How do you spell dance in spanish
Conjugating the Spanish Verb Bailar (to Dance)
Updated: 03-26-2016
Intermediate Spanish For Dummies
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Spanish verbs fall into different groups, and each group is conjugated a little differently. If you’re going to master Spanish verbs like bailar, you need to be able to identify which group a verb belongs to: regular (follows regular conjugation rules for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs), stem-changing (morphs depending on how you use it in a sentence), spelling-changing (has consonant-spelling changes in some forms to follow pronunciation rules), or reflexive (reflects the action back on the subject of the sentence).
Bailar (bvahee-lahr) (to dance) is a regular -ar verb, so it’s pretty easy to conjugate. Here it is in the present tense:
Conjugation | Translation |
yo bailo | I dance |
tú bailas | You (informal) dance |
él/ella/ello/uno baila | He/she/one dances |
usted baila | You (formal) dance |
nosotros bailamos | We dance |
vosotros bailáis | You all (informal) dance |
ellos/ellas bailan | They dance |
ustedes bailan | You all (formal) dance |
The following examples show you bailar in action:
Need to know how to conjugate bailar in another tense? The following tables show you the preterit, imperfect, and future forms.
Conjugation | Translation |
yo bailé | I danced |
tú bailaste | You (informal) danced |
él/ella/ello/uno bailó | He/she/one danced |
usted bailó | You (formal) danced |
nosotros bailamos | We danced |
vosotros bailasteis | You all (informal) danced |
ellos/ellas bailaron | They danced |
ustedes bailaron | You all (formal) danced |
Here are some examples of the preterit tense:
Conjugation | Translation |
yo bailaba | I used to dance |
tú bailabas | You (informal) used to dance |
él/ella/ello/uno bailaba | He/she/one used to dance |
usted bailaba | You (formal) used to dance |
nosotros bailábamos | We used to dance |
vosotros bailabais | You all (informal) used to dance |
ellos/ellas bailaban | They used to dance |
ustedes bailaban | You all (formal) used to dance |
You use the imperfect tense like this:
Conjugation | Translation |
yo bailaré | I will dance |
tú bailarás | You (informal) will dance |
él/ella/ello/uno bailará | He/she/one will dance |
usted bailará | You (formal) will dance |
nosotros bailaremos | We will dance |
vosotros bailaréis | You all (informal) will dance |
ellos/ellas bailarán | They will dance |
ustedes bailarán | You all (formal) will dance |
The following samples put the future tense to work:
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10 Traditional Spanish Dances You Should Know About
Flamenco on Plaza de España, Seville | © Oleksii Leonov / Shutterstock
Tara Jessop
2 July 2018
Though traditional dance in Spain summons up iconic images of flamenco, there are many variations widespread across the country. From the gypsy communities of the south, to the Celtic heritage of Galicia in the north, the rich and diverse culture of Spain is perfectly captured by these 10 traditional Spainish dances.
Want to perfect your dance moves and see how you compare with the experts? Our four-day getaway in southern Spain will take you to the home of the most iconic dance in the county.
The origins of the sardana are not entirely traceable – some believe they date back to ancient Roman times – but most agree that by the 19th century the dance was widespread in the Catalan regions of Empordà, Roselló and Garrotxa. The dance is performed by a circle of alternating men and women who hold hands and dance in rhythm to a live band called a cobla. It’s a popular group dance which is performed at celebrations and public gatherings and has become a symbol of Catalan identity.
Sardana, typical dance of Catalonia | © Natursports / Shutterstock
Undoubtedly one of the most famous cultural exports from Spain, flamenco is in fact so much more than just a dance: it’s an art form recognised as part of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. It emerged among the gypsy communities of Andalusia and is performed by a mixture of singing, guitar playing, dancing, finger snapping and hand clapping.
Flamenco dancer in Seville | © Vadim Illarionov / Shutterstock
Discover man-made wonders on this cultural exploration taking in the Alcazaba and Alhambra as Culture Trip’s Local Insider leads you through the grand monuments of this stunning region.
A dance found in the north-western region of Galicia, the muiñeira is an example of the Celtic influence on the local culture in this part of the world. One of the most obvious parallels with Celtic music is the use of a type of bagpipe known as a gaita to perform the accompanying music. There are regional types of muiñeira, including muiñeira de Chantada.
Muiñeira dancer | © juantiagues / Flickr
One of the more famous Spanish dances, the paso doble is a fast-paced dance based on the rhythm and movement of a bullfight. It was also used in the Spanish infantry to set the speed of march, as well as in 18th-century comedies, although its origins are in fact French. As a ballroom dance it is usually performed in pairs, one man and one woman, with the former said to represent the matador – or bullfighter.
Paso doble performance in Spain | © Jack.Q / Shutterstock
The bolero is a type of dance found in both Cuba and Spain – although both have distinct origins. The Spanish bolero is said to have emerged in Spain in the 18th century as a result of the blending of two existing dances, the Sevillana and the contradanza. The dance is of moderate pace and is accompanied by guitar music and castanets, and is usually performed either by a soloist or by a couple. Although the dance has fallen somewhat out of fashion, it remains significant in the history of Spanish dance.
