How to belly roll dance

How to Do Belly Rolls?



PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.

Dear Shira

Dear Shira:


The Question

Dear Shira:

I've been learning for about two years now and the only thing I just can't seem to get the hang of so far is belly rolls. Any advice for me?

--Desperate Down Under


PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California


Shira Responds

Dear Desperate:

When I was new to belly dancing, I too had trouble getting belly rolls to work! Now I can do them and walk and talk at the same time with a sword on my head! Here are the things that helped me master them — maybe one of these exercises will help you.

The reasons people have difficulty learning rolls often include one or more of the following:

  • Many belly dance teachers don't know how to explain them effectively.
  • Some people have weak abdominal muscles. A sedentary lifestyle can cause this. It's difficult to operate a muscle that is weak.
  • Some people don't have much flexibility in these muscles. The muscles need to be loose and able to flow when standing upright.
  • The person has only used the muscles to pull herself out of a chair, or to keep her balanced when standing upright. She doesn't know how to link her brain to those muscles to give them conscious commands.

The exercises below are designed to overcome the above barriers.


Discover Your Abdominal Muscles

Belly rolls are controlled by the abdominal muscles in your midsection. These are generally divided between your upper abs which are just below the rib cage, your middle abs which are behind the navel, and your lower abs which are below the navel, near the pubic bone. The first thing you need to do is build a relationship with these muscles, teaching your mind to instruct them. This is known as building neural pathways.

Put some lyrical mood music on your stereo system (a chiftetelli or taqsim is good) and try doing these exercises:


Exercise #1: Teach Your Abdomen To Respond To You, And Learn To Relax!

This is a simple exercise that everyone can do, that will help you get in touch with your inner self — or at least with your belly roll muscles!

Stand comfortably, in good belly dance posture. That means your feet should be directly below your shoulders, your knees relaxed, and your rib cage held high — imagine a puppet string attached to your breastbone that is pulling it up and separating it from the rest of your body. Put your hands anywhere comfortable where they can relax — I always demonstrate with my hands on my hips, but their exact placement isn't important.

Now, suck in your gut as far as you can possibly suck it in. Got it as far as it'll go? Now try to pull it in just a little farther! When I teach this to my students, I tell them to visualize pulling their belly button all the way back to touch the spine. Hold it as long as you comfortably can. Next, relax it thoroughly. Relax it so much that your stomach area protrudes as far forward as it could possibly want to. We're so conditioned by Western society to keep a flat stomach, that we often find relaxing the stomach area to be more difficult than sucking it in! Notice that I'm not telling you to forcibly push your stomach out — just relax it and let it ease into its relaxed position, which could include a gentle bulge forward.

Repeat this exercise several times each day. Try to do about 4 repetitions where you hold it in as long as you possibly can, then let it out for an equal length of time. Then try to do 8-12 (or more) repetitions where you repetitively pull it in for a second or two, then relax it for a second or two, and keep going. Good times to do this: while washing your hands after using the restroom, or while sitting in your car in traffic.

Be sure to breathe normally while doing this exercise!


Exercise #2: Build Strength In Those Muscles!

You already know how to do either situps or crunches. (Modern fitness thought is that situps are not good for you, crunches are much better.) Do as many of these each day as your abdominal muscles will tolerate. Try to do a minimum of 10 or 15 at first, and try to work up to 25 or 30 — or more! The stronger your abdominal muscles, the better your belly rolls will be! If you need help building strength in these muscles, videos that may help are Veena & Neena's Bellydance Fitness for Beginners: Arms & Abs, and the "Abs Only" workout that appears on Rania's Bellydance Fitness for Weight Loss: Daily Quickies.


Exercise #3: Build A Relationship With Your Diaphragm

Most belly dance abdominal work is controlled by the abdominal muscles, not the diaphragm. However, the diaphragm has its role to play, and it's wise to include it in your exercise program.

We all instinctively know how to use our diaphragms — every breath you take is controlled by your diaphragm, and if you find yourself breathing hard after exerting yourself, your diaphragm will be working hard on your behalf. Musicians (vocalists and those who play wind instruments such as trumpets) have learned to control their diaphragms more consciously, to inhale larger breaths and put more support behind the sound they produce.

