.
- Vacuum, sweep, or dry dust mop.
This includes any throw rugs, mats or small carpets.
- Keep floor surface dry.
- Clean up spills immediately, before they cause damage.
- Clean floors with a cloth broom after each tap class.
- Use a PH neutral cleaner.We recommend Squeaky Clean by Basic Coatings.
- Do not use cleansers with ammonia or abrasives; they can damage vinyl dance surfaces.
- Use of automatic floor scrubber is not recommended.
- For very large vinyl floors you may use an automatic scrubber/dryer with a red or blue pad at a very low RPM, no higher than 175 revolutions per minute.
CAUTION: Do not allow cleaning solution or water to seep between the seams of the floor.
Tap Floor
Protect Your Investment
In any environment, walking on a dirty floor is the fastest way to damage the finish. Be sure to clean your floor regularly. Cleaning kits are available for purchase from O’Mara Sprung Floors.
Tap Floor Maintenance
After every tap class clean only the floor sections where dancers’ shoes have left a residue.
TAP DANCERS: Always check tap shoes for loose screws prior to stepping on this wood surface.
- Mop surface with a 3’ micro-fiber mop head attached to flat-head mop.
1. Loading pad with cleaner: In a 2 gallon bucket, mix 15 parts water to 1 part Simple GreenNon-Toxic Industrial Cleaner and Degreaser. Roll up 3’ microfiber pad and soak in the bucket of solution. Squeeze out excess solution.
2. Clean floor: Lay the pad on the floor, and then attach mop head to pad. Clean one 4’ x 4’ panel at a time. Push mop head back and forth from one seam to the next seam, moving across surface of panel until clean. Do not let solution seep into cracks between panels. After each panel, check to see if pad is clean or dirty. When pad is dirty, switch to clean pad loaded with solution.
3. Remove cleaner residue: after cleaning floor with Simple Green solution, wrap a clean towel dampened with water around the mop head. Push this across the newly cleaned area to remove any cleaning residue from the floor. If the towel gets dirty, flip it over and keep going. - How to clean pads: Rinse pad with water in sink or a separate bucket until clean. One pad can clean up to 300 square feet, depending on prior cleanliness of floor.
- Scuff Marks: Use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and water to wipe the floor. Use paper towel or towel to dry the floor.
- Stubborn Scuff Marks: Use a green kitchen scrubby pad and a 1:1 ratio of Extreme Simple Green Aircraft and Precision Cleaner. Scrub clean and remove all cleaner residue with water on a sponge or towel.
- Always check tap shoes for loose screws prior to stepping on this wood surface.
- We strongly recommend a check your shoe policy.
A check your shoe policy requires all students to check their shoes for loose screws and sharp toe plates. It requires a small file and screw driver to be located at the entry door to the studio. All students are taught how to check for loose screws and sharp toe plates. If they are too young to do this, the teacher should be responsible. Loose screws and sharp toe plates cause damage to the floor. Generally the damage is just cosmetic, but once it has happened, the floor will never look the same.
IMPORTANT: After cleaning floor panels, immediately remove residue left by Simple Green cleaning solution. Mop panels with 3’ micro-fiber head mop dampened with water.
SPECIAL NOTE: Experiment with concentration of cleaner to suit your particular environment.
CAUTION: Do not use soaps or detergents on this floor finish. Do not use wax/silicon based polishes, paste waxes, or solvent/pine based cleaners. These will make the floor more difficult to clean and will create problems when it comes time to refinish the floor.
CAUTION: Do not allow cleaning solution or water to seep between floor panels.
Prevent Slippery Floors
Prevent Slippery Floors
- Check your furnace filter every two weeks. Change when dirty. Dust from dirty filters will make your floor slippery.
- Check room humidity frequently. It should be kept between 45% and 55%. A portable humidifier will help keep the room at the specified humidity level.
Recoat Tap & Percussive Floor
When should you recoat your floor?
- First time: After eighteen to twenty-four months of use.
- Second time: Twelve to eighteen months after first recoat.