The fandango –a name most people will have heard of – is a fast-paced dance performed in couples and shows similarities to the bolero. It is traditionally accompanied by guitar, hand clapping and castanets, making it a festive, lively performance – especially the shorter dances known as fandanguillos.
Pierre Chasselat, ‘Le Fandango’, circa 1810 | © Pierre Chasselat / WikiCommons
The zambra is often qualified as a type of flamenco which emerged from around the city of Granada in Andalusia where it was historically performed at weddings. Unlike flamenco, it is danced barefoot and has many similarities with Arabian belly dancing – with which it shares common ancestry – and the dancer usually reveals her stomach by tying her blouse beneath her chest.
Zambra, a flamenco dance performed by the Roma people of Granada | © Waqas Ahmed / Flickr
The jota is a dance which exists in distinct forms in many of the regions of Spain, including Aragon, Valencia, Catalonia and Galicia, where in each case it reflects the local culture and history. One of the best known is the Aragonese jota, which dates back to the 18th century and was particularly fashionable in the 19th century. In its purest form, the dance is particularly complex, involving rapid foot movements and small jumps.
Jota | © Carlos Lorenzo / Flickr
As the name indicates, the Sevillana is a type of folk music and dance which originates in the southern Spanish city of Seville and shares similarities with the other main Andalusian dance: flamenco. However, Sevillanas are less formal and less physically demanding than flamenco, meaning they can be performed by people of all ages and sexes, which has made them particularly popular at festivals in southern Spain.
Women performing the Sevillana in the street in Spain | © Procy / Shutterstock
Not exclusively a dance, the zarzuela is more a popular form of lyrical performance featuring song and dance. Dating back to the 17th century, the dance was later popularised in the 19th century thanks in part to the work of Francisco Barbieri and the Zarzuela Theatre in Madrid. After falling out of favour during the Spanish Civil War, it was revived during the 1950s and 60s, and continues to be performed in theatres across the country today.
Modern zarzuela performance | © / Flickr
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Spanish dances are widely popular all over the world. Their names are known to many. However, few people thought about where they originate from. But the names of Spanish dances (listed below) people knew in ancient times. Even the dance forms that existed during the Hellenistic era have survived to this day.
General information
For thousands of years Spain was known as Iberia. Its first inhabitants were characterized by a very diverse ethnic composition, which made Spanish folk dances, whose names are very sonorous, so unique and diverse. The dance art was largely influenced by the Celts who lived in Iberia in the year 500 BC, as well as the Moors, who occupied Spain for seven hundred years.
Even greater diversity in the ethnic composition was made by Jewish immigrants and Indian and Pakistani gypsies who arrived in Spanish lands after its conquest by Castile. The combination of ethnic forms and new immigrant cultures in art led to the fact that extraordinary Spanish dances appeared. Their names are familiar to everyone today. Each dance has unique features according to the region where it originated. This is not surprising, because each region of Spain has its own cultural roots and specific features.
Spanish dances: names
Historically, the most temperamental and passionate women and men live in Andalusia and other provinces of Spain. They know how to love passionately, without looking back, and suffer bitterly. Such an uncontrollable passion revealed to the world the beloved Spanish dances. Names such as flamenco, bolero, paso doble are on everyone's lips today. Undoubtedly, these dances are the most emotional in the world. They combine the rhythms of castanets, the southern temperament, the sounds of the guitar, the refined movements of stately brunettes and brunettes.
Not everyone knows that Spanish dances include many stylistic incarnations and varieties. Let's take a look at the individual types.
If you ask any person to say the name of the famous Spanish dance, with almost one hundred percent probability he will pronounce the word "flamenco". And indeed it is. This most popular dance in the world originated in the lands of Andalusia, when the gypsies arrived there in the fifteenth century. It was they who formed a special dance caste.
There are many theories as to why flamenco got its name. Some consider it a synonym for the word "gitano", which translates from Spanish jargon as "gypsies". Others identify the origin of the term with the Flemish soldiers who guarded the Spanish-Belgian territories. They wore special clothes that emphasized ostentatious pride and self-confidence. The same qualities were inherent in the character of the gypsies.
Thus, it is impossible to know for certain where the name of the famous Spanish dance, flamenco, came from. But if you study all the available sources, they will lead us to Seville, Cadiz and Jerez. In general, flamenco includes two schools: Castilian and Andalusian. The first is characterized by poorer and dry postures and movements. The second one is somewhat odd.
Gypsies say that flamenco expresses their soul. Now this dance is popular not only in Spain, but all over the world. It is probably even a mistake to position it as exclusively Spanish or Gypsy - this is a unique combination of dance forms of all the peoples who have lived on the territory of Spain throughout its history.
This Spanish dance, whose name comes from a Portuguese folk song, originated in the region of Huelva. Flamenco had a significant influence on the development of fandango. It is based on the typical courtship dance spins and figures. In the provinces of Andalusia, various variations of the fandango are now popular, but only the special features of the old style that originated in Huelva make this dance unsurpassed. However, it must be said that the fandango is little known outside of Spain.