When learning to do belly rolls, make your diaphragm your best friend. Consciously think about it. Breathe deeply and see if you can isolate the sensation of that muscle between your navel and rib cage. It will press downward as you inhale a deep breath, and it will return upward as you exhale.

An excellent time to do this exercise is while you are behind the wheel of your car or sitting at a computer keyboard. Hunch your shoulders forward over the steering wheel or keyboard, so that your abdominal area is somewhat compressed by the posture. If you never drive a car and never sit at a computer keyboard, then just sit in a normal chair and lean foward with your elbows on your thighs and your shoulders hunched as described.

Now, tug inward ever so slightly just below the rib cage, above the navel. You won't be able to pull it in very far in this posture, but the point here is to discover where that muscle is, and how to isolate control over it. You should feel a muscle rubbing gently against the bottom edge of your rib cage. That is your diaphragm. If you can tug it in even a small amount, you've accomplished the point of this exercise. Now, rhythmically pull that muscle in, then let it relax, then pull it in again.

Do this exercise as often as you can discipline yourself to do it--once you build a close friendship with your diaphragm, you'll be able to do not only belly rolls, but also beautiful flutters! Breathe normally while you do this.

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by PixieVision, Glendale, California.


Exercise #4: Isolate Your Pelvic Muscles From Your Diaphragm

This is the advanced version of Exercise #1. Warm up using Exercise #1. Then transition to this one. Suck in the upper abdominal muscles and the diaphragm while letting the pelvic muscles relax. Then relax the diaphragm while sucking in the pelvic muscles. Repeat, over and over and over. Don't forget to breathe normally! If you have trouble with this one, see "The Sphinx" below under "Having Trouble? Try One of These!"


Exercise #5: 1/2 Roll

This is the advanced version of Exercise #3. Hunch over a desk or car steering wheel as described for Exercise #3. Pull in your diaphragm as described for Exercise #3. Holding it in, now pull in your navel, then your upper pelvic muscles. That is half of a top-to-bottom roll, which means that the movement originates at the top, at the diaphragm. Now, to get out of this position, let your pelvic muscles out first, then your navel, then your diaphragm. That is half of a different roll, the bottom to top, which means that the movement originates with the pelvic muscles at the base of the abdomen. Do this exercise 8 times per sitting to develop control over each of the two half rolls.


Now Try The Roll

Once the above exercises have helped you learn where your abdominal muscles are and how to control them, the next step is to turn the movement into a roll. The roll is the natural extension of Exercise #4 once you've become proficient with it. Just keep doing the exercise, but think about doing it gracefully with an undulating spirit. Flow from one position to the other. Listening to slow, sinuous music will help a great deal. When I teach this to my students, I suggest they visualize performing a circle with their navel or placing their navel on a Ferris wheel: either up / forward / down / in, or the reverse down / forward / up / in.

You may find that circling one direction is easier for you than circling the other. Both are correct — if you can master one, the general public will think you know what you're doing. If you can master both, you'll impress even your hard-to-impress fellow dancers. I tell my students that I will be satisfied if they can master one direction, I don't expect them to aim for both.

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Kaylyn Hoskins, Solon, Iowa.


Having Trouble? Try One Of These Ideas!

Having trouble? Most likely, it's because you either 1) Haven't learned to isolate the diaphragm from the pelvic muscles, or 2) Haven't learned yet to relax the muscles in turn.

Different things work for different people. If the above wasn't enough to get your midsection muscles rolling, maybe you need to vary the technique or do the exercises in a different location from where you normally practice. Try some of these ideas:

  1. The Bathtub Trick. Put about 3-4 inches of water into your bathtub and lie down on your back. Now try it. Start with Exercise #1. Progress to Exercise #4. Then try to roll. The response of the water to your abdominal movements may help the movement come more naturally. Also, the warm bath water will encourage the muscles to relax when they need to. As a final bonus, lying flat on your back will help you discipline yourself to not involve spine movement in your undulation — it'll help you keep it isolated to the abdominal muscles.
  2. Anatomy Lesson. Look at a health textbook that shows the musculature structure of the abdomen. Look for the diaphragm, the abdominal muscles, and the transverse abdominal muscles. Envision that structure occurring inside of you. Now, do Exercise #1. Visualize the muscles you see in that diagram contracting as you suck them all in. Visualize them expanding as you let them relax. Now, move to Exercise #4 and repeat the visualization — can you isolate them? Can you relax them?
  3. Sauna or Steam Room. Try doing Exercise #3 while sitting in a dry sauna or steam bath at the gym.
  4. Jacuzzi, Hot Tub, Whirlpool. Try doing Exercises #1, #3, and #4 while sitting in a hot tub at your health club or standing in a swimming pool where the water comes to chest height. (The hot tub is better because the heat will help with the relaxation phase of the cycle.)
  5. Laying on of Hands, Part 1. While standing in the posture described for Exercise #1, physically place both hands on your abdomen — one at the diaphragm level, and the other at the pelvic muscle level. Now, do Exercise #1 while your hands try to sense what your abdominal muscles are doing. Shift to Exercise #4. Feel your hand come outward as the muscle below it relaxes, and feel it drawn inward as the muscle below it sucks in. At first, try not to use your hands to push or pull — they are there merely to observe. If you find that you just can't get the isolation needed for Exercise #4, try pushing in with your hand when its muscle is supposed to suck in, but don't do that any longer than necessary--you need to learn how to use the muscles inside to do the work.
  6. Laying on of Hands, Part 2. Ask a friend or your teacher who can do belly rolls to let you place your hands on her abdomen while she rolls. Place one above the navel; the other just below. Pay attention to how her muscles are moving. Now place your hands on the corresponding parts of your own body, close your eyes, and try to reproduce what you felt the other person doing.
  7. Belly Beads. Fasten a string of inexpensive plastic beads around your abdomen. Stand in front of a mirror. Watch the beads rise and fall as you attempt to move your abdominal muscles. It will exaggerate the movements of your muscles and encourage you.
  8. Mesh Midriff. Put a mesh body stocking in a color that contrasts with your skin color over your abdomen, and watch yourself in a full-length mirror as you do the movements. The play of light across the mesh of the body stocking should give you good visual reinforcement as you try to control your abdomen.
  9. The Sphinx. I find that having a weight on your abdomen gives feedback to your muscles, helping you feel when you're doing the move right. Lie on your bed, on your back. Place your pet cat on your stomach. Cuddle it to make it lie down on its stomach, sphinx-like. It doesn't matter which end (the head or the tail) is pointing toward your face. If you don't have a pet cat (or a small dog about the same size), try substituting an object such as a brick of similar size, weight (8-14 pounds), and shape. Now, using only your abdominal muscles, push the cat's head as high as possible into the air at the same time you bring its tail end down lower. Hold this position a few seconds, until your cat relaxes. Now reverse it, making his tail go up higher and his head lower. Again, hold it until the cat relaxes. Repeat until your cat becomes highly offended with the abuse and stalks away in disgust. If you keep cuddling him with your hands while you do this, you may persuade him to stay longer. Once you're able to alternate comfortably with the cat on your stomach, try it standing up. From there, the rolling motion should be easy to accomplish.
  10. Affirmations. Your issue may be psychological, thinking, "I can't." Affirmations may help overcome this. Sit in a comfortable chair or lie down, in a dimly lit or dark room. Repeat the following statements to yourself at least 10 times, and as you say each line, really think about what you're saying:
    "I love to move my belly."
    "I'm proud of what I can do with my body."
    "My body can do amazing things. "


The primary trick to learning how to do belly rolls is to just keep trying, over and over. The more you work on those muscles with the exercises recommended above, the easier it'll be to take control of them and make them roll. It's partly a matter of connecting your brain to those muscles, and partly a matter of strengthening them.

If you've faithfully done all of the above and still can't roll your abdomen, maybe you've got a problem with self-fulfilling prophecy: "I don't think I can, therefore I can't." In that case, try doing something that will lower your inhibitions — try doing belly rolls after you've had some wine or beer to drink, stimulate your friends into joining you for an explosion of silly giggles, get yourself thoroughly drowsy through taking a nap, or do some kind of work that makes you so tired your brain can barely function any more. Also, before going to sleep at night, lie quietly in bed and visualize yourself dressed up in a pretty costume doing beautiful belly rolls effortlessly.