- Following times: Continue to check the floor at regular intervals to determine next application.
Dance Floor Recoating Process
To avoid the need for sanding, recoat the floor when it begins to show signs of wear, before the finish has worn through to bare wood. Basic Coatings Streetshoe Urethane is ideal for this aspect of wood floor maintenance.
- Rent a 17″ floor buffer (also referred to as a floor maintainer) from a local hardware store or janitorial supply company. Purchase a green and/or a red, 17″ cleaning pad. Red is the more aggressive of the two pads. These can be returned if not used.
- In a 16 oz. plastic spray bottle, mix Basic Coatings Intensive Floor Treatment (IFT) according to manufacturer’s directions. Spray IFT on 1 to 2 panels and buff until clean. Begin by using a green pad. Flip the pad over to the unused side when it is not cleaning as well. Depending on how dirty the floor is, you may want to move up to the more aggressive red pad.
- Wipe floor with a water-dampened, white bath towel wrapped around a 3′ to 4′ push broom or dust mop. Be sure to keep towel clean by re-wetting and wringing out.
- Spray 1 to 2 panels with Basic Coatings Squeaky Clean, mixed in a 16 oz. spray bottle as directed by manufacturer, and run floor buffer.
- Have several clean, white bath towels on hand. Wrap one water-dampened towel around a 3′ to 4′ push broom or dust mop and push across floor to wipe up residue. Expose a clean section of the towel when it begins to look dirty and change towels once one has been fully used. If you run out of clean towels, thoroughly rinse and wring out a used towel. Clean floor until residue, dirt, and dust are completely gone.
- Let floor dry.
- Once floor is dry, fill any dents or deep scratches with Elmer’s Carpenter’s Wood Filler.
- Let filler dry according to instructions on the tube. Then sand smooth with 80 grit sandpaper.
- Wipe off any sawdust from areas that were filled and sanded. Using an artist’s paint brush apply sealer or urethane over the filled areas. Let sealer or urethane dry for three hours. Screen entire floor with 120 grit screen on floor maintainer. Remove dust created from sanding process.
- Start the urethaning process at the point farthest from the exit door.
You will be using Basic Coatings Streetshoe Satin Urethane or Basic Coatings Hydroline Plus Satin Urethane.
- Using approximately 1/2 cup of urethane per 4′x4′ section, pour 1/2 cup on each panel. Using an 18″-24″ heavy handle applicator, pull the puddle of urethane across floor. Overlap each run by 2″. To view an instructional video, go to Click the video tab on the left side, and then choose the “Tykote System” video. Note: It helps to have an assistant to keep enough urethane on the floor so that you can focus on the urethane application
- Apply second coat after 3 hours but before 24 hours.
- To recoat after 24 hours, go back to step 7.
How to Clean Marley Floors
A marley dance floor, which is vinyl, roll-out flooring, is an effective material for home studios, schools and most dance settings. Offering both durability and versatility, a marley floor can last up to 15 years with the proper maintenance. If you want to maximize your flooring for safety, performance and longevity, you need to establish a marley dance floor maintenance program.
To clean your floors, daily tasks should include sweeping and dry mopping while washing should occur on a weekly basis. Additionally, address any stains or marks as soon as you find them. All deep cleaning and sanitizing should take place a few times per year to maintain a safe and healthy dance studio. Always use cleaning materials that are safe for dance floors — household cleaners may not be your best choice.
Following these dance floor cleaning tips will help you make the most of your specialized dance flooring system.
What to Avoid While Cleaning Marley Floors
Unlike regular floors, marley dance floors contain special properties that make them ideal for dancing. Using proper cleaning materials is essential for preserving your dance floor’s distinctive qualities. One of the most common ways dance studio owners damage their marley floors is by using unsuitable cleaning materials. Choosing the right products for cleaning your dance floors will help preserve them rather than cause any issues.
Here are some cleaning substances to avoid:
Regular Household Cleaners
It’s best to only use designated dance floor cleaners on your marley dance floors instead of using regular household cleaners. Most household floor cleaners include ingredients that aren’t suitable for a marley floor. For instance, any household cleaner including oil can leave residue on your dance floor, which may pose a safety risk.
