How about we just dance
Why Don't We Just Dance by Josh Turner
This is the lead-off single for American Country music artist Josh Turner's fourth studio album, Haywire.
The song was written by hit songwriters Jim Beavers, Jonathan Singleton and Darrell Brown. Turner said in publicity materials that the song caught his ear from the very first listen. He added: "It's an up-tempo, traditional Country song that has a very catchy melody with a lyric that poses the question 'why don't we just dance?' and forget about all of the bad stuff going on the world and just concentrate on each other."
The song's music video was helmed by award-winning directors Robert Deaton and George Flanigen. Turner is shown inside a house, observing a couple (played by real-life husband and wife Ciaran McCarthy and Ashley Anderson) dancing in the living room. Throughout the video, the couple changes clothes and dancing styles, showcasing different decades taking the viewer on a trip through time. "We actually start in the 1950s and work our way through to the present," said Turner. "I thought it was a great concept because it shows that the song has a timeless message. Every decade has had its hard times and sometimes it's good for people to step back and say, 'Why Don't We Just Dance?' Let's forget about the bad news and just focus on each other."Turner added that his favorite decade that is featured in the video is the '80s. "I laughed out loud when I saw the dancers' wardrobe for the 80's scene. It brought back a lot of memories."
This was Turner's third country #1 following his two 2006 chart-toppers "Your Man" and "Would You Go With Me."
Jim Beavers, Jonathan Singleton and Darrell Brown told AOL's The Boot the story behind the song:
Darrell Brown: "I'd written with Jonathan before, but this was my first time writing with Jim that day. We expended everything, and that different groove came out. We came up with the idea of writing a song about not caring about anything else in the world, and Jim mentioned 'Why Don't We Just Dance. ' Jonathan and I looked at each other and said, "I love that!" It turned into a song about just throwing all your cares away and [being] happy. Jonathan sang on the demo. He's so soulful. It was so much fun."
Jonathan Singleton: "After Jim and I wrote 'Don't' [for Billy Currington], we were interested in doing more R&B groove stuff in our songs. The song kind of ended up being a line dance by the end of it, but we never set it out to be that way. The idea was all this stuff is happening, and it's bad. I thought it was nice that we had ideas in there about things going on in the world. We were able to sneak those ideas into a kind of dance tune."
Jim Beavers: "I do distinctly remember wanting to write a cool, greasy kind of shuffle feel [song]. It was a challenge to write a song with that vibe but make it modern sounding. For me, second verses are always the real 'sticking point' of writing a song. I remember us slaving over which direction we should go. I've learned that 'keeping them in the moment' is usually the right direction. So I just asked, 'Well, what would that guy say next?' We thought him telling her to get dressed up and then changing his mind was an interesting angle. The funniest thing I remember is realizing that we rhymed the word 'on' with the not-very different sounding word 'on' in that verse ... but somehow we got away with it!"
During an interview with the CMA Music Festival, Beavers explained how the idea for the song came about: "This was back in late 2008, when the economy was going bad. Everybody seemed to be down and depressed and worried. We didn't have the title, but we were wishing we could write something that lightened everybody up a bit. I think I was the one who said, 'Well, everything is basically going to Hell in a hand basket, so why don't we just dance?' For some reason, that phrase stuck. "
The line "the whole wide world has gone crazy," which Turner sings three or four times was originally penned by the writers as "the whole damn world." However the singer decided to change it.
The phrase "wide world" came from a quote from the Mel Brooks movie Blazing Saddles: "What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here ?"
CopperKnob - Josh Turner - Why Don't We Just Dance
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Why Don't We Just Dance
Josh Turner
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8 reasons why dance is the best fitness workout
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191 articles
Who said working on the perfect figure would be easy?
It's time to diversify your fitness training, turn on your favorite music, surrender to the rhythm of the dance and continue to lose weight.
Dance training - high-intensity physical activity that affects every cell of your body, thereby working through all the muscles and burning extra pounds.
Dancing not only improves your physical and mental state, it makes you happier and more energetic. If you still have doubts, here are 8 more facts why you should start dancing.
#1. Dance fitness is fun
Research published in The Arts in Psychotherapy has shown that dance training is the best antidepressant for a person experiencing stress and anxiety.
Dance is the language of gestures and emotions. Hormones of joy that are produced during dance classes help to relax and reveal feelings, express yourself and get a tremendous boost of energy.
#2. Dancing - improves cognitive abilities
The brain is cunning and without a fight is not ready to part with extra pounds.
