How to weave dance
Weave Dance Company - Chattanooga, TN news
03 FEBRUARY, 2021
Weave Dance Company Introduces Popular Spring Class Schedule for Dancers of All Ages, Ability Levels
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (February 3, 2021) – Weave Dance Company, a Brainerd-based studio serving dancers of all ages and abilities, has launched its new spring class schedule catering to students of all levels with a range of classes including ballet, hip hop, and tap.
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December 2020
07 Dec
Weave Dance Company Helps 3 Sisters Connect with Themselves, One Another and Their Hidden Talents
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (December 7, 2020) – In the few years since Anna Fischer’s three daughters -- Eva, Katja, and Annika -- enrolled at Chattanooga’s Weave Dance Company, the entire family has experienced first-hand the Brainerd studio’s promise that “Whatever age you are, whatever size you are, whatever color you are .October 2020
19 Oct
Weave Dance Company Gives Students Breathing Space from Zoom Fatigue
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (October 19, 2020) - Weave Dance Company is excited to announce its fall class offerings for dancers of all ages and skill levels.June 2019
13 Jun
Weave Dance Company’s End-of-Year Recital Showcases Over 100 Students at Orchard Knob Elementary
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (June 13, 2019) - Weave Dance Company’s first year as artist in residency teaching instructional and rehearsal hip hop and other dance styles at Orchard Knob Elementary School culminated in an end-of-year recital involving over 100 students on May 14.Weave Dance Company’s End-Of-Year Recital Showcases Over 100 Students At Orchard Knob Elementary
Source: The Chattanoogan.comApril 2019
23 Apr
Weave Dance Company Announces 2019 Themed Showcase Dance Camps and More This Summer
March 2019
27 Mar
Weave Dance Company Selected For Artist-In-Residency At Orchard Knob Elementary
Source: The Chattanoogan.comWeave Dance Company Selected for Artist-in-Residency at Orchard Knob Elementary
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (March 27, 2019) - Weave Dance Company has launched its first artist in residency, teaching instructional and rehearsal hip hop and other dance styles to K-5th graders at Orchard Knob Elementary School.ABOUT WEAVE DANCE COMPANY - CHATTANOOGA, TN
Husband and wife team, Travis Upton (Co-Founder, Executive Director, Creative Director) and Bernadette Upton (Co-Founder, Dance Director, Choreographer), conceived WEAVE on the steps of 1000 S. Beech St. in the Highland Park Neighborhood of Chattanooga. Coincidentally, that was also the same week they lost their jobs, which was also the same week they got married. In the summer of 2013 "a creative entanglement of fearless movement" was born. WEAVE held it's first auditions in the fall of that same year.Since starting, Weave was blessed to be able to operate within other local dance studios to build their company for teens and adults. Three seasons later, Weave acquired its own home centrally located in Brainerd at 3641 Brainerd Road. Weave has expanded its classes to include ages 2.5 to adult.
More information is available at 423-954-0115 or
Dance Central - Basic Weave
This is a Bronze figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Q: LF fwd | DC Against LOD | HT | Start to turn L | Sway(S) | CBM | rise at e/o 1
Q: RF to side | Backing LOD | T | 3/8 between 1-2 | Sway(L) | Up
Q: LF back in CBMP | Backing DC | T | 1/8 between 2-3 | Sway(L) | Up
Q: RF back | Backing DC | T | Start to turn L | Sway(S) | CBM | Up
Q: LF to side and slightly fwd | Pointing DW | T | 1/4 between 4-5 | Body turns less | Sway(R) | Up
Q: RF fwd in CBMP, OP | Facing DW | TH | -- | Sway(R) | Up, lower e/o 6
S: LF fwd | Facing DW | H | -- | Sway(S) | CBM | --
Q: RF back | Backing DC Against LOD | TH | Start to turn L | Sway(S) | CBM | rise slightly end of 1, NFR
Q: LF to side | Pointing DC | T | 1/4 L between 1-2 | Body turns less | Sway(R) | Up
If Man shapes, Lady turns her head to R
Leave head and only turn body to L, which effectively make head on the R side.
Keep head flat, knees will absorb foot rise. Do not pop up.
During Weave, knees and thighs are ahead of body. Do not take head too fast and past feet. Relax R shoulder down. Take knees across standing leg when moving forward.
Use leg to push, use butt muscle to move more, not sitting. Activate the muscle, but not like Samba tick, don't flat the hip crease. When using muscle to push and move more, it makes it easier to extend and shape upper body more too.
