How to do the hotline bling dance
FRAMED Hotline Bling Dance Music Poster Dance Tutorial
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Listed on Oct 3, 2022
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'Destiny' Adds 'Hotline Bling' Dance Move
'Destiny' Adds 'Hotline Bling' Dance Move Search iconA magnifying glass. It indicates, "Click to perform a search". Insider logoThe word "Insider".US Markets Loading... H M S In the news
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"Destiny" got some new updates on Tuesday: some Valentine's Day themed activities, and this:
That's right, now your "Destiny" character can do Drake's infamous "Hotline Bling" dance whenever you like. In "Destiny," it's just called the "strange dance," probably to avoid a lawsuit.
This is Drake's version of the same dance, for comparison's sake:
Unfortunately, this dance move isn't a free item. Like other "emotes" in the game, you'll need to purchase this dance move from the new Eververse Trading Company, which sells cosmetic items in exchange for your hard-earned, real-world dollars.
To buy a dance move, you must first purchase Silver, an in-game currency in "Destiny," with your real money. One Silver costs one cent; most dance moves cost either 500 Silver ($5) or 700 Silver ($7). The "Hotline Bling" emote costs 500 Silver.
There are other dance moves in the Eververse store, but this is easily the best one. Bungie, the maker of "Destiny," has been consistently offering new dance moves for players to go out and purchase since October, but they're only available for a limited time until a new batch of moves comes along.
Personally, I'm still rocking Michael Jackson's "Thriller" dance, which was added during "Destiny's" Halloween event, "Festival of the Lost."
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Article | We develop by dancing
“Dancing, of course, dancing!” - every second parent will hear such an answer to his question: “Which circle should I send my daughter to?” Although . .. why a daughter? Dancing is one of the most favorite types of physical activity for both children and adults — regardless of gender, age and temperament. Dancing classes help not only to have a pleasant leisure time, but also contribute to physical and emotional development. The movement to the music will liberate the quiet, the fidget will be allowed to throw out energy, the melancholy child will be set in a positive way. Sergey Fursov, head of the school of inclusive creativity "Dancing House" , based on her 17 years of experience working with a wide variety of children, including "special children", says with confidence: "Dancing is a great way to comprehensively develop a child."
Movement develops the brain
Do you want your child to study better? Take him to the dance. After all, they develop the cerebral cortex. Have you heard about sensory integration, which is popular today? This is when information received from different sense organs is perceived by the brain as a single material, and not as separate fragments. Dancing is the best way to develop sensory integration, because during movement, additional interhemispheric connections are formed in the brain. The brain learns to respond differently to the environment, to quickly and adequately solve problems even in those areas that, at first glance, are not related to movement: reading, mathematics, writing, painting, etc.
“Movements during dancing are very diverse, so different parts of the brain are 'trained',” continues the head of the Dancing House. “Well-designed classes include rhythm, choreography, balance and coordination exercises, jumping and breathing exercises.”
Move more, talk better
Have you ever noticed that a baby starts to gurgle when he moves his arms and legs? Does an older child often accompany his first steps with sounds? Movement is directly related to speech. Dance and music classes, especially for preschoolers, always include exercises and games that develop speech. These are elements of logorhythmics, tasks for developing a sense of rhythm, staging songs, onomatopoeic games, and various exercises from the arsenal of speech therapists. Children during the dance can sing children's songs and recite poems, accompany speech with movements.
Dancing perfectly develops the sense of rhythm, which is so necessary for staging a speech. Tasks with musical instruments help with this: maracas, bells, drums and tambourines. And you can just clap, stomp melodies - at first simple, then more difficult.
And of course, the very atmosphere of the dance class creates a good emotional background for communication and speech development. In his dance group, the child will find many natural occasions for communication.
Movement helps to develop speech: improve pronunciation and communication skills. Dancing and music train the sense of rhythm - it is necessary to speak.
Turn on memory, attention and will
As you know, many modern children have a problem with concentration. Dancing will help the child become more collected and attentive. In the classroom, he is forced to constantly monitor the teacher, because if he misses something, the general dance will not work. And the classes themselves are structured in such a way that tasks are constantly changing, you need to “keep the thread” of what is happening, quickly respond, turn on.
Dancing is great for developing memory. Movements need to be memorized quickly, and then worked out and improved for months. This trains memory qualitatively, in depth: both visual and muscle. The child literally lives the dance with his body, while pronouncing the lyrics aloud or to himself.
The very situation of the lesson trains attention and memory: movements and melodies must be memorized! This helps multiple repetition, emphasis on objects, movements and sounds.
It's no secret that children who are serious about something have no problems with willpower. After all, it also needs to be developed! What is willpower? “This is the ability to overcome one’s laziness, set a goal and go towards it,” explains Sergey Fursov, “as well as endurance and the ability to make decisions. These most important qualities largely determine the personality of a person. Interestingly, they are formed at a very early age, starting from 2.5–3 years. Dancing is a group activity, here the child has someone to reach for. He is helped by the example of his peers, the authority of the teacher, the constant reminder that his role in the team is important and the success of the entire team depends on his work.