Steer clear of using bleach on your marley floors. This product might damage the appearance of your floor by stripping away its color. More importantly, it can release the floor’s plasticizer, which is a vital component. The plasticizer is an additive that makes the surface softer and more flexible — it prevents brittleness and cracking to keep your floors safe for dancing.
Alcohol, Ammonia and Acetone
Known as the “three A’s,” alcohol, ammonia and acetone are not safe marley floor cleaners. Each can damage the floor’s plasticizer the same way bleach does. Be sure to check your cleaning materials’ ingredients for any of these three, as they’re common in popular cleaning solutions.
Some cleaning guides suggest diluted vinegar as a floor cleaner. However, you shouldn’t use it on marley dance floors. Using vinegar on your marley floors will cause the floor to dissolve underneath, damaging its appearance and causing a safety risk. It may not be obvious at first, but you’ll notice the effects over time.
Waxes and Sealers
It’s crucial to avoid waxes and sealers when cleaning, as they can degrade your dance floors, affecting the floor’s balance between smoothness and grip. If you’ve cleaned with these products, dancers may miss their marks while on the floor.
Steps for How to Clean Marley Dance Floors
Now that you know what materials to avoid, you can get started with your cleaning regimen. It’s crucial to use proper techniques, including the order in which you perform certain tasks and the solutions you use. Using the right methods will ensure you preserve your marley floors rather than damage them.
Follow these steps for how to clean the floors in your dance studio:
1. Sweep and Dry Mop Daily
The first and easiest step is to sweep and dry mop your floor each day. Doing so will protect your floor’s quality, prevent damage, preserve its appearance and save you time and money.
Always sweep before you mop. This trick removes all crumbs, dirt and residue, which primes the surface for dry mopping. Only use non-oil-treated brooms with soft materials. A rough material like straw might scratch your floor’s surface. Designate a specific broom for your dance floor, so you’re not dragging in debris from other surfaces.
Dry Mopping
Then, dry mop to remove any dust your broom may have missed. A dry mop is ideal for picking up loose dirt and debris and getting into hard-to-reach corners. Always use a clean, white microfiber pad with a nonabrasive material. If you reuse pads, be sure to wash them with only water between uses.
When dry mopping, keep the mop head on the floor between strokes. Go back and forth over the floor, overlapping a bit for each stroke. Every so often, lift the mop head and shake it out over the disposal bin. After you’ve gone over the entire dance floor, you’ll have a pile of debris you can sweep up with your broom and dust pan.
Should You Wet Mop?
A wet mop is most useful for cleaning stains or embedded debris, but it doesn’t need to be part of your daily maintenance routine. Too much wet mopping could damage your floor’s finish. If wet mopping is necessary, be sure to use proper cleaning materials, sweeping and dry mopping beforehand.
2. Wash Your Floors Weekly
Washing your floors is another fundamental cleaning task. It should take place once per week instead of every day, as over washing might cause damage. Washing is necessary to eliminate any oil, body lotion, perspiration or other residues. Always use dance-floor-friendly products, such as the detergent degreaser ProClean, to protect your floors and ensure safety.
ProClean is easy to use — follow these steps to wash your floors with this product:
- Sweep and dry mop the floor.
- Mix 2-4 ounces of the solution to 1 gallon of water.
- Apply the solution, scrubbing with a nonabrasive brush.
- Remove the solution with a mop or squeegee.
- Rinse with water.
3. Remove Stains
As careful as you try to be, the occasional stain on your dance floor is inevitable. Common stain types include food or drink residue, scuff marks, leaked shoe dye or tap residue. You can take some precautions to limit stains, such as requiring high-quality dance shoes and only using your marley floor for dance purposes.
When stains occur, a few home remedies can help you remove dancers’ shoe marks — tennis balls and pencil erasers are great for targeting stains, for example. If cleaning products are necessary, be sure to select safe options. Use a special stain remover like SimplyGone to remove food stains or residue, and try a solvent like Wipeout Plus to get out tough scuff marks.