Q: RF fwd in CBMP, OP | Facing DC | T | -- | Sway(R) | Up
Traveling down LOD at this moment. Left shoulder is quite forward at this point.
Don't fall into the step, use L leg to push.
To create more volume, rotate hip to R, L shoulder more forward, shape diagonal forward (not down), extend head to create the shape.
(Do not just bend back upper body to crate shape.)
Q: LF fwd | Facing DC | T | Start to turn L | Sway(S) | CBM | Up
Extended Weave: step 3 and 4 can be repeated many "QQ"s - side leading, lady project fwd left side. Don't peel off from Man. Center to Man. When Man starts to collect, that indicates finishing, but still Lady should do Toe leads in next step. Though written as "T", instructor says do TH to drive the next step.
Do not get into Man's space. -- very common error.
Keep left connected to Man, do not slide connection, do not step to side, step straight forward (there is CBM, but don't step "cross middle line".)
L shoulder/head/spine/hip connect down to LF so you don't get pulled backward.
Q: RF to side | Backing Wall | TH | 1/8 L between 4-5 | Sway(L) | Up
Swinging R leg, keep head left.
Point fwd, as transferring weight to RF turn foot and head to left. body turns less, leave upper body to Man to prepare next OP step.
Turn head back to left.
Q: LF back in CBMP | Backing DW | TH | 1/8 L between 5-6 | Body turns less | Sway(L) | Up NFR Lower e/o 6
S: RF back | Backing DW | T | Sway(S) | CBM | --
More advanced Lady dancers may, if the wish, use ball of foot to whole foot on the step preceding this pattern.
Basic Weave can be used along LOD, but often used at corner.
When Man shapes, lady turn head as shown above.
The figure is flat, do not rise. Use knees to absorb foot rise.
Connecting with Reverse Turn:
After SQQ of Reverse Turn, ending Man BDW, do a check step on "S":
Man needs to step back with RF, shape to L, raising his L arm, small step
Lady could do either toe lead or heel lead, depending on what kind of effect Man wants to have
Man could collect first, then take back step, in which case, it would be heel lead for Lady.
If Man doesn't lower to collect, then Lady takes a toe lead.
Lady collecting LF to RF (toe dragging on floor) and then step fwd HT (or TH depending on Man), shape to L, raising R side, really extend L side, head extends to L as far as possible.
Then continue with Basic Weave.
Could be danced as shown above, 1-4 Reverse Turn will end BDW, movement is along LOD
OR, danced at corner to change LOD (more often used): 1-4 Reverse Turn to end BLOD near corner, check and Basic Weave turning one of the following to end DW of new LOD
1/8, 1/8, 3/8
1/4, 1/8, 3/4
Preceding Figures
Bounce Fallaway with Weave Ending
Curved Feather to Back Feather
Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot
Hover Telemark
Open Telemark and Feather Ending
Reverse Turn
Reverse Wave
Following Figures
Three Step
Change Of Direction
Hover Telemark
Reverse Wave
Top Spin (check back after step 6)
Outside Swivel (check back after step 6)
Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot (at corner)
Jazz funk dance lessons.

French braids are loved by girls of all ages - they look very fashionable and original, and have recently become a real boom. Moreover, braids help to visually lose a few years, because they are considered a youth hairstyle.
There are many hairstyles with French braids, but the most popular recently has become a styling of two braids, especially reverse - as if turned outward. The classic weaving in the form of a spikelet also does not lose ground and looks very stylish in modern interpretations.
Braids can start at the very forehead or a little lower, decorate the head with a rim, they can be woven into buns, tails and malvinki. Such combinations of two hairstyles look very relevant and unhackneyed, giving the beauty image lightness, airiness and romance.
Don't know how to French braid? We will advise you! Watch the video on how to properly braid two French braids, which are now at the peak of popularity. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is a little patience and practice.
French braids can be done on any length of hair. they look playful and very cute, and weaving for long hair can be a hairstyle for going out. Hairstyles with braids are suitable for almost any format: a gala event, an exhibition, a theatrical performance, a concert or a romantic date - braids will always be appropriate!
We consider the most stylish options for French braids and train to weave them on ourselves - spring is just around the corner!
The result should be a tight French braid that holds well, does not unravel and looks spectacular. To make the hairstyle more voluminous, at the end of the strand at the braid, you need to pull your fingers a little, slightly gutting it. Very often, girls braid such a braid at night before going to bed in order to undo it in the morning and get cute and romantic curls.