Dance fitness will be a great way to improve cognitive abilities and negotiate with the brain.
During dancing, studies have shown that he becomes much more active, in contrast to the state of rest. All parts of the brain and nervous system are involved, which means that it works at full strength and its aging slows down.
#3. Dancing burns calories
If you love dancing and want to lose weight, you're in luck.
Absolutely all dance workouts help to get rid of extra pounds if you do them regularly and give your best.
How long and how hard you dance to achieve a calorie deficit depends on your weight and diet. The more calories you eat, the more work lies ahead.
No. 4. Strengthen the muscles of the body
Dancing helps not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also strengthens and tones the muscles of the whole body. During a dance workout, almost all the muscles are involved at the same time, which means that there is simply no local load, as with ordinary fitness exercises on the same joints.
Dancing improves circulation and works deep muscles. Therefore, as a rule, dancers have strong legs, elastic buttocks and great endurance.
#5. Dancing replaces a full cardio workout
Dynamic movements during a dance workout will be an effective fat burner for you that affects the whole body at once.
Hot fitness dances like zumba, combining hip-hop, salsa, belly dancing and many other directions, provide excellent aerobic activity, help to work out the maximum amount of muscles and lose weight.
Only 30 minutes of high-intensity dance classes, which include cardio and strength training, and 300-400 kcal are gone. And you don’t have to worry about fatigue at all - during the dance you completely immerse yourself in the process, get carried away by it and stop thinking about everything.
No. 6. Improve your balance
The movements you make during your dance workout are relaxing and help you feel, control and balance your body better. Improves motor skills and coordination.

Dance options are endless - from ballet to modern.
If you are mobile and energetic, such styles as hip-hop, Latin American and other dances are perfect for you.
Zumba has become a popular trend of our time - a full-fledged, super intense dance workout based on Latin American rhythms. And that means you won't get bored. Mira Novak and her six fiery fitness dances will help burn those extra pounds and get a visible result in 2-3 weeks. In addition to incendiary dances, in the classroom you can learn seduction, graceful gait and just give yourself confidence. Styles such as strip plastic, twerk, or a more gentle direction - belly dance will help with this.
If you prefer slow and relaxing movements, like to meditate or practice yoga, try contempo. It will help keep the body in good shape and better know yourself.
Adding these dance workouts to your fitness plan will improve and diversify your life and help you reach your cherished goal faster.
No. 8. Available for all skill levels
You don't have to be a professional to start dancing, the main thing is desire. Just turn on the music and start moving. And if in doubt - online training or dance schools will teach you everything.
How to make dance a fitness training
When the dance direction is chosen, you can start training. And don't be afraid that you won't succeed. Relax, listen to music and your body will tell you how and what to do.
Take a few more tips:
- replace one cardio workout with 30 minutes of non-stop dancing;
- gradually increase the intensity and number of movements of your dance training;
- for a detailed analysis of your movements, make a video recording of the workout;
- imagine that you are on a big stage - this will serve as an excellent motivation to be better and achieve the highest results;
Here are some simple tips to help you enjoy your time, start dancing and continue to lose weight.
Is it possible to replace fitness training with dancing?
Yes, dancing works deep muscles, burns calories, and has a positive psychological effect. To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to combine dance classes with regular fitness training.
Is it possible to practice different dance styles at the same time?
Doing different styles at the same time is not only exciting, but also useful - coordination of movements, orientation in space, quick thinking and much more develop better.
For whom is dancing contraindicated?
Dancing classes are contraindicated for people with flat feet, hernias of more than 8 mm on the spine, displacement of the vertebrae, colds and cardiovascular diseases.
Can fat people dance?
If there are no contraindications, dance training is available to everyone, including obese people. The main thing is to choose the right intensity.
Just dance - translation into Russian | English-Russian EnglishespañolFrançaisPortuguêsRussianTürkçe
English phrases | Russian phrases | Turkish phrases / English → Russian / [ J ] / Just dance
775 parallel translation
Come on, be a sport. Just dance with her one time, and you'll give her the thrill of her life.
Well, don't be mean, dance, once.
But I warn you, he'll be out in four months just like the composer and the sculptor. Just dance, Tommy, please.
Let's dance, Tommy.
Just dance around Lina and teach her how to take a bow.
You dance around Lina and teach her how to bow.
Just dance.
Only dancing.