I've given you a lot to think about. But I promise that if you work hard at the various suggestions in this article, you will eventually learn how to do belly rolls! They are a technique that can be learned with appropriate exercise and attitude!

— Shira



About a year after I responded to Desperate Down Under, I received the following e-mail from her:

I wrote to you almost a year ago asking for advice on doing belly rolls and was absolutely delighted with your comprehensive reply. I just wanted to report that your efforts have paid off for me, and, while I still have a long way to go before I can count myself amongst the experts, I nevertheless have a roll happening!!! So thanks for your excellent tips and for your wonderful site which continues to be a source of much inspiration.

Best regards,

Delighted (formerly Desperate) Down Under


About this Column

Shira has received many questions from readers over the years related to various aspects of the dance. In this column, she picks some of the more interesting ones to answer publicly. Details contained in the questions are sometimes removed or disguised to protect the anonymity of the person who asked the question.


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Tara Belly Dance: How To Belly Roll

Belly rolling isn't easy in fact it's quite hard to do however once you master the art of belly rolling you will soon reap the benefits of it in a exercise workout that's not only beneficial for the abdominal muscles but it's also great for digestion. Similar to nauli that is practiced in yoga that has many benefits.  Belly rolling is popular in many styles of dance from belly dance to the popping and locking of street dance. As a professional Belly dancer who is also a teacher and a mum of three all birthed by cesarean section I can not only teach this technique but I can vouch for it. That's right I'm living proof that this type of exercise is great for getting back into shape after pregnancy childbirth birth and abdominal surgery and to help bring split abdominal muscles back together. Before you even think about starting this exercise please make sure you have had your six week check if you had your baby naturally and have no other health problems. For csections you have to wait until at least six months after surgery and in all honesty it took me over eighteen months with my third baby until I felt strong enough in my body as a whole. Disclaimer You must speak with your GP or get permission or advice from a medical professional before taking part

 Be mindful to start slow if you have diastris recti (split belly muscles off carrying heavy weight through pregnancy or stretched or weak belly muscles ) problems with bladder hips the back pelvis or pelvic floor. In pregnancy a hormone called relaxin is produced that makes our muscles and ligaments ect very hyper flexible and this can linger in post pregnant bodies for over a year after birth so when  exercising be mindful of this and take care as you are responsible for your own well-being when participating in online instruction. People who are hyper mobile also need to take extra care. So here goes...

1- Posture

Stand up straight pelvis in neutral with your feet flat and turned out just slightly. Make sure your feet are placed directly under your hips (feel for your hip bones if you need to). Lift your chest up slightly and roll your shoulders back (imagine you are like a puppet and a string is attached to your chest, when pulled it lifts your chest up slightly as if you feel proud and graceful in your body) Think about holding a pencil in-between your shoulder blades then relax a little.its important to practice good posture not only for dance but also for health of the spine. 

2- Start by locating and activating the abdominal muscles used in a belly roll. For this start with your chest (diaphragm / top ) your center (belly button / center) under your belly button above the bikini line (pelvis / bottom)

Start to gently pull in and the relax each set of muscles in sets of about ten so you can get used to it. 

3- Alternate between the three sets of muscles used in this exercise.  Pull in the Pelvis, pull in the Belly button, pull up the Diaphragm. Then Relax.

Pull. Pull.  Up.  Relax 

Repeat until your body and brain gets used to it (at least thirty six times for workout) go at your own pace and stop if you need to.

4- Start to relax the movements a little as if to draw a circle outwardly with the belly. 

5- Eventually Start to roll the belly over and in.

6- Bring your knees into it by bending the knees as you pull in the Belly and straightening the knees as you roll the belly out.

7- Repeat...Relax.....and don't forget to breath!

Use the belly roll whenever you feel like it fits in your dancing, get creative with it or use it for exercise and it's many benefits but most of all enjoy.

Here's a video of how it is done 💃

 Before you start make sure you have you at least 6 months after surgery before taking part and it's best for me to advise you to get passed by your doctor. Check the video of the belly rolling or scroll down and read the instructions. Enjoy!

Written instructions -
1 -
Stand with your feet directly under you hip bones, soften your knees, lift the chest up slightly and have you shoulders back and relaxed and you pelvis in neutral.