French braid reversed
Another variation of the hairstyle, also called the "Dutch braid". The principle of weaving is the same as in the usual French braid, only you need to weave inside out.
- We comb the hair so that it is well braided and not tangled.
- Take one wide strand of hair near the forehead line and divide it into three parts.
- Place the left strand under the middle one, do the same with the left strand.
- Next, use your index finger to select identical bundles of hair for each outer strand and place them UNDER the middle strand.
- In this way, weave the braid to the end and secure with an elastic band.
As a result, you will get an unusual hairstyle that will give you a slight charm and charm. Also, such a braid can be started to weave a little from the side and braid across the head. Another option is to weave two braids. To do this, you just need to divide the hair into two parts. The technique is the same.
You don't have to be a professional stylist to make two side braids. It is enough to have basic weaving skills and carefully read our detailed master class!
Russian braids on the sides
This traditional version of weaving has been known to us since early childhood. However, in adulthood, it is still relevant.
1. Comb your hair into two sections.
2. Divide the strands on one side into three parts.
3. Braid tight or loose.
4. Fix the tip with silicone rubber.
5. Make the same braid on the other side.
6. To open them up, stretch the sections with your hands.
French braids reversed
This hairstyle suits both schoolgirls and older girls with long hair. Two French braids look very romantic and allow you to remove the strands so that they do not interfere.
- Comb your hair well.
- Divide them in half.
- On the left side of the parting, grab a small section near the forehead.
- Divide it into three equal sections.
- Start braiding the classic three-strand braid, placing the strands under the bottom.
- On the second or third braid, add loose curls on both sides. Do not over tighten the strands and make sure that the braid goes smoothly.
- Tie off the end of the braid with a rubber band.
- On the right side, take a section of hair of the same width.
- Divide it into three sections and start braiding the traditional three-strand braid.
- On the second or third braid, add loose curls on both sides. Be careful that both braids are on the same level.
- When you reach the level of the neck, finish braiding in the usual way.
- Tie off the end with an elastic band.
- To add volume, stretch the sections a little with your hands.
To make this trendy hairstyle easier, take a look at these photos.
For more details on how to make such a hairstyle, see the video at the end of the article.
Two fishtail braids
Two fishtail braids on the sides will make you look feminine and delicate. They are also quick and easy to do.
- Comb your hair well.
- Moisten them with water, mousse, spray or conditioner. This will prevent the strands from becoming tangled and electrified.
- Divide the hair into two sections.
- On one side of the parting, select two thin strands (up to 2.5 cm). Weaving can be started either near the ears, or from the very temples - it all depends on your desires and skills.
- Cross both strands.
- Holding them with your hand, select another of the same strand on the left side. Cross it with the right and press it well.
- On the right side, take another strand of hair and cross over on the left.
- Alternately highlighting the strands on one side, then on the other, braid the braid to the end. Tie with a thin elastic band.
- Braid the same braid on the other side of the parting. Make sure they are parallel to each other.
- Stretch the weave with your hands to add volume.
Two Bundles
Braids can be created in just 5 minutes without any special skills. It is enough to form two classic braids - and your hairstyle is ready!
- Wash your hair and dry it with a hair dryer.
- Comb well and dampen hair with water or apply mousse.
- Part the hair with the sharp end of the comb.
- Divide the hair on the left side of the parting in half.
- Fly between the two parts.
- Tie the finished tourniquet tightly with an elastic band.
- Divide the strands on the other side and form the same rope.
- Spray with hairspray to keep your hair in place.
The braids are braided not only from the level of the neck, but throughout the head. It's easy to do:
- Part your hair in a straight parting. Pin the right side with a clip so that it does not interfere yet.
- On the left side of the forehead, separate one strand 1 cm wide.
- A little lower, take the same strand.
- Screw each one clockwise.
- Now twist them together (1-2 turns), moving counterclockwise.
- Take another strand below and twist it clockwise again.
- Twist it with the previous tourniquet - 1-2 stitches counterclockwise.
- Follow this pattern to reach the level of the neck.
- Finish with a simple braid. Tie the end with a rubber band.
- Release the clip on the right side of the hair and braid it exactly like this. Tie the end with a rubber band.
Two French braids
This classic hairstyle is a great choice for medium to long hair. It goes well with both street and business style.
Fishtail all over head
With two fishtail braids on the sides, you will definitely not go unnoticed. This hairstyle is perfect for holidays and celebrations.