4. Deep Clean Twice Yearly
Be sure to deep clean your marley dance floors at least twice per year. This cleaning involves renting a small cleaning machine and using a concentrated detergent degreaser like ProClean Ultra. Use a green or aqua pad rather than a black pad, which could scratch your floor. Remember to rinse with water after using ProClean Ultra.
When Is the Best Time to Deep Clean Your Dance Floor?
It’s best to deep clean your dance floor once every six months or so, depending on how much you use it. If you use your dance floor every day, you may want to deep clean a bit more often. Both your daily and weekly cleaning routines should keep the floor from getting too dirty between deep cleans.
Specifically, a winter deep clean is a good idea because:
- The dryer air will help your floor dry off quicker.
- A clean floor will improve your indoor air quality, which is essential during cold and flu season.
- Students are likely to drag in dirt and debris during the winter.
5. Disinfect Your Floor
After sweeping, dry mopping and deep cleaning on a regular basis, your floor will appear clean — but its surface could still be home to invisible viruses, bacteria and young mold spores, which is why disinfecting is essential. Disinfecting kills germs and early-stage mold, keeping dancers safe and healthy in the studio.
You should disinfect your floors at least three times per year, during the fall, winter and spring. It’s especially important to disinfect at least once before or during the colder months when colds and flus tend to spread the most. Be cautious about the disinfectant you use, as many contain bleach or alcohol. ProClean D No-Rinse is a safe choice for dance floors. It meets the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, or COVID-19.
ProClean D No-Rinse is quick and easy to use because it does not require rinsing. If desired, you could apply it between every single dance session without taking up a lot of time. Always dilute the solution with water, let it sit for 10 minutes and either let it air dry or use a towel or dry mop.
5 Ways to Proactively Keep Your Marley Floors Clean
Here are a few proactive measures for keeping your marley floors as clean as possible:
1. Create a “Shoes Off” Policy
It’s best to prohibit outdoor shoes on your dance floor, if possible, as they’re bound to track in dirt, mud and germs. Another issue is that non-dance shoes, especially tennis shoes, are more likely to leave behind scuff marks. As a result, implement a “shoes off” policy in your dance studio or home. Doing so will help you preserve your floors and simplify your cleaning routine.
2. Only Allow Clean, High-Quality Dance Shoes
Only dance shoes should touch your dance floor — and those dance shoes should always be clean and high-quality. If you use your floor for tap dancing, you might want to ban aluminum compound shoes, which can leak black residue. Students should wear pure aluminum or steel tap shoes instead. Otherwise, you could coat aluminum compound shoes with Tap Shield for a layer of protection.
3. Keep out Food and Drinks
Consider implementing a “no food or drinks policy” in your dance studio. Keeping food and drinks out will help you preserve your floor while also protecting dancers’ safety, as unnoticed snack remnants could pose a safety risk.
4. Only Use the Floor for Dancing
One of the best ways to preserve a marley floor is to make sure only dancing takes place on it. Whether your dance floor is in your home or a studio, you may want to block it off when it’s not in use. If you have a home studio, you may want to lock the door or put up a baby gate to keep kids, pets and others off the dance floor. If you host students, ask them to play or do other activities elsewhere.

Students should only come to the dance studio if they feel well. While other rules and procedures will help keep your floors pristine and beautiful, this last tip is all about keeping dancers safe. Ask dancers who feel ill to stay home. Doing so will help you keep your floors as germ-free as possible so dancers stay healthy. Regular disinfecting will also help.
Contact Stagestep to Learn More
Maintaining a clean marley floor can be simple enough, as long as you follow a regular routine and implement proactive measures. Each day, you should take a few moments to sweep and dry mop your floor. Always sweep first, then use the dry mop to pick up what you’ve missed. Use safe methods to remove any visible stains or marks.