-Now focus on your muscles of the belly. You have 3 sets. Lower pelvis, Belly button and chest.
-Activate each set of muscles independently starting with the pelvis. Touch the area just below the belly button and start to contract or pull in slightly. It's a small movement. Make sure the rest of you body is still.
-Now focus just on your belly button mucsles. This move is more exaggerated. You are aiming to pull your belly button in and toward the spine. You can also imagine to have a rope running through your back and attached to the inside of the belly button. If you where to pull the imaginary rope your belly button would also pull in toward the spine. Make sure the rest of your body is still.
- last but not least focus on your diaphragm muscle that us situated just above the belly button in the centre and just below the chest. This muscle us responsible for helping to lift the chest and zip the abdominal muscles. Make sure you are lifting up and not out. Now start to lift and relax at an even pace. Again touch your diaphragm and make sure the rest of your body is still
- Now start to join the movements together starting from the bottom, then centre, then top. Eventually pulling in, In up and relax.
- as you begin to belly roll you want to pull in and as you end the roll you want to push out to exentuate the roundness of the belly. Like you are pretending to be pregnant.
-Once you get used to it start to add a slight bend to the knees when pushing out and straighten the knees when pulling in. Notice the flow and resistance in the moved with the knees.
- Play with the rolls by isolation just into the belly at various speeds. Change the level by coming up on to the toes and bending the knees. Get creative and try adding your own flair.  

how to learn belly dancing at home

Do you want to learn how to dance belly dance correctly? It is enough to learn a few basic movements and add a special mood to them. We have compiled detailed instructions on how to learn belly dancing so that you can dance no worse than a Colombian pop star.

Tatyana Shamanina


weight loss


How To

Slim stomach

incendiary dance


How to learn to dance a beautiful oriental belly dance at home? Of course, it's not easy. However, it is easier to dance it at home than any other dance style. Especially if you have never been into dancing before.

Basic movements

  • Starting position

Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Then slightly bend your knees and raise your chest - this is the starting position for starting any movement in the belly dance. For smooth movements in the dance, you need to tighten the muscles of the lower abdomen and engage the pelvis.

  • Hip lift or shimmy

Bend both knees. Then straighten your right leg to lift your right thigh up. Then lift the pelvis up to the chest, while the upper body should not be involved. The heels must not be lifted off the ground during this movement. When you "pull" up your right hip, lower it and repeat the movement with your left. Namely, straighten your left leg and lift your left hip up.

  • Fast Pace Hip Lift

Repeat hip lift on both sides at a faster pace. Do not pause - first lift the right thigh up, and then smoothly - the left. At an accelerated pace, the hips will swing quickly from side to side - now you know how to perform the shimmy movement.

  • Hip Drop

Start in the starting position with the right foot on the floor and the left foot slightly extended, about a few inches forward with the heel raised. Then bend both knees and keep your chest and arms up. Then straighten your left leg, lift your left thigh and immediately lower it to the level of your right thigh. At the same time, keep your right leg bent during the movement. Next, repeat the mini-bunch at a fast pace so that it looks smooth, without pauses and breaks.

  • Belly

How to quickly learn belly dancing at home? Easy, the main thing is not to miss a single basic movement, including the “tummy”. Starting position - feet are on the floor, the upper body is raised, and relaxed arms are at the sides. Then slightly bend your knees and tighten the muscles of your upper abdomen, pulling them in. Then relax your stomach and tense only the muscles of the lower abdomen. Consistently alternate, pulling in the lower, then the upper press. Repeat the movement smoothly and without pauses.

  • Try a breast lift

The last basic movement that will help you understand how to dance belly dance correctly. The starting position is a raised chest, arms are located on the sides, legs are together, and the feet are on the floor. Next, we pull the chest up to the end so that the shoulder blades seem to slide along the back. Then lower your chest back down. Repeat the link at a fast pace, while alternately contracting the abdominal muscles.

Why do home belly dancing?

Oriental dance will help not only lose weight, but also cope with various pains.

  • Back and Joint Pain

Gentle movements increase the flow of synovial fluid (natural lubricant) in the joints, and also tone the back muscles, which improves posture and prevents back pain.

  • Help in losing weight

How to learn belly dancing at home and lose weight? Easy - one hour session will help burn up to 300 calories.

  • Preparing for childbirth

Belly dancing tones the abdominal and pelvic muscles involved in childbirth.

  • Against stress

Oriental belly dance is not only beautiful, but also healing. The dance feels like a session of physical and psychological relaxation.

  • Period Pain

Soothing dance bands help reduce pelvic congestion, which improves circulation and relieves PMS pain.

Learning to dance belly: 8 steps to beauty and harmony | Beauty secrets | Health

There is no more ancient dance than belly dance. Even the walls of the tombs, erected on the orders of the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten in the 14th century BC, are painted with scenes depicting in great detail nothing more than a belly dance.

The choreographer was a bee

The legend claims that this erotic oriental dance appeared quite by accident. It was all the bee's fault. Bewildered by the delicate floral aroma emanating from the oiled body of a young dancer, confusing her with a flower, a bee flew under her thin outfit during the performance. Frightened by the uninvited guest, the girl began to rotate her hips and stomach with all her might. It was as if her hips and stomach were competing in mobility, teasing and provoking each other. The grace with which she made the movements delighted those around her.

European travelers eventually became acquainted with the ancient dance. However, his eroticism is perceived by Europeans in different ways. “Indecency and indecency,” some exclaim indignantly. Others consider belly dancing a real art.

East - flexible body

Belly dance secrets are carefully passed down from generation to generation. For what? Not just for beauty. In Arab countries, the fertility of a woman is still perhaps her main advantage in the eyes of the majority. From early childhood, Arab girls begin to be taught special exercises, which are the basis of belly dancing. Daughters diligently adopt from their mothers the ability to control the body, move beautifully and gracefully. These simple movements make it possible from childhood to strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen, lower back, and hips in girls - expectant mothers, which play a major role during pregnancy and during childbirth.

In addition, belly dancing is an excellent means of keeping slim and seductive forms for Eastern women. Even having grown fat with age, Arab charmers move easily, remain amazingly flexible. This is confirmed by official science. According to the research of modern scientists, Eastern women are less likely to suffer from cervical and lumbar radiculitis, less prone to scoliosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Following Hollywood stars

To maintain a perfect waist and elastic tummy, Hollywood stars are also fond of oriental dances. Imagine: in one dancing hour you can burn up to 400 kilocalories, strengthen the torso, improve coordination of movements, and make the spine more flexible. The dance will teach you how to move beautifully and follow your posture. And although at first it will be difficult for you, but in order to feel the gaze of men behind your back, it’s worth the effort.

Of course, it is better to learn belly dancing in the company of an experienced instructor, but some basic movements can be learned on your own. This simple but effective set of dance exercises in just a few months will make the abdominal muscles elastic and toned, and you - more sexy and erotic.

● Your clothing should be light and not restrictive. To begin with, tie a thin pareo (silk scarf) around the hips, which will effectively emphasize their flexible line. Raise your arms up and, clapping your hands to the beat, gently shake your hips. Do not start dancing immediately at a fast pace. Choose the rhythm of movement that suits you and try not to change it during the dance.

● Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your right thigh sharply, then your left. Try not to strain your abdominal muscles. Repeat the movement 8 times.

● Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Swing your hips gently from side to side, like a pendulum, 8-10 times. Make sure that only your hips move.

● Rotate your hips 8 times in each direction, as if you were spinning a hoop. Please note: the body must be motionless.

● Feet shoulder width apart. As you exhale, stick out your stomach as much as possible, 6-8 times. Tired - take a 10-second pause.

● Keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your right foot on your toes and lift your right thigh. Shift your body weight to your left leg. Vigorously rotate your right hip clockwise 6-8 times. Repeat the exercise by changing the position of the legs.

● Feet slightly apart. Move the pelvis forward (the stomach is tucked up, the muscles are tense), then back (the muscles are relaxed) 6-8 times.

● Exhale deeply, forcefully draw in the stomach - the diaphragm rises. Then slowly inhale through the nose, sticking out the stomach - the diaphragm goes down. Do not move your body - only the stomach works (repeat the movement 4-6 times).

Dance for half an hour a day (better in the morning on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating), and normal blood circulation in the pelvis, good bowel function, beautiful gait and majestic posture, healthy joints, elastic muscles are provided to you.

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