- Comb and form a parting.
- On the right side of the forehead, take a small strand.
- Take out two thin curls from it and cross each other.
- On the second braid, pick up another thin curl from the loose hair (as in French weaving) and cross the strands again.
- Adding loose curls to the right and then to the left, continue along the temples and ears.
- Please note that the strands from the inside should be longer. If weaving is done in the middle, then it simply will not be visible from the front.
- Tie off the braid with an elastic band and stretch the fishtail with your hands.
- Make the same braid on the other side of the parting.
Braids have long been considered a symbol of feminine beauty and charm. Braid hairstyles are very popular - they are comfortable, simple and can be very effective. There are many options for hairstyles with braids, from the simplest and most uncomplicated to extravagant. Particularly interesting and elegant in this variety is the French braid on the contrary. Such a braid will attract admiring glances and you will always be in the spotlight. Despite the fact that the weaving technique seems intricate, you can easily learn how to do this weaving on your own.
How to do a French braid in reverse. Step-by-step instruction.
Start doing the hairstyle on clean, dry hair.
To make the hair more manageable and smooth, apply a special styling agent (mousse or foam). The weaving pattern is not complicated, but you will need patience and care.
- Separate part of the hair at the crown. The thicker the selected strand, the more voluminous our braid will turn out.
- We divide this strand into three equal parts. Make sure that the hair is not tangled, then the hairstyle will turn out neater. Conventionally, the separated parts, denoted as: right, left and middle.
- The left strand is shifted under the middle one.
- Now the right strand is moved under the middle one.
- Next, strands from the free mass of hair are woven into the hairstyle.
To do this, take a thin strand on the left and add it to the main left strand. The resulting strand is placed again under the middle one.
- Perform the same maneuver on the right side.
- So, picking up the strands, weave our braid to the end.
- When finished, the hairs are smoothed and fixed with varnish for durability. To make the hairstyle look more voluminous, before spraying with varnish, you can pull up the loops of the braid.
How to braid two French braids in reverse
Two French braids in reverse will look even more elegant and unusual. To create such a hairstyle, you will need a little more time, patience and attention, but it's worth it.
- Hair preparation is the same as in the first option - the hair must be clean and dry, styling agent has been applied.
- Next, divide the hair into two equal parts. Make sure that the parting is even, then the hairstyle will look much better.
- Take one section of hair and French braid in reverse as shown in the instructions above. So that the hair of the second part does not interfere, they can be picked up with an elastic band.
- When the first braid is finished, proceed to the second. The second braid should be identical to the first, so more attention and accuracy will be required here.
- When finished, the hairs are smoothed and sprayed with varnish. For volume, you can pull up the braid loops until fixed with varnish.
The French braid, on the contrary, is very popular, because thanks to the peculiar weaving, the hairstyle looks voluminous, original.
Such a braid can be braided not only on long hair, but also on short hair (from 10 cm). It suits any type of hair - both straight and curly. This hairstyle is done quickly and perfectly lasts all day.
French braid reverse instruction video.
In the village of Bashkiria, children dance unusual folk dances
Folk dances are incendiary and charming, bright and mysterious, merry and magical, reckless and playful… How beautifully the young stars of the village house of culture in the village of Udelno-Duvanei, Blagoveshchensk district, weave a dance pattern! The beauty of the movements, the splendor of stage outfits and children's enthusiasm attract attention. Elena Korotkova, the head of the creative team of the Udelno-Duvanei rural house of culture, a teacher of additional education in choreography at the Blagoveshchensk Children's Creativity Center, shares the details of the difficult creative process - preparing performances, creating costumes and problems.
— Elena Vasilievna, tell us about your work.
— I used to do folk dances as a child. Graduated from the Sterlitamak College of Culture. We had very good teachers. And now I teach folk dances to children. I've been running the club since 2000. We have three teams in the club: "Kapelki" - kids from seven to ten years old, "Assorted" - children from 10 to 13 years old and "Jive" - an older group from 13 to 18 years old.
I also work in a club with older women aged 60-70. With them we do health-improving gymnastics and learn elements of folk dances. For example, we put on simple circle dances, quadrilles - what they can do. Moreover, we perform with this group at rural holidays! Many women say that they dreamed of dancing as a child, but it didn’t work out, and for them this is a great opportunity to fulfill their dream. They are well done, hardy, they have excellent posture.
— How to attract a child to dance, especially considering that most schoolchildren now do not part with cell phones?