Additionally, wash your floors once per week to clear away built-up residue. On a less frequent basis, you’ll need to deep clean and disinfect your floors to ensure your studio is a healthy environment. Make your cleaning regimen simpler by implementing a few basic dance studio rules. You’ll have better luck maintaining clean floors if you use them for dancing only. It’s also a good idea to limit the kinds of shoes that touch the floor — no outdoor shoes and only high-quality dance shoes.
All of these measures and precautions should help you maintain a pristine marley dance floor. Keep in mind that you can adjust this maintenance plan to meet your own needs, which might vary based on studio size or use. If you have further questions about how to clean your marley dance floors, we’re happy to assist you.
With more than 50 years of experience with dance floor systems and maintenance products, Stagestep provides comprehensive expertise, instructions, information, specifications and advice. Contact us today for more assistance.
90,000 New Year's Eve, empty dance floor and distance: Moscow Mayor explained the restrictions onplot:
The situation with coronavirus
Photo: Vladimir Novikov / Evening Moscow
Mayor Sergei Sobyanin told about the new restrictions imposed in connection with the spread of the coronavirus, as well as about the city's plans to combat the epidemic. "Evening Moscow" has collected all the most important from the speech of the head of the city.
The situation in the capital
Sobyanin drew the attention of Muscovites to the fact that the situation with the coronavirus in the city is quite difficult. Despite the fact that there is a reserve of beds at the moment, its loading by another quarter can lead to a serious overload of the healthcare system.
However, the introduction of a full lockdown, following the example of some European countries, is not yet planned, because it is necessary not only to contain the epidemic, but also not to strike a blow to the economy.
— We see the latest decisions being made in foreign countries. These are complete lockdowns, curfews, a state of emergency, the closure of all enterprises in a number of countries, and so on. But we are trying to avoid these decisions, taking, in my opinion, timely decisions on partial closures, on partial quarantine measures, on strict requirements for the mask regime, the development of a hospital network, and so on,” the mayor said.
Photo: Sofia Sandurskaya / AGN Moscow
However, the mayor does not exclude the introduction of additional measures if the current ones do not help curb the increase in the incidence.
— As far as possible, we keep the situation under control and introduce minimal restrictions. We introduce them in order not to aggravate the situation, to make these decisions to a minimum, but in such a way as to still keep the situation and leave it at the same controllable level. I hope no other solutions are needed. But everything will depend, of course, on the situation,” Sobyanin noted.
Cafes and restaurants
Starting November 13, there will be a ban on catering after 23:00 and before 6:00. Many did not fully understand the meaning of the new restriction: if public catering is closed, then completely, because visitors still do not wear masks during meals. In fact, according to the mayor, the meaning of the ban was different: many catering establishments switch to a different mode of operation in the evening and at night, turning into clubs and dance floors.
— After 23:00, many restaurants and cafes turn into something else — karaoke, clubs, dance floors, and so on. There is already a different mode of operation and a different mode of communication, and, of course, the likelihood of infection is much higher. Therefore, such a decision was made, but a compromise solution. In general, all restaurants and cafes continue to work, but precisely as catering establishments, and not as entertainment and nightclubs, ”Sobyanin explained.
Photo: Pelagia Zamyatina / Vechernyaya Moskva
According to the mayor, it is unacceptable to close public catering establishments completely, as this will cause too serious a blow to business.
— Daytime closure of all catering facilities means a completely different threshold and a different mode of operation. In fact, then we will completely shut down the entire public catering and restaurant business, we will cause enormous damage to them,” the mayor concluded.
Schoolchildren and students
City universities and colleges, as well as high school students, are going to work remotely from November 13th. After educational institutions completely switch to a remote format, transport and social cards of students will be blocked.
The need to telecommute high school students, and not primary school students, as Sobyanin explained, is due to the fact that the incidence among the latter is much lower than among their older comrades.
- Children are mostly asymptomatic, but they are able to transmit the infection to their parents, grandparents. Therefore, we have introduced a distance learning mode for senior classes. Next week we will make a decision whether or not to extend distance learning for schoolchildren, based on the epidemiological situation, but with a high probability I can say that this system will be extended,” the mayor noted.