Explore the world by dancing
Dancing broadens the horizons of the child, because in these classes he can study many phenomena of the surrounding world: space and time, speed, height and width, colors and shapes, animals and plants, body parts, natural phenomena, feelings and emotions. Good teachers who work with both toddlers and older children do not force children to mindlessly repeat movements. They explain what is happening, what the team is studying, what the meaning of the dance is, its historical background and much more. And of course, dancing develops creative, imaginative thinking. At the lesson, game situations are created in which the child can improvise and fantasize, express his thoughts and feelings through movement.
The more various topics are raised in the classroom, the more concepts about the world around the child learns - this is how his horizons and erudition develop.
Physical development
The benefits of dancing for the body are undeniable, because children who regularly attend the circle, outwardly noticeably differ from other children. This is due to properly selected physical activity, due to which:
- all muscles are strengthened;
- posture acquires the correct position;
- the child becomes more resilient and flexible;
- improves blood circulation;
- vessels become more elastic;
- lungs fully expand.
The correct execution of the exercises is a necessary condition in order to achieve all the above qualities.
With a good trainer, it will not be difficult to learn the correct technique for performing exercises.
Development of communication skills
Due to the fact that most often children dance in groups, the benefits of dancing are also shown in the fact that it allows you to train communication skills. As a result, after that, children can easily make new acquaintances in any environment.
As a rule, dancing involves teamwork, so it helps children learn to trust others and forgive their mistakes. In choreography lessons, children are also taught to control their facial expressions and gestures. These skills will no doubt be needed later in life.
The best age to start dancing
Dancing is exactly the kind of activity that can be done from the moment your baby starts walking. To date, there are many dance circles, where groups are recruited from the age of two. Of course, at this age, dancing will be more like walking to music, since the baby is not yet able to perform complex choreographic movements. However, already from childhood, it is important that the child develops correctly, monitors his posture and behavior. Therefore, the benefits of dancing in this case are undeniable. Professional technique and complexity of choreographic movements will gradually grow with the child.
If the child has any health problems, the dance coach must be warned about this without fail.
How to choose the right dance school?
If a child has expressed a desire to dance, then first of all it is necessary to decide on the direction that will be most useful, taking into account his individual characteristics. After all, today there are many types of dances. Most studios today offer to purchase one-time classes in order to understand exactly where the child wants to go.
You should also give preference to a studio that is closest to home. Most often, school-age children are engaged in dancing in the evening, so you don’t always want to spend precious time on the way home.
It is important to remember a simple recipe: movement is life. So move, complicate the set of standard exercises, dance! Movement and dance slow down the aging process, develop the intellect and personality of a person as a whole.
Blagoveshchenka danced Latino in front of the Eiffel Tower - Amurskaya Pravda
PeopleThis summer, the childhood dream of the Annunciation Irina Zemchenkova came true. She solo danced Latinos in front of the Eiffel Tower. This happened in mid-August, at dawn, since the square where the 27-year-old Amur woman danced was full of tourists during the day and in the evenings.
Photo: Personal archive of Irina Zemchenkova
In Paris, the girl was at work. Irina has been working in the L'Etoile cosmetics and perfumery store for several years, and for the last five years she has been flying to an international conference dedicated to the beauty industry. Three days were allotted for the business trip, one of which the Blagoveshchenka spent to fulfill her childhood dream - to dance bachata.
- Our favorite family movie is Dirty Dancing, especially the final dance of (actors Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey. - Note AP) . From a very young age, I wanted to repeat it. Since I was born not in Blagoveshchensk, but in Arkhara, I had to forget about my dream of dancing: there were no dance clubs in a small village during my childhood. I moved to Blagoveshchensk ten years ago, but only in June of this year I decided to sign up for dancing,” Irina Zemchenkova told Amurskaya Pravda.
The choice fell on Artem Kazakov's dance school. Even before talking with the leader, Irina knew that she would move in the rhythm of Latin American, and not European types of dances. On the day when the Annunciation girl was going to come to the first lesson, Artem was training the bachata group. In the end, Irina stopped at this type of Latin American dance.
- I immediately told Artem that I wanted to perform solo bachata in front of the Eiffel Tower. He supported me. Of all the elements and combinations of dance that he taught me by the time I left for Paris, I chose those that I know well. Finally, he showed me one combination and advised me to use it in France, but I refused - it was hard for me, - added the bachata dancer.
The girl chose the Eiffel Tower as a background for her dance according to the principle "this is the main attraction of the capital of France." Plus time played a role. Blagoveshchenka lived in a hotel, ten meters from the tower. Getting to other colorful places in Paris - the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe or the Champs Elysees - would be more difficult.
- When I posted a dance video on my Instagram, I heard a lot of responses. People wrote to me: "Keep dancing, we also want, like you, to fulfill our dream." Many said: "Ira, this is very beautiful, you inspire us. " I am very happy about this,” admitted Irina Zemchenkova.
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