— You are right, now it is very difficult to get a child out of the virtual world. There is only one way out - he must see that it is interesting and necessary, that it is all in demand. Systematically engage, and not from performance to performance. When my wards see that their concerts are attended by relatives, mothers, fathers, grandparents, it is very uplifting.
Children enjoy, rejoice, they are happy. And just like that, sitting in one place is not interesting for a child. Again, active kids tend to be active in everything – both in school and in dancing. I mostly have these. Closed, modest children also become liberated, join the team.
One of the most important factors is the dance costumes. A child is a child, and first of all, girls ask - "What are we going to wear?". Here I must say that my first education was a tailor of stage clothes, and it was very useful to me in my work. I love to sew.
So I create clothes for numbers on my own, it's not difficult, if there is a desire. We choose inexpensive fabrics. We constantly sew something new - at least every year the girls get a new set of costumes. Sometimes the village club allocates funds for costumes, sometimes parents donate it in different ways. Of course, within reason. Parents do not mind - they try, support their children. Although it is clear that families in the countryside do not live well.
— What are the benefits of dancing?
— Dancing is a unique activity. Dancing works all the muscles in the body. This is a separate sport where the back is the basis. Now almost every second child has a curvature of the spine due to long sitting on the phone and at the computer. Dancing solves this problem, because the back is always "in work".
Dancing is always a beautiful posture. I gratefully remember the teachers of the Sterlitamak College of Culture, who brought me the basics, and now I pass this on to the children. It is immediately clear whether the child is dancing or not. Girls who train for five or six years look completely different.
There is a very powerful warm-up before class, which includes ab exercises, push-ups, and so on.
Unfortunately, we do not have any machines or mirrors, and we use window sills for stretching. This is, of course, bad. We study in the school corridor.
— Where do you mainly perform?
— We often perform in Blagoveshchensk at various events, much less often in Ufa. We do not travel far, because everything depends on finances. Families have low incomes. A sore point for us is dance shoes, they are already very old. Shoes, boots are falling apart ... But the shoes are expensive, we cannot buy them ourselves. If the number is professional, you can’t do without high-quality shoes. You can't dance in Czechs. We somehow can sew costumes ourselves, but dance shoes, unfortunately, are simply not available. And shoes are a very important element.
— What dances do you teach?
- Basis - Russian, Bashkir, Tatar dances. After all, we live in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Children like to learn dances and other nationalities very much. So, for example, six or seven years ago we staged a very interesting Caucasian dance - and it is still popular with the audience, it goes with a bang.
In it, girls dance in men's costumes, and in the final they take off their hats and let their hair down.
We staged Irish and Indian dances. Recently, a Jewish dance was staged - it is very complex and fast. Girls in the younger group really like oriental dances.
I mostly set the numbers myself. First, I decide on the music - it should be fun, rhythmic, children should like it. If the music is suitable, then I choose some movements from the Internet, watch different videos, TV shows, remember what they taught at the technical school. Recently, guests of the World Folkloriada came to Blagoveshchensk - and they managed to learn a lot of interesting things there (these are movements, and, of course, costumes).
This is how a dance is created. This is a very creative process. And most importantly, each dance should have a zest, something unusual to make it memorable.
— Do children get nervous before performances, and how do you calm them down?
— Of course, everyone is worried, but how. I will never believe that a child is calm before a performance. This manifests itself differently for everyone, some have to give a tablet of valerian. But most importantly, I teach them breathing exercises that help them calm down. Of course, children are very nervous, especially when it comes to competitions, but this is part of life, and it is even useful.
— Does your family support you?
— Yes, my husband, daughter, son always help me a lot, I can't do without it. Take somewhere, bring, help with costumes. For the first time, my husband filmed absolutely all the concerts on video. He is also my critic - he says what he likes and what he doesn't.
— What are your dance groups' plans for the nearest future?
- In the plans - to put on a very beautiful Bashkir dance. I don't know yet what it will be. I would like it to be unusual, plot. Perhaps there will be foreign dances - Hungarian, Scottish.
— And if the children can't get some movement?
— It happens. But if you work hard, with great desire, it's all solvable. Sometimes I leave the child after class, and we do extra work. In extreme cases, movements can be learned not by ear, but by counting. The main thing is that the desire comes from the children.
— What do you get from this job?
— Probably, these are emotions, a spiritual component. This job is definitely not a means of making money. When the dance is ready, for me it is a great pleasure, pride, satisfaction.