Photo: Denis Grishkin / AGN "Moskva"
Junior students can also go to distance learning, but only at the request of their parents. Unfortunately, not all mothers and fathers can stay at home with their children, so the decision to switch to this format remains with them.
— It is almost impossible to leave primary school students alone at home, while their parents work. Therefore, we nevertheless decided that the junior classes would function as before. But parents have the opportunity, if the parents of a certain class at their meeting vote that their class is moving to distance learning, we will provide such work, but this requires the decision of the parents of the entire class,” Sobyanin specified.
Public events
All mass events, such as concerts, exhibitions, shows, from November 13 can only be held without spectators, that is, they are completely transferred to an online format. Sports events are an exception: they can also be held with the participation of spectators, but only if the hall is occupied by no more than 25 percent.
Photo: AGN Moscow
— The requirements are the same for all events. The question is that not all sports institutions, sports institutions, organizations, sports buildings, facilities can meet these requirements. This is the first. And secondly, we, of course, look at the significance of these events. If there is a football match or a hockey match broadcast on television, the whole country sees it, some kind of holiday atmosphere should be created, well, yes, we will most likely allow such events, but if the requirements are met and the stands are filled, no more than by 25 percent,” Sobyanin explained.
New Year's Eve
The ban on mass events in the presence of spectators, the closure of cafes and restaurants after 23:00 also applies to New Year's Eve.
- Can you imagine if we organize Christmas markets, New Year's parties with a huge number of children, parents and so on during this difficult period - such a feast during the plague. We just need to feel the situation in which we are. On the New Year, of course, it is unpleasant when there are some restrictions, but first of all we must take care of people's lives . .. We are not doing this for an abstract purpose, the mayor emphasized.
Nevertheless, no one is going to forbid going out and walking around the city on the main night of the year. In any case, the New Year is a family holiday, and the restrictions imposed are an excellent occasion to spend it in the circle of only the closest and dearest people.
The main facts on the topic of coronavirus in Russia and the world can be read HERE >>>
Read also : Disability and nerve palsy: the doctor revealed the truth about the consequences of coronavirus
Sergey Sobyanin Coronavirus Restrictions
Meaning, Definition, Suggestions. What is my dance floor
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Offers with "my dance floor"
Other results | |
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The little court known as the dance floor. | |
The dance floor is not mine. | |
Grab yourself a drink and hit the dance floor. | |
Come on people, light up the dance floor. | |
This is my song, fire up the dance floor! | |
Dance floor inside and outside, chocolate fountain. | |
If necessary, the competitor may raise the card and leave the dance floor for ten minutes. | |
In the meantime, Sue lent us. | |
At weddings, I take over the dance floor, DJ booth, and sometimes the bridal suite. | |
Let's call them the Olympic dance floor | |
I'd rather go to the dance floor and hurt myself somehow. So it's your duty as a first responder to dance with me. | |
Let's capture the moment and then tear up the dance floor. | |
Because, you know, me and Gypsy, we're gonna tear up the dance floor. | |
Here I will set up a dance floor. | |
And now I invite my charming daughter and my gallant son-in-law to the dance floor. | |
And as soon as we step onto the dance floor, the band starts playing a familiar song. | |
Some of you shared the dance floor with Garrett's amazing great aunt | |
Awesome DJ, floor to capacity, beautiful women. | |
And besides, it's more like a mosh festival than a dance floor. | |
Why don't we go to the dance floor and see how I can sweat through these chainmail clothes. | |
Madonna inspired this song from the dance floor and composed it while watching a handsome Puerto Rican from a balcony. | |
Despite being influenced by many musical styles, Qqu prefers the dancefloor, which is why hip hop, salsa and lingala are his biggest loves. | |
A jazz band hired by the college turns the science building courtyard into a dance floor. | |
This was to allow these tracks to be aimed at a more commercial scene rather than the dancefloor. | |
Bloodied Jack gets up and follows Pace to the dance floor, telling him that he must finish what he started. | |
The seats were removed and the car turned into one big dance floor. |