Just Dance
You just dance and this all ends with
Dance 739
Dancer 74
Dances 20
Dance 19,0007 Dance for ME 47
Dance Music 26
Dance Plain dance music plays 16
just do it 1237
just come home 43
just be cool 104
just talk to me 109
just bear with me 31
just me 553
just so you know 1100
just relax 1151
just breathe 514
just go 1748
just be nice 17
just kidding 689
just the answer yourself 0 19 questions
just us 261
just eat it 38
just be quiet 102
just a little 454
just before 43 man 25
just be patient 84
just be there 28
just be honest with me 16
just be calm 18
just because 150
just between you and me 51
Couldn't we just dance with our eyes closed?
You can close your eyes. Yes!
They just dance around.
They are just dancing.
- Just-Just dance.
- Just dance.
Just dance.
Just dance.
We were just going to dance.
We are going to dance.
I've just had an invitation to the dance.
I have just been invited to a dance.
Just sitting, looking pretty, dancing a little, playing a little.
- Just to be there... ... to dance, to play - like a hostess.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have just begun the most original dance contest ever.
Ladies and gentlemen, the most original dance competition has just started... In history.
Oh, Thomas ma, it's just a big dance hall.
- Ah, Thomas! Yes, it's just a big dance hall and all.
No, it's just that we were forgetting to dance.
No, it's about the fact that we forgot to dance.
They just pick out some guy - i went to a meeting of the dance committee.
I was at a meeting of the committee for the organization of the dance.
Are you just back from the dance?
Have you just returned from the dance?
- You're just painting Death's dance.
- Well, yes, it's up to you to draw the Dance of Death.
I was just looking for a dance partner.
I am looking for someone to dance with.
It's a funny thing, Humbert, but John and I, we first met at a dance and I was sort of sitting it out, so he just sat it out, too.
It's funny, Humbert, but John and I met at the dance, I was sitting against the wall, and he just sat next to me.
You're handling Pavlova and you want her to dance just for you?
You have Pavlova in your arms and you want her to dance just for you. This is a divine talent.
I bumped into them just here outside the front gate and decided to tell them about the dance and the magnificent dress I'm wearing!
I ran into them here at the gate... And I decided to tell about the dances and the dress I was wearing!
Why don't we just turn that dance into a wedding ball? It would be so heavenly.
Why don't we turn this dance into a wedding?
So Maro and I learned this dance, just the way they dance it.
So Maro and I learned such a dance, so that it would be their way.
- I just want to dance!
What does this mean? I just wanted to dance
We'll just listen to some music, dance and chat.
Listen to music, dance, chat...
I cannot do what you are asking me for, I just cannot dance...
I'm sorry, but I can't dance.
If you can't dance, it's just because you choose not to.
If you can't dance, it's only because you don't want to.
Not just for the song and the dance, but for preparing this home for us. 9.
Just like the Indians, they dance, just like this.
Like the Indians, they dance. Just like these guys.
Can't we just try a single dance?
Only one dance?
But, I have nothing against it either. I just don't want to dance with Jørn.
I won't dance with Jorn alone.
It sound just like a sharpened knife Let's dance with the butcher's wife
Such sad prose To dance with my wife, even with someone else's
Or, ladies, I just know, who thereby are seated to other tables, and they are invited to dance, and who sit at other tables. They are invited to dance.
Are you gonna dance with me or just stand there looking confused?
Would you rather dance with me, or will you be embarrassed?
Al, won't you dance with me just once?
Al, would you like to dance with me?
I just thought I'd practice my dance routines. That's all.
I wanted to take dancing lessons.
I'm just not ready to ask Lorraine out to the dance... and not you or anybody else on this planet... is going to make me change my mind.
I'm just not ready to ask Lorraine to the dance, and neither you nor anyone else on this planet will make me change my mind.
The suffering I've endured on the dance floor.. . just to please women!
The suffering I endured on the dance floor... just to please women!
I just meant that to dance with a number on your butt you don't need to be too bright!
I meant the following: to dance with a number on your ass... you don't have to be an academician!
Let's just head for a dance hall and find ourselves a couple of nice birds.
We must head for dancing and find ourselves a couple of beautiful birds there.
Can we just finish this dance some other time?
Could we... Could we dance later?
We can go somewhere else if you just want to dance.
We can go somewhere else, just dance.
I'm just asking you to dance.
I'm just asking you to dance.
And we were just having a dance.
And we just danced!
Just one dance?
Only one dance?
Just one last dance.
The last dance.
It just so happens I studied song and dance. If you could get me an audition, it'd change my life.