How she dances
He Dances, She Dances, and They Dance Too – The Dancing Grapevine
Recently, a Bachata DJ came forward with a post lamenting the use of they/them pronouns, followed by an extensive (and since deleted) posting about his deeper feelings. The initial post read as follows:
Pronouns… It was either “he” or “she.” That’s how easy it was. Why is it not that simple anymore?
In one sense – and only one sense – he is right: it was easier. It was easier to make assumptions about people, and sort them visually into categories. It was easier because it was the language we were educated in. It was easier because there was never a confusion between singular and plural.
But, in my view, that is where the rightness stops.
Several years ago, I resisted it too; I didn’t understand the impact of pronoun choices and they/them as a singular known was uncomfortable (I’m glad I do better now). I still find switching my brain into they/them mode to be not fluent. It takes me a few seconds to realize that a person is talking about a singular they/them and not a plural or unknown. I have accidentally misgendered people; I am working on assuming genders, too.
My non-fluency with pronouns is my problem to fix. It is my problem to fix because I want them to feel comfortable. I want them to feel safe. I want them to feel included. The 5-30 seconds my brain takes to switch over is my responsibility as I work on being a person who is devoted to an inclusive and safe community – and as a person who values kindness and respect. Rewiring my brain to not get confused when someone says “they” in conversation is something I can fix over time and with repetition.
A Small Gesture; A Big Impact
Pronouns are a small gesture. They simply are calling someone by what they wish to be called. It doesn’t matter what I think they look like – it matters what they feel like. It doesn’t matter that I don’t “understand” how someone can identify as non-binary; it matters that they identify that way. It hurts no one to refer to someone with their pronouns – but it sure as heck ostracizes and hurts a person to have their identity dismissed.
It’s not the same as me calling myself a flying walrus or an Avenger. It’s not calling oneself a different species or an inanimate object. It’s a pronoun. It’s just a sub-in for a noun. It’s such a small thing to do to accommodate someone that makes them feel validated and seen.
Why would we not give that courtesy to someone? Even if a person has “conservative values”, is giving respect to someone by simply referring to them they way they wish to be referred to that big a deal? Is it worth making someone feel small and unheard just because one person “doesn’t agree” with their personal identity?
Minimizing Harm; Growing Community
Ultimately, we need to lift our communities up and create a healthier, happier community. We have enough problems within dance, spanning from racism to sexism to exclusionary behaviour. All of these problems are complex, difficult, and far-reaching.
But, when it comes to pronouns, it feels like a tiny thing we can do that makes a big difference. It’s a step away from homophobia and transphobia, and even if we don’t get it right all the time, we can try. If it makes just one person feel safer and happier, I think it will be worth it.
Don’t you think so, too?
“She dances, She dances around the burning flame...”
Broken legs- but she's still standing,
Still dancing in this void,
You must wonder how she's still dancing,
You must wonder how she's not destroyed,
She doesn't even begin to drown within the flames,
But little do you realize,
Within these chains,
She weeps and she cries,
But she still goes on,
And just you thought you could stop her?
You thought you'd be the one?
Well, let me tell you, because you thought wrong.
Nothing will ever silence her,
Because I KNOW,
I know that she is admiringly strong,
Her undeniable beauty,
The triumph of her song,
She's shining bright like a ruby,
Reflecting in the golden sand,
She's shining brighter like no other,
She's far more than human or man,
She continues to dance with free-spirit,
Even though she's locked in these chains,
Though she never desired to change it,
Even throughout the agonizing pain,
Throughout all the distress,
Anxiety, depression, tears and sorrow,
She still dances so beautify in her dress,
She looks forward to tomorrow,
Not because of a fresh start but a new page,
A new day full of opportunities,
Despite being trapped in her cage,
She still smiles after being beaten so brutally,
A smile that could brighten anyone's day,
She's so much more than anyone could ask for,
She's so much more than I could ever say,
She's a girl absolutely everyone should adore,
She never gets in the way,
Even after her hearts been broken,
Even after the way she has been treated,
After all these severe emotions,
After all all the blood she's bled,
Even if sometimes she wonders why she's still here,
She wonders why she's not dead,
But there's this one thing that had been here throughout every tear,
Throughout the blazing fire leaving her cheeks cherry red,
Everyday this thing has given her a place to exist,
This thing, person, these people,
Like warm sunlight it had so softly kissed,
The apples of her cheeks,
Even when she's feeling feeble,
Always there at her worst and at her best
Because of you and all the other people,
She has this thing deep inside her chest,
That she will cherish forever,
Even once you're gone,
Because today she smiles like no other,
Even when the sun sets at dawn,
Because today is the day,
She just wants you to remember,
In dark and stormy weather,
It gets better.
And after what she's been through she knows,
Throughout the highs and the lows,
Because of you and all others,
After crossing the seas,
She has come to understand,
You have formed this key,
This key to free her from this land,
This endless gorge that swallowed her,
Her and other men,
She had never knew, nor had she planned,
That because of you,
She's free.
― Gabrielle Renee
Lyrics of the song Yamych - She dances (ft. Likiy, Kravts)
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She dances like we are here together
The room is on fire about her 90
She dances like we are here together
The room is on fire
I forget about everything with her
She dances like...
What she does backwards to the rhythm of the beatle
As if there was a blow at the temple, I hear a click-clack
Sounds inda club, there is a lot of glass around
It's bang-bang, baby, it's shooting
I want to surprise, baby, I need a plan
A glass table and a wider screen
No, I didn't buy it, I just stole it
What the hell did you want, uncle, this is Ural
She so dancing and not seeing people
Baby, don’t delay, it’s better to kill right away
I took a picture of everything that was on her with my eyes
She dances like we are here together
The room is on fire
I forget about everything with her
She dances like we are here together
The room is on fire
I forget everything with her
She dances like. ..
This night, this is the sky, these notes unite us
You dance, I was not here - I join
With you, I feel my house will eventually blossom
Huge eternal love one hundred bushes
My favorite hip hop non-stop, from night to morning
Every day is like New Year's - I don't shoot at random
Natural buzz, from a water pool
I'm lying on a sun lounger, my lady is delighted
And even though I'm not some kind of lawyer or lawyer
your heart is on the court of love
Oh, oh, I’m fucking my own brother
This is purely my style, Paffnutiy Kravts, Moscow
All of ours
Let’s drive into the sunset from this club
We will organize dirt on each other
I have a column with Bob Marley on my balcony
How do you like this promotional move
She dances like we are here alone
The room is on fire
I forget about everything with her
She dances like we are here together
The room is on fire
I forget about everything with her
She dances like
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“She dances with her heart.

06/14/2013, Vecherniy Novosibirsk
The dancer is not hereditary, but grew up in a family that loves and reveres traditional Russian culture. When you see her on stage, whether in a solo number or in a general dance, you immediately understand that this is a high-class actress who is capable of defeating the whole audience with one smile, manner. And how she dances ... With a bright stage texture, with an open positive presentation. “She is comparable to the sun,” that’s what her colleagues say about her. Meet Svetlana Luzina. And now about everything in order.
“This is all my grandfather,” says Svetlana, “he was very talented, sang well, played almost all folk musical instruments and worked as a club manager. When I was very young, my grandfather would sit me opposite him, pick up an instrument, and we would sing a duet. Or rather, I sang, and he sang along. Before starting to seriously engage in dancing, I went through several circles at the art school, including choral. However, the desire to dance overcame.
And the final decision in favor of choreography was probably helped by the fact that once on TV I saw a performance by Igor Moiseev's dance ensemble. And I just got goosebumps, I froze and watched the artists work without stopping. And the dream took over. I endlessly imagined myself on the big stage - and the audience applauds me.
With such dreams, Svetlana Luzina first graduated from the children's art school, then the choreographic department of the Omsk School of Culture. It would seem that the acquired knowledge and skills are enough to lead a circle in the House of Culture or teach dance at the same art school. However, the desire to dance on the big stage did not pass, and the desire not to stop there, to move even further in the profession led her to the Kemerovo Institute of Culture. After graduation, when she was about to go on assignment, Svetlana understood that she was ready to teach the kids to dance, but the dream of dancing herself did not let her go. However, a case helped, which changed plans and even fate. It was at this time that young artists were recruited into the ballet troupe of the Siberian Choir. Three were selected. Luzina was among them. “When I received an invitation to the Siberian Choir, I thought that I would not just try my hand, I knew: I would succeed, and I would finally enter the professional stage. I measured myself five years, five years have long passed, but I have never regretted that I made such a choice, ”continues the artist.
Vladimir Perlin
She is also a cheerful person. You come to work, you see smiling Svetlana, her sparkling eyes, and immediately a mood is created, inner potential opens up and you want to work, compose, create.
The professional scene requires full dedication and serious responsibility. And Svetlana has been working hard all these years, gaining experience, honing her skills. Follows the ongoing changes in the creative field and makes every effort to meet the requirements of the profession that the time imposes. During this period, she has grown into a high-class specialist. Luzina's dance parts are distinguished by perfect technique and artistry.
Her creative arsenal includes more and more new tricks-spins, which she masterfully performs. In addition to high professional skills, the artist Svetlana Luzina is also distinguished by excellent human qualities, which are unanimously spoken about by those people who work nearby. “She is a professional in her field. He performs his duties clearly and quite often brings his own additions to the creative process.
And this is a very good sign, and it's always nice when you start working on a production, demonstrating the movements that you came up with, and suddenly the artist's imagination turns on and he begins to complement. Do not compose your own, namely to supplement. It is very important to realize that the person understands you. This is probably what sets her apart. And she's also a fun person. You come to work, you see smiling Svetlana, her sparkling eyes, and immediately a mood is created, inner potential opens up and you want to work, compose, create, ”Vladimir Perlin, chief choreographer of the Siberian Choir, authoritatively declares.