Paso Doble
In fact, this dance originated in the south of France, but its movements, drama and sound reflect the bullfight - the Spanish bullfight. From Spanish, the word "paso doble" is translated as "double step". The dance is based on music that sounds at the time when the bullfighters enter the arena, or just before the bull is killed. Paso doble is characterized by speed of movement - it consists of turns and steps. Currently, the program of Latin American dances cannot do without it.
This is the national dance of Spain, originated by a court dancer named Sebastian Cerezo. He invented it back in 1780 for his French ballet. Dance forms from Morocco were taken as a basis. Bolero can be called one of the oldest "school" dances. Presumably its name comes from the Spanish verb "volar", which translates as "fly". This is due to the fact that during the performance of the bolero there is a feeling that the dancers seem to be floating in the air.
Since the eighteenth century, a lot of dance compositions have been created. The guitar is used as accompaniment. This national dance is one of the most beloved among the Spanish people. Thanks to interesting dance steps and wonderful rhythms, he gained fame all over the world.
Bolero can be performed by one pair of a man and a woman or by several pairs at once. There is a version of the dance in the form of a quadrille.
This dance has been known in Spain since the twelfth century. Once upon a time, the Catholic Church even insisted on its ban, because some frank movements were used during the performance, the grace and curves of the female body were too openly demonstrated. The songs under which the sarabande was performed were also considered indecent. Then a conscious rethinking of the dance began, as a result of which it became more solemn and serious. They even began to perform it at funerals, and the music was written to order in a minor key.
All this led to the fact that in the seventeenth - eighteenth centuries a refined version of the saraband spread throughout Western Europe as a ballroom dance. However, by the middle of the eighteenth century it had lost its popularity.
Ethnic dances
In general, the first dances that appeared in Spain were based on the theme of magic. They were based on a variety of religious rituals that were inextricably linked with the cycles of nature. For example, witch dance has been popular in the Basque Country since the times of paganism. Its name is Sorgin Dantza. In addition, the Basques have a sword dance, symbolizing the arrival of spring, the Galicians. Also, this people is known for its martial dance art. These dances involve two competing dancers using sticks or swords. Their jumps look breathtaking and grandiose.
In Spain, folk dances in a circle are popular, in which both men and women participate. People stand in a circle, join hands and perform certain steps simultaneously. There is a Catalan sardana dance, when men and women also stand in a circle, take their neighbors by the hands, lift them up and begin to move with slow steps.
Each Spanish dance represents the history of its people and shows the colorfulness and individuality of its soul.
Beautiful quotes and words in Spanish with translation
Serenading is not required today, but a beautiful phrase will definitely grab her or his attention. Write words of love in a card or send a message - such a compliment will be remembered for a long time. Choose "the one" from the list of beautiful quotes in Spanish.
Todo lo que aprecio pierde la mitad de su valor si no estás allí para compartirlo. Everything I value loses half its value if you're not there to share it.
Por fin he encontrado la perfección, ahora sólo falta que no me falle el corazón . “Finally, I found perfection, now it only remains so that my heart does not fail.
El amor alivia como la luz del sol tras lluvia. - Love soothes like sunlight after rain.
Dicen que amar es dificil. Amar es fácil y explicar por qué se ama es imposible. -
They say love is hard. Loving is easy, explaining why you love is impossible.
Me parece que solo tuve recuerdos en blanco y negro hasta que apareciste. Pero al llegar trajistes a mi vida risas, rojos globos, sorpresas inocentes, champaña y alegría. - It seems to me that I had only white and black memories until you appeared. But when you came, you brought smiles, red balloons, innocent surprises, champagne and joy into my life.
Todo el mundo sabe lo que tiene, pero nadie sabe lo que eso vale.
Everyone knows what they have, but no one knows how much it costs.
Tu amor es consuelo en la tristeza, serenidad en el tumulto, reposo en la fatiga, esperanza en la desesperación. — Your love is comfort in sorrow, calmness in agitation, rest in weariness, hope in despair.
El tiempo sólo entierra lo que el corazón ya ha dado por muerto. — Time buries only that which has already died for the heart.
Siempre eres nueva. El último de tus besos siempre fue el más dulce; la última sonrisa, la más brillante; el ultimo gesto, el más gracioso. - You are always new. The last of your kisses is always the sweetest, the last smile is the most brilliant, the last gesture is the most graceful.
Es bello contemplar el mar desde el cielo, pero aún lo es más acariciar tu boca con un beso. - It is beautiful to contemplate the sea from heaven, but it is much more beautiful to caress your lips with my kiss.
No tienes que prometerme la luna... Me bastaría si sólo te sentaras conmigo un rato debajo de ella. - You don't have to promise me the moon... It's enough for me to sit under it with you for a while.
Solo hay una felicidad en la vida, amar y ser amada. Te amo. — There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. Love you.
Del cielo bajo un pintor para pintar tu figura, pero no encontró color para tanta hermosura. - The artist descended from heaven to paint your appearance, but he did not find colors for such magnificence.
Me gustas cuando me dices palabras dulces. - I like it when you say kind words to me.
En todas partes te oigo, en todas partes te miro, no estás en todas partes, pero te llevo